Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Why? America was really fooled in 2008 with hope and change and just went along so they wouldn’t be called racist in 2012.
Now we see the change in
Just us
State Department
Number of people employed
Globull Warming became climate change
etc… with no hope for things getting much better any time soon!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 What a rancid shred of bullshit your comment is. In January of 2009, our country was staring straight into the jaws of the economic dragon. We were literally facing another Great Depression. Obama promised to “change” the GOP’s disastrous economic policies, and he did; he promised “hope” for a better future and he delivered it. You rightwing fuckers can mock “hope and change” all you want, right up to Inauguration Day in January 2017. All Hillary has to do is remind voters what 2001-2008 was like. I hope you Republican morons nominate Chimp’s brother to run against her! You’re stupid enough to do it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s easy for Jeb to say he would have invaded Iraq. He’s a Silver Spooner who never served in the military or fought in a war, so war is nothing but an abstraction to him. If you want to avoid reckless military adventuring that accomplishes nothing and costs tens or hundreds of thousands of human lives, elect Roger Rabbit president. Roger Rabbit knows what war is all about.
I didn’t vote for Obama because he was a black man, i voted for him because he was smartest strongest candidate..
You conservatives are the ones who denigrate blacks by instisting Obama was elected out of white guilt or a racial bias instead of his merits and skills as a person.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
The only defense a Republican has when asked about supporting this war, is that Democrats supported it too. Aren’t they supposed to be the alternative to Democrats?
It doesn’t matter that it was lead by a Republican Administration. They don’t care about that. Their focus, who killed Bin Laden and the governement lies. Why doesn’t the Obama administration just release the name and information of every informant and spy, American or non-American. Maybe then they would be happy. You know that Transperency that they opine about, but dont’ have any themselves.
How will conservatives explain it away if ben Carson doesn’t do well while Obama did?
Is it that carson is a weak candidate with few skills or merits or is he a opportunist black candidate that didn’t fool the white voters?
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@6 I don’t dear put myself in the position of being called a bigot or racist so I will be voting for BEN!
Jeb Bush, not up for the job. He should fold his tent and retire, rather than get in a no-win situation. Everyone is on to the Bush family, even the Conservatives.
Mark Adamsspews:
At the moment no front runner exists in the Democratic or Republican presidential races. We have months of straw poles, baby kissing, pork rib eating before any votes take place that will select delegates for any particular candidate. Unless your counting super delegates which traditionally are party elite and past office holders so just maybe you can argue that Jeb has a couple of votes and Hillary has a vote or two among the delegates all because they are related or married to said delegates.
So please more on the candidates ability to eat pork rinds and keep their suits clean. Or perhaps on their ability to raise money.
Ima Duncespews:
He not only “knows now” there were no WMDs, he “knows now” we badly under equipped our troops. He also “knows now” it has cost us trillions of dollars and thrown the entire region into chaos. And he “knows now” it has made the problem of terrorism worse and ruined our reputation. I’m sure I could go on and on. The real problem is these Bushs “know” nothing.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
@10 that’s what happens when you are out of touch with the American people, you pretty much don’t anything that they need or want.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Obama promised to “change” the GOP’s disastrous economic policies, and he did; he promised “hope” for a better future and he delivered it.
Ohhhh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, you really love dealing in BULLSHITIUM! Puddy deals with FACTS!
Better future for whom? The number of people along street corners begging for money and food has skyrocketed under Obummer! The greatest recession since the great depression ended before the first Obummer budget took place June 2009. And since libtards love to claim the GW Bush budget was a budget buster, then the last Bush Budget ended the “almost great depression”. FACT!
Under Obummer the unemployment number keeps dropping because there are now 93,194,000 Real Americans no longer in the labor force. They gave up senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Visit bol.gov senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! So it’s you whom delivers REAL BULLSHITTIUM each day! FACT!
Puddy has delivered this link many times. Just ax the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for the number of times. Everyone knows the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is still screen scraping HA DUMMOCRETINS. Anyway, http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ delivers the daily bad news for Real Americans! FACT!
All Hillary has to do is remind voters what 2001-2008 was like.
How? She doesn’t do interviews. On April 12, Hillary launched her presidential campaign by releasing a HILarious video, and then went into hiding as she took the Scooby Van half-way across the country. Well she was infagnito in those sun glasses at her’s buds restaurant for that special picture! (How many millions did the restaurant CEO give to the foundation again?) Then she flew first class out of Boston from New Hampshire breaking every speed law in Massachusetts. Laws mean nuthin to DUMMOCRETINS!
Her husband doesn’t want to campaign for her. He’s flying all over the world for the Foundation. The Foundation only delivers 15% of it’s collected cash to the poor peeps! Verified by WA Post fact checker!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
So why is Hillary hiding senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Perhaps Clinton knows that by showing her face she might hurt her chances to be elected the next president of the United States. Seems Peter Schweitzer’s book has more truth in it than DUMMOCRETINS want to admit. If you or Puddy had to refile % EFFIN YEARS of tax returns the IRS would be paying a blue jacket with large yellow letters on the back visitation to either of us! Again laws mean nuthin when you are a DUMMOCRETIN. A Clinton freakazoid!
