Victoria Jackson, who made a career out of acting stupid on SNL, serves up something that is rather hard to characterize.
Obama legally kills babies and now he can legally kill Grandmas!
Hitler did this. He killed the weak, the sick, the old, and babies and races/religions he didn’t like. Hitler also controlled the media. (Where’s the public debate between scientists on “Climate Change/Global Warming?”) Hitler had the VW bug invented as the state car. What will O’s nationalized car be? So… kill off the weak. That’s the plan. Tax the workers to death. Erase the middle class. Sounds like the evil governments we studied in high school long ago. The evil governments were : kings, oligarchies, facist, socialist, and communist. Now it’s called the Obama Administration. Sounds like candy or a rock band.
Believe it or not, the piece gets better (or worse, depending of course on your point of view and mood) from there, as Jackson goes on to harass an innocent Burbank gift shop owner with wingnut ramblings, then wonders why she is met with silence.
I wonder if Jackson and Dennis Miller hang around Burbank together, worrying about nationalized cars? The burdens these folks carry, I tell you. My heart aches for Jackson, who is certainly old enough to be a grandma and is clearly rather frightened by it all. She should get out of her comfort zone and drive over to Malibu or something.
(I saw it here.)
It’s sad when you realize that someone who was barely famous is mentally ill and no one is stepping up to the plate to help them. I always expected her to turn into a cat lady, though the town kook was a second choice.
You can have my grandmother when you pry her from my cold, dead hands!
Jon, Dennis Miller is funny. Sadly Jon, you are not.
Dennis Miller is very often right. Sadly Jon, you are not.
Dennis Miller shows his face on public TV. Sadly Jon, you do not.
Victoria Jackson maybe whack but sadly Jon, so are you.
“the messiah’s” health care here.
“the messiah” also claimed at the AMA meeting health care reform will not add to the deficit. “the messiah” claimed he’ll pay for it by “limiting tax deductions to wealthy Americans”, blah blah blah. But other programs are already earmarked for those previously identified tax increases on wealthy Americans.
“the messiah” said he wouldn’t tax health benefits in the campaign. Remember the debate with McCain and McCain called him on it and “the messiah” said he was wrong. Now “the messiah” is considering it. Why is he considering it when people with memories can view his original words. Puddy supposes words mean nothing to “the messiah”. Another campaign lie. That also would break his no new taxes pledge for anyone making less that $250,000. George Bush the elder was castigated by the libtardo MSM on that no new taxes promise. Puddy bets the libtardo MSM will be mute this time.
Puddy’s reaction to the plan here. Puddy will use this as his new BULLSHITTIUM flag!
Any questions?
The Prosecution Rests.
Meanwhile, Pudpuller was arming his missile, all chinese and shit: vicky, vicky, ooooh, girl… then he saw Jon’s post, lost his boehner and decided to spew something else entirely.
So? She fits in PERFECTLY with the modern anti-science anti intellectual “real America” Republicans. Stupid. Crazy. Paranoid. Just a joke like the rest of the party.
It’s the world where the high ranking editor and President of the Harvard Law Review is dumb (Obama) and semi-literate sportscaster who could barely finish college (Palin) is smart.
Republicans…welcome to backwards world! The KKK and right wing aren’t the Nazi’s anymore…it’s the socialists, gays, minorities and unions (all the people the Nazi’s tried to kill). Black is white and good is bad. I LOVE modern Republicans. Nothing but laughter!
That would actually be kind a funny as a “skit”…an exaggerated parody…on SNL. But actually REALLY believing that Obama wants to kill old people and the Federal Government is designing and building cars (I guess because the fed helped broker the sale of GM and Chrysler to private companies). It’s funny and creepy when folks take things that are ‘jokes’ and don’t know they’re jokes and think it’s SERIOUS and really go with it.
The more the right wingers talk, the more I am convinced we do have to put them into reeducation camps. They are threats to public order and certifiably insane.
Dennis Miller just ain’t that funny. Puddy’s idea of humor – third grade level stuff with lots of fecal matter jokes.
