Enron founder Ken Lay, facing a life term for fraud and conspiracy in one of the largest corporate scams in history, died last night of an “apparent heart attack.”
Condolences to his family, but… I’d just like to point out that had this happened during the Clinton administration, and had Lay been Clinton’s primary financial backer, the right-wingers would be all abuzz today with conspiracy theories about how Clinton had Lay killed so as to keep him from talking. You know they would.
I’m just saying….
Condolences to his family, but… I’d just like to point out that had this happened during the Clinton administration, and had Lay been Clinton’s primary financial backer, the right-wingers would be all abuzz today with conspiracy theories about how Clinton had Lay killed so as to keep him from talking. You know they would.
And they’d be right. “Apparent heart attack?” That requires a heart. Something’s fishy here.
Why would Lay wait until after he was convicted to “talk”?
Must be a slow conspiracy day in lala land…..Better look south to the election count in Mexico!
Also – do not forget that all of these big corporate scandals prospered in the Clinton years, and have been prosecuted under GW’s watch.
Sorry, Goldy, they have already here.
and here.
The right doesn’t have the lock on lunacy.
Perhaps a more interesting conspiracy theory would be that he’s been “disappeared” for his own benefit or someone else’s, and may actually be quite alive and well in Argentina or wherever we put “useful bad guys” like was done with Eichmann in the 50’s.
Kinda convenient that this happened in a quiet little hole in the wall in Colorado, with no witnesses and a minimum number of parties involved. If what I’m postulating above actually happened, it would have been much harder to pull off in Houston without a media circus.
Mind you, I’m not saying that I myself find this likely, but it’s certainly plausible enough that it would make a pretty good movie script.
What better place to die than in your own vacation home in an exclusive area of the world?
The Rockie Mountains are beautiful.
Hell, it will save bush from signing another pardon for his pal kenny boy. Bastard screwed over lots of folks, who sure as hell can’t afford vacation homes in Aspen!
#7…Yup, still pretty amazing that after he pleaded hardship and poverty right through the sentencing, he jets off to his fancy hideaway to “get his affairs in order”.
As to dying…I dunno if it makes all that much difference where you are. When my Dad was close to death a couple of years ago, the hospital moved him to a room on the top floor with a magnificent view of downtown Seattle and the bay, but by then he was way too far gone to be aware of it.
Poor libs – Ken Lay foils a perfectly good “nyah nyah he’s goin to jail” by dying and Limbaugh foils another perfectly good “nyah nyah he’s goin to jail” by not doing anything illegal
CA 50
Al Zarqawi
Freedom in Iraq
Going to be a loooong summer for the the little libs… but a fast, short, painful STOP come November
I’d bet dollars to you know what that Bush was afraid Kenny would talk once he got into prison so ergo, the “heart attack.”
maybe we can get goldstein with that updown downup singsong voice thing he does to hum a few bars of The Twilight Zone….
Although Ken Lay was a resident of Texas during the Enron collapse, soon thereafter wasn’t he building a multi-million dollar home in Florida? (It may have been Skilling instead, or both of them – my memory is a little hazy on this point).
Florida has one of the most expansive homestead-exemption laws in the country, allowing debtors to protect their residence from seizure by creditors, regardless of the value of the home. That’s also why O.J. Simpson has a home there.
At the time I thought Ken Lay were gambling that they could beat the federal criminal charges, but not the shareholder and creditor lawsuits. He wanted as much of his assets protected as possible. But nothing would protect his assets if a federal court ordered him to disgorge his assets as being part of the proceeds of a criminal conspiracy.
And although Ken Lay would probably have been sentenced to a “Club Med” facility, the thought of spending the rest of his life in prison must have been profoundly disturbing to him. Although I’m sure we will hear plenty of “conspiracy to silence him” scenarios, I think it is more likely that he suffered from (a) a depression/anxiety-produced heart attack, or (b) suicide by overdose of prescription pills, in a manner which would allow insurance benefits to be paid to the family. If it is “b”, I’m sure he thought it through pretty carefully.