Maybe she doesn’t want to answer questions about the missing emails which other companies still have butt in an ASS-kissing move won’t deliver them up! Yes, all those emails gone. The directives she prosecuted others in State for using private email doesn’t apply to her.
Maybe she doesn’t want to answer questions about allegations of her family’s financial interests and how all that money never reaches the poor peeps! Only 15% goes to the peeps! Wow!
Maybe she doesn’t want to answer questions about her many policy directive flip-flops since joining the presidential race in April. Over the weekend JEB Bush gave her a bow line shot about how he isn’t changing his positions while Hillary takes her thumb out of Bill’s ASS, licks it, checks the wind direction and then her surrogates deliver the daily policy position! Most likely an 180 switch from before!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
At the moment no front runner exists in the Democratic or Republican presidential races.
Not true… There is a front runner for the DUMMOCRETIN Party! The coronation already began in 2014.
The major problem is Bill will have to keep it in his pants. Maybe that’s why he’s out of the country right now! Africa. Guess he was the first “black president” after all! No wait that was Thomas Jefferson… Yeah that’s right!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
The only defense a Republican has when asked about supporting this war, is that Democrats supported it too. Aren’t they supposed to be the alternative to Democrats?
DAYUM the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla is stoooooooooooooopid. GW Bush took the 1998 policy directives of whom teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? Then they looked at what was going on in 2002 to early 2003. Saddam claimed he had WMD. Everyone believed him including 15 other countries. You can’t rewrite history teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, butt being a DUMMOCRETIN you always try. Think Baltimore mayor three weeks ago! Remember it’s “only property!”.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
How will conservatives explain it away if ben Carson doesn’t do well while Obama did?
Obummer had no one really fact check him. National left wrong slobbering libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm wanted to have the first DUMMOCRETIN black man president. Now you reap what you sowed!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “The only defense a Republican has when asked about supporting this war, is that Democrats supported it too. Aren’t they supposed to be the alternative to Democrats?”
Let’s not forget Republicans got (some) Democrats to support it by lying about and fabricating evidence of Saddam’s imaginary WMDs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “Obummer had no one really fact check him.”
That’s because he didn’t need fact-checking. Republicans, on the other hand, are lying every time they open their mouths.
I note that conservatives attack black liberals with the meme of “blacks are incompetent, and they are only successful if they get help, they are not skilled or smart enough to do it on their own. ”
…And with in seconds there is this story about Michelle Obama
Why? America was really fooled in 2008 with hope and change and just went along so they wouldn’t be called racist in 2012.
Now we see the change in
Just us
State Department
Number of people employed
Globull Warming became climate change
etc… with no hope for things getting much better any time soon!
@1 What a rancid shred of bullshit your comment is. In January of 2009, our country was staring straight into the jaws of the economic dragon. We were literally facing another Great Depression. Obama promised to “change” the GOP’s disastrous economic policies, and he did; he promised “hope” for a better future and he delivered it. You rightwing fuckers can mock “hope and change” all you want, right up to Inauguration Day in January 2017. All Hillary has to do is remind voters what 2001-2008 was like. I hope you Republican morons nominate Chimp’s brother to run against her! You’re stupid enough to do it.
It’s easy for Jeb to say he would have invaded Iraq. He’s a Silver Spooner who never served in the military or fought in a war, so war is nothing but an abstraction to him. If you want to avoid reckless military adventuring that accomplishes nothing and costs tens or hundreds of thousands of human lives, elect Roger Rabbit president. Roger Rabbit knows what war is all about.
I didn’t vote for Obama because he was a black man, i voted for him because he was smartest strongest candidate..
You conservatives are the ones who denigrate blacks by instisting Obama was elected out of white guilt or a racial bias instead of his merits and skills as a person.
The only defense a Republican has when asked about supporting this war, is that Democrats supported it too. Aren’t they supposed to be the alternative to Democrats?
It doesn’t matter that it was lead by a Republican Administration. They don’t care about that. Their focus, who killed Bin Laden and the governement lies. Why doesn’t the Obama administration just release the name and information of every informant and spy, American or non-American. Maybe then they would be happy. You know that Transperency that they opine about, but dont’ have any themselves.
How will conservatives explain it away if ben Carson doesn’t do well while Obama did?
Is it that carson is a weak candidate with few skills or merits or is he a opportunist black candidate that didn’t fool the white voters?
@6 I don’t dear put myself in the position of being called a bigot or racist so I will be voting for BEN!
Jeb Bush, not up for the job. He should fold his tent and retire, rather than get in a no-win situation. Everyone is on to the Bush family, even the Conservatives.
At the moment no front runner exists in the Democratic or Republican presidential races. We have months of straw poles, baby kissing, pork rib eating before any votes take place that will select delegates for any particular candidate. Unless your counting super delegates which traditionally are party elite and past office holders so just maybe you can argue that Jeb has a couple of votes and Hillary has a vote or two among the delegates all because they are related or married to said delegates.
