I’m old enough to remember when there were debates in the US Senate that were considered historic and important, and you could watch the debate without wanting to hurl things through the screen.
Sadly, the junior senator from Louisiana, David Vitter the whoremonger, just got up and babbled on and on about ACORN and how vital it is that no money go them, offering an amendment as such. I’m sure that’s the first thought of American who are losing jobs and houses.
Truly a different planet.
Anyhow, I try not to post “call your senators” very often because you are likely smart enough to decide when you need to call your senators. Like, um, today. And be nice.
They have to keep money from flowing to outfits like ACORN.
ACORN is actually effective in signing up people to vote.
The more people participate in our democracy, the more Republicans lose.
They have no choice but to do this.
Ah yes, David Vitter. The staunch Christian, married Republican who was busted for having sex with prostitutes.
Who wouldn’t want his wisdom, leadership and intelligence on any given issue? Especially one as important as Acorn.
*BTW, the rightwing contention that Acorn is singled out to receive a ton of cash in the stimulus package is total bullshit.
Seriously, whether left or right, if you get caught up in a diaper scandal then you really should think about exiting the national stage. Either that or don’t act surprised when you’re laughed at every time you put your face out there.
And here’s the link to back up that assertion @2.
Boehner is talking the same crap about the stimulus package.
Is it against posting rules to use terms like Boehner and stimulus package?
If the Republican’s succeed in obstructing this Job’s Bill, then they will go down in history not only as the cause of this disaster, but pouring gasoline on the fire and flattening the tires of all the firetrucks.
They will be universally despised for centuries to come. They will become completely extinct.
They’re just doing what their master, Full-of-Sith-Lord Lush Flimbaugh, tells them to do. I think it’s time to declare the Republican Party enemies of the state. Perhaps it’s time to take Michelle Bachmann’s advice and bring back the Un-American Activities Committees, and start trying Republicans for treason and sedition.
Exactly. The Republicans in this case (and Democrats in others) in Congress are stuck 99% of the time in playing out Crips vs Bloods…they oppose each others bills NOT because of any merits, but merely because it’s from the other guys and they don’t want them to “win” and be seen as effective by the public. PART of what Obama ran on (and I have no idea how/if he can do this) is to try and change this tone. I’m f**king sick of this “our team vs your team” mentality, instead of working on good/functional ideas.
Can anyone name a non-government job in this state that will be created by this $937,000,000,000.00 stimulus bill, or does it even matter to any of the libs on this site?
I sort of hope the GOP blocks this bill – if they do it means a permanent super majority in all branches of the federal government for the Dems and while it would be painful for a while, it’s worth it if we can get that large a majority.
#9 – Transportation projects? I think there are QUITE of few of those in this region. :) And our road jobs aren’t “government workers” since the 70s, they’re all sub-contractor (private) employees.
Money put aside for tax incentives for alternative clean energy? Those are mostly private companies (some university) entities working on creating the next ‘great’ battery or fuel cell.
Look we tried “cutting taxes only” as a way to stimulate the economy for 8 years…and things ONLY got worse. Handing over our governments surplus to the top 1% in the country didn’t stimulate shit. Lets try SOMETHING else, ok.
9 J
What do you mean by “government job?” DO you mean, for example, that if money comes trhough to repair roads and the state contracts with private contractors to perform the work, and those private contractors hire a bunch more employees to do that work, is that a “government job” to you?
Do you think it would be a pretty terrible thing for us all if we hired more police, firefighters, and teachers?
And come to think of it, do you think that the people who DO work directly for a governmental agency don’t get paid, or don’t get paid with money, or that these people do not buy food, don’t buy houses, don’t get their cars repaired, don’t go to reaturants, don’t buy clothes, don’t shop, and so on?
And I’ll answer your question this way: ALL spending is stimulative, and is more stimulative than tax cuts. There are certainly better and worse ways to spend money, both in terms of how sensible projects are and how much of a stimulative effect those expenditures will have, but all spending is stimulus. Paying people to dig holes and then fill them up again would be stupid spending, but it would still be very effective stimulus. Ideally, however, you want to have projects which are both smart spending with long-term benefits AND good stimulus, such as transportation and energy infrastructure updates and improvements. But to just get the economy going, any spending will work.
No one’s going to “block” this bill.
