Oh, don’t get excited, it’s only for tonight. And next Saturday. And a couple other night games during this Seahawks season. I’ll be back on Sunday night, spouting my anti-America hate talk.
This is worth a read and illustrates what I think is a new alignment in American Politics, post Rove and pro reality. I hope Ms. Rice’s stand will be celebrated by others who do not need to narrowly define the party.
Go Mow the Lawnspews:
1: That falls into the category of “Who cares?”. Who or what Rice supports has about as much influence over thinking adults as Sean Penn or Bozo the Clown.
You liberals have to stop being naively influenced about things just because someone who is famous for being famous tells you to be.
Good God man, guppies have fallen out of favor: THINK FOR YOURSELF
As for Anne Rice, she has made a principled stand. I don’t know if I agree with all of it but she’s made herself very clear and I think it’s worth a read.
I commend her for sharing this statement with her audience.
Mark The Redneck-Goldsteinspews:
Geez, I feel really bad. I estimate that I “spewed” about 200 pounds of CO2 into the erf’s atmosphere today. Yesterday, I asked a few of you gullible moonbats to drive your Prius cars today to “offset” me.
What is bothering you is that the mystery of where the demo voters went is now solved. They were Roved, that is misled into equating their religious beliefs with the beliefs of far right Publicans who have as much commitment to “life” as they do to “fairness.” Believing, as Ms. Rice does, in “life” is not a liberal or a conservative idea. BUT a Prexy who taxes the poor to enrich the rich and spends the national treasure on a war run wiht all the finesse of a high school pick up game.
Go Mow the Lawnspews:
They want everyone to stop being themselves and jackboot to their loony discredited ideas.
Except you aren’t being yourselves, are you? You’re being what Ann tells you to be, what goldy tells you to be, what Kos tells you to be, what Huffington tells you to be, what Colbert tells you to be, what Mike Moore tells you to be, ad infinitum.
When exactly does the BEING YOUSELVES part kick in?
I read the entire Rice statement… interesting line she’s trying to walk, but again, who cares?
She is deceiving herself if she truly believes that the party and the candidate that receives the highest ratings and greatest amounts of money from the promote abortion lobbies, groups and supporters will turn the tide for her. We’ve already seen that lobbyists own WA DC and that Hillary in particular has said she will not give up the money they give to influence her.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Uhhm … there are reasons she’s famous … let’s start with the fact she knows more than you …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “I estimate that I “spewed” about 200 pounds of CO2 into the erf’s atmosphere today.”
So you’re the thoughtless jerk responsible for the Cat 5 storms bearing down on Hawaii and the Caribbean … I thought so. Pay your fucking gambling debt, welsher.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “Except you aren’t being yourselves, are you? You’re being what Ann tells you to be, what goldy tells you to be, what Kos tells you to be, what Huffington tells you to be, what Colbert tells you to be, what Mike Moore tells you to be, ad infinitum.”
Another example of wingnut mirroring. Just because you think like a robotic clone doesn’t mean we do.
Go Mow the Lawnspews:
WRONG! Fame does not equal knowledge. I give you Paris Hilton as the most recent example.
Rice may know more about getting books published, more about getting face time on TV, more abour vampires, but your assertion that she knows more than me is wishful thinking on your part because A: you have no idea what she knows on any other subject and B: you have no idea of the depth and breadth of my knowledge on any given subject.
You know here opionion and at the moment it happens to coincide with yours.
Nope. You’re saying that I’m like that and that’s typical of the authoritarian mindset that trolls like you represent.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
“I give you Paris Hilton as the most recent example.”
So? And in turn, I give you Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Chuckie Krauthammer, David Brooks, Bill O’Reilly, Laura Ingram, Hugh Hewit, Ann Coulter, Vicky D. Hanson, Ann Althouse, Michelle Malkin, and a host of others.
All. Deeply. Flawed.
Mark The Redneck-Goldsteinspews:
Holy Shit !!!!!!!! Looks like we’re on track to have a near normal hurricane season.
Hey MTR, here to tell lies again? Never responded in the past when caught. Hoping to stir things up?
Respond to this:
“The area of floating ice in the Arctic has shrunk more this summer than in any other summer since satellite tracking began in 1979, and it has reached that record point a month before the annual ice pullback typically peaks, experts said yesterday.”
Oh, that’s right, you don’t respond to facts, you only spew foolishness
Go Mow the Lawnspews:
I give you Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Chuckie Krauthammer, David Brooks, Bill O’Reilly, Laura Ingram, Hugh Hewit, Ann Coulter, Vicky D. Hanson, Ann Althouse, Michelle Malkin, and a host of others.
Krauthammer: MD from Harvard Medical School, First Amendment Award winner from the famously Liberal People for the American Way, Science Adviser in the Carter Administration and, later, speechwriter to Vice President Walter Mondale, Pulitzer Prize winner
O’Reilly: Master’s in Broadcast Journalism from Boston University and another Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, multiple best selling author
Coulter: Cornell Cum Laude graduate; Law Review editor 8th Circuit Court of Appeals law clerk, lawyer of distiction, Muptiple best selling author
Ingraham: Supreme Court Law Clerk, former MSNBC host
Hewitt: Law Professor
Brooks: Author, journalist, Visiting Professor at Duke, Analyst for NPR
Hanson: former college professor, scholar of ancient warfare and languages
Althouse: Law Professor
Malkin: journalist 15 years, including Seattle
Limbaugh: miserable educational background, failed husband, wildly successful talk show host and 4x Marconi Award recipient, multi-millionaire, has raised over $15 MILLION for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Hannity: miserable education background, 2 popular TV shows, radio program heard on 400+ stations, author
Yes, I can sure see how you would confuse those folks of accomplishment with your Paris Hilton.
All. Deeply. Flawed.
Pfft. Who isn’t?
Go Mow the Lawnspews:
than in any other summer since satellite tracking began in 1979
yoohoo… do you happen to notice a tiny little problem there?
How much money do you think you funneled to Al Qaeda while you were spewing all that C-O2 in the air?
Start riding a bike and stop funding extremists in the middle east (and in the white house) with your driving habits.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Whitewater: Using Judges and Prosecutors To Manipulate An Election
A journalist reveals that partisan judges and DOJ officials protected lying witnesses and threatened an honest U.S. Attorney for refusing to investigate Whitewater before the ’92 election. Robert Parry writes:
“The pre-election probe was stopped by Charles Banks, a Republican U.S. attorney in Little Rock who concluded that the Bush administration wanted … an investigation so … embarrassing news could be leaked about Clinton and used to reelect George H.W. Bush. The prosecutor refused to go along.
” … [T]he possibility that the federal Whitewater probe may have started as a political dirty trick aimed at fixing a presidential election was never seriously pursued by [special prosecutor Robert] Ray or his predecessor Kenneth Starr …. They focused instead on whether Banks and others who resisted the investigation had obstructed justice.
“The origins of the federal Whitewater investigation date back to summer 1992 when a Resolution Trust Corp. investigator named Jean Lewis drafted a criminal referral …. Lewis, who considered herself a conservative Republican and privately described Clinton as a ‘lying bastard,’ … soon began pestering the FBI in Little Rock to pursue her referral.
“To avoid political manipulation of the case, Banks and local FBI officials decided that no investigation should be started until after the November presidential election. … Banks, a Republican who did not consider himself a friend of Bill Clinton and opposed Clinton’s political views, rejected a pre-election probe ….
“Within weeks … Banks felt he was under mounting pressure to begin a pre-election investigation. On Oct. 16, Banks fired back a memo refusing to do so. … He added that he considered the referral an attempt to influence the election and that to do so would be ‘prosecutorial misconduct.’
” … [T]he Republican-dominated three-judge panel that set the parameters for the Whitewater investigation never authorized a look into the possible political origins of the case. The panel, headed by conservative U.S. Appeals Court Judge David Sentelle, a protégé of Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., did not permit an examination of the possibility that the original Whitewater criminal referral was part of a political dirty trick to ensure the reelection of George H.W. Bush … the Whitewater prosecutors were authorized only to investigate ‘whether before or after the 1992 election of President Clinton, any action that had the effect of delaying or impeding the investigation could raise the question of whether anyone in the Department of Justice unlawfully obstructed the investigation,’ the report said.
“In other words, the Bush administration was never under investigation for instigating a politically motivated – and potentially illegal – criminal probe of the Clintons, as Banks and the Little Rock FBI officials suspected. Rather, Banks was under investigation for possibly obstructing justice when he refused to play along. …
“In the end, however, the prosecutors chose not to pursue Banks and the other Little Rock investigators who had gotten in the way. ‘The evidence was insufficient to prove that any Department of Justice official … intended to delay or impede the investigation of the RTC’s criminal referral,’ the report said.”
(Robert Parry is an investigative journalist who, as a correspondent for Associated Press and Newsweek, broke many of the stories about the Iran-contra scandal.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There was a Whitewater scandal, all right, but the real scandal is how the elder Bush and his underlings abused the nation’s judicial and law enforcement offices for partisan gain. This crap didn’t start with his son.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “Fame does not equal knowledge.”
I never said it does, you stupid shit. I said she’s famous because of her knowledge.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “your assertion that she knows more than me is wishful”
A safe assertion, because a ladybug knows more than you. Hell, a clod of dirt knows more than you. You’re a wingnut know-nothing. If it’s possible to know LESS than nothing, that’s you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 (continued) If Paris Hilton is so dumb, how come she’s richer than you? Not because she’s an heiress; her grandfather stripped her of her trust fund, which is now going to charity. She makes over $5 million a year on her own — from her product lines, professional activities, and business ventures.
I see in today’s news that Russia has resumed nuclear bomber flights. Waytago wingnutz!!! Thanks for antagonizing Putin, idiots.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 So what? Dickey Pope and Ted Bundy did well at U.W. Law School. Paper credentials are not an accurate predictor of civic responsibility or future success.
@19 Like father (and grandfather for that matter) like son, huh.
can we get MTR thrown in jail for funding terrorism with all the driving around in his SUV that he does?
Go Mow the Lawnspews:
#11, you don’t know that she is, but for a fact you hope that she is.
I’m curious, do you guppies have to prove your deftness with subject changing, obfuscation and insult before you’re awarded your lunatic liberal ID card and decoder ring or do they just give them to any old fool who proves to be one?
His SUV is bullshit. He can’t afford to pay 100$ gambling debt, you think he has an SUV????
Does MTR strike you in any way as being capable of affording a “Luxury SUV”????
I sure as hell don’t think so.
He can’t have title to ANY car until he gets out of the 8th grade, and that’s not likely to happen for a few years.
Since he condones dog torture, I hope he gets run over by a “Luxury SUV”.
Mark, muscles bulging, peks visible under the tattered twin-tower Tshirt, opens the door of his Lincoln Navigator BLACK Hummer H2, and enters the driver’s side.
The Hummer humms , engine starting as the slim, sliver of pocket hot metal enters the exposed seemingly hungry, well lubed keyslot. Mark pulls the seatbelt around his heaving chest, biceps gleaming and inserts it decisively in the slot, pffft. Svvvfffft … the sound of webbing being slashed at the 12 inch Bowie knife cuts through the troublesome webbing, the motor growls and smoothly, as if covered with a wine flavored lubricant, the BLACK vehicle pulls free of its too small garage.
The H2 seems to grow as it backs off, emerges onto the street and thrusts its way into traffic. In no time, MTR is on the freeway autobahn, silent but for the steady growl of 473 horses and air slipping by the rough cut surfaces … feminine, svelte Ferrari, the H2 is a man’s car.