Or maybe the poor guy just up and died.
maybe we can get goldstein with that updown downup singsong voice thing he does to hum a few bars of The Twilight Zone….
Some people will die rather than A) Be found wrong or B) Be delivered into the hands of their sworn enemies.
For some egos, it amounts to the same thing.
I fully expect Cheney to die before he has to face the judgement of history.
The village idiot, on the other hand may not be so lucky, and may have to escape further into his delusional world.
Massive heart attack before sentencing… hmm… I think that’s God’s way of sentencing the man.
I love watching the righties defend a criminal. It shows their true character.
Somebody just asked me the question: is Lay’s conviction “final” if sentencing has not yet occured? Will the court still be able to seize his assets, or will his creditors have to try to do that in a civil lawsuit? My knowledge of criminal proceedure is too ancient to be able to answer these questions. Any volunteers?
Time to start the Bush Death List.
Correction to 12: “Club Med” should have read “Club Fed”.
I believe the conviction is considered “final” unless and until reversed on appeal. Mr. Lay’s death would seem to vitiate any appellate review. A criminal court may order restitution, although, again, with Mr. Lay’s death, any need for sentencing is now absent. I believe Lay’s creditors need to sue the estate. Because the criminal proceeding involved a higher standard of proof (beyond a reasonable doubt) than does a civil proceeding (preponderance of evidence), those creditors whose particular claims were directly involved (if any) in the criminal counts may be able to introduce evidence of the conviction and thereby avoid litigating liability.
Dear Proud ASS,
How can you spout such drivel and at the conclusion of your typing be satisfied with yourself. You are as delusional as your President (who took hundreds of thousands of Enron dollars from Ken Lay). Come November, you will see what a 30% approval factor really means. The country is polarized, there are more Democrats than Republicans and there is no electoral college or SCOTUS to save the elections for the Senate and House.
Have a good day!!!!
Carl Grossman
Democrat and Proud
(Perhaps you would like to weasel out from behind your computer and identify yourself. Nah, being a pussy fits your character).
STATELINE, Nev.-A bear cub drew a crowd of spectators at a Lake Tahoe neighborhood as it munched on stolen barbecue-chicken-and-jalapeno pizza in the back seat of a vintage red Buick convertible.It also apparently washed it down with a swig of a Jack Daniel’s mixer, an Absolut vodka and tonic, and a beer taken from a cooler, the vehicle’s owner said.
Bears emulating looting New Orleans Democrat Liberals…I love it!
REP who needs to be Bitchslapped @ 22,
Seems to me he was emulating the Republican caucus in both houses.
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Proud and much funnier than the Rep Who Needs Bitchslapping.
Rep Who Needs Bitchslapping,
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Proud and a potty mouth. Sue me!
New Preamble to the Constitution
“We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional, and other liberal bed-wetters. We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of NON-Rights.”
ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.
ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone – not just you!
You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc.; but the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be.
ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.
ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.! (This one is my pet peeve…get an education and go to work….don’t expect everyone else to take care of you!)
ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we’re just not interested in public health care.
ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don’t be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.
ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. [Sorry Roger Rabbit] If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don’t be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won’t have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure.
ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful. (AMEN!)
ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to PURSUE happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an over abundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.
ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don’t care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!
And ..lastly:
ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country’s history or heritage. This country was s founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all; with no fear of persecution. The phrase IN GOD WE TRUST is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, TOUGH!
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 7/5/06@ 11:58 am
Take that bullshit someplace else, like Uganda. If it’s supposed to be a joke, it isn’t funny.
If you’re serious, prepare for civil war.
Commentby Harry Tuttle
If you’re serious, prepare for civil war.
Commentby Harry Tuttle […………………………………..War it is with the parasite libs!!!]
When the Revolution comes, you’ll be the first one we ignore.
When the Revolution comes, you’ll be the first one we ignore.
Commentby Daddy Love [………………………………………………….”Ignore” is fine. Just don’t tax me for all your idiot liberal “progressive” bull shit programs! See above!]
