King County Councilmember Larry Phillips has announced his intention to run for county Executive. Publicola has the press release.
I know Larry has a lot of fans in the pro-transit community, but with Ron Sims’ status still up in the air, I think I’ll take some time before attempting to take sides in this race. So all I’m willing to say about Larry right now is that he’s tall.
And it looks like he’s not shy about visually emphasizing his altitudinous stature on his new website.
Yup, Larry’s a tall guy.
In fact, I’d say he’s downright rangy.
Got a scan of the “He’s a big man” mailer he sent out to all the gay parts of town a while back?
Goldy, I’m giving you a little homework assignment…
This is a political blog. I want an in-depth analysis of Larry Phillips. His pros and cons, where he stands on the issues, etc., and I want it by the end of the day.
Here is Larry Phillips’ bio:
Are you the same 14-year old who pretended to be a Chicago cop and went out on patrol?
Your pathetic attempts to be an authority figure for a blog with which you have no connection other than to post comments from time-to-time seems to display the same sort of psychological problems.
You remind me of a fellow with some problems who used to stand out on the sidewalks of Seattle, some years ago, and scrible on a notpad “tickets” to anyone passing by.
Might I suggest some professional mental health counseling? And quickly?????
rhp, the difference between us is that you are afraid stand up to Goldy, and I am not. But I think that deep down you already know this, but you are transferring your lack of courage into anger toward me. That’s okay. That’s a typical psychological defensive response.
Now, I have a question for you, even though I already know the answer.
If Goldy had a restaurant review blog, and he had just visited the Metropolitan Grill, and the only thing he said in his blog review is that the chef was tall, would you call him on it, or would you remain silent out of fear of pissing him off?
Something tells me you would channel your outrage to those of us who had the courage to say, hey, your restaurant review sucked.
Me, I’m not afraid to say the king isn’t wearing any clothes. You, on the other hand, are afraid to speak up. But why take it out on me?
I think anything Troll says is automatically stupid and therefore, should be promoted to the trash can as soon as possible. Stop feeding him. Just make fun of him. No need to try to engage a turd in conversation. His side LOST BIG. i.e., he’s a LOOOOOSER!
What’s wrong with me coming to a political blog and asking for the pros and cons of a candidate? What’s wrong with asking for some analysis from a political blogger?
re 7: Do it yourself. Then we’ll pick it apart.
If I had a restaurant review blog, and all I said was the chef was tall, then you said to me you wanted some more analysis, then I said to you do it yourself, would you think I was a good restaurant reviewer?
“If I had a restaurant review blog”
Well, you don’t. You also don’t have a political blog.
Hey, here’s an idea…why don’t you start one of your own? Since you seem to think Goldy is such a dipshit, and you have this idea that the rest of us don’t have the guts to “stand up to him” (why should we, when we agree with him?) it would seem that you could show all the rest of us damn fools how much better you could do it.
So….go ahead. Show us how it’s done and humiliate everyone with your brilliance.
Thank you for your request.
Actually, I am thinking about creating my own blog within the HA comment section.
“Actually, I am thinking about creating my own blog within the HA comment section.”
Again, with the delusions of grandeur. You either have a blog of your own, or you post comments on other’s blogs. One is not the same as the other. If you think you can do better than Goldy, then go ahead and try, with your own blog. You do the programming, you pay the monthly hosting fees, you put in the time to put forth original content. Then see how much traffic and/or advertising revenue you get.
Pathetic attempts to “critique” Goldy remind me of my old scoutmaster’s admonition: “No comments from the peanut gallery, please”.
Me, I’ve got my own website, but it has nothing to do with politics. I know how much work it can be to maintain a website and generate even a modest income from one. The last thing I need, or Goldy does, is somebody who doesn’t know what he’s talking about telling me that I’m not working hard enough for their enjoyment.
Just about anyone would be better that Ron Dim Sims.
Isn’t this priceless, RHP and the other nutcases are promoting a free market battle of ideas in suggesting that Troll start his own blog.
In an ultimate ironic and backhanded bitchslap though, Troll suggests sucking off the teet of someone who’s already established a presence by blogging in the comments.
However it is the Liberal American Dream to be unemployed and living off the hard work of others (yes, this means you Rimjob Rabbit). Yet, when services are taken from someone of the same political persuasion, it’s some how magically unacceptable.
P.S. no one cares about your stupid war memoribilia site RHPussy. Your time play boyscout/g.i. joe was over 50 years ago. move on and shave that pubic beard.