Tomorrow night (Thursday) is NARAL Pro-Choice Washington’s annual Chocolate for Choice fundraiser, celebrating the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and if love chocolate and support reproductive rights, it’s an evening you don’t want to miss. This is my third year as a “VIP chocolate judge,” and I always jump at the invitation.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Safeco Field
1st Base Terrace Club
1250 First Ave South, Club Level
Tickets are only $40 at the door, and I promise you a tongue-dazzling selection of chocolate treats from 50 Seattle-area bakers, restaurants and chocolatiers. Don’t miss it.
Is there a choice of white chocolate?
Just a little joke – I actually prefer the real dark stuff.
Heres to future democrats that wont exist!
Fantastic! Turn on the Hoovers! Keep up the
good work fellas. I think democrats should take up euthanasia as a hobby and as a green lifestyle choice!
“The sheer joy of the nation and the world on the occasion of Barack Obama becoming president is hard to exaggerate. It certainly exceeds anything in the public realm that I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. This is also true of Americans in their 80s and 90s. Many of those in attendance and watching on television wept. They feel they have their country back. The country they love.” Jonathan Alter in Newsweek
That’s quite an indictment of you and your GOPer fiends (sic), mark.
Hi Mark, kids rebel against their parents ideology. So liberals create conservative kids. And conservatives create liberal kids. The more kids you have, the more we win.
The wool has been pulled like I never thought
I would see. Obama has never done anything
but campaign with empty promises but I’m glad
you found something to jerk off over!
@4 Not in a real family they don’t but your
dad probably left when he saw what a tard
he spawned.
Did you tards notice how quiet the crowd got when the great one even mentioned the word
“work”. I laughed for a couple hours after that little gem.
@5 Of course we don’t expect you (or any other wingnut) to be anything but a bitter sore loser, mark.
Poor Mark – supporters of the discredited Bush regime are in short supply. Obama did more on his first day than Bush did in 8 years of constant vacations and screwups.
So much for your empty promises rhetoric – down the toilet like the rest of your racist and pathetic views.
Get a real job Mark and maybe an education. then come back here try to talk to the adults. You are barely a juvenile.
@9 “You are barely a juvenile.”
I wouldn’t give him that much credit. I’ve met carrots that had more going for them intellectually than mark does.
I won. You won. We all won. The whole world won. There are those whose ideological perspective, and general hatred of the human race, will not permit themselves to see that they won, but even they won. Everyone has won because incompetency, irrationality, and childishness in the public square have been put aside. Adults are back in charge. That is what Obama’s victory has brought. You wingnuts out there can still act like you have a voice, but your themes have died. You are rotting in the dumpster of historical has-beens. It’s over, you freaks. You’re done. The internet lets you continue to spew your nonsense, but nobody buys it anymore. You’re done. Farewell. Adios.
As far as choice is concerned, my choice is to NOT pay for an abortion OR to pay to have and raise a kid.
As long as people are taking responsibility for their reproductive situations and not expecting me to pay for them, I have no problem with women having or not having abortions.
Ladies, do as you like, just don’t ask me to pay for it.
you just love murdering those christian babies, dont you goldstien?
let me see if i have this right. you’re sitting there eating choclate so you can kill more babies? thats very “tolerant”
Mark is bitter and envious. It’s part of the class warfare he engages in.
goldstein, its too bad none of the murdered babies will ever get to taste choclate.
goldstien, so this is your third year, have you calculated how many babies were murdederd in those three years, and how many ounces of chocolate you ate per dead baby?
Birth Control! That’s the ticket. Oddly, all the Repugnut trolls want women back to being barefoot, pregnant, and back in their kitchens. Probably ALSO the trolls are feeling the never ending need to suckle their own Mommy’s breast. Just so they can scream about (gasp!) Abortion.
So, give Women a chance to avoid pregnancy. If so, they would most likely AVOID having to do the ‘coat hanger’ routine, yeah I heard stories of Aunts needing to resort to that measure.
Then again, men who hate and fear women wouldn’t like that. This ain’t the 1960’s.
Trolls sure don’t want to pay for Welfare Moms or for living babies once born, costs too much for Healthcare.
