King County just released results for another 70,821 ballots, which broke 67.3% in favor of Patty Murray, compared to 66.7% on 11/3 and 61.8% on 11/2. Murray has temporarily opened up a 3% lead statewide, pending returns from other counties.
Rep. Rick Larsen has expanded his lead over John Koster to 1,458 votes, though we’re still waiting for reports today from Island and Snohomish counties. Snohomish is the county I’m crossing my fingers on, as there are also a few legislative races hanging in the balance.
In legislative races, Rep. Roger Goodman has closed the gap to under 100 votes in LD 45, while Sen. Rodney Tom has opened up a 600+ vote lead in LD 48. Doesn’t look nearly as promising Sen. Randy Gordon in LD 41, who just isn’t making up the ground he needs.
Larsen now up 1,606 votes with Island reporting. Still waiting on Snohomish; San Juan isn’t reporting today.
Also, interestingly, with today’s ballot dump, I-1100 is now failing in King County.
The Seattle Times calls the US Senate Race for Patty Murray. (Finally.) As does the Stranger.
KUOW just reported that Dino Rossi has conceded. Or maybe they said that Rossi is conceited. I wasn’t paying close attention.
Yay! I’m proud of my county.
I’d ask about Larson, but most of his votes will be from Snohomish County anyway. From the City of Everett southward (west of the Snohomish River) it’s mostly Democratic. North and East, however, is strongly Republican.
I got about 75 people in my neighborhood in South Everett who said they would vote for Larson and Murray. A little BBQ with burgers and dogs, and lots of talk about politics, can do wonders. What was surprising was the number of Boeing 787 workers doing mandatory 10-hour days (weekdays), plus weekends (both Saturday and Sunday), who simply didn’t have the time or energy to know what was going on in the races. We made sure they knew what was at stake.
I hope Sen. Murray looks at the map and proposes to cut payments to welfare ranchers and irrigators. Implement some of them thar Tea Party reforms, ya know? That must be what they want b/c those counties went ~70/30 against her.
When ballots break in King County, they stay broken.
Larson’s lead increased also. He now leads by 1,429 votes.
Statistically, I don’t think there are enough votes left for Ross. But will this suit and haircut concede, hell no. What a tool. I still remember when the election against Gregoire started turning for her, he showed his true sleazeball, selfish credentials.
So let me get this straight …
State wide, that is in most areas of WAWA, the tenny show lady is losing, BIG time.
So, somehow, we are supposed to believe that all these votes show up by MAGICMAIL fron Demsolid red tinted Seattle???
Isn’t this what happened to elect Ahamdinejad in Iran?
You Drunken Libs need to lay off all that free beer that Soros provides at DL!
Old Galoot–
Precisely how is Murray gonna do that??
The R’s control the House.
When you look at the Senator’s up in 2012..there is no way in hell Tester, Conrad, Baucus etc. would even consider that.
Seems like you are fartin’ into the wind pal.
King county is by far the most populous county in the state. There is a reason it takes longer to count than the outhouse on your parents property in eastern Washington.
The conservatives don’t have a clue on how votes are counted. It takes time, especially when the vote can be postmarked the day of the election and not even arrive at the polling place until a day or two after the election. Christ what whining babies.
Pat Shortridge says its all guesswork. He needs to see more data. This piece of cheese was involved up to hips with Norm Coleman’s epic recount saga against Al Franken. I’m sure he promised Butt-boy Karl Rove that he would drag this out through a recount cirus if somehow golden-rat Dino were to lose.
So sorry,Pat, it’s not only not going to be a recount, but you’re not going to be able to get your balls out of pawn with the big money boys.
The minute this race gets called, Pat-boy is OUT OF A JOB!
I know the word “class” and “Rossi” don’t fit in the same sentence, but show some class you tool and concede.
Even if the GOP wanted to pay for a recount, it won’t happen. The vote is not that close.
It’s Larsen, by the way (not Larson). I think he has this one about wrapped up.
About 1/3 of King county votes remain uncounted. Rossi is history, again! Yay!
