So, the McCain campaign wants to take off the gloves, and try to turn the conversation away from the economy and on to Barack Obama’s “associations“…? Well two can play at that game.
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by Goldy — ,
So, the McCain campaign wants to take off the gloves, and try to turn the conversation away from the economy and on to Barack Obama’s “associations“…? Well two can play at that game.
Learn more about Keating Economics.
Summing Up McCain
I’ll let Joe Klein of Time magazine do this, as he’s so much more eloquent than me:
“I’m of two minds about how to deal with the McCain campaign’s further descent into ugliness. Their strategy is simple: you throw crap against a wall and then giggle as the media try to analyze the putresence in a way that conveys a sense of balance: ‘Well, it is bull-pucky, but the splatter pattern is interesting…’ which, of course, only serves to get your perverse message out. I really don’t want to be a part of that. But … every so often, we journalists have a duty to remind readers just how dingy the McCain campaign, and its right-wing acolytes in the media (I’m looking at you, Sean Hannity) have become … in their efforts to divert public attention from the economic crisis we’re facing. …
“But since we are dealing with manure here, I’ll put the rest of this post below the fold.
“It is appropriate that the prime vessel for this assault is Sarah Palin, whose very presence on a national ticket is an insult to your intelligence. She now has ‘credibility,’ we are told, because she managed to read talking points off notecards in the debate last week ….
“Over the weekend, she picked up on an article in The New York Times, which essentially says that Barack Obama and the former terrorist Bill Ayers have crossed paths in Chicago, served on a couple of charitable boards together, but aren’t particularly close. To Palin … this means that Obama has been ‘palling around’ with terrorists. …
“Then we have the ever-reliable Bill Kristol, in today’s New York Times, advising Palin to bring up the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Palin, of course, believes that’s a darn good idea: ‘To tell you the truth, Bill, I don’t know why that association isn’t discussed more, because those were appalling things that that pastor had said about our great country, and to have sat in the pews for 20 years and listened to that — with, I don’t know, a sense of condoning it, I guess, because he didn’t get up and leave — to me, that does say something about character.’ …
“So then, I’d guess, it would be appropriate to bring up some of the nuttiness that passes for godliness in Palin’s religious life. Leave aside the fact that The Embarracuda allowed herself to participate in a cermony that protected her from witchcraft, how about her presence — she didn’t ‘get up and leave’ — at a sermon by the founder of Jews for Jesus, who argued that the Palestinian terrorist acts against Israel were God’s ‘judgment’ on the Jews because they hadn’t accepted Jesus.
“Speaking of Jews, the ever-execrable Sean Hannity has been having intercourse with a known Jew-hater named Andy Martin, who now wants to expose Barack Obama as a Muslim. According to the Washington Times: ‘In 1986, when Mr. Martin ran … for Connecticut’s 3rd Congressional District seat … his campaign committee filed papers saying its purpose was to ‘exterminate Jew power in America and impeach U.S. District Court of Appeals judges in New York City.’ …
“As I said, I’m of two minds about this. I don’t want to give currency to this sewage, so it will remain below the fold. And I’ll try to devote the lion’s share of my time to the issues — the war, the economic crisis, the fraying health insurance system, the environment — that should define this campaign.
“But what a desperate empty embarrassment the McCain campaign has become.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well said Joe! My sentiments exactly! The McSame/Nobody ticket is sinking like the Titanic because, like the late great ship, it has no bottom and therefore can’t float. McSame and Nobody haven’t given voters any reasons to vote for them. They’re merely a pair of shrieking monkeys pointing at Obama and picking their asses. Voters shake their heads and realize there’s only one candidate on this fall’s ballot, so they may as well vote for that one. Right now we’re looking at a 350, maybe 400, electoral vote blowout. Then McSame will go slinking back to Arizona to die in obscure ignominy like H2O did, and Palin will crawl back to Wisilli on her knees to get purged of demons by witch doctors. Her trouble is she doesn’t understand she is the demon.
Once again, the make-believe “maverick”:
The religious wingnuts like Dobson are NOW in the tank for McSame only because of the pit-bull with lipstick who is so power-hungry and kooked out it’s not even funny.
Now they want to bring back Rev. Wright. Well they’re going to get a dose of the witch exorcist Muthee and the Jews for Jesus founder who said the Israelis had Palestinian terror coming for not accepting Jesus as Messiah.
If Sarah didn’t believe that why didn’t she speak out?
Strange “associations” to say the least. How does it feel wingnuts?
In early 1980, John McCain was a man in transition — and in a hurry.
Nine months earlier, at a cocktail reception in Hawaii, he met a glamorous young heiress named Cindy Lou Hensley and, by all accounts, fell instantly in love. McCain spent months flying from Washington to Arizona pursuing this new relationship. Soon, the 43-year-old naval attache and his 25-year-old sweetheart were engaged.
There was only one complication: McCain was still married.
Carol Shepp McCain, then 42, had endured much in more than 14 years of marriage to John. She had raised their three young children alone while her husband languished in a North Vietnamese prison camp for 5 1/2 years. Her tribulations grew immeasurably after a near-fatal car accident that immobilized her for months and left her scarred for life. Despite their reunion and physical rehabilitation, by the late 1970s the McCains’ marriage had begun to crack, as John engaged in what he later termed “dalliances” with other women.
Read more at:;sub=AR
Palin’s box of props video-very good!
How much time did mcsame serve for his part in the keating 5?
How much of a fine did mcsame pay for his role in the keating 5?
What were the ramifications from the ethics committee regarding mcsame and the keating 5?