JCH once again proves his real value. His ability to copy and paste is unparalled on this blog. An original thought is as foreign to him as storing ice cream in the oven is to the rest of us.
Top candidate for a Darwin Award, soon I hope.
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Proud
REP who needs to be Bitchslapped @ 22,
Seems to me he was emulating the Republican caucus in both houses.
Commentby My Left Foot [……………………………..My Left Foot, REP William Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA hehe, JCH Kennedy]
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Proud………………………………………………….. [Mr. Grossman, Would you like to be a partner in the lawfirm of Stein, Goldstein, Loeb, Steinberg and Goodman, ESQ?]
– JCH’s comments are invisible to me. He can post 50 comments in a row and it’s like I don’t even see them.
Commentby For the Clueless— [……………………………………………..Er, Then why your post? hehe, JCH Kennedy]
the wittle whiny lefties are a whole lot scared and becoming {snicker… rephrase: HAVE BECOME…er…REMAIN} unhinged….whaaa whaaa boo flippin whooooo….
Proud ASS,
No one is flipping out. Just waiting for November. Calmly.
Fuck you!
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Proud and still a potty mouth.
Mr. Groosman, When will you take your deposition? Sal Rosenberg, ESQ
God, it is so great to be morally superior!
Harare – Zimbabwe’s struggling economy is set for a ”dramatic” recovery in the next two to three years on the back of expected growth in mining and commercial farming, central bank governor Gideon Gono said on Wednesday. Zimbabwe’s economy has shrunk by more than a third during a recession which has lasted for eight years, with inflation running at a world record of nearly 1 200% and unemployment estimated at about 70%. [……………………………………………………………………………………………..Now here is an investment opportunity for Democrat “progressive” liberals!! Not a Republican around for miles!! Show us that you care!! hehe, JCH Kennedy]
“Grossman, Rosenberg, Stein, Steinberg, and Loeb, ESQ” New York, New York
loser @ 3 (you are not worthy enough to use the name President elect Gore)
Because after he was convicted and faced 20 years + in the slammer, he would have probably sold out his own Mother in order to get the Prosecutor to recommend a reduced sentence to the Judge in exchange for his cooperation.
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap yadda, yadda, yadda]
Leave it to you thieving ass righties to be PLAGIARISTS. The least you could do is to give credit to the site/author you stole that “Bill O’ Rights” from.
What a dick
Proud Ass,
You have made a career of thinking yourself to be morally superior. You get all chaffed when someone suggests there is another way.
It is Grossman not Groosman. I don’t make fun of your name (well, I don’t know it because you are too pussy to stand behind it) so kindly spell mine correctly.
And to be on topic, MSNBC is suggesting that suicide is a possibility with Ken Lay.
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Proud, Respectful
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap yadda, yadda, yadda]
What a dick
Commentby rwb [My new “progressive” lawyer, Carl Grossman, ESQ, from the firm Rosenberg, Stein, Goodman, and Loeb, ESQ] will be taking your deposition soon!!!!!] hehe, JCH Kennedy
Sorry, Goldy, they have already….
No, they did haven’t.
The right doesn’t have the lock on lunacy.
Actually, yes it does–pretty much uncontested in that respect.
Commentby Kyle Broflovski— 7/5/06@ 9:54 am
Better luck next time, kyle.
oops, excuse the brain fart. Should be “No, they have not”
ASS @ 9 (You are not worty of the name Kennedy)
Him dieing suits me just fine. If it where up to me, Crony Corperate SuperCrooks like Lay, Skilling, Ebbers and Kozlowski would be executed.
We will never know how many investors who lost their life savings may have suicided after these bastards looted their companys.
Lay was a scumbag, no different then those two bit crooks that hold up banks in Seattle all the time. It is a mighty un Jewish thought, but I hope it was painfull. He did not suffer nearly as mich as his victims.
I wanna see the body!!! I’m gonna stick a pin in him, and hold a mirror under his nose.
You know they neocons are desperate when they think dropping dead is a good thing …
“Or maybe the poor guy just up and died.” Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS— 7/5/06@ 11:02 am
Or maybe God struck him dead, and maybe She’s coming for ALL of you greedy Republican pickpockets!!! ha ha ha
Proud @ 43: Your name suits you well.