For the next thirty minutes the movie screen focuses on Mark’s wind burned face, behind the deep blue ovals of his almost feminine, too small sunglasses. With intense concentration, MTR thrusts the wheel first to the right, then the left, right, left, right left, and the H2 responds .. surging to one then the other side. The BLACK car and white driver seem to almost fly down the precise, smooth surface of the endless roadway.
Then, the film goes black and we segue to a tired Mark, still in the tattered t shirt but now supported by pillows, sweaty, sitting up in the rumpled, beer stained bed, eyes closed, breathing deep, lazy smoke rising from the Camel cigarette loosely held between his wet lips.
I think I’m having Radio Goldy withdrawal. Football on KIRO. Reefer addicts running the blog. Stimulating conversations like these. Then this headline. Fer cripesakes, yer killin’ me here!
What am I supposed to do, go out Saturday nights? Socialize?
Liberals: Gave us the Constitution, Bill of Rights, free speech, free press, freedom of religion, and due process of law.
Wingnuts: Imprison people without charges, trial, or access to a lawyer; condone and encourage torture and murder of innocent foreigners; attack critics of corruption and incompetence; spy on your medical, financial, employment, school, library, phone, and internet records without noticel, warrant, or judicial oversight.
Liberals: Gave us the 40-hour work week, overtime pay, minimum wage, child labor laws, workplace safety laws, injured workers benefits, unemployment insurance, collective bargaining, G.I. Bill, veterans benefits, Social Security and Medicare.
Wingnuts: Oppose minimum wage, overtime pay, unemployment benefits, Social Security, Medicare, worker safety regulations, injured workers’ benefits; want to expand “right to work” anti-union laws to all 50 states. Tried to eliminate combat pay for soldiers in Iraq; tightened eligibility for V.A. health care. Gave $540 billion of taxpayer-financed subsidies to the HMO and drug industries in the guise of helping senior citizens with drug costs, while demanding laws making it illegal for seniors to buy drugs at lower cost in Canada or use group purchasing power to bargain for lower drug prices. Made energy policy in secret, followed by unprecedented price increases for electricity, natural gas, and gasoline.
Liberals: Gave us free public education, the cornerstone of our democracy and economic prosperity.
Wingnuts: Want to divert public education funds to private schools without accountability; policies emphasize testing instead of learning.
Liberals: Gave us consumer protection laws, public health programs, and environmental laws that clean up the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Winuts: Want to take away consumers’ right to sue manufacturers and distributors of dangerous products. Slashed funding for federal meat inspection. Weakened Clean Air and Clean Water acts, slashed funding for toxic cleanups, and shifted cleanup costs from polluters to taxpayers. Ordered EPA to suppress data about toxic air at WTC disaster site. Global warming deniers. Want to clear cut roadless areas and eliminate Endangered Species Act. Recently, 65 prominent scientists including 20 Nobel laureates publicly criticized Bush administration’s manipulation of scientific data for political purposes.
Who votes for Republican?
* Ignorant, uneducated people who are uninformed about issues.
* Militarists who pervert the flag and patriotism to justify an aggressive foreign policy that relies on military force to impose their imperialist agenda on other nations.
* Religious zealots intolerant of other religions and cultures who want the government to teach (their) religion in public schools and to replace our religion-neutral government with a theocracy.
* People who want to arm the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, and other hate groups with assault weapons designed for military use.
* Crooked CEOs who want a free pass to steal from their employees and retirees, shareholders, and the public.
And you call liberals lunatics? Liberals are intelligent, public-spirited people who believe in government for the common good; wingnuts are selfish bastards who use government for their own personal gain (and to hell with everyone else).
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’d sure as hell rather live under a liberal government than a wingnut/fascist one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans = fascists
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 If the average IQ of a Ph.D. is 105 we’re in trouble.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 Click on link to see photo of me saving America from fascism.
I’m buying you a beer on Tuesday. Very nice.
The Guy With No Carspews:
Basically, he’s upset because the people we listen to and respect are smarter, better educated, have better policies, and are more patriotic than the people he listens to and respects. Theirs TELL him what to think and what to do. Ours lay out the facts and let us decide for ourselves.
I suppose when you lay out the facts and let people choose for themselves, it’s hard for them not to be liberal. After all, reality has a well-known liberal bias.
The Guy With No Carspews:
Buy him one for me too. I’ll have George Soros wire you the money.
The Guy With No Carspews:
53 ctd
But what do you expect from a guy who says “go mow the lawn” when it’s raining out?
The Guy With No Carspews:
Keep his posts around. They’ll be used in evidence at the trial.
Most of the wingnuts around here are doing a very good job preparing themselves to be able to plead insanity.
The Guy With No Carspews:
That’s fine too, we’ll just park them in the State Home for the Criminally Bewildered and let them think Bush is still in charge, the surge will work, global warming will turn the entire planet into Miami and trickle-down economics is a valid way to run an economy.
Considering their tendencies toward solipsism, they probably won’t even notice the difference.
Daddy Lovespews:
Yes, Ann Coulter, who told Mchael Isikoff in an interview (regarding Paula Jones, whom she advised): “We were terrified that Jones would settle. It was contrary to our purpose of bringing down the President.”
A true role model for all.
SeattleJew answered:
Liberals gave us segregation
Kennedy, King, Johnson
SeattleJew: You need to speak to a black man before you run off the cliff and make a fool of yourself. Usually you are even handed and level headed but yesterday you crapped and stepped in it!
Ahhhh yes, I covered this weeks ago but to the libtard mind, fact hurt the single cell organism and forgets facts after 24 hours.
President JFK thought MLK was a rabble rouser and ignored MLK requests in 1961 and 1962. President JFK ordered his brother, Atty Gen’l RFK, to bug (facilitated by homo FBI Head JEHoover) MLK and his bedroom antics with other women while doing his civil rights travels. These peccadilloes were played to librul masturbatory enjoyment years later.
When Eugene Bull Connor used the bath cleansing method of high pressure fire hoses, JFK decided those pictures being sent around the world needed to stop so he mobilized the National Guard.
– Don’t take my word for it look it up.
Johnson couldn’t get the Senate Democrats to support Civil or Voting Rights Act support from the Robert KKK 3 Sheets Byrd or Abert I’m a Racist Gore Sr and his pals. So he had to lean on Ill Senator Everett Dirksen to deliver the Republicans to approve both measures.
– Don’t take my word for it look it up.
In the Word of Carl the Left Foot – Moe-ron!
Please leave Black History to people who know it and lived it!
Um, jackass, SeattleJew spends more time every week talking to leaders in the black community than you have in your entire life.
In fact, I’d like to propose something. You should show up and debate SeattleJew about issues facing the black community today. SeattleJew can invite all of the black leaders in Seattle that he knows and then you could present your views about how the Democrats of the 1960s were so terrible. I’ll make sure I have a video camera with me so we can post the footage of you crapping yourself on YouTube.
You may think you know it, but I’m SURE you haven’t lived it, and why would you think we regard you as rational, much less authoritative? Your constant diarrhea here has established your lack of credibility quite well. Rants have consequences.
@33 I agree. MTR is a joke. Sorry.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 “Liberals gave us hate America first”
This is one of those things that went through the Wingnutizer.
Original (liberal) version: America is the best country on earth to live in, but let’s try to make it even better, by identifying things we can improve.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: People who want to improve America are America haters.
@38 headupasslucy:
140 I.Q.? You? Don’t make me laugh. Those online IQ tests are hardly legitimate. And, it’s very clear to any sane member of society that reads your delusional posts that you are closer to 80 at best. Keep thinkin’ yer one of them fancy book-learned people and that your trailer is a real house though if it makes you feel better about yourself. I’m typing this real slow, because I know you can’t read fast. Good luck with that head of yours though-it must hurt to have something that big up your a**.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 “Liberals gave us whining and cheating and lying. Liberals gave us personal destruction politics”
This went through the Wingnutizer, too.
Original version: Dino Rossi, Karl Rove, and Rush Limbaugh are wingnuts.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: Dino Rossi, Karl Rove, and Rush Limbaugh are liberals.
Johnson couldn’t get the Senate Democrats to support Civil or Voting Rights Act.
And Johnson was responsible for segregation?
So he had to lean on Ill Senator Everett Dirksen to deliver the Republicans to approve both measures.
Why did he have to “lean”?
Pwhacko, a white southerner got civil and voting rights laws over the goal post. The man was a Dem. All the racists fled to YOUR party and took it over!
I’ll say it again – SOUTHERN STRATEGY!
You’re in bed with them! How does it feel?
Lee: Hmmm… I might take you up on that. If I wasn’t shouted down by most of them when they disagree with the presenter. Naaaaah, on second thought why put myself in that cauldron of lunacy!
But first let’s dissect your comments.
Um, jackass, SeattleJew spends more time every week talking to leaders in the black community than you have in your entire life.
Leaders of the Seattle Black Community: You mean the head of the Seattle NAACP – Yeah start with Carl Mack
He said some of the same things I’ve said on ASSWipers for a while. Let me refresh your small single cell memory organism – He said King County (run by Ron Tax to the Max Sims and other Moonbat!tic types) doesn’t give black contractors a “legitimate opportunity” for public works, and the Democratic Party takes the black vote for granted.
Now what did Howard Dean say? Remember him?
“People say the Democratic Party has taken the African-American vote for granted. I think there’s some truth to that…If the Democratic Party is going to compete, we have to talk about things people are interested in. We have to talk about core issues for everybody in America.”
Soooooooooooooo Lee what am I saying wrong here.
Now remember the Robert Thomas and Shawn Maxwell shootings? Do you remember the inflammatory comments from Carl Mack? I remember them…
Chadt is ignored as he’s just an ASS!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 “Liberals gave us coddling the criminal and vilifying the victim”
Uh-oh! Another “Wingnutizered” phrase!
Original (liberal) version: The abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison (over 90% of whom were innocent Iraqi civilians arrested by mistake, according to the International Red Cross) was illegal and immoral.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: Joseph Darby (the soldier whistleblower who revealed the abuse) is a traitor who deserves to be killed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 “Liberals gave us killing the helpless”
Original (liberal) version: Government should not interfere with people’s reproductive choices.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: Killing fetuses is bad, killing people is good!
Take some Immodium for your “bullshittium”, Puddium.
It’ll make us feel better.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 “Liberals gave us nanny state”
Original (liberal) version: Spending tax money to help poor people is good, giving tax money to rich corporations is bad.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: Giving tax money to rich corporations is good, helping poor people is bad!
YLB – Cluelessman – I posted three different historical perspectives on the VRA and CRA passages. I posted the votes of the Repub and Moonbat! Senators. All the Nays were Racist Donk like Robert KKK Klegle Byrd Richard Brevard Russell, and Albert S. Gore Sr.
Apparently these facts must have hurt your little libtard mind cuz you are still drinking the kool-aid.
Leaning on Ill Senator Dirksen – Means you moe-ron that his party couldn’t deliver the votes for the two bills so he leaned on Republicans to deliver the votes for passage.
As I always stated YLB-Cluelessman you chose your original name Clueless because God knew your from before you were born.
At least big, brave Marky isn’t threatening to beat you up.
Maybe you should try harder.
It’s fun to watch him hiss….
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 “Liberals gave us spit on soldiers”
Original (liberal) version: We oppose the war, and support the warriors.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: If you criticize the administration that cuts combat pay and veterans benefits, dumps wounded soldiers into mold-infested slums, and refuses to award medals for bravery, you hate the troops!!!
