I was in the middle of writing a response to the Seattle Bothell Times ridiculous editorial endorsement of Mike?™ McGavick, when I got sidetracked reading Jim Vesely’s latest column, “Mirror, mirror: Eastside’s urban politics.”
If Democrat Darcy Burner wins in November against incumbent Reichert, the heavy weight of running as a Republican and as a first-termer will be the burden that brings him down. That will turn the 8th into another battleground district in two years, as Burner will see a fierce attempt by the Republicans to reclaim the seat.
First, if Reichert loses it won’t just be because of shifting demographics or first-term vulnerability, and neither will it simply be due to this year’s unique political climate. If Reichert loses, it will at least in part be due to the fact that he is a mediocre congressman and a weak candidate who is facing an extraordinarily well-run, energetic and smart campaign from Darcy Burner. If Reichert loses, it’s because he got beat, and the fact that Vesely is already making excuses 16 days out gives a little insight into how weak a candidate Reichert’s strongest backers know he really is.
If Reichert wins a second term, the Democrats will go away. Parties are like perfectly evolved sharks
I think Vesely is wrong about what Democrats will do if Burner loses too. It took a few cycles for the GOP to give up on Inslee in the 1st. And the GOP went away for another reason – the district became far more blue than it used to be when it elected White and Miller.
The blue trend will continue in the 8th as well – you can see the trend in local races past and probably in the state legislative races this year. Goldy is right about this.
If there continues to be an anti-GOP tide this year – and it sure looks like the tide is still rising – Burner will win anyway. It’ll be because Reichert is party to the leadership in Congess that has a huge accountability problem. (And perhaps because he comes across as such a posing airbrushed grandstander in his latest TV spots.)
And it’ll be because Burner has put together such an amazingly credible campaign – which speaks to her abilities to represent the District in Congress for a long time.
In the south they like to elect them young and keep them there until near death – that’s how you grow clout in Congress.
Regarding the McGavick endorsement, it is curious. You could have used the same text they used in endorsing Reichert and filled in an endorsement for Cantwell. They don’t follow their own logic from race to race, unless it’s the logic of endorsing Republicans.
demos! boo la ka sha! east sieeed. canvas time again.
The Socialist Democrats new campaign video and it enables the enemies of this country to continue the war on terror. Today a vote for the Socialist Democrats is also supporting those who want to destroy this Nation. Now this is a new video that Roger and his friend Michael Moore made in their spare time to support their favorite Rap Group. This message was approved by the Socialist Democrat Party.
If blacks and Jews vote 95% Democrat, wouldn’t the Democrat Party be the Jewish Black Party?
5, cont……….If 95% of welfare hacks and “guvment” union employyees vote Democrat, wouldn’t the Democrat Party be the Parasite Party?
5,6………So, Democrat Party: Jewish Black Welfare Hack “Guvment” Union Party!!!!!
Dhaka – At least eight people have been and nearly 50 injured in stampedes in Bangladesh while trying to grab clothes being handed out to the poor ahead of the Muslim Eid al-Fitr festival, police have said. /break/ The victims were mostly women and children. Wealthy Muslims give out clothes and money to the poor at Eid time every year, in accordance with Islamic teachings [………………………………….Hell, I thought this took place in 100% Democrat detroit, or 100% Democrat Gaey, or 100% Democrat Philly, or 100% Democrat South Central LA!!!]
The Karma Hunters are on the job so Vote for the Instant Karma Party right now ! –> watch Karma Hunters
As usual, excellent points Goldstein-
It IS true that Darcy was not recruited by the DCCC, that Darcy was a B-level candidate at the start (and our GOP ‘friends’ like to say she still is), but just LOOK at the race Darcy is making this year! Pretty good for a mom in tennis shoes!
If Darcy loses by a slim margin, the Eastside Establishment Democrats will realize that the 8th in IN PLAY, and I bet one of them will make the plunge.
What, no swear words? David, are you learning to express yourself like a grown-up?
Minnow you are anything BUT an adult. You’re the classic mean-spirited child whining at the tiniest slight.
Goldy, somehow I knew this would be your response to Vesely’s ignorant comments. But we’re not waiting for 2008 to do what can be done in 2006.
Dakar, Senegal – The last remaining hippos in eastern Congo are facing extinction and could be wiped out by Christmas in many parts of a significant national park if heavy poaching by hungry militiamen continues. A recent survey sponsored by the society showed there were fewer than 900 hippos left in the park – ”a dramatic decline from the 22,000 recorded there in 1988”, the group said. ”If the killing continues at its current rate, ZSL field workers fear there will be no hippos left in many parts of the national park by Christmas.” […………….Dear Black Democrats, Please do not eat the hippos, or each other. Best regards, JCH]
The justification for reporters writing opinion columns, and the reason for readers reading them, is they’re supposed to be better informed than the rest of us because they cover this beat full-time for a living.