Puddy’s idea of health care….the most expensive system in the world (by far) that we have now…that delivers care on par with Slovenia.
The health care system that Puddy defends is inefficient, wasteful, over-beaurocratic, doesn’t cover a huge number of americans and then doesn’t work that well even if you do have coverage (no portability, denial of claims and coverage, etc.).
How many times to I have to cite the statistics about how bad our system is compared to most other countries?
But Puddy and the brain-dead conservatives don’t hear or remember the statistics – all they do is shout “socialized” medicine and enable the Pharmaceutical companies and the insurance companies to rip us off and make billions.
These wingnuts are certifiably insane!!!!
Speaking of not funny, here is the traitor Rush Limbaugh on the Honduran coup:
If a Democrat said that….they would be accused of disloyalty to the President and the country.
Butt Putty
Butt putty is the mixture of shit and anal lube left behind after you piston fuck your woman’s asshole.
I really wish Shawn wouldn’t always get so much butt putty when I sodomize her.
Urban Dictionary
@9 The R’s know they are on the way out. Why else would they embrace treason?
Butt Putty is also known as Santorum. Named after the the ex senator Santorum for his efforts against the gay community.
Ekim, uses goats unnaturally, just like Steve!
The Republicans are so discredited that the unreality-based community is about all they have left:
People that mutter to themselves in train stations and trolls on liberal blogs, the (new?) face of the Republican party.
NutsTooTight, recently Puddy asked clueless wonder to show all of us the medical wonders discovered from a hospital in a country with socialized medicine, not a research university or big pharma location in that country. He failed to take the challenge.
So Puddy will axk you NutsTooTight. Show me a medical breakthrough discovered in a socialized medicine hospital not a research university or big pharma location in that country.
Nuts too tight tried to tell us it’s now 67 million Americans not insured. The US Census data says otherwise. When you can’t carry facts into the debate, fudge the data. In NutsTooTight’s case it’s fudgepack the data.
You see, while American health care can be improved as Puddy said earlier, American hospitals also provide medical breakthroughs. Every time Puddy delivers socialized medicine facts NutsTooTight tastes his prostate secretions and calls it anecdotal evidence.
It’s the same thing Ekim gets on his dick after using his goat unnaturally. It’s the new fudgepack Ekim is about to market on the ‘nets.
Yes, just after your stupido comment Ekim starts with the butt putty jokes right on queue eh fool?
Isn’t it amazing Ekim knows where to go in the Urban Dictionary.
Tell you what type of putty he likes on his burrito! Or is that your new chimichanga sauce dude?
Dearest Puddy,
What a stupid question.
Medical “wonders” come from research institutions.
Good health care comes from good docs and efficient management.
The two are not incompatible, but they certainly are not the same thing.
But here are some examples:
Canadian, John Hopps invented the first cardiac pacemaker. Hopps was trained as an electrical engineer at the University of Manitoba and joined the National Research Council in 1941.
Medical researcher Willem J. Kolff invented the artificial kidney dialysis machine. (Netherlands)
HIV discovery (France)
PAP smear (Papinicolou (Greek, educated in Germany)
Professor Ian Donald of Scotland, who developed practical technology and applications for ultrasound in the 1950s.
@15: Guess you did not read the article too well – the prediction was for 67 million Americans uninsured by 2010.
67 million uninsured is an embarassing number. No wonder you can’t accept that prediction.
But then again, reading is not your strong point.
These inventions were from socialized hospitals? Scotland, Netherlands, and Canada had socialized medicine in the 1940’s and 1950s?
Do you enjoy being wrong? Do you like being a fool?
NutsTooTight –
That’s not what NutsTooTight said. When Puddy delivered 46-47 million you immediately countered with 67 Million fool now and you added due to Bush’s recession. There was no in 2010 in your comment. Puddy realizes you are a libtardo with 24 hour memory disease, butt don’t make yourself more stupid than you already are. Wait a minute there is only one rung lower on the HA libtardo ladder of stupidity and that’s the ekim, rujax, and clueless wonder level.
Funny NutsTooTight, heart transplant surgery, a medical breakthrough occurred at a South Africa hospital not a research institution.
