“Kansans for Life,” (yeah, I know) says it deplores the assassination of Dr. George Tiller.
We value life, completely deplore violence, and are shocked and very upset by what happened in Wichita today.
They should be upset I guess, since by my count there were over 80 references to Tiller in their 24 page spring newsletter (PDF,) including the main front page story. Obsess much?
And you’ll notice the second story in the pdf newsletter is about Kathleen Sebelius. A reader at TPM and Josh Marshall point out that the fact Tiller was a donor to Sebelius was something the GOP tried to make a big deal of during Sebelius’s confirmation hearings.
The subjugation of women movement spent decades demonizing Tiller, and then used Tiller’s support as a justification for attacking Sebelius, so the assassination is not exactly some random, out of the blue event. More like sadly and horribly predictable.
That doesn’t mean the gunman isn’t, at some level, nuts, as someone who would do such a thing clearly has issues. But the subjugation movement will now correctly come under intense public scrutiny for the kinds of tactics and rhetoric they have employed in pursuit of their goals. (And yes, the First Amendment gives one remarkably broad freedom to say many, many things when commenting on public issues, but it also gives everyone else the right to be repulsed and sickened by extremism.)
And pretty soon someone in the traditional media will inevitably demand that liberals be respectful and civil, because nothing earns respect like gunning a doctor down at a church service. I’d say we’re a wee bit past “civility” now.
What a terrible day.
This whole ordeal makes my blood boil.
Repulsive is the word for this deed. Extremist is what the perpetrator is. Executed or incarcerated is what he ought to be.
This is the medical practice that someone committed murder to shut down:
“Tiller had been practicing medicine for nearly 40 years, said Peter Brownlie, president of the Kansas City-based regional Planned Parenthood office. His patients were ‘almost always in circumstances where something had gone horribly wrong with a pregnancy,’ and where a woman’s health would be endangered if the pregnancy continued, Brownlie said.” (Quoted from CNN)
Based on that, the shooting victim was hardly an abortion-on-demand practitioner. But for anti-abortion ideologues whose mental maturity hasn’t progressed beyond white hat-black hat, who are incapable of seeing shades of gray or coping with dilemmas, a woman facing her own mortality is required to sacrifice herself to save a fetus that, if it survives, may grow up to be little more than an insentient vegetable. Like I said, in this world there are shades of gray and tough decisions for which there are no reliable litmus tests, and some people can’t cope with that.
And who wants to bet that “Kansans For Life” will go balls-out and raise funds for the killer’s legal defense?
Give it a rest with ‘the woman’s life was in danger’ if she had the baby.
Partial birth abortion requires just that, birth. If it’s so dangerous to have the child, have a C-section.
This from the mind of people that think that waterboarding is somehow worse than murdering an infant. Amazingly shortsighted.
Why do a massively invasive surgery such as c-sec when the problem can be solved by a D&C?
You fundies really can’t see it can you? You really are that blind when it comes to ideology.
I guess thats one obvious definition of stupidity.
And yes, torturing some poor schmuck whose only crime was being denounced by his nasty neighbor for money IS much worse than aborting a fetus. I wonder how the torture subjects family feels about your “christian values”.
The answer is obvious, methinks..
I was hoping I’d wake up to news of some – “Pro-Life” advocate being gunned down in front of his family – I guess it was a dream. It wouldn’t bother me a bit if it happened!
Again – here’s a simple reminder – The GOP/right wing/Right to “Lifers” are all PRO-Life – except when they’re not.
Oh yeah – the GOP is all Pro-Life – until you are born – then FUCK YOU!
I really don’t have a stance in the abortion debate, but the outrage here seems a little contrived. A vicious smugness tinged with an air of moral superiority where none should be found.
For the record, I condemn the murder and the murderer. Assassination is not the way to win an argument.
@10 Delbert
A little contrived?
You mean the fact that American citizens can be murdered, harassed, have their homes and businesses burglarized, shot (he was shot twice already before this) – and then have idiots like Casey Jones claim that it is not muredre and that anything they do is justified?
Contrived my ass.
Where, oh where, is that lying fool Klynical?
He called me liar yesterday for saying that the anti-abortion crowd justifies murder.
