With the Port of Seattle gaining a reputation for inappropriate politicking, secret deliberations and ethical scandals, it is good to see Seattle Port Commission President John Creighton finally buckling down and getting to work restoring confidence and accountability in… um… King County Elections…?
Yeah, that’s right. Rather than focusing on setting his own house in order (a house he was elected to keep clean) Creighton is lending his name, signature, and the prestige of his office to a letter raising funds for I-25, a county initiative that would make the King County Elections Director an elected position.
Huh. Is it just me, or does it strike you as a little ironic to see accountability championed by the president of an agency that holds a closed-door executive session before every so-called “public” meeting? And, um, speaking of “reforms that will return confidence” to a process, maybe I’m crazy, but I’m thinking one place to start might be to not allow commissioners to illegally sign secret memos authorizing $340,000 payoffs to patrons who raised their reelection campaigns hundreds of thousands of dollars. Oh… and when you believe a fellow commissioner has “committed an illegal act”, and should “submit her resignation,” I dunno, but the accountable thing to do might be to actually say so publicly.
Just an idea.
In fact, reading the fundraising letter, a few wise, old proverbs come to mind:
- “Physician heal thyself.”
“Charity begins at home.”
“People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”
“Don’t shit where you eat.”
You know, stuff like that.
Why the urgent need to suddenly amend the County Charter? Well, according to Creighton, “citizens were concerned that absentee ballots were mailed late” in an election… five years ago. And…
In 2004, the problems made headlines and affected the outcome of the gubernatorial election.
Really? Problems actually “affected the outcome” of the election? And he knows this, how? Quick… Creighton should hand over his conclusive evidence to Stefan so that he can conduct a thorough and even-handed investigation.
There have been improvements, but there is a need to be more accountable to the people so that all the people can have confidence in the process.
And nothing restores confidence in the election process quite like falsely claiming that problems “affected the outcome of the gubernatorial election,” when you have absolutely no evidence to back this up at all.
What a putz.
The fact is, one of the reasons Creighton and his fellow Republicans are so keen on electing the Elections Director is because they know that a “nonpartisan” office like that — where they don’t have to put an “R” next to their name on the ballot — is just about the only office a Republican can win in King County these days.
You know, like the Seattle Port Commission.
Goldy, Um . . . it’s kind of interesting that your whole post is an attack piece on a nonpartisan officeholder and you have nothing to say in defense of the current system.
Um . . . maybe that’s because two separate bipartisan commissions and anyone who is not a total leftwing partisan thinks it’s a good idea.
Just a thought, eh??
Spudster @1,
Eat me. I’ve posted volumes in defense of KCRE and the 2004 election. It’s all archived here on HA. And you can be sure I’ll post volumes opposing I-25.
But the larger issue at the moment is that we shouldn’t be taking lectures on accountability from Creighton, especially considering that he is once again engaging in the questionable practice of using his office to influence elections.
Once again? Huh?
Are you high or just acting out being a pompous blowhard?? The guy is a first-termer and he’s brought more accountability to the place than any commissioner in recent memory.
And by the way, Goldy @ 2,
“Eat me” is a really educated, mature response that truly goes to the core of the public policy issue in question.
So . . . I guess your answer is “I’m a dumbshit and I have nothing intelligent to say in response”?
Interesting . . .
So this is a class war, replete with its own casualties–whether they be job losses, wage stagnation, destroyed communities or death. Yes, you heard that right–death. Today, with unions under attack and workplace protections often completely eliminated, the government reports that roughly 5,500 people die every year on the job–more deaths than 9/11 each and every year.
The problem, of course, is that the term “class warfare” has been used as an epithet by those actually waging this war. Flip on C-SPAN when Congress is in session or the public access channel when the legislature is in session, and you’ll inevitably hear a right-wing conservative berate as “class warfare” any proposals to make sure the economic benefits that this country generates are distributed more equally.
