According to an AP story in today’s Seattle Times, 17 percent of Ivy Leaguers practice “self-abuse“:
Nearly 1 in 5 students at two Ivy League schools say they have purposely injured themselves by cutting, burning or other methods, a disturbing phenomenon that psychologists say they are hearing about more often.
Hmm. I think that way back when I was an Ivy Leaguer, “self-abuse” was still a euphemism for “masturbation” (which of course is a euphemism for “jacking off.”)
For some young people, self-abuse is an extreme coping mechanism that seems to help relieve stress;
Again, isn’t that what masturbation is for?
I think what young people need today is some good, wholesome, old-fashioned sex, drugs and rock-and-roll.
the metalistas of today have the rock part down pretty well. they need more practice on the roll, however.
Wow Goldy,
A subject you are an authority on.
I would assume that masturbation was your 2nd Major in college?
What do you expect from liberal elite universities like Cornell and Princeton? They reject God, they reject laws, they reject morals, they reject the worth of the individual. Once you throw all these fundamental principles out the window, it is not surprising that a significant minority are intentionally injuring their own bodies.
Actually Momus, I majored in History with a focus on modernization theory and 19th century European industrialization.
Masturbation was more of an extracurricular activity… as it is for the vast majority of healthy, young men. The fact that you would find such an admission shameful or humiliating is more a comment on our nation’s unhealthy sexual puritanism than it is on the act itself.
I consider masturbation to be somewhat akin to picking one’s nose — they’re both satisfying in their own way, and nearly everybody does it… though preferably discretely, and in private. (Of course, the masturbation/nose-picking analogy somewhat breaks down when we get to the classic cliche: “You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.”)
Hey Puddybud,
A couple of days ago you commented that you believe in global warming, but that the world is in God’s hands.
Here is a little parabole ’bout that.
Momus @ 2
“A subject you are an authority on.”
And … clearly, a subject that titillates you enough to comment….
Nice try Richard @ 3. Like nobody ever mutilated their body out of religious devotion.
What do you expect from liberal elite universities like Cornell and Princeton? They reject God, they reject laws, they reject morals, they reject the worth of the individual. Once you throw all these fundamental principles out the window, it is not surprising that a significant minority are intentionally injuring their own bodies.
You really have to cut down on that KoolAid, Richard. You’ve gone way off the wacko end.
To think that some of the seemingly-sensible commenters here once considered flushing their votes down the toilet of your nuisance-candidacy-of-the-day.
Hey dj,
By “parabole” do you mean “parable”, “parabola”, or “parabolic parable”? I’d think “hyperbolic” might fit better.
Goldy with all the subject matter out there to talk about why go to the bottom of the bucket?
Interesting reply Goldy….
Here’s a thought, if you spent less time Jerkin your durkin, your kid would not be looking for a new school and hey, who knows, maybe you marriage would have survived.
Goldy’ kid…. “Hey Mom, I need help with my homework, where’s Dad?”
Goldy’s ex-wife … ” Oh honey, he’s in the bathroom beating off to a picture of Ron Sims again”.
Nice try Richard @ 3. Like nobody ever mutilated their body out of religious devotion.
Commentby Lyndon the Roach— 6/5/06@ 9:42 am
Well, my religious devotion says that people shouldn’t mutilate their bodies. I am sorry that such thoughts are so offensive to some of the more liberal posters on this board.
I think it shows how ridiculous it has been to have the materbation meaning associated with the term self-abuse. Some use the term self-mutilation, but the kind of burning and cutting described in the article is usually not so severe to cause permanent disfugurement.
Persons with eating disorders often harm themselves as well. This is a serious topic, and has more to do with societal messages about beauty than morals. I am sure that the practice can be uncovered in bible belt schools, too.
Goldy got some additional abuse by joking about the out-dated meaning of the term, but this blog seems to be his outlet for self-abuse, to that is to be expected.
Goldy with all the subject matter out there to talk about why go to the bottom of the bucket?
Commentby klake— 6/5/06@ 10:01 am
I think Goldy is resorting to such lower subjects, because his diversity fables about the Graham Hill Montessori program have been exposed.