So please more on the candidates ability to eat pork rinds and keep their suits clean. Or perhaps on their ability to raise money.
He not only “knows now” there were no WMDs, he “knows now” we badly under equipped our troops. He also “knows now” it has cost us trillions of dollars and thrown the entire region into chaos. And he “knows now” it has made the problem of terrorism worse and ruined our reputation. I’m sure I could go on and on. The real problem is these Bushs “know” nothing.
@10 that’s what happens when you are out of touch with the American people, you pretty much don’t anything that they need or want.
Obama promised to “change” the GOP’s disastrous economic policies, and he did; he promised “hope” for a better future and he delivered it.
Ohhhh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, you really love dealing in BULLSHITIUM! Puddy deals with FACTS!
Better future for whom? The number of people along street corners begging for money and food has skyrocketed under Obummer! The greatest recession since the great depression ended before the first Obummer budget took place June 2009. And since libtards love to claim the GW Bush budget was a budget buster, then the last Bush Budget ended the “almost great depression”. FACT!
Under Obummer the unemployment number keeps dropping because there are now 93,194,000 Real Americans no longer in the labor force. They gave up senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Visit bol.gov senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! So it’s you whom delivers REAL BULLSHITTIUM each day! FACT!
Puddy has delivered this link many times. Just ax the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for the number of times. Everyone knows the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is still screen scraping HA DUMMOCRETINS. Anyway, http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ delivers the daily bad news for Real Americans! FACT!
All Hillary has to do is remind voters what 2001-2008 was like.
How? She doesn’t do interviews. On April 12, Hillary launched her presidential campaign by releasing a HILarious video, and then went into hiding as she took the Scooby Van half-way across the country. Well she was infagnito in those sun glasses at her’s buds restaurant for that special picture! (How many millions did the restaurant CEO give to the foundation again?) Then she flew first class out of Boston from New Hampshire breaking every speed law in Massachusetts. Laws mean nuthin to DUMMOCRETINS!
Her husband doesn’t want to campaign for her. He’s flying all over the world for the Foundation. The Foundation only delivers 15% of it’s collected cash to the poor peeps! Verified by WA Post fact checker!
So why is Hillary hiding senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Perhaps Clinton knows that by showing her face she might hurt her chances to be elected the next president of the United States. Seems Peter Schweitzer’s book has more truth in it than DUMMOCRETINS want to admit. If you or Puddy had to refile % EFFIN YEARS of tax returns the IRS would be paying a blue jacket with large yellow letters on the back visitation to either of us! Again laws mean nuthin when you are a DUMMOCRETIN. A Clinton freakazoid!
Maybe she doesn’t want to answer questions about the missing emails which other companies still have butt in an ASS-kissing move won’t deliver them up! Yes, all those emails gone. The directives she prosecuted others in State for using private email doesn’t apply to her.
Maybe she doesn’t want to answer questions about allegations of her family’s financial interests and how all that money never reaches the poor peeps! Only 15% goes to the peeps! Wow!
Maybe she doesn’t want to answer questions about her many policy directive flip-flops since joining the presidential race in April. Over the weekend JEB Bush gave her a bow line shot about how he isn’t changing his positions while Hillary takes her thumb out of Bill’s ASS, licks it, checks the wind direction and then her surrogates deliver the daily policy position! Most likely an 180 switch from before!
At the moment no front runner exists in the Democratic or Republican presidential races.
Not true… There is a front runner for the DUMMOCRETIN Party! The coronation already began in 2014.
The major problem is Bill will have to keep it in his pants. Maybe that’s why he’s out of the country right now! Africa. Guess he was the first “black president” after all! No wait that was Thomas Jefferson… Yeah that’s right!
The only defense a Republican has when asked about supporting this war, is that Democrats supported it too. Aren’t they supposed to be the alternative to Democrats?
DAYUM the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla is stoooooooooooooopid. GW Bush took the 1998 policy directives of whom teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? Then they looked at what was going on in 2002 to early 2003. Saddam claimed he had WMD. Everyone believed him including 15 other countries. You can’t rewrite history teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, butt being a DUMMOCRETIN you always try. Think Baltimore mayor three weeks ago! Remember it’s “only property!”.
How will conservatives explain it away if ben Carson doesn’t do well while Obama did?
Obummer had no one really fact check him. National left wrong slobbering libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm wanted to have the first DUMMOCRETIN black man president. Now you reap what you sowed!
@5 “The only defense a Republican has when asked about supporting this war, is that Democrats supported it too. Aren’t they supposed to be the alternative to Democrats?”
Let’s not forget Republicans got (some) Democrats to support it by lying about and fabricating evidence of Saddam’s imaginary WMDs.
@16 “Obummer had no one really fact check him.”
That’s because he didn’t need fact-checking. Republicans, on the other hand, are lying every time they open their mouths.
I note that conservatives attack black liberals with the meme of “blacks are incompetent, and they are only successful if they get help, they are not skilled or smart enough to do it on their own. ”
…And with in seconds there is this story about Michelle Obama
Fox Contributor: Michelle Obama Owes Her Success To Affirmative Action, “Diversity” Hiring