Rev. Jesse Jackson today denounced the Congressional Black Caucus Institute’s planned presidential debate partnership with FOX, and called for candidates to boycott the debate.
“I am disappointed by the Congressional Black Caucus Institute’s partnership with FOX, and strongly encourage them to reverse that decision. Why would presidential candidates, or an organization that is supposed to advocate for Black Americans, ever give a stamp of legitimacy to a network that continually marginalizes Black leaders and the Black community? FOX moderating a presidential debate on issues of importance to Black Americans is literally letting the Fox guard the henhouse – FOX should be rejected.”
In a press release issued by, Jackson and other Black leaders launched a petition campaign, accusing FOX of “smearing” the Black community.
“The CBC cannot claim to represent Black Americans and at the same time legitimize a network that calls Black churches a cult, implies that Senator Barack Obama is a terrorist, and uses the solemn occasion of Coretta Scott King’s funeral to call Black leaders ‘racist,’” said James Rucker, head of “The CBC Institute’s decision is shamefully out of step with most Black voters — and now Black voters will hold our leaders accountable and demand they end their partnership with Fox.
What kind of “smears” are they talking about? The folks at provided the following clips:
Neocons Attack GOP Frontrunners
In coordinated attacks this morning, the wingnut blogosphere has unleashed offensives against the presidential candidacies of Rudy Guiliani and John McCain, apparently hoping that knocking off the frontrunners will clear the way for an ideologically “pure” Republican.
The attack on McCain alleges he entered negotiations with former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and other Democrats to switch parties. A McCain switch would have flipped the Senate back to the Democrats after the 2002 election. This charge paints McCain as a traitor to his party, and neocon bloggers are gleefully crowing that, “if true,” it will “deep-six” McCain’s campaign and his presidential bid is “over.”
The attack on Guiliani focuses on firefighters’ dissatisfaction with the mayor’s 9/11 performance on two scores: His failure to update the fire department’s radio equipment prior to the terrorist attacks, which allegedly resulted in the deaths of many firefighters, and his decision to “scoop and dump” the smoldering wreckage, which some firefighters have labeled “extremely disrespectful” (even today, body parts are still being recovered at the WTC site).
Makes you wonder who their preferred candidate is — I sure hope they nominate Newt!!!
So there it is, folks … the conservative strategy for 2008: Get rid of the candidates leading the polls and nominate someone who polls under 40%, even against Hillary. Makes you wonder what they’re thinking: Either they have an electoral death wish, or they’re planning to steal another election and believe they can get away with it — again.
Personally, I think this is a bd idea for the Democratic party to boycott debates sponsored in part or wholly by Fox. While to the party faithful it appears that you are fighting right wing bias, to Joe and Jane average it appears that the candidates are afraid to stick their necks out against those who do not follow your beliefs.
You see, the candidates have already got the ones in their party who are just trying to figure out which candidate is their best choice. The hard part is getting those who are not in your party to vote for you. And if you are afraid to go into enemy territory in order to spread your message, than why SHOULD Joe and Jane average consider you? If Air America, for example, were to sponsor a candidates debate, I would be really disinclined to any party or candidate who would refuse to participate. I feel this way with this fiasco.
I mean c’mon… it’s not like O’Reilly or Hannity are going to be hosting it…
@3 Sorry, but we’re not going to let rightwing liars frame the debate or control the campaign. Fox is a propaganda shop, not a legitimate news organization, and there is absolutely no reason why we should let them participate.
Roger, I hate to tell you this, but both parties like to use that tactic. Dare I mention Howard Dean? Personally, I find all this ‘pure candidate’ to be crap. I want someone who will do what is best for our country, not what is best for their respective party.
Remember we are a government ‘Of the People, By the People, For the People’ … NOT ‘Of the Party, By the Party, For the Party.’
@5 Shove it up your ass! We’re not going to fight this election on rightwing turf, or on rightwing terms. This time, we’re coming to the gunfight with guns! We’ll meet you thugs on main street at high noon — if you have the balls to show your ugly faces.
Left Behind
Boycotting Fox “News” is a matter of principle. The network fails to adhere to basic journalistic standards of professionalism. I am proud of those Democratic candidates and organizations that tell Fox to go to hell, even if doing so might be politically damaging.