Meanwhile, Marcie Maxwell has almost put Peter Dunbar away in the 41st LD House Race (up 2099). I think the 41st Democrats are going to lose Senator Gordon, however, who is still down 1350 votes.
As of 4:44 PM:
John Koster (Prefers Republican Party)
101,820 49.64 %
Rick Larsen (Prefers Democratic Party)
103,278 50.36 %
Josh Brown (a good greenie liberal) was re-elected at a Kitsap County commissioner.
I’m gonna wait until Snohomish’s update today before even whispering about Larsen’s chances. It’s the largest part of the district, and Koster was leading 51.4%-48.6% going into today’s tallies.
Most places in Washington State don’t have few, if any, people in them. Check out the election turn out results.
Votes counted so far:
King County: 495,478
Adams County: 5,998
Columbia County: 2,590
Ferry County: 4,280
It’s not hard to make up the 1.5K or so votes that Murray’s down in Adams County.
Oops, scratch the word don’t in the post.
@6 Beckoner on 11/04/2010 at 4:50 pm,
So let me get this straight …
You come to comment BIG time about ballot counts, and you profess area is related to vote totals.
So, somehow, you have no idea of how population is distributed in the counties of our state.
Aren’t idiots like you what happened to the
RepublicanRegressive Party?You real murkan teabaggers need to lay off sniffing all those petro chemicals provided you by the Koch brothers.
Please call Steve Litzow the winner in the 41st. You’d be the first!
Hey—for any who missed it: Castro is laying off 10% of all state workers, and practically begging them to—wait for it—-start their own businesses. That’s what Cuba needs, he says.
How come leftists aren’t seeing that even Castro is realizing that communism is a failure? When even Castro begins to get a glimmer of the power of free enterprize, why do democrats demonize capitolism so?
The wingnut scratched record about King County votes is really tiresome. Dumbfucks, how about some proof before you whine? King County drives the entire Washington state economy; Seattle is the only reason the rest of the world knows about this state. Yet, if you fucks had your way, I think you’d say the KIng County residents shouldn’t get to vote; or, at least, that the votes of rural county residents count twice as much. Take your ass-pounding, wingies. It looks like this state, along with California and Oregon, provide a left coast bulwark against national nonsense.
Monterey @ 19
How many times have you seen Castro being defended here? You dips fight battles that have no foes and then claim you’ve won. I guess, if that’s what it takes to feel good about your puny achievements . . .
Talking about population distribution: Garfield County only has 1,537 registered voters?! How is that possible? I live in a precinct that has 2200+ registered voters. How can one precinct have more registered voters than an entire County?
Dimbulbs …
So just because there are more people in King County, you want to disenfranchise the WHOLE state?
Hay Comrade Mao, how about the US just doing what the big bosses in Beijing want us to do?
What would the frenchies say .. ask Alexis de Tocqueville!
As for all the good things Seattle is suposed to do for the rest of us, who do you think pays for the UW? Whose PRODUCTS go through the Port? Does Seattle grow apples or wheat????
I have an idea … one full vote for contributors and 3/5 vote for free loaders like Goldy!
@21 proud leftist
I will speak up for ol Fidel! Look what eh has just done for the USA!!!
Beck-Rubio in 2012!!!!
Wow, idiocy at this level requires not only bad genes, but serious effort. This guy must train–like a daily work-out routine–to get this dumb. Do you believe that “disenfranchisement” means that a King County resident’s vote counts the same as a Wahkiakum County vote? Is that really what you are saying?
3 Strikes and you’re a Rossi.
Looking forward to Dave Neihaus next season calling games. “Let’s hope for another Dino Rossi when the next batter comes up to the plate”.
As I’ve admitted frequently, spelling was never my strong suite. But more importantly, I’ve known a number of Larsons, but he is the only Larsen I’ve known. I tend to type Larson out of habit.
And I have to agree with the poster that while these results are encouraging, we should wait for the Snohomish County results for today before we start celebrating.
Quick, look over there….
Murray will get to the 3 point win when all the votes are counted (Rasmussen 47 point dead heat+ Rasmussen being flat fucking wrong = 3 points)
A better or worse candidate than Rossi probably doesn’t draw as much GOTV action.
