I don’t disagree with the Seattle Times editorial board on this one, but it’s kind of a “duh-uh” moment:
We have been warned. State and local government, and even businesses, must be ready to respond to a bird-flu pandemic because the federal government says it can’t be relied on to deliver all necessary services in the event of “multiple simultaneous outbreaks.”
“Can’t” be relied on, and won’t provide an effective response, because the Bush administration simply does not believe that little things like public health and emergency management fall into the proper role of the federal government. Good thing then that our local leaders are so far out in front of this life and death issue.
Way back in September, King County Executive Ron Sims was the guest of honor at a fundraiser to benefit Red Cross relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Katrina. But rather than talk about New Orleans, he spent most of his time talking about the county’s own disaster preparation efforts. By far their primary focus? Not earthquakes, not terrorist attacks… but avian flu. It was a sobering talk with zero political upside for a man who was in the midst of what was supposed to be a tough fight for reelection, and I came away wishing every voter had the opportunity to talk with Sims one-on-one.
Well, Lynn Allen of Evergreen Politics has had the opportunity to chat with Sims one-on-one, and last week she posted a very in depth piece on avian flu and King County’s preparation for it, which the county outlines in a 45-page Response Plan that Lynn accurately describes as “an astounding document.”
It includes the purpose of the plan, assumptions about the possible pandemic, the likely phases of a pandemic, the responsibilities of the various state and local agencies, and discussions of how direction will be provided, communications maintained, schools run, people quanantined, and social distancing strategies implemented. (Note that phrase, social distancing. You’ll be hearing a lot about that as we begin to talk more about preparing for living with a flu pandemic.) They talk about many aspects of the public health system and responses and then how the recovery from the pandemic can proceed.
They also have a section on maintenance of essential services, something I’ve personally been very interested in since my assumptions about the availability of services has a lot to do with my personal preparations. Can we count on having water, even intermittently? Electricity? Bus service? I was reassured and incredibly impressed by the obvious thought that has gone into thinking this all through and developing agreement to it.
Of course, critics (and you know who you are) will likely argue that this is all a bunch of fear-mongering grandstanding… that chances are, avian flu will never make the jump to human-to-human transmission, and that this is all a waste of taxpayer money. But if it does make the jump, thousands of people may die in King County alone… and if it doesn’t make the jump, some other pandemic strain eventually will.
For its part, the Times comes off as rather understated about what needs to be done. After noting that the federal government is unwilling and incapable of leading a response, the Times suggests that the feds “at least ought to help pay the bills.”
Damn right.
Washington state has already received its one-time $2 million allotment from the federal government for avian flu preparation… a pittance to protect the American people compared with the $300 million a day we’re spending in Iraq. It’s time we all started demanding that the Bush administration takes the threat of flu pandemic more seriously, and provide the funding necessary for local governments to meet this crisis head on. Your life could depend on it.
No Democrat blacks should take the flu shot, or any vaccine, because the drug companies are evil and controlled by white Republican devils. So, no AIDs drugs, no polio vaccines, and no drugs by any drug companies!! hehe, JCH
Donald Rumsfeld has made a killing out of bird flu. The US Defense Secretary has made more than $5 million in capital gains from selling shares in the biotechnology firm that discovered and developed Tamiflu, the drug being bought in massive amounts to treat a possible human pandemic of the disease.
More than 60 countries have so far ordered large stocks of the antiviral medication – the only oral medicine believed to be effective against the deadly H5N1 strain of the disease – to try to protect their people. The United Nations estimates that a pandemic could kill 150 million people worldwide.
Britain is about halfway through receiving an order of 14.6 million courses of the drug, which the Government hopes will avert some of the 700,000 deaths that might be expected. Tamiflu does not cure the disease, but if taken soon after symptoms appear it can reduce its severity.
The drug was developed by a Californian biotech company, Gilead Sciences. It is now made and sold by the giant chemical company Roche, which pays it a royalty on every tablet sold, currently about a fifth of its price.
Mr Rumsfeld was on the board of Gilead from 1988 to 2001, and was its chairman from 1997. He then left to join the Bush administration, but retained a huge shareholding.
The firm made a loss in 2003, the year before concern about bird flu started. Then revenues from Tamiflu almost quadrupled, to $44.6 million, helping put the company well into the black. Sales almost quadrupled again, to $161.6 million last year. During this time the share price trebled.