Goldy, hate to be the HTML Nazi today, but you seriously f*d up a tag in that post.
Uh, Roger?
You want to re-think that last one? I disagree with the fellow, but he’s making reasonable points and doing so in a polite manner. He’s also not proposing that we should be voting Republican.
As to debating on Faux News, I agree wholeheartedly on that one, although my main concern is that they agreed to it in the first place. What were they thinking?
Having agreed to it in the first place, a reasonable argument could be made for going through with it. We lose either way, but I can see an argument that we lose bigger by backing out and looking like we’re afraid of them.
As to the part about looking for the person that is best for the country, rather than just best for the party, I tend to agree, although the chances of the Republicans nominating anyone even barely acceptable is negligible.
Lincoln Chafee isn’t even running.
By the way. Thanks, Roger, for that interesting bit about the neocon bloggers. McCain and Guliani aren’t “pure” enough for them, they’re going to try to recruit Newt?
Go, bloggers, go!
Also, the Washington Post has a wonderful little article about the former Chief of Staff for Mr. Gonzales. While he seemed quite willing to fall on his own sword for the administration, he just couldn’t go that “extra mile” for them and take his testimony into the realm of perjury.
Apparently Mr. Gonzales was a bit more involved than he told Congress (under oath). It also seems that Mr. Rove had a finger in this pie.
In harmony now:
♫ Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to jail they go! ♫
Since when does Roger ever speak rationally. He has the biggest, stupidest mouth I’ve ever heard and is very smug and brave with his anonymity supplied by a list like this. Big, Bad Wabbit…
You got THAT right, hombre!
All this to-do about Fox News! It’s just Jesse Jackson doing a bit of marketing again, trying to position himself front-and-center, before his audience.
He is more insterested in himself and his image than actually helping anyone. He can cry all the crocodile tears he wants, but Ray Charles could see through to Jesse’s real motives (and not only is Ray Charles blind, he’s dead to boot!).
1-2 I dunno where the picking-off-of-candidates process is heading, but the thought has crossed my mind that the debates in a race between Al Gore and Fred Thompson would be rather interesting.
@9 John, I hate the partisan stridency that has submerged our once-great country in hatemongering and mudslinging. I long for reasoned and principled debate of issues (not personalities). But it takes two to tango, and those guys started it, so the ball is in their court. I’m showing them we’re not going to be pushed around anymore. “Left Behind” is a troll pretending to be a disaffected Democrat — a standard ploy of these lying wingnuts. Don’t be fooled! He’s a winger, and deserves no courtesy or mercy from me or any other liberal.
@10 “Also, the Washington Post has a wonderful little article about the former Chief of Staff for Mr. Gonzales. While he seemed quite willing to fall on his own sword for the administration, he just couldn’t go that ‘extra mile’ for them and take his testimony into the realm of perjury.”
Resigning from a government job that was temporary to begin with is an inconvenience; a felony conviction and prison sentence is a significant nuisance.
@10 Those music notes are cool! How did you do that?
@9 (continued) John, you’re a reasonable guy and a voice of moderation, which is fine. We need one of those on this blog. But one is enough. I don’t do moderation here. I’m a gunslinger — a patriot one, fighting to rescue my beloved country from fools, liars, crooks, and traitors.
@11 I’m a partisan hack and liberal propagandist.
@11 (continued) However, let’s be clear about something. There are huge differences between me and the hacks and propagandists on the other side. To wit: I promote an unselfish political agenda. I use reputable sources, and I don’t lie. I’m a patriot, and they’re traitors. I may not be a candidate for sainthood, but I have a big warm fuzzy heart; they have stone hearts. And my objective is not stealing all your money — it’s to populate the entire planet with cute fluffy BUNNIES!!! =:}
11, 12 Why don’t you two suck each other off; you seem made for each other.
@13 No, it’s about Faux Liars being a bunch of partisan hacks and propagandists for the selfish forces of evil and greed.
Hi, Roger
I suppose that I’m just a bit more willing to take “Left Behind” at face value, even though there is a pretty good possibility that your call is correct.