Guess you have not read their material much. Dinwiddie is a leading Kansas City anti-abortion activist.
Once again, you are caught lying and accusing others of lying falsely. According to the bible, you should be stoned to death. I will take a simple apology that acknowledges you were wrong again. Maybe you will think twice before spouting off and bearing false witness.
You got to love the motives of left-wingnuts…
Thousands of blacks die in the streets of america yearly and the left only complains about an abortion doctor being killed.
Hey jon, ever consider writing something about the black on black and black on brown violence in america?
Of course you are a liar.
Unless you have some proof that every person that is pro-life is justifying murder.
I understand *you* feel the need to demonize everyone you disagree with.
Have you noticed you do the exact same thing I do. Except I’m trolling, you want to be taken serious.
hey correctnotright…
I’m still waiting for you to back up your “lie.”
Who did I threaten?
Stammerin’ Marvin the well-known child molester is full of outrage over the death of blacks? Are you serious? You have to be kidding Marvin. You racist right wing, inbred cowards are the killers of those blacks. You don’t give a fuck about life. You’re a liar and a punk and a coward and if you ever show your face anywhere I can find you – I’ll tell you that to your face. In the mean time – I look forward to the day when one or more of you right wing fucks pays for the death of Dr. Tiller.
re 10: There is no one in the world more smug and insular than one George W. Bush.
Give you a break. I’ll give you a break.
What about all of the white-on-white violence? Those white people are just animals.
re 10: You want smug. Read #15. It’s from a man who feels that the way to solve problems is with self-righteous indignation.
Seems to me liberals make up the majority of murderers in this country. Don’t most murders happen in medium to large cities? And aren’t most cities Democratic? And don’t black people murder disproportionate to their population percentage? And aren’t most black people Democrats?
So yeah, in America, most murderers are Democrats. But Democrats always seem to remain silent when their own kind kills. You only see them show outrage when a Republican is the killer.
Does anyone here remember the last time John DeVore showed outrage over a Democrat being the murderer?
re 16: You threatened me. And when I called you on it, you claimed to live in LA.
Keep saying you didn’t, and I will not only prove you did, I’ll reference each one of your denials.
In fact, when I first started posting comments here, there were a lot of threats from you wingnuts.
There was a de-escalation as soon as you wingnuts started getting called on it.
Let’s bet on it, Marvin. If no one can find you making a threatening statement, we’ll donate $100 to Norm Coleman’s effort to foil a duly elected senator.
If we do find you threatening someone (even once), you will donate $100 to Planned Parenthood.
Let’s stick to the post’s topic, people.
– Moderator
Operation Rescue slanderously called Tiller a “mass-murderer” AFTER he was murdered.
Operation Save America’s press release:
Then after they spent 300 words of the lede telling us how Tiller deserved to die, they made the obligatory “condemnation” of the murder in the last graf. Bastards.
Just for the record, George Tiller was no murderer. Among other women’s health services provided by his clinic, he performed safe, legal abortion for 35 years.
Fanatic extremist so-called “Christian” forced-birth advocates incited violence against this man, his clinic staff, and family planning providers across America. Operation Rescue is not Christian. Operation Save America is not Christian. Anyone who would give to or join these organizations is not Christian.
You know who was Christian? George Tiller. Was.
21 Troll
That post and $100 will still not buy you some logic.
The anti-abortion movement has lost its moral justification. They must be investigated and exposed. You hear me, Obama?
17,000 people are murdered every year. So, in the last ten years, 170,000 people have been murdered in the U.S. I wonder out of that number, how many were abortion doctors? 5 maybe?
Not quite as obsessed as Goldy is with the Blethen’s!
Google “Goldy” “Blethen”==1,090 Hits!!
Homicide Offenders by race. Year, 2005:
White: 8350
Black: 10,285
Other: 472
But … blacks only make up 13.4% of the U.S. population.
Now THAT’S an outrage!
That’s exactly what I want from you… to prove it.
We both know that I never threatened you, after all, you being a racist is a sign of your cowardice.