“God, it is so great to be morally superior!” Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS— 7/5/06@ 1:18 pm
Shut up! I’ll let you know when I want you to talk.
#50 was posted by Roger Rabbit
Here is part of the transcript of today White House press briefing Press Secretay, Tony Snow:
Q: What has been the President’s reaction to the death of Ken Lay?
SNOW: I really have not talked to him about it. I will give you my own personal reaction, which is that when somebody dies, you leave behind those that grieve, and I think that they deserve our compassion. But — I don’t know, what do you think would be the appropriate thing to say?
Q: I do not know. I don’t know him. The President was his friend, not me.
SNOW: No, the President has described Ken Lay as an acquaintance, and many of the President’s acquaintances have passed on during his time in office. Again, I think that it is sort of an interesting question but not answerable by me.
That is unless he was a friend of yours and he broke the law and it would be bad for you politically to acknowledge your friendship with him. Then you can snub his memory and family and be okay with that. All clear to everyone. Good.
What a stand-up guy!
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Proud and cynical to the core.
I wonder if ProudAss, when he can spare a moment, might deign to explain to the rest of us the moral superiority of:
and above all,
“Q: What has been the President’s reaction to the death of Ken Lay?”
A: YAAAAAAAY!!! Now all I have to do is burn the tapes and I’m in the clear!!!
RPK at 37:
Here we see an example of the Republican strategy for the November elections. Lie, redirect, obfuscate. In this case, in a discussion over the death of President Bush’s friend “Kenny Boy” (as Bush called him), he interjects an unsupported allegation that the Democrats are responsible for internal economic problems in (get this)…..Zimbabwe, Africa!
Apparantly he hopes that by equating the Zimbabwe regime with Democrats, he can get someone to defend it. Fat Chance. He is trying to construct a “straw man” out of thin air, so he can knock it down.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.
The basic idea is that if he repeats the same lies often enough (e.g., “Democrats are socialists,” “Democrats support tyrants,” etc.), he’ll eventually believe his own lies.
Don’t give him credit for that much sanity. He thinks if he chants the same nonsense over and over again, it will become reality. One wonders if he burns incense and faces in the direction of Waco while doing so.
It might be noted that at least one of his idols does not share the same delustions. Dick Cheney’s financial disclosures show him to be heavily invested in inflation-protected bonds and foreign currency. Shows how confident he must be in the ‘Merrikun economy.
Taxing you is for majorities in the legislature to do. Try to get one and we’ll try too, and see who wins!
That lying piece of shit and AIDS-infested cunt Ann Coulter is being investigated for plagerism. What a shock!
yooohoo howling at the moon consiracy theorist nutbutgers … A HREF=”http://news.yahoo.com/fc/business/enron”>Dr. Robert Kurtzman, Mesa County Coroner in Grand Junction, Colo., said his autopsy showed Lay died of heart disease.
yooohoo… howling at the moon consiracy theorist nutbutgers
Dr. Robert Kurtzman, Mesa County Coroner in Grand Junction, Colo., said his autopsy showed Lay died of heart disease.
NoLeftbrainandmissinghisLeftnut… the salient quote is thus…
“ Kerr told me that so far, none of the papers carrying Coulter’s column have called to complain about the plagiarism, or to drop the feature. “
Nice try from muchrackers-B-you
Don’t you love it when it turns out that the moral majority is neither?
Proud ASShole @ 62,
Try going back and reading the ENTIRE post at muckracker. Then come back and try to comment intelligently. Dammit, I forgot you can’t do anything intelligent.
You may be the biggest moron here at HA. Thank you for weeks and weeks of cheap, third class entertainment.
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Proud
You’ew welcome! The job’s not hard with the easily amused!