In completely unrelated news, Rodney Tom is leading.
Why is Yakima County an hour late in announcing votes today? Do you think some wingnut skullduggery is occurring? King County has been meeting its deadlines, why not Yakima? Isn’t Yakima a red county?
Proud labia
Of course not ..THAT was my point. KC voters have more clout because
a. there are more of them
b. they are organized by libs (unions and the UW) to all vote dem.
c. if none of this works, there always seem to be more magicmail votes.
Look bimboman, if we were talking about something where the Black minority never seemed to get its way, I can just see your Guanier lady arguing for affirmative action at the vote booth!
Just watch how the dems redistrict! Wanna bet that Pierce Co is no longer in Reichert’s Eighth!
Your cousins in Tehran seem to understand the same things you pink shirts stand for here!
Trolls, please forward this to Helmet-Hair-Hamlet:
Bank Owned Seattle Foreclosed Homes
There’s never been a better time for a flim-flammer to have been made famous with other people’s money as a three time loser statewide candidate!
The Times calls it for Murray.
rhp @ 28
For Scandinavians, the spelling difference can spark fist fights. Though, of course, there are exceptions to the general rule, a Larsen or Olsen or Hansen is generally a Norwegian or Dane, while a Larson or Olson or Hanson is generally a Swede. Rick Larsen is a Norwegian. His wife is a Swede. Scandinavians consider that a mixed marriage.
God is a democrat. The weather couldn’t have been better for GOTV. You would be amazed at the number of people I talked to between 3 & 5 that still had a completed ballot on the counter! The promised to drop it off after the call. I shudder to think what turn out could have been with driving rain.
Why do Republicans hate democracy? Why do they want to suppress the vote? Why are some of them claiming that the United States is a “republic,” but not a “democracy” (I’m not making this up)?
Guess Dino’s going back to flipping foreclosed real estate.
@proud leftist: You are in fine form this evening, my friend!
Seeing how my grammar, spelling, and punctuation are terrible, I generally don’t rib people about such things. But, I couldn’t help noticing that you’ve misspelled capitalism.
And we don’t hate it. You might note that both Bill Gates’s tend to vote (D), Steve Jobs is a lefty, there’s a long list (I’ve listed it many times before) of lefty run businesses and people.
Given the anti-democratic, anti-liberty, and anti-reason forces we plainly must contend with over the next two years, we’re going to have to step up our game. Don’t you think? Confront nonsense with facts, speculation with logic. Of course, throwing a little flippancy at frivolity is permissible, too, I think. Let’s ramp up our game, my friend! We’ve had a day of mourning, now it’s back to the trenches.
Actually, they didn’t all vote for Democrats. Percentage wise King and Okanogan Counties have, pretty much, mirrored each other:
Patty Murray (Prefers Democratic Party)
2,810 37.26 %
Dino Rossi (Prefers Republican Party)
4,732 62.74 %
Patty Murray (Prefers Democratic Party)
309,877 63.42 %
Dino Rossi (Prefers Republican Party)
178,725 36.58 %
But, look at the vote totals.
495,478 total voters in King
7,735 total voters in Okanogan
I ‘spose you could say that this disenfranchises Okanogan county voters, but we work on the principle of one person one vote. That everyone is equal at the ballot box and I kinda like it that way.
# 34: “… Rick Larsen is a Norwegian. His wife is a Swede. Scandinavians consider that a mixed marriage.”
My mother was a McDonald, my sister married a Campbell. You should see the outraged looks they get when the visit the Highland games! (“A McDonald married to a Campbell???? Whoever heard of such a thing!!!!!”
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Fuck you. I know you guys have found success by perpetuation of the big lie, but I think you guys actually believe your own crap. That is what the Republican Party has come to. Come to the light, m’lad, come to the light.
Seems reasonable timing to me. The election night returns pretty much favored Murray. It happened that later voters turned several points more towards the Democrats (i.e. 67% vs. 61% in King County), increasing Murray’s lead to something statistically impossible to overcome.
However, if later ballots have shifted to Rossi by the same 6% that they shifted to Murray, we would probably be looking at Rossi narrowing the election night gap, and edging a little ahead.