-David Sirota-
…even Wilkes drew a line on what he would do for the congressman. For one thing, Wilkes was totally disgusted by the hot tub Cunningham put on the boat’s deck during the autumn and winter. What repelled Wilkes — and others invited to the parties — was both the water Cunningham put in the hot tub and the congressman’s penchant for using it while naked, even if everybody else at the party was clothed. Cunningham used water siphoned directly from the polluted Potomac River and never changed it out during the season. “Wilkes thought it was unbelievably dirty and joked if you got in there it would leave a dark water line on your chest,” said one person familiar with the parties.
– The Wrong Stuff / Marcus Stern
Maybe there’s another opportunity here for Mr. Pope…
If you’re too damn lazy to read what Goldy has posted about the issue; maybe you shouldn’t bother commenting, as it just makes you look like a troll.
Nothing like being lectured about the sanctity of the electoral process by a man who took a $50k “loan” from daddy to help him con his way into office…
4 spudster
I got in an argument with a signature gatherer for that petition in front of my local grocery store.
His opinion is that Dean Logan did a terrible job and George Bush does a good one. I think that speaks volumes.
“Creighton and his fellow Republicans”
This is all you need to know about the guy and his letter — it explains everything.
” … a “nonpartisan” office … where they don’t have to put an “R” next to their name on the ballot — is just about the only office a Republican can win in King County …”
… and will soon be the only office they can win anywhere.
Say, didn’t we have a guy run for the non-partisan office of U.S. Senator last fall? As I recall, his name was Road Kill McGavick, or something like that. His campaign ads didn’t mention a party, so either he was a non-partisan candidate — or didn’t want voters to know what party he represented.
The GOP brand name is kinda toxic at the ballot box these days. Of course, it didn’t get that way all by itself. Republicans had to work at it to discredit the party launched by Abe Lincoln. It sure has changed, and Honest Abe wouldn’t recognize it today.
@1 Nonpartisan? Creighton just made himself a partisan officeholder; and, as such, he’s fair game. So is his piece-of-shit lying letter.
So is his miserable performance in that public office he holds, in which he’s supposed to SERVE
us, not EXPLOIT us for the personal gain of his friends. I’m paying a fair chunk of change in taxes to the port every year, and frankly, I don’t appreciate how that guy is handling my money.
@1 You want a defense of the current system? Here it is:
Elected partisan amateur vs. impartial professional administrator
Which side are you on?
19 Like you had to ask? Another “baby Gonzo” in our midst.
I have a chicken-and-egg question: does Republicanism lead to a lack of integrity or does a lack of integrity lead to Republicanism? Each characteristic plainly appears to be a necessary condition of the other.
Goldy @ 2
Personally, I like the phrase “Eat me raw with a flavor straw.” But that’s me.
Roger, as our official greeter, you missed it. You should welcome Spudster aboard and give him the orientation spiel. . .I think he needs it.
“Course, he’s a troll, and pr’olly Kevin Carnes, but, what the hell. . .
Not really sure why I’d chime in when Goldy’s response actually sums up what needs to be said, but I’ll try.
First, while Goldy may be in favor of retaining the current system, that isn’t the thrust of the post. I’m sure that there are folks in favor of the change that can make a good argument.
The post is showing the hypocrisy of an elected official that is unwilling to insist that his area of responsibility is run with the accountability he expects of others.
The Seattle Port Commission, which is headed by Mr. Creighton, is well known for closed meetings and unaccountable decisions. Mr. Creighton’s opinion would carry much more weight if he were willing to run his own agency with anything even resembling the standards he expects of others.
In Goldy’s post, this is made very clear in any number of ways. You chose to ignore all of that in order to criticize the current election process.
If someone in charge of a responsible, well-run department or agency were to make the kind of statement made by Mr. Creighton, I doubt that Goldy’s tone would be what we read above.
As it is, you’re criticizing Goldy about something that isn’t covered by the original post, and again for pointing out that your opinion on the matter had little to do with the topic of the thread, and complaining about his response.
