More cameras on buses seems like a no-brainer. Especially since they’ve been effective in the past. So cameras in 80% of Metro buses sounds like a good goal. There may be some privacy concerns with them, but I haven’t heard of the ones currently on buses being abused.
“You see all these writers, producers and actors? They don’t hire black people — and they’re the nicest people on earth. They’re liberals!” Chris Rock
“Hollywood is sorority racist. ‘We like you Rhonda — but you’re not a Kappa.’” Chris Rock speaking about Hollyweird DUMMOCRETIN libtards to Hollyweird DUMMOCRETIN libtards and their everyday racism!
Butt will R senile get it or become paranoid?
Butt will TPPS get it or call Chris Rock’s comments hate?
Does the vomit producer go nutzo?
How about the Oregon moron? Dog whistlIng?
Dog whistle anyone tomorrow on establishment DUMMOCRETIN stoooooooooopid Tuesday?
First DUMMOCRETIN acolytes attacked conservatives on Twitter. Now they are going after Drudge!
Who controls WA State? DUMMOCRETINS. Hence they are responsible…
DUMMOCRETINS in charge… bureaucratic incompetence! Math equation 101.
Joel Connelly, kudos to you. Butt you still jock strap Jay Inslee for guvnur right?
@1 I prefer our racists to yours, because they’re less murderous. Not hiring people isn’t the same as spraying them with fire hoses, beating them with police clubs, or hanging them from trees and utility poles.
There’s no spat like a Republican spat!
“Ted Cruz on Sunday suggested that Donald Trump’s tax returns might reveal that he has ties to the Mafia.”
“Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said Sunday that if Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee during the 2016 White House race, the ‘hounds of hell’ will descend on him.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I thought Rubio was going to say Trump IS a “hound from hell.” He sure sounds like one.
@2 Why shouldn’t we go after Drudge? He’s a lying propagandist for America’s fascist faction.
Stocks are slightly up again today. My stocks are gaining about $1,200 this morning, which is equivalent to a job paying $150/hr, except I don’t have to do anything to earn it — not even get out of bed — while the scaredy cats who sock their money away in banks are making — what? — $100 a year for every $100,000 “invested”? Those who stuff it in mattresses or gold coins make even less. Know what? I don’t care if stupid trolls ignore my opinions about exploiting the capitalist system for fun and profit. That’s their problem.
@ 7
I don’t care if stupid trolls ignore my opinions about exploiting the capitalist system for fun and profit. That’s their problem.
Ignore your opinions? Au contraire. We laugh at them. You play the market so you can protect your principal? Keep sharing, RR. We’ll keep laughing.
Jesus, RR, most days by comparison you make Better seem downright intelligent and well-informed.
Come on Donald, shape up!….You screw this up anymore than you are and we will end up with the Crud!
By the numbers:
13 Hours, supposedly a bomb if HA libbies be believed, has grossed $52 million so far. It was released January 15th.
Spotlight won Best Picture. It was released November 6th of last year. Gross? $39 million.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Have my daughter or I won any #Oscars yet? Otherwise, seriously not interested.
If it makes you feel any better, a good part of the opening monologue was directed at you.
Carl I know Puffy likes to make it a political issue, but I don’t see Privacy as just a liberal cause. But I have to ask, what are you afraid of? Someone seeing you pick your nose on a bus? Ok, so it limits how much sex you can have on the bus, but is a camera on a bus really that big of a deal?
I don’t know which is rarer: A question from Justice Thomas,
or an intelligent comment from Roger Rabbit.
When I hear millionaires, black or white, bitching about opportunities for themselves, I want to vomit.
@8 I hate to break this to you, troll, but I’ve taken far more from the market than the market has taken from me. The stock market has made me a millionaire. Why not? That’s the whole idea of capitalism! As a stockholder, I’m an owner of companies, not an employee, customer, or supplier. As one of the owners, I’m a member of the capitalist cabal entitled to the profits. Meanwhile, morons like you call me a “socialist” because I vote for Democrats. C’mon now, anyone who’s ever looked at a Dow or S&P chart knows we greedy capitalists do much better under Democrats than Republicans. Why do you think billionaires like Buffett, Soros, Bloomberg, Steyer, Hanauer, etc., support Democrats? Not only from the goodness of their hearts, although some of these guys also are good-hearted, a trait which is extinct in your circles.