Chadt: What did I post that’s BULLSHITTIUM? Nothing.
What have you said today that’s of any importance? Nothing.
Why is it you NEVER add anything to any conversation except pouring gasoline onto the conflagration?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 “reality has a liberal bias”
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@77 At the heart of every wingnut argument is a falsehood.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 “Yes, Ann Coulter, who told Mchael Isikoff in an interview (regarding Paula Jones, whom she advised): “We were terrified that Jones would settle. It was contrary to our purpose of bringing down the President.”
This, by itself, is all it would take to disbar Coulter. A lawyer is supposed to work for her client’s best interests, not exploit her client for ulterior purposes. The relevant licensing organization also could get her for impeding the orderly administration of justice. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget that she also violated a lawyer’s duty of honesty when she committed felony voting fraud in Florida.
Now Lee: Let’s talk about Carl Mack’s successor Alfoster Garrett. He blew it on the Kent Situation!
@68 Leaders of the Seattle Black Community: You mean the head of the Seattle NAACP – Yeah start with Carl Mack
Carl Mack is no longer the head of the Seattle NAACP. James Bible is.
Soooooooooooooo Lee what am I saying wrong here.
What you’re saying wrong is that Democrats of the 1960’s supported segregration. They did not. They ended it. And apparently you’re too much of a chickenshit to publicly say this in a debate in front of Seattle’s black community. That says volumes. You are a dickless coward who can only say this stuff from the anonymity of a pseudonym. If you want to prove yourself, take off your diaper and agree to debate SeattleJew (or me if you prefer) publicly on this issue, in front of members of Seattle’s black community.
I’m the jester here, Puddy. It’s my job to point out when you’re too full of yourself.
In your case, it’s exhausting, but somebody’s gotta do it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 “When Eugene Bull Connor used the bath cleansing method of high pressure fire hoses, JFK decided those pictures being sent around the world needed to stop so he mobilized the National Guard.”
Looks like the Wingnutizer is back in action!
Original (liberal) version: JFK mobilized the National Guard to stop Bull Connor from assaulting civil rights marchers with fire hoses.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: JFK is a racist because he interfered with a kindly southern white sheriff who gave some smelly colored folks a much-needed bath.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 “I’m typing this real slow”
Now isn’t it just like a wingnut to confuse his typing with other people’s reading speed!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 Now isn’t it just like a wingnut to confuse his typing speed with other people’s reading speed!
Roger Rabbitspews:
this blog needs an edit function
Roger Rabbitspews:
JCH is a Nazi
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 “If I wasn’t shouted down by most of them when they disagree with the presenter.”
Yeah, puddinghead, I see your point. Yep, I can understand why a black audience might shout down an Uncle Tin Pan like you.
Yeah, there’s a few I’d edit…out. Like anything with a \, or MTR, but who the hell is “JCH”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@81 See @78.
And who the hell is “Tin Pan”? Sounds Asian to me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@89 JCH was like an overflowing toilet until he became the first and only poster to get banned from HorsesAss.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And believe me, you have to work at it to get banned from HA. The fact pudwhacker and MTR are still posting here should give you a clue about what JCH was like.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@91 Tin Pan is a loudly banging metal lid.
Lee: If I would attended a Seattle NAACP meeting and if was civil and open to full disclosure and discussion I WOULD attend.
But, I have seen the Julian Bond types in action when I was in Atlanta a few years ago. And… I remember how Julian treated Kweisi and fired him.
What I said was Democratic Senators in the 60s supported segregation. What I said was JFK had RFK tell JEH to bug MLK. Read the historical facts Lee. You have internal access to the ASSWipe archives. Perform an SQL search.
94 cool. What kind of metal is Puddy?
Lee, I know Mr Bible is the new head of the Seattle NAACP. I was giving you historical perspective to PROVE I have been paying attention to black issues in Seattle. I have black attorney friends who are involved with the NAACP.
We disagree on politics but agree the white man doesn’t care about us!
Chadt: I am 600 series Stainless Steel.
Highly impervious to almost all of the acidic BULLSHITTIUM spewed on ASSWipes except to the racist commentary of headlice loocie.
BTW Lee I’m sure the Seattle Chapter of the NAACP would heartily approve of how ASSIE Voice dealt with the commentary of headlice loocie Sept 9-15 2005, and the recent commentary of Magic Johnson’s Development Corporation.
Lee: If I would attended a Seattle NAACP meeting and if was civil and open to full disclosure and discussion I WOULD attend.
Open to full disclosure and discussion? What the hell does that mean?
I actually agree with some of the statements you’ve posted about how the black community is failed by the Democratic Party. In fact, I said that in a post on the main page not too long ago. But that’s beside the original point. You challenged the notion that LBJ and JFK were not opponents of segregation, and that’s simply not correct. If you have any interest in dealing with reality on this topic, you can listen to a speech by JFK here
In the speech, he calls segregation immoral. LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act and continued the dismantling of this country’s ugly history of racial segregation.
Next time, SeattleJew and I attend a meeting with a black organization, you’ll be invited.
Once you read these books it becomes very clear that neither Kennedy were not terribly interested in Civil Rights when John became president in 1961 and Robert became Attorney General. They certainly didn’t do much with Martin Luther King from 1961 and 1962.
Robert later told the truth in an interview given in 1964 that JFK was only elected because of the deals they had done with racist politicians from the Deep South such as Richard Russell, James Eastland and Helman Talmadge (all donkocrapts). RFK confesses that JFK was forced into taking action on civil rights with Eugene Bull Connor.
What matters more, the position someone ended up with, or the one they started with? Kennedy’s 180 on segregation was a major factor in bringing about its end. You are still dead wrong to challenge SeattleJew on his assertions that JFK and LBK were opponents of segregation.
Nearly all wealthy political figures of either party at that time didn’t give a rat’s ass about poor black people. The difference was that once JFK became President and had to deal with it, he began to do the right thing. For you to try to diminish that fact is embarrassing and I’m looking forward to you trying to do that in front of a black audience.
Mark The Redneck-Goldsteinspews:
New trend I guess… car reviews that include CO2 emissions. Here’s one for a car you moonbats could NEVER afford.
How many of you are fucking gullible enough to think this should be the primary criteria for deciding what car to drive?
As usual Pee-Dookie the aux-fay “Black Man” is completely full of shit.
…maybe he IS really brown.
Who knew.
Lee: if you look up LBJ and his early work in the Congress and Senate, you’ll determine he was no friend of civil rights. Look up who opposed the anti-lynching legislation in congress. You do know what lynching is right Lee?
You’ll find LBJ on the opposing side of the ledger!
The fucking Dixiecrats became fucking Republicans you moronic dumbass…
…you’re just as stupid and clueless as you were the last time I checked in here.
What is your fucking problem anyway?
Were you BORN this way or do you have to WORK at it?
Wow Lee, now there is a turn around.
Go back and review in the archives what I wrote. I wrote many times in their early federal careers JFK and RFK didn’t care about civil rights. Yes, later they did. But only after the Bull Connor hosing and the perceived world embarrassment. I have the historical facts as my argumentative basis. If SeattleJew took some time to review the facts he’d arrive to the same conclusions I have.
I liked your turnaround on the taking our votes for granted. When I can use Howard Dean to put forth my point Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa.
I hope it’s the latter.
I hate to think of someone “naturally stupid” like you running around in the general population.
A lot of superfluous name calling on this site. Anyone up for real, honest to goodness debate about the issues?
Why is it that the gov. needs to get involved in order to help the poor?
Why is it that Robert Byrd is still being elected Senator, year after year, with his past?
Why do Libs always resort to name calling when they start to lose a debate on issues?
-Conservative With Common Sense
Nice of one of the original Dull Knife gang, Rudejacks, to appear from his smelly hovel.
Rudejacks – Did James Eastland, Richard Russell, Robert Byrd or Albert Gore Sr become Republican?
You all like to throw Strom Thurmond into the mix. I never used Strom in any of my arguments on Civil Rights I put forth. NEVER.
Pud: A well funded Job Corps in ghetto neighborhoods would go a long way toward providing real opportunity for black youth.
There is one I can think of here inSeattle that already offers such a bootstrap type program: It’s called the Mason’s Union.
Beside the fun and hilarity of my “Johnson Development” joke, there lies a more serious question for you. How does a 15 screen movie theatre in the ghetto help the ghetto economically? It doesn’t. A “Johnson Development” penis enlarger factory producing a concrete and useful product, would help the ghetto’s economy.
@92 Roger Rodent:
And isn’t just like your typical hypocritial ways to accuse someone of ‘being and overflowing toilet’ about posts on here, when you sir are the very defintion of that yourself. Excessive you are, with substance you are not.
Again, look at what they did. LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act into law. By insisting that they supported segregation, YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT. The Democrats of the 1960s, under both Kennedy and Johnson, brought about the end of an era of segregation in this country. And as numerous people have pointed out to you, the racist individuals of the Democratic Party left because of it and are now Republicans, numbnuts.
Mark1: I agree Pellethead the Pelletizer is an overflowing toilet, but once in a while I agree with him on tax issues when he takes my side of the argument.
@116 A lot of superfluous name calling on this site. Anyone up for real, honest to goodness debate about the issues?
Why is it that the gov. needs to get involved in order to help the poor?
Why is it that Robert Byrd is still being elected Senator, year after year, with his past?
Why do Libs always resort to name calling when they start to lose a debate on issues?
The government needs to get involved to help the poor because in an interdependent modern society, many people don’t have the resources to provide for their own basic needs. If you want to read a more substantial explanation, I suggest you pick up “Rights of Man” by Thomas Paine. Much of the ideas he explains about social welfare were very integral to the thinking of many of our founding fathers.
Robert Byrd keeps getting elected because he brings home the pork. Despite what you’ve convinced yourself, people tend to like it when government spends money on the things they need.
Take a look at this comment thread and tell me that the name calling starts with the left-wing commenters. Are you kidding?
Once again, that’s irrelevant to whether Kennedy and Johnson were. You’re still WRONG about your original assertion. Just because you’re capable to typing something else that’s factually correct does not change the fact that you were full of shit in comment #60.
So effing what? The guy that mattered, LBJ, made it happen. And he was a Dem. Not a perfect individual for sure. You don’t think black people owe him anything?
Did James Eastland, Richard Russell, Robert Byrd or Albert Gore Sr become Republican?
Are any of these guys even alive? I don’t recall voting for them. Just because these guys were around at some time being obstructionist on social justice means I should be a Republican?
There it is in a nutshell. The conscience of a conservative paved the way for the Southern Strategy. Why did he make those arguments? Was he just following his conscience? Or did he just want some easy votes?
My comments after the one in #60 have not changed.
Prove what I wrote later is any different than what I wrote in 60 Lee.
I’ll wait around a little before I go to spend some money in our economy.
Clueless@126 I agree Robert Byrd is a living fossil!
Cluelessman@126. None of these “gentleman” above went to the Republican party EVER!
Lee: President Johnson only had 44 Donk Senators in favor of the bill while all 22 southern donk senators were against the bill, including the landmark people who NEVER SWITCHED PARTIES as YLB/Cluelessman loves to throw up here. It was the 27 Republicans Dirksen delivered that got it passed in the Senate.
Headless You asked how does a movie theater help the inner city economy. Well he provides over 100 full time jobs. Also he has Starbucks and TGI Friday’s as additional properties he builds.
WADR, I do not need to have a Black skin to have fouhgt with others for civil rights.