First, Democrats have the hammer of a large majority in both houses. Second, if the Republicans are politically stupid enough to try to filibuster an economic recovery package, the Senate will then just reconsider the bill under the budget bill rules, which do not allow the bill to be filibustered, and we all know they can come up with 51 votes anytime they want.
Once Al Franken is seated and Ted Kennedy’s replacement is named, Democrats will have 59 votes in the Senate, and the Blue State Republicans such as Snowe will vote with them to avoid getting voted out of office.
Bottom line: Republicans have NO power. All they can do is talk, so that’s what they’re doing. When it comes to a vote, they lose.
“I think there are quite a few” That is a hell of an answer! Could you be a little more specific? Maybe start by reading the bill and then try answering again! BE SPECIFIC!
Cripes…even the Whigs weren’t this out of touch when they vanished.
@9: You must work out regularly to be that stupid.
14 J
You read the bill, didn’t you, John? You did, didn’t you? Did you?
When people have jobs they buy things: cars, clothes, electronics, furniture. Plenty of jobs come from this from trucking to longshoremen to retail to sales.
That’s why it’s called stimulus. It stimulates demand. It has spillover effects.
If it’s good stimulus like infrastructure, education and whatnot, it forestalls future emergency spending (like on filling sinkholes and collapsing bridges). Education is particularly good in that smarter people invent the employment engines of the future, i.e. new industries.
I think we can rest assured that neither of the Senators from the State of Washington is paying any attention to Vitter or any of the other Republican obstructionist goons.
As I told you yesteday I read the first 300 pages of the Pelossi bill. I could find no mention of any jobs that would be created in this state. I thought I might have missed something, but by your inability to be specific it tells me that you all don’t know of any jobs either.
Everyone of you is just hoping that maybe it will create 1 or 2 jobs.
So how much of the bill have any of you read. Just what I thought!
9 Only an idiot with nothing to cling to but his tattered ideology gives a flying fuck at this point whether the jobs created/maintained are in or out of government.
It’s your much-worshipped “private enterprise” that’s failed, buster.
There was an editorial in today’s LA Times proposing that it would make more sense to assign a fairly large sum, like $25 billion or more, to the arts. Why? Well, the non-profit arts organizations in the US employ something like six million souls. By comparison, so far we’ve committed something like $7 trillion (including the interest while the increased government debt is theoretically retired) to handouts to the banks, and they’re still laying people off in droves except on (ahem!) “Mahogony Row”.
One of the GOP knuckleheads has been pushing an amendment to the bill which would specifically prohibit a dime going to any arts organization, symphony orchestra, museum or zoo. Some other douchebag was screaming a couple weeks ago about how terrible it was that there was an allocation for repairs and improvements in national parks. Can you say, “WPA”? Can you say, “CCC”???? I KNEW you could!
Naaaaaah. These guys can’t stand the thought of that. They’d rather see people standing by onramps holding cardboard signs than have them “work for the government”. Schmucks.
20 Why should you expect us to believe you? Hell, you probably can’t read any better than you can spell.
Well, John, it looks like you wasted your time big-time. Hard as it is for me to believe that (a) you could read 300 pages of anything and (b) that you could figure out what creates jobs, you could save yourself some time.
19 – Ha! I sent a little note to them anyway. I told them (in a nice way) to ignore the Limbaugh worshiping sheep.
For those who want to read 301 pages and pass John up…
You’re dead right on this. The longer the GOP stalls, the more anger is built up. I think it’s already clear what their tactic is: DeLay, DeLay, DeLay, then blame everything on the D’s. Nobody buys that bullshit anymore. The D’s will lock up Congress for the next 50 years with 2010 midterms, and Obama will coast to a second term. Then maybe we’ll give Hillary a shot…. Or maybe Christine?
37 – DeLay!!!! Oh no! I thought we got rid of that clown!
On second thought I hope they bring that fool back. They couldn’t do worse.
Of course, if you read the CBO report on the stimulus plan, you’ll find that roughly two-thirds of the plan’s recovery investments will come in the first 18 months after it is enacted. However, OMB direstor (and former CBO director) Peter Orszag says that his office estimates that 75 percent of the stimulus plan will be spent over the next year and a half.
re 14: What, specifically, were you referring to? He wasn’t referring to any ‘specific’ road project, but was specifically referring to the way these projects are bidded out and completed.