@ 14
Hey ImaD, when you hear self-described @ 15 millionaires bragging about themselves, how does that make you feel?
@ 15
Why do you think billionaires like Buffett, Soros, Bloomberg, Steyer, Hanauer, etc., support Democrats?
Because that’s where the money is.
@10 The story here is that “13 Hours” DIDN’T win Best Picture. In fact, it didn’t win anything. It might have been nominated, though, if they had a category for “Propaganda Flicks,” although it doesn’t hold a candle to Leni Reifenstahl’s masterpiece (but then, what does?).
@11 “If it makes you feel any better, a good part of the opening monologue was directed at you.”
How do you figure that, Boob? Goldy doesn’t work in Hollywood, nor does he hire the people who do.
It’s probably just as well that Boob spends his time on HA instead of interpreting X-rays. Better for the patients.
@12 Buses are public places.
@13 Well then, that makes today a twofer (see #20), and therefore a genuine red letter day!
@14 Me too. I’m not complaining about lack of opportunities. My complaint is that as a greedy capitalist stock flipper, I make too much, and the workers who produce ALL of our country’s wealth don’t make enough. The tax system is heavily skewed in my favor, too. Our system coddles rich lazy rabbits and people, and screws over the hardworking blue collars whose sweat built this country and made it the greatest nation on earth. And then some of them turn around and vote for the greedheads who are destroying their livelihoods and robbing their pension funds and savings. Those are the kinds of things I gripe about.
@17 Then why do you vote Republican? Do you hate your money? Or is it just stupidity?
“Hey ImaD, when you hear self-described @ 15 millionaires bragging about themselves, how does that make you feel?”
Can’t speak for anyone else, but I find it far less disturbing than reading the comments of a doctor making a half million a year incessantly ragging on the minimum wage being too high.
@16 (continued) They didn’t intend it to work out that way. Rabbits like me aren’t supposed to get into the club. We’re expected to labor all day producing wealth for them, not take a split of the loot. I flew under the radar and they didn’t see me coming until it was too late. Kinda like Israel bombing Saddam’s reactor.
“By the numbers:”
I’m not sure where you think you’re going with this, but I imagine the box office numbers for the Transformer films compared to 13 Hours will fit into your line of reasoning somewhere.
“If it makes you feel any better, a good part of the opening monologue was directed at you.”
At a Trump or Rubio campaign rally, what Chris Rock said would have ended with him being beaten and receiving death threats.
@28 Eighty years ago, it would have gotten him killed. But in 1936, he wouldn’t have been onstage in the first place.
@25 Since you asked, I couldn’t care less. I’m not jealous. I have what I need. If people like to brag about their accomplishments, that speaks for itself. But I might think they are overcompensating for something.
This has gotta be the greatest thing since the kill Puddy script:
The Drumpfinator
A Chrome browser extension that replaces all instances of “Trump” with “Drumpf.” (Which, it turns out, is his family’s real ancestral name before it was changed to sound better.)
For those of you with Chrome here’s a direct link to the webstore:
John Oliver is a genius!
The Drumpfinator is so effective I almost tried to edit my post!
And by the way, if the ease with which Trump has taken control of the Republican party scares you at all, you folks up in Washington should be getting on board with this and emailing every member of your state Senate today in support. Yes there are obviously some pretty unintelligent and undeniably racist voters out there. And over the decades Republican dog-whistles have drawn most of them into that party. And this is a problem for them right now. But the best way to overcome this sad trend is with increased participation. Getting more people registered and more people mailing in ballots reduces the influence of horrible assholes like that fuckwad troll and his ilk. So email a state Senator right now.
Corporate Crooks Dep’t
Walmart and Kraft are being sued for allegedly putting sawdust in their parmesan cheese. If you eat this stuff you may shit toothpicks.
Looks like Trump will wrap up the GOP nomination tomorrow. Have fun running with Hitler 2.0 against Bernie or Hillary in November, pubbies!