@22 If I may speak for puddinghead, and even if I do not have permission to do so, yes, he does.
@25 Cummin from the dumbest of bunnies, Puddy wears it as a badge of honor.
@15 So puddy the idiot wants to know where medical research will come from if all Americans, instead of only a privileged few, have health care? Answer: Same place it does now — from government-funded research.
That’s right, puddy, Big Pharma went socialist a long time ago. Here’s how it works: Government gets the bills while drug companies get the patents, markets, and profits.
Oh wait, I’ll bet you believe the wingnut lie that Bush’s drug price-fixing in the American market was necessary to preserve corporate cash flow that pays for R&D. This has been debunked many times, but just so there’s no misunderstanding, let’s go over the numbers again.
Roughly 50% to 60% of what you pay for name-brand drugs goes to marketing. (You don’t think their armies of sales reps and all those TV ads are free, do you?)
Among the big drug makers, about 3% to 8% of revenue typically goes to R&D, and most of this is spent on reformulating, repackaging, or combining existing formulae in order to extend the life of patents; almost none is spent on basic research.
You see, puddy, what happens in the real world is government bears the enormous expenses and high risks of basic research and preliminary R&D because it’s just not good business for private, for-profit, drug companies to undertake that end of the enterprise. So, you see, part of their revenues go for lobbying and political campaign contributions to ensure that taxpayers, not the companies, pay for basic research.
Bet you didn’t know the pharmaceutical industry was the #1 contributor to Republican candidates, did you? (On the Democratic side, it’s trial lawyers.)
Now you know why Bush gave Big Pharma the green light to engage in price-fixing — and continued pouring federal subsidies into basic research apace.
As Paul Harvey would say, “And now you know the rest of the story!”
@26 Wear your target, er, badge proudly puddinghead!
Memo to troll-debunkers: Puddy is a designated free-fire zone.*
* Metaphorically speaking, of course — don’t take that literally.**
** Don’t worry, puddy, liberals aren’t simple-minded dummies who take everything they hear literally, such as the crank notion that God literally created the Earth only 6,000 years ago; only wingnut rednecks do that. Unfortunately, they’re armed, so you might want to take cover if you see any of them coming down the street.
[“Gunsmoke” soundtrack in background]
Interesting how none of the medical inventions puddy chose as examples came from American institutions.
As in the case of all breakthroughs, these inventors built on the previous work of many others — and successors built on their work. It usually takes many minds and pairs of hands to make these things succeed. For example, Dr. Kolff’s kidney dialysis machine wasn’t clinically useful until Dr. Nils Alwall (of Sweden) refined it.
Here in the U.S., most basic medical research is funded by the U.S. government-supported National Institutes of Health and/or public universities.
But, of course, everyone knows this — except puddinghead and his equally ignorant wingnut buddies, who are predisposed to believe any rightwing fiction that some 14-year-old aspiring creative writer posts on the internet tubes.
The reason she was so convincing as the sidekick of ‘Toonces the Driving Cat’ is that she actually believed the cat could drive.
Dumb as a mud fence.
Yeah, I got a question…
1) why is Col. Sander’ss favorite chicken the dumbest fucking troll on a commment board populated by the dumbest of dumbshit trolls.
2) is this “bullshitium” stuff the craphead keeps talking about some kind of outerspace rock or minersl element that KEEPS HIM STUPID?
3) if the “chicken voting for Col. Sanders” dislikes HA and our unapologetically LIBERAL commenters so much…why the fuck doesn’t he stay away already.
FUCK…I’m sick of this turd.
rujax is sick of me when all he does is screeeeeeeeeeeeech ad nauseum tout le temps?
BTW Michael Jackson and Magic Johnson loved Kentucky Fried Chicken so Puddy in pretty good company fool!
Once again rujax as dense as spent uranium!
is that rufus jackson or rupert jackson or rude jackass? Puddy just not sure?
Once again da dumb bunny thinks he knows what Puddy said:
Where did Puddy ask that dumb bunny? Why does da dumbest of bunnies always try to twist what Puddy says when anyone with anything larger than a femtometer sized brain can figger it out?
