The Seattle P-I’s Joel Connelly asks “Is there no one to challenge Mayor Nickels?” — to which I answer: why not you, Joel?
Really… why not?
Of course, you likely wouldn’t win, but there’s no shame in losing, and while you may not qualify as a “front-rank foe,” you’d certainly provide a better rhetorical challenge than your run of the mill also-ran. And if you did win, well, you could probably use the job… and wouldn’t you prefer being the mayor rather than working for the mayor like nearly every other ex-journalist in Seattle?
But seriously, Joel’s got a point: why is there no one to challenge Mayor Nickels? I don’t dislike Mayor Nickels, and considering Seattle’s endemic indecisiveness, a little Chicago-style politics isn’t always such a bad thing, but come on folks, it’s not like he’s Richard Friggin’ Daley. Third terms are never an easy win for executives out here, where even our political establishment easily tires of itself, and a serious challenge would be good for both the city and Nickels. (Unless, of course, he loses. Then it’s not so good for Nickels after all. But you get the point.)
So with Burgess and Smith out, and Licata and Steinbrueck dithering, I say run, Joel, run. At the very least it would give your friends on the Seattle Times editorial board conniptions come endorsement season.
Hmm, I see that there’s another Royer coming up the ranks. He probably only needs a little KING 5 seasoning and he’s good to go. Goldy probably was living in Philly when a TV newsman and his friends ran Seattle. Sigh! It almost seems like better times now that I look back.
1 It would seem that Royer’s famous crack to Paul Schell about pissoirs in Pioneer Square was rather prophetic.
why don’t you run, goldy?
I’ll always remember the Mayor for grinning ear to ear as he announced that the Sonics owners had just punked him. Hmm, maybe Big Lo should run. He could use a good paying job.
Whatever happened to Goldy’s new and improved comment section? Technical problems?
Run, Goldy run. We have the start of the draft Goldy movement.
Hints for Goldy for mayor:
No more profanity.
Goldy’s slogan: Goldy for Seattle, just wonderin’
goldy’s campaign mananger:
Roger Rabbit – he is organized and a lawyer. Plus, he is the only one who could rival Rahm Emanuel for being tough on opponents. Besides, I want to see if Roger Rabbit can also do ballet.
Goldy’s press secretary:
Cynical: No press releases Goldy puts out would make any sense, so no one would be able to criticize it. Nickels would be so confused he could not reply.
Goldy’s chief aid:
Puddy: We need to be bipartisan and we can blame everything on the opposition and dredge up obscure facts and claim they are important. this will throw the opponents off guard. We will know what Nickels eats for breakfast and use it against him.
Goldy’s campaign director/site coordinator:
Lee – he can find anything on google world. And Goldy would need a couple of people who are actually capable of a coherent thought.
Goldy’s garbage man:
Troll – troll is great at picking up Goldy’s garbage. It is the ideal role for troll – one that he already is adept at.
In other news:
Prop 13, prop 13, prop 13, prop 13, prop 13…
The Republicans in that State make the whackos here look like pikers.
Well he did say during the last podcast he’d like to see a candidate “X”…perhaps he is candidate “X”
This made me laugh:
Yep, HAs clueless idiot@10 runs to his kook-aid site.
Dr NotRight@6:
You forgot yourself…
Correctnotright: The HA leader of repeating tired old mantras. Easily the regurgitator of useless facts gleaned from left-wing whack sites. If Goldy slips in the poll will call for a legislative investigation on useless factors.
Hey! All you overweight wingnuts. Lay off the sugary drinks. That high fructose corn syrup will mess you up:
Never touch the stuff myself. We drink diet at my house always.
@12: The high fructose corn syrup link to obesity has been around for a while now.
It is also clear that low carbohydrate diets work better than low fat diets.
Personally, I do a low carb type diet every summer. It is called the cave-man diet. I like it because I can eat as much as I want – but I still drop about 20-30 lbs every summer on it. I eat chicken and fish (little red meat), all the fruits and vegies I want. No rice, corn, wheat or ptotatoes. Just dropping those grains leads to significant weight loss – with or without exercise. but if I combine it with exercise (50-100 miles/week biking or 20-30 miles running) the weight comes off quickly.
Obviously, no processed foods and no high fructose corn syrup or any added sugars. The only drink is water and green tea. The only sugar is a bit of honey.
Cave men did not drink soda.
Joel as Mayor???
Well, it would make good stuff for blogs but somehow I do not see Seattle’s downtown business folk or any of the other stake holders around here working with someone with Joel’s polish.
From my POV the problem with Damayor is that he has done to good as a politician. He “owns” the downtown business folks, the once powerful neighborhoods seem to have retreated in a wave of newbies, the City council has become peripheral to any real issues … am I describing a benevolent dictatorship?
Why not? Joel’s going to need a new job pretty soon. This one’s as good as any.
I heard Joel speak at the SNC breakfast on Saturday morning, mostly about the pending demise of the PI but also lots of reminiscences about the old days — he sounded like someone contemplating retirement.
But it’s not impossible to imagine him as an effective candidate — he’s an engaging speaker, and knows when and where to throw a jab. Republicans hate him with a passion of course, but in Seattle that doesn’t matter.
Is a pervert and I would never trust him in public bathrooms with any kid
@6: LOL.
It should be, “Goldy for Seattle–he’s just sayin’!”
Lee could also be staff herbalist.
I still like the Joel idea. Then once and for all he could stop referring to himself as a “‘calumnist,’ as Dwight Eisenhower said.”
I live in Maple Vally so scratch my name off the list. lol
It would be nice to see all you libs in two states like Ca.and Nv kick all the republican,independent out. Now you have all the tools to run your type of Government, you want without fucking up the rest of the country Oh take obama with you.
Doesn’t Joel vote on whichever island it is that he owns some property? If so, he wouldn’t be eligible to run for mayor in Seattle.
(not that he ever would run, and not that he’d have a prayer if he did)