We haven’t heard EVEN A SINGLE WORD from Goldy since I revealed the true racial statistics about Graham Hill — 85% of the white students attend the Montessori program, and 83% of the minority students attend the “Regular” program.
Here is a more relevant and weighty topic:
Tim Eyman has an appointment with the Secretary of State’s office at 11:00 a.m. today on Referendum 65. Will he turn in the required 112,440 signatures? Will he turn in 112,440 VALID signatures?
The Seattle P-I story of June 1, 2006 said that Eyman had e-mailed two weeks previously that only 30,775 signatures had been gathered. Apparently, this e-mail was before “Referendum Sunday” May 21, 2006. They had two more Sundays after that, as well, to gather signatures, so maybe they have enough signatures?
We will find out in 30 minutes or so …
Religious self-flagellation was practiced in Europe quite a lot in the Middle-ages. Not so much today, exept in the Phillipines and some odd villages in Greece and Italy, but it isn’t unknown.
“Goldy’ kid…. “Hey Mom, I need help with my homework, where’s Dad?”
Goldy’s ex-wife … ” Oh honey, he’s in the bathroom beating off to a picture of Ron Sims again”.
Oh my God. Momus, knock it off with the fantisies about Goldy. It is really, really creepy. Get help, dude.
N in Seattle @ 9
“By “parabole” do you mean “parable”, “parabola”, or “parabolic parable”? I’d think “hyperbolic” might fit better.”
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It must be the fault of public schools!
Hey Goldy, when are you going to get that preview? A preview with spelling and grammar checking, and one that will make my coffee in the morning, huh?
Religious self-flagellation was practiced in Europe quite a lot in the Middle-ages. Not so much today, exept in the Phillipines and some odd villages in Greece and Italy, but it isn’t unknown.
Commentby Harry Tuttle— 6/5/06@ 10:35 am
Back in the Middle Ages, you didn’t have religious freedom either. Just one church, which had become corrupted over the centuries. If you wanted to have different religious beliefs, you would get mutilated by others — stretching, cutting, burning — and in much more severe ways than practiced by some Cornell and Princeton students.
Goldy sez:
Masturbation was more of an extracurricular activity… as it is for the vast majority of healthy, young men. The fact that you would find such an admission shameful or humiliating is more a comment on our nation’s unhealthy sexual puritanism than it is on the act itself.
I consider masturbation to be somewhat akin to picking one’s nose – they’re both satisfying in their own way, and nearly everybody does it… though preferably discretely, and in private. (Of course, the masturbation/nose-picking analogy somewhat breaks down when we get to the classic cliche: “You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.”)
Commentby Goldy— 6/5/06@ 9:27 am
Goldy…where is your alleged mind today??
I suppose the next step in your “Progressivism” of this topic is to encourage like-minded self-gratification at Drinking Liberally!!! No telling what you can get your fellow KLOWNS to do with a couple of beers under their belts!
Being such a Mr. Big-Shot Celebrity must be a lonely existence Goldy. I thought I heard a few unseemly moans during the last half-hour of your show last night.
Could it be Goldy??? At least Clinton had Lewinsky! All you’ve got is your hand.
Goldy missed one of today’s top stories:
Supreme Court agrees to hear landmark affirmative action cases
By Gina Holland
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court said today it will decide the extent to which public schools can use race in deciding school assignments, setting the stage for a landmark affirmative action ruling.
Justices will hear appeals from a Seattle parents group and a Kentucky parent, ruling for the first time on diversity plans used by a host of school districts around the country.
Under the district’s plan, the first tiebreaker was whether an applicant has a sibling already at the school. The second tiebreaker was race: which applicant would bring the high school closer to the districtwide ratio of whites to nonwhites, roughly 40 percent to 60 percent. The third tiebreaker was distance, with closer students getting preference.
Seattle has about 46,000 public-school students. The racial tiebreaker helped some whites get into predominantly minority schools, and vice versa.
Mr. Cynical @ 20
“I suppose the next step in your “Progressivism” of this topic is to encourage like-minded self-gratification at Drinking Liberally!!! …. At least Clinton had Lewinsky! All you’ve got is your hand.”
