The Seattle Times David Postman thinks that ousted U.S. Attorney for Western Washington John McKay added few new details in his interview yesterday on NBC’s Meet the Press, and accuses the Washington Post of “making too much” of McKay’s choice of words. But I think both Postman and the Post underplay the most significant word choice of all: “illegally.”
I think that what happened here, because the stories have changed so frequently, what happened here has to be investigated. Those who either acted unprofessionally or even illegally have to be held accountable for what they did.
One of the unquestioned assumptions that has run through the media coverage of this growing scandal is that although the firings may have been improper, they were not illegal. Since the U.S. attorneys serve “at the pleasure of the President” we are told, he has the legal authority to fire them at will, whatever his motives. I myself have been guilty of repeating this snippet of common wisdom.
But it is simply not true.
As Adam Cohen pointed out recently in the NY Times, if the motive behind a firing was to punish an attorney for not misusing his office, or to interfere with a valid prosecution, that may well be illegal.
In law schools, it is common to give an exam called the “issue spotter,” in which students are given a set of facts and asked to identify all the legal issues and possible crimes. The facts about the purge are still emerging. But based on what is known — and with some help from Congressional staff members and Stephen Gillers, a law professor at New York University — it was not hard to spot that White House and Justice Department officials, and members of Congress, may have violated 18 U.S.C. §§ 1501-1520, the federal obstruction of justice statute.
Cohen goes on to suggest that some of the crimes a special prosecutor might look into involve misrepresentations to Congress, undue influence by representatives under Sarbanes-Oxley, witness tampering, and outright obstruction of justice. This sort of legal analysis runs counter to the oft repeated “at the pleasure” meme that has permeated our news coverage, but is beginning enter the public debate. And I think the fact that McKay specifically referenced it in his nationally televised interview Sunday morning, represents quite a significant and deliberate choice of words.
Stefan Sharkansky is to be on Dave Ross – 710AM KIRO @ 11:00 this morn to impart all the “evidence” he says McKAy ignored in not properly investigating 2004 Gov election.
Watching Meet The Press and these two Publican Bush Appointees actually tell us that the Bush regime is off base was a major sea change in the way these things usually go.
Usually, the right all works in lockstep. They get their lies straight and stick to them. Now we have the oddball right wing truth teller and it’s fucking up the entire GOP plan.
No doubt, this is what helped us win in Nov and what will make 08 a clean sweep for Dems.
Firing attorneys for no reason is not illegal. To fire them for any reason other than performance, and nothing is illegal. Playing politics with attorneys futures may be the final nail in their coffin. Possibly not though. It doesn’t matter how many crimes Bush commits, and lies he tells, his base still support him.
It is sad…….
I would like to see a full investigation into the actions of the “Loyal Bushies” prosecutors. Many of them may be doing their jobs properly, but I think it would be a safe assumption that Rove was playing politics with some of them, and I am sure some of them also played his game.
We are just waiting for proof. The circumstantial evidence is piling up real fast……
@ 3:
You’re right: it is sad, but only in the short term. Long term RES @ 2 is correct, the lies, the crimes, the cover up, and all the other debacles going on will only cause voters to sour on the Republicans. Sure, the hardcore base will not waiver, but independents and moderate conservatives will/have. In addition, their base is not capturing voters in large blocks under the age of 25.
If the Republicans thought the elections of 2006 were the “Perfect Storm” . . . Stand by, you aint seen nothing yet.
In 2008 & 2010 the Dems will exert the DOMINANCE in national politics for decades to come. The Republicans will come to learn that elections have consequences, indeed.
I’m watching with growing fascination as the Publican appologists for the Administration are now pushing each other to be first to trash McKay. It’s just amazing.
Here’s a guy who, in any kind of rational setting, you’d be championing as one of your best and brightest. This family should be Washington State Republican royalty.
But thanks to (and I really do mean thanks) reactionary assholes like Sharkansky and McCabe and the rest of the local whack job Bushistas, the McKay’s can look forward to permanent Republican exile.
By the time these idots are through defending and apologizing for Commander Codpiece at whatever cost, they won’t be able to find a Sterno bum willing to run for office in this state.
