The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight (and every Tuesday), 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. For those of you who missed the opportunity last week to celebrate Dino Rossi’s capitulation by buying me a beer, I have graciously extended my invitation another week. I hope to see you all there tonight.
sorry Goldy. I have another commitment tonight.
Wow, Goldy you sure are kickin’ ass and takin’ names… 28 whole posts since 8:35 this morning … and that includes mine that haven’t shown up yet… and I just gotta wonder how many are actually ALL DON, ALL THE TIME!! Yessirrree bob, you guys are setting the blog world on fire without your regular CONSERVATIVE posters! Perhaps you can exchange honorariums with GET OFF THE STAGE Al Franken!
Ah shit! Here it was all peaceful-like, and one of them fucking TROLLS gets their slime all over the carpet.
Shooo! Shoo! We don’t need your brainless kind around here!
I gotta catch up with work.
LessHead @ 2.
Your comment just goes to prove that Democrats are the party of the workin’ man. Apparently, conservatives have nothing better to do then prowl around the internet all day long, ala Jim West, and counting the number of blog entries. Geez, at least get a job. I could care less if you get life, however.
Reply to 2
Why are you stabbing your troll buddies in the back by breaking the boycott? (But what d’ya expect from a Repuglican?)
Hmm… I’d say the taunting in post #2 was… what’s the phrase I’m looking for???… oh, that’s right… “Dismissed with Prejudice”.
The democrats are for the working man who doesnt pay taxes. The Replicans are for the people who do pay taxes. Lets not stretch the truth too far.
Real men watch the NBA Finals with real men.
LEFTIST PINHEADS meet at a Gay Bar and sip cordials!!!
Don’t eat the mixed nuts!
Look what you made me do — I spit up my supper all over the keyboard!
Last time I checked people making $70,000 to $90,000 a year pay a higher tax rate then people stealing $100 million a year. (Nobody EARNS $100 million a year.)
I heard you were thrown out of the Mountlake Ale House and Gay Bar for fondling a male waiter. You are the Michael Jackson of HorsesAss Bloggers!! Freak.
thatPrick can only drink a half a “Grasshopper” before he becomes incoherent and spews bitterness towards those who are successful in the real world.
Whatsamatta thatPrick??? All by yourself again??
I wonder why?
No, I was thrown out for placing your photo on the table top then urinating on it.
thatPrick is one of those old geezers who walks around with his zipper at half-mast and a huge wet “pee-spot” on the front of his Haggar slacks! Impressive!
Where are you checking your facts at… here let me point you in the right direction:
Remeber we are only talking FEDERAL INCOME TAXES only. Social sccurity taxes acording to the dems is an investment. Since Al Gore found the “lock box” back in 2000 and the donks assuring us that social security is strong until 2045 SS is a win – win situation especially for the poor.
New bumper stickers out-
Don’t rear-end me, Ron Sims already did.
with friends like this, who needs ole Bill….
Mary Carey plans run for lieutenant governor
Carey was in Washington Tuesday to attend the President’s Dinner, an annual fundraiser put on by the National Republican Congressional Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
She plans to run for lieutenant governor of California next year as an independent. But her trip to Washington has swayed Carey’s political leanings. She says she’s been a Republican “for a couple of days.”
The Fucking Easter Bunny Bumper Sticker Co., LLC, proudly announces its newest release:
Geez, it sure looks like the only entertaining thing at HA is Mr Cynical.
grasshopper, lol, I could just see don/cybil/PVS/Alan’s little pinky finger sticking out. Don probably doesn’t tip either. Can you just see them all asking for seperate checks, after they’re done drinking? LOL
I heard about those gay bars, do not use the bathroom. you might interupt something.
Or how about this one for the ’06 Senate race?
Instructions: If Republican, put on rear bumper. If Democrat, put on front bumper.
Naw, Montlake is boring. People just sit around talking and sucking chardonnay.
Rossi 08 merchandise is already out you loons.