Puddy has repeatedly said the existing system can be improved. You threw in big pharma fool!
Puddy ain’t the dumb bunny with the continuous target on their dirty cotton tail.
Butt, it’s the same dumb bunny who forgets the carbon fibre flight control surfaces, personal and super computers, new battery technology, Partiot Missile Batteries, etc all came from SDI research.
So it seems rujax dislikes people who eats Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Who knew?
GBS looks like Puddy needs to find another restaurant now. You wouldn’t want to be seen cummin from KFC as rujax don’t like them peeps!
I’ve long worried that over the past generation or so, schools ceased teaching history or geography of any consequence. The argument given was that “memorizing names and dates”, or locations was too boring and “turned students off learning”. The solution was supposedly to instill a “love of learning” in students which would encourage them to embark on a “lifetime of learning”. Once it was clear that the U.S. had won the space race (in 1969), math and basic science education also was given a low priority, since those subjets, too, were “too boring” for students who now, suddenly, were afflicted with low attention spans.
Combine this with the preference toward encouraging students by insisting each one is “special”, and praising any effort no matter how minimal, and arguing that their opinion is just as valid as every other opinion, and you have the recipie for disaster.
We used to have a saying in computer programing: “garbage in = garbage out”. If your data is no good, no computer is going to fix that problem. Now we have at least one generation (perhaps two) of students who have very little knowledge of history or geography or science, who latch upon whatever crackpot theory or purporte “fact” is given which happens to match their particular predisposed prejudice, and insist that their opinion (which might be pulled from their nether-regions) is just as valid an opinion as that of numerous experts who have spent their lives in study of the subject.
Conservatives have tended to argue that these educational trends are the result of a liberal public education system. I won’t argue that the education system needs to be reformed, and I’m willing to attack liberal education theories and practices where such criticism is merited.
But the winners of this trend is undisputably the far right wing of the Republican Party. They are the ones who are currently trying to turn history on it’s head by making patently absurd claims that environmentalists are Nazis (and vice-versa), that Democrats are fascists, and that it’s okay to ignore facts (or other sources) if they don’t support your pre-existing opinion.
Thankfully, people like Victoria Jackson are in an increasingly small minority in the U.S. But the Republican Party’s hope lies in keeping our youth dumb, lying about history and economics, and hoping for a resurgence sometime in the future.
I’m sure Pud was all over the GOP prescription drug plan in 2003.
37 It is a fact that liberals give very little to charity. They don’t care. All they care about is having power and most of you who think you are enlightened for some reason cannot see it. None of the elite liberal crowd are going to be dying in line waiting to see a doctor but you and I are! I think Mrs Jackson nails it on the head and has the courage to say it. Get away from evil Mr Brawny and come over to the good side!
@12 Speaking of Santorum….I wonder what he thinks about our current Pope, who was the darling of conservative Catholics in his last gig as head Inquisitor, but who just issued an encyclical that says our entire social/economic/political system has failed, declares the increasing disparity between the rich and poor to be disgraceful, and proposes some kind of one-world government.
@39 And, other than your own delusions, you’re basing your claim on………???????
41 Look into it lazy ass. John Kerry for example gave like 13,000 dollars to charity while the same year Dick Cheney gave half of his 60 million dollar income. You tards miss out on the truth for the most part probably because genetically you are inferior to a conservative.
3 Pud
Obama is not considering a tax on benefits. Max Baucus was trying to write one into his bill and HE SAID that Obama “was open to” it. The progressive Caucus and Harry Reid are pushing back HARD on that twit Baucus.
42 mark
No, YOU are obligated to support your assertions, not to just lie and then tell others to “look into it.” You shoudl provide a link to a credible source that backs up your assertion.
In what year, for example, did the Cheneys (who file jointly) claim “$60 million” in income? In 2004, their donations were around $300,000, mainly from Lynne’s book proceeds. In 2003, their donations were around $320,000, also mainly from Lynne’s book proceeds. In 2002, their donations were around $120,000, you guessed it, mainly from Lynne’s book proceeds.