Fuck, they had to pay McGavick to get him to do it.
And lets face it, McGavick practically is a Sterno bum.
Has anyone got a transcript of Stefan’s claims? I would like to see every one of them debunked. All elections have problems, but proving intentional fraud is difficult.
Republicons probably don’t understand how the law works. They don’t seem to understand how democracy works for sure.
Ask anyone calling themselves cons these days “How many lies did Fuhrer bush tell today buddie” when they walk up.
Just think of those British soldiers. Since we ruled it is ok to torture prisoners, I am sure they are having a great time in Iran being “questioned” by the Iranians……
@ 8:
We (as in America) ruled it’s ok to torture???
A bit over the top, don’t ya think?
If I remember correctly AG Gonzales and Rumsfeld said “robust interrogations” not torture.
We’re the “shinning city on the hill”, remember? We’d never sully the reputation of all the servicemen and women who have served, been wounded, or gave their lives defending freedom, truth, rule of law and moral clarity.
I hope the Iranians conduct robust interrogations on the Brits. Otherwise, if they rise above that type of treatment of prisoners, then we’ll be below Tehran in the pecking order of morals and human rights.
Had Enough Yet @ 6
You say the McKay family “should be Washington State Republican royalty.”
However, Mike McKay donated money to Democrats Christine Gregoire and Ron Sims in 2000, when he was serving as Chair of the Bush-Cheney 2000 campaign in Washington.
Perhaps the more appropriate “royalty” analogy would be for Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of France, or Charles II of England. Better yet, Edward II of England.
Actually, Goldy may have a point.
Professors Donald C. Shields (Department of Communication, University of Missouri) and John F. Cragan (Department of Communication, Illinois State University) did a study into “political profiling” by the Department of Justice under Bush. They compared the numbers of Democratic elected officials investigated or prosecuted by the federal government, with the numbers of Republican elected officials investigated or prosecuted by the federal government.
Shields & Cragan found out that 7 of the 8 fired U.S. Attorneys were investigating and prosecuting far more Democratic elected officials, than Republican elected officials: Michigan (18 to 1), Nevada (13 to 1), California (two firings) (6.6 to 1), Washington (3 to 0), Arkansas (2 to 0) and New Mexico (1 to 0). Only in Arizona did the fired U.S. Attorney investigate or prosecute more Republicans elected officials than Democrats (0 to 2).
So the statistical evidence, at least, could support an inference that most of the fired U.S. Attorneys were removed because they were committing “political profiling” against Democrats — i.e. investigating and prosecuting far more Democrats than Republicans.
Man you have to admire this ugly fucker Pope-A-Dope and his ability to sing bullshit no matter the music. Tell us again about your stellar law career Dickie and why the voters have rejected you more than 14 times?
Here’s one of the poeople that Pope-A-Dope probably looks up to as a hero.
GOP crook number 282,222,123
Wonder if the Senate Judiciary Committee will investigate this serious criminal offense of trying to sneak a loaded gun past security on Capitol Hill by a Senate staffer?
SENATE STAFFER BUSTED FOR CARRYING WEBB’S LOADED GUN: Phillip Thompson, executive assistant to Senator James Webb (D-VA ), has been arrested by Capitol Hill Police on Monday for ‘inadvertently’ holding the senator’s loaded gun, according to a person close to the investigation. A Senate staffer reports that Thompson was arrested for carrying the gun in a bag through security at the Russell Senate Office building while the Senator was parking his car. Thompson was booked for carrying a pistol without a license (CPWL) and for possessing unregistered ammunition.
Statement by Jessica Smith, Webb Communications Director:
“To our knowledge, this incident was an oversight by the Senator’s aide. Phillip Thompson is a former Marine, a long-term friend and trusted employee of the Senator. We are still awaiting facts.” Developing…
Even if the loaded gun and ammunition really do belong to to Senator James Webb (D-VA), this is pretty alarming. Why should anyone, other than commissioned law enforcement officers, be carrying loaded weapons in the halls of Congress? The same prohibition should apply to members of Congress, some of whom have been known to lose their temper on occassion. Senator Webb should have left his gun at home accross the Potomac in Virginia (where the right to keep and bear arms is pretty well respected).