Returning to the food crooks front, Subway has settled a class-action lawsuit complaining the “foot long” hotdogs are only 11 inches. Now you may think that’s trivial, but when customers get only 91.66% of what they paid for, that adds up to a lot of illicit profits for execs, shareholders, and Wall Street. This is one of many reasons why I’d rather be a thieving shareholder than a customer or employee. I don’t happen to own Subway stock, in fact you can’t because the company is privately held, but I love to invest in dishonest companies that rip off the gullible public because they make lots of money. Cashing hefty dividend checks sure beats holding down an honest job (assuming there are any left). Ain’t capitalism grand!
@36 You must love Monsanto.
@15 RR is clearly reveling in rabbit privilege. Many of the workers have not been fortunate enough to have income to invest or income from rents seeking some place to be put to work in the capitalist system. It’s time for the rabbit workers to rise up! Rise up against the tyranny of Disney and Warner Brothers for the Cute revolution of anime/manga rabbits, zebras, unicorns, ect! Time to show support of our past WOOBLIE history! Time for the means of production to be for and by rabbit workers!
Unite rabbit workers of the world! Rabbit power!
Let rabbit athletes show solidarity with us at the next Olympics!
It’s fun that the Republican candidates have suddenly made making their tax returns public such an issue. One billionaire has come out and said if he was running for President he would never release his tax records and no candidates should. I think he misses the point. Taxes are not a privacy issue. The question is one about compliance do you owe them and do you pay them. It goes to character. Taxes paid to Uncle Sam have not always been private but the privileged didn’t like their information being out there.
The greater question is why shouldn’t for profit corporations have to release their taxes or at least some portion so that investors know what they are telling them is the same as they tell the IRS and government.
Why aren’t all Federal elected officials required to release their tax returns? That includes the folks in congress.
Washington state being a great Progressive state should be the first in the nation to require all our elected officials to release their tax returns when they are running for office and while in office! Can someone get our legislators on this! Time to show the other Washington what transparency is all about and good governance.
@12 If one I a exhibitionist doesn’t cameras on the bus encourage sex? Lets not encourage those exhibitionists now that might educate the young and old about sex. The cameras should not be there to monitor anything about sex unless it’s rape. But if you are on the bus with your sweetie who is not your spouse and you kiss or something could be a divorce attorney would like that footage. And the government should have to produce it!
Capitalist rabbit!
Hmmm just doesn’t have the same tone as Capitalist Swine! Which means the cute revolution is all about cuddling up to the Capitalist and having our way with them or then cutting their heads off. First with the cuddling though. And we must remember to practice the big eye and hat move like Puss in Boots! No capitalist can resist Puss in Boots!
The Dow finished at 16,516.50 Down 123.47(0.74%)
So much for R senile making money today!
Puddy is VERY HAPPY the Oregon moron is not reading PuddyLinks. Proves how much of a LIV the Oregon moron is.
Seems the Oregon moron loves his dog whistle candidate.
Tomorrow, DUMMOCRETINS will be electing the well known dog whistle candidate, not feeling The Bern.
Remember what her husband said about Obummer? No? Well it was disgusting even more that it came out of a DUMMOCRETIN mouth!
R senile loves Monsanto!
Wingnuts hating wingnuts…
Steve Deace: Ben Carson Is A Scam Artist
Actually, to tell the truth, Deace is spot on with that one. Heh. Can you imagine what he’d say if he got a load of our batshit crazy loon?
According to the Republican National Committee, 2,063 emails were found to contain classified information on “foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources;” 1,478 were found to contain classified “foreign government information” and 28 emails were found to contain classified information on “intelligence activities (including covert action), intelligence sources or methods, or cryptology;” and 4 emails were found to contain classified information on “vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, infrastructures, projects, plans, or protection services relating to the national security.”
Butt the dog whistle candidate still claims she knows nothing!
Maybe we can strike some sort of deal. NYT releases the Trump tape
New York Times won’t release off-the-record tape of Trump
and the LA Times releases the 2003 tape of Obama at the Rashid Khalidi dinner.
@ 47
Lest you forget, Puddy, those were from the set of emails that Hillary was willing to save, rather than purge to prevent from ever seeing the light of day.
The real fun hasn’t yet begun.