Oh, heck, Mr. Cynical. Lots of us DL regulars give Goldy a hand from time to time…usually in a public setting, after he has given a talk. We also spend a lot of time engaging in intellectual intercourse with him. Sometimes we have to spank him for a stupid idea, but usually it is Goldy who does the spanking. No hard feelings–the issue usually blows over….
With you KLOWNS, one can only presume that “spanking” means “spanking you monkey”! And I don’t doubt for a second dj that you & others do give him a “hand”.
I used to wonder why Goldy had such poor eyesight and a chronically “fuzzy vision” for Washington State….
Now we know.
“Well, my religious devotion says that people shouldn’t mutilate their bodies.”
Really, Richard? I thought you were a conservative Catholic?
Mortification in Opus Dei
Much public attention has focused on Opus Dei’s encouragement of the practice of mortification– the voluntary infliction of pain. Mortification has a long history in many world religions including the Catholic Church, but the practice has become rare among most modern Christians.
Numeraries in Opus Dei practice several forms of mortification. Many are small acts of discomfort or sacrifice such as taking a cold shower, sleeping without a pillow or sleeping on the floor, fasting, or remaining silent for certain hours during the day. Some forms are more extreme, for example, once a week, numeraries briefly flail themselves with a small rope whip called a “discipline”.
One of the most-discussed forms of mortification involves the use of a cilice– a small metal chain with inwardly-pointing spikes that is worn around their upper thigh. The cilice’s spikes cause pain and may leave small marks, but typically do not cause bleeding. Numeraries in Opus Dei generally wear a cilice for two hours each day.
Members of Opus Dei feel that the mortification practices help to remind them of Jesus’s suffering on the cross and have a varety of positive psychological and spiritual benefits. Supporters of the practice point out that mortification has had a long history within the Catholic Church, that various popes have endorsed the practice, and that mortification has been used by numerous saints throughout history. Critics have cited mortification as one of the reasons for their opposition to Opus Dei.
-According to an AP story in today’s Seattle Times, 17 percent of Ivy Leaguers practice “self-abuse“-
Looks like we are FINALLY “catching up” with the hyper-competitive Japanese!
I guess this would explain why your picture in the PI had you wearing fishing gloves (without fingertips) around the house…..
And yes DJ, I agree, Goldy is a creepy motherfucker.
Speaking of Self Abuse, what has happened with Eyman and his Referendum?
I asked Cynical once if he’d ever been caught abusing himself in the closet. His sensible reply was, ” No, it’s a very good hiding place!”
Someone should know by now about Eyman and his reverendum …
“And yes DJ, I agree, Goldy is a creepy motherfucker. ”
Wow, momus. If vicious psychos like you, Puddy, klake, JCH, etc. think Goldy is creepy, he sure MUST BE!
Since most of the average right wing troll world view seems to be shaped by the fear and hatred of people who don’t share their twisted “values,” one can only assume their judgment of Goldy is based on sound principles.
KOMO Radio is reporting he showed up in costume, but with no petitions. The last day to turn them in is tomorrow. It would appear that this whole thing just might be another attempt to make people report on Tim Eyman.
Mr. Taco Bell—
You LEFTY”S of all races, nationalities and sexual disorientatins seem a bit over stimulated by PUD-PULLING.
It’s quite unsettling.
Crazed Lunatic Leftists Jim McDimWit and David KLOWNstein are calling for formation and funding of the National Department of PUD-PULLING!
Budget request includes alcohol and K-Y Jelly plus video equipment to tape themselves and share it with our youth.
In the spirit of Fiscal Conservatism, McDimWit and KLOWNstein forgo requesting towels….instead stating they will encourage folks to donate their sleeves!
re 32: “Pud-Pulling”? Cynical, you are such a cocktail wienie! Now you going to have Puddybud weighing in on your conflating his name with self-abuse.
Ever get caught in the closet, Cynical?
Ah, Further proof that if there is one thing Ms. Chickenhawk knows it is pulling his pud.
Hey, want to tell us about that embarrasing time your Mom caught you masturbating last week?
There are two kinds of liars: Those who say they’ve never indulged in self-abuse and those who say they tried it once , but will never do it again.
Which kind are you , Cynical?
Mr. Taco Bell–
Keep on squawkin’!!