Maybe Senator Webb is one of the privileged few who actually has a license to carry firearms in Washington, DC. If he does, he should know that he can’t give his weapon to anyone else when he is carrying it. And the ammunition — even if it belongs to Senator Webb — was still not apparently no registered as required by D.C. law. So even if it was somehow “inadvertent” for the gun to end up in the aide’s hands, instead of Senator Webb’s, there is still the matter of the unregistered ammunition — which also would have been a crime for Webb to possess personally.
Also, it is my understanding that most violations of the D.C. gun control laws are felonies — especially for illegally carrying weapons in public. Let’s hope that the Justice Department gets to the bottom of this, and prosecutes those folks who are responsible.
I’m sure it pleases you to see your beloved state party org marginalizing itself into oblivion.
Why not? After all, it makes a guy like you seem like a “mainstreamer”.
I guess you won’t feel as lonely once all Republican candidates in Washington lose elections by margins as large as you do.
Thanks. Really.
In an interesting bit of timing, it appears that just a few days ago, the DC Circuit Court struck down the Washington DC gun control law as unconstitutional.
It’s possible that there is no crime here, because DC no longer has a gun law under which anyone can be charged.
The article went on to say:
So, since Washington DC apparently no longer has a valid law that applies in this case, the far right will have a difficult time making this apparently innocent mistake into a federal crime.
Sorry – forgot to include the reference:
John Barelli @ 17
Actually, only the portion of the DC law banning keeping firearms at home was declared unconstitutional. The laws against carrying firearms in public without a license were not challenged, and remain in force.
Did Democrat Senator Jim Webb, who supports gun bans, send an aide to Capital hill to shoot Republicans?
Hard to say. Democrats hate guns, yet one of their Senators is packin’ alot of heat in the capitol.
Obviously we need a congressional investigation.
Was the attempt to smuggle a loaded handgun and EXTRA LOADED clips into the Capitol building an attempt to assasinate members of congress?
The evidence says YES! Why sneak unless you’re hiding illegal activities?
What the hell is a liberal doing with a handgun? Handguns have one purpose – killing humans.
Did Karl Rove plant the weapon? Was there an order to kill?
These questions must be answered.
While this administration goes down in a spiral of smoky flame, you will be the one pointing at Speaker Pelosi’s shoes whining “But…but…she’s wearing white shoes after Labor Day!”
Stupid John
You show how your thought process works.
The only time the gun would be an issue is if the carrier had an (R) after his name.
There will be no shitstorm of faux rage from Republicans.
Making a national crisis of every meaningless issue is reserved for the Democrat party.
TypicalLefty @ 20
Actually, Jim Webb is in favor of the right to keep and bear arms. So at least he is not a hypocrite. Still — carrying a loaded gun in the halls of Congress? That “right” at least is something that ordinary citizens do not enjoy — it is illegal to carry firearms in practically any federal facility, not just those located in D.C. And Senator Webb was chosen to do the Democrats’ response to Bush’s most recent State of the Union address. Wonder if Webb was packing heat then, too?
Richard Pope @ 11:
The numbers don’t indicate “politcal profiling.” They suggest Republcians are involved in more criminal activity.
Has anyone looked into which party has more convictions since Bush took office; Republcians or Democrats?
Well, Richard, the first part of that article does say that, but the later part:
seems to just toss out anything except the most basic restrictions.
Of course, the whole argument about the law being tossed out is basically a technicality (albeit a very large and important technicality). There is the matter of intent as well. While arguing this point with you, I would put this as being of primary importance, as it should be with any reasonable person.
The weapon and ammo are confiscated, and the D.A. decides not to file charges as their was no apparent intent to break the law, and the people involved have clean criminal records.
The court case is just an interesting addition to the mix.
Who was Jay Stephans investigating when Clinton fired him?
TL @ 20 is correct, we do need a congressional investigation into Jim Webb’s involvment in potentially breaking the law.
No one is above the law.
We’ll just take things in order of occurence, which means by the time we finish investigating Republcians it will be 2027.