Still, if we can even get the right wing types to think long enough so that they can really understand what we’re trying to say, that’s a big victory. Heck, I still hold out some hope for Puddybud. He’ll never become a liberal and will probably always be a pro-lifer, but beyond that, there’s some hope that he’ll actually think about his positions.
(Honest, thoughtful conservatives are not our problem. It’s all those unthinking ditto-heads out there parroting the talking points that have caused the mess we’re in today.)
For a person to successfully emulate a particular perspective, that person has to understand it pretty thouroughly. From there, it’s a pretty small leap to actually being on our side.
Oh, and the music note characters are available in the character map, or you can just copy them from my post. Glad to help my favorite partisan hack and liberal propagandist.
Roger at 22,
No, it’s about Jesse Jackson being a charlatan. That is, of course, when he can take a break from extorting “contributions” for his grand self-promotion campaign.
Wow, watched the video and have no problem with any of it. If one were to switch any/all reference to blacks to whites, no one on this lazy board would think twice about it. And rightly so.
If that is the best you can do then racial equality must be here.
Why whine about Fox News when all of the other networks lean left, or perhaps bend-over left. Oh I forgot, the ratings….
Too bad , I would have watched it .
Obama has a chance with me if its against Rudi ..
Hillary has no chance .. But there are many people who like FOX who do , or may vote democratic .
Stupid politics, those who boycott should not even be running .
John Barelli: I was a liberal. I campaigned for Jesse Jackson in 1984 & 1988. I really thought a black man’s voice could change the liberals. Boy was I wrong. When I saw how they kicked him to the curb and the scandals of Operation Push, the wife and I started scratching our heads.
Yes, I am prolife. 5,210,967 abortions since the Iraq war. And yes, Jesse Hi-Jackson is trumpeting his own horn again. The problem is the Congressional Black Caucii will listen to him.
When Voice of Chalk Scratching creates a blog thread about him it continues to elevate his status among the libTARDs. So what we discussed in another thread holds true right here John.
John: Too many ASSWipe punks hold PelletHead as a voice of reason. What is interesting is there is no link provided by PelletHead on his #1 entry. So I don’t believe it.
Waaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Nuff Said!
Newt has no chance . Too much baggage .. The conservatives are going to support the TV / Senator/ fella . Fred Thompson .
I would like to see him in a debate .. He is even respected in Hollywood .
black, but not stupid you be right on . If conservatives refused to go only media sponsored debates that were not slanted on the left there would never be a debate at all .
In this state even the democrats refuse chances at debates because they already have a good lock on the election before they even say thats not what I meant to say .
The best debates usually are the inner party ones anyway .
Having Hillary and Obama talk about Iraq will be interesting .
Fred Thompson may be just the candidate the Republicans need in 2008:
Thompson was admitted to the Tennessee bar in 1967 and commenced the practice of law, serving as an assistant U.S. attorney from 1969–1972. He was the campaign manager for Senator Howard Baker’s successful re-election campaign in 1972, which led to a close personal friendship with Baker, and he served as co-chief counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee in its investigation of the Watergate scandal, (1973–1974). He was responsible for Baker’s asking one of the questions that is said to have led directly to the downfall of President Richard Nixon—”What did the President know, and when did he know it?” Also, Thompson’s voice has become immortalized in recordings of the Watergate proceedings, asking the key question, “Mr. Butterfield, are you aware of the installation of any listening devices in the Oval Office of the President?”[6]
He is also a good actor, which historically has been a plus for the GOP.
I am informing all the national Democratic candidates that I will support those who DO NOT allow Faux News Channel to pretend it’s a legitimate place for journalism.
No Democrat should ever appear on the WE DISTORT, WE DECIDE network.
I have been thinking this over all day while at work and came to a realization:
Both Goldy’s original blog entry and Roger Rabbit’s posting about the right-wing hitjobs on the popular Republicans are two sides of the same coin. Both are tactics both sides are using to please the party faithful, but in the end backfire with the general public. For example, Say the right wing succeeds in removing Guiliani as the Republican favorite and are capable of getting someone that tows the entire party line, a really conservative pro-life evangelical. That action costs them the election. Why? Because the average American cannot relate to their extremism of their ideas. Most Americans may not like the abortion issue, but they realize it is a necessary evil for the greater good in our society. And while people may like people who have faith, people who push their beliefs too hards are generally viewed as ‘holier than thou’ or as I like to say, stuck up asses. We actually had a similar case here in Washington when the Republicans in our state decided to run a ‘real’ Republican who upheld all the ideals in their party in the race for governor. Her name was Ellen Craswell. And she lost MISERABLY.
