That’s what the PI is now reporting:
Seattle police Chief Gil Kerlikowske has been appointed to a law enforcement post within the Obama administration, which would return him to Washington, D.C., after almost a decade as Seattle’s top cop.
A administrator in the Seattle Police Department said Tuesday that Kerlikowske notified commanders that he would be appointed as director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, a cabinet-level post often referenced as the White House “drug czar.”
I’ve been critical of Kerlikowske in the past (specifically about the way SPD has dealt with complaints of police violence), but I’ve never thought of him as an overly aggressive drug warrior. Maybe I’ve never seen that side of him, or maybe the ONDCP will have some more sensible leadership than it has. I’m not sure yet. I’m curious what those who have followed his career more closely than I have think.
Why isn’t Lee reporting on this?
I see he opposed I-75, but mostly on technical grounds.
Isn’t czar a nice way of saying someone that will have lots of power without needing to be approved by congress and with no oversight?
This obama guy is doing everything bush wanted to do and couldn’t get away with.
@1 I’d like to see someone prosecute Coulter for voting in Connecticut while living in New York. Voting fraud is much more serious than smoking a joint. You pukes said so yourselves.
It’s official
czar (zär, tsär)
1. also tsar or tzar (zär, tsär) A male monarch or emperor, especially one of the emperors who ruled Russia until the revolution of 1917.
2. A person having great power; an autocrat: “the square-jawed, ruddy complacency of Jack Farrell, the czar of the Fifteenth Street police station” Ernest Hemingway.
3. Informal An appointed official having special powers to regulate or supervise an activity: a racetrack czar; an energy czar.
Kerlikowski will be perfect for the Obama administration: he favors ignoring Second Amendment rights just like Obama and most of the rest of his people (Holder, Emanuel, Clinton …).
Too bad it’s not Norm Stamper.
We can’t afford to keep potheads in jail.
Hopefully the Supreme Court will fully ensure my right to own nucelear weapons, too. They are certainly arms and they will be very useful to prevent oppression, a core second amendment purpose. Then Pudge and I can use my nuclear weapons to oppose the commie takeover of the USA that Obama is leading. You know, anytime there’s an increase in government spending, or more money for food stamps, or building schools, that means the commie takeover is close behind, just like happened in France and Sweden where they have all those reeducation camps and gulags and purges and fake elections and stuff.
Oh am I off the point? Isn’t this thread about the Second Amendment? What?
8 I dunno about us, but they sure can’t afford to in California. The courts just declared their entire prison system to be a violation of the Eighth Amendment. Oh…I forgot for an instant all the trollfucks care about is Number Two.
It may be a bit of a mystery whether Kerlikowske has “gone easy” on weed here in Seattle because we have something on the books here that directs the local constabulary to do so, or if that’s how he truly feels about it. If the latter, we might possibly see some change in course from the national embarrassment that has been the “War On Drugs”.
8 Too bad it’s unlikely we could persuade Norm to come take his old job back. I can’t see that, though, for a variety of reasons. One of them is that the prospect of him and Nickels trying to work together boggles the mind.
The truly terrifying aspect of this is that Nick Metz is being considered as his replacement.
@3: Wow – Stamm once again shows the lead in stupidity for trolls (and that is pretty hard with Pudge making a comment on here).
You mean like doing away with the illegal and unconstitutional:
Black hole of Gitmo
Warrantless wiretapping
extraordinary rendering (for torture in other countries)
illegal political influence on the judiciary (notice that Fitzgerald is staying on)
Once again, Stamm demonstrates an outstanding lack of knowledge and bolts to the front of the troll ignorance class.
Well, there was that case late last year where the SPD raided a medical marijuana clinic and confiscated all the patient records… Hopefully that isn’t indicative of the direction Obama’s new drug czar from Seattle plans to take in the everlasting war on drugs.
I agree with you that his record on guns is not very enlightened, but the ONDCP has no influence on our nation’s policies towards guns.
Kerlikowske wasn’t involved in that incident. It was an individual within the Prosecutor’s office who green lighted the raid. I do think he could have had a more pro-active response to rectify the situation though.