So it was reasonable for Rossi to wait two days until the trend became clear. In any event, “concession” is legally meaningless. If Rossi had “conceded” on election night, and ended up ahead when all the votes were counted, he still would have been legally elected.
Re 40
It’s clearly in the interests of liberty to force people to buy a financial instrument, whether it’s in their interest or not. And of course Obama rejected all the odious provisions of the Patriot Act that were due to sunset. Didn’t he? Truth is, it seems, libs believe in neither economic nor civil liberties.
And it’s common sense and gospel truth that a health care system with the same rough number of doctors, hospitals and other medical resources can care for 40 million more people, while spending less money. This despite what any halfwit (but not a single liberal) could tell you about basic mathematics, never mind supply and demand.
And of course, it’s against all reason that the House might have switched, and the Senate lead be narrowed becase folks were annoyed at the sharp leftward veer of national politics. Right?
On second thoughts, Proud, I’d avoid all those things, together with facts. They don’t help liberals.
I’d love to see some proof of that. You must have some, seeing how the WSRP went over King County elections with a fine toothed comb.
Wow, for a guy who’s side just won a “historic” victory you seem mighty grumpy.
Re 47
Gotta say, this one is a dead issue. Rossi sued and lost on this. Time to let it go.
So, when will the left quit whining about Florida? I mean, Gore sued, lost and that one’s over too. Right?
Nobody is treating 40m more people at a lesser cost. It’s the rate of cost GROWTH that is being lowered.
The fact that you don’t know that disqualifies you from ever discussing the topic ever again.
Re 48
Grumpy? Nah. I just think the cherry picking of facts or ideals either side of the political divide humorous.
Anyway, it was going to be ‘historic’ no matter what happened Tuesday. Kind of like how during a pitching change a baseball announcer will say something like this- ‘This is the first time since 1967 that a left handed pitcher was pulled for another lefty with 2 outs and 1 man on base at a night game.’ It’s just filler for the listeners.
I think Rossi should just pre-record his concession call and use it every time he runs for State/Federal office.
Re 50
Umm. Yes. So by treating 40 million more with the same resources we won’t increase prices? Because our frugal and so efficient government will be processing the money?
Wow, you really have no connection with reality at all, do you?
Reading Beckoner above – I really can’t tell if he/she is real (and therefore a total whackjob), or some very very odd satire.
But I’m most reminded of this, White Goodman, when I read Backoner’s comments.
You got that right.
The government isn’t processing anything. All you know about the bill is what Rush, Dori, and John Boehner have told you isn’t it? Be honest.
Of course there are parts of the bill that increase costs. It’s impossible to increase access without those parts.
There are also parts that drastically lower costs…
1. Changes in delivery methods
2. Individual Mandates
3. State Compacts
4. Exchanges for consumers
Unless you can tell me how the CBO is full of crap.
Of course we know your righties are the only ones who have actually read the bill – every single righty in the country did. We are told that every day…
The Republicans are going to let 40 million more immigrants into the country? WTF?
No. It’s Obama. The border was 100% secure until 1/20/2009. Obama immediately made all the border patrol agents become IRS agents to shakedown the American people. This is a common fact.
Washington’s 9th LD is somewhere north of 5,530 square miles in size (couldn’t find the exact figure). King County covers 2,307 square miles.
Check out the map.
Re 58
“Obama immediately made all the border patrol agents become IRS agents to shakedown the American people.” Yep. And they’re all former Black Panthers who hate white people, too! And muslim! I get that this is how you view conservatives.
You are prepared to believe what you are prepared to believe. Obama is a sort of demi-god. Single payer health care works better. ‘Fair’ tax policy asks the top 5 percent to pay the tax burden for the bottom 60 percent. Whatever.
My experience of governement cost predictions and government activities generally is that the former are wrong and the latter inefficient. You can pull out CBO numbers (which actually predicted higher insurance rate rises with a mandate than without prior to the new law) if you like. If they fly in the face of common sense and 40 years of observation, I simply don’t believe them.
