So maybe Darcy should complain to the Washington News Council, that supposedly objective collection of movers and shakers who have arrogated to themselves the right to decide what constitutes real journalism. They did so in the WA-08 race in 2006, when they voted thumbs down on a P-I story about the real story behind Dave Reichert’s investigation of the Green River Killer. The P-I wisely rejected their findings, but the Washington New Council got their little kangaroo court broadcast on TVW, if I recall correctly. So our tax dollars were being used against us in a bald political manner, even if it was all dressed up in legal niceties. Still waiting on the Legislative hearings asking TVW um, WTF?
Here we are two years later and the Seattle Times indisputably did a hit job on Darcy Burner, so I’m sure the Washington News Council will be all over it.
And the Washington News Council is having a nice dinner tomorrow night! You should go. Really. I bet they’ll just be outraged about what happened to Burner and can’t wait to get to the bottom of it.
Here’s the poster:
Is this one of those posse comitatus groups that set up rump governments, make citizen arrests, and hold ‘trials’?
Whoever blames the Seattle Times for scuttling Darcy’s candidacy is giving them way too much credit.
Large parts of that District are redneck, and that’s how they voted.
Darcy tried one hell of a lot harder in the southern part of the 8th CD than she had before, and the results were the same.
A different candidate might make Democrats out of these voters, but all the king’s bloggers and all the king’s men will not very soon make “progressives” or “netroots activists” out of them.
Ross Hunter, health permitting, might try in 2010, or Chris Hurst — that might be fun; he could “out-cop” Reichert — but I don’t think female will do it, Harvard won’t do it, “progressive” won’t do it, and bright-eyed youth won’t do it.
uh oh, is this Jon’s concession that Ditzy Burnout has finally lost?? Don’t tell Goldy or he’ll be dangling from the Aurora bridge in an hour.
someone call him a WAAAAAAAAHHH-mbulance
Ivan @ 2~ you calling someone a redneck is full of irony.
The Times and especially Darcy pimp Emily Heffter has been a parrot for the Burner Campaign from the beginning. Darcy got way more help from the times than she deserved.
But, Darcy did it to herself.
Hey, I too liked economics so much, that I got a degee in it!. The darcy rant on the commentators says it all. Google it if you haven’t heard it. Doesn’t sound like anyone I’d want representing me regarless of ANYTHING else.
Darcy did it to herself.
If Burner was so close in this election, with the numbers trending towards Republicans and sweeps in other offices, I don’t think that it was simply a matter of one commercial that made the difference. She just wasn’t a good candidate, and she didn’t have the right resume for this election season.
I just hope that they field someone better in 2010!
i hear that the “impeach kemper freeman” table just outside the doors of the westin are going for the cost of a picket sign.
@4 It’s hard to believe anyone who writes a comment as idiotic as yours is capable of getting a degree in anything.
@5 It has nothing to do with Burner. Reichert got 51% of the vote in all 3 of his races. It doesn’t matter who runs against him. The 8th CD votes 51% Republican, period.
Unless Kemper and Co. actually own the real government.
High on the order of business for the Wa legislature in 2010: redistrict Sheriff Blowdry out of a seat. Move some of the really conservative areas of the present 8th to the 4th (reliably rethug), and then donate some Dems from the 1th, 2nd, 7th or 9th to the 8th, making it a good deal bluer. It would be really cute to move Reichert’s house out of the 8th entirely! HA!
The Rabbit @ 8:
You want to check the totals for Obama and Gregoire, Mr. Rabbit? You can honestly say that a Chris Hurst or Rodney Tom would have lost? C’mon, you’re too smart for that.
To the point, was Eli Sanders over at The Stranger was crazy for writing the following when the Times story ran?:
And once again I quote Goldy from July 2007:
Sanders has the honesty to admit where the fault lies; why can’t anyone here do the same?
Darcy now has the taint on her…
Two-time Loser.