Seems to me that with the suspect, Scott Roeder, in custody, we have a classic case of the “ticking time bomb” scenario so often used to justify torture. How do we know if this is an isolated instance, or part of a deep, terrorist conspiracy? Are Fundamentalist groups in Kansas planning further acts? The right keeps telling us that the only way to stop terrorism is to torture subjects until the truth is revealed, so I assume the right wing will have no objection to the Obama administration shipping Mr. Roeder off to Gitmo and ‘questioning’ him until he gives up his co-conspirators.
What say you, righties?
O.K. I’ll bite…
Black on Black violence in this coutry is abhorent. So rather than use it as an excuse to dismiss the importance of one murder, do something.
Decriminalize drugs cutting off street gangs easiest source of cash. No cash, no gun purchase, no shooting.
Fund after school programs in inner cities. This actually works and has been proven in small programs all over the country. The less time youths are hangin’ with the homies after school and are instead in a supervised fun environment, the less likely they are to commit crime or associate with those who would commit crime.
Build some infrastructure. If your neighborhood was crumbling would you be more or less likely to have feelings of worthlessness?
Rezone commercial areas so the next business that opens up in at risk neighborhoods is more likely to be a restaraunt than a liquor store.
But all of this takes money (taxes) and volunteers. So Marvin or Troll, until I see you advocating for allocation of tax dolars to the kinds of programs I describe, or both of you show up to volunteer five hours a week minimum, shut the fuck up.
You’re worthless scum. You want to use a problem as a political cudgel but aren’t willing to take action. I have lots of numbers of good social programs but I won’t bother listing them. You’ll never do it. That would rob you of your useless, complaint driven, miserable existence.
Some lovely comments going on in the TNT’s comment threads
As he so often does, PZ Meyers sums things up with elan and proper perspective:
@5 Spew with no facts equals ignorance. Your screen name is appropriate to your views, though.
@8 They stop being pro-life when you’re born. After that, they want you dead.
@11 Of course you don’t see the difference between systematically murdering millions of Jews and other “undesirables” in death factories, and saving women’s lives whose pregnancies have gone “horribly wrong.” Such nuanced distinctions require a degree of intelligence you clearly lack. After all, you can’t even figure out how to unlock the caps key on your keyboard.
@15 “I understand *you* feel the need to demonize everyone you disagree with.”
Bwaaa-haaa-haa-haa!!! Here’s Stamn jerking off in the mirror again! This M.O. was R&D’d, patented, trademarked, and marketed by your side, pal. We don’t even come close to imitating it.
@21 “Seems to me liberals make up the majority of murderers in this country.”
You mean folks like these?
“Gayle and Sheila Muhs … posted a large sign outside their Texas home saying trespassers would be shot and survivors would be shot again. They weren’t joking.
“The Muhs are … being held … for allegedly firing … at a pair of packed cars that stopped outside their rural Texas house … a 7-year-old boy … wounded in the assault has died from shotgun pellets to his head and face.
” … [P]olice said the … two cars were driving on a public road when the Muhs opened fire from their house, killing Donald Coffey Jr. and hitting three others, including the boy’s 5-year-old sister.
“Outside the Muhs’ house is a handpainted sign complete with misspelling and exclamation points that warns: ‘Trespassers Will Be Shot. Survivers Will Be Reshot!! Smile I Will.'”
Personally, I think from their mug shots they look like the kind of people who would never vote Republican because the GOP is too far left for them.
Statements by “pro-life” leaders condemning the murder of George Tiller might be more believable if “pro-life” followers weren’t all over the web calling Tiller’s murder a good thing.
Pro-Life Leaders Denounce Murder of Abortion Doctor George Tiller
Leaders of the anti-abortion movement gathered in front of the Supreme Court Monday morning to denounce the murder of abortion doctor George Tiller, who was gunned down Sunday while attending church in Wichita, Kan.
The pro-life activists also used the platform to blast President Obama’s abortion policies and strongly question the beliefs of his Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor.
@24 Stop pretending to be something you’re not. No, I’m not referring to your claim to be the moderator of this board, which everyone knows you are not. I’m referring to your implied assertion that you have enough intelligence to moderate anything.
@28 Millions of rabbits are murdered by cars in the U.S. every year, dozens on Aurora Avenue alone! What are you gonna do about it?
@29 Hmmm … KlyniKalKlown googles “Goldy Blethen” and gets 1090 hits. Air America broadcasts locally on AM 1090. Clearly a Sign that God wants you to listen to Air America, KKK! You’d better do what She says or your soul is in peril!!