Who did Vesely talk to at WSDP? Anyone? Or is he just blowing smoke out of his ass?
As Goldy’s piece convincingly explains, Vesely is poorly informed about the genesis and raison d’etre of Burner’s campaign, and not only doesn’t understand the netroots phenomenon but isn’t even aware it exists.
My suggestion for Vesely is that he leave journalism to the professionals and get into some other business. Like selling real estate or flipping hamburgers.
Here’s the logic behind all Seattle Fish Wrapper endorsements:
Reichert is against the Estate Tax.
McMorris is against the Estate Tax.
McGavick is against the Estate Tax.
Any questions?
You’re too stupid to be a terrorist, but you just barely have enough functioning IQ to be a nazi.
before I forget — klake is a nazi
If fascist fucks vote 100% Republican, wouldn’t the GOP be the Fucking Fascist Party?
The leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, recently issued a decree to its supporters: Kill at least one American in the next two weeks “using a sniper rifle, explosive or whatever the battle may require.” Well, Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, I am an American too. Count me as the one of those you have asked your supporters to kill. […..Kill one American, nuke one Moooooooooslim city. You Mooooooooooslim want to play……We play. Let’s start with the capital of Iran. Mecca next. Then Demascus, Syria. Fuck with the USA: You raghead Moooooooooooslims will pay the price.]
What, still misspelling your name?
Hey Stefan – why aren’t you going to share the proceeds of your lawsuit against Dean Logan and King County with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who helped pay for the lawsuit? How many donations did you get, anyway? Or would you rather nobody knows, so there’s no accountability? Just wondering.
I see Sharansky is still reading this blog. He must find his blog boring. All the good stuff is over here.
I see Doctored JCH doesn’t have anything better to do today.
Hey JCH — I see Penn State is 5-3 so far, and 3-2 in conference play. THEY SUCK!!! Why aren’t you out there crusading for a coaching change? Isn’t assuring the efficacy of Penn State’s coaching efforts your mission in life? Isn’t that why God put you on Earth? What are you doing fucking around on HorsesAss when your alma mater is burning to the ground? Good God, man, where is your patriotism?
JCH’s priorities are screwed up.
That Guthrie guy says sensible things. McGavick’s an ass. Cantwell’s tolerable on some stuff and good on others.
Vote for Cantwell and Darcy Burner.
As far as I’m concerned, JCH is a self-hating black Jew, and I won’t believe he’s not untill he posts a picture of himself with his boyfriend.
Minnow plays an adult on Republican Club TV. He’s more himself on (un)SP.
Roger and his friends views of America which he so offended refers to Democracy to Fascism. Now he and his supporters are supporting enemies of this country by taking over the Democrat Party and renaming it the Socialist Democrat Party with the support of illegal’s crossing our borders. This message was brought to by the New Socialist Democrat Party.
Dakar, Senegal – The last remaining hippos in eastern Congo are facing extinction and could be wiped out by Christmas in many parts of a significant national park if heavy poaching by hungry militiamen continues. A recent survey sponsored by the society showed there were fewer than 900 hippos left in the park – ‘’a dramatic decline from the 22,000 recorded there in 1988′’, the group said. ‘’If the killing continues at its current rate, ZSL field workers fear there will be no hippos left in many parts of the national park by Christmas.’’ […………….Dear Black Democrats, Please do not eat the hippos, or each other. “Hippos. the other white meat?” Best regards, JCH]
Dear Goldy,
Please make that software update you’ve been talking about, ASAP. You know why I make this request.
klake = product of puddy & janet s(ickos) conjugal visits
Support Treason, Dishonesty, Corruption, Torture, Tax Breaks For Billionares, Higher Taxes for Working Poor, Loss of Real Wages, Loss of Union Jobs, Loss of Health Care, Loss of Pensions, Global Warming Ignored, Tax Cuts to Big Oil, Education Funding Cuts, VA Funding Not Even Keeping Up With Inflation, Insane Wars Against Non Threatening Countries, Ignoring Bin Laden and the Taliban, Alienation of our Allies, Doubling the National Debt, and No Accountability Whatsoever! Oops I forgot. Protecting Pedophiles.
Vote Republican.
Hey Klake. You can call me any name you want. Democrat, Socialist, Communist, whatever. It would never be anything close to as bad as calling me a Republican.
Republicans have proven to be America’s greatest threat.
Tojo, Hitler, Stalin, Bin Laden and no one else got us to burn our constitution.