Now with the Fox situation, I am all for standing up for something for principle. But this is the wrong battle. To the party faithful, it looks like they are sticking it to the eeeeeeevil Neocons. But to the average American, it looks like cowardice. Anybody can be brave when they are in places they consider friendly. To me, it takes more courage to go into the lion’s den, so to speak, to get your message out. If you have the conviction of truth on your side, and the facts to back it up, go to the rival’s mainstays. The people will see the truth. Despite what it is thought, there are far more intelligent people out there than stupid ones. If someone, be they a Democrat or Republican, are unwilling to stick there neck out by being interviewed, debated or what have you in an outlet that is considered ‘less than friendly’ they why should we believe they will actually make the tough decisions and risk themselves when the time comes? I will respect anyone who is willing to take that risk. That kind of action speaks volumes to their character.
Finally on a personal note: Roger, despite all your baiting, I refuse to lower myself to your level at all. You yourself said it best:
@9 John, I hate the partisan stridency that has submerged our once-great country in hatemongering and mudslinging. I long for reasoned and principled debate of issues (not personalities). But it takes two to tango, and those guys started it, so the ball is in their court. I’m showing them we’re not going to be pushed around anymore. “Left Behind” is a troll pretending to be a disaffected Democrat — a standard ploy of these lying wingnuts. Don’t be fooled! He’s a winger, and deserves no courtesy or mercy from me or any other liberal.
If I may ask a simple question to you, have I EVER come to this site and started rattling off right wing talking points? Have I EVER been resorted to name calling instead of asking questions and being polite? I think you know the answers to that, but since I do not like what the Democratic party has evolved to as of late, I am now some wingnut. I am a lurker, I fully admit to that. I don’t see much worth commenting on anymore on the different blogs I visit. But when I do comment, I try my best to be polite, coherant, and factual. If I fail in that, then I apologize. You talk of wanting a return of reasoned debate. I am here offering it and instead you try to goad me into mudslinging. So if I am one of the ‘eeeeeevil Neocons’ as you are surmising about me, and if the ball is truly in our court, as you wrote, then why attack me when I am doing exactly what you are longing for? The ball is back in your court… slam me all you like, if that makes you feel better. But I will continue to ask questions of both sides until I can find the answers I am looking for.
Thank you.
The problem with Fox News is that they are a network that had the unmitigated temerity to NOT be a liberal barion of newspeak. Their headline news at approximately 5 and 35 minutes past the hour is great – concise, no cheap-shot opinions – just the news. Compare that to the other networks. Their modus operendi is to give 30-minute lectures to the viewers, stating their opinions of the day’s events.
Here’s a clue, my fine liberal friends: people watch Fox because it gives the news as news only, without the personal political agenda. Also, the rest of the bunch at Fox does not automatically consider anything America does to be a evil act, guaranteed to bring worldwide destruction.
If the other media outlets wer to take a hard look at themselves, they’d see they are not “on a mission from God,” and their news reporting is simply not as good and objective as Fox’s.
You need to understand that Jesse Jackson represents a time in America where his approach was necessary and highly needed in helping white america undersand the black plight. Unfortunately Jesse has one foot in the past and one in the present. Since he only has two feet he therefore, has nothing in the future. Also, it was the white press who made him the voice of black americans. Believe it or not, there are a lot of black americans who do not support his rhetoric and wish he would spend his energies encouraging more black economics and less black socialism. Like the Klans of the past…most white americans appalled them but silently welcomed their presense because they spoke for the masses when necessary. Although Jesse’s point of view no longer represent the black mases it is nice to have him around when needed.
I personally thought FOX did nothing wrong. They said aloud what most white americans feel deep within. Also, black americans need to learn to move past the ignorance of a few and let them carry their own burdens of stupidity. They don’t have to respond, all they have to do is take their business elsewhere and let the idiots swollow their own shame.
Wow, Pac Man,
That was a very inspired post! Good job!