Numbnuts @42
OK, so I looked into it. Daily Kos has an in depth article on it titled Cheney’s shady charitable contributions net $2 million refund. He paid off his doctors, private schools and his alma mater. And he pocketed $2 million for himself. What a guy.
That’s funny, though, it seems that Democrats do their charity work slightly differently from how mark approves of it.
When is that last time Bush, Cheney, Boehner, et. al. volunteered to feed the homeless at a food bank or a soup kitchen?
I see Butt Putty got a bit upset. Must be he identifies so strongly with his name. Oh well, he’s such a Santorum so he can’t help it.
Just for Butt Putty‘s edification, if you Google Butt Putty you will see that Urban Dictionary is the 3rd entry in the search results.
Mark spewed @ 39, so I’ll deconstruct it line-by-line.
“It is a fact that liberals give very little to charity….”
Wrong. I’ve pretty much accepted the label of being a liberal lately, and last year I gave about 15% of my earnings to charity, which isn’t too bad for being a wage-earner.
“They don’t care.”
Wrong. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t bother posting here. I care about what happens to this country, and it’s affect on my children and grandchildren. And be careful about making assumptions about motivations and emotions – all you are doing is trying to construct a straw-man, because it’s too difficult for you to confront the real thing with logic or facts.
“All they care about is having power and most of you who think you are enlightened for some reason cannot see it.”
Wrong. The only reason I want to see Democrats in power is so the Republicans can’t screw it up any more than they already did during the George W. Bush administration.
“None of the elite liberal crowd are going to be dying in line waiting to see a doctor but you and I are!”
Under the current system, I have a better chance of dying while waiting for my employer-provided health insurance to pay a claim than I would under any Democratic health plan.
Personal note: I need to book an appointment with a specialist. The most recent list of my insurance company’s list of “preferred oroviders” lists only one particular specialist of the type I need between Marysville and Olympia. All the others are deemed by the company to charge “in excess of prevailing community fees”, so they aren’t in-network.
There are, of course, over a hundred of these specialists practicing between Seattle and Everett, they just aren’t in my insurance company’s network. A quick check of the one in-network doctor shows he’s had at least six malpractice lawsuits filed against him in the last ten years, and his office says I can’t schedule an appointment with him until he returns from a trip to visit his family overseas, sometime in October. And somehow I’m better off under the current system???? I think not!
“I think Mrs Jackson nails it on the head and has the courage to say it. Get away from evil Mr Brawny and come over to the good side!”
I’m not surprised you would agree with Victoria Jackson’s broadside, but your reference to “come over” somehow reminds me more of Darth Vader trying to get Luke to “Come over to the Dark Side”.
Which American president claimed that his job would be easier if he were a dictator?
Okay, now here’s some quotes from a Republican state representative from Missouri, as she objects to funding to provide lunch programs during the summer for the poor. I’d suggest filing it under the “Clueless” and “Let Them Eat Cake” files:
“The implication suggests that during a recession, parents don’t give their children nutritious food. The reverse may be true. During hard times, many families find it even more important to pull together. Families may economize by choosing to not waste hard earned dollars on potato chips, ice cream, or Twinkies. Perhaps some families will buy more beans and chicken and less sweets….”
Children on subsidized lunch programs usually aren’t making choices between Twinkies and potato chips vs. beans and chicken. They are making a choice between food-bank raw potatos and discarded produce from grocery stores versus not eating at all. I know this because I helped run a food bank at my church for years, and I served on a parent committee at my children’s grade school which investigated how subsidized school breafasts and lunches were being handled.
“…They are using a “crisis” to create an expansion of a government program. Parents naturally love their children and enjoy caring for their children just as much as ever during an economic downturn. Most parents put their children first, even ahead of themselves no matter what. If parents are laid off, that doesn’t mean they stop feeding their children, at least not any of the parents I know. Laid off parents could adapt by preparing more home cooked meals rather than going out to eat….”
Again, the assumption that the choice is between a nutritious home-cooked family meal versus going out to eat! Aside from the obvious falacy of that assumption, I wonder where she expects that nutritious home-cooked meal to be prepared if the parents have not only lost their jobs, but are losing their home as well.