Mr Rumsfeld sold some of his Gilead shares in 2004 reaping – according to the financial disclosure report he is required to make each year – capital gains of more than $5 million. The report showed that he still had up to $25 million-worth of shares at the end of 2004, and at least one analyst believes his stake has grown well beyond that figure, as the share price has soared. Further details are not likely to become known, however, until Mr Rumsfeld makes his next disclosure in May.
The 2005 report showed that, in all, he owned shares worth up to $95.9 million, from which he got an income of up to $13 million, owned land worth up to $17 million, and made $1m from renting it out.
He also had illiquid investments worth up to $8.1 million, including in partnerships investing in biotechnology, issuing reproductions of paintings, and operating art galleries in New Mexico and Wyoming. He also has life insurance with a surrender value of up to $5 million, and received up to $1 million from the DHR Foundation, in which he has assets worth up to $25 million, and $773,743 from the Donald H Rumsfeld Trust, in which he has assets of up to $50 million.
Late last week no one at Gilead Sciences was available to comment on Mr Rumsfeld’s sale of its stock. In a statement to The Independent on Sunday the Pentagon said: “Secretary Rumsfeld has no relationship with Gilead Sciences, Inc beyond his investments in the company. When he became Secretary of Defense in January 2001, divestiture of his investment in Gilead was not required by the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Office of Government Ethics or the Department of Defense Standards of Conduct Office.”
“Upon taking office, he recused himself from participating in any particular matter when the matter would directly and predictably affect his financial interest in Gilead Sciences
To kill Iranian and Iraqi towel head terrorists I think Jesus would enjoy use nuclear tipped high, low, medium [“J” band homer] Tomahawks with “sat” controlled self correcting guidance. In addition, Jesus would enjoy a few hundred sub, ship, and air launched Tomahawks targeting simultanious military, industrial, and civilian Iranian targets, including nuclear processing facilities and government buildings. No doubt Jesus would freak at the new Seawolf subs, Trident subs, LA Class subs, and I’ll bet he would be amazed at the Tomahawk payloads of B-1s, B-2s, B-52s, and F-111s. Last but not least, God himself would love to see sea launched Tomahawks from Naval DD and CG platforms. CVNs [nuclear aircraft carriers] in “Gonzo Station” [The Arabian Gulf] would also be part of both the initial attacks [ALPHA STRIKES with F-18s [Super Hornets] and lots of hig priority secondary targeting. After the initial raids both Jesus and God would enjoy frequent USAF B-52 Linebacker II strikes to finish any missed targets. Let’s see……..Did I miss anything?? No, but the US Navy [F-18s] and USAF F-15 Eagles are still available for after strike recon, so Jesus could ride “backseat” in a Super Hornet or Eagle to get a great post strike view. Finally, the Iranian oil is now American oil. ALL OF IT!!! Nothing like 99 cent a gallon gas to pump into a 427/400 HP Vette!!!
Lawyer: Five Witnesses Say Joe Wilson Outed Valerie Plame
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Bush Taps USAF Gen. Hayden for CIA Chief
Hayden Unafraid to Confront Controversy
House Looks to Ban Billingual Ballots
Five Witnesses: Joe Wilson Outed Wife
Pentagon Recruiting Via ‘Friendly Skies’
In a development that got no media play over the weekend, Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby’s defense lawyer announced on Friday that he has located five witnesses who will testify that Joe Wilson outed his wife Valerie Plame as a CIA employee before Robert Novak did so in his July 2003 column.
According to the NationalReviewOnline’s Byron York, Libby’s lawyer Ted Wells told the court that his witnesses “will say under oath that Mr. Wilson told them his wife worked for the CIA.”
TEHRAN – Iran’s hardline Islamic regime has had enough of footballers with long hair and plucked eyebrows. “I will ban athletes with an effeminate look,” the head of the country’s Physical Education Organisation, Mohammad Ali-Abadi said, told the Etemad-Melli newspaper. [………………………………………………………………………No Iranian football for you, GBS!!!!]
Rove counseled colleagues on the importance of discrediting Joe Wilson. The Washington Post reports, “Rove talked with White House colleagues about the political importance of defending the prewar intelligence and countering Plame’s husband, former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV.” Fitzgerald is expected to decide whether or not to indict Rove for making false statements as soon as this month.
I tell you what: if avian flu makes the jump and kills a lot of King county residents, it will all be blamed on… you guessed it:
Dean Logan
More charity fatigue from the folks in Houston…this time, the generous Texans who took in thousands of black Democrat Katrina refugees are getting tired of the Democrat felon criminal element that they imported from New Orleans. Here are the numbers. So far this year, a quarter of murders are being attributed to Katrina “evacuees.” The city is lamenting that their murder rate would have actually declined, had it not been for the refugees running it up. No good deed goes unpunished, I guess.