Damn it all, if you guys hadn’t been so corrupt all these years we could’ve gotten to Sen. Webb’s potential law breaking this week.
Oh, well, damn the bad luck, huh?
“Actually, Jim Webb is in favor of the right to keep and bear arms.”
I know, but nutroots are too lazy to investigate – they wouldn’t have known.
You can’t use common sense with progressives. They won’t understand.
The only way to deal with them is treat them with derision and disdain.
The are not human. Don’t treat them as such.
John Barelli @ 25
Those comments by Judge Silberman are what is called “dicta” — expressions of opinion that are not directly on point. The issue was whether someone in the District of Columbia could lawfully possess a firearm in their own home, not whether one could carry a firearm around in public.
It was a three judge panel. One appeals judge completely disagreed with Silberman, and said the law was perfectly constitutional. The other appeals judge apparently wrote a concurring opinion — which could mean the other judge agreed with the result reached by Silberman (let folks have guns at home), but didn’t endorse the very broad right-to-keep-and-bear-arms arguments in Silberman’s opinion.
And even if it somehow became legally for (almost) everyone to openly carry around firearms on the streets of D.C. once again, there is still a federal law which generally prohibits firearms in federal buildings (such as the U.S. Capitol and federal office buildings). It would be quite a stretch to say that the Second Amendment protects the rights of citizens to carry loaded firearms into Congress or the White House.
@ 26:
What is the relevancy?
You can’t use common sense with progressives. They won’t understand.
The only way to deal with them is treat them with derision and disdain.
The are not human. Don’t treat them as such.
In 24, the war on terror is an omni-present ticking clock, pitting our legitimate security needs against the most cherished tenets of our civilization. The stress one hour of this imposes on Jack Bauer alone makes good drama, but its extension to all America, for an indefinite time, is a farce. The devotion to 24 and its protagonist demonstrates what few may care to admit: in the war on terror, the conservative movement has become willing to sacrifice principle to passion and difficult moral reasoning to utility. As escapism, 24 is riveting; as a parable for our time, it is revolting.
Let’s line up the 95 attorneys Clinton fired ,and ask them why they were let go…eh?
GBS @ 24
Please read my post @ 11 more carefully. Seven of the eight fired U.S. Attorneys were investigating and prosecuting far more Democrats than Republicans. You apparently read it the other way around.
The Shields and Cragan study indicates that Democrats constitute over 79% of the elected officials who have been investigated or prosecuted since Bush took over the federal government in 2001. Less than 18% were Republicans, and the other 3% were independents. So roughly four times as many Democrats as Republicans.
So did Rabbit go to the great Meadow in the Sky with Redneck on his mind? Let’s hope so…
Roger Rabbit says:
I’m an old rabbit with lots of health “issues” and might get called up to the Great Meadow In the Sky on short notice. So, just as a routine precaution, I’m posting my last will and testament here on HA this afternoon. In case something happens to me, here is my final earthly wish:
03/25/2007 at 8:08 pm
Mr. Lefty:
Considering that my comments were made in response to a comment from the right, your comment is wrong from the start. Essentially, your side brought it up.
I doubt if Mr. Pope is doing more than making an interesting observation. Tweaking our noses a bit, as it were. Fair enough, we do it to him on a regular basis. He’s entitled to a bit of payback from time to time.
I think that he and I both agree that it is a minor matter, and will likely get dropped with a warning and confiscation of the weapon. I believe the legal term is de minimis non curat lex.
At which point NewsMax will write a story about how unfair that Mr. Webb didn’t go to jail, and Mr. Sharkansky will add it to his “sewer of corruption” series, and nobody else will care.
While some on this blog might use different standards based on party affiliation, I try to avoid it. There are plenty of real issues we can use to go after Republicans. We don’t need to use a legitimate mistake to do so, and if the most you can bring out against us is a licensed gun owner forgetting that he had a weapon in a closed bag, then we must be doing very well indeed.
The position is a POLITICAL appointment.
If fired for POLITICS then so be it.
The Dems need to actually get something done rather than conducting this witch hunt and passing meaningless resolutions.
BREAKING – Senator Webb’s aide is a holdover from Webb’s days as a Publican. FIgures we’d find ANOTHER Publican criminal in DC.