Specifically, how would referring to a specific road project have made his meaning any clearer.
You may speak in broad generalities if you must.
Why do Republicans hate the poor? That’s biting the hand that feeds them.
re 24: The number ‘300’ makes me suspicious. If he’d said 295 or 312, or 700 (in deference – not indifference – to Jesus), I would be more inclined to believe him.
31 That’s because they’re cannibals.
You forgot the Farm Security Administration and the Tennessee Valley Authority (started in ’33).
Nelson and Collins are spinning like crazy to cut the stimulus bill.
Of course many of the cuts are all on the back of the poor: food stamps, head start, child nutrition.
And there’s a lot in the bill that goes to the military. They want to increase that. As if we’re not spending too much already on military pork.
People are suffering NOW. They NEED this kind of relief. The assholes just don’t get it.
I hope some of it gets sets right in conference.
Nelson and Collins will not get what they ask for. The Democrats will pass this bill with or without them.
Lets see $900,000,000.000.00 to create 1,300,000 jobs. Looks like Obama’s and Pelossi’s job stimulus will cost our children $692,307.69 per job. If we give you the high end of the scale each job will cost $230,709.23 to create. And there is no guarantee how long any of these jobs will last.
Sounds like a great deal to me
@8 Tribalism has been around for a million years and you can’t wish it away overnight. Furthermore, my species is smarter than your species!
@37 That’s competitive with what it costs to create jobs with Republican tax cuts.
Let’s roll back the Reagan tax cuts and reinstall tariffs so we have fair trade, not free trade.
If Obama gives the private sector a $50,000 tax credit for every new job they create and sustain for 3 years the cost to our children is $50,000 per job. You would create 5-14 more jobs for the same dollar amount. But of course this would mean that the government would not have control of the the job market.
Tax cuts, schmax cuts! Simplify the damn thing. Let’s have a flat tax instead of the fucking mess we’ve got now.
Simplify the shitty system, then talk about tax cuts or whatever.
36 – I think you underestimate the craziness of the other side. Even with the utterly dismal job report, they seem willing to filibuster it to death. No change from what they were like in the last Congress. We need 60 votes to invoke cloture on this bill.
This stimulus needs to start going now. The economy is about to smash through the floor if it hasn’t already.
Just a number with no backing. The bogus paper is printed at night in the residence. We know why the Obamas are always late to meetings.
Obama is great with words with no meaning and worthless paper.
Ok. The a tentative compromise at 780 billion is reached. I hope the sausage improves in conference with the House.
Ahhhh. Look at who’s looking for a handout.
A pipeline to nowhere? Canada? Whatever! Just don’t forget Alaska you unreal Americans.
44 – The Federal Reserve has already printed a trillion or two.
The Japanese have printed debt for years. It exceeds their GNP by 50 percent?
No hyper-inflation threat I’m aware of there.
Betcha a lot of the winger hypocrites are pissing and moaning about government debt at the same time they’re bailing out of the stock market and snapping up fresh new T-bills.
Why would anyone be getting into T bills now?
48 – It’s today’s “stuffing the mattress”.
Leon Panetta: Man he is pizzing off the Keith I Sucked at ESPN Olbermanns of the world. Leadless Douchy is having a coronary.
Then Panetta backtracked on other statements. Sweet.
whoremonger??? LOL bill clinton had his dick sucked in the whitehouse, but because, amomg other things, he appointed two jews to the supreme court, the jew controlled media leaves him alone. whoremonger?? the jew spitzer. whoremonger?? john edwards, and again the msm gets beat to the story by the enquirer. whoremonger?? ted kennedy drowns a woman and runs away. you fuckheads make laugh.
@36 Nelson and Collins will not get what they ask for. The Democrats will pass this bill with or without them.
Well . . .
“Announcing the compromise on the Senate floor after a day of wrangling, Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) said a bipartisan group of negotiators agreed on a $780 billion package, cutting roughly $110 billion from the massive stimulus plan that had been under debate on the Senate floor.
“We trimmed the fat, fried the bacon and milked the sacred cows,” Nelson said. “Our plan pared back a very substantial amount of money that we believe didn’t belong . . . in a stimulus package.” He said the compromise includes $350 billion in tax cuts that would reach 95 percent of all Americans.”
