Joe the Not a Plumber is still an uninformed right wing douche, except now he’s being paid wingnut welfare to travel. I just hope he doesn’t ever make it to China, for his own sake.
Notice how on their side the bigger an idiot you are, the more likely it is that the right will pay you. They celebrate stupidity.
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. Viva la Palin!
Proud To Be An Ass spews:
Subsidizing conservative hacks is called “the marketplace of ideas” unless, of course, if somebody who disagree with the right-Trotskyites does the same thing. Then it’s George Soros being evil.
Economic theory assets subsidies distort market outcomes. The oversupply of conservative hack writers and broadcasters proves this may be true.
Tom Foss spews:
Joe the Moron is the epitome of the American Dream. See, he now represents the fact that anyone, no matter how moronic and uninformed, can get a job as a spokeperson we will “listen” to. Then he can follow GWB, and run for the position of usurping GWB’s spot as the least informed and competent person to ever be elected President.
God help us.
Proud To Be An Ass spews:
That’s “Joe the Douchess”. Civilities should be observed, ya’ know.
Butterbean spews:
I still want to know how the hell he got a passport so quickly. He doesn’t seem like the type who would be well-traveled. But then, what do I know?
Geoduck spews:
Passports: it used to be the case, at least, that you could get a passport more quickly if you were willing to shell out a lot of extra money.
notaboomer spews:
and yet all the “liberal” blogs are sending jtp’s insights across the universe. funny. not.
Jim, (a genuine musician) spews:
Well, at least “Joe the Douche” is an actually confirmed nick.
It was “Joe The Alleged Plumber” before, as he didn’t even have a damn license.
headless lucy spews:
There’s a website called that features noted douchebags. Joe would fit the bill as a featured ‘bag.
headless lucy spews:
Here’s a link:
ArtFart spews:
I don’t know whether “Joe” is so dumb he doesn’t realize the way he’s being exploited, or if he’s simply so amoral that he’s going to ride this thing as far as he can for as long as he continues to get free beer and microphones in his face. Come to think of it, my money would be on the latter, since to righties it seems “morals” only refers to someone else’s sex life.
It might be worth noting that the guy’s getting close to making his 15 minutes of fame last longer than that of the Republicans’ Vice Presidential nominee.
ArtFart spews:
9 Let’s not forget this one either:
WeBentOverTheGOP spews:
Joe The Buttfuckee is the best the GOP has to offer. Which explains why they are the literal laughing stock of the entire world.
Ha spews:
hilarious, his reporting is actually better than CNN’s.
Benqmember spews:
“There is much to be said in favour of modern journalism. By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, it keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community.”
-Oscar Wilde