34 So it seems these folks got fired, not because they weren’t prosecuting Democrats, but because they either weren’t prosecuting enough Democrats, weren’t prosecuting them fast enough (as David Iglesias seems to have specifically stated in his own situation), and/or weren’t sufficiently aware that prosecuting even a single loyal party apparatchik was one too many.
Does that about sum it up?
Lefty @ 28- so you deliberately misrepresent facts to advance your argument. You can therefore be ignored from this point forward. Liars are not worth reading.
Hey, Redneck,
Pop any good zits lately? Have you figured out how to hide the evidence of your beating off from your mother? Any luck with saving up enough of your allowance to get that videogame you want? Someday, my son, you will be able to join the adult table and even offer an opinion.
So did Rabbit go to the great Meadow in the Sky with Redneck on his mind? Let’s hope so…
Can anyone explain to me why Bush’s apologists (all the wingnuts who post here) are incapable of recognizing the difference between changing US Attorneys at the outset of an administration (as both Clinton and Bush did) and firing US Attorneys who Bush himself appointed? This distinction is not nuanced. Is this incapability attributable to (a) remarkable stupidity; (b) intentional blindness to facts; (c) deafness to anyone but Rush Limbaugh; or (d) all of the above?
PL @ 43
So roughly four times as many Democrats as Republicans.
Well, I’m back home from the pet hospital. The veterinarian said I threw out my back fucking cute fluffy female bunnies.
Roger, if you think it hurts now, wait until I’ve massaged it with my frying pan!
I just remembered — I have an appointment in Timbuktu.
Remember when you righties said it wasn’t about the blowjob, but about LYING about the blowjob. Hence if it was about politics, no problem, but when you lie under oath about the politics, then you have to deal with that old RULE OF LAW deal.
Gonzales Aide Will Take Fifth Amendment
“Gonzales Aide Refuses to Answer Questions
“WASHINGTON (March 26) – Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ liaison with the White House will refuse to answer questions at upcoming Senate hearings about the firings of eight U.S. attorneys, citing her Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination, her lawyer said Monday.
“‘I have decided to follow my lawyer’s advice and respectfully invoke my constitutional right,’ Monica Goodling, Gonzales’ counsel and White House liaison, said in a statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee. …
“John Dowd, Goodling’s lawyer, suggested in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., that … ‘”The potential for legal jeopardy for Ms. Goodling from … her … testimony … is very real” …. Goodling was key to the Justice Department’s political response to the growing controversy.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What’s the problem? If no crimes were committed, what is she afraid of?
If nothing illegal happened, why are DOJ officials feeling they’re in “legal jeopardy,” hiring lawyers, and taking the 5th Amendment?
This distinction is not nuanced. Is this incapability attributable to (a) remarkable stupidity; (b) intentional blindness to facts; (c) deafness to anyone but Rush Limbaugh; or (d) all of the above?
03/26/2007 at 5:45 pm
No, it is reconizing that you accidently hired a liberal attorney who willfully turned a blind eye to voter fraud. Nothing more, nothing less.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What’s the problem? If no crimes were committed, what is she afraid of?
Because there shouldn’t be a hearing. If the dems want to use the Senate to “Grand Stand” on non-issues let em. Doesn’t mean the conservatives have to participate.
34 So it seems these folks got fired, not because they weren’t prosecuting Democrats, but because they either weren’t prosecuting enough Democrats, weren’t prosecuting them fast enough (as David Iglesias seems to have specifically stated in his own situation), and/or weren’t sufficiently aware that prosecuting even a single loyal party apparatchik was one too many.
You forgot letting democrats steal elections which really happened in Washington State. If you asked me that should have dropped kick his ass out not just fire him.
Roger — if I were representing her, I would give her the same advice. She graduated from law school in 1999, is about 33 or 34, and just getting started with her life. Probably she didn’t commit any crime, but there is a lot of talk that someone may have committed a crime. And with the way the Justice Department has been fumbling everything, who knows? Certainly it doesn’t look good. It is not a crime to “take the 5th amendment”. She isn’t someone who needs to sacrifice herself like Scooter Libby did. Why throw away a whole life in front of you, for maybe 22 months (or 22 hours) possible job expectancy in her current position.