And I did read the entire post… along with the links… did you? Or did you just type in HATE COULTER then paste whatever you found noLeftbrainmissinghisLeftnutANDeasilyamusedwithdustbunnies?
noLeftbrainmissinghisLeftnutANDeasilyamusedwithdustbunnies has sex
upon further reflection that should have been
noLeftbrainmissinghisLeftnutANDeasilyamusedwithdustbunnies ATTEMPTS sex!
noLeftbrainmissinghisLeftnutANDeasilyamusedwithdustbunnies ATTEMPTS sex with his blow-up
with his dust bunny!
who knew noLeftbrainmissinghisLeftnutANDeasilyamusedwithdustbunnies and Roger were so close??
How do we know Ken Lay is really dead? Facing decades in prison, doesn’t he have a motive to fake his “death” in order to flee the country to a “safe haven?” What are the chances he has enough cash stashed away to live comfortably in a country with no U.S. extradition treaty? I want to see the body! I want to see someone cut his heart out and send it to a forensics lab for DNA verification of the body’s identity! I want to KNOW this bastard is dead!
69, 70
Hey, that’s cute! I want to get one for Mrs. Rabbit! Where’ja find it?
One good blowup doll deserves another … click here for photo of ProudAss’s “boyfriend” … http://www.stickergiant.com/pa.....bushocchio
Now we understand why you are the way you are noLeftbrainmissinghisLeftnutANDeasilyamusedwithdustbunnies, but you too can overcome the humiliation.
Hurry though, I think bedwetters grow up to be peweirdos
Good point RR. For all we know, the Bush regime took Bush best pal, Enron crook Ken Lay to Gitmo to keep him quiet. He probably has the goods on tons of illegal activity by the Pretender & Thief.
Yea except for that whole ‘coroner report thingie’… morons.
For God sake, noLeftbrainmissinghisLeftnutANDeasilyamusedwithdustbunnies GO CHANGE THOSE DAMNED SHEETS… they stink!
Now here’s a product to end all doll products! The farting George Bush doll! Pull his finger and he farts and says a Bushism! Make sure you have your computer’s speakers turned on when you click on the “sound” buttons. http://www.prankplace.com/fbush.htm?KBID=2274
Is the coroner a Republican?
Well hey, if Ken Lay goes to Brazil to live with Hitler’s left nut, all I can say is, those two gonads deserve each other.
Dear howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS, Ken Lay was priveleaged to all the secrets of ByushCo. GWB nicknamed him “KennyBoy”. Bush stated KennyBoy was a close freind.
BushCo then murdered KennyBoy to keep him from playing a deal before sentencing.
Lay showed no ill health during his months long trial, and despite a post mortem claim that he had a heart attack previously, Lay had no history of heart disease.
He was inconvienient, and he was sacrificed, just as all the BushCo supporters will be sacrificed when they become inconvienient.
Tag, your next.
I wonder if George Bush is getting ready to suck every dick in N. Korea since he’s afraid to deal with the one dictatorship that actually has WMD!
Ken Lay’s death brings to my mind the curse Desdemona’s nurse laid on Iago upon discovering his treachery in Othello “May God rot your pernicious soul half a grain a day in Hell evermore.”
I know it’s a little out of fashion these days, but for sentencing Ken Lay, I would have settled for him being hung in chains and bands from a gibbet set out in from of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
I wonder if George Bush is getting ready to suck every dick in N. Korea since he’s afraid to deal with the one dictatorship that actually has WMD!
Commentby LeftTurn [Groosman, maybe you would like to sue them. That is the Democrat way!!]
I sure as hell wish you people would stop using the “C” word to refer to the wretched Coulter creature.
How about something else, like “colostomy”, “chancre” or simply “lesion”?
Ok here are some other potential adjectives for Ann Coulter..
Rancid whore, traitor, coward, bitch, plagerist, anti-American, freedom-hater, asshole, freak, asswipe, criminal, thief?
Mr. Grossman, Ann Coulter: Republican babe Helen Thomas: Democrat babe Cindy McKinney: Democrat babe [Get it?]
Update on the tranny plagiarist:
C’mon JCH, suck me! Yoo know you want to!