Nice summary of the Hillary email scandal here, by a U of Chicago PoliSci professor:
The best part is a description
Clinton voters are oblivious to the dangers. Polls show they no longer consider her “honest and trustworthy,” but they still don’t think she has committed any crimes.
of a Dem voter that comes as close to characterizing Better as I can imagine. “Oblivious”.
@37 @38 As wildlife, human rules don’t apply to me, and I can get away with things like raiding lettuce gardens; but I still have a conscience, and it has limits.
“According to the Republican National Committee”
Nobody but a batshit crazy loon could give a flying fuck what the RNC thinks about anything. Just ask Trump.
“The real fun hasn’t yet begun.”
Good luck with that. Maybe you’ll finally have something to show for all the comments about Clinton’s emails you’ve posted.
Kraft Heinz,
How much is John Effin Kerry’s wife making on this?
@ 52
@ 53
You should be asking how much Warren Buffett is making. Berkshire bought Heinz awhile ago.
Although if you owned Kraft, you took it in the ass. The deal caused a taxable event, whether you wanted it or not.
“We’re witnessing the death of a major political party.”
Wingnuts hating wingnuts…Part 3.
“In a stunning report by the New York Times, Republican sources confirm that party leadership is planning to destroy Trump and give Hillary Clinton the win rather than let him have control of the GOP.”
Really, Bob, as Hillary is the GOP’s last hope, it’s looking like you might be the last Republican on earth besides the loon to hope for bad news to come from those emails.
Seeing as how wingnuts are turning on wingnuts these days, Bob, I just want you to know that I’ll have your back if you start hating on the loon.
@39 “It goes to character.”
Not really. Nobody expects politicians to have any character. Your opponent’s tax returns are full of ammunition to use against them, and everyone understands that’s the game being played here. It’s kind of like prosecutors wanting to abolish the Fifth Amendment.
That’s why Judicial Watch sued and wants all the Heilary home brew personal email server emails, not just the ones she released to DoS!!! The Clinton elevated judge is considering deposing the Clinton Personal Cabal!
Remember the Oregon moron won’t get it!
@40 As an attorney, let me say that videos are great, but emails are even better.
@42 Typical wingnut. Worries about today’s weather and market instead of climate change and long-term returns. Would you like to see a chart of Starbucks since I bought my shares 20 years ago? How does “worth 55 times what I paid” and “annual dividend is 75% of purchase price” sound to you? What’s more, if the market never went down, I wouldn’t be able to buy good stocks dirt cheap.
All these HA DUMMOCRETINS screaming for Trump to release his taxes yet it’s very quiet from HA DUMMOCRETINS for Heilary to release her bank speech transcripts.
@60 Typical libtard braggart. Bragged about today’s market before the market stabilized then went down. Continues to ignore that the market is down big time since 1-1-2016.
Continues to ignore the eight indices Puddy identified weeks ago,
@45 Actually, I refuse to have anything to do with Monsanto, and certainly don’t own their stock. I’m a greedy capitalist, but even I have limits. Thanks for asking.
@47, 48, 49, 50: Yawn. Obama isn’t on the ballot, and Hillary’s emails won’t help your party elect Donald Hitler.
@62 As Dizzy Dean pointed out, “It ain’t braggin’ iff’n you done it.” How’s your bank account? Still there? I hope for your sake you didn’t stash your life savings in an uninsured “shadow bank” that wrote a lot of loans to frackers.
@ 59
As an attorney, RR, you are an embarrassment to the Bar.
@53 “How much is John Effin Kerry’s wife making on this?”
Nothing. She doesn’t own any Heinz stock. Buffett & partners bought it all in their 2013 acquisition of Heinz Co.
@55 Glad one of you knows what’s going on. Can’t expect anything of the troll who stashes his money in a bank paying 0.10% interest. Or maybe they’re up to 0.15% now? I haven’t checked for a while.
@58 Judicial Watch … har har har har har har har
Sooooooooo DUMMOCRETIN loving Warren Buffett is now the sawdust cheese manufacturer!
Thanks R senile!
Fool @62 ignores that the market is up big time since 3-9-2009. When you figure out how to time it, let me know. On second thought, don’t, you can keep that to yourself.
@66 As a doctor, you are indispensable to this blog; without you and Puffed Butt, we’d all die of boredom.