So, Mr. Pot, perhaps someone should introduce you to Mr. Kettle.
JohnBarrelli@25 As usual, John, you are entirely too reasonable. No wonder our more left leaning impassionata want to drive you from HA.
My beef with Creighton, and Pat Davis, and the entire “Star Chamber” that we call the Port Commission, can be summed up in the incident when Lloyd Hara was prevented from participating in the Audit Committee, for lack of experience. . .having only thirty years experience as a auditor. . . . .
John and “friends”
Aren’t these Port Commissioners Moonbat!s? So this argument is soooooo funny. Isn’t this local libtard politics in action; closed meetings and unaccountable decisions? Incompetence and stalemates!
John: Some on your side think Mayor Greg “I Got My Two” Nickels walks on water and does no wrong, so why are you all so vehement against Creighton? He’s just another from the altar of Progressive politcs.
@6 The Duke should feel right at home in a cell with an overflowing toilet, up to his elbows in recycled inmate shit.
@3 Accountability? What accountability? Is there accountability at the port now? Where?
@12 Dean Logan did a better job than any Republican would have. The difference is between a few ballots getting lost by accident vs. a lot of ballots getting lost on purpose.
@20 No, the question was purely rhetorical.
@21 Well you’re right, it’s both, but here’s how it works. Back in ’88 Newt told ’em they had to fight a “civil war” against liberalism and promised the “war” would be a “savage” one. This rhetoric, of course, was intended to get the GOP faithful into a proper frame of mind. And the fundie preachers came along and told ’em that liberals are “evil” and God is on the wingers’ side. And since they’ve already been “born again” and forgiven for their sins, they’ve got a green light.
So, you have this combustible mixture of political and religious zealotry, and what it boils down is all the rules are suspended. Anything goes, because it’s for a good cause and they’re doing God’s work, you see? Therefore, lying is okay. Warmongering and torture are okay. Breaking the law is okay. Because it’s all for a good cause, and George W. Bush will issue legal pardons and God will issue spiritual pardons, so nothing bad will happen to anybody for doing what Newt and Jerry Falwell and the rest of ’em told them to do, which is the fight a “savage civil war” against liberals. That is how Republicans, with a clear conscience, can suspend all ethical and moral inhibitions and march under Satan’s banner doing Satan’s work. They do it because they don’t know who they’re working for. They think they’re working for God. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when they finally realize they were duped and have been working for Satan.
@23 Silly me! How could I have overlooked that?
HEY SPUDSTER!!! Are you new here? (sniff-sniff) You smell like a greenie. Okay, here goes. This is the ad hoc indoctrination we give to all new trolls:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of you America-hating fascist motherfuckers.
5. No mercy for wingnuts.
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender. There will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
Gosh Moonbat!s: I’ll ask again:
“Creighton and his fellow Republicans” was asserted by Voice of Chalk Scratching.
Damn you libtards drink for the Voice of Chalk Scratching fountain of kool-aid. Either you don’t read much or as I always contend you have no memory.
I reassert my contention these are Moonbat!s and here’s the proof!
By noemie maxwell
Wed Apr 04, 2007 at 02:36:40 PM PST
Section: King County Topic: Election news/info
The telling commentary is: “King County is solid blue. But he’s right, this is not a partisan race. Unless you consider core values to be something along the lines drawn by George Lakoff. That’s where we need to come from, whether we’re looking at a partisan race or a non-partisan race. Bryant needs to show that he is a Progressive, not necessarily a Democrat to get the votes in this race. And it’s up to us to show which candidate is best able to articulate those values and put them into action. So far, in my mind, only Alec qualifies for that label. [emphasis mine].
Will @ 7:
Pat Davis is not up for re-election until 2009. We had a chance to take her out in 2005, but somehow enough Democrats supported her to re-elect her. That has always been baffling to me.