Yes, there IS hype and YES Kennedy could have been more aggressive. BUT, as cicl rigts came to be, UNDER Kennedy Johnson, the Pribrans used these issues to attract southern poor whites in a game of bait and switch that led to the Rovian party we all see in a mess now.
Also, well AFTER, the early battles were done, the Pribican party supported Strom Thurmond, the Southern tradition of lying the stars and bars, and appointed Unlce TomClarence Thomas to the seat once held by Thurgood Marshall.
I am hardly leftish (anymore) on civil rights issues, I support some of the more conservative movements in the Black community, but I have yet to meet a Black activist who thinks his her interests are supported by the GOP.
Look at the national roster and tell me of a Black leader .. someone respected by that community who wears an elephant pin.
What is your point? That Mack is an idealogue? OK, I think so to. That he is a Republican?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
SeattleJew My point of Mack to Lee was he said some of the same things I said regarding Donks taking our vote for granted and proved it when Howard Dean admitted it.
My other point is many blacks don’t know history just the outcome. I look at the history of our struggle too. I believe Donk smile in your face and stab you in the back room where you can’t enter.
I only rarely post here, but my friend Seattlejew asked my thoughts as a person lucky enough to be able to be where others do not notice me.
As I have no choice as a Pooka but to live somewaht concealed, I wonder about posters like yourself. You suggest you might be a Black person yourself, yet you don’t quite say it. Sounds Pookish to me! You aren’t a Pooka are you?
Harvey is asking a good question. Why not tell folks who you are, seems fair you are claiming a credential and not really a Pooka like Harvey!
Sure, there is along period of time where the Dems were on the wrong side. Have you also read about Abe Lincoln? The man who sent Blacks into slavery, fred the Southern blacks AFTER Jeff Davis had done so, etc/ By our logic, I assume you would have supported the stars and bars.
re 133: They are all low wage service jobs. A trained mason makes much more. Any hale and hearty black youth can apprentice himself TOMORROW and start at $11 an hour learning his trade.
Or, he or she can welcome theatre-goers, rip tickets, clean spills,or sell popcorn. Get serious. This is more about further enriching an already rich man than helping the black community.
Show me where all of the “Great Society” social entitlement programs have done any good to raise ANY color people up and out of poverty.
The Libs number #1 goal is to get as many people as possible to play the class/race card, remain in a perpetual state of blaming everyone else for their woes and convinced that only government can take care of them.
Seriously, this whole argument about who passed Civil Rights Laws is irrelevant! The D’s and Secular Progressives have done nothing but destroy the nuclear family and cause several generations now to be enslaved in poverty with no hope of lifting themselves up.
Give a man a fish……
Lucy, at least you’re bringing something to the table. The mason apprenticeship program sounds like a fantastic example of the private sector seeing a problem and providing something real and concrete towards solving it.
All the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons of the world see life through a different paradigm. The paradigm of victimhood. Until people in the black community decide that they are responsible for their own destinies, their’s will continue to be one of high out of wedlock birthrates, high crime and high poverty levels. Its a disgusting, ugly, vicious cycle….
Well. let’s see:
CWCS says:
A lot of superfluous name calling on this site. Anyone up for real, honest to goodness debate about the issues?
THEN says:
The Libs number #1 goal is to get as many people as possible to play the class/race card, remain in a perpetual state of blaming everyone else for their woes and convinced that only government can take care of them
Real. honest debate???
Fuck you and your hypocritical multiple personalities, loon.
You will have great difficulty proving that Byrd is a “living fossil” to me. As a former embalmer, I can tell you that there is nothing “living” about Byrd. I KNOW dead when I see it.
Fossilized fossil is a redundancy, so…
Perhaps “loon” should have been capitalized in CWCS’s case.
I apologize.
The Guy With No Carspews:
You also neglected to mention that before many of us were even born, Robert Byrd repudiated his ties with the KKK, came clean (as it were), allowed as how it was a terrible, terrible mistake to throw in with them, and has dedicated the rest of his life to serving all of the people of West Virginia, no matter what their color or background.
Righties keep bringing Byrd up for something he did over 50 years ago and has repudiated. Apparently, by their logic once you make a mistake there is no hope for forgiveness and you have to carry the scars of that mistake around for the rest of your life. This goes completely against the Christianity many of them claim to profess. God help them should they ever need mercy or redemption.
Chadt says:
“Fuck you and your hypocritical multiple personalities, loon.”
– I rest my case!
Can you actually counter anything I said in that statement you referenced?
Do you really believe the D’s provide a better alternative to bringing poor people up above the “poverty line”?
Can you name one social program that has actually succeeded in helping people to rise up and become successful? And i’m not talking about the occasional success story, rather a program that has succeeded for the majority of people it was designed to help.
Any government program that keeps people productively occupied when they cannot find work in the “private sector” is all to the good.
The CCC, for instance, taught many a young man in thr Depression era the basics of the construction trade. The military is a government program. State colleges and universities are public programs (at least they used to be). The GI Bill.Public Schools.
And countless others. Where’s your “private sector ” list?
#137&138: Seems Harvey talks to himself and I bet is really Headless Loocie.
I met GBS and he knows who I am. Have a great day.
Chadt: Do you realize what you are saying about the Donk who vote for Fossil Byrd and continue to hold him in high regard in the Senate?
There’s nothing perfect about the Democratic party.
But, then, compared to the alternative…….
Now just what do you find “amazing”?
You are aware that the majority of good jobs in this country are offered by small business, right?
People on the left tend to think of people such as Bill Gates as an evil corporate villain, willing to exploit the masses in order to pile up vast sums of money. Do you know how many millionaires he’s helped to create? People that turned around and used that money to either start their own business, creating even more good jobs, or just decided to make philanthropy a full time vocation.
Government’s purpose is NOT to provide jobs for people. It’s purpose is to provide security, infrastructure, essential services and a level playing field through minimal yet effective regulation. Nowhere in our constitution does it talk about taking money from some people and giving it to others, or creating jobs for the down-trodden.
America works best when the people are set free to pursue their dreams. Giving people money or jobs just creates dependency.
Of course, through that dependency the D’s can get more people to vote for their party in order to continue to receive their “free lunch”.
@153 There are a LOT of things NOT in the Constitution that have beocme law because we, the people want it so.
What the founder did agree on was that this was to be a land of equal opportunity. That is why many states already had public education systems, public libraries, land ownership systems.
You mention the level playing field, but aren’t we losing that in our more and more class ridden society? Doesn’t the high cost of modern health care deprive many of equal ability to compete in the free market? Do
Tell ya what I will do. I will willingly live in a society that simply offers all my brothers and sisters the same opportunity or even this approximation:
1. Educational opportunity should be based only on drive and ability. How do we pay for this w/o taxing the more affluent?
2. Freedom to work should not be limited by impostion of costs that hobble some Americans .. this includes housing, food and health care. How do we pay for this w/o taxing the more affluent?
3, Folks with more should pay a higher share since they cost more for society to support, How do we pay for this w/o taxing the more affluent?
1) Educational Opportunity is easy to pay for. We have so much waste in the AFL-CIO NEA right now a performance audit would blow the lid off of the waste.
2) How about looking at the existing programs first and performance audit them and determine what is needed instead of first taxing and then looking at what is needed.
What burns me up is the fact in ancient times, people had to glean their food. Today it’s a hand out for freebies. What happened to getting your house in order?
Folks with more cost society more? What is this mess?
SeattleJew, I’ll put my charitable contributions against yours ANYTIME!
re 153: “Nowhere in our constitution does it talk about taking money from some people and giving it to others,(nor does it forbid it)
or creating jobs for the down-trodden(giving public land to corporations to build railroads was for the express purpose of increasing business and jobs for the people. Why is corporate welfare always OK with you, but not helping people?).
America works best when the people are set free to pursue their dreams(Having less than 1% of the population own 90% of the property has the opposite effect). Giving people money or jobs just creates dependency (Well, then, let’s take some away from the 1 percenters and lessen their dependency).
Care to support your “1% owns 90%” statement with some facts?
Corporate welfare is NOT ok with me. Any kind of welfare is BS. The only kind I approve of is of the private charitable persuasion.
Your “nor does it forbid it” argument is specious. It also doesn’t forbid Flying in the nude while eating jello out of a stewardess’ bare navel, but that doesn’t mean its acceptable or even legal.
The top 5% of income earners in this country pay roughly 50% of the income tax already. When will you be satisfied? When they turn over all of their money to the government so that you can feel better about what you earn?
Your only argument seems to be one of jealousy as opposed to a rational, well thought out, supported by facts type of debate.
Seattle Jew,
Where in the world do come up with your “the affluent cost more to support” theory? Care to explain???
What are the costs that limit ones freedom to work? Don’t you agree that you are only limited by your drive and desire to get ahead? Is it a little harder for those of lesser means to get an education? I would say no. As the CO of my first submarine used to say when his sailors would explain why they couldn’t do something – “find a way – not a reason”. I have found that when I put serious effort into finding a way to accomplish something, there’s
pretty much nothing I can’t do. It is ALWAYS far easier to sit around and complain/blame others in order to evade the responsible choice. This country allows anyone that wants to, the opportunity to succeed. What is your excuse?
CWCS: It must mean the affluent cost more to support because their Carbon Footprint is large. Just ask Al Gore.
Assuming this is an open thread, I think folks here may be interested in this recent post. by Anne Rice, the vampire author. Ms. Rice now declare herself prolife, a democrat, and a supporter of Mrs. Clinton.
This is worth a read and illustrates what I think is a new alignment in American Politics, post Rove and pro reality. I hope Ms. Rice’s stand will be celebrated by others who do not need to narrowly define the party.
1: That falls into the category of “Who cares?”. Who or what Rice supports has about as much influence over thinking adults as Sean Penn or Bozo the Clown.
You liberals have to stop being naively influenced about things just because someone who is famous for being famous tells you to be.
Good God man, guppies have fallen out of favor: THINK FOR YOURSELF
You liberals have to stop
This is the wingnut philosophy in a nutshell. They want everyone to stop being themselves and jackboot to their loony discredited ideas.
Sorry we’re not going to stop. You’re going to have to live with it.
As for Anne Rice, she has made a principled stand. I don’t know if I agree with all of it but she’s made herself very clear and I think it’s worth a read.
I commend her for sharing this statement with her audience.
Geez, I feel really bad. I estimate that I “spewed” about 200 pounds of CO2 into the erf’s atmosphere today. Yesterday, I asked a few of you gullible moonbats to drive your Prius cars today to “offset” me.
Did any of you do it?
@2 mow
What is bothering you is that the mystery of where the demo voters went is now solved. They were Roved, that is misled into equating their religious beliefs with the beliefs of far right Publicans who have as much commitment to “life” as they do to “fairness.” Believing, as Ms. Rice does, in “life” is not a liberal or a conservative idea. BUT a Prexy who taxes the poor to enrich the rich and spends the national treasure on a war run wiht all the finesse of a high school pick up game.
They want everyone to stop being themselves and jackboot to their loony discredited ideas.
Except you aren’t being yourselves, are you? You’re being what Ann tells you to be, what goldy tells you to be, what Kos tells you to be, what Huffington tells you to be, what Colbert tells you to be, what Mike Moore tells you to be, ad infinitum.
When exactly does the BEING YOUSELVES part kick in?
I read the entire Rice statement… interesting line she’s trying to walk, but again, who cares?
She is deceiving herself if she truly believes that the party and the candidate that receives the highest ratings and greatest amounts of money from the promote abortion lobbies, groups and supporters will turn the tide for her. We’ve already seen that lobbyists own WA DC and that Hillary in particular has said she will not give up the money they give to influence her.
