Yes, HA was down most of yesterday, and no, I don’t know exactly what the problem was or why it took so long to fix. Something to do with a problem with our hosting company’s “main upstream internet provider” or something. In any case, you shouldn’t have spent such a lovely day indoors commenting on some local political blog anyway, so consider it a gift.
There were a lot of local Washington State websites down yesterday. It was probably a major hub/exchange that went down. I will investigate. I haz friends.
I betting it was the nefarious doings of the nefarious SysAdmin, the UNCLE TOM of the REICH, and known to us all as that great molester of goats, BUTTPUTTY! He is, after all, the self avowed WGET MASTER.
And I have proof! Proof I tell you! It’s right there on the Internets! Right next to GOATBOY’s Kenyon birth certificate!
I spent the day hopping in Hoh Rain Forest with my daughter.
The rich aren’t better than us. They simply have more hubris.
Nyad Completes Historic Swimming Feat
In case you haven’t been following this story, long-distance swimmer Diana Nyad, 64, is ashore after completing her Cuba-Florida swim a few minutes ago.
Nyad is the second person to swim the Florida Strait and the first to do it without a shark cage. She had four failed attempts before succeeding on her fifth try.
2)The upside, the trolls could not get on here yesterday, either.
The Washington State Ferries fleet is stretched thin, but the only stand by boat is the Hiyu. The two under construction, the Tokitae and Samish, will just replace two Evergreen State class boats, built when Arthur Langley was Governor. The retirement age for WSF boats is 60.
Is the world ending? A summit between representatives of the NAACP, and a representative of the Klan?
I’ve known for a long time some employers are lawbreaking jerks, but it turns out some are unpatriotic lawbreaking jerks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bet you $1 most employers who fire Guardsmen and Reservists for going on active duty are flag-waving, chest-pounding, loud-mouthed conservative armchair militarists. The only way they ever support a war is with their mouths and by putting those little ribbon-shaped “Support the Troops” magnets on their cars (next to the Christian fish symbol). They’ve never put their own asses on the line to defend our country; and for Chrissake don’t expect them to pay taxes or suffer inconvenience for the wars they want to start.
@9 And they don’t support the freedom to marry who you wish. They are not for freedom, just for their freedom to be Nazi’s. Putin is becoming their best freind.
I know that there are states where the Democratic Party is not doing well, but in California, it is the GOP that is in trouble, According to this piece in the Sacramento Business Journal, it’s worse than previously thought. Even among independents, 4 out of 10 lean Democratic, while only three for Republicans.
As California goes, so goes the nation.
There will never be another public space named after Ronald Reagan, whose own children despised him.
End of an era in Wildfire fighting. Coulson Air tankets has announced that they have lost a contract with the province of British Columbia for the 2014 season. Specifically, it puts the future of the Martin Mars flying boat, which can dump 7,000 gallons at a time, in jeapordy.
It appears that the decision was made by bureaucrats, not the ConservaLiberal government in Victoria. The contrast requirements were to be expanded to include investment in Single Engine Air Tankers as well, and Coulson says, that that would be a minimum of four, and would cost at least $12 million.
This Labor Day weekend, fire crews were still in action fighting the Rim Fire near Yosemite. They are gaining ground, though.
The 2011 attack on Oslo by a crazed gunman, and subsequent massacre at the Norwegian Labor Party youth camp, has had an interesting development. Some of the survivors are running for office in the upcoming election.
It appears that the conservatives have a chance of winning, it’s not winner take all, and the voters are looking for a change. In Germany, change will be determined by who wins enough votes to be Vice Chancellor, as Merkel and her Christian Democrats are doing well in the polls, at 40%, her prefered coalition partner, the liberal Free Democrats, need around 10, but they are barely polling@5, which is the threshold to just get in. The FSP got 14% in 2009.
EVERYONE IN THE MIDWEST IS HIGH ON POT! How else can you explain how mellow, happy, friendly, and helpful people are out here? Plus, there’s the constant snacking on cheese curds.
I’m in Madison WI right now, drinking really good coffee and eating a crepe. I love vacations…
Madison’s a really pretty city and there’s people on bicycles everywhere.
Really people, you must come to Wisconsin.