@31 That’s because the GOP controlled the prosecutors in 2005, so none of the Republican mass murderers were prosecuted that year.
I was rather disturbed by a statement following the murder by a spokesperson for one of the “pro-life” fringe groups to the effect that it was “unfortunate” because it would interfere with their efforts to fight the appointment of Judge Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.
In other words, in his mind the killing wasn’t bad because it was morally wrong and tragically misguided. The only problem he had with it was that it might lead to bad publicity.
I really can’t believe that the righties are still trying to paint brown people as crazed, violent oppressors of the white race. Oh wait, scratch that. I can believe it…
@35 Whenever an incident like this occurs, we find out how many sickos and weirdos are hiding in the woodwork, don’t we?
@47 Well, it sure as hell is shining the bright light of public attention on the cockroaches of the Christo-Fascist right, isn’t it?
@48 Hmmm, that website is rancid even by rightwing-batshit-crazy standards. They’re wrong about that being a case of “jury nullification,” though. First of all, the jury convicted those boys, and a conviction isn’t exactly nullification. True, they wouldn’t convict them of the most serious charges, but the reason they wouldn’t is because the altercation was a street brawl in which the victim was a willing participant.
The funny thing about this website’s braying is that, in order to believe their claim that “jury nullification” occurred, you have to accept the premise that the jury was made up of racists.
Of course. Right out of the alinsky handbook, demonize your enemy.
Answer me this…
How do *YOU* know what I do and don’t do regarding volunteering?
And yet again you claim to know what I do and don’t do.
And obviously you missed the point.
Why is this left wing-nut website all over murders when they can call out republicans but when democrats are the cold-blooded killers this blog won’t even mention it.
51 – yeah, sorry about that. Here is a better link to a post at crooksandliars
I disagree that this was just a streetfight gone wrong and that the victim was a “willing” participant.
From the CNN article linked therein:
By this time, Eileen Burke, a retired Philadelphia police officer, had stepped out of her home after hearing Arielle Garcia’s pleas to stop the beating.
Burke recalled hearing one final, ominous threat as the teens ran. “They yelled, ‘You effin bitch, tell your effin Mexican friends get the eff out of Shenandoah or you’re gonna be laying effin next to him,’ ” she said.
The celebratory mood of those in the court room I think points to the possibility that this was a nullification on the part of the jury.
You mean when you were openly a racist? I find it strange that any of the regulars would call you out for your racist beliefs, just like YLB was the ONLY person on this blog that was offended by the homophobic bigotry of gbs/steve. So I have to agree with you, only right-wingers would have called you out for being a racist.
If you say so. I surel;y haven’t deescalated the use your words to prove you’re a racist. Being around blacks 24/7 and all.
If no one? What, you have given up already and now want someone else to do your job? How democrat of you.
I would rather you go spend an afternoon helping a black family than give norm $100.
Come on headless the racist, find my threats. You said I threatened you, I called you a liar.
43 RR
Troll is the “moderator” who says “Don’t talk about the topic, talk about black violence instead!”
He/she’s a pip.
re 55: I will find it. It was when you threatened me and I said fine < I’ll meet you and then you said ‘sorry — I live in LA’
Marvin was only proving that he was a Kinks fan:
“I would if I could,but I can’t.
It’s a shame , such a shame, such a shame….”
from the Kinkdom
You gotta love those socialists at pravda…
It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.
First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives.
Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches
The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America’s short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.
The final collapse was the election of obama. Ouch.
I have two posts in me right now. here’s one.
The reason that it is important to discuss the murder of a doctor who is legally puruing a valuable service providing family health care for women is that his murder is intended to terrorize both those women and any doctors foolish enough to try to serve their needs. As such it is a crime against our society and our commons, and not simply the murder of one man.
Someone who shoots someone else they know because they’re drunk and mad at them is not a domestic terrorist, and thus their crime has no greater import than just the crime itself.
That’s one.
I believe that this murder is not the last we will see, and that we will be experiencing a wave of offenses from gun and perhaps bomb-wielding fanatics on the right.
That’s two.
Make up another lie, that one didn’t work out.