@2 Uhhm … there are reasons she’s famous … let’s start with the fact she knows more than you …
@5 “I estimate that I “spewed” about 200 pounds of CO2 into the erf’s atmosphere today.”
So you’re the thoughtless jerk responsible for the Cat 5 storms bearing down on Hawaii and the Caribbean … I thought so. Pay your fucking gambling debt, welsher.
@7 “Except you aren’t being yourselves, are you? You’re being what Ann tells you to be, what goldy tells you to be, what Kos tells you to be, what Huffington tells you to be, what Colbert tells you to be, what Mike Moore tells you to be, ad infinitum.”
Another example of wingnut mirroring. Just because you think like a robotic clone doesn’t mean we do.
WRONG! Fame does not equal knowledge. I give you Paris Hilton as the most recent example.
Rice may know more about getting books published, more about getting face time on TV, more abour vampires, but your assertion that she knows more than me is wishful thinking on your part because A: you have no idea what she knows on any other subject and B: you have no idea of the depth and breadth of my knowledge on any given subject.
You know here opionion and at the moment it happens to coincide with yours.
You’re being what Ann tells you to be
Nope. You’re saying that I’m like that and that’s typical of the authoritarian mindset that trolls like you represent.
“I give you Paris Hilton as the most recent example.”
So? And in turn, I give you Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Chuckie Krauthammer, David Brooks, Bill O’Reilly, Laura Ingram, Hugh Hewit, Ann Coulter, Vicky D. Hanson, Ann Althouse, Michelle Malkin, and a host of others.
All. Deeply. Flawed.
Holy Shit !!!!!!!! Looks like we’re on track to have a near normal hurricane season.
I sure don’t see much in the way of a string of terrible catastrophes as your gawd algore has predicted. http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0912-32.htm
Gullible fucking fools…
Hey MTR, here to tell lies again? Never responded in the past when caught. Hoping to stir things up?
Respond to this:
“The area of floating ice in the Arctic has shrunk more this summer than in any other summer since satellite tracking began in 1979, and it has reached that record point a month before the annual ice pullback typically peaks, experts said yesterday.”
Oh, that’s right, you don’t respond to facts, you only spew foolishness
I give you Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Chuckie Krauthammer, David Brooks, Bill O’Reilly, Laura Ingram, Hugh Hewit, Ann Coulter, Vicky D. Hanson, Ann Althouse, Michelle Malkin, and a host of others.
Krauthammer: MD from Harvard Medical School, First Amendment Award winner from the famously Liberal People for the American Way, Science Adviser in the Carter Administration and, later, speechwriter to Vice President Walter Mondale, Pulitzer Prize winner
O’Reilly: Master’s in Broadcast Journalism from Boston University and another Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, multiple best selling author
Coulter: Cornell Cum Laude graduate; Law Review editor 8th Circuit Court of Appeals law clerk, lawyer of distiction, Muptiple best selling author
Ingraham: Supreme Court Law Clerk, former MSNBC host
Hewitt: Law Professor
Brooks: Author, journalist, Visiting Professor at Duke, Analyst for NPR
Hanson: former college professor, scholar of ancient warfare and languages
Althouse: Law Professor
Malkin: journalist 15 years, including Seattle
Limbaugh: miserable educational background, failed husband, wildly successful talk show host and 4x Marconi Award recipient, multi-millionaire, has raised over $15 MILLION for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Hannity: miserable education background, 2 popular TV shows, radio program heard on 400+ stations, author
Yes, I can sure see how you would confuse those folks of accomplishment with your Paris Hilton.
All. Deeply. Flawed.
Pfft. Who isn’t?
than in any other summer since satellite tracking began in 1979
yoohoo… do you happen to notice a tiny little problem there?
How much money do you think you funneled to Al Qaeda while you were spewing all that C-O2 in the air?
Start riding a bike and stop funding extremists in the middle east (and in the white house) with your driving habits.
Whitewater: Using Judges and Prosecutors To Manipulate An Election
A journalist reveals that partisan judges and DOJ officials protected lying witnesses and threatened an honest U.S. Attorney for refusing to investigate Whitewater before the ’92 election. Robert Parry writes:
“The pre-election probe was stopped by Charles Banks, a Republican U.S. attorney in Little Rock who concluded that the Bush administration wanted … an investigation so … embarrassing news could be leaked about Clinton and used to reelect George H.W. Bush. The prosecutor refused to go along.
” … [T]he possibility that the federal Whitewater probe may have started as a political dirty trick aimed at fixing a presidential election was never seriously pursued by [special prosecutor Robert] Ray or his predecessor Kenneth Starr …. They focused instead on whether Banks and others who resisted the investigation had obstructed justice.
“The origins of the federal Whitewater investigation date back to summer 1992 when a Resolution Trust Corp. investigator named Jean Lewis drafted a criminal referral …. Lewis, who considered herself a conservative Republican and privately described Clinton as a ‘lying bastard,’ … soon began pestering the FBI in Little Rock to pursue her referral.
“To avoid political manipulation of the case, Banks and local FBI officials decided that no investigation should be started until after the November presidential election. … Banks, a Republican who did not consider himself a friend of Bill Clinton and opposed Clinton’s political views, rejected a pre-election probe ….
“Within weeks … Banks felt he was under mounting pressure to begin a pre-election investigation. On Oct. 16, Banks fired back a memo refusing to do so. … He added that he considered the referral an attempt to influence the election and that to do so would be ‘prosecutorial misconduct.’
” … [T]he Republican-dominated three-judge panel that set the parameters for the Whitewater investigation never authorized a look into the possible political origins of the case. The panel, headed by conservative U.S. Appeals Court Judge David Sentelle, a protégé of Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., did not permit an examination of the possibility that the original Whitewater criminal referral was part of a political dirty trick to ensure the reelection of George H.W. Bush … the Whitewater prosecutors were authorized only to investigate ‘whether before or after the 1992 election of President Clinton, any action that had the effect of delaying or impeding the investigation could raise the question of whether anyone in the Department of Justice unlawfully obstructed the investigation,’ the report said.
“In other words, the Bush administration was never under investigation for instigating a politically motivated – and potentially illegal – criminal probe of the Clintons, as Banks and the Little Rock FBI officials suspected. Rather, Banks was under investigation for possibly obstructing justice when he refused to play along. …
“In the end, however, the prosecutors chose not to pursue Banks and the other Little Rock investigators who had gotten in the way. ‘The evidence was insufficient to prove that any Department of Justice official … intended to delay or impede the investigation of the RTC’s criminal referral,’ the report said.”
(Robert Parry is an investigative journalist who, as a correspondent for Associated Press and Newsweek, broke many of the stories about the Iran-contra scandal.)
Quoted under fair use; for complete story see http://www.consortiumnews.com/2002/032202a.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There was a Whitewater scandal, all right, but the real scandal is how the elder Bush and his underlings abused the nation’s judicial and law enforcement offices for partisan gain. This crap didn’t start with his son.
@11 “Fame does not equal knowledge.”
I never said it does, you stupid shit. I said she’s famous because of her knowledge.
@11 “your assertion that she knows more than me is wishful”
A safe assertion, because a ladybug knows more than you. Hell, a clod of dirt knows more than you. You’re a wingnut know-nothing. If it’s possible to know LESS than nothing, that’s you.
@11 (continued) If Paris Hilton is so dumb, how come she’s richer than you? Not because she’s an heiress; her grandfather stripped her of her trust fund, which is now going to charity. She makes over $5 million a year on her own — from her product lines, professional activities, and business ventures.
Hilton has some problems, but dumb she is not.
@14 Whatsamatter, Cat 5 not big enough for ya?
@15 Redneck is a global warming denier. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20...../newsweek/
I see in today’s news that Russia has resumed nuclear bomber flights. Waytago wingnutz!!! Thanks for antagonizing Putin, idiots.
@16 So what? Dickey Pope and Ted Bundy did well at U.W. Law School. Paper credentials are not an accurate predictor of civic responsibility or future success.
@19 Like father (and grandfather for that matter) like son, huh.
can we get MTR thrown in jail for funding terrorism with all the driving around in his SUV that he does?
#11, you don’t know that she is, but for a fact you hope that she is.
I’m curious, do you guppies have to prove your deftness with subject changing, obfuscation and insult before you’re awarded your lunatic liberal ID card and decoder ring or do they just give them to any old fool who proves to be one?
His SUV is bullshit. He can’t afford to pay 100$ gambling debt, you think he has an SUV????
Does MTR strike you in any way as being capable of affording a “Luxury SUV”????
I sure as hell don’t think so.
He can’t have title to ANY car until he gets out of the 8th grade, and that’s not likely to happen for a few years.
Since he condones dog torture, I hope he gets run over by a “Luxury SUV”.
Dude, it’s a joke…
Rog is that you?
@5 MTR
Opening scene,
Mark, muscles bulging, peks visible under the tattered twin-tower Tshirt, opens the door of his
Lincoln NavigatorBLACK Hummer H2, and enters the driver’s side.The Hummer humms , engine starting as the slim, sliver of pocket hot metal enters the exposed seemingly hungry, well lubed keyslot. Mark pulls the seatbelt around his heaving chest, biceps gleaming and inserts it decisively in the slot, pffft. Svvvfffft … the sound of webbing being slashed at the 12 inch Bowie knife cuts through the troublesome webbing, the motor growls and smoothly, as if covered with a wine flavored lubricant, the BLACK vehicle pulls free of its too small garage.
The H2 seems to grow as it backs off, emerges onto the street and thrusts its way into traffic. In no time, MTR is on the
freewayautobahn, silent but for the steady growl of 473 horses and air slipping by the rough cut surfaces … feminine, svelte Ferrari, the H2 is a man’s car.For the next thirty minutes the movie screen focuses on Mark’s wind burned face, behind the deep blue ovals of his almost feminine, too small sunglasses. With intense concentration, MTR thrusts the wheel first to the right, then the left, right, left, right left, and the H2 responds .. surging to one then the other side. The BLACK car and white driver seem to almost fly down the precise, smooth surface of the endless roadway.
Then, the film goes black and we segue to a tired Mark, still in the tattered t shirt but now supported by pillows, sweaty, sitting up in the rumpled, beer stained bed, eyes closed, breathing deep, lazy smoke rising from the Camel cigarette loosely held between his wet lips.
The End
Roger’s girlfriend?
I think I’m having Radio Goldy withdrawal. Football on KIRO. Reefer addicts running the blog. Stimulating conversations like these. Then this headline. Fer cripesakes, yer killin’ me here!
What am I supposed to do, go out Saturday nights? Socialize?
re 16: The average IQ of a PhD is 105. That’s nothing compared to my 140.
Respect my authority.
I have a Master’s degree. I’m rilly, rilly smert!
@30 Liberals are lunatics, huh? Let’s see …
Liberals: Gave us the Constitution, Bill of Rights, free speech, free press, freedom of religion, and due process of law.
Wingnuts: Imprison people without charges, trial, or access to a lawyer; condone and encourage torture and murder of innocent foreigners; attack critics of corruption and incompetence; spy on your medical, financial, employment, school, library, phone, and internet records without noticel, warrant, or judicial oversight.
Liberals: Gave us the 40-hour work week, overtime pay, minimum wage, child labor laws, workplace safety laws, injured workers benefits, unemployment insurance, collective bargaining, G.I. Bill, veterans benefits, Social Security and Medicare.
