I’m heading to Town Hall this evening to hear Kate Michelman talk about her new book, With Liberty and Justice for All: A Life Spent Protecting the Right to Choose.
Michelman is the former president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, and a world leader on reproductive rights. Others who have heard her talk tell me that she is an incredibly engaging and compelling speaker… and with conservative judicial activists on the verge of overturning Roe v. Wade, her life story is more relevant than ever.
Tonight’s talk starts at 7:30, and tickets are only $5.00 at the door. Town Hall is located at 8th & Seneca; please use the Seneca Street entrance.
Thanks for the heads us – I will try to be there. Just as a slight aside – Roe established the right to privacy, and many other rights flow from that decision beyond abortion.
I do not think the Supremes would have struck down all anti sodomy laws a few yers back without Roe.
For you straight folks, yes, all oral sex is sodomy, and in some states you too were illegal.
Roe is a lynch pin of mordern society and modern American jusisprudence.
The phrase “conservative judicial activists” should sound dissonant. A sad and unfortunate irony of the contemporary “conservative” movement, however, is that the phrase precisely characterizes how that movement approaches the judiciary. After generations of screaming about activist liberal judges, today’s conservatives want Bush to appoint judges who will ignore the Constitution and enact the economic and social agenda that they could otherwise not enact legislatively. Naturally, of course, the rightwingers’ claim of liberal judicial activism was never anything more than self-serving horseshit. The Warren Court did nothing more than assert the judiciary’s appropriate role as an equal and independent branch of our tripartite government, the one branch charged with the final interpretation of constitutional provisions. Now we’re gonna get Roberts and Alito calling the White House to get each day’s evolving definition of privacy, or free speech, or whatever.
Get an abortion now while you still can!
Judicial activism in the expansion of individual rights is no vice, and strict constructionism in the service of tyranny is no virtue.
Awww, did I annoy you?