Your search – site:horsesass.org “I’ll meet you and then you said ’sorry — I live in LA” – did not match any documents.
Good luck you little racist socialist. You and I both know I never threatened you and the best you can do is lie and then lie some more.
If you are not going to provide the link, stop blabbering on like a lying racist.
Boy oh boy, the marvin has REALLY got us now, gang. Dadgummit…he figured us out. Shucky-durn…I guess the jig’s up, huh. Better tell Barack to hang it up…the marvin is on to him. That’s the LAST thing Obama wanted to happen…sheeeee-it…he’s gonna be MAD.
…damn, the marvin’s one sharp customer…yessireebob. That he is, that marvin.
Goldy you are a violent violent trouble maker, Why is this persons murder even being blogged, twittered, or hashed on the web? Why did barkly noblahma think he even needed to respond? Why aren’t all murders given the same respect, How about the other sixty nine thousand murders a year in this country, 45 million babies why are they not as significant. Because it is a political move on behalf of your dear barkly noblahma, and to the murderer if you can’t do the time then dont do the crime.
Maybe you didn’t notice…
I didn’t write the article.
Why are you so bitter? You live your life under democrat control, you should be happy.
It’s clear to me that Stamerin Marvin can’t prove he’s not a child molester – neither can CYNCYN – and neither has ever denied it. No wonder they support murder – they’re perverted criminals.
Normally I would think you were trying to be condescending except you didn’t address any of the issues in the article I linked to, instead you tried to attack me.
I will give you credit for blindly following the saul alinsky handbook.
@58. Pravda? Isn’t that Russian for 770 KTTH “The Truth”.
Personally, I don’t find either source to be reliable or trustworthy sources of news and information. I guess conservatives do?
Tiller’s requirements for admission to his clinic, besides insisting on a physician referral and gestational diagnostic information, mentions a summary of the fetal conditions for which they have performed abortions:
But to the Right, if you don’t think a woman should be forced to give birth to a baby without a brain, you should be shot.
64 AnencephalyOnTheWall
I explained why @59. Maybe you missed it.
So far there are two posts about an abortion doctor being killed.
Yet when army recruiters get gunned down in brad daylight the left remains silent.
Police in Arkansas say a military recruiter has been killed in a shooting at an Army-Navy recruiting office in Little Rock and a second recruiter has been wounded.
Little Rock police Lt. Terry Hastings said one recruiter was fatally wounded when a man inside a black SUV fired shots at the office in west Little Rock at about 10:30 a.m.
The SUV was stopped on a highway a short time later and a suspect was taken into custody.
Hastings said the suspect pulled over and surrendered without incident. Police found an assault rifle in the vehicle.
The motive for the shootings was not immediately known.
“The motive for the shootings was not immediately known” is liberal codespeak for “we don’t want to admit it’s left wing-nuts.”
Just like the left wing-nuts in berkley that keep vandalizing the recruiting office.
Since neither of us have ever given birth to a baby without a brain, I feel we should ask someone that has.
Mrs bibigoober, would you like to jump in the conversation?
You’re right Marvin, I don’t know.
So prove me wrong.
What organizations that aim to reduce black and/or youth violence have you volunteered with in the past three months? Of course I’m going to want some proof, pictures, testimonials, that type of thing. (Coming back with some version of “I don’t have to prove anything” is a failure.) You called me out, I still call bullshit.
I’ll be happy to eat crow. I’ll even donate $100 to the anti-violence charity of your choice under your name.
1) The content of the article is patently ridiculous and merits nothing.
2) If you really believe that bullshit you are more of a buffoon than I already thought you were.
71 MS
I’d say at least as likely as your ignorant speculation is that it is a stressed-out-from-too-many-tours veteran of Bush’s illegal wars who is more than a little pissed off at the military right now.
re 61: If I had a direct quote, I’d have found it. The search funtion doesn’t work well.
From Fox4 in Wichita:
Terrorist cell.
Actually, it’s journalism for “Unlike Fox News, we don’t print what we don’t know.”
71 – You’re falling down on the job Stamn. You’re supposed to change “Black SUV” to “light-green Toyota Prius”.
Then you can properly blame the violence on those who deplore your views and pick up your 10 cents/blog comment from your sponsor.
