Why is Olbermann such an arrogant dick? He’s just another fucking talking head, yet he thinks very fucking highly of himself.
Good thing he’s not in government!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Olbermann makes O’Reilly look like the shy and retiring type.
Christ, Olbermann’s a fucking asshole!
Olbermann actually pays attention to facts – O’Reilly merely has a point of view and is semi-retarded.
I love the wing nuts who get upset when confronted with actual facts – kind of like how the Bush administration responds to facts (deny and obfuscate) – they deny global warming, make up intelligence or slant it on Iraq, pretend they are for states rights until California wants higher CAFE standards, lie about how the war will go (liberators, pay for itself, short and easy…).
I’ve made this challenge numerous times to those who like to compare Olbermann to O’Reilly. When has Olbermann lied on his show?
I don’t always agree with Olbermann, but he at least lives in reality. I can’t say the same for O’Reilly, who routinely makes things up on his show, passing them off as facts.
One word for you O’Reilly fanboys: loofa!
The right wing cowards don’t like Obermann or ANYONE who tells the truth about the cowards on the right.
Why the wingnuts hate Olbermann, and the reason his show had higher ratings than O’Riley’s last week, probably has something to do with the fact that his opinions are based on facts.
Anyone can have an opinion. Remember 1/3 of America still thinks that Saddam helped Al Queda attack us on 9-11.
Most of all, I love the fact that “All Facts Support My Opinions”!!!!!!!!!!!
If I am wrong, I will change my opinion.
If only the Retardopublicons could decide to live in a reality based world, instead of their fantasy up is down, black is white land.
I really have to question the intellect of someone who looks to sportscaster and entertainer Keith Olbermann for their political analysis.
Go Olbermann!
#1 Sorry, Olbermann’s just pointing out the truth.
Yeah Troll you dicksuckers would prefer a seasoned intelligent guy like Bill OReally who’s background is in working on tabloid TV.
Give me a break.
Looks like Peggy Noonan’s done went and said it. She wants us to live in the, old America.
By the way if anyone here is new at politics – this is a prime example of how the cowardly right works. Notice that not one of these shit-eaters is saying Obermann is wrong. Not one of them can refute his comments. They just attack him and try to get you focused on the messenger so you’ll forget the message. This is how we got ourselves into 100 years of pain, death and debt in Iraq so don’t be fooled. Force the cowardly right to refute the commentary – not the commenter.
@8 I really have to question the intellect of someone who looks to sportscaster and entertainer Keith Olbermann for their political analysis.
Exactly where do you get off talking about “intellect” as if it’s something you’re familiar with? You wouldn’t know intellect if it was dropped on your head. Why don’t you actually say something intelligent in one of these comment threads before you start pretending you can judge people’s intellects?
Hey, quote whoever you want. Ashton Kutcher, Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton, Keith Olbermann. But when you do, I’m going to make fun of you.
Sports casters deal with numbers, statics and facts. So and so hit a double or got 24 rebounds. Sports casters don’t remain sports casters for very long if they can’t get the facts right.
Can you say that Olbermann hasn’t got his facts right?
Would you take Jim Lehrer seriously if, during every night of his newcast, he took swipes at some other newscaster on another station? No, you would not. That’s why I don’t take Olbermann seriously. He’s a clown. An entertainer. He’s not a serious newsman.
@15 Hey, quote whoever you want. Ashton Kutcher, Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton, Keith Olbermann. But when you do, I’m going to make fun of you.
Are you actually comparing Keith Olbermann to a 14 year old girl who sings? Are you completely retarded? Just because Keith Olbermann started out in sports does not mean that his transition into regular news is some fluke. I’m pretty sure even Miley Cyrus could figure that out. Why can’t you?
And you come here and talk about “intellect”? Are you serious? And you think that when you “make fun of me” that it carries any weight other than comedic value for the other posters here? Dude, you need some serious fucking help. You’re as dumb as they come.
@17 Would you take Jim Lehrer seriously if, during every night of his newcast, he took swipes at some other newscaster on another station?
If the person he was taking swipes at was a newsperson who was lying, then yes, I’d take him seriously.
That’s why I don’t take Olbermann seriously. He’s a clown. An entertainer. He’s not a serious newsman.
There are elements to Olbermann’s show that I find to be somewhat frivolous and silly, but you’re the clown here. By far.
Seriously tolls…
…what lies are being perpetrated by KO?
…what facts does he get wrong?
You want us to take your criticism seriously, then let’s have it.
Shit…you fucks STILL haven’t come up with any accomplishments that warrant Sheriff Hairspray’s return to Congress.
I’ll not be holding my breath.
Idiot @17,
Neither Oby or O’Reilly are ‘newscasters’, they are news commentators…there is a difference.