Wingnuts: Oppose minimum wage, overtime pay, unemployment benefits, Social Security, Medicare, worker safety regulations, injured workers’ benefits; want to expand “right to work” anti-union laws to all 50 states. Tried to eliminate combat pay for soldiers in Iraq; tightened eligibility for V.A. health care. Gave $540 billion of taxpayer-financed subsidies to the HMO and drug industries in the guise of helping senior citizens with drug costs, while demanding laws making it illegal for seniors to buy drugs at lower cost in Canada or use group purchasing power to bargain for lower drug prices. Made energy policy in secret, followed by unprecedented price increases for electricity, natural gas, and gasoline.
Liberals: Gave us free public education, the cornerstone of our democracy and economic prosperity.
Wingnuts: Want to divert public education funds to private schools without accountability; policies emphasize testing instead of learning.
Liberals: Gave us consumer protection laws, public health programs, and environmental laws that clean up the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Winuts: Want to take away consumers’ right to sue manufacturers and distributors of dangerous products. Slashed funding for federal meat inspection. Weakened Clean Air and Clean Water acts, slashed funding for toxic cleanups, and shifted cleanup costs from polluters to taxpayers. Ordered EPA to suppress data about toxic air at WTC disaster site. Global warming deniers. Want to clear cut roadless areas and eliminate Endangered Species Act. Recently, 65 prominent scientists including 20 Nobel laureates publicly criticized Bush administration’s manipulation of scientific data for political purposes.
Who votes for Republican?
* Ignorant, uneducated people who are uninformed about issues.
* Militarists who pervert the flag and patriotism to justify an aggressive foreign policy that relies on military force to impose their imperialist agenda on other nations.
* Religious zealots intolerant of other religions and cultures who want the government to teach (their) religion in public schools and to replace our religion-neutral government with a theocracy.
* People who want to arm the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, and other hate groups with assault weapons designed for military use.
* Crooked CEOs who want a free pass to steal from their employees and retirees, shareholders, and the public.
And you call liberals lunatics? Liberals are intelligent, public-spirited people who believe in government for the common good; wingnuts are selfish bastards who use government for their own personal gain (and to hell with everyone else).
I’d sure as hell rather live under a liberal government than a wingnut/fascist one.
Republicans = fascists
@38 If the average IQ of a Ph.D. is 105 we’re in trouble.
@32 Click on link to see photo of me saving America from fascism.
@35 Click here for photo showing how MTR’s car alarm works. http://tinyurl.com/2sgoe2
Liberals gave us onerous taxes
Liberals gave us political correctness
Liberals gave us hate America first
Liberals gave us parades that “celebrate” perverted sexuality
Liberals gave us nanny state
Liberals gave us segregation
Liberals gave us killing the helpless
Liberals gave us coddling the criminal and vilifying the victim
Liberals gave us dictator worship
Liberals gave
usYOU white flags to wave.Liberals gave us spit on soldiers
Liberals gave us whining and cheating and lying.
Liberals gave us personal destruction politics
Liberals give us morons to mock
Liberals give us lunatics to laugh at
Liberals give us socialists to scorn
Liberals give us commies to condemn
@47 Wow … this is too much fun to pass up!
Liberals gave us onerous taxes
The US has about the lowest taxes of any industrialized nation, sespite having the highest defense expenditures by far
Liberals gave us political correctness
Alien and Sedition Act, John ADAMS
Liberals gave us hate America first
Which is why so few current Piblicans have served
Liberals gave us parades that “celebrate” perverted sexuality
nuns, bordelloes. Which set of Presidential candidates has the fewer divorces?
Liberals gave us nanny state
yup, ended the depression
Liberals gave us segregation
Kennedy, King, Johnson
Liberals gave us killing the helpless
indians, lynched blacks
Liberals gave us coddling the criminal and vilifying the victim
wall street, Bush admin, Libby, Enron
Liberals gave us dictator worship
Bush granddad, Lindberg support for Hitler
Liberals gave us YOU white flags to wave.
Roosevelt, Wilson, Truman vs. what wars have the Piblicans won?
Liberals gave us spit on soldiers
VA cuts, Bush-Chaney war hero records
Liberals gave us whining and cheating and lying.
Nixon, Chaney, Libby, Bush, Ollie North, Teapot Dome
Liberals gave us personal destruction politics
Atwater, ROVE, McCarthy, Nixon
Liberals give us morons to mock
creationists, Brownie,Gonzales
Liberals give us lunatics to laugh at
Pat Robertson, Rumsfeld, Star Wars
Liberals give us socialists to scorn
Chinese trade balance, health care system
Liberals give us commies to condemn
McCarthy, sending US jobs and debt to China, Castro came to power under ?
50 shorter:
Everything wingnuts blame on liberals, wingnuts are responsible for.
I’m buying you a beer on Tuesday. Very nice.
Basically, he’s upset because the people we listen to and respect are smarter, better educated, have better policies, and are more patriotic than the people he listens to and respects. Theirs TELL him what to think and what to do. Ours lay out the facts and let us decide for ourselves.
I suppose when you lay out the facts and let people choose for themselves, it’s hard for them not to be liberal. After all, reality has a well-known liberal bias.
Buy him one for me too. I’ll have George Soros wire you the money.
53 ctd
But what do you expect from a guy who says “go mow the lawn” when it’s raining out?
Keep his posts around. They’ll be used in evidence at the trial.
Most of the wingnuts around here are doing a very good job preparing themselves to be able to plead insanity.
That’s fine too, we’ll just park them in the State Home for the Criminally Bewildered and let them think Bush is still in charge, the surge will work, global warming will turn the entire planet into Miami and trickle-down economics is a valid way to run an economy.
Considering their tendencies toward solipsism, they probably won’t even notice the difference.
Yes, Ann Coulter, who told Mchael Isikoff in an interview (regarding Paula Jones, whom she advised): “We were terrified that Jones would settle. It was contrary to our purpose of bringing down the President.”
A true role model for all.
SeattleJew answered:
Liberals gave us segregation
Kennedy, King, Johnson
SeattleJew: You need to speak to a black man before you run off the cliff and make a fool of yourself. Usually you are even handed and level headed but yesterday you crapped and stepped in it!
Ahhhh yes, I covered this weeks ago but to the libtard mind, fact hurt the single cell organism and forgets facts after 24 hours.
President JFK thought MLK was a rabble rouser and ignored MLK requests in 1961 and 1962. President JFK ordered his brother, Atty Gen’l RFK, to bug (facilitated by homo FBI Head JEHoover) MLK and his bedroom antics with other women while doing his civil rights travels. These peccadilloes were played to librul masturbatory enjoyment years later.
When Eugene Bull Connor used the bath cleansing method of high pressure fire hoses, JFK decided those pictures being sent around the world needed to stop so he mobilized the National Guard.
– Don’t take my word for it look it up.
Johnson couldn’t get the Senate Democrats to support Civil or Voting Rights Act support from the Robert KKK 3 Sheets Byrd or Abert I’m a Racist Gore Sr and his pals. So he had to lean on Ill Senator Everett Dirksen to deliver the Republicans to approve both measures.
– Don’t take my word for it look it up.
In the Word of Carl the Left Foot – Moe-ron!
Please leave Black History to people who know it and lived it!
Um, jackass, SeattleJew spends more time every week talking to leaders in the black community than you have in your entire life.
In fact, I’d like to propose something. You should show up and debate SeattleJew about issues facing the black community today. SeattleJew can invite all of the black leaders in Seattle that he knows and then you could present your views about how the Democrats of the 1960s were so terrible. I’ll make sure I have a video camera with me so we can post the footage of you crapping yourself on YouTube.
You may think you know it, but I’m SURE you haven’t lived it, and why would you think we regard you as rational, much less authoritative? Your constant diarrhea here has established your lack of credibility quite well. Rants have consequences.
@33 I agree. MTR is a joke. Sorry.
@47 “Liberals gave us hate America first”
This is one of those things that went through the Wingnutizer.
Original (liberal) version: America is the best country on earth to live in, but let’s try to make it even better, by identifying things we can improve.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: People who want to improve America are America haters.
@38 headupasslucy:
140 I.Q.? You? Don’t make me laugh. Those online IQ tests are hardly legitimate. And, it’s very clear to any sane member of society that reads your delusional posts that you are closer to 80 at best. Keep thinkin’ yer one of them fancy book-learned people and that your trailer is a real house though if it makes you feel better about yourself. I’m typing this real slow, because I know you can’t read fast. Good luck with that head of yours though-it must hurt to have something that big up your a**.
@47 “Liberals gave us whining and cheating and lying. Liberals gave us personal destruction politics”
This went through the Wingnutizer, too.
Original version: Dino Rossi, Karl Rove, and Rush Limbaugh are wingnuts.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: Dino Rossi, Karl Rove, and Rush Limbaugh are liberals.
Johnson couldn’t get the Senate Democrats to support Civil or Voting Rights Act.
And Johnson was responsible for segregation?
So he had to lean on Ill Senator Everett Dirksen to deliver the Republicans to approve both measures.
Why did he have to “lean”?
Pwhacko, a white southerner got civil and voting rights laws over the goal post. The man was a Dem. All the racists fled to YOUR party and took it over!
I’ll say it again – SOUTHERN STRATEGY!
You’re in bed with them! How does it feel?
Lee: Hmmm… I might take you up on that. If I wasn’t shouted down by most of them when they disagree with the presenter. Naaaaah, on second thought why put myself in that cauldron of lunacy!
But first let’s dissect your comments.
Um, jackass, SeattleJew spends more time every week talking to leaders in the black community than you have in your entire life.
Leaders of the Seattle Black Community: You mean the head of the Seattle NAACP – Yeah start with Carl Mack
He said some of the same things I’ve said on ASSWipers for a while. Let me refresh your small single cell memory organism – He said King County (run by Ron Tax to the Max Sims and other Moonbat!tic types) doesn’t give black contractors a “legitimate opportunity” for public works, and the Democratic Party takes the black vote for granted.
Now what did Howard Dean say? Remember him?
“People say the Democratic Party has taken the African-American vote for granted. I think there’s some truth to that…If the Democratic Party is going to compete, we have to talk about things people are interested in. We have to talk about core issues for everybody in America.”
Soooooooooooooo Lee what am I saying wrong here.
Now remember the Robert Thomas and Shawn Maxwell shootings? Do you remember the inflammatory comments from Carl Mack? I remember them…
Chadt is ignored as he’s just an ASS!
@47 “Liberals gave us coddling the criminal and vilifying the victim”
Uh-oh! Another “Wingnutizered” phrase!
Original (liberal) version: The abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison (over 90% of whom were innocent Iraqi civilians arrested by mistake, according to the International Red Cross) was illegal and immoral.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: Joseph Darby (the soldier whistleblower who revealed the abuse) is a traitor who deserves to be killed.
@47 “Liberals gave us killing the helpless”
Original (liberal) version: Government should not interfere with people’s reproductive choices.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: Killing fetuses is bad, killing people is good!
Take some Immodium for your “bullshittium”, Puddium.
It’ll make us feel better.
@47 “Liberals gave us nanny state”
Original (liberal) version: Spending tax money to help poor people is good, giving tax money to rich corporations is bad.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: Giving tax money to rich corporations is good, helping poor people is bad!
YLB – Cluelessman – I posted three different historical perspectives on the VRA and CRA passages. I posted the votes of the Repub and Moonbat! Senators. All the Nays were Racist Donk like Robert KKK Klegle Byrd Richard Brevard Russell, and Albert S. Gore Sr.