Late-term abortion is legal. But today, with this cold-blooded murder of a doctor doing his job, only 2 physicians in this entire country are left who provide late-term abortions.
No, they couldn’t get it done through the Congress, and they couldn’t get it done through the courts, but they know if they deploy enough terrorists with rifles they can shut down legal abortion in this country. We cannot let this stand. We cannot let the terrorists win.
We could borrow a page from the right-wing playbook and send a Predator UAV to Operation Rescue headquarters. Personally, I’d rather see Randall Terry frog-marched to trial and thence to prison.
Hey, did y’all know that Tiller was murdered on the sixth anniversary of Eric Rudolph’s capture? Conicidence? I think not.
No problem.
Of course I am going to charge you for my time to assemble the information you want.
What method would you like to use to pay me?
Have you ever seen Goldy say I wasn’t the moderator, after I claimed to be? That should be your first clue that maybe I AM the moderator of the comment section.
Here “marvin”, you asshole…this goes DOUBLE for you:
Goldy has also never said that I am not God. So you had better watch your ass.
Only an asshole would charge in order to earn money for charity. Nice weasel attempt.
Heard of in-kind service donations?
It’s your memory that doesn’t work very well.
Why not just stop lying about me threatening you?
Double what?
At least you called me an asshole.
There’s some commentary about that at Orcinus.
I don’t charge when I do volunteer work.
I’m charging you for my time to assemble the package you want. What is so hard for you to understand.
@55 “You mean when you were openly a racist? I find it strange that any of the regulars would call you out for your racist beliefs, just like YLB was the ONLY person on this blog that was offended by the homophobic bigotry of gbs/steve.”
The Headless posts took place nearly half a decade ago. The self-loathing laughing-stock Marvin, who completely ignores his friend, the “nigger” spewing Troll, is just a little too hung up on a few old Headless posts. GBS and I apologized for the unfortunate “faggot” incident but that won’t stop Marvin from ragging on for years about our “homophobic bigotry”, deleting all context in his rant. He does this on a day when the news is of yet another right-wing nutjob murdering somebody. Sigh! I can only conclude that Marvin fucks goats.
Puddy will be along soon to prove with his failed links that the murderer is somehow a member of the Greenspan/McVeigh wing of the Democratic party, then repeating his assertions of a few weeks ago that there is no evidence of violence coming from the right. Asswipe.
This makes you HAPPY???????
I don’t call all black people that. I use the word for a select few, in the same way Chris Rock did. What’s wrong with that? Like, I would be offended if someone called President Obama that, because he’s not one. But are the guys who robbed and beat Tubaman to death one? Yeah, they are. Is the guy who raped and murdered that TV anchor one? Of course he is!
It’s been a whole two hours since that shooting…
So in order to get me to donate to the carity of your choice, you expect me to pay for your time. I have all the information I need about your honor and empathy. I also know how committed to your charity work you are that you don’t see this as “volunteering” on their behalf.
Keep trying to weasel out of this. I’m pretty sure I’ve got you nailed on how much anti-violence volunteer work you do.
Happy is not the right word.
I wasn’t disappointed in you. I knew I could count on you to call me names.
Just imagine my disappoint if you were able to act like a grownup and refrain from childish name calling.
Jeee-sus what a fucking dumbfuck!
(THAT ought to make the moron cream his jeans…)
If you have all the information you need then I don’t have to do anything for you for free.
I don’t see this as volunteering for the sole reason I don’t believe you that you would give the $ to charity. I’d be doing work for free. And besides, I wouldn’t trust you with my personal identifying information.
“unfortunate faggot incident??”
The only thing “unfortunate” is that you exposed yourself as a bigot. Did you notice that none of your fellow lefties took offense (except YLB)?
I know there aren’t any blacks where you work, any gays?
Here’s the context-
Your own words exposed your bigotry.
@71 “So far there are two posts about an abortion doctor being killed. Yet when army recruiters get gunned down in brad daylight the left remains silent.”
AOL posted this story about an hour ago, and I became aware of it a few minutes later. I haven’t posted a comment on it because there’s no information to go on yet. All we know is that a suspect is in custody. The media haven’t reported who he is, or what the motive was, and I choose not to speculate.