Right around the time of RoeVsWade, we Women were also allowed access to birth control. Small wonder that the average woman is a supporter of Planned Parenthood. Trolls should either find a pacifier or suck on a can of condensed milk. Your Mommy can’t keep breastfeeding ya!
But WHAT if Mommy needs to hold her 2 jobs (cause Daddy got a pink slip, and the foreclosure is sinking in)?
Get back to that KITCHEN Woman! Need to know your place. Fry me some breakfast or see if the Kids can get a low-income free lunch soon so they don’t starve.
Why not just call it what it is? A gathering of “fudge-packing baby killers” at Goldy’s
walk-in closetcozy abode.Got Milk?! Harvey can’t make it though…
A little truth in advertising can go a long way towards credibility, Goldstain.
Rick D. is fixated on fudge-packing – she must secretly be a fudge wanna-be.
Oh, and Rick D. doesn’t know about all the illegal abortions and deaths when abortion was illegal.
Stupid, simplisticx republicans – got nothin’ anymore.
Now that abortion is safe – I am going to send my money in to celebrate. Too bad some of the right wing trolls on this board didn’t have parents who had the common sense of an ant to abort them – but there’s the next generation!
I am making donations in the name of Puddy, Rick, Troll, Cyn and all the other right wing cowards, traitors and fools who populate this board. And there’s not ONE thing the assholes can do about it!
@22 “Puddy, Rick, Troll, Cyn”
We have some new wing-nut posters here who actually make those guys seem somewhat intelligent, even likable. Well, except for RickyD, of course. If RickyD and Mark had any hopes of being the crudest, dumbest trolls here then they’ll just have to start spewing a lot more hate and dumb it down even more if they’re going to compete with the likes of manoftruth and some of these others who’ve recently shown up. If they come up short it won’t be for a lack of trying, though.
21 – I had that closet case pegged a week or two ago. His high hopes for Larry Sinclair the con man were hilarious.
I am also going to donate in celebration of what a total fucking horrible day it is for the traitors on the right.
MADAME SECRETARY H. CLINTON! Man I bet that one has the righties spinning. And then there’s the order PRESIDENT OBAMA is signing to shut BOTH Gitmo and the CIA Secret Prisons! What a horrible, horrible time it must be to be a republican asshole.
@21 “got nothin’ anymore”
They’ve got plenty of hate for America, Mom and apple pie. I don’t see them running low on that anytime soon.
From the NARAL Washington website, Q&A section:
“Is the right to choose really in danger?
Yes – and now more than ever.”
That’s either true, or it’s a blatant lie to manipulate and scare the gullible into donating.
I have some great news for my followers. I’m going to start blogging on Horses Ass from the comment section!
“That’s either true, or it’s a blatant lie “.
This is astounding in its complex understanding of statistics, reasoning and probability. Brilliant!
I’m donating another $50 in the name of the Troll. He just caused another little girl to have an abortion. Too bad his parents didn’t have one when he was in the womb.
It seems hypocritical to me that an organization that promotes choice won’t be offering any vanilla products.
@31: Mildly humorous – but not as funny as your pronouncemnet that you will blog. That will be a riot.
Of the trolls out there – I almost prefer Troll to the others. Troll is not full of hate – troll just needs some additional “edumacation”.
I admit Troll is funny in the sort of way that a hairy, droopy-eyed, fat, retarded, one-legged man is funny when he thinks he’s a sex symbol and a rock star and a world champion skier.
Did you notice Troll avoided “blogging” today about the fact that PRESIDENT OBAMA signed an order to close Gitmo and the CIA secret prisons? Or that MADAME SECRETARY CLINTON had her first day on the job today, making every right wing traitor cringe in agony?
At least Troll has what it takes to denounce the Republican pervs and pedos. He did so and he did so harshly. There’s never been so much as a peep out of the others. Troll has his faults, but he also has his own unique little niche, doesn’t seem to indulge in profane laced name-calling, can be occasionally provocative, and at least tries to be clever. The rest of the trolls here are a bunch of America-hating, bottom-dwelling asswipes. A few of them are particularly nasty, and all are painfully stupid.