I was just hearing Michael Medved complain how the Left likes to say that poverty creates crime. Well, the first name to pop into my mind was Ken Lay. I think he makes a good case that libs have no clue what they are talking about.
C’mon JCH, suck me! Yoo know you want to!
Commentby Ann Coulter\’s dick [……………………………………………………………Sorry, I’m not a AIDs HIV positive “progressive” Democrat. Go to the fag bars and find a few liberal Democrat queers!]
Sing along now nutburgers… follow along with goldstein the contralto and his weird updown, downup musical scale talk thing he does with his “voice”.
#91…Crime is motivated in general by desperation or greed. If you have nothing, you want everything. If you have everything, you want more. Either way, you’re likely to die in disappointment.
Shut up! I’ll let you know when I want you to talk. Commentby God— 7/5/06@ 1:52 pm
That’s the problem with moonbats. They think they are god! There is only one God and He wrote down your lousy impersonation of Him!
Puddybutt there is no God. If there was, your ugly wife wouldn’t be constantly coming to my house begging to suck my dick!
The basic idea is that if he repeats the same lies often enough (e.g., “Democrats are socialists,” “Democrats support tyrants,” etc.), he’ll eventually believe his own lies.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/5/06@ 2:14 pm
Damn I love being set up so well. Tell me Pellet Breath how many moonbats supported Fidel Castro?
Google it boy and girl moonbats
Jimmy Carter supports Castro. Maxine Waters supports Castro. Danny Glover supports Castro. Barbara Boxer supports Castro.
Don’t you remember in 2001 when President Bush’s nominated Cuban-American conservative Otto Reich as his primary choice to run Latin American affairs for the State Department, he came under attack from Democrats? Why Pellet Breath? Because of his anti-Castro views? Say it ain’t so!!!
Title: The Real Fidel Castro
Author: Leycester Coltman – Moonbat
Publisher: Yale University Press
Year: 2003
ISBN: 0300101880
Pages: 335
Format: Hardback
LeftTurdy: My beautiful wife said the Hubble telescope could not find your dick!
And Leftturdy that’s at full magnification.
JCH @ 88:
Let me get this straight, you choose your party affiliation based on the physical appearance of the female members. WOW! I had really hoped that you would have more depth than that. I also hoped George Bush would do the right thing. I keep hoping that the Cubs will win a pennant. Apparently I am a dreamer.
I apologize to all of you out there for hoping that we can effect change though intelligent and challenging conversation and ideas. I was wrong. All I need to do is vote for the party with the best looking women. (JCH, you might want to check your vision, Ann Coulter is one ugly bitch. Once she opens her mouth all there is to see and hear is ugly. She is so ugly, she is FUGLY.) But you keep masturbating while looking at her picture. That way you won’t be in the way come November.
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Proud and standing up to Proud Ass, JCH and the rest of the brainless spineless trolls who opine here.
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Proud and standing up to Proud Ass, JCH and the rest of the brainless spineless trolls who opine here.
Commentby My Left Foot— 7/5/06@ 10:25 pm
Carl Left Foot Grossman: Comments on Donks who love Fidel Castro?
Carl Left Foot Grossman: Spineless? Were here, not queer, and you donks better fear!
So you agree with me; Libs who claim being poor causes crime are lame.
@56 Cheney’s investments are in a blind trust, as required by law. I wouldn’t try to read too much into what categories his assets are in.
The only thing I love more than GWB sucking my dick is PuddyBud licking my asshole.
You like the taste, PuddyBud? You and Bush have much in common, there is not an orifice of a communist regime you will not suck.
Here is 50 American dollars, GWB and PuddyBud, Suck each other for my enjoyment!
Ah, I love this neocon New World Order!
Hu Jintao: Wow another name for Mrs Rabbit Pellet, headinhisassloocy or LeftTurdy. Today I choose headinhisassloocy. Full of sexual innuendo and nothing factual. headinhisassloocy loves the word neocon. That word too big for LeftTurdy!
