Seattle has been very lucky to have Foolproof’s American Voices series bringing some of the nation’s top progressive speakers to local audiences, including President Bill Clinton, Bill Moyers, Gov. Ann Richards, Molly Ivins, Dr. Cornel West and most recently George Lakoff. But as critically successful as the series has been, ticket sales cover only 70 percent of the costs.
Now Foolproof needs your help to keep these great speakers coming to Seattle audiences. A core group of American Voices supporters has made a challenge… they will match dollar for dollar all individual contributions made by July 30, up to $50,000. I urge you to go to Foolproof’s donations page, and give what you can. And with a donation of $100 or more, you may choose to receive a CD of a recent American Voices presentation: Bill Moyers, Michael Eric Dyson, Robert Reich, Arianna Huffington, Paul Rusesabagina or Ambassador Joseph Wilson.
And a reminder… Congressman Barney Frank will speak on Aug. 3 at Benaroya Hall as special benefit for American Voices. Tickets are on sale now.
Will Barney Frank give lessons on running a gay escort service like he ran out of his Washington home?
PBJ – JeffGannon/JamesGuckert Escort Services, Inc. can provide whatever services you need. If you can dream it, they can provide it. Discretion is assured. Call I-800-SOF-BALL.
PBJ, PRR, RIGHTON, CHARDONAY, etc. You should all stick with your own kind and use the website. Mr. C has various ‘gifts’that he can indulge you with….even you chardonnay….as tough as it is for you to get a man, cynical can play the part…..although he would rather be with his ‘BOYS’ as they have (pay) bigger tips
Have to say, this puts it all in perspective.
They day after London is attacked, Goldy is holding a telethon to keep great Americans such As Michale Moore, Susan Sarandon and Jim Mcdermot coming back to Seattle to preach their hate.
Anyone with a countering opinion, “Must” be gay.
PRR, our own resident closet queen, speaks again with his grace and glamour. lol at you and your ‘but buddies’on the right
ummm… you spelled butt wrong
As a follow up.
What if I am gay?
Would this be an insult to me? Would I be somehow sub standrad?
What happens to the great liberal open mindedness?
You crack me up with your labeling of your LEFTIST PINHEAD celebrities as somehow “Progressive”. Progressive my ass. Progressives….isn’t that what we called the Commies in the 1950’s??? So from that perspective, perhaps you have a point. But from the perspective of “progressing TOWARD something of value”…you gotta be kidding me!
In looking at your list of so-called Progressives, the only thing I see in common is a relationship to “Dick’s”:
For example:
Bill Clinton–Likes having his Dick sucked by fat Jewish girls anytime, anyplace.
Barney Fag–Likes to have his Dick sucked by young boys and is more than willing to be a Dick sucker himself.
Molly Ivins–Hates Dicks and especially hates what is attached to a Dick.
Ann Richards–Too old to remember what a Dick is.
Bill Moyers–Well, he is a Dick…on Public TV too!
Robert Reich–owner of the world’s smallest Dick
Arianna Huffington–She was kinda hot when she was a Republican…but now that she has gone over to the dark side, she has kind of hagged out and hell Goldy, I would F*** her with your needle Dick!
Progressive??? Goldy is one funny SOB!
You forgot your other heros, Alger Hiss, Rosenbergs, Mike Lowry, Patsy Schroeder, Mike Dukakis, Tom Eagleton, Norm Rice (too early to recall the lefty boobs hall of shame)
My righty “friends”…
Your anger and derision is a dead giveaway as to how threatened you are by these people and what they have to say. All the more reason to support Foolproof in bringing these powerful speakers to Seattle audiences.
You don’t get it. The righty trolls simply attack anything you say (without much though, I would add). You could say the sky is blue and they’d attack you siding with a “liberal” sky.
they’re just bitter, frightened, mean people. Pity them.
Wow, being called righty without also being called fascist, nazi, neo-con, fundamentalist, woman hater, etc. thanks
re 4 prr: Those people you mentioned don’t preach hate. You and your kind do. You Reps. are the evildoers and it will take a generation before the Rep/Tory role in this subway bombing is uncovered. Do you really think professional terrorists leave their cell phones behind at the site of a terroriost action and later blow themseves up when they are caught? What kind of simple-minded idiot are you? Can you think at all or only react like some protozoa?
I’m beginning to think Leo Strauss was right.
Ah, the looney left awakens…ready to blame Rove and others for something pretty likely done by some Arabs in London…
Just an observation, PBJ, PRR, RIGHTON, CHARDONNAY, et al; these threads don’t degenerate into mindless, mind numbing name calling until you show up.