Highlight of the evening’s event will be a chocolate replica of an aborted fetus as a dinner centerpiece.
Speaking of painfully stupid…
NO the highlight WOULD be a chocolate replica of JOHN425 as an aborted fetus as a dinner centerpiece. I’d triple my donation to see that!
you guys are the most hypocritical inbreds i have ever seen. if a white, christian republican had avoided paying taxes, you guys would never shut up, but because giethner is a liberal jew, you say nothing. we hate you all. and the midget jew, reich is defending him.
by the way, giethner is taking us purposely down the socialist path, just like in 1916 when the jews from new york went to russia to work for the bolshivits. look it up if im lying.
manoftruth must be one of those racial purity types.
“we hate you all”
No doubt.
well lets see, here in massachusetts, we have a secretary of state, a guy who looks like an irish lepracaun, bill galvin, who mostly spends his days making sure that 9 and 10 year old grammar school kids dont celebrate christmas at school. well, he supeoned two bernie madaoff accosiates, marica cohn and robert jaffe (cohn and jaffe, no fucking kidding). and guess what, they refused to come. twice. they just said shove it. cause they know the irish dimwit has no power over connected jews. so that just ignored a supeona. if a school principal took his students to the “miracle on 34th street against the wishes of the school committe, he would be supoaned and he’d be arrested if he didnt go. one thing i have to hand it to you jews, you’re smarter than everyone , and you run the show.
Isn’t it great that PRESIDENT OBAMA gets to pick whoever the fuck he wants for his cabinet and the traitors, losers, cowards, cunts, fools, idiots and assholes on the right cannot do one fucking thing about it?
You see right wingers – WE WON WE WON WE WON WE WON.
America rejected your lies. We found you to be UNFIT to live here. Now get the fuck out of our country. Soon enough we’ll be coming for you. Better get while the getting is good.
We’re going to fuck your daughters, get em pregnant and ask the government to pay for the abortion and there’s nothing you can do about it.
This is OUR country now. You get to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up until we need the toilet cleaned. Then we’ll call on you.
byebye… you always say the same thing.
Yes woman of truth and I am always right – too bad there’s nothing you can do about it!
@39, 40 42 ,44 whatever:
Woman of falsehood:
Wow, another diatribe against the Jews. The Jews are all powerful, the Jews run everything, the Jews do that…..
You do have a very severe complex. Paranoid schizophrenia – abnormal and unprovoked fear of others (or the other) that are (presumably)out to do harm to you that permeates your entire world view. Please get treatment soon.
@46 I’m sure he’ll soon announce that he’s thought of a final solution to this Jew problem that he sees everywhere.
“severe complex”
You’re too kind.
It’s Geithner. And I’d wager that most of us here would just as soon he withdraw his nomination.
ByeByeGOP @ #38: Your mama never complained.
30. ByeByeGOP spews:
I’m donating another $50 in the name of the Troll. He just caused another little girl to have an abortion. Too bad his parents didn’t have one when he was in the womb.
Isn’t America a great country. Where a proud man like bye bye goober can spend $50 to have a black baby aborted.
You speak so well of obama.
You got me Stamn I was aiming for your daughter – so a black baby it will be.
And I’ll donate another $50 in your name asswipe. How’s it feel to know you personally caused money to be given to a Pro-Choice group?
@49 this is why we beat you idiots like a left-handed, red-headed stepchild. You’re too stupid to even make sense here!
Just repeat after me.
Byebye donates and donates. How much money does panhandling get you each day? Or do you earn extra money by giving head in dark alleyways?
@55 sounds like you’re obsessed with giving head in dark alleys. I would get help with that.
As I continue to make sure abortion is safe and legal, I’ll do so in your name. You will have had a hand in keeping abortion legal. It’s probably the only good thing that will ever come of your miserable life so enjoy it.
Then repeat after me.
And the hits keep on coming!
Great news. Another Bush regime policy ended.
President Barack Obama has signed an executive order ending the ban on federal funds for international groups that perform abortions or provide information on the option.
Read this and cry you right wing turds. Abortion is legal. Get over it!
How’s it feel getting reamed in the ass righties?
The whole world is laughing at you!