I say do what you do best, Daddy, develop great Microsoft software, but WE KNOW that’s not going to happen.
Did you ever consider that that $110 billion in crapola was deliberately put in the bill so nudnik ‘pugs could posture and strut about being ‘fiscally responsible’ without queering the whole bill for the rest of the nation?
Politically Incorrect = Political Erectile Dysfunction
$780 billion plus $47 billion in amendments that the Senate has already passed. The total of $827 billion is more than the house version.
Thank your children and grandchildren tonite for this money, because they are the ones going to pay.
55 – Where were you when they were spending out the nose for Shrubya’s mess in Iraq…
Nowhere to be found.
by the way, to the jew republican (LOL) arlen spector who voted for the bill,,,FUCK YOU
48, 49 — Poor John obviously isn’t up to date on High Finance. All the Smart Money — what’s left of it — is flocking to T-bills. Oh, I know T-bill yields are nothing, but that’s a better return than anyone’s getting from stocks or real estates right now. Some 3 trillion dollars has been plowed into Treasuries in the last year or so. The idea is not lose your principal and the U.S. Treasury is about the only place left where money isn’t shrinking. T-bills are the hottest thing on the planet.
@56 If we didn’t get blatant hypocrisy from these trolls every day I’d suspect they were comatose after getting kicked in the head by a horse.
The trolls save their loudest criticism from spending on public works projects that put people to work because they can’t stand the idea of workers having jobs. Of course, I understand that, because I can’t stand the idea of having a job either. Why would I want to work in a cheap labor economy? Why would anyone?
by the way assholes, the census bereau now reports directly to the dual israeli citizen/former israeli army soldier/son of an israeli terroist/ the jew rahm emanuel. now, for one fucking second, do ya think rahm is going to tell the truth.
@62 Sure. I trust that guy. Way more than you, anyway.
A couple months ago the pukes spent $700 billion on Wall Street and bank bailouts, and we now know a lot of that money was spent on executive bonuses and perks like corporate jets and million-dollar washrooms. We didn’t hear a peep of protest from the troglodyte trolls about that.
Now, the Democrats want to spend $700 billion or so on repairing bridges, unemployment benefits, food stamps, aid to state governments, alternative energy, and stuff like that — and the pukes are screaming PORK! and WASTE! FRAUD! ABUSE!
It makes you wonder about their values.
Republican values are fucked up.
Mr Rabbit
I hope and pray that you put all of your money in T Bills and we will talk again in about 1 year. Maybe you can get the Queen to put your state retirement funds also in T Bills since you believe that is what all the smart people are doing.
A couple months ago the pukes spent $700 billion on Wall Street and bank bailouts, and we now know a lot of that money was spent on executive bonuses and perks like corporate jets and million-dollar washrooms.
TARP I had a lot of Republican opposition:
It passed the House 263-171:
Dems: 172 for 63 against
Reps: 91 for 108 against
The vote in the Senate was 74-25:
Dems: 39 for 9 against
Reps: 34 for 15 against
The initial vote failed because of Republican opposition. It eventually passed because of the hue and cry that we were near the abyss.
Sound familiar?
66 – Uh… A certain Republican monkey of a treasury secretary lobbied for the bill and then a idiot Republican chimpanzee signed it.
The buck stops with him does it not.
How many times you vote for him?
Oh by the way, he also bailed out the auto companies. Had a little problem with his party going “Herbert Hoover” on themselves.
for the bill and then a idiot Republican chimpanzee signed
the current president is more like a chimpanzee
68 – Is that a racist jibe?
One monkey as I call him is for shoving dollars at dumbass bankers who screwed the pooch on their businesses. They take the money and don’t even lend it out like they’re supposed to. In fact they go to fancy “retreats”, try to buy fancy jets and vote generous bonuses for themselves.
The other chimpanzee as you call him is for spreading out dollars so ordinary people can survive being laid off and if everything works like it’s supposed to, get a job building American infrastructure.
I know which primate I prefer.
Here is a pic of the average wingnut troll watching all their deluded dreams die a quick death at the hands of the Real Responsible Americans.
Look in the mirror wingnuts!
For manoflies, you can just imagine the swastika on his chest.