It looks like we have touched on a sensative area for Ms. Chickenhawk (perhaps because he has been touching it way to much?) I guess having your Mom walk in on you while you are wacking away at your computer is hard to get over.
I think what young people need today is some good, wholesome, old-fashioned sex, drugs and rock-and-roll.
Goldy is just doing his part to help spread AIDS. Wasn’t hedonism part of the platform in Yakima?
About keeping kids moral.
Has anyone heard about the release this fall of a real-time strategy video game where the player’s character is a Christian warrior whose mission is to convert or kill Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, gays, and anyone who advocates the separation of church and state – especially moderate, mainstream Christians?
It is rumored that the creators are funded by mega-church pastor Rick Warren, who wrote The Purpose Driven Life.
Puddypud must know.
Interesting that goldsteins obsession with ‘self-abuse’ comes on the heals of his stint on the radio…. could there be a connection???
Goldy “perks up” saying his name on the Radio…
I suppose Goldy “perks up” when he looks in the mirror too!
With all the other issues going on, it is curious Goldy would PULL ON this one!
Perhaps one of our resident LUNATIC LEFTIST PSYCHOLOGISTS will explain Goldy’s deficiencies to us in Psycho-babble???
Momus @ 26
“And yes DJ, I agree, Goldy is a creepy motherfucker.”
(I’ll just ignore your little reading comprehension problem, there, kiddo)
Ummm…so let me see if I have this down correctly. Momus thinks Goldy is a creepy motherfucker. But, Momus has little fantasies about Goldy masturbating in the bathroom… And, Momus voluntarily comes back to HorsesAss over and over again to read what Goldy has written and to participate in Goldy’s comment thread community.
It looks like Momus has a little eroto-masochism “issue”…
Momus….you can get professional help for your problem!
From King 5 News:
“Gregoire tells pharmacy board to think again
“03:06 PM PDT on Monday, June 5, 2006
“Associated Press
“OLYMPIA, Wash. – State pharmacy regulators could risk being overruled or worse if they allow druggists’ personal objections to interfere with patients’ prescriptions, Gov. Chris Gregoire said Monday.
” … Gregoire said the board needs to change course quickly to protect patients’ rights.
“‘They made a mistake. It’s time that it’s corrected,’ Gregoire said at a news conference.”
“Gregoire pledged to ‘help them get the right answer,’ and said … she … could remove the entire board … in January, because the members’ appointments never were formally confirmed by lawmakers.”
Also from King 5:
“Reporters angered by Eyman’s latest stunt”
“03:20 PM PDT on Monday, June 5, 2006
“ Staff and KING Staff
“OLYMPIA – Referendum 65 sponsor Tim Eyman on Monday staged a media stunt at the Secretary of State’s office that met with some heated words from some reporters who felt ‘duped.’
” … Some reporters accused him of intentionally misleading the media. Said one, ‘You’re duping the press in order to help promote your signature drive in the final days.’
“‘I think it’s fair to say that we are willing to do whatever’s necessary in order to make sure our supporters know that we have the final days to get signatures in order to qualify for the ballot,’ Eyman replied.”
What a scumbag. Somebody ought to jam his phone lines.
I wonder how DOCTOR MENGELE of the Bunny Meadows CONCENTRATION CAMP is doing as he recovers from SURGERY to reattach his BALLS?
Darcy Burner has already hugged a rabbit — do-nothing congressman Reichert doesn’t even have a plan to hug a fucking rabbit.
I have no problem with Cynical conflating my name. I understand and agree with his use of PUD-Pulling moonbats. You leftist moonbats of the Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats have been conflating my name for a long time.
BTW DJ: I am shocked and amazed you didn’t call ASSnonymous on his wacked-off love of my virgin sons. Whys is that dj? Unbalanced I’d say. But then again he’s a librul and you who claims to be independent never saw anything librully moonbatic you didn’t like!
Momus, You are funny. Keep calling them as you see them and watch dj come to Goldy’s aid with open tipped gloves!
Opps slipped into ebonic mode… Why is that…
Puddy @ 49
“I am shocked and amazed you didn’t call ASSnonymous on his wacked-off love of my virgin sons. Whys is that dj?”
Since when the fuck did it become my job to defend the honor of YOUR sons, Puddy?