Larry Grant, who ran a strong Democratic campaign in 2006 in Idaho’s blood red 1st Congressional District, has withdrawn from the 2008 contest, and endorsed fellow Dem, Walt Minnick:
“My campaign has never been about my personal ambition. I have spent the last three years on the campaign trail doing my very best to build the Idaho Democratic Party from the ground up. I’m proud of what I and my campaign team have achieved.
“There isn’t ten cents worth of difference between my view of the world and Walt Minnick’s. That’s why we need to be working together to beat Bill Sali, not spending valuable time and resources in a contentious primary.”
Word is that Grant’s decision was all about the money. Minnick had raised an impressive $410,000 by the end of 2007 compared to Grant’s paltry $65,000, and the disparity is expected to dramatically worsen when first quarter results are reported next week. But you gotta admire Grant’s willingness to put the interests of the Party and the nation ahead of personal ambition. (Hmm… I wonder when that’s going to happen in the Dems’ presidential race?)
And then we have the following article, entitled:
“Republicans with No Hope Make Pointless Run for Office”
located at:
Yes, it is satire, but it is pretty close to the mark.
The Blatantly Obvious says:
I am not saying that all Republicans are rapists and child molesters.
Some are just rapists, others are just child molesters.
The Republican part is a big tent. They do not discriminate based on the evil card. Any evil person can find a home in today’s Republican party!
04/10/2008 at 12:18 am
Politically Incorrect says:
Rev. James L. Bevel was convicted of incest today. He was a lieutenant of Dr. Marting Luther King during the Sixties and a civil rights activist.The Blatanly Obvious, does this make him a Republican because he was convicted of molesting his daughter?
04/10/2008 at 3:22 pm
Cheney Exposed As Chief TorturerIn a normal world where pragmatic politicos halfway know what they’re doing an administration that stoops to some kind of slimy shit doesn’t let their president dirty his hands and shields him from any and all knowledge of their nefarious activities. It’s sort of refreshing to learn that’s what the Busheviks did when they wanted to torture innocent people, because it means they aren’t utterly and totally incompetent. It’s nice to know there’s at least one thing they did according to the time-tested political dirty tricks playbook.”Cheney, Others OK’d Harsh Interrogations“By LARA JAKES JORDAN and PAMELA HESS“Associated Press“WASHINGTON (AP) – Bush administration officials from Vice President Dick Cheney on down signed off on using harsh interrogation techniques against suspected terrorists after asking the Justice Department to endorse their legality, The Associated Press has learned.”The officials also took care to insulate President Bush from a series of meetings where CIA interrogation methods, including waterboarding, which simulates drowning, were discussed and ultimately approved. A former senior U.S. intelligence official familiar with the meetings described them Thursday to the AP to confirm details first reported by ABC News on Wednesday. …”The meetings were held in the White House Situation Room … [by] Attorney General John Ashcroft, Secretary of State Colin Powell, CIA Director George Tenet and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. … The former intelligence official described Cheney and the top national security officials as deeply immersed in developing the CIA’s interrogation program during months of discussions over which methods should be used and when.”At times, CIA officers would demonstrate some of the tactics, or at least detail how they worked, to make sure the small group of ‘principals’ fully understood what the al-Qaida detainees would undergo. The principals eventually authorized physical abuse such as slaps and pushes, sleep deprivation, or waterboarding. … “The small group then asked the Justice Department to examine whether using the interrogation methods would break domestic or international laws. ‘No one at the agency wanted to operate under a notion of winks and nods and assumptions that everyone understood what was being talked about,’ said a second former senior intelligence official. ‘People wanted to be assured that everything that was conducted was understood and approved by the folks in the chain of command.’”The Office of Legal Counsel issued at least two opinions on interrogation methods. In one, dated Aug. 1, 2002, then-Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee defined torture as covering ‘only extreme acts’ causing pain similar in intensity to that caused by death or organ failure. A second, dated March 14, 2003, justified using harsh tactics on detainees held overseas so long as military interrogators did not specifically intend to torture their captives. …”The department issued another still-secret memo in October 2001 that, in part, sought to outline novel ways the military could be used domestically to defend the country in the face of an impending attack. The Justice Department so far has refused to release it, citing attorney-client privilege, and Attorney General Michael Mukasey declined to describe it Thursday at a Senate panel where Democrats characterized it as a ‘torture memo.’”Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see heney-others-okd-harsh-interro gations/n20080410193609990056Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, they fixed the law around the policy.
The new format doesn’t work.
I can’t separate sentences or paragraphs. It produces unreadable block text.
“I wonder when that’s going to happen in the Dems’ presidential race?”
What, you mean when Clinton and Obama commit ritual suicide and leave behind notes giving all their delegates to Gore?
Politically Incorrect @ 2…you’ve committed a logical fallacy.
B.O. stated that ” I am not saying that all Republicans are rapists and child molesters. Some are just rapists, others are just child molesters.”
In other words, he is saying, “All Republicans are rapists or child molesters, or both.”
That is NOT the same as saying “all rapists or child molesters are Republicans.”
Bush hits new low:Link: approval for the commander in chief (down near Nixon during Watergate range)- and the torture discussions led by Dick cheney are just hitting the news tonight. How low can this corrupt and inept administration sink? How low can Dick Cheney go?
Awww Poor Poor Pelletizer@5, he’ll have to think for a change in other topics past law and not copy and paste large blocks of text.
Darryl @ 7,
No matter: you guys say outlandish things, and my job is to remind you that you’re all just as fucked up and corrupt as the Republicans.
Since this is a hate website, I can get away with it.