But this was predicted. Despite long and flowing tributes to the area after Hurricane Katrina, the fact remains that a large portion of the affected area was a complete dump. Now we are seeing what happens when you take a Democrat government-dependent and Democrat controlled crime-ridden neighborhood and relocate it to another city. Surprise! You get the same thing, just this time in Texas instead of Louisiana.
The worst part? How does Houston get rid of these Democrat parasite felons? You can bet the next time a hurricane strikes, Republican cities are going to think twice about helping out…and that’s unfortunate.
worldwide the total number of human beings who have died from the related avian flu based virus is? oh that’s right– 109 in five years! wow.
and just in case the bird flu vaccine doesn’t work:
Frist and Hastert Let Vaccine Industry Write Its Own Multi-Billion Dollar Giveaway
Last December, Senate Majority Leader Bill First (R-TN) and House Speaker Dennis Hastert inserted a provision in the Defense Appropriations bill that granted vaccine manufactures near-total immunity for injuries or deaths (even in cases of “gross negligence”) caused by their drugs during a viral pandemic, such as an outbreak of the avian flu. The legislation was “worth billions of dollars” to a small group of drug makers. The provision was inserted in the dead of the night, after House and Senate conferees had agreed the provision would not be included in the bill. According to Roll Call, the brazen move was completely unprecedented. A new report from Public Citizen reveals that vaccine-industry lobbyists essentially wrote the provision themselves. This morning’s Tennessean reports:
Vaccine industry officials helped shape legislation behind the scenes that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist secretly amended into a bill to shield them from lawsuits, according to e-mails obtained by a public advocacy group.
E-mails and documents written by a trade group for the vaccine-makers show the organization met privately with Frist’s staff and the White House about measures that would give the industry protection from lawsuits filed by people hurt by the vaccines. The final language of the provision was exactly what the vaccine manufactures requested in thier emails and meetings.
How did the industry get such VIP treatment from First and Hastert? Generous campaign contributions always help. Another key component: the vaccine industry was represented by a lobbying team that included three former Frist staffers and Dennis Hastert’s son, Joshua Hastert.
No Democrat black should take the avian flu vaccine, or and AIDs drugs because the drug companies support Bush!! Democrats!! Show Bush!! Refuse to take your meds!! hehe, JCH Kennedy
10. Democrat black Haitian witch doctors will save you Democrats!! Turn your back on those evil hospitals, doctors, and Republican controlled drug companies!!!!! hehe, JCH Kennedy
VACCINE INDUSTRY LOBBYISTS HELPED WRITE FRIST-BACKED SHIELD LAW: “Vaccine industry officials helped shape legislation behind the scenes that Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist secretly amended into a bill to shield them from lawsuits,” the Tennessean reports, citing internal emails released in a report by the watchdog group Public Citizen. Last December, it was revealed that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) and House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) had inserted legislation shielding vaccine manufacturers from product liability claims into a defense spending bill “without debate and in violation of usual Senate practice.” At the time, critics warned that the language was dangerously broad, shielding the vaccine makers from lawsuits even in cases of negligence or recklessness. But that’s just how vaccine makers wanted it. In private meetings with Frist’s staff and the White House, a vaccine manufacturer’s trade group “asked that the legislation make clear that a vaccine maker could only be successfully sued if ‘willful misconduct’ on its part were proved,” The Tennessean reports. In another e-mail, the group’s chief lobbyist “described a meeting in which a deputy of Bush strategist Karl Rove said it was ‘important to the President that a bill move this year,’ and said ‘they had invited industry to discuss what they understood to be a few key remaining points’ of contention.”
12…..Democrats must turn their backs on today’s drug companies. Democrats must use only black Democrat Haitian witch doctors for all their medical needs. This will show the evil Republican drug companies!!!
We shouldn’t rely on the republicans for anything. Like Pope-A-Dope, if their lips are moving, they’re lying.
Here’s a great piece that details and documents many of the biggest lies the Bush regime told in their run up to the war for oil.
One good thing that may come out of avian flu is it’ll probably hit Hawai’i before reaching the mainland, and when it does, we won’t have to listen to the crow in the coal mine’s cawing anymore.
Pity you don’t have the guts to put forward your real name, Patches.
