Wampum’s Koufax Awards finalists have been announced, and HA has the distinct honor of making it into the final cut for Best State or Local Blog. All of the finalists are deserving, but because I am narcissistically impaired, and desperately crave the love and affirmation of strangers, I strongly urge you to vote for me. Simply click here, and leave “Horse’s Ass” in the comment thread. (And feel free to leave a testimonial.)
Two of my favorite locally produced blogs also made it into the finals, and in multiple categories, so if you have the time, please show them a little love too:
Most Humorous Blog: Jesus’ General.
Most Humorous Post: Jesus’ General, “Less painful than a crucifix”
Best Expert Blog: Orcinus.
Best Single Issue Blog: Orcinus.
Best Blog, Sponsored/Professional: Orcinus.
Jesus’ General is not only one of the funniest blogs out there, the General is also a constant reminder of the power of satire to effect real change. I love the General… in a manly, heterosexual way. And Orcinus is always a compelling read, both because of its often disturbing coverage of right-wing extremists, and because… well… Dave Neiwert is simply one of the best writers blogging.
So if you think we deserve it (and you want to cater to my fragile ego) please cast your votes. But please keep it honest… one vote, no freeping.
I have voted, and left a nice testimonial. Goldy, if you win, you are going to be insuffereable. But in a nice way… ;)
As someone posted on the last open thread, you right wingers ought to vote for Goldy.
The award is going to go to some liberal blog, so just as well it go to the blog that you shit all over, no?
Think ’bout it.
(And, I will fess up that I voted for Richard Pope during the last election–you right-wingers owe me! :-) )
“I voted for Richard Pope during the last election”
What the hell did you do that for? If you think Goldy would be insufferable if he wins a popularity contest, imagine what Richard would be like if he won an election!.
Hey Richard — I voted for your OPPONENTS in ALL of your elections. I only mention it to rub your face in it.
I wonder why Stefan won’t share the loot from his lawsuit against King County with the generous donors to his “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit?
Roger… Did you contribute to his fund? If not, than please stop posting this. The contributors can deal with it themselves – they don’t need help from a non-contributor posting on someone else’s political blog.
If you’re doing it just to insult Stefan’s character, I think you’ve made your point by now.
Hey Gerald, since when are you the fucking content police, anyway?
Its just a request from a fellow HA reader. Sheesh.
Stop bullying young Gerald. Your acting like a BULL DYKE for crsissakes! He’s been exposed to a lot of graft and corruption what with the November, 2004 Governor’s Race & all. He’s also been exposed to a lot of LEFTIST weirdness on this Blog with Clueless, GBS and other assorted KLOWNS. Then we have our openly Gay posters, Bobby from Boeing, who has probably scarred poor Gerald permanently with his obsessing over his homo-ness.
And then of course there is Goldy…the very First Gay & Lesbian Afro-Jewish Blogger who survived both the Holocaust AND slavery while living in a posh Philly suburb enjoying a privileged upbringing.
What are you trying to do dj…push Gerald over to the darkside!
He’s only 20 years old…and still has a conscience unlike the rest of you KLOWNS!
I’ll vote for you Goldy….and hope you win.
I can’t wait for your “it’s hard to be humble” acceptance speech.
Hopefully you will even thank ME for some of your voluminous success!
Try something like this:
“I would ESPECIALLY like to thank Mr. Cynical….for his undying questioning of damn near everything I post, as well as his needling of my fellow LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS. I have particularly enjoyed his questioning of Gays & Lesbians….asking them the fundmental questions:
1) What exactly is it that makes you Gay and is it something to be PROUD of?
2) Why are you PROUD enough of your actions to have a PARADE??
Mr. Cynical…your my hero!!”
Something like that Goldy…this is just a “Rough Draft”!!
Each day that Mr Cynnical posts his diatribes he reminds me more and more of the ‘party hearty’ type that has become ‘born again-holier than thow’. Maybe Mr C was that guy with the shades and long overcoat hanging out down on 1st and Pike back in the ’80s, or was he that guy in the restrooms at Sultan’s Lavendar Cinema? Good questions to ask him
You wake up thinking about little old me???
Downtown Seattle is a real shithole these days. My wife & I can only stand to spend one night downtown only 2-3 times per year for special events….then can’t wait to leave. Last weekend we went to the Alvin Allie Dance Company performance at the Paramound. It was fabulous! Then going outside reminded us of the shitholeness Seattle has become. A very ugly karma.
It’s a$$holes like Drivel that have made it a shithole.
Are you the panhandling KLOWN Drivel holding the sign last weekend that said
Most of you LEFTIST PINHEADS believe that!