YLB, so the enlightened dems were duped into voting for TARP1 by a man who can’t say the word “nuclear”?
Man, we’re in trouble…
The dems can pass this bill on their own.
So why not just do it? Why all the controversy about republican opposition to this bill? They don’t need the wingers’ input or votes, right?
If this is what will fix the economy, then pass the bill and then be the the heroes for the next 50 years.
Just do it. The dems need to put their balls on the table. Why won’t they do that?
72 – Right before an election, yes. The Dems couldn’t risk tanking the election.
Bush ruled the last Congress with a working conservative majority. A blue dog contingent in the House with a lockstep minority in the Senate.
A lot of that is still in place today.
A little thing called cloture. Look it up.
There’s no time to kabuki dance with the minority. People need relief NOW.
So throw 1-2 evil repubs a bone to avoid the fillibuster (they all can be bought) That certainly won’t change the original bill much.
So again, why all the controversy? Pass the bill and be the heroes.
@ 76, What!? And risk having their leader Lush Limpballs take them behind the woodshed!
The republicans are being toyed with, and played for the fools they are. They are lost in a sea of their own hypocrisy and bitter self loathing.
GOP CAVES! That should be the headline. THIS is your future you fuckfaced traitors! ALL we need is one or two GOP Senators to break your strangle hold on America and freedom. And when Al gets his seat in the Senate – it will be more like ONE – not ONE OR TWO! And with three or four reliably moderate Publicans on the Senate Floor – we have all we need.
I love the way PRESIDENT OBAMA pulled this off. He put some things in the bill he knew wouldn’t fly so he could offer to pull them out at the last second in return for GOP support. He played the right wing punks well.
And America wins. Democrats win. GOP LOOOOOOSES! The whole world is laughing at the impotent GOP and their impotent right wing troll supporters.
My father, a staunch Republican, would have been totally crestfallen if Everett Dirksen had been arrested in diapers in a whorehouse — but today, we have that sort of Republican delivering moralistic homilies on the senate floor — and the MSM says nothing.
Apparently HAs clueless idiot doesn’t remember much.
These are those who jockstrapped for Obama fool. You can’t even get this story striaght.
What a ‘tard!
Limbaugh sucker @ 80
Let’s take one of the welfare recipients, AIG, who went to the fancy resort to get handjobs on your taxpayer dime:
That’s one big red middle finger pointing at you moron.
Fool and tool.
76 – Both Nelson (a conservative Dem) and Collins (a moderate Repubican) have balked at the size of the package. It takes a lot of horse-trading to get to 60 votes.
All academic at this point. 3 Republicans have said they’d vote for the bill.
72 – Right before an election, yes. The Dems couldn’t risk tanking the election.
The facts say otherwise. Provide evidence for that inane claim.
It was sponsored by Rep. Patrick Kennedy, Dem of Rhode Island. They voted for it in heavy numbers (http://www.govtrack.us/congres.....=h2008-101) and spoke out for it in no uncertain terms.
Here’s what Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, said prior to the final vote:
“we confront a crisis of historic magnitude that has the ability to do serious injury not simply to our economy, but to the American people: not just to Wall Street, but to everyday Americans on Main Street. It is our responsibility today, to help avert that catastrophic outcome. Let us be clear: This is a crisis caused on Wall Street. But it is a crisis that reaches to Main Street in every city and town of the United States.”
Here what Steny Hoyer, House majority leader,had to say:
“Why should taxpayers loan out their own money to solve a crisis brought on by someone else’s greed? Because when it comes to our economy, none of us is an island. We’re all bound together, in boom or bust, in growth or collapse. … Inaction will result in greater pain for our people and our country.”
Here’s what Barney Frank had to say:
“That is the reality. If we repudiated George Bush’s Treasury secretary and chairman of the Federal Reserve, joined as they were by previous secretaries of the Treasury, if we repudiate them and say — no, calm down, we’ll get over it — I believe the consequences will be severe. So I hope that this bill is passed.”
Here’s what Rahm Emanuel had to say:
“The last seven days were to make sure that the public markets were as protected as the financial markets were calmed. And we have made dramatic improvements in this legislation… We are doing what is responsible putting out this fire. But make no doubts about the remaining days are to also figure out who created the fire and make sure that the arsonist is put to jail.”