@70 That’s nothing compared to what his mobile home subsidiary, Clayton Homes, does to the poor — if you believe the Seattle Times.
Judicial Watch
Got Heilary’s emails published
Defined the content
Demonstrated she was loose with the facts
Showed the world she HAD classified data on the personal homebrew email server!
Sux to be R senile!
Warren Buffett loves DUMMMOCRETINS R senile.
Sounds distressing!
Last week libtards tried to stop Ben Shapiro. They failed…
The left are FASCISTS and NAZIS!
Oh Bickle, you love your nonsense don’t you.
13 Hours has grossed $52m on a production budget of $50m. 13 Hours is now at the end of it’s theatrical run. It has only generated $6m in overseas box office receipts.
Spotlight has grossed $39M on an estimated production budget of $20M. It has also generated $24m in overseas receipts.
13 hours $58m worldwide and it’s run is over. (Net $8m)
Spotlight $53m worldwide with a decent bump coming. (Net $33m)
I guess in your World a studio Head would much rather have $8m in the bank than $33M and an Oscar to market the DVD.
BTW, Box Office Mojo. Did you see Birdman yet?
A smelly FART @71 was left.
Birdman was a dumb movie!
Libtards love FASCISM, Mike Rowe Agreshuns, and silliness!
and libtards love their dog whistle candidate.
When a libtard falsely pulls a fire alarm, no problem for that libtard. The ends always justifies the means!
Puffy should join Rubed-one-in-me on the campaign trail, the two can yell out mor juvenile and or infintile jokes together, and make America great again, since now that Ireland is the true home of the Free and the Brave.
You had one rubbed into you Hanging Human Teabag Licker?
TMI dude… TMI
Hanging Human Teabag Licker,
What happened to your previous favorite country, Uganda?
So Massachusetts DUMMOCRETINS leaving the party? Say what? Well the Oregon moron has no clue. Must be they are upset at the dog whistling of the DUMMOCRETIN party!
Meanwhile Juanita Broaddrick thanks Lady Gaga…
And if all 20,000 of those used to be Democrats now independent or Republican voters go for the GOP in November, Hillary (or Bernie but likely Hillary) will only carry the state by 700,000 or so votes.
2012 – 1,921,290 The President 1,188,314 – The Mitt (his home state, damn that’s embarassing.)
2008 – 1,904,098 The President 1,108,854 – McCain
Well, credit where credit is due.
Over at the now shriveled limp impotent penis of a ‘conservative’ blog, (un)SP, the infamous commenter, RagnarDanneskold, claimed for years that the 2016 election would bring “schadenfreude”.
And here we are on Super Tuesday Eve ready to watch the Republican party self destruct in a dispute about its 40 year political tactics to fan the embers of bigotry, misogyny & racism (Southern Strategy!, States Rights! Willie Horton! Birther!) and that crock of unpopular shit known as True Conservatism.
And the icing on the cake will be the death spiral of penis jokes Rubio throws at the GOP nominee on the way to his loss in Florida.
Schadenfreude indeed.
fan the embers of bigotry, misogyny & racism
You mean Heilary and her dog whistling husband FlubScout.
Let Puddy remind you of what these Arkansas hicks said:
“You know, Ted, a few years ago this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
“You know this guy, Obama, he doesn’t even know how to be president. He doesn’t know how the world works. How could he? He’s been too busy fetching my coffee, carrying my bags.” – “biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen” – “South Carolina will vote for any ol black guy – Obama is no different.” “Calling all wingnuts! If somebody – ANYBODY – doesn’t hurry up and kill this guy America could end up with a Black man for president!!!?”
Plus the PuddyLinks from the The Atlantic, HuffPo and The Nation Puddy supplied last week were very eye opening on how even e-rag DUMMOCRETIN libtards remember Heilary’s dog whistle on Obummer in Somali garb and they were the original birthers before Trump mentioned it. HA DUMMOCRETINS like yourself Flubscout seem to forget FACTS so easily! Why is that? Is there something at the Drunken Libtard site that erases parts of that single femtometer sized brain cell y’all posses?
So Flubscout, you really need to take some memory pills before you throw out the standard HA DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM lines, unless, of course, you are getting to R senile senility levels! And those are pretty low in the memory scales measurements! Then you need to visit the nearest Alzheimer’s treatment center, STAT!