NewsBreak: NBC journalist and newscaster Tim Russert, moderator of “Meet the Press”, died today at age 58 due to a sudden heart attack.
Is it a war? More like an occupation. The people shooting at us are just as likely if not more to be an angry bunch who resent and hate what we set in motion in that country as anybody really evil.
It’s not a war. It’s an occupation. Who likes an occupier?
Might want to check out his education and credentials. Then check out O’Liely’s.
Ignorance, troll, seems to be your mantra.
Fuck you!!
In other news: The consumer price index rose 0.6% last month (which would translate into an annual inflation rate, if sustained, of over 7%). But according to the government’s “core inflation” calculation, excluding the cost of food and gasoline, it rose only 0.2%.
But I guess we can do without buying gasoline to get us to work, or eating for that matter.
One of the first thing Obama needs to fix is the phony books which pretend inflation isn’t happening. It is nothing more than an attempt to artifically reduce social security, pension, and some union wages by refusing to acknowledge the affect of inflation on their benefits. Consider that a 4% tax (this year) on the working people, which goes to pay for the inflationary pressures caused by Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy.
My Left Footspews:
What the trolls are trying to do is discredit the messenger and not the MESSAGE. It is a staple of the right when the facts can’t be challenged.
The facts here are irrefutable. McCain talks out of both sides of his mouth and he got called on it.
Deal with it, trolls.
OK – I’m a huge supporter of Obama and can think of a million reasons why McRage would be bad for America, but I honestly had to change the channel last night during Kieth’s “Special Comment”.
To me he came off as a raging drama queen, over-flowing with self-importance.
It’s so easy to make a calm rationale arguement for Obama or against McCain… why he needs to inject so much drama into it is beyond me.
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
This is all typical.
The wingnuts, Bushbots, and remaining 24%ers go into auto-attack mode without respect to statements, facts, or quotes.
McCain made enough conflicting statements in the Olbermann piece to confuse pritnear anybody.
Haven’t heard anyone use “pritnear” since my grandma died about a decade ago. I don’t suppose you say bat-tree instead of battery or conner instead of corner do you?
Have you considered Olbermann’s point? We cannot leave our fellow citizens in that fucking hell hole known as Iraq for 100 years.
McCain, who everyone knows is war hero himself. He knows how fucked up it is. And, yet, he has talked all around this issue of the Iraq War and Keith called him to the mat on it.
War hero or not, he’s now in the camp of hurting our military not supporting it. His rhetoric doesn’t match his actions.
Time for McCain to stand down!!
Olbermann does at times seem to be channeling the character of Howard Beale from Network.
It remains to be seen in November how many of us are ready to say, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more.”
I just followed your link and read as far as I could before I lol’d. Seriously, I wonder if they have to clear out her office after she has a dump like that? Whew!
I don’t disagree with his points, I just wish he didn’t have to be so melodramatic about it. It’s the right-wing nuts that are usually the flaming drama queens.
By the way;
Remember a couple of years ago,when every time the DJIA would up-tick a hundred points or so, the wingnuts here would trumpet the praises of “Bush Economics”?????
Haven’t heard much from them lately about the economy. This past week, after all the ups and downs, the DJIA ended the week down in excess of 300 points. That’s an annual return on investment under “Bush Economics” of about 1.88%.
Sure, it might go up again. It’s really hard to imagine that we haven’t come close to reaching the floor yet. But it’s pretty clear it won’t pick up another 6000 points, which it will have to do to reach an average annual return of about 10%.
Let’s see, Obermann was right about Rummy, he was right about Bush, he was right about Gonzalez and he’s right about McCain.
Sounds to me like he’s pretty much right. Right, wingers?
Olbermann-get off the F-ing drugs
Orcinus and firedoglake both have posts up about the good old days she’s talking about. You know the days when queer bashing was OK and being queer wasn’t, when abortion was illegal and women died in back ally abortion clinics, (but not rich women like Noonan! They still had access to safe abortions), when only the social elites went to college and only the social elite decided who was fit to be a social elite and so on.
I really think we need to help Noonan out on her campaign. More people equate the Republicans with that kind of thinking.
Hey George,
You gonna show where Olbermann lied or twisted McCain’s words around or just hurl empty insults.
The lying piece of shit Chickenhawk republicans on this thread haven’t presented ANY facts that KO got wrong. But then they wouldn’t know a fact if it fucked them in the ass.
Gee, wish I could get a credit card at zero percent.
Hmmm… On May 20th, a list of over 31,000 (thirty-one thousand) names of scientists who refute global warming was released. 31,000 names of which 9,000 are Ph.Ds. 31,000 vs. 2,500. Even the number 9,000 Ph.Ds dwarfs the 2,500 on the UN panel.
Why is Olbermann such an arrogant dick? He’s just another fucking talking head, yet he thinks very fucking highly of himself.