(And such an appropriate name for a racist clown…)
Folks, don’t forget: DARCY BURNER is the ONLY candidate in the 8th CD race who HUGS small furry animals! Do you really want to be represented by someone who supports FUR COATS? Would you vote for a fucking CANNIBAL?! I’m confident that after you think things through, you’ll decide you’re not the kind of person who votes for a rabbit-kicker.
You’re behind the times, JCH. The witch doctors have already gone mainstream. Bush appointed them to the FDC, and now they rubber-stamp every untested and dangerous drug that makes money. Republicans are big on nostalgia — they’re bringing back the 1800’s. For photo of Republican pharmacist, click here: http://www.vancouvermassage.ca.....ke-oil.jpg
That brings me to the issue of whether Washington should force pharmacists to fill prescriptions they believe are “morally wrong.” For example, a Washington pharmacist refused to fill a prescription for an antibiotic when he found out it was prescribed by an abortion clinic to treat an infection resulting from an abortion. Apparently he thought it was “moral” to let the patient fucking die from the infection.
My answer is, this America, and America should be a free country. The state should NOT force pharmacists to fill prescriptions they believe are “morally wrong” according to their own religious, personal, or subjective precepts.
It’s very simple: They don’t have to fill prescriptions, and the state doesn’t have to license them.
Darcy Burner HUGS cute fluffy rabbits! What has Dave Reichert done for his constituents lately? It took him 20 years to catch the Green River Killer. How many years will it take him to kiss a baby or hug a rabbit? How long should we wait for him to take meaningful action on the rabbit-hugging issue?
i for one think a thinning of the heard will be a good thing.
i do fear the possibility of quarintine with out just cause, the exploding a Nuke in a highly populated area like in that movie with Hoffman and Gooding Jr.
and of course, that this over blown story become the base of which election get cancelled.
as for the actual virus…mmmmm. seems like a good time to not be eating meat.
31% Approval. That is below Freezing!
Rabbit @ 15:
I thought we had already established that the crow in question actually lives in a storage unit in Kent…paid for by his mom.
The only thing a republican will “get serious” about, to the point of risking life and\or limb, is their wallets.
Hopefully they won’t come up with a vaccine for the bird flu. And if they do, I sure hope it works better than the vaccine for the swine flu that was supposed to wipe us out in the 70’s…….
Here you go, Roger Rabbit, the story you never get tired of reading. Since it’s been a while here’s the full blown version including his confession that Marines are better them JCH. The dipshit.
JCH likes being the “bottom” for Jarheads. Oh, and Jeff Gannon.
Baaaaa haaaa haaaa.
How to catch a Conservative in the act of lying:
Note the date/time stamps.
108, Libertarian, I never attended flight school. Hence, I never “washed out”. All a figment of GBS’s vivid “imagination”. All my training was done in Newport, RI and Coronado, Ca, as well as the old Philadelphia Ship Yard. Then, three WESTPACs of 6 monthe each , one ten month IO cruise, and a tour in Coronado at the NAB. Four years at sea, and two ashore.
Comment by Myron [JCH] Silverstein, ESQ— 2/24/06 @ 3:04 pm
@ 123
JCH: Are you saying GWB served in combat then? Just askin’
Comment by windie — 1/24/06 @ 3:59 pm [No, but, Windie, have YOU ever “buckled up” in a Mach 2 F-106? Not for pussies. I washed out of Naval Air [bad GI] and served Surface Line [1110]. Flying [and training] in military jets are not for the Bill Clintons of the world.]
Comment by JCH — 1/24/06 @ 4:37 pm
@ 125
Comment by YO — 1/24/06 @ 3:59 pm [YO, I’m sure you are correct and I was mistaken. Thanks for the help. Anyone who flies has my respect. I was not up to the stress. Not many are. JCH, LT, USN [1110, 76-84]]
Comment by JCH — 1/24/06 @ 4:44 pm
@ 152
I served a short stint on the “mini-twat” USS Manitowoc County LST 1180. Hated the Marines, they seemed to have nothing to do but PT and wait in line for chow. The bastards.
Comment by GBS — 1/24/06 @ 5:43 pm [True, but once ashore, they are the best. I couldn’t do what they do. Did you know Hillary said she tried to join the Marines? Roger Rabbit believes her!! He believes anyone who will ensure his “guvment” check comes every month.]
Comment by JCH — 1/24/06 @ 6:10 pm
@ 126
The last little dig there is just to back up what I was saying all along, JCH admitted that the fucking Jar Heads were better than him.
NO self respecting sailor makes a fucking statement like that.