So you don’t have any reason to not believe them, you just don’t want to. Got it.
Pretty much sums up the govern-by-the-gut-facts-are-for-weenie-liberals conservative view of governing.
Maybe Dimo Lossi should try his hand running for dog catcher. Or more fitting, the guy that euthanizes pets at the pound. He might finally have a taste of victory.
Re 62
No. You’re confusing numbers from the CBO with reality. At the best, they are a good guess, like predicting the weather. At the worst they are political cover.
You see the world in precisely the same filtering way, as a matter of fact. Ask any 5 people looking at Mount Ranier what they see. You’ll get 5 answers based on whether they are mountain climbers, geologists or photographers, or whether they are tired or alert.
I know that I filter politics through a bias and cheerfully admit it. That admission allows me to see the bias, and occasionally (alas, not sufficiently often) too correct for it.
@13 Michael, Have you seen the report about the Andrew Breitbart wannabe who showed up at Dem headquarters in Silverdale on election night? Some douche who runs an internet radio station, Outlaw Radio, got in Brown’s face trying to start something noteworthy. Brown told him (and I’m paraphrasing) to fuck off and gave him a little boost toward the parking lot.
The comments on the Sun’s website are telling; the Teabagger/Republiars are up in arms over his violent and rude behavior. Check it out.
because when everyone votes, dems tend to win. Murray campaign worked hard to get every potential voter to the poll. It was a pleasure to phone for Patty, against that weasel Rossi. Friends of mine rented from him, he’s a scumbag as a landlord too.
The republicans scored a historic victory. they now have a mandate to run the country as they see fit. It’s been two whole days. Why is unemployment unchanged? Why haven’t they finished to border fence? GDP has remained stagnant ALL WEEK! Where is my end to all abortion? You’ve had plenty of time. For Christ sake, these republicans can’t do anything. The Honeymoon’s over.
And like other wingnuts, you just know that facts have a liberal bias.
I think you need to discard you “bias” filter you obtained from the Fox Disinfo channel.
No, I am not. I am well aware of what the CBO is. It’s not perfect, but it’s also the best tool we have available to score these things.
Economic forecasting is based on rationality. Sometimes rationality doesn’t come to fruition, but most times it does.
The CBO usually underestimates benefits (because they are harder to measure/quantify) and tends to overstate costs. In all likelihood, the bill will be more of a money saver than even the CBO projects.
Re 69
Not really interested in playing ‘I know you are, so what am I?’ with you. Unlike most liberals I lost interest in that game in the 3rd grade.
Believe as you like. If you are as intelligent as you think yourself to be, you’ll become a conservative soon enough. If not, you’ll continue to espouse progressive thought.
re 68
“And like other wingnuts, you just know that facts have a liberal bias.
I think you need to discard you “bias” filter you obtained from the Fox Disinfo channel.”
I don’t watch television, or indeed own one. I actually read books and newspapers, subscribe to an online news service with as close to no bias as this is possible, and (here’s the bit liberals always miss) think for myself.
Nor do most conservatives (in America we speak English, not political scat throwing, so I’ll ignore the wingnut) believe that facts support a liberal position. And by an odd co-incidence, in fact they don’t.
Let me rephrase then
“I know that I filter politics through a bias and cheerfully admit it”
What you perceive as a filter and bias are simple constructs residing in your mind. They are real only for you, not for us. We have read your comments and they require no de-coder ring. You are high on yourself and look down on others, even scorning the poor and the victims of a deep recession. You come here creating strawmen with your incessant “In your liberal minds” crap. You show it when you come back again and again with that, “What liberals believe is…” horseshit of yours. You share your loathing of the unemployed victims of the failures of 30 years of Reaganomics when you write, “I don’t care!” Then you like to slip in a “FDR should have been hung and burned in Hell” hatefest for good measure. A good number of people here have patiently tried to tell you what they really think and believe and you keep on ignoring them. It’s obvious that, for whatever reasons, you’d rather cheerfully cling to your filter and your bias. Well, I say that you can take your filter and your bias and cheerfully shove them up your damned ass.