Of course, it goes without that I fully expected some knee-jerk troll to idiotically spout off on HA that a “leftwing nut” did it, even without any information to go on.
“‘The motive for the shootings was not immediately known’ is liberal codespeak for ‘we don’t want to admit it’s left wing-nuts.’ Just like the left wing-nuts in berkley that keep vandalizing the recruiting office.”
I didn’t necessarily anticipate that you would be the aforementioned knee-jerk idiot, Marvin, but I must admit that I’m not surprised.
does “the marvin” REALLY fuck goats?
who knew…
No, that is not the context.
You’re a whiny little bitch, Marvin. Oh my goodness, I used the “B” word. I’m so sorry! My apologies to bitches everywhere.
Go to hell, goatfucker.
@81 Yes, I knew that, and it’s not a coincidence. Symbolism, especially anniversary dates, is very important to rightwing terrorists. For example, they murdered 168 people, including 19 children, plus 3 fetuses not counted in the official death toll, in Oklahoma City on the anniversary of the Waco Siege.
@102 If Rodney King wants to know why we can’t all get along, he should read this comment thread and see for himself what kind of subhuman slime he’s asking us to get along with.
@101 Well, that’s the word that’s out there. It’s, like, common knowledge, you know? So yeah, I reckon the little fascist twit really does fuck goats. In fact, I recall someone mentioning that he fucks them by the light of the full moon. Hmm, or maybe it was candles. Well, either way, the fucker’s just too weird for words.
@83 Goldy doesn’t have to say you’re not the moderator. The fact you claim to be is the only proof needed that you’re not.
@103 “Symbolism, especially anniversary dates, is very important to rightwing terrorists.”
Jihadists too, by the way. Hmm, wingnuts and Jihadists. What a pair. Like two fundamentalist peas in some kind of wacked-out pod.
We need to start calling Homeland Security and asking them to investigate that right wing rag.
It is the context. It’s not as if I’m not quoting you word for word and providing the link.
Yes Stammerin’ Marvin – in addition to being a baby raper is a goatfucking faggot cunt. So what else is new?
re 87: I don’t think I will, Marvin. I may have been using an alias to my alias (e.g., Col. Biff)
@109 “It is the context.”
Liar. You take it out of context so that it looks worse than it was. I suggest that you start with where you posted your hatred for our troops (yet again!) and then continue with GBS, a vet, calling you out for it, offering to kick your ass and then calling you a “faggot”. Then you can post my comment agreeing with GBS, with my calling you a “faggot” as well. Then follow that with each of our apologies. Each of us posted apologies to the entire forum several times. Post them all. Then follow that by reposting the 400 times you’ve posted our remarks, each time leaving out the part where we got pissed at you for hating on our troops during a time of war, each time leaving out our apologies, each time using lack of context to tell a lie, you troop-hating, traitorous, goatfucking, asswipe fascist. No wonder GBS wants to kick your ass.
It was only a matter of time before you played the “I don’t have to prove/I don’t trust you” card.
Integrity. I have it. I now, and for all time, get to claim that Marvin is precisely the man of complaint with no action that I accused you of being. If I welched you’d get to call me out on it.
Let’s call it Faith. In the utter abscence of any contradictory (and a body of utterly interprative affirmative) evidence, I believe Marvin Stamn is worhless scum who wants to use a social problem as a political cudgel without lifting a finger to alleviate said social problem. Hell, many religions rely on less.
I offered you an out to prove me wrong. But either I’m right or you don’t have the integrity or courage to do so. Thanks. This was fun.
I post the link of your bigotry. Where is the link about my hatred for the troops? Oh yeah, gbs insisted I hated the troops because I didn’t denounce bush or some other bullshit excuse.
So post the link of my hatred for the troops. Or you can continue to lie. Your choice mr bigot.
Calling me out for his made up bullshit. How childish.
Obviously you and gbs both consider “faggot” an insult.
I never accepted your apologies, I believe them to be false and self-serving.
You and gbs lied about my hatred for the troops. If you believe otherwise, where is the link about hating the troops.
I will admit, I did throw a lot of left wing-nut troop hatred at gbs. Provided links he couldn’t even acknowledge about the left hating the troops.