How JCH, the best the Konservative Krime Klowns have to offer. Keep on posting you “blow the mask” rump ranger, but never gags on Jeff Gannon’s tool.
If I could care less about you, I would!
You lying loser.
Bush’s numbers falling each and every week for the last 18 weeks! What a fucking looooser. And today Jeb Bush called Harris a loooooser said she couldn’t unseat Bill Nelson in Florida. I bet she ends up doing a tell all book explaining how she helped steal the election now that the Third Riech of Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney has dumped her!
How long must 8th CD voters wait for Reichert to solve the bunny-hugging problem? Isn’t two years long enough for this guy to hug a rabbit? It took Darcy Burner only 5 seconds — why can’t Reichert get the job done in TWO YEARS?? I’ve had enough — you’ve had enough — everybody’s had enough! The GOP is the party with no ideas. They can’t even figure out how to hug a rabbit! It’s time for a change. Elect DARCY BURNER, the bunny-hugging candidate!
In one of those revealing moments that exposes the inner workings of a world leader’s mind, President Bush told a German newspaper the high point of his presidency “was when I caught a 7 1/2-pound largemouth bass on my lake.” http://articles.news.aol.com/n.....0000000001
Well, it’s hard to hard with that.
Iraq sure isn’t much of a high point.
Neither is 45 million Americans without health care.
Or the pervasive corruption of his administration.
Nor can he be proud of his deficits, trade imbalance, or unemployment.
$3 gas prices certainly isn’t a bragging point.
Or his tax cuts for the rich, or efforts to destroy Social Security.
Not to mention his 9/11 and post-9/11 failures.
Or the Katrina fiasco.
His appointments to the Supreme Court, Interior, FDA, and other agencies are embarrassing.
Plamegate is not something to tout in his biography.
Nor his close embrace of Karl Rove, the Rasputin of American politics.
For once, I agree with Bush — when you get right down to it, the only thing he’s done since taking office that he can justifiably take pride in is catching a 7 1/2-lb. bass in his own lake.
I’ll bet it was stocked 10 minutes before he caught it, and I’ll bet he hired a scuba diver to put it on his hook.
should read “Well, it’s hard to argue with that.”
Isn’t it a crime to falsely claim military service? Perhaps we should get a court ordet to go through Goldy’s records to get JCH’s IP address and have his military status investigated. Maybe that’s a bad idea. He’d just find more dicks to suck at the big house.
Pity you don’t have the guts to put forward your real name, Patches.
(And such an appropriate name for a racist clown…)
Commentby palamedes— 5/8/06@ 1:04 pm [Er, Dumbass palamedes, “Patches” is the nickname for Patrick Kennedy. Note Rufus, Mark the Redneck, and I [JCH] are now Kennedys, which means………………We do want we want, and you, as Democrats, shut the fuck up!!! Get it, Democrat sheep?????
“You’re behind the times, JCH. The witch doctors have already gone mainstream. Bush appointed them to the FDC”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 5/8/06@ 1:19 pm [……….Yes, Bush appoint Haitian witch doctors to the FDC. RR, are your a fucking idiot? Is that the best you libs have to bash Bush?]
RR at 33
While a 7 1/2 lb. largemouth bass is a good-sized largemouth bass, it is not huge. So, the Red State President’s most prideful achievement is something akin to taking fourth in a fraternity house drinking contest. It may be that he’s most proud of that accomplishment because, unlike everything else he’s done, catching the fish didn’t harm anyone else. I think I’ll send him a couple lures. Maybe we can get him out of the White House a bit more often . . .
@ 35
It is illegal to falsely claim military service, but in JCH’s defense he must be somewhat legit in that he joined the Navy. I mean, who else but a lying piece of shit conservative would admit to flunking out of flight school for “blowing the mask, repeatedly” then deny making the statement while trying to blame it someone else’s “vivid imagination?”
But the sucking dick in the big house, that’s a dream cum true for any conservative because they’re all closet homosexuals.
I’ve done a little research and I found a picture of JCH.
It explains a lot about JCH.
Isn’t it a crime to falsely claim military service? Perhaps we should get a court ordet to go through Goldy’s records to get JCH’s IP address and have his military status investigated.
Commentby LeftTurn— 5/8/06@ 4:04 pm [Left Turn pissant………Knock yourself out!!! Spend a shit load!!! JCH [LT, USN, 76-84]
QUIZ: What Washington State Representative used the following logic to explain why he voted against HB1515 to add “sexual orientation” to Washington’s anti-discrimination laws:
“A very good friend of mine was brutally serially raped in high school. She “chose” a lesbian lifestyle to express her need for human companionship and after the events in her life that was not going to be possible with a male. Since this circumstance of being gay or lesbian is inherently variable, unless we require genetic testing of any person making such a legal claim of discrimination, it makes fair application of any such law almost impossible.”