Apparently these facts must have hurt your little libtard mind cuz you are still drinking the kool-aid.
Leaning on Ill Senator Dirksen – Means you moe-ron that his party couldn’t deliver the votes for the two bills so he leaned on Republicans to deliver the votes for passage.
As I always stated YLB-Cluelessman you chose your original name Clueless because God knew your from before you were born.
At least big, brave Marky isn’t threatening to beat you up.
Maybe you should try harder.
It’s fun to watch him hiss….
@47 “Liberals gave us spit on soldiers”
Original (liberal) version: We oppose the war, and support the warriors.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: If you criticize the administration that cuts combat pay and veterans benefits, dumps wounded soldiers into mold-infested slums, and refuses to award medals for bravery, you hate the troops!!!
Chadt: What did I post that’s BULLSHITTIUM? Nothing.
What have you said today that’s of any importance? Nothing.
Why is it you NEVER add anything to any conversation except pouring gasoline onto the conflagration?
@53 “reality has a liberal bias”
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
@77 At the heart of every wingnut argument is a falsehood.
@59 “Yes, Ann Coulter, who told Mchael Isikoff in an interview (regarding Paula Jones, whom she advised): “We were terrified that Jones would settle. It was contrary to our purpose of bringing down the President.”
This, by itself, is all it would take to disbar Coulter. A lawyer is supposed to work for her client’s best interests, not exploit her client for ulterior purposes. The relevant licensing organization also could get her for impeding the orderly administration of justice. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget that she also violated a lawyer’s duty of honesty when she committed felony voting fraud in Florida.
Now Lee: Let’s talk about Carl Mack’s successor Alfoster Garrett. He blew it on the Kent Situation!
I bet you didn’t know this organization existed!
Nuff SAID!
Leaders of the Seattle Black Community: You mean the head of the Seattle NAACP – Yeah start with Carl Mack
Carl Mack is no longer the head of the Seattle NAACP. James Bible is.
Soooooooooooooo Lee what am I saying wrong here.
What you’re saying wrong is that Democrats of the 1960’s supported segregration. They did not. They ended it. And apparently you’re too much of a chickenshit to publicly say this in a debate in front of Seattle’s black community. That says volumes. You are a dickless coward who can only say this stuff from the anonymity of a pseudonym. If you want to prove yourself, take off your diaper and agree to debate SeattleJew (or me if you prefer) publicly on this issue, in front of members of Seattle’s black community.
I’m the jester here, Puddy. It’s my job to point out when you’re too full of yourself.
In your case, it’s exhausting, but somebody’s gotta do it.
@60 “When Eugene Bull Connor used the bath cleansing method of high pressure fire hoses, JFK decided those pictures being sent around the world needed to stop so he mobilized the National Guard.”
Looks like the Wingnutizer is back in action!
Original (liberal) version: JFK mobilized the National Guard to stop Bull Connor from assaulting civil rights marchers with fire hoses.
(grind squawk screech clank)
Wingnutizer version: JFK is a racist because he interfered with a kindly southern white sheriff who gave some smelly colored folks a much-needed bath.
@65 “I’m typing this real slow”
Now isn’t it just like a wingnut to confuse his typing with other people’s reading speed!
@84 Now isn’t it just like a wingnut to confuse his typing speed with other people’s reading speed!
this blog needs an edit function
JCH is a Nazi
@68 “If I wasn’t shouted down by most of them when they disagree with the presenter.”
Yeah, puddinghead, I see your point. Yep, I can understand why a black audience might shout down an Uncle Tin Pan like you.
Yeah, there’s a few I’d edit…out. Like anything with a \, or MTR, but who the hell is “JCH”
@81 See @78.
And who the hell is “Tin Pan”? Sounds Asian to me.
@89 JCH was like an overflowing toilet until he became the first and only poster to get banned from HorsesAss.
And believe me, you have to work at it to get banned from HA. The fact pudwhacker and MTR are still posting here should give you a clue about what JCH was like.
@91 Tin Pan is a loudly banging metal lid.
Lee: If I would attended a Seattle NAACP meeting and if was civil and open to full disclosure and discussion I WOULD attend.
But, I have seen the Julian Bond types in action when I was in Atlanta a few years ago. And… I remember how Julian treated Kweisi and fired him.
What I said was Democratic Senators in the 60s supported segregation. What I said was JFK had RFK tell JEH to bug MLK. Read the historical facts Lee. You have internal access to the ASSWipe archives. Perform an SQL search.
94 cool. What kind of metal is Puddy?
Lee, I know Mr Bible is the new head of the Seattle NAACP. I was giving you historical perspective to PROVE I have been paying attention to black issues in Seattle. I have black attorney friends who are involved with the NAACP.
We disagree on politics but agree the white man doesn’t care about us!
Chadt: I am 600 series Stainless Steel.
Highly impervious to almost all of the acidic BULLSHITTIUM spewed on ASSWipes except to the racist commentary of headlice loocie.
BTW Lee I’m sure the Seattle Chapter of the NAACP would heartily approve of how ASSIE Voice dealt with the commentary of headlice loocie Sept 9-15 2005, and the recent commentary of Magic Johnson’s Development Corporation.
Lee: If I would attended a Seattle NAACP meeting and if was civil and open to full disclosure and discussion I WOULD attend.
Open to full disclosure and discussion? What the hell does that mean?
I actually agree with some of the statements you’ve posted about how the black community is failed by the Democratic Party. In fact, I said that in a post on the main page not too long ago. But that’s beside the original point. You challenged the notion that LBJ and JFK were not opponents of segregation, and that’s simply not correct. If you have any interest in dealing with reality on this topic, you can listen to a speech by JFK here
In the speech, he calls segregation immoral. LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act and continued the dismantling of this country’s ugly history of racial segregation.
Next time, SeattleJew and I attend a meeting with a black organization, you’ll be invited.
Democratic Senators in the 60s supported segregation.
And how many of them fled to the REPUBLICAN PARTY?
You keep denying that there are RACISTS IN YOUR PARTY!
And you saying they care about black folks? What have the R’s done for black folks since Raygun was Prez?
so he leaned on Republicans
What do you mean by this? Twisted arms, cut a deal?
Why didn’t the virtuous Republicans simply offered to help without coercion or anything in return?
And talk about Republicans! Remember Strom Thurmond Puddy?
I bet you loved that guy! Hell he brought yet another “love child” into this world.
JCH was like an overflowing toilet
LMAO! Roger you come up with the best. That’s as good a comparison to the wingnut drivel here as any I’ve seen.
Lee I am not disagreeing with you for JFK in 1963. But look at JFK before 1962.
Try reading Richard D. Mahoney’s Sons and Brothers (1999), http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF.....038;page=1
Harris Wofford’s Of Kennedys and Kings (1980) http://www.amazon.com/Kennedys.....038;sr=1-1
and Robert Kennedy’s In His Own Words (1988) http://www.amazon.com/Robert-F.....038;sr=1-4.
Once you read these books it becomes very clear that neither Kennedy were not terribly interested in Civil Rights when John became president in 1961 and Robert became Attorney General. They certainly didn’t do much with Martin Luther King from 1961 and 1962.
Robert later told the truth in an interview given in 1964 that JFK was only elected because of the deals they had done with racist politicians from the Deep South such as Richard Russell, James Eastland and Helman Talmadge (all donkocrapts). RFK confesses that JFK was forced into taking action on civil rights with Eugene Bull Connor.
YLB: Here is your hero Richard Russell:
YLB: Here is your hero James Eastland: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Eastland
What matters more, the position someone ended up with, or the one they started with? Kennedy’s 180 on segregation was a major factor in bringing about its end. You are still dead wrong to challenge SeattleJew on his assertions that JFK and LBK were opponents of segregation.
Nearly all wealthy political figures of either party at that time didn’t give a rat’s ass about poor black people. The difference was that once JFK became President and had to deal with it, he began to do the right thing. For you to try to diminish that fact is embarrassing and I’m looking forward to you trying to do that in front of a black audience.
New trend I guess… car reviews that include CO2 emissions. Here’s one for a car you moonbats could NEVER afford.
How many of you are fucking gullible enough to think this should be the primary criteria for deciding what car to drive?
As usual Pee-Dookie the aux-fay “Black Man” is completely full of shit.
…maybe he IS really brown.
Who knew.
Lee: if you look up LBJ and his early work in the Congress and Senate, you’ll determine he was no friend of civil rights. Look up who opposed the anti-lynching legislation in congress. You do know what lynching is right Lee?
You’ll find LBJ on the opposing side of the ledger!
The fucking Dixiecrats became fucking Republicans you moronic dumbass…
…you’re just as stupid and clueless as you were the last time I checked in here.
What is your fucking problem anyway?
Were you BORN this way or do you have to WORK at it?
Wow Lee, now there is a turn around.
Go back and review in the archives what I wrote. I wrote many times in their early federal careers JFK and RFK didn’t care about civil rights. Yes, later they did. But only after the Bull Connor hosing and the perceived world embarrassment. I have the historical facts as my argumentative basis. If SeattleJew took some time to review the facts he’d arrive to the same conclusions I have.
I liked your turnaround on the taking our votes for granted. When I can use Howard Dean to put forth my point Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa.
I hope it’s the latter.
I hate to think of someone “naturally stupid” like you running around in the general population.
A lot of superfluous name calling on this site. Anyone up for real, honest to goodness debate about the issues?
Why is it that the gov. needs to get involved in order to help the poor?
Why is it that Robert Byrd is still being elected Senator, year after year, with his past?
Why do Libs always resort to name calling when they start to lose a debate on issues?
-Conservative With Common Sense
Nice of one of the original Dull Knife gang, Rudejacks, to appear from his smelly hovel.
Rudejacks – Did James Eastland, Richard Russell, Robert Byrd or Albert Gore Sr become Republican?
You all like to throw Strom Thurmond into the mix. I never used Strom in any of my arguments on Civil Rights I put forth. NEVER.
He’s your strawman butthead!
Pud: A well funded Job Corps in ghetto neighborhoods would go a long way toward providing real opportunity for black youth.
There is one I can think of here inSeattle that already offers such a bootstrap type program: It’s called the Mason’s Union.
Beside the fun and hilarity of my “Johnson Development” joke, there lies a more serious question for you. How does a 15 screen movie theatre in the ghetto help the ghetto economically? It doesn’t. A “Johnson Development” penis enlarger factory producing a concrete and useful product, would help the ghetto’s economy.
@92 Roger Rodent:
And isn’t just like your typical hypocritial ways to accuse someone of ‘being and overflowing toilet’ about posts on here, when you sir are the very defintion of that yourself. Excessive you are, with substance you are not.
T-Y-P-I-N-G slow just for Roger.
@111 and @114
Again, look at what they did. LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act into law. By insisting that they supported segregation, YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT. The Democrats of the 1960s, under both Kennedy and Johnson, brought about the end of an era of segregation in this country. And as numerous people have pointed out to you, the racist individuals of the Democratic Party left because of it and are now Republicans, numbnuts.
Mark1: I agree Pellethead the Pelletizer is an overflowing toilet, but once in a while I agree with him on tax issues when he takes my side of the argument.
A lot of superfluous name calling on this site. Anyone up for real, honest to goodness debate about the issues?
Why is it that the gov. needs to get involved in order to help the poor?
Why is it that Robert Byrd is still being elected Senator, year after year, with his past?
Why do Libs always resort to name calling when they start to lose a debate on issues?