Misogyny? You mean those BIMBO eruptions from the vast right wing conspiracy that never happened Flubscout? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Flubscout possesses 24 hour moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady
FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
Meanwhile Flubscout, the DUMMOCRETIN led NY Slimes is still in Heilary CYA mode…
Flail on Puddy. Your prolific howling of the regurgitated right wing Wurlitzer noise has been a case study of the pending collapse. Chicken Little if you will.
“How’s your bank account? Still there?”
Alas, not that which Carson grifted from him. Talk about a bad investment.
Your prolific howling of the regurgitated right wing Wurlitzer noise
Once again the Flubscout flails with EPIC FAYLES…
The Nation
Huffington Post
The Atlantic
Libtard blogs
are right wing? Puddy purposely used left wrong media! You are tooooooooooo stoooooooooooooopid to figger it out!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Sux to be the Flubscout! Cheerleading the dog whistle candidate and her husband whom likes human female flavored cigars!
Dr. Ben Carson only asks for a $2 donation. Puddy would just redirect those funds that going to a whitey person standing on a street corner with a cardboard sign!
Not a back breaker!
Stay stooooooooooopid TPPS@91. That triple pressure must becoming quadruple pressure QPPS!
Excellent loon head explosion @92. Well done, MBS.
FACTS really other QPPS@94.
That shit storm you claim as a brain is rally short circuiting!
Puddy, how many states will a Republican not named Trump win today?
I say one; Texas the home state of Cruz.
How many of the 14 states selecting Republican delegates between tomorrow & 15 March will a man not named Trump win?
Keep flailing
Good to know you’re quoting right wing rags about what Bill Clinton allegedly said to Ted Kennedy that was reported long after Ted was dead and could neither confirm nor deny.
There isn’t a single first-hand source from that quote. And google it. The matches you get are:
Oh, Piddles, wherever do you get your news?
@ 97
Heretofore no one is permitted to publish a statement unless it can be directly traced to a first-person account.
’cause CZ says so.
BTW if you shorten the search length to something more reasonable you find the quote mentioned in far more mainstream publications, CZ. Takes slightly more effort than simple cut-and-paste.
Here, for example:
@ 97
I suppose that if Ted Kennedy were alive he might recall differently than the purported story.
Of course, I also suppose that if Mary Jo Kopechne were alive, so might she.
A reporter alleges that Tim Russert, also dead, told him that he heard from….no one knows and he had been dead for two years before the source book so you can’t verify that Ted Kennedy said something two years ago. Good reporting. “That’s factual info right there, no doubt about it. So factual I’m going to source it here as the PROOF that Bill Clinton is actually a racist!” Piddles/Sloppy, or words to that effect.
Note again how the word “alleged” which is in the original disappears when reported by the right wing and regurgitated by Piddles, an now Sloppy.
Here’s an equally well-sourced quote that I remember well Sloppy and Piddles going apoplectic about it’s accuracy:
@ 97, 100
Maybe Puddy got his news from the Washington Post.
CZ, First Rule of Holes. You criticized Puddy for quoting from right-wing sources, when a more careful search would have told you that the quote has been much more widely used.
Own it and STFU; we’ll forget about it, probably within minutes. Keep going and you’ll appear ever more the asshole.
So very lazy. A 17 year old Michael Douglas of Midland Texas could have remembered differently too. Sadly, he’s dead.
Chappaquiddick jokes. Still funny after all these beers. Take my wife, please.
Ah, I see, if you ignore what someone actually quoted and truncate it in some divining rod fashion of why it was quoted you get a different result.
O.K. Truncated results:
weeklystandard (right wing, founded by William Kristal)
newyorkpost (conservative)
New Yorker (by the author of the book)
TheBlaze (bwaaahaaahaaahaaa, BUY GOLD!)
Daily Mail (conservative)
youngcons (cons….heh…freudian)
Trying to argue FACTUAL points with checkmate is more like talking to a brick wall. Nothing penetrates that neanderthal cranial orifice.
Puddy used libtard sources ON PURPOSE for this dog whistle exposé. Of course the Oregon moron will not see this being a LIV on the subject. As you can see from the Oregon moron posts… as stoooooooooooooooopid as evah!