Republicans burned our constitution, to protect them from being prosecuted for their war crimes, treason, and incompetence. (for only a short time)
I hate to break it to you Republicans. Most Americans understand you represent only evil, greed, and hate.
We are about done with your fearmongering, hypocritical asses.
Cya at the Hague!
Oops. I forgot outsourcing, ignoring our border problems, trade imbalance ballooning, and probably a few more things. Oops forgot making Iran much powerful, and helping Bin Laden recruit.
Al Queda was almost dead after the 9-11 attacks. Most people on this planet was appalled at the destruction, and were willing to do what it took to eliminate islamic terrorists once and for all. I am even counting overwhelmingly muslim nations.
Then we invaded Iraq, and basically told the world to screw themselves.
This has only helped to revitalize Al Queda.
What was that Republican talking point?
Better to help them recruit thousands (millions) of terrorists over there, just to pretend we are doing something to impress ignorant retarded bloodthirsty traitors over here. Something like that.
Oh by the way trolls. All facts support the list of Republican Crimes listed above.
Now go vote for people that want to see our country weakened at every level.
Today, the Seattle Times endorsed ‘Mike!’ McGavick for U.S. Senate. I was not terribly surprised by this, of course. And they actually had the decency to mention the paper’s support of the Estate Tax in their endorsement, saying that this was not the only reason for reaching this decision. They had ample praise for Cantwell’s work in the Senate in fact, and mentioned that they had supported her in 2000 when she ran against incumbent (and former McGavick boss) Senator Slade Gorton.
In their endorsement of Congressman Dave Reichert last week, the Seattle Times implied that a challenger for public office must meet a high standard to make the case for voting against an incumbent. It is curious to me that, for the Seattle Times, Cantwell’s impressive, if low-key, record in the Senate doesn’t rise to the level of Reichert’s mediocre tenure in the House. As I said before, they at least mentioned the Estate Tax this time.
What was interesting about the Seattle Times editorial page today is that it included a report by former Seattle City Councilman and KING 5 news anchor Jim Compton about the lack of a “civil society” in post-revolutionary Romania. He talked about the bribery, corruption, vote manipulation, anti-Semitic political parties and the politician’s complete disregard for laws and the welfare of the population. As I was reading this bleak account, I could not help but be reminded of the actions of the current Republican House leadership and the White House policy makers. I thought of Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff’s money laundering machine, Congressman James Sensenbrenner’s racist anti-immigration bill, Republican voter-suppression efforts all across the country, the president’s successful push to remove the constitutional protections of habeus corpus and legally sanctify torture, and the unmitigated disasters of Iraq and Hurricane Katrina. These are the policies that McGavick and Reichert have, and will undoubtably continue to support in the other Washington.
Is this the rancid political culture the Seattle Times wants to see grow and prosper in this country? I think they need to read Compton’s piece one more time and think over their endorsements.
Is there a link to the Seattle Times’ McGavick endorsement?
right here:
Here is the Romania piece:
What a load of horsedung!!! Here’s some moral equivalency for you, Janet Whore! What right do you have to imprison, and inflict pain or discomfort on, INNOCENT people? NONE!!! And why are you rightwing assholes torturing innocent people? Because you don’t concern yourselves with evidence, due process, trial, lawyers, and so on. You think you have the right to designate anyone an “enemy combatant” on your say-so. WRONG!!!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 10/22/06@ 2:07 am
You tell em rabbit. How dare we put bags over the head of child killers. Where is our morality? We must understand and have compassion for the terrorist not kill them.
Facts Support My Positions, Do you eat hippos? [Of course with a fine Merlot!]
The leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, recently issued a decree to its supporters: Kill at least one American in the next two weeks “using a sniper rifle, explosive or whatever the battle may require.” […..Kill one American, nuke one Moooooooooslim city. You Mooooooooooslim want to play……We play. Let’s start with the capital of Iran. Mecca next. Then Demascus, Syria. Fuck with the USA: You raghead Moooooooooooslims will pay the price.]
Yeah. It’s a Democratic District.
There’s no way we will surrender it.
Especially when we control the ballot boxes.
Just ask Christine.
In a lachrymose missive to New York Times publisher Pinch Sulzberger, more than 20 local hacks, led by the hero of Chappaquiddick, described the ongoing collapse of the Boston Globe as a terrible shame.
Ted Kennedy, a spoiled rich kid, writes the spoiled rich kid who owns the Globe, begging him not to fire any more of the spoiled rich kids who write the fake-news stories for the Globe’s dwindling readership of spoiled rich-kid moonbats.
Apparently, Sen. Kennedy considers some newspapers more worthy of salvation than others. Remember what he tried to do to this tabloid and the New York Post back in 1987, just because a certain scribe was describing him as Fat Boy.