Good thing he’s not in government!
Olbermann makes O’Reilly look like the shy and retiring type.
Christ, Olbermann’s a fucking asshole!
Olbermann actually pays attention to facts – O’Reilly merely has a point of view and is semi-retarded.
I love the wing nuts who get upset when confronted with actual facts – kind of like how the Bush administration responds to facts (deny and obfuscate) – they deny global warming, make up intelligence or slant it on Iraq, pretend they are for states rights until California wants higher CAFE standards, lie about how the war will go (liberators, pay for itself, short and easy…).
I’ve made this challenge numerous times to those who like to compare Olbermann to O’Reilly. When has Olbermann lied on his show?
I don’t always agree with Olbermann, but he at least lives in reality. I can’t say the same for O’Reilly, who routinely makes things up on his show, passing them off as facts.
One word for you O’Reilly fanboys: loofa!
The right wing cowards don’t like Obermann or ANYONE who tells the truth about the cowards on the right.
Why the wingnuts hate Olbermann, and the reason his show had higher ratings than O’Riley’s last week, probably has something to do with the fact that his opinions are based on facts.
Anyone can have an opinion. Remember 1/3 of America still thinks that Saddam helped Al Queda attack us on 9-11.
Most of all, I love the fact that “All Facts Support My Opinions”!!!!!!!!!!!
If I am wrong, I will change my opinion.
If only the Retardopublicons could decide to live in a reality based world, instead of their fantasy up is down, black is white land.
I really have to question the intellect of someone who looks to sportscaster and entertainer Keith Olbermann for their political analysis.
Go Olbermann!
#1 Sorry, Olbermann’s just pointing out the truth.
Yeah Troll you dicksuckers would prefer a seasoned intelligent guy like Bill OReally who’s background is in working on tabloid TV.
Give me a break.
Looks like Peggy Noonan’s done went and said it. She wants us to live in the, old America.
By the way if anyone here is new at politics – this is a prime example of how the cowardly right works. Notice that not one of these shit-eaters is saying Obermann is wrong. Not one of them can refute his comments. They just attack him and try to get you focused on the messenger so you’ll forget the message. This is how we got ourselves into 100 years of pain, death and debt in Iraq so don’t be fooled. Force the cowardly right to refute the commentary – not the commenter.
Olbermann IS a clown and entertainer. Even you would agree with that. I just lose respect for anyone who quotes a clown.
I really have to question the intellect of someone who looks to sportscaster and entertainer Keith Olbermann for their political analysis.
Exactly where do you get off talking about “intellect” as if it’s something you’re familiar with? You wouldn’t know intellect if it was dropped on your head. Why don’t you actually say something intelligent in one of these comment threads before you start pretending you can judge people’s intellects?
Hey, quote whoever you want. Ashton Kutcher, Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton, Keith Olbermann. But when you do, I’m going to make fun of you.
Sports casters deal with numbers, statics and facts. So and so hit a double or got 24 rebounds. Sports casters don’t remain sports casters for very long if they can’t get the facts right.
Can you say that Olbermann hasn’t got his facts right?
Would you take Jim Lehrer seriously if, during every night of his newcast, he took swipes at some other newscaster on another station? No, you would not. That’s why I don’t take Olbermann seriously. He’s a clown. An entertainer. He’s not a serious newsman.
Hey, quote whoever you want. Ashton Kutcher, Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton, Keith Olbermann. But when you do, I’m going to make fun of you.
Are you actually comparing Keith Olbermann to a 14 year old girl who sings? Are you completely retarded? Just because Keith Olbermann started out in sports does not mean that his transition into regular news is some fluke. I’m pretty sure even Miley Cyrus could figure that out. Why can’t you?
And you come here and talk about “intellect”? Are you serious? And you think that when you “make fun of me” that it carries any weight other than comedic value for the other posters here? Dude, you need some serious fucking help. You’re as dumb as they come.
Would you take Jim Lehrer seriously if, during every night of his newcast, he took swipes at some other newscaster on another station?
If the person he was taking swipes at was a newsperson who was lying, then yes, I’d take him seriously.
That’s why I don’t take Olbermann seriously. He’s a clown. An entertainer. He’s not a serious newsman.
There are elements to Olbermann’s show that I find to be somewhat frivolous and silly, but you’re the clown here. By far.
Seriously tolls…
…what lies are being perpetrated by KO?
…what facts does he get wrong?
You want us to take your criticism seriously, then let’s have it.
Shit…you fucks STILL haven’t come up with any accomplishments that warrant Sheriff Hairspray’s return to Congress.
I’ll not be holding my breath.
Idiot @17,
Neither Oby or O’Reilly are ‘newscasters’, they are news commentators…there is a difference.
NewsBreak: NBC journalist and newscaster Tim Russert, moderator of “Meet the Press”, died today at age 58 due to a sudden heart attack.