This program could have an unintended consequence of diminishing parental involvement. Why have meals at home with your loved ones if you can go to the government soup kitchen and get one for free? This could have the effect of breaking apart more families.
Wow, that’s a pretty desperate reach into the realms of unreality to try to make a point.
In the early 1900’s the average family paid about $20.00 per person per year for taxes. That left a great deal for our citizens to engage in acts of charity and helping poor neighbors who needed a meal.
Comparing tax numbers in 1900 with today???? I sure hope she doesn’t have any responsibility over the Missouri budget. Oops, maybe she does -she’s Majority Whip!!!!!
“While nobody is disputing the benefits of nutritious food, why the presumption that parents are not providing nutritious food for their children? … The problem of childhood obesity has been cited as one of the most rapidly growing health problems in America. People who are struggling with lack of food usually do not have an obesity problem.”
Obviously, she doesn’t know anything about nutrition or obesity OR economics, or she would know that the obesity rates are highest in this country in the poorest districts in the poorest states, in large part because the cheapest food is the most filling, but is mostly empty calories – potatos, bread, and rice.
Anyone under 18 can be eligible? Can’t they get a job during the summer by the time they are 16?
Gee, perhaps a 10% unemployment rate might among adults might have something to do with that.
Hunger can be a positive motivator. What is wrong with the idea of getting a job so you can get better meals?
Yep, that’s the ticket. Keep them hungry so they will keep working at McD’s for whatever minimum wage we decide to grant them in Missouri. And if they can’t find a job in an economy with a 10% unemployment rate, I’m sure hungar will motivate them to do SOMETHING to feed themselves…. There are plenty of educational opportunities on every street corner where they can learn the skills and quickly enter into the high-paying occupations of theif, drug dealer, prostitute, etc.!
“Tip: If you work for McDonald’s, they will feed you for free during your break.'”
Hmmm, what happened to the emphasis on home-cooked, nutritious meals which would be the norm under her policies?
What Puddy refuses to recognize is that over 1/4 of all Americans under 65 and not on Medicaid will be uninsured by next year – and the numbers are getting worse.
This is the system that Puddy thinks is great.
@21 Maroon:
The Canadian Research council is NOT private enterprise – it is government.
Umm, Great Britain has had socialized medicine since 1948. And Scotland socialized about the same time.
Let’s do the challege the other way – name “great medical research” that got NO government funding…..
And as Roger Rabbit has pointed out – most medical research in this country is funded by the NIH – NOT by any private hospitals.
So your original question is kind of stupid to begin with….
Wrongandleft, buddypud and the rest of the cast and crew… wow…
I can see the blood vessels poppin in the print. everyside getting so mad at the other. Nearly rational statements getting derailed be anger.
Makes pretty boring reading.
P.S. Dennis Miller is AWESOME!!!!!!!
A long time ago when my younger siblings were in Junior High, my parents couldn’t make it to a Parent Night so I went instead.
It had been 7 years, but it was fun to see all my old teachers again. They were all pretty upset though, the quality of the books for every subject had nosedived in the past couple years.
I couldn’t believe the difference either. Four to five hundred page in-depth with small type Pacific Northwest history books had morphed into 120 pages of large type 4th grade reading level nonsense that didn’t even include the Pig War. American History was even worse. Six to seven hundred page books down to 200 pages of large type with cartoons on the front cover.
Every subject had been dumbed down to about 4th grade reading level. I was shocked, but had recently read an article about text-book publishing so I wasn’t totally surprised.
Certain states were only approving textbooks with a particular slant and many textbook publishers had just decided to stop making textbooks different for the rest of the world because it cost more to have two of the same type of textbook; one as it was written and one with any passages that offended the 2 or 3 states that didn’t want anything “ungodly” in them removed.
This was in 1978. I guess it’s even worse now.
Sadly we now have teachers that can be fired for bringing representations of other countries flags into a geography class. http://www.rockymountainnews.c.....58,00.html
We also have Florida deciding what type of discussion of history they will allow.