I don’t give a crap about your apology. Like I said before, you didn’t insult me. The two of you proved the crappy job your parents did raising you.
Of course you are bitter and hateful that someone like me exposed your bigotry on this blog. Why can’t you prove I’m any of what you are calling me?
Hell, you can’t even provide a link of my “troop hatred.”
He got exposed as a tough talking pussy from behind a computer. Challenging someone to a fight he had no intention of showing up to is so pussy that even pussys denounced gbs.
Feel free to post the link to my troop hatred. I’m planning on posting your quote daily.
So you don’t want to stop lying? Okay, your choice.
Why do you post under so many different names?
I’m still waiting for a link to prove you are not lying.
Post the comment ten thousand times. Who cares? You have issues, Marvin, that go well beyond the fucking of goats. You know that, don’t you?
3 bigots in a row.
3 peas in a pod.
Hey steve, bibigoober uses the same kind of language you use. You must be proud.
So….how’s that goat thing work for ya marvy-poo??
As said by someone that goes around calling people “faggots.”
And still no link to my “troop hatred.” Come on steve, can’t you do any better than this.
Are there any gay people where you work? Or does the sign say, no long haired freaky people, no blacks and no “faggots” outside your place of employment?
Hey, around these parts, we call you goatfuckers for what you are. Don’t like it? Go somewhere else.
As for your threat to post my comment, here, I’ll save you the trouble,
“Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.”
What goat thing?
“marvy-poo?” Sounds like you are starting to get a thing for me.
“Or does the sign say, no long haired freaky people, no blacks and no “faggots” outside your place of employment?”
I believe it says, “No Goatfuckers allowed”. Sorry. No job for you.
In yer dreams…sheesh.
Thanks but in the future I expect you to quote better. I want the link in the quote so people can follow the link and see that it is YOU that is a bigot.
See how I did it. This way everyone can see that it is you, steve, that is one of the three resident bigots on this blog.
Speaking of links, I see you still haven’t posted the imaginary link about my troop hatred. I guess even you are smart enough to know that my post about “troop hatred” is a lie.
So I’ve exposed you as both a bigot and a liar.
Ad you’ve made up lies about me and goats.
You better bring your A game next time steve.
My nightmares.
Why did you say marvy-poo, is that how you and your male friends talk to each other.
If I was the kind of person that didn’t want to be around blacks and gays I might apply where you work.
But I don’t have any problems being around blacks and gays, so I’ll stay in a business that allows both.
Still looking for that link to my “troop hatred?” Or are you conceding that you lied.
Silly goatfucker, everybody knows that you hate America and our troops. Do your own damned searches. I’ll let GBS deal with you on that one. He seems to have issues with you and your troop-hate. I’m sure you two will work it out.
Yup, you’re into that black thing again now, too.
From a recent Operation Rescue missive sent out last week, another prime example of the rights hatred of and disrespect for military families:
In one small missive they denigrate a gold star mother while demonizing women who are having life saving operations. Classy bunch, those righties.
re 124: You incite people with your moronic assertions and you quite obviously save the results for later exhumation.
You are a practiced character assassin. Given enough time, people forget exactly what you said and when you said it — but they remember what you said.]
You set people up.
And when I find the comment that I am looking for — because you did threaten me, and then chickened out — I will expose you for what you are.
You obviously are giving me much more credit than I deserve.
People get incited because what I say strikes a raw nerve in them. For example, if I called you a fat ugly woman you wouldn’t be “incited” since you know you’re not a woman. Just like when steve and his band of homophobes call me a goatfucker it means nothing to me.
As far as saving, I guess that’s the difference between you and me. I can remember things, you can’t. Do you smoke pot with lee?
Bullshit. I expose people like you and steve/gbs for the hatred/bigotry you try and keep hidden from view.
Do you want me to find your post talking about how hard it is to be around black people 24/7?
Exactly. Now the question you should ask yourself is how did I know you were a racist when I “set you up” to expose you. How did I know that steve/gbs have issues with gay people when I “set them up” to let them throw the “faggot” word around like the bigots they are.
When I’m playing center for the Lakers you can email the link. There is a better chance of me playing for the Lakers than you finding something I never said.
How long are you going to play this game of “knowing” I threatened you before you admit that it’s just your imagination that I “chickened out.”