Is it a war? More like an occupation. The people shooting at us are just as likely if not more to be an angry bunch who resent and hate what we set in motion in that country as anybody really evil.
It’s not a war. It’s an occupation. Who likes an occupier?
Just saw that. Shocking.
Might want to check out his education and credentials. Then check out O’Liely’s.
Ignorance, troll, seems to be your mantra.
Fuck you!!
In other news: The consumer price index rose 0.6% last month (which would translate into an annual inflation rate, if sustained, of over 7%). But according to the government’s “core inflation” calculation, excluding the cost of food and gasoline, it rose only 0.2%.
But I guess we can do without buying gasoline to get us to work, or eating for that matter.
One of the first thing Obama needs to fix is the phony books which pretend inflation isn’t happening. It is nothing more than an attempt to artifically reduce social security, pension, and some union wages by refusing to acknowledge the affect of inflation on their benefits. Consider that a 4% tax (this year) on the working people, which goes to pay for the inflationary pressures caused by Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy.
What the trolls are trying to do is discredit the messenger and not the MESSAGE. It is a staple of the right when the facts can’t be challenged.
The facts here are irrefutable. McCain talks out of both sides of his mouth and he got called on it.
Deal with it, trolls.
OK – I’m a huge supporter of Obama and can think of a million reasons why McRage would be bad for America, but I honestly had to change the channel last night during Kieth’s “Special Comment”.
To me he came off as a raging drama queen, over-flowing with self-importance.
It’s so easy to make a calm rationale arguement for Obama or against McCain… why he needs to inject so much drama into it is beyond me.
This is all typical.
The wingnuts, Bushbots, and remaining 24%ers go into auto-attack mode without respect to statements, facts, or quotes.
McCain made enough conflicting statements in the Olbermann piece to confuse pritnear anybody.
Haven’t heard anyone use “pritnear” since my grandma died about a decade ago. I don’t suppose you say bat-tree instead of battery or conner instead of corner do you?
Have you considered Olbermann’s point? We cannot leave our fellow citizens in that fucking hell hole known as Iraq for 100 years.
McCain, who everyone knows is war hero himself. He knows how fucked up it is. And, yet, he has talked all around this issue of the Iraq War and Keith called him to the mat on it.
War hero or not, he’s now in the camp of hurting our military not supporting it. His rhetoric doesn’t match his actions.
Time for McCain to stand down!!
Olbermann does at times seem to be channeling the character of Howard Beale from Network.
It remains to be seen in November how many of us are ready to say, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more.”
I just followed your link and read as far as I could before I lol’d. Seriously, I wonder if they have to clear out her office after she has a dump like that? Whew!
I don’t disagree with his points, I just wish he didn’t have to be so melodramatic about it. It’s the right-wing nuts that are usually the flaming drama queens.
By the way;
Remember a couple of years ago,when every time the DJIA would up-tick a hundred points or so, the wingnuts here would trumpet the praises of “Bush Economics”?????
Haven’t heard much from them lately about the economy. This past week, after all the ups and downs, the DJIA ended the week down in excess of 300 points. That’s an annual return on investment under “Bush Economics” of about 1.88%.
Sure, it might go up again. It’s really hard to imagine that we haven’t come close to reaching the floor yet. But it’s pretty clear it won’t pick up another 6000 points, which it will have to do to reach an average annual return of about 10%.
Let’s see, Obermann was right about Rummy, he was right about Bush, he was right about Gonzalez and he’s right about McCain.
Sounds to me like he’s pretty much right. Right, wingers?
Olbermann-get off the F-ing drugs
Orcinus and firedoglake both have posts up about the good old days she’s talking about. You know the days when queer bashing was OK and being queer wasn’t, when abortion was illegal and women died in back ally abortion clinics, (but not rich women like Noonan! They still had access to safe abortions), when only the social elites went to college and only the social elite decided who was fit to be a social elite and so on.
I really think we need to help Noonan out on her campaign. More people equate the Republicans with that kind of thinking.
Hey George,
You gonna show where Olbermann lied or twisted McCain’s words around or just hurl empty insults.
The lying piece of shit Chickenhawk republicans on this thread haven’t presented ANY facts that KO got wrong. But then they wouldn’t know a fact if it fucked them in the ass.
Gee, wish I could get a credit card at zero percent.
re 40: “This is what happens, Larry….”
Incorrectnottobright@3 said: “they deny global warming”.
Hmmm… On May 20th, a list of over 31,000 (thirty-one thousand) names of scientists who refute global warming was released. 31,000 names of which 9,000 are Ph.Ds. 31,000 vs. 2,500. Even the number 9,000 Ph.Ds dwarfs the 2,500 on the UN panel.
I understand some have defected the IPCC now.