Crissy will raise taxes again despite her campaign promise and we will just overturn them. can you say “NoNewGasTax?” petitions are flying out the door.
Sure can…
But i’d rather say “StateIncomeTax”, and i’d rather say that than “TheAlaskanWayViaductFellDownAndKilledDozens”!
I bet you can say “SomethingForNothing”
Another jem of recent interest is due to provide some interest around here. Terry Schiavo’s (dare I speak the name) Autopsy is going to be made public. So once and for all we can learn the facts. Then hopefully, maybe, we can let this poor woman rest in peace!
…and Chard, no amounts of your genetically engineered gray matter would have helped her…
ooops, better provide my links…
Depends on who it lands on.
I can tell you what’s wrong with chards without waiting for the autopsy report: Born without a brain.
I guess we will soon find out if:
a) How many people actually believe the Alaskan Way Viaduct is ready to fall down.
b) How many people actually care even if it does.
This VIADUCT project will cost triple the estimates to primarily beautify the Seattle Watefront under the guise of saving lives. It is a shameful effort to get small towns to pay for arrongance. The LEFTIST PINHEADS know if they just get it started…it’s not stoppable. We are committed.
Seattle is built on JELLO. J-E-L-L-O!!!!
EVERYTHING is vulnerable to a major earthquake….especially the smaller, older buildings. What’s next?? Are the PINHEADS going to force the rest of us to pay to reconstruct them too??
You made the choice to live there….like Californians on a cliff. It’s your risk and you problem.
My guess is you will soon find that out.
NEWS FLASH — this just released — Mr. Cynical Idiot’s brain is made of JELL-O!!!
The basis of this official finding is that the gas tax provides only $2 billion for a new Alaska Way Viaduct, which isn’t enough to even pay for basic structure replacement and certainly doesn’t include any money for seawall replacement, a tunnel, or “beautification.” Regardless of which repair or replacement option is chosen, local fees, taxes, or tolls will be required in addition to state gas tax funds.
The official report also states that rehabilitating Mr. Cynical Idiot’s gooey, quivering, useless brain matter is a hopeless task that no amount of gas tax revenue can accomplish.
If you think for one second most folks buy your VIADUCT BS here, you are sadly mistaken. The issue revolves around TRUST. The LEFTIST PINHEADS are known for their bait-and-switch tactics. Say whatever it takes to get something started…know their isn’t enough money…change the project scope etc. Then spring the cost over-runs or new brain-fart on the taxpayers.
Keep on “braying” the DONKEY Party-line thatPrick. The voters will have the last word on this one…as it should be.
Trust. What an interesting topic! Let’s change the context slightly and talk about “trust” in the context of George W. Looneytunes …
Sure, it’s on-topic… Wasn’t Iraq a protracted bait-and-switch cherade?
Mr, Cyn-ill
If you recall (which I don’t expect you too) I commented on this extensivly in past posts. Your a smart fellow…so stop with the smalltown bullshit and realize that a solution has to be implememted….period. You KNOW that even E Wa benefits from the traffic of containers that arrive or depart the Port of Seattle, dont be so dense.
Or, how about we just keep our tax revenu for western Wa and we can let Spokane and Yakima sport the tax dollars for everything east? Yeah…that’ll work…
How long do you think Seattle voters will continue sending their gas tax dollars to eastern Wash. and small counties if they’re told none of their taxes will be spent in King County?
Or how about if we charge non-residents of King County a $50.00 toll to drive on it?
@ 31
odd, I don’t hear many westerners crying about sharing $$$ with their neighbors on the other side of the mountains. I wonder why that is…
The reason should be the Growth Managetment Act has made it EXTREMELY difficult for cities outside the I-5 corridor to develop the needed tax-base. REPEAL THE GMA!
Oh it’s coming indirectly….via the Oregon Initiative for compensating landowners thru unconstitutional takings!
DD-How can you expect rural counties to pay when you hamstring them??