What would you do if you were her lawyer, Roger?
Dan @ 54- you keep forgetting this was litigated in Chelan.
Glad to see you back, Roger. Mr. Redneck has missed you.
As for Ms. Goodling and Mr. Gonzales, well, I think their Medals of Freedom are being minted as we post here.
I’m sure that when Ms. Goodling gets her medal, it will be the nicest ceremony that Alderson has seen in many years.
Mr. Rather is upset because the Congress is holding hearings. He thinks that there shouldn’t be any. After all, the President spoke, and everyone in the entire chain was just following his orders.
♪ Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to jail they go! ♪
K says:
Dan @ 54- you keep forgetting this was litigated in Chelan.
03/26/2007 at 7:42 pm
So, whats your point. The OJ trial was litigated in Santa Monica.
Awesome news!!
I will say a prayer for her bereaved wife and husband.
One less hate-mongering leftist!!
Saturday Night Memorial for Alice Nuccio
Fri Mar 23 2007 (Updated 03/25/07) SF FNB Activist Alice Nuccio Dies
Alice Nuccio, a member of Local 510, the Sign and Display Workers Union, and an activist in the social justice community in the Bay Area, died of cancer on Wednesday, March 21st, 2007, at age 46. Her community held a memorial service on Saturday March 24th at 6:30pm, at the St. Martin DePorres House, 225 Potrero Avenue (near 16th St.). Alice came of age politically in the anti-nuclear peace movement on the east coast in the late 1970s, then moved to San Francisco. In the 1980’s, she built a family with her wife Renna and husband Robert. In the 1990s, Alice became a core member of San Francisco Food Not Bombs (FNB), sharing free food at community meals in Civic Center and UN Plazas while opposing militarism and poverty, often risking arrest under Mayors Frank Jordan and Willie Brown. Alice’s involvement in Food Not Bombs was very encompassing – her roles ranged from holding weekly cookhouses at her house, including a women’s cookhouse; to making donation pickups- often by bike; to participating in meetings; and to facilitating the creation of a vision statement that gave an overarching political framework of non-violence, feminism, anti-racism and anarchism to the organization. As part of the SF FNB affinity group, Alice was part of the historic mass actions that shut down the WTO’s meeting in Seattle in November of 1999. Alice was a core organizer of the Bay Area Anarchist Cafes from 1998-2005, and brought lessons from her experience in the 1970s and 1980s into her work with younger generation FNB activists. She believed in holistic healing and often spent weeks on end trying to restore her health alone, while maintaining her job and political involvement. She fought for people to have more access to information about their illness, and to more healthy holistic and less intrusive methods.
Alice was known for holding strong opinions and being fiercely independent. As someone who had struggled with intensely difficult health problems for years, she spent long hours researching AIDS and cancer on her own. She was worked on AIDS-related issues with ACT UP. She believed strongly in inclusive, respectful, loving community and worked long hours to build healthy community institutions and projects. She enjoyed community gardening, potlucks, bonfires at the beach, opportunities to connect with others, spending time with her cat, and collective musical experiences such as Grateful Dead concerts and playing music with friends.
@ 61- and I will say a prayer for your sorry hateful soul for celebrating her death.
Call The Waaaahhhbulance!
The Publicans can dish it out but can’t take it. WAAAAAAHHHH.
Fuck you right wing baby rapers!
What do you mean. You dems steal elections and we repubs still manage to win. We will win in 08 as well. The liberal eventually comes out in a dem and then they get slaughtered.
Goldy, i thougth this post was about McKay getting outed for sitting on his hands while sims fumbled the ballots across the goal line…
Making a national crisis of every meaningless issue is reserved for the Democrat party.
No, domcrat is right. Nothing democratic about lefties.
Just like the Publican party is just about heretics and crooks. No democratic ideals – just crime, treason and cowardly acts. This describes every Publican I have ever met.