Teddy had one of his crapulous Senate pals sneak a late-night rider into a Senate budget bill to force Rupert Murdoch – whom Ted kept calling Rudolph Murdoch – to sell both papers if he wanted to retain his more-profitable TV stations in Boston and New York.
With his bill of attainder, Teddy was willing to put maybe 1,500 people – mostly blue-collar, almost all union – out of work just to choke off different voices. So much for celebrating diversity.
Frank’s rant sheet is a fish wrapper.
This statement puts the Times’ endorsement in the “bullshit” category.
“Mike McGavick … has run a clean campaign.”
Wow! Somebody in the Fish Wrapper editorial room reads HA.
“Critics will note that McGavick supports the elimination of the federal estate tax, a cause for which The Seattle Times has campaigned many years.”
Go fuck yourself, troll.
Go fuck yourself, JCH.
You may as well go fuck yourself too, klake.
Press release from Billionaires for Bush (more releases at link):
When something is rotten in my refrigerator I throw it out.
Bye Bye, Dave.
Demercratic girls do it better any ways
Goldy it appears that Seattle is facing the same problem, no middle class and only the rich have good schools. Now when did you say you were moving to the Eastside so your daughter can get a first class education? Now all that will be left in Seattle will be the poor and the rich elitist Socialist Democrats. You know like New York.
Updated: 9:37 a.m. PT Oct 22, 2006
NEW YORK – Merryl-Beth Mehlman should have been priced out of Manhattan years ago. The daughter of an insurance salesman and now a stay-at-home mom, she belongs to the ever-shrinking middle class in one of the most expensive cities in the world.
But Mehlman and thousands of others got to live in Manhattan—while others fled for the cheaper suburbs—for one reason: Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village, a housing complex created in the 1940s for returning World War II veterans.
“People were able to enjoy New York City and some of its luxuries because of affordable rent,” Mehlman said. “We could go to Broadway plays, we could eat dinner out, and we didn’t have to worry about it. And we didn’t have to move away.”
To show how sleazy wingnuts are, a conservative group is running radio ads depicting Martin Luther King Jr. as a Republican, in a cynical attempt to win black votes.
“By Darryl Fears
“Washington Post Staff Writer
“Thursday, October 19, 2006; Page A04
“When a black conservative group ran a radio ad proclaiming that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican, reaction was swift … black liberals said they crossed a line. …
“‘To suggest that Martin could identify with a party that affirms … predatory war … and favors the rich at the expense of the poor, is to revile Martin,’ said the Rev. Joseph Lowery, the former president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference ….
“Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), who marched with King in the 1960s, called the ads an ‘insult to the legacy and the memory of Martin Luther King Jr.’ and ‘an affront to all that he stood for.’ …
“In the ad, a black woman says, ‘Dr. King was a real man,’ and a second one responds, ‘You know he was a Republican.’
“‘Dr. King, a Republican?
“The women go on to say that Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan, lumping together those in the South with others in the North who reached out to African Americans with New Deal programs and by desegregating the armed forces.”
For complete story (retch) and/or copyright info (gag), see http://tinyurl.com/wlfee (barf).
I should mention that I pretty sure that in Iraq we’re seeing the last throes of the insurgency.
Sorry about your mom, RR. Now, put your dad in the middle of the road!!
Buttnutz what did you get out of jail on the prevert pass
re 54: Are you calling rich people: “elitists”? Aren’t they the ones paying 96% of the taxes? You had better apologize — NOW!!!
I don’t know who my father is. My siblings have lots of fathers. I have lots of siblings. That’s how things work in Rabbit World.
“The Socialist”: poster boy for the total waste of taxpayer’s money in the public education system.
JCH & klake, please keep posting. Your hate filled diatribes, obvious slander and outright lies show the morality, or lack thereof, that you truly possess. Posts 5-8, 14, 40 showing your racist heart. Post 21(41) & 57 showing your own murderous loathing of everyone that believes differently than you. Post 4, 29, 43(the bill in question would have put limits on one man/company from owning more than 50% of an area’s media outlets.) & 54’s outright lies, fearmongering and demonizing of people simply because you disagree with them.
So please, keep posting and showing everyone the character of the people that support the current Republican Leadership and the Bush Administration!
Michael Caine, Thank you. I will keep posting. Glad you agree!!
Just finished my Hawaii ballot. Straight Republican!! Fight’s on!!!
Stefan @ 11:
Nice to see you reading a realy blog, one with a following and credibility.
Fuck you.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Jew in any order want to use.
My letter to the editor of Voice Of The Valley, The Maple Valley weekly could be printed tommorrow. If they got the e-mail by the deadline–it extols Darcy’s virtues.