She can’t run for a lower office without admitting she should have done that first and the 8th District Dems will likely suggest, very quietly, that she not run next time.
Others tried to say you weren’t bitter and sobbing, but your relentless rehashing of the inevitable loss by the liar Burner proves otherwise.
Please libs, please keep on bitching about liar Burner being given the boot.
Tears of the left. Yummy!
“So our tax dollars were being used against us in a bald political manner, even if it was all dressed up in legal niceties.”
You just described NPR.
This HA liberal post-mortem is getting tired. Face it, you supported the inferior candidate. All the Soros/ActBlue/nutroots money couldn’t change that fact. To top it off, your candidate sealed her fate with an outright lie and had the audacity to defend it in true whiny, liberal fashion on “The Commentators”.
Political naivety + grating, condescending voice + elitist attitude = Darcy Burner.
Congratulations to Congressman Reichert
GOP = Out of step. Out of ideas. Out of Control. Out of office.
@15 What lie? The only liars around here are Reichert, the Seattle Times, and you. Burner has a “Harvard degree [with special emphasis] in economics.” Millions of people shorten spoken language like this every day. This isn’t the first time Republicans have tried to make something out of nothing because you have nothing of your own that sells.
Burner told the truth. Anyone who calls her a liar is lying.
Two words, goatfuckers:
How you like them apples?!
19 – as one of the many thousand Obama/Reichart voters in the 8th, I like “PRESIDENT OBAMA” and “CONGRESSMAN REICHART” just fine.
But the Democrats can get my vote for Congress in 2010, along with the votes of many like me: run a candidate who has accomplished something in her or his life other than just raising money on the internet. We’re persuadable! We voted for Gore, Kerry, and Obama out here in CD 8. We will vote for the right Democrat for Congress too.
@11 “You want to check the totals for Obama and Gregoire, Mr. Rabbit?”
No, because those numbers are irrelevant, as they tell you nothing about how 8th CD voters vote in the congressional race. Some people do split their ballots, you know.
Rabbit @ 21:
Irrelevant? So you’re saying voters in the 8th have no problem voting for Democrats for President, Governor, Legislature, etc. in large numbers but then *have* to vote Republican for Congress? You can’t be that obtuse.
Hi all,
Dems are completely wasting their time in the district now and into the future, as I accurately predicted many months ago on this website. Reichert keeps tacking left, showing he is no dummy and squeezing Burner–or any other Democrat–off the shelf.
Plus he’s comfortable in his skin, well-spoken and really good looking.
There’s only one way to beat Reichert, which is to run solely on the character issue and use his incredible botching of the Green River investigation as the only issue, making the charge that either through incompetence or some kind of intentional bureaucratic corruption, Reichert essentially played the roll of enabler for Ridgeway and allowed scores of people to be murdered that should still be alive today.
Then lose, but it would change the feel of the race for the next matchup with some other Dem that would occur in 2012, and that Dem would win.
What, no kamikaze volunteers?
-New Left Conservative #1
Hard as it might be for some of us to admit, it’s worth taking a hard look at what happened here. I personally like Darcy, but to fail to unseat a lackluster incumbent like Reichert in an election that was for the most part a Democratic grand slam, she just might not have been a very good fit. Granted, she was willing to step up to the plate, twice, and the first time around with what appeared to be only grudging support from the party. However, it seems that the next time around, we’d all be better off if someone else gave it a shot.
I also don’t know that campaigning against him on the basis of the Green River case will work all that well, particularly with another two years gone by for all that to have faded in everyone’s memory. Better to run against him on the basis of his not being very good at his present job.
It’s so sweet to hear you libs admit that Darcy wasn’t a good candidate to run against Reichert. We’ve been trying to tell you that since 2006. Although you were slow to arrive at this realization, we’re glad you finally got there. Now, who’s your next patsy?
Oh the bitter tears of nutroots. YUMMY!