Because checkmate is a very slow reader here are the pertinent points from HuffPo. Now Flubscout and QPPS will call HuffPo a right wing chronicle of course!
In New Hampshire, Clinton’s co-chair, Billy Shaheen, accused Obama of being a drug dealer; then there was the photograph of Sen. Barack Obama in Somali garb leaked to the press by Clinton’s staff.
– Dog whistle 1 – black drug dealer
– Dog whistle 2 – African muslim
Bill Clinton compared Obama’s victory to those of Jesse Jackson in 1984 and 1988.
-Dog whistle 3 – Obummer a marginal candidate… Well Cigarman did get that one correct!
“Every time that campaign is upset about something, they call it racist”
– Dog whistle 4 – Call everything racism when I am a white DUMMOCRETIN woman
The now notorious red-phone-at-3:00-a.m. television ad used by Clinton during the Texas primary, as Harvard sociologist Orlando Patterson noted in the New York Times, was reminiscent of D. W. Griffith’s racist film Birth of a Nation, which helped revive the Ku Klux Klan.
– Dog whistle 5 – Obummer is foreign policy clueless… Golly Heilary did get one right!
DUMMOCRETIN Ed Rendell said Keystone State would not vote for Obama because he was black.
– Dog whistle 6 – White DUMMOCRETINS don’t vote for black men… Just like Andrew Cuoo pulled that nastiness on H. Carl McCall during the NY guvnur primaries! Wanna see those comments again? They are in the crazed databaze! Butt none of these HA DUMMOCRETIN libtard have balls to ask for a replay!
George Steponallofus brought up Obama’s relationship to former ’60s radical Bill Ayers
– Dog whistle 7 – Obummer just like those angry left wrong activist bombers and will bomb the econimy… Well by George he was right. Obummer’s eceonomic team did bomb the economy. Those 500,000 jobs per Joe BiteME never materialized.
Heilary delivered to us Obummer with Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and Wright with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.
– Dog whistle 8 – You libtards forget who gave conservatives the Obummer firepower used for these last 7+ years. Heilary Clinton!
Travis @101,
That’s just one libtard e-rag article and Puddy didn’t cover it all for checkmate being the inveterate loony DUMMOCRETIN it is on this blog!
And the pièce de résistance –
Clinton jock straps started the Obummer is a muslim birther movement y’all accuse Trump of. If you can’t trust the libtards at Politifact who can HA DUMMOCRETINS trust!
Of course the following is another of those vast right wing conspiracy sites Flubscout, QPPS and his ASS kissing acolyte checkmate love to claim…
PuddyCommentariat: Puddy wonders if the quack dr checkmate will read this powerful article? It’s been here multiple times and of course dr checkmate will claim ignorance. How come HA DUMMOCRETINS love being LIVs?
You need to listen to the audio of that comment. The Nation writer was pizzed!
What Flubscout forgets is how uneducated DUMMOCRETIN whites jock strapped Heilary. And Heilary was quick to admit the stooooooopid of the DUMMOCRETIN party loved her. Now we see A DUMMOCRETIN fools like QPPS, R senile, vomit producer, checkmate and others claim those are racist Trump supporters. So they weren’t racist Heilary jock straps in 2008 you morons?
See ya you twin morons Flubscout and quack dr checkmate! QPPS is in a league of its own. FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
Speaking of the birther movement… a real ANALysis of the Heilary campaign…
Read the Defcon numbers that Dave Weigel from the Wa Post uncovered butt then chose to suppress being part of the Heilary free left wrong media super pac!
@50 Nice article but it misses one important fact that the FBI is aware of that Clinton was the classification authority for the State Department. The real fun will be if Clinton is elected and there is a Republican Congress. Or the President giving former candidate Clinton a presidential pardon after the election.
@57 You are good Comrade Rabbit. Unlike Squirrel and Moose. If you are not Comrade Rabbit there is the stew pot, and the workers will eat well.
@57 You mean the game where each party protects its crooks? Perhaps we should talk about a certain gentleman who is currently this states auditor. Seems the man got in under the radar of Democrats let alone Republicans. Perhaps if his tax returns had been available some member of the 4th Estate could have done their job, and exposed the situation prior to his election.