To put perspective on the world of shit Republicans are in now, one need look no further than this exit poll reported by CNN:
Under the question: Highest Priority for Next Congress
30% of the fools who voted Republican stated that “Spending to Create Jobs” was their highest priority.
That’s 30% the Repugs will find looking for blood when they do nothing of the sort over the next 2 years.
The Repugs are doomed by their own false advertising.
Actually the result means that 10% of the Repug voters chose “Spending to Create Jobs” as the Congresses highest priority. (“Job Creation” was the second highest priority after deficit reduction which the Repugs are never good at.)
The meaning is the same the 10% who expected a Repug House to “Spend to Create Jobs” will quickly learn that they backed the people who would rather slit their throat than spend a penny getting creating jobs for the middle class.
lost @ 70
Truly a childish response. You aren’t doing well after your party’s historic victory. You’re actually looking pretty small. Let me offer you a prescription: you really need to go fuck yourself.
You don’t like us here>? Stay the fuck away. Go back to the stupid shark blog where “minds” like yours go to rot.
“lostinhisownasshole” and the “crack-piper”…a marriage made…uhhh…somewhere.
why do I doubt you? I read Huff, Drudge, The Economist, The NY Times, as well as a number of others ad hoc.
What is the mystery “balanced” news service that seems to give you such odd facts?
Lost in the Blues
YOU are giving the libs far too much credit.
The healthcare bill FORCES everyone to pay for healthcare that uninsured people now get FOR FREE!
Guess what happens when some lazy, uninsured person, esp. an illegal Mexican, comes into the emergency room with an owie? Under liberal law, “Hill-Burton,” the hospital GIVES the care for free!
So this dimdonkey bill replaces something free with something all of us producers will have subsidize. Who benfits if rich docs now can charge the Govt for waht they now do for free? ? The doctors who are already too rich!
AND, if all these newly insured folks don’t have to go to the emergency rooms, where will they go? How many self satisfied liberals want to be told they can not get an appointment for their cleansing enema because some kid named Pedro has an earache?
Cutting cost? What a joke! If you really wnat to cut costs then turn medical care over to Walmart. They now how to outsource jobs and keep the unions out of the business. Watch those rich liberal docs scream as all their patients go to Walmarts to get their Chinese drugs!
You proudly, incessantly, announce that you don’t much pay attention to the media. I’m sure it wouldn’t shock you if I told you that I have a subscription to The Nation. Been around since the 1860s. Imagine that. The magazine addresses issues directly (except for Alexander Cockburn, he is an idiot. I don’t read his column. He even denies global warming.) Great book, movie, and theatre reviews. And, in-depth political analysis, by serious people. I’d be happy to buy you a subscription. Interested? Newsweek and Time are part of the insipid, vapid rightwing media. Want to read something that really counts?
You read what?
Everything you mention is liberal! Even Drudge. That guy ticks me off, all he does is make serious republicans look dumb by pushing stories about Obama not really being Kenyan. Hell, we aren’t that dumb. Obama is far to light skinned to be a Kenyan and he talks just like a white man.
How come you don’t read a responsible news outlet like the Wall Street Journal, London Times, or Washington Times.
Yeh you read a lot but it is all the same crap written by a few Northeastern Harvards.
proud lesbo
The Nation? Give me a toke of whatever you are smoking. Does anyone take them seriously? Isn’t their editor that lesbian Katrina vanden Heuvel?
For that matter what kind of American goes by a name like that? Sound like the name of that musical Swiss family in a Disney movie!
I understand the Nation is now going for 68 cts! That is so cheap maybe you could use it to
light the kindling in your fireplace next winter when global warming doesn’t happen!
What do you read for some balance? Der Sturmer?
John Roberts will be impeached for lying at his confirmation hearings and Bush and Cheney will be tried for war crimes.
And Vitter will watch it all while wearing his golden diapers.
The beauty of golden diapers is that when you leak a little into them, there ain”t no stain. That kind of sums up Vitter’s career.
@79 “Beckoner” appears to have gained most of his knowledge regarding health care from watching “Doctor 90210”.
@6 Gee…too bad. Here in Washington, groundhogs don’t get to vote. Only humans.