Puddybud @ 107 and 102,
You are not here. You don’t exist, except in your own mind. You are weak, cowardly and spineless. Stand up behind your words. Identify yourself. Anyone can hurl vindictive vitriol from behind the safety of their computer screen. But a coward threatens and cajoles from anonimity. State your name, state your belief. Unless of course you have none are simply here to aggravate and incite. Which we all know to be the final truth.
You have no true core value. You have no principles. You only have the desire to feel within yourself a power that exists only in the machination of your deluded mind.
Now, scurry along to your job bagging groceries.
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Proud and not willing to surrender.
In the above post anonimity should be spelled ANONYMITY, dammit. Hate when I do that.
Ahhhh Puddybutt so you admit your wife was looking for my dick. Smooth move ex-lax! Does it hurt to be that stupid? Did your parents have any kids who lived? Does it take you two hours to watch “60 Minutes?”
Crooks and Liars has the goods on plagerizer Ann Coulter.
It would add to their credibility and yours if either of you knew the proper spelling of plagiarism.
Lay’s dead, and unfortyuantely he won’t have to serve time. Too bad, but there ain’t anything we can do about Ken Lay anymore. Let’s move on to getting Mr. Skilling behind bars for a long time.
These are desperate times for Metro Detroit [ALL DEMOCRAT] home sellers. The desperation tumbles from the numbers: a 43 percent increase in homes on the market. Gee, I wonder why? A drop in the median selling price in every Metro Detroit county. Flat overall home sales after years of steady growth. Desperation screams from the ubiquitous “For Sale” signs peppering Metro Detroit streets…
People still have to BUY houses in Detroit? I assumed free housing was probably an entitlement by now, in America’s most-liberal “progressive” Democrat city. No worries. Detroit will still vote 115% Democrat.
JCH @114,
You are nothing but a racist, cocksucking, war mongering freak. Your posts have the intellectual verve of an eight year old. I am no longer going to respond your moronic posts and would urge others here to do the same.
Go fuck yourself! The only ass you get is when you wipe your own.
Carl Grossman
Democrat, Proud and willing to back up my words in person, how about you?
JCH @114,
You are nothing but a racist, cocksucking, war mongering freak…
…Go fuck yourself! The only ass you get is when you wipe your own…
Carl Grossman
Don’t candy-coat it Carl! Tell us how you REALY feel about REP Pat!
“how you REALY feel about REP Pat!”
JustAnotherCrackhead (JCH) is no REP Pat. JCH represents nothing but.. crackhead wingnuts.
My beautiful wife said the Hubble telescope could not find your dick!
Comment by Puddybud — 7/5/06 @ 10:09 pm
WOW, I had no idea that blow up dolls could talk! Let alone use a tool of science!
C’mon PuddyBud, tell us all how you got the name “puddy bud”!
“Did President Bush Have Ken Lay Murdered?â€
Read all (Huffington)posts by David Goldstein
if there’s a “cremation” followed by a radical change is mrs. lay’s social calender, then we know he’s livin’ large somewhere in poland, where georgie’s college cheerleading roommate, “longtime friend” and current ambassador, victor(ia) ashe can help keep an eye on kennyboy as well as overseeing the bush gulags…
By EthylineGass 07/Jul/06 18:45 PM
“Did President Bush Have Ken Lay Murdered?â€
hey dave … did you notice that after my last comment, your headline completely dropped off of the Huffpo front page instead of working its way down the page ???
By EthylineGass 07/Jul/06 18:57 PM
Wow, how convenient
caribbean-carnival-royal-carribean-princess-group-celebrity-holland america-mediterranean-alaska
The right thing for Lay’s family to do is, invest those stolen millions back into the retirement accounts from which they were taken. This would clear Ken’s name, somewhat, and the family would look as though they had nothing to do with it, right?
Wrong! The family will spend millions of the stolen money on lawyers, attempting to keep as much of it as they possibly can. And, they will surely funnel some more to ole Bushy Boy so that he and Cheney can bulldog and intimidate more officials to side with the Lay family.
Now, if we only had DNA test to prove the body found was actually Ken Lay’s, that might be a start. If it was Ken Lay, what is that red needle mark doing behind his left ear?