PS I gave the guy 5 bucks for cleverness!
thanks Mr C, Now I know which of the NeoCONS you are. And the $5 was sent to Maria Cantwell’s campaign. Thanks again for helping keep our state BLUE
Wow, for some reason that lying piece of shit Steffy’s blog UNsound Politics didn’t make the list?
re 18: I don’t need a “guvmint” check. I’m just tired of selling idiots like you hundreds of dollars worth of carpet protectorent that costs me 16 dollars a gallon and covers 5 houses. I understand capitalism better than you’ll ever know. I was walking out of your mother’s house with $500 when I was an 18 year old in cut-offs and sandals.
I voted for Goldy, so I’m quoting this song to Rufus:
“Jonny Yuma was a rebel
He wandered alone.
He got fightin’ mad
this rebel lad. He was panther quick and leather tuff
and biggerr’n a heap and pushed enuff!!
The Rebel——-Awaaaaaaaaaay!!!
Jonny Yuma was a Rebel!
The King Kounty Klowncil is at it once again with a sideshow:
“The Democratic majority on the Metropolitan King County Council appears ready to adopt an ordinance that would prohibit discrimination against transgender people.
Supporters say they want to send a message that Washington’s most populous county opposes an initiative and a referendum proposed by Tim Eyman to overturn a new state law protecting sexual minorities.
County law already bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. So if state voters repeal the gay-rights law recently approved by the state Legislature, the proposed county ordinance would protect the rights of gays, lesbians and transgender people in employment, housing and public accommodations.
Several transgender people and other supporters of the ordinance spoke at a council hearing Monday.”
WOW “several” transgender people spoke. That must have been a REAL treat! Thank God the Republicans voted NO and want to focus on the REAL business of the people!!
Cynical @10,
Actually, I believe I have acknowledged that early on, you trolls inadvertently helped build HA into the must-read blog it has become today. You guys thought my refusal to censure or ban was a weakness, and exploited my tolerance (indeed, encouragement) of vitriol in an attempt to turn my comment threads into a wasteland. But… you know… at some level… everybody loves a circus.
Of course, HA reached critical mass long ago, and you could all disappear tomorrow with hardly a webstat hiccup. Sure, the number of comments in my threads would drop momentarily, but many more lurkers would start chiming in once the threads were safe for real debate.
So… my heartfelt thanks to you, Kevin and the other rightie trolls for stupidly helping to build HA into one of the most influential and widely read local political blogs in the nation. I could have done it without you… but you certainly helped speed things up early on.
PULLLLEASE don’t tell us now that you are the 1st TRANSGENDER Gay & Lesbian Afro-Jewish Blogger who survived the Holocaust and Slavery in your posh Philly digs growing up the privileged life!
PULLLLLLEASE say it ain’t so Goldy!!!
“So… my heartfelt thanks to you, Kevin and the other rightie trolls for stupidly helping to build HA into one of the most influential and widely read local political blogs in the nation. I could have done it without you… but you certainly helped speed things up early on.
Commentby Goldy— 3/21/06@ 8:18 am”
Your welcome Mr. TOO-BIG-FER-YER-BRITCHES!!!!
The way I view it is this Blog is a “launching pad” for the Democrats rumor mill. Conveniently, certain newspapers pick up the smut and run with it. They would be will to do that if there were zero people posting. The “circus” is just that. Like I said, I have friends on the Right who enjoy the humorous give-and-take….but I can assure you Goldy, you haven’t changed one single persons political views. You really aren’t that delusional….are you?
So what is the net effect??
An ultra-slick way for the Dems to pump BS into the rumor mill and the pretend journalists and local commentators to pick up to “gossip” and run with it.
DJ – You are the content policeman! We all know it. :) We love you for it too! Now go back ond work on YO! o)
Yes it’s interesting how the righties can’t get any traction on their own blogs so they come here to prove they are inbred, baby raping, cowardly morons. It’s good to remember what they are all really about from time to time.
re 20: Cynical: Who was it that is Grand Poobah of Martin Luther King County?
Hint: The last name is NOT Irons!!
Don’t you hate it, Cynical, that I can create all these characters that people accept and your only alter-ego is Mr. Irrelevant?
RevMan before you reappear and try to pillage Cynical you have some unanswered questions on ASSes:
1.) Is is anababtist or anabaptist? You used both.
2.) What’s up with the anal dildo?
3.) Why do you denigrate gays? Boeing Bob doesn’t like that.
I’ll wait for your forthright answers here on ASSes!
More from teh mind of LauraBushKilledAGuy: Yes it’s interesting how the righties can’t get any traction on their own blogs so they come here to prove they are inbred, baby raping, cowardly morons. It’s good to remember what they are all really about from time to time.
Commentby LauraBushKilledAGuy— 3/21/06@ 9:02 am
For the Clueless, why don’t you lead the charge to get this asshole banned?
LauraBushKilledAGuy: You have to be talking about NAMBLA, the libruls best friend when it comes to hurting defenseless little boys!
Commentby Goldy— 3/21/06@ 8:18 am
“Sure, the number of comments in my threads would drop momentarily, but many more lurkers would start chiming in once the threads were safe for real debate.”
That’s funny. Even funnier if you really believe it.