Wow! She makes Danny Bonaducci look sane.
I dont have the will to search any further but Cheney made 36 million in 2000, paid 14 million in taxes (not enough by liberal standards) then gave 8 million to charity.
He has given millions over the years and deserves a far better shake than he has received.
Back in the 1960s the US was preeminent in math and science. And looking at this comparison The US School Systems sucks.
Thanks to the NEA who really don’t care about the kidz. Butt, the NEA of New Mexico lost multiple millions on the Madoff scandal!
rhp6033 gives another tedious and tendentious argument full of pablum and specious commentary.
If people notice you’ll see a link on average of every five rhp6033 posts. What is the man thinking…
@30 “For example, Dr. Kolff’s kidney dialysis machine wasn’t clinically useful until Dr. Nils Alwall (of Sweden) refined it.”
Welllll…there was something of a contribution from Dr. Scribner and Wayne Quinton, and later from Dr. Tenckhoff, Bill Jensen, Bruce Meston and a bunch of other folks…but to Pudknocker’s certain frustration, they were all at the UW, “worthless freeloaders working for the gubmint”.
NutsTooTight, thanks for pointing out England and socialized medicine in 1948…”The National Health Program which became the law of England in July 1948 is modeled on the Soviet system created by Lenin.” – WTF?
“In less than two years, there were more than half a million people on the waiting lists for hospitalization, while some forty thousand hospital beds were out of service because of a nurse shortage. The hospital shortage in Britain has become so acute that many mentally deficient and helpless, aged people are unable to secure institutional care. The only effective means of easing the shortage is to deny hospital admission to the old and chronically ill who cannot be discharged once they are admitted.” – Amazing…
Butt wait and see if NutsTooTight calls this anecdotal evidence and watch Diddled Luvr cum to his rescue!
Liquid Farty Art, wearing his racetracks
Wrongo dude. Thems your words.
Ekim@wherever: Puddy not upset, Puddy is identifying your specific personal characteristics about the unnatural use of goats and how you like to spice your burritos and chimichangas.
Do you like that with or without olive oil flavoring?
NIH huh? And you trust the pellets from Pelletizer NutTooTight?
“NEW YORK, Sept. 20-It’s not rising as fast as local real estate values, but funding in the U.S. for biomedical research doubled — when adjusted for inflation — from $37.1 billion in 1994 to $94.3 billion in 2003.
Industry is picking up about 57% of the tab for medical investigation, with the National Institutes of Health kicking in another 28%, reported researchers in a special issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, previewed at a press briefing here.
Overall industry spending on drug, biotechnology and medical device research increased by 102%, from $26.8 billion in 1994 to $54.1 billion in 2003.”
BTW these percentages have remained about the same over the past 10 years. So what did Pelletizer say again… nuthin impotent!
You can find the link. Puddy did in 3 seconds fool!
You see Puddy agrees with this wholeheartedly:
This would help out Pelletizer. Hey Puddy looking out for the old dumb bunny!
Again this foolish tool can’t read
Here NutsTooTight, let Puddy assist your sorry ASS again… Post #35 Puddy wrote:
brooksmobile, thanks for looking out for Puddy, but the PuddyBlood Pressure is fine and the PuddyHeart rate is around 68 to 72 BPM!
@60 Actually, their work also spawned about a half dozen highly successful companies. Not a bad bang for the taxpayers’ buck.
Puddy @ 57: As I said, the education system in the U.S. is in serious need of reform. But if you will note, the 1960’s heyday which Puddy mentions the U.S. at preiminance was at the height of federal funding due to the “space race”, which began in this country in 1957. His “blame it all on the NEA” comments are therefore inaccurate and dismissive of quite a few other sources of the problem. Quite frankly, there’s plenty of blame to go around, on all sides of the political spectrum.
Which makes me wonder if we will ever have the will to solve the problem. Puddy & his cohorts will just shrug their shoulders and say it’s the NEA’s fault. Liberals will blame the Discovery Institute and other conservative organizations, as well as Eyman and the anti-tax crowd. Evangelicals will blame the atheists. Teachers will blame the parents and the lack of government funding. In the meantime, another generation is lost, and Microsoft will continue to expand it’s import of foreign workers because they are better educated to do the job than we are.