Er, Left Turn…………Your military service?? Hehe….That’s what I thought. About the same as Goldysteinbergs……..Zero……nada!!! Gee, what a surprise!!
What the public health professionals and responsible government officials are working on with respect to bird flu isn’t some sort of oh-my-gawd medical Armageddon. With better medical care in general than the last time there was such a pandemic, far fewer fatalities are expected in any case. The BIG DEAL at the local level is that maybe 40 percent of the work force will be out sick for a couple of weeks at the same time. Not exactly the stuff of made-for-TV disaster epics, but there are some considerations in terms of keeping the basic functions of society–utilities, banks, police and fire, etc–up and running with skeleton crews.
So, this is the sort of thing Ron’s concerned about. The Bush crowd no doubt views it more as one of several potential excuses to declare a state of emergency, impose martial law and cancel the November elections if it looks like they’re going to lose big time.
I’m sure also that anyone who’s in a position to, is out to cash in. There’s a mutual fund we own shares in, whose quarterly report shows they just bought up a buttload of Roche stock. I’m sure they’re not the only one.
GBS: This may be a little over your head. E3s don’t get involved in much beside mess cooking and standing Sounding and Security watches. Still, enjoy!!!! I call it “How God would Deal With Terrorists”. To kill Iranian and Iraqi towel head terrorists I think Jesus would enjoy use nuclear tipped high, low, medium [“J” band homer] Tomahawks with “sat” controlled self correcting guidance. In addition, Jesus would enjoy a few hundred sub, ship, and air launched Tomahawks targeting simultanious military, industrial, and civilian Iranian targets, including nuclear processing facilities and government buildings. No doubt Jesus would freak at the new Seawolf subs, Trident subs, LA Class subs, and I’ll bet he would be amazed at the Tomahawk payloads of B-1s, B-2s, B-52s, and F-111s. Last but not least, God himself would love to see sea launched Tomahawks from Naval DD and CG platforms. CVNs [nuclear aircraft carriers] in “Gonzo Station” [yes, been there, done that] [The Arabian Gulf] would also be part of both the initial attacks [ALPHA STRIKES with F-18s [Super Hornets] and lots of high priority secondary targeting. After the initial raids both Jesus and God would enjoy frequent USAF B-52 Linebacker II strikes to finish any missed targets. Let’s see……..Did I miss anything?? No, but the US Navy [F-18s] and USAF F-15 Eagles are still available for after strike recon, so Jesus could ride “backseat” in a Super Hornet or Eagle to get a great post strike view. Finally, the Iranian oil is now American oil. ALL OF IT!!! Nothing like 99 cent a gallon gas to pump into a 427/400 HP Vette!!!
Wingnuts: The Preznit is at 31%!
Look out Sith Lord Cheney, here comes Dubya Shrub!
“You hear people say he has a hard core that will never desert him, and that has been the case for most of the administration,” says Charles Franklin, a political scientist at the University of Wisconsin who studies presidential approval ratings. “But for the last few months, we started to see that hard core seriously erode in support.”
Yeah right! The wingnuts who are deserting Shrub think he’s too liberal!
Another thing that people don’t seem to be talking about much, is that even if bird flu doesn’t cross over, if (or rather when) it hits the US poultry industry it’s going to put a lot of chicken ranchers in dire straits and drive the cost of food up even faster than it’s being pushed by the price of fuel.
47, Chicken ranchers are Republicans, and like the drug companies, tobacco companies, oil companies, fast food companies, medical service companies, Big alcohol companies, must be sued out of business by lawyers named Silverstein, Goodman, Goldberg, and Loebenstein.
JCH’s last comment speaks for itself.
Remind me again how many H5 strains have turned into pandemics. Oh right 0. We should be worried about the next pandemic. I guess we should worry that the H5N1 will mutate into something that can be easily transmitted from human to human (although it would probably be an H1, H2, or H3). I just don’t think it’s as scary as people think. But something is coming.
Black Democrats: The polio vaccine was invented by………….A JEW!!! Yes, just “axe” REV Louis Farrakhan!!! Refuse to take any vaccine or any drugs from an eviiiiiiiiiillll Republican drug company!!!! hehe, JCH