Way to win freinds and make points. I’m sickened by your despicable attitudes and contempt for any point of view other than your own.
Great, Barney Fag is coming to speak.
DR. quest @ 13,
why wait for a generation?
It seems you’ve already started the conspiracy theory.
Just where exactly were the Bush twins yesterday?
Hmmm, I am sure Michael moore is working on this as we speak.
I am sickened by Liberals in general
Reply to 7
prr, you manage to be substandard no matter what you are. Personally I doubt you’re gay, but I suspect you’re a cockroach.
Roger, That’s alright.
I am convinced you molest collies
Maybe ticket prices only cover 70% of the cost because these sociailists for the little guy charge too much in speaking fees, and the audience in Seattle is too cheap to pay the full price for their entertainment.
Kind of like the monorail – costs too much, local crowd won’t pony up the funds.
Excellent observation Janet
I thought NPR and PBS did this stuff for you already? Its the house organ for libs, right?
Reply to 20
Of course I fuck collies. I fuck anything with fur! (No snakes, please!) Most of the cute fluffy bunnies in Green Lake Park are my progeny. In fact, I’m probably related to most of the rabbits, cats, dogs, and hamsters in King County! :D
Lots of class here today
Inter planet Janet the Galaxy grrl
and the typical conservative PeRveRt’s
I think Chuck is a fag hag
But I digress
I think Congressman Barney Frank is a great American and I will be proud to see him speak in spite of what these treasonous anti American neocon clowns have to say
but then again,
I pretty much just loathe conservatives in general.
Reply to 21
At least the progressives pay 70% of their own freight. The self-righteous Repubs in eastern Washington pay only about 15% of their roads. BIAW paid for Rossi’s election context with L & I taxes intended for injured workers. The national GOP has given its supporters $400 billion of tax breaks in return for $4 billion of campaign contributions between 2000 and 2004. Republicans don’t pay anything if they can stick someone else with the tab. Janet S. supports the Freeloader Party!
Your comment about me just goes to show the sheer stupidity and ignorance of the liberal mind…completely hetero here…
***completely hetero here…***
And you felt compelled to remind everyone of that because….?
Uh huh…
What’s up?
oh its just Chuck
looking at a photo of Jeff Gannon…
Oh my…
Yeah, Barney Frank let a prostitution ring run from his apartment. What a guy.
Too bad the facts don’t fit the BIAW story given. If this is considered using L&I taxes for elections, then what do you call the WEA using teachers’ dues for campaigning?
It’s funny. I don’t “loathe” liberals. I find it interesting to listen to different viewpoints, and have discussions. Too bad the group here answers, not with reason, but with emotional temper tantrums. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t have a good argument.
Janet, when have you ever had even a half-assed argument? Most of the time you just spew righty talking points from Rush or (un)Sound Politics. You’ve never had an original thought that I could detect.
Janet S @21,
Actually, as someone who has worked closely with not-for-profit theater, 70% is pretty damn good. Generally, ticket revenues comprise less than half the operating budget. The rest typically comes from individual donations, grants, and corporate sponsorships.
If Foolproof is looking to raise $100,000, it appears to be targeted mostly to pay full-time staff. I’m guessing the speaking events themselves are pretty close to break-even, and they are fundraising to pay for overhead and daily operations.
And it’s kind of funny that market-oriented righties begrudge others making a living.
***I find it interesting to listen to different viewpoints, and have discussions.***
thats funny
you should do stand up
oh yeah
you said
***Maybe ticket prices only cover 70% of the cost because these sociailists for the little guy charge too much in speaking fees, and the audience in Seattle is too cheap to pay the full price for their entertainment.***
Hmmm gosh…
How insightful
Way to add to the discourse
I can hardly wait to wrap my wretched abortion/Homo loving liberal body in the flag now…
Dear Janet
would it kill you to use spellchecker?
Spellchecker? Oh my, I put an extra i in socialists. I can’t believe it! The horror!
I’m all for capitalism. I just wonder why you don’t just charge a couple of dollars more per ticket, and that would cover your fixed costs. Kind of like what happens in business. But if not, go for it – it’s not like it is my money.
I get more annoyed when the Opera or Symphony asks for support from everyone in the city, rather than just charge their patrons a little more. We spend a lot of tax dollars on their venues just so the rich and famous can get a tax deduction for being seen on opening night.
Uh Oh Goldy! @ 31 “And it’s kind of funny that market-oriented righties begrudge others making a living.”