Richard Pope @ 11
“So the statistical evidence, at least, could support an inference that most of the fired U.S. Attorneys were removed because they were committing “political profiling” against Democrats”
Umm…no it doesn’t Richard. Overall, 79.5% of prosecutions were against Dems, 17.9 % against Pubs, and 2.7% against Independents. If you take the worst case, Michigan, with 18 Dems prosecutions to 1 Pub, and do a chi-squared goodness of fit test, it yields X2 = 2.75 with 2 df, for a p-value = 0.253. In other words, even in the worse case, the distribution of prosecutions did not differ significantly from the overall proportions.
Even so, it is clear that an overall record was not involved in firing. It looks like there are case-specific reasons each U.S. Attorney was targeted to be eliminated.
K, I got a newsflash for ya: Typical Lefty is really DarrellRecklesslySucksButtPutty. . .a known liar, psychotic, and all around wingnut.
Richard Pope is obfuscating the fact that dismissing a sitting US attorney to impede, derail, or influence an ongoing investigation is illegal. The San Diego US Attorney, was working on a case that implicated “Shooter” Cheney.
Tree Frog Farmer @ 71
Gee — with that kind of logic, you could NEVER fire ANY U.S. Attorney. Every office has a substantial case load, and there are always pending cases that have not yet been completed. So no one could ever get fired for any reason.
With that kind of logic, it would be ill advised, and would not serve our Democracy well to ever fire a sitting US Attorney with anything like a politically tainted motivations.
Richard, I make this distinction to you as a citizen, to perhaps give you a little insight into why your polling numbers approximate those of cigarrette smoke.
Roger Rabbit says:
If nothing illegal happened, why are DOJ officials feeling they’re in “legal jeopardy,” hiring lawyers, and taking the 5th Amendment?
03/26/2007 at 7:18 pm
Roger everybody has a lawyer and if they are smart take the 5th. Had Bill taken the 5th he would not been impeached, but he didn’t listen to his lawyers. Now Col. North was the smart one he shred all documentation and took the 5th. Roger your not allowed any mistakes when you got bunch berserkers chasing you. (Left Wing Nut Jobs)
John Barelli I see you are spinning words again to make left point of VIEW.
3, 5 The fact the GOP “base” remains loyal to Bush despite all the corruption, lies, crimes, and fiascos speaks worlds about their total lack of values. There’s nothing there — no moral compass, no ethics, no morals of any kind. Nothing at all. The right is a moral vacuum.
7 McGavick is roadkill.
It would be fun to see what kind of waitress service McGavick gets when he eats out. Here’s a guy who wanted to knock waitress wages down to $2.13 an hour — and steal the tip jar! Bet he doesn’t get service. They’re probably tempted to put rat poison in his coffee.
@78 Hey, just kidding about the rat poison! Coulter humor, y’know?!
@8 You don’t need a transcript to debunk Stefan. It’s enough that the GOP legal team didn’t hire him as a consultant. If he had anything, they would have beat his door down. Stefan is hot air, nothing more.
BTW, Stefan, Stefani told me to say hi — woof! woof! woof!
I absolutely fail to see how anybody can get his jollies by responding to these pathetic trolls. If that what turns you on, go for it, but it just encourages the vandals, and I’m getting sick of scrolling through all the mindless gargage it produces. If this shit is what this blog has turned into, I’ve got better things to do….
klake says:
Roger Rabbit says:
If nothing illegal happened, why are DOJ officials feeling they’re in “legal jeopardy,” hiring lawyers, and taking the 5th Amendment?
03/26/2007 at 7:18 pm
Roger everybody has a lawyer and if they are smart take the 5th. Had Bill taken the 5th he would not been impeached, but he didn’t listen to his lawyers. Now Col. North was the smart one he shred all documentation and took the 5th. Roger your not allowed any mistakes when you got bunch berserkers chasing you. (Left Wing Nut Jobs)
Especially if the American People want to get the truth about what you and your friends did. What crimes were committed.
In a Klake world, you could do any crime you wanted, claim the 5th with all your friends, and make it practically impossible for the “real” prosecutors to prosecute you right?
When will the Klakes of this world understand that the GOP spin has no bearing on reality, much less good governance.