Puddy said: “If people notice you’ll see a link on average of every five rhp6033 posts. What is the man thinking…”
At least I’m thinking.
Your posts are generally indecipherable using plain English, and your links are usually to websites with nothing of substance, just biased commentary or flawed data, to the point where I don’t waste my time trying to follow them anymore.
@68 It’s like Puddy is deteriorating further with every post. Most of what he spews here now is unreadable or indecipherable, and certainly unworthy of response.
Puddy does blame the NEA. When they joined forces with the American Teachers Association in 1966, the quality of US education started dropping precipitately. No competition just a monopoly! Since Puddy has family members in the teaching profession Puddy gets the inside scoop.
Now to the argument of education spending and the space race.
Back in the 1960s the US was preeminent in math and science. And looking at this comparison The US School Systems sucks.
Yep, that’s so confusing to someone such as Steve or rhp6033. Facts are very confusing to libtardos!
Yep, you are just like NutsTooTight. Data you can’t fathom or facts which blow apart the worthless argument are wrong, full of flawed data, or anecdotal!
So rhp6033: 58% of Americans are against having their personal health insurance plans taxed. Of course that’s generally indecipherable to the agenda right?
What a tool!
Sigh! It really does get worse with each post. So sad.
So Steve, “the messiah” just gave away 1/3 of our nuclear arsenal when Iran is striving for nukes and North Korea is sabre rattling without Congressional approval! And you are fine with that huh? Of course that’s generally indecipherable to the leftist pinhead agenda right?
@59 – The UK (England is part of the UK) owns most hospitals and employs the staff. No one I know of is even interested in doing that here.
As for the old folks, my older relatives in the UK enjoy home healthcare (paid by the NHS) so they don’t have to live in some institution. 8% of the UK population still go private.
@71 – “Back in the 1960s the US was preeminent in math and science.”
Yeah, that’s why Europe had the great brain drain as the US hired scientists from over there. Or is that what you meant?
uptown, we were preeminent in math in science in 4th grade, 8th grade and high school. We lost that lead. Now we are down the curve. rhp6033 and Steve can’t fathom the truth.
Pud has written a lot of dumb stuff, but 70 is near the top. Was there competition between the AFT and NEA before their merger? Were there dueling schools with competing unions?
Please explain Pud
Steve, K is talking to you dude.
Man K you are soooooooooo stupid! A B S O L U T E L Y there was competition for teachers before the merger. You have no concept of historical facts do you K? What do you fill your hat rack with dude? All you are is full of snark, hot air, murmurings and blatherings. Here let Puddy help you…
AFT was created by the AFL-CIO. It was about union hacks. The AFT was more worried about work rules not teaching. You don’t remember Albert Shanker? Well you maybe still green behind the ears. The NEA was the professional teachers. But they were more worried about accountability. When both competed for teachers, teachers excelled and proved themselves in the classroom. Puddy had some great teachers who could teach in that era.
After the merger the union S T O P P E D teachers from their primary objective teaching students. It became of lobbyist organization and a political action union. Speaking to accountability, that’s why now the NEA is against the merit pay raises for great teachers. They want all teachers treated the same so no one is accountable!
Butt, to help K Puddy suggests he reads this book, cuz Puddy ain’t gonna help you decipher it. You went to Cornell, use that education!
Read this K – “The Teachers’ Unions : How the NEA and AFT Sabotage Reform and Hold Students, Parents, Teachers, and Taxpayers Hostage to Bureaucracy”
This is why we suck against the industrialized world now!!!!!
BTW Puddy family reunions are really enlightening.
42/45/57 Maybe John Kerry only logged $16K in his own name, but his wife gave away $70 million last year. Of course, maybe she was partly able to do so by King Ronnie the Senile promoting ketchup as a vegetable.
For the record…
KFC is ok but Ezell’s is wayyyy better.
The puddybiotch is still a fucking bufoon.