Now Chuck is gonna start screaming about these commies wanting to be paid for work. I mean, aren’t their trust funds enough for these people?
Goldy @ 10:“Your anger and derision is a dead giveaway as to how threatened you are by these people and what they have to say.”
So that means that anyone to the right of Far Left scares the bejeebers out of you guys?
And while I am not a #1 fan of Cyn, his post @ 8 does bring up a point I’ve made before. Anyone as closed-minded as the Far Left (or Far Right) is NOT “progressive” unless the idea is “progressing” toward a Socialist (or Theocratic) state. The only TRUE Progressives are those between Center Left and Center Right who are open to listening first and spewing venom later. They’re the only ones interested in making real progress for all.
Roger @ 26:“BIAW paid for Rossi’s election context with L & I taxes intended for injured workers.”
Dear Mr. Bunny… I’ve found that you sometimes have moments of clarity and reason — even for a Leftie. But this time you’re off base. No injured worker is missing their “taxes” or benefits. The Retro money is the business owner’s money from beginning to end.
“The self-righteous Repubs in eastern Washington pay only about 15% of their roads.”
As others have pointed out before, there is a difference between the basic roads needed to transport goods and services to the Kingdom of King County and a vanity boondoggle (fancy Viaduct alternatives) and underused, feel-good projects (Sounder north routes that were designed to be 66% subsidized from the start!).
As I said…stupidity and ignorance….
By the way who is jeff gannon I am obviously not up on gay things like you seem to be.
Chuck, Jeff Gannon/Guckert is a male prostitute who for a couple of years served as the white house’s private gigolo, servicing Karl Rove, among others, regularly.
***By the way who is jeff gannon I am obviously not up on gay things like you seem to be.**
Yet you want to know…
Donna @ 33: “Now Chuck is gonna start screaming about these commies wanting to be paid for work. I mean, aren’t their trust funds enough for these people?
You’re right! I’ve found plenty of “do gooder” Lefties who are nothing but trust-fund babies with guilt complexes and little-to-no “real world” life experience.
One of these days I’d love to see some of these Far Left “intellectuals” and politicians actually trying to hold down a real job or, better yet, try to run a small business on their own (without benefit of Mummy and Daddy’s money).
Now THERE’S a reality show for you — give some of these we-know-better-than-you Lefties 6 months and $15,000 in seed money ($5,000 cash & a $10,000 30-day inventory credit line) to run a small retail business. The only catch is that they can’t use their connections to feed at the public trough.
MArk @ 38 You seem to have a few typos in your post. If you replace “Lefty” with “Righty” in every spot you use it, thne post then gains some clarity and credibility.
No need to thank me, your welcome.
Donna @ 39
“Ivory tower intellectuals” are typically Lefty, not Righty.
Mark @40,
Oh that’s fair. Undercapitalization is one the primary reasons businesses fail. A close second is probably thinking you can turn a profit right away.
Goldy @ 43
There are plenty of immigrants who make a go of it with much less. I’ve personally known people who have started with a hole-in-the-wall and built a business with a national reputation.
Goldy, have YOU ever owned or even run a small business?
MArk @ 42 ““Ivory tower intellectuals†are typically Lefty, not Righty”
Well, that is not fair, any form of intellectual is Left and not Right. That is due to actually having an IQ above 80.
Simply because you made reference to it (probably stemming from you sexual exitement) and I simply wanted to know what you were talking about.
Marty @ 28 ‘Ignorance’is Chuckie Boyz mother’s middle name, ‘stupidity’is his father’s name, result? Idiotic person with no intellect and only able to copy talking points from other websites. Damn, Chuckie Boy should be a poster boy for keeping ‘pro choice’ active
Goldy is censoring again.
prr was the idiot who was dunning me for being a homophobe when I suggested Rove might be gay the other day. Now he’s making gay jokes about Barney Frank. Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds, but you need at least a small mind to deserve even that small measure of respect. prr is ,sadly, lacking in that respect.
Yes, prr, this means I don’t think you’re the brightest bulb. But I do think that you are a latent homosexual with strong log-cabin tendencies.
Righton masturbates in rotted, warm pumpkins in memory of Whittacker Chambers.
And what “talking point” have I pasted?
DQ @50 elevates the debate:
Righton masturbates in rotted, warm pumpkins in memory of Whittacker Chambers.
Um, what was the issue? No, before that…
All you donks can parade as many speakers as you want… just dont screw with the rights of others and try to revive the fairness doctrine. Remember free speech is only free when it is truely free.