83 – Political rhetoric fool. Haven’t you learned a damned thing about politics?
And the first vote on the TARP was a rejection if you recall.
72 – Right before an election, yes. The Dems couldn’t risk tanking the election.
@84 Provide evidence for this claim.
85 – Evident on its face. All of the Dems caving to Republicans during the last Congress hinged on winning the 2008 elections. It was like in tennis a “baseline game”, a conservative game if you will. If you don’t have the votes to defeat a solid obstructionist bulwark in the Senate or override the stubborn incumbent in the White House, just give the extremists the rope to hang themselves.
It worked pretty well but we still have a lockstep minority in the Senate that desperately clings to old dogmas and skitterish conservatives in the majority party who’ll join the minority if they sense their fearful constituents will turn on them.
As for the TARP, the Bush White House forced that donnybrook for obvious political reasons. The timing was convenient to say the least. Too bad their man on the campaign trail made a total ass of himself. All kinds of ways he could have played that better.
Evident on its face.
You claimed the Democrats supported TARP I in such overwhelming numbers so they would not lose the election. What is the evidence for this – speeches, documents, conversations YOU had with decision makers, conversations you’re aware of that took place between other individuals and decision makers? Can you point to any credible source that also makes this claim?
If your claim is so self-evident it must have been discussed elsewhere. Point to those discussions.
Point to something other than your opinion, which so far is all we have.
87 – Look it’s pretty simple. The moron in the White House says Wall Street is about the melt down and hurt a lot of people.
Do as I say and fork over a blank check just like you did for me on Iraq. I won’t hear of anything you have to say. This is an emergency. The implication being if you don’t, your party will be known as the one who blinked and balked. Republicans then crow about the weak Dems (Congress is pretty low in the polls) and they win a squeaker election.
So they blinked a little at first but generally managed to keep their eyes open. I don’t think Shrub expected that. Also, remember that TARP was originally specified on 3 pages of paper and they wanted the WHOLE 700 billion – not two installments. Congress showed some spine and pushed back on that.
Shrub and Paulson would have looked like total idiots if they stuck to that but they could have been willing to give in all along. That’s how negotiations are usually structured anyway.
Horsestool@81: Thanks for the information. Aren’t you glad Puddy showed you Open Secrets?
2002 huh? You are a moron. They went on your dime. Look at whom AIG supported in 2008 fool.
2008 $801,244 D-$559,226 R-$241,118 D-70% R-30%
Yep they supported the Democratic just like others and what did they do to the Democratic? Wasted money.
What a fool.
What a ‘tard.
What a fooltard.
I wait to see when the bill goes into chamber reconciliation. Just because two Republicans who are really really libtards go south doesn’t mean the final bill has all the pork.
We’ll see what happens next week.
I’ve already proved Paulson was and still is a Democratic. But of course Horsestool (and a smelly one at that) doesn’t remember simple facts.
Puffybutt and the word “facts” don’t belong on the same page. Every time you prove this Oreo motherfucker is lying he deflects, bails out and changes the subject – which is why his side ALWAYS will looooooose to the victorious Dems who rule over him like a little bitch.
I want to see the bill go into the chamber of trash.
Its all trash, and stinkin old pork,same old pork bill tried to do to this country in 1993. PAY THE SUPPORT TEAM.
Let obama pay them out of his own pocket,maybe he could get some of the money back on that overly expensive inauguration,
or maybe quit paying all of those lawyers to hide his dirty little secrets.
That would definately stimulate the economy.
Send nancy pelosi packin her ugly ass back to california, because she is useless baggage ,
Fire harry reid,
Send hillary’s ugly ass packin back to new york,
john kerry, ted kennedy back to any where but in line for the cash,
let them line thier pockets with thier own money for a change,
Thats where the savings are!!!!!!!!!!
That is definately a good stimulus plan.
@ 93,
you must have been living in a cave with your republican terrorist friends, cause the change America voted for was sending the Republican Crime Family packing!
You ignorant trolls are so funny when you are sobbing!
91 – Next thing you’re going to tell me is that monkey you voted for twice and who approved of Paulson’s three page bill and signed the end-result is a dupe of vast “donko” conspiracy.
Go ahead. Make my evening.
A fool.
A tool.
An idiot.
That’s you.