The Dems are awfully quick to turn on their endorsed candidate. I don’t think anyone should hang Pat until the ethics board has made a ruling. Lots of he said/she said in this story. Pat’s not up for election this year but Bob Edwards is. Let’s keep an eye on that one too.
These guys are Moonbat!s no matter how Voice of Chalk Scratching tried to paint it.
@35 Ya know, Darrell Dumbass, you prove your irrelevance over and over again. We need the comments of a nutjob wingnut from Mason County on how we should run the Port of Seattle like we need four more years of Bush.
Go play fireman.
“Commissioner Bob Edwards’ eight-year history at the port, on the Renton City Council and heading the Puget Sound Regional Commission has garnered him many endorsements so far this year, including those of King County Executive Ron Sims, King County Prosecuting Attorney Norm Maleng and various members of the Seattle City Council.”
Mr Frogkissingman: I’m the dumbass? Why are you not at Drinking Libly? It’s your element, why are you not there?
Did you forget Voice of Chalk Scratching “claimed”? Well read it again.
Written words from Voice of Chalk Scratching: “The fact is, one of the reasons Creighton and his fellow Republicans are so keen on electing the Elections Director is because they know that a “nonpartisan” office like that — where they don’t have to put an “R” next to their name on the ballot — is just about the only office a Republican can win in King County these days.
You know, like the Seattle Port Commission.”
“The tiebreaker on votes such as that has been Commission President John Creighton, who has focused on environmental issues while moving along the port’s big projects.”
All you Moonbat!s claim us Republicans are anti-environment so Creighton must be donk!
So who’s the putz? Frogkissingman!
What’s wromng Frogkissingman: I didn’t “claim” Craighton was anything. I am using the stranger, seattle pee eye, and wash blog to prove you & Voice of Chalk Scratching sooooooooooooooo wrong. And using attribution!
Poor Puddy. Still can’t tell the difference between someone’s opinion and a verifiable fact.
Don Joe:
What? Over half the Moonbat’s on this board think everything Voice of Chalk Scratching posts is TRUTH!
Oh, I can understand an opinion, and now you think this was a n opinion? He weaves some facts in the first part of his entry and then he speculates the only way a Republican can win in very dark blue King County is to remove their (R) from next to their name. “The Seattle Port Commission”? Where was your voice when you know the opinion is a whack-job lie? You drink Voice of Chalk Scratching kool-aid all the time.
Don Joe: Did you miss responses #14-16 from Pelletman? Why are so many ‘Bats attacking the guy named “spudster”?
He only gave an “opinion”!
Your response to my observation managed to confuse the difference between agreeing with someone else’s opinion and taking someone else’s statement of fact at face value. You couldn’t have authored a more stark confirmation of your failure to grasp the distinction between fact and opinion than your remarks above.
Hmmm . . . I come back to check on whether Goldy or anyone else has put forth any intelligent policy-based arguments why I-25 is a bad idea.
. . . what do I see, but the personal attacks on Creighton have morphed into personal attacks on me.
Apparently, this blog, which started out with the very laudatory purpose of taking on Tim Eyman, has devolved into a site haunted by brainless wackjobs with nothing intelligent to say, just a bunch of slanderous personal attacks. Too bad . . .
And as far as Puddy’s comments, I notice Creighton was endorsed by prominent D’s (Gary Locke, Norm Rice) as well as R’s, labor (Operating Engineers, Machinists) as well as business, community groups (FAPGOW) and environmentalists (former EPA head and Gregoire appointee Bill Ruckelshaus), and has pursued an agenda that is pro-jobs, pro-labor and pro-environment. (See the myriad of Kristen Bolt articles)
And what d’ya know . . . the guy seems to have broad support across the spectrum, just like a nonpartisan officeholder should have!
Just like the concept of an elected elections official having broad, bipartisan support.
Yet none of the most erudite commenters on the blog can seem to rack their tiny brains for even one little argument against it, rhetorical or otherwise!
Hmmm, interesting . . .!