@23: Reichert is NOT tacking – as was fully document he is lying about his record and covered up his votes by voting against his own votes on the final vote – but voting with the republican masters on the key amendments and the test votes.
This is worse than feigning being a bit left – it is duplicitous. If the seattle times had emphasized Reichert’s deliberate trickery and lack of real convictions – instead of following that nitwit Vesely (check out his pathetically stupid and partisan column today on how great it is for republicans on the Eastside, then this might have gone the other way.
Low information voters look at the Times endosrsement and the news coverage – and picked Reichert – a fool, a inept congressman and a huge Bush supporter who hid his views. Luckily, the voters showed they had enough of the republicans nationwide and did not trust two-time loser Rossi for governor.
Oh, and Obama’s mandate?
Here is O’Reilly on the ‘huge” mandate stting President Bush won in 2004 (the only election in the last 5 that republicans actually won the popular vote):
given that Obama has won by much more – don’t beleive the republican whining about a “center right” country and no mandate. This was a sweep, a mandate, a landslide and republican butt-kicking. The tired old mantra of less government and deregulation is DEAD (and dead wrong). Time to take back the government – it will take a lot of time to get rid of the republican cronies, the attacks on real science, the partisasn in the justice department, the FDA, the EPA and the GAO. It will take time to turn the Titanic ship of state away from the republican iceberg – but we can do it.
Hi all, and esp. 27:
Good points, and criticism on the word “tacking” is well taken.
But I won’t be contributing to the next demo who thinks they can win in the 8th–it’s still a waste of time and money in lieu of a major Green River debunking.
But I of course disagree with your summation. The left wing position on so very many issues is or should be essentially a “less government” position. We need less government when it comes to Iraq and Afghanistan, less government when it comes to all military bases overseas, less government when it comes to Gitmo. less gov for all the water projects like the 7 BN Blackrock Dam here or the diversion project of Schwarzenegger’s that will destroy the Sacremento Delta, less government when it comes to building prisons for those who prefer the disapproved-of drugs, and less government when it comes to subsidized highway building (hooray Rossi lost–a big-government guy like Bush!) and less government intrusion in the abortion and contraception market and more freedom to advertize those services.
No, I’m not a libertarian. Government has lots of functions, not the least of which is overall referee.
Thanks, and Best wishes,
New Left Conservative #1
Keep going on about how liar Darcy lost libs. Your bitter tears taste great. YUMMY!
randy gordon for the next go round!
The “economics degree” issue was nonsense, as the Times and the Republicans knew. Heck, she might have stated it a little to strongly, but ol’ Sheriff allowed his AA degree from an unaccredited tiny Bible college (formerly a High School) to be misrepresented as a B.A., a far more serious misrepresentation – a fact which the Times never even bothered to mention in their stories. But given the tight margins, it MIGHT have been just enough votes to tip the total here among uninformed voters – which is probably why they trotted it out in the final two weeks of the campaign.
I hate to say it, but Darcy’s biggest problem is simply something over which she has little control. She’s short and a bit frumpy, which makes her come off badly in visual comparisons with Reichart, such as debates where they are both standing together for comparison. Reichart’s always “looked” like a leader, regardless of the vacume which exists under that carefully coifed white hair. Darcy looks like the gal who nobody notices, except when they are giving out academic awards.
Sure, it’s not fair. She could be a fine leader. She could work on her “public service” credentials by running for the state senate. She could buy better clothes – she needs a good stylist who gets her out of those beige pantsuits and into “power suites” which help her project a bit better. But she’s never going to grow another six inches, even with heels.
Anybody who thinks appearance isn’t important should note that Sarah Palin wouldn’t have even been noticed, much less nominated, if she wasn’t attractive.
CNR @ 27: The day after the election, I turned on the radio to one of the right-wing broadcasts on satalite radio, just to hear what they had to say.
The guy doing the talking (I had know idea who it was) was saying things to the affect that (quoted from memory):
I had to turn it off at that point. It’s not safe to drive while being in hysterical laughter.