So this bailout/stimulus/save-our-ass money grab is like this: For the past 7 years we have not been able to direct a public policy that MAY have an affect on the majority of US citizens.
The debates were all inside closed doors, hidden in the back rooms of swanky cigar bars and hotel lobbies. Now that the Dems, who were bombarded in the past 7 years to “do something” about how their money is being spent (remember that it is not a surplus we have to spend, like we had in 2001).
Sure there are a lot of seemingly meaningless pet projects, and there needs to be debate on these, but when we see the outcome of votes (the real metric for change) as directly partisan, then the only recourse is to elect more of the majority party. (it happened in 2002).
The mantra of no-government intervention, championed by republicans for the last 20 years, leads to massive bailouts. Happened for the Auto industry (in 1980) happened for the Saving and Loans (in 1990), happened for the banking industry (2008), happened for ht ehousing industry (2008), happened for the iron industry (1970’s), happened for the telecom industry (1990’s), happened for the airline industry, happened for the farming industry (1980), etc.
Seems like there has never been an American industry that does not overspend, and become a burden to the rest of society, interestingly at the very moment their “success/solvency” is vital for the american public.
If we keep the bailout mantra in effect, we will see this again when the new jobs created are going to be minimized by the increased amount of cheaper goods from overseas, when it makes its way to our shores again.
American businesses like Walmart (and the cheeper is better idea) is what brings america to its knees. When was the last time a bailout package included money for single-store, ma-and-pa specialty stores?
I will die an old man before any lawmaker/corrupt politician stands up for these folks without a lobbyist. We should just elect simple, poor, farmers to lead our country again.
WatchWoman too bad for you that the GOP is full of dicksucking punks who caved – now the bill will pass and there’s nothing that you and traitors like you can do about it.
Mr bent over if you could get big mack daddy’s dick out of your mouth,just for a minute there would be less gurgling and babble.
I hear gurgling and babbling from real american, YOU TWO MUST BE SWITCH HITTING.
Have an obamalicous evening.
Dumbya @ 87 – Look it’s pretty simple.
Which is why you still have provided a single speech, document, article, conversation – any evidence whatsoever – to support YOUR claim that Dems supported TARP I in large numbers in order to win the election? If this claim is self-evident as you say than it MUST have been discussed by someone somewhere else back in October. Let’s lower the bar: produce a single credible source that makes the same claim you do.
You have the entire Web before you. If your claim is “self-evident” it will be an easy task to find someone (in fact, if it’s self-evident you should have to go only as far as Goldy).
Let’s lower the bar EVEN MORE. We’ll give you an entire week to produce this SINGLE credible source. One week – next Saturday.
Let’s start the clock, no more talk . . .
99 – I’ll be blunt – I don’t take orders from obstinate right wingers. If you can’t see that the political class in this country does what it can to survive a crisis right before a critical election then you’re not thinking..
You call the claim that politicians will take the safest way out of the woods when forest is burning around them “inane”.
Well, think what you like. I could care less.
of course, we have a tax cheat running the treasury now, so i wouldnt hold out much hope for whats good for the taxpayers
Anyone seen the most eiothial goveremne in oiur history which began in Jan 2009?
Worhs just words…
oops,more coffee.
@100 Well, think what you like. I could care less.
That’s “I couldn’t care less,” dumbya. And back to the main topic, you claimed it was “self-evident” that Dems voted for TARP I in heavy number in order to win the election. When asked for an article, statement, conversation – anything out there – that would presumably have existed in great quantities if this was such a self-evident truth, you evaded, distracted, and blathered – everything but produce an answer. When the bar was LOWERED and you were asked to produce just a SINGLE credible source that made the same claim – this should have been a simple exercise that went no farther than Goldy if your claim was “self-evident” as you insist – you had a hissy fit as though someone was demanding your eye. That’s what you would expect from someone who can’t back up their claim . . .
I mean, you did make the claim, dumbya, so one would have thought producing a SINGLE credible source that makes the same “self-evident” claim would have been an incredibly simple exercise. In fact, one would have thought that you would have wanted to produce this SINGLE credible source (reminder, we’ve lowered the bar repeatedly) just to score a point.
This is a simple surfing exercise if you’re correct – I mean, do you really need a week? – and your claim is a “self-evident” truth (meaning, presumably, that a A LOT more people than dumbya know it . . . ).