Strangely, there’s no mention of the other 4. Oh yeah, democrats. Nothing good would come of mentioning them. After all, we all know a rep in the hand is worth 4 democrats in the bush.
Marvin, you are a fucking idiot who makes the arguments one would expect from an idiot. A powerful Senator doesn’t go to jail and so he must have done nothing seriously wrong. Is that your argument you fucking idiot? Crawl out of that toilet stall Marvin and look around. There are plenty of criminals who have never gone to jail. And lots of them are currently serving Republicans.
Have you been banned from the Rightwing blogs Marvin? Did they become so sick of your incessant stupidity that they sent you packing? Are you hanging out at this liberal blog because it is the only blog that will allow your presence?
You make Puddy look smart. You fucking idiot!
They don’t want to mention that he was exonerated in this scandal…
@6 just can’t handle that the other 4 were democrats — like most involved with Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac!
The American public has lost over a $1,000,000,000,000 dollars in wealth in the past week. The taxpayers have financed a bailout of over $700,000,000,000 and will likely have to spend twice that. The stock market is crashing. We are on the verge of a second great depression and yet there are still fools in this country who are unable to see what brought this situation on. Here’s a link to a WAPO article about Texas Senator Phil Gramm’s (McCain’s future Treasury Secretary) role in all of this.
@10 — and this proves what???
I’ve seen and heard the 2004 House hearings where the Democrats obstruct doing something about the looming problems that have come to fruition with Freddie and Fannie and heard Maxine Waters laude Claude Raines for his fine “work”.
5 & 8
The other four are not running for President of this country at a time when McCain supported deregulation of the financial industry has brought this country to it’s financial knees.
It makes no difference that the other four were Democrats. The fact that others took bribes from Keating does not lessen McCain’s responsibility for his own behavior.
This is why above, I call Marvin a fucking idiot. You guys make arguments like sixth graders.
see #12
A person’s culpability in a matter is not lessened because someone else somewhere else did the same thing.
You fucking wingnuts. You are religious fanatics. Your country is going down the tubes and you refuse to recognize reality. The Republicans have failed at governing this country in every way. They are incompetent and corrupt and in some cases immoral war criminal baby killers and torturers.
You, in your continued support of the Republican party and your refusal to accept reality are an American version of the Taliban. You are fucking nut cases!
@11 “heard Maxine Waters laude Claude Raines for his fine “work””
Yeah, he was great in Casablanca. He was also very good in Notorious. McCain, on the other hand, sucks. It looks like America is starting to agree:
And in the crap posted by our most brain-dead troll there’s NEVER any mention of these “other” Republicans:
People in their right mind are walking as far as they can AWAY from that corrupt, failure of a party.
I, too, mourn that we are such a place that this kind of stuff passes for campaigning. I would like for Obama to be able to turn the other way and take the high road. But problem is, we have some lazy ass Americans who believe every word on Fox.
We saw what happened to Kerry when he tried to largely ignore the Swift Boating that happened to him. Well, Obama is not going to take it. And McCain and Palin have lots of problems of their own so really that thing about rocks and glass houses…
Palin is so ignorant she probably doesn’t even know about Keating but hey, as Laura Bush says, she’s a quick study.
You didn’t answer the question about the ramifications from the ethics committee.
Any reason you didn’t answer that besides it proves the keating 5 isn’t that big of a scandal for mcsame?
Or better yet, why were you afraid to answer the question?
If my argument is like a sixth grader, than since you didn’t answer it in either of two posts your talked about my question it is safe to say that 6th grade is a little above your level of question answering.
Just for the fun of embarrassing you…
What were the ramifications from the democrat led senate ethics committee regarding mcsame’s role in the keating 5?
So easy even a 6th grader could answer it.
I’ve already replied about these guys. Search the archives.
What is it about them that gets you so excited that you post about them daily?
John oniel was fighting against kerry and his lies back in 1971 on the dick cavett show.
Besides, when a memory that was seared, seared in his mind is so easily proven to be a lie that kerry was telling for over 3 decades you have to blame the liar and the liberal media that never once fact checked his lie.
What about his medals he threw over the fence?
Get caught up… kerry lied and lied and he got caught.
Except that the facts show that the swiftboat liars were making things up. Ooops.
They lied about virtually every accusation.
The problem was not that Kerry called them liars – but that he waited too long to do it – and to organize a response.
Stamm like to get the last word in threads that are over. Seems like that is a way of hiding from people.
Someone needs to ask McCain what drugs he uses. And does he use Prozac, or anything similar.
I am Republican – I lie, cheat and steal when I’m not being a family man (fat whore cunt) or a crying hypocrite. Self righteous bastard that I am. Me first, Country last! Wink Wink.
I think just before re-engaging his campaign, after suspending it, he popped of few Prozac, and a couple of Ritalin. The only hope we have is if he can’t stretch his chiken wing arms far enough to reach the button.
@7 – Exonerated. Ok that makes everything better. Like OJ Simpson. And the fact that he was best friends with a crook doesn’t matter whether exonerated or not.
4 democrats and 1 republican, and who would that 1 republican be, yeah the one that says he can reach across the isle, the maverick. What a renegade type of guy. Wink Wink.
Didn’t kerry even admit that he wasn’t on the river XMAS eve under orders of nixon after he was outed by the swiftboaters?
Who was proven to be the liar?
Someone lying about it for decades or the swiftboaters?
Are you capable of being honest?
McCain flaps his chicken wing arms like a little baby bird trying to fly the coup….