The government needs to get involved to help the poor because in an interdependent modern society, many people don’t have the resources to provide for their own basic needs. If you want to read a more substantial explanation, I suggest you pick up “Rights of Man” by Thomas Paine. Much of the ideas he explains about social welfare were very integral to the thinking of many of our founding fathers.
Robert Byrd keeps getting elected because he brings home the pork. Despite what you’ve convinced yourself, people tend to like it when government spends money on the things they need.
Take a look at this comment thread and tell me that the name calling starts with the left-wing commenters. Are you kidding?
Once again, that’s irrelevant to whether Kennedy and Johnson were. You’re still WRONG about your original assertion. Just because you’re capable to typing something else that’s factually correct does not change the fact that you were full of shit in comment #60.
So effing what? The guy that mattered, LBJ, made it happen. And he was a Dem. Not a perfect individual for sure. You don’t think black people owe him anything?
Did James Eastland, Richard Russell, Robert Byrd or Albert Gore Sr become Republican?
Are any of these guys even alive? I don’t recall voting for them. Just because these guys were around at some time being obstructionist on social justice means I should be a Republican?
There it is in a nutshell. The conscience of a conservative paved the way for the Southern Strategy. Why did he make those arguments? Was he just following his conscience? Or did he just want some easy votes?
My comments after the one in #60 have not changed.
Prove what I wrote later is any different than what I wrote in 60 Lee.
I’ll wait around a little before I go to spend some money in our economy.
Clueless@126 I agree Robert Byrd is a living fossil!
Cluelessman@126. None of these “gentleman” above went to the Republican party EVER!
Lee: Barely legible but readable. http://www.congresslink.org/civil/cr17.gif
Oh my NAACP Roy Wilkins:
Lee: President Johnson only had 44 Donk Senators in favor of the bill while all 22 southern donk senators were against the bill, including the landmark people who NEVER SWITCHED PARTIES as YLB/Cluelessman loves to throw up here. It was the 27 Republicans Dirksen delivered that got it passed in the Senate.
Headless You asked how does a movie theater help the inner city economy. Well he provides over 100 full time jobs. Also he has Starbucks and TGI Friday’s as additional properties he builds.
@60 Puddybud
WADR, I do not need to have a Black skin to have fouhgt with others for civil rights.
Yes, there IS hype and YES Kennedy could have been more aggressive. BUT, as cicl rigts came to be, UNDER Kennedy Johnson, the Pribrans used these issues to attract southern poor whites in a game of bait and switch that led to the Rovian party we all see in a mess now.
Also, well AFTER, the early battles were done, the Pribican party supported Strom Thurmond, the Southern tradition of lying the stars and bars, and appointed
Unlce TomClarence Thomas to the seat once held by Thurgood Marshall.I am hardly leftish (anymore) on civil rights issues, I support some of the more conservative movements in the Black community, but I have yet to meet a Black activist who thinks his her interests are supported by the GOP.
Look at the national roster and tell me of a Black leader .. someone respected by that community who wears an elephant pin.
@68 Puddybud
What is your point? That Mack is an idealogue? OK, I think so to. That he is a Republican?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
SeattleJew My point of Mack to Lee was he said some of the same things I said regarding Donks taking our vote for granted and proved it when Howard Dean admitted it.
My other point is many blacks don’t know history just the outcome. I look at the history of our struggle too. I believe Donk smile in your face and stab you in the back room where you can’t enter.
I only rarely post here, but my friend Seattlejew asked my thoughts as a person lucky enough to be able to be where others do not notice me.
As I have no choice as a Pooka but to live somewaht concealed, I wonder about posters like yourself. You suggest you might be a Black person yourself, yet you don’t quite say it. Sounds Pookish to me! You aren’t a Pooka are you?
Harvey is asking a good question. Why not tell folks who you are, seems fair you are claiming a credential and not really a Pooka like Harvey!
Sure, there is along period of time where the Dems were on the wrong side. Have you also read about Abe Lincoln? The man who sent Blacks into slavery, fred the Southern blacks AFTER Jeff Davis had done so, etc/ By our logic, I assume you would have supported the stars and bars.
re 133: They are all low wage service jobs. A trained mason makes much more. Any hale and hearty black youth can apprentice himself TOMORROW and start at $11 an hour learning his trade.
Or, he or she can welcome theatre-goers, rip tickets, clean spills,or sell popcorn. Get serious. This is more about further enriching an already rich man than helping the black community.
Show me where all of the “Great Society” social entitlement programs have done any good to raise ANY color people up and out of poverty.
The Libs number #1 goal is to get as many people as possible to play the class/race card, remain in a perpetual state of blaming everyone else for their woes and convinced that only government can take care of them.
Seriously, this whole argument about who passed Civil Rights Laws is irrelevant! The D’s and Secular Progressives have done nothing but destroy the nuclear family and cause several generations now to be enslaved in poverty with no hope of lifting themselves up.
Give a man a fish……
Lucy, at least you’re bringing something to the table. The mason apprenticeship program sounds like a fantastic example of the private sector seeing a problem and providing something real and concrete towards solving it.
All the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons of the world see life through a different paradigm. The paradigm of victimhood. Until people in the black community decide that they are responsible for their own destinies, their’s will continue to be one of high out of wedlock birthrates, high crime and high poverty levels. Its a disgusting, ugly, vicious cycle….
Well. let’s see:
CWCS says:
A lot of superfluous name calling on this site. Anyone up for real, honest to goodness debate about the issues?
THEN says:
The Libs number #1 goal is to get as many people as possible to play the class/race card, remain in a perpetual state of blaming everyone else for their woes and convinced that only government can take care of them
Real. honest debate???
Fuck you and your hypocritical multiple personalities, loon.
You will have great difficulty proving that Byrd is a “living fossil” to me. As a former embalmer, I can tell you that there is nothing “living” about Byrd. I KNOW dead when I see it.
Fossilized fossil is a redundancy, so…
Perhaps “loon” should have been capitalized in CWCS’s case.
I apologize.
You also neglected to mention that before many of us were even born, Robert Byrd repudiated his ties with the KKK, came clean (as it were), allowed as how it was a terrible, terrible mistake to throw in with them, and has dedicated the rest of his life to serving all of the people of West Virginia, no matter what their color or background.
Righties keep bringing Byrd up for something he did over 50 years ago and has repudiated. Apparently, by their logic once you make a mistake there is no hope for forgiveness and you have to carry the scars of that mistake around for the rest of your life. This goes completely against the Christianity many of them claim to profess. God help them should they ever need mercy or redemption.
Chadt says:
“Fuck you and your hypocritical multiple personalities, loon.”
– I rest my case!
Can you actually counter anything I said in that statement you referenced?
Do you really believe the D’s provide a better alternative to bringing poor people up above the “poverty line”?
Can you name one social program that has actually succeeded in helping people to rise up and become successful? And i’m not talking about the occasional success story, rather a program that has succeeded for the majority of people it was designed to help.
Any government program that keeps people productively occupied when they cannot find work in the “private sector” is all to the good.
The CCC, for instance, taught many a young man in thr Depression era the basics of the construction trade. The military is a government program. State colleges and universities are public programs (at least they used to be). The GI Bill.Public Schools.
And countless others. Where’s your “private sector ” list?
#137&138: Seems Harvey talks to himself and I bet is really Headless Loocie.
I met GBS and he knows who I am. Have a great day.
Chadt: Do you realize what you are saying about the Donk who vote for Fossil Byrd and continue to hold him in high regard in the Senate?
A change of pace for this evening.
Another change of pace for this evening:
Is Jose Padilla guilty?
There’s nothing perfect about the Democratic party.
But, then, compared to the alternative…….
Now just what do you find “amazing”?
You are aware that the majority of good jobs in this country are offered by small business, right?
People on the left tend to think of people such as Bill Gates as an evil corporate villain, willing to exploit the masses in order to pile up vast sums of money. Do you know how many millionaires he’s helped to create? People that turned around and used that money to either start their own business, creating even more good jobs, or just decided to make philanthropy a full time vocation.
Government’s purpose is NOT to provide jobs for people. It’s purpose is to provide security, infrastructure, essential services and a level playing field through minimal yet effective regulation. Nowhere in our constitution does it talk about taking money from some people and giving it to others, or creating jobs for the down-trodden.
America works best when the people are set free to pursue their dreams. Giving people money or jobs just creates dependency.
Of course, through that dependency the D’s can get more people to vote for their party in order to continue to receive their “free lunch”.
How did things get so screwed up????
@153 There are a LOT of things NOT in the Constitution that have beocme law because we, the people want it so.
What the founder did agree on was that this was to be a land of equal opportunity. That is why many states already had public education systems, public libraries, land ownership systems.
You mention the level playing field, but aren’t we losing that in our more and more class ridden society? Doesn’t the high cost of modern health care deprive many of equal ability to compete in the free market? Do
Tell ya what I will do. I will willingly live in a society that simply offers all my brothers and sisters the same opportunity or even this approximation:
1. Educational opportunity should be based only on drive and ability. How do we pay for this w/o taxing the more affluent?
2. Freedom to work should not be limited by impostion of costs that hobble some Americans .. this includes housing, food and health care. How do we pay for this w/o taxing the more affluent?
3, Folks with more should pay a higher share since they cost more for society to support, How do we pay for this w/o taxing the more affluent?
1) Educational Opportunity is easy to pay for. We have so much waste in the AFL-CIO NEA right now a performance audit would blow the lid off of the waste.
2) How about looking at the existing programs first and performance audit them and determine what is needed instead of first taxing and then looking at what is needed.
What burns me up is the fact in ancient times, people had to glean their food. Today it’s a hand out for freebies. What happened to getting your house in order?
Folks with more cost society more? What is this mess?
SeattleJew, I’ll put my charitable contributions against yours ANYTIME!
re 153: “Nowhere in our constitution does it talk about taking money from some people and giving it to others,(nor does it forbid it)
or creating jobs for the down-trodden(giving public land to corporations to build railroads was for the express purpose of increasing business and jobs for the people. Why is corporate welfare always OK with you, but not helping people?).
America works best when the people are set free to pursue their dreams(Having less than 1% of the population own 90% of the property has the opposite effect). Giving people money or jobs just creates dependency (Well, then, let’s take some away from the 1 percenters and lessen their dependency).
Care to support your “1% owns 90%” statement with some facts?
Corporate welfare is NOT ok with me. Any kind of welfare is BS. The only kind I approve of is of the private charitable persuasion.
Your “nor does it forbid it” argument is specious. It also doesn’t forbid Flying in the nude while eating jello out of a stewardess’ bare navel, but that doesn’t mean its acceptable or even legal.
The top 5% of income earners in this country pay roughly 50% of the income tax already. When will you be satisfied? When they turn over all of their money to the government so that you can feel better about what you earn?
Your only argument seems to be one of jealousy as opposed to a rational, well thought out, supported by facts type of debate.
Seattle Jew,
Where in the world do come up with your “the affluent cost more to support” theory? Care to explain???
What are the costs that limit ones freedom to work? Don’t you agree that you are only limited by your drive and desire to get ahead? Is it a little harder for those of lesser means to get an education? I would say no. As the CO of my first submarine used to say when his sailors would explain why they couldn’t do something – “find a way – not a reason”. I have found that when I put serious effort into finding a way to accomplish something, there’s
pretty much nothing I can’t do. It is ALWAYS far easier to sit around and complain/blame others in order to evade the responsible choice. This country allows anyone that wants to, the opportunity to succeed. What is your excuse?
CWCS: It must mean the affluent cost more to support because their Carbon Footprint is large. Just ask Al Gore.