We want you to be right about something, dumbya.
Next Saturday – the clock is still ticking.
JohnII: He’s HAs clueless idiot. He’ll never produce anything worthwhile for a debate retort.
Name changing fooltard @100 cums with his
all the time when he tries to debate me. His stupidity backs him into a corner and that’s all he’s got left. Well that and running to get his morning elixir from the kook-aid sites.
104 – Don’t bother checking next Saturday. I won’t waste my time carrying out your orders. Everything in DC is eventually about politics – who gets control of the stick. You’re obviously blind to that.
105 – Maybe your right wing friend can help you with the challenge you refuse to meet.
John II – your right wing friend @ 105 claims that before the election Obama characterized the Bush administration to the Iraqis in violation of the Logan Act as follows:
“state of weakness and political confusion”
Talk about an inane claim! There is no credible evidence that this occurred. Maybe you can provide some since your new friend Puddybud refuses.
How many other organizations being investigated for voter fraud in multiple states is being given tax payer money?
Obviously the democrats need the media and fraud to get elected these days.
and replacing it with the democrat crime family.
And of course, replacing it with tax cheats.
104 – Don’t bother checking next Saturday. I won’t waste my time carrying out your orders.
Order? It was a simple request to provide a single credible source that agreed with your “self-evident” claim that the Dems had voted for TARP I in heavy number to win the election, Dumbya (not the best choice of names you chose for yourself, incidentally, people might get the wrong idea . . .) I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to prove me wrong and demonstrate that this is general knowledge, as you claim.
I want to help you prove Puddy wrong, too, Dumbya. He says you’re HAs clueless idiot. I say you’re not, and I’m going to help you find that SINGLE credible source (can this offer be expanded anymore?) by providing you the link to Google’s search page for ADVANCED users:
And there’s more. Don Joe – who has done a complete disappearing act, btw – relied on a wonder tool called a NetNewsWire Feedster that he claimed he used to prove the surge in Iraq had failed. That was last spring. Contact Don Joe and see if he’ll share this wonder weapon with you to locate a SINGLE credible source that agrees with your claim. If you’re lucky, he’ll offer to help you in your quest.
Next Saturday. The clock is now ticking even faster.
109 – So you’ve played this game with Don Joe before. I agree with Don Joe, by the way, the surge failed to produce the political results set out for it in the time alloted.
Violence went down but I’ve seen persuasive arguments that the surge didn’t contribute as much to this outcome as proponents claim. And Iraq still by any measure remains a very violent place.
The surge in my view had much more to do with political gambits here at home, spitting at the face of the American people and their representatives in the Congress who were sick and tired of the war, than the marginal improvements at best for the lives of ordinary Iraqis.
After all these years, can the lights stay on? Can a Sunni visit an old friend in a Shia neighborhood?
And I don’t need your help with Puddybud. I’ve already exposed him as a fool for believing in sloppily sourced stories in right leaning publications that are then picked up and run with by the most credulous right wing fanatics in the blogging arena completely in thrall to their delusions of relevance.
So I refuse TWO of your orders now. The authoritarian impulse among the right wing faithful is indeed strong.
Believe anything you’d like about me. Agree with Puddybud if it suits you. That decision would say much more about you than anything it could ever say about me.
The Paulson plan
Most Democrats favored the bill (172 yeas to 63 nays), while a slighter majority of Republicans voted against (91 yeas to 108 nays). Every member of the House voted. (There is one vacancy, created by the recent death of Stephanie Tubbs Jones, a Democrat of Ohio.)
A significant number of Republicans changed their votes from last Monday, when only 65 voted in favor. Bush spoke to “about three dozen” House members this week to try to persuade them to switch from “no” to “yes,” the White House spokesman Tony Fratto said.
Just wanted to give the dems thier credit in the first bailout,Sure don’t want them to feel like we aren’t fair.
Any one on this lefty board tell me when we can see change.
like shortly or in 4 years.
They think they know waitng….. Obamessiah only talks directly to them….Because you know they are so important.
And oh, JOHN I think I answered the question for ya in comment # 111, That one was easy.
so many excuses. you don’t look like you know what you’re talking about. back up your arguments and get this slow squeeze he’s got you in over with.