Bush, Gonzales, and missie take the 5th serve at “OUR” pleasure, and if we want to know what they are doing, then we have “EVERY” right to question them under oath, if we feel like it. The congress represents us, me and you, and if they want to ask questions, then so be it. Answer the damn questions. Did you have an elephant parked on one side of the scales of justice or not? Did you influence ongoing cases, and investigations, and how did you influence them, and which ones did you influence? Who was involved. Tell the truth.
That is called democracy. If you don’t like it, form your own NAZI state somewhere else!
While klake and his ilk advocate using Constitutional freedoms in an attempt to subvert justice, we have to be careful not to fall into the trap this sets for us.
Remember that from klake’s position, supporting Ms. Goodling and Mr. Gonzales are immediate goals, the folks from the extreme right would happily send both of them off to the guillotine if they could also do away with the Fifth Amendment.
If Ms. Goodling thinks that her testimony might tend to incriminate her, then Congress can grant her limited immunity from prosecution, and then compel her testimony. That might mean that she avoids prosecution for crimes she has committed, but as important as it may be to make folks pay for their crimes, preserving the Constitution is much more important.
Of course, if after being granted limited immunity, she refuses to tell the whole truth, or is caught telling a lie, then we’re back to our little ditty:
♪ Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to jail they go! ♪
Nice thing about granting limited immunity is that it only applies if the person tells the truth.
@61. Don’t say aprayer for me. I’m glad she’s dead. She was an anarchist just like the people in Portland.
She’s dead. I’m truly happy about it.
I hope her suffering was incredible. I hope her “wife and husband” suffered horribly. Degenerate filth.
Time to face facts. You people are worse than nazis.
Your deaths are a benefit to America.
@ 84:
If anyone deserves to have their life cut short from cancer, it’s the Presidentail Spokes-liar, Crony McSnowjob.
I hope that mother fucker suffers in agonizing pain while his colostomy bag bursts wide open and he has to lay there in his own stinking shit, pain filled Hell.
Time to face facts: Republicans hate America and hate the troops. What other good reason would they start a war without a plan and then not properly fund America’s wounded heroes?
Lawmakers fault veterans’ care under Bush
WASHINGTON – The Army’s new acting surgeon general said Tuesday she is concerned about long-term morale because the military lacks money to hire enough nurses and mental health specialists to treat thousands of troops coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Republicans like Bush have political and business ties with the bin Laden’s.
Just follow the money you’ll find the criminals.
@ 84:
PS: I’ll say a prayer for you and it goes like this:
“Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heave.
Please give us this day a torterous death for TypicalLefty. May he live in pain and suffering and never know happiness for all eternity.
Forgive our trespasses, but send TypicalLefty to Hell for his.
And lead us not into the Culture of Corruption, but deliver us from evil that is conservatism.
YOS LIB BRO says: I’M CALLING YOU OUT PUDDYBUD. 03/26/2007 at 7:38 pm
Hello Moonbat! Clueless. I posted my evidence many times. You need to learn how to search little man!
You can call until your ANUS comes out of your mouth. Four people on ASSWipes including GBS chastised Headlice Loocie.
Oh… BTW… you were not one of them.
Oh… BTW… when confronted Voice of Chalk Scratching passed just like you Clueless!
GBS: Just follow the ACLU money and you’ll be surprised too.
Why do they jump on Porn issues?
Why do they jump on islamofascist issues?
GBS: As a so-called “Christian” per your claim, I am surprised what I read coming from your fingers!
Puddybud @ 90:
You gotta open your mind. God is omnipresent and we are created in His likeness. Do you know what that means?
I look just like God and doggone it, God likes me and my humor because they were created in His likeness.
The whole ‘created in His likeness’ things are right out of the Bible and those are the words of the Lord. Not my words, but His words. You do believe His words, don’t you?
Puddybud @ 89:
I’m not certain as to exactly which “islamofascist” issues you’re talking about, since there are so many of them that deal with Muslims and people of Arab & Persian descent.
When it comes to porn, don’t be a hypocrite.
Porn is protected under the 1st amendment. Nor, could the porn industry survive without the credit card industry, banking industry and the hotel industry. By far the board members serving on corporate board in this industries are overwhelming Republicans.