Man, can I pick ’em.
In lambasting state Rep. Richard DeBolt (R-Shameless) for having himself nominated for a Jefferson Award, I unflatteringly compared him to environmental advocate Mark Boyar, one of the many deserving nominees…
It particularly irks me to see DeBolt so selfishly pollute an awards process that might honor Mark for his quiet and selfless work to clean up our precious wilderness.
Well, the Jefferson Award winners were just announced, and look who made the list: “Mark Boyar: A future is bridged for the wild.”
Congratulations, Mark. (And screw you, Richard.)
Maybe Goldy will be “nominated” for a Jefferson Award next year.
Republican politicians are remarkably adept at self-promotion and self-adulation. They also greatly enjoy staring at a mirror while masturbating.
proud leftist says:
Republican politicians are remarkably adept at self-promotion and self-adulation. They also greatly enjoy staring at a mirror while masturbating.
You can pretty much say that about ALL politicians! None are known for their humility.
proud leftist says:
Republican politicians are remarkably adept at self-promotion and self-adulation. They also greatly enjoy staring at a mirror while masturbating.
You can pretty much say that about ALL politicians! None are known for their humility.
I apologize for thedouble post above.
Goldy, a little more confidence in the awards committee for the Jefferson Awards. I am certain that they would have a lively appreciation for a form of “Gresham’s Law” that applies equally to awards as to money.
The nominating process may bring in some “slugs”, but the awards committee should be able to winnow them out.
Can someone be nominated for making racists remarks, then completely avoid any accountability?
If that’s the case, then I officially nominate Puddybud for racist/hypocrite of the year award.
The National Guard has a new deal for you: Realistic combat training in Idaho that includes getting shot at with real bullets! Is there a terrorist cell operating there? Nope, just Republican/NRA gun nuts — who are far more dangerous to our troops!
“Idaho Shooters Target National Guard
“BOISE, Idaho (April 5) – For years, ATV-riding, gun-toting sport shooters have flouted gun laws in part of Idaho’s high desert by taking pot shots at ground squirrels and other animals. Now, officials say, they’re also setting their sights on National Guard tanks that train in the area.
“Rifles and pistols have been banned in a 68,000-acre area of the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area since 1996. But the federal Bureau of Land Management is considering expanding the gun-restricted area by 41,000 acres to try to limit shootings at Idaho Army National Guard troops who report slugs bouncing off their tanks on a regular basis.
“‘There’s a segment of the shooting community that will shoot at anything that moves,’ said John Sullivan, the area’s manager.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I want to support gun rights and all, but shooting at eagles and National Guard soldiers? I’d like to see the NRA types argue against restricting this! It’s that organization’s brainless, dogmatic opposition to ANY regulation of gunners, no matter how idiotic or irresponsible they are, that has made the NRA disreputable and caused responsible gun owners like me to shy away from it.
@2 Republican politicians have to create personality cults because they can’t campaign on issues. No one would ever vote for them if they knew what their positions are.
Roger said:
“…I want to support gun rights and all, but shooting at eagles and National Guard soldiers?”
Then let the National Guardsmen return fire. THAT will calm down irresponsible use of firearms by those riding around on ATVs!
Ted Nugetn was right: an armed society is a polite society.
@3 There you go again! Trying to pretend Democrats are the same as Republicans. Bullshit! That’s like saying there’s no difference Einstein and a sewer rat because they’re both mammals.
“Can someone be nominated for making racists remarks, then completely avoid any accountability?”
I don’t know, but Jesse Jackson didn’t get into too much trouble with his “hymie-towner” remarks several years ago.
Remember that one?
@5 You should apologize for bullshitting, not for posting the bullshit twice.
@10 For once you’ve actually come up with a good idea, Lib. Probably the only one you’ve ever had; but I commend you for it. I’ll pass your suggestion along to the commanders. Idaho has a surfeit of screwballs and could benefit from a few less.
I don’t know, but Jesse Jackson didn’t get into too much trouble with his “hymie-towner” remarks several years ago.
What the hell? Define “too much trouble.”
I was sympathetic to Elizabeth Edwards when Katie C. was harassing her with a lame interview and I didn’t see that the Edwards’ were exploiting the sitch in any way.
But now that people are encouraged to send Elizabeth email wishes on the Edwards website and in turn get hit up for donations, I’m sorry but this TRULY IS exploitation and hits a real sour note for the Edwards. All that good will people showed them will now dry up.
“Can someone be nominated for making racists remarks, then completely avoid any accountability?”
Sure, and elected. He’s none other than the hero of the democrat party, Robert Byrd. Mr. KKK
Roger Rabbit says:
@3 There you go again! Trying to pretend Democrats are the same as Republicans. Bullshit! That’s like saying there’s no difference Einstein and a sewer rat because they’re both mammals.
04/05/2007 at 11:48 am
Roger Rabbit says:
@5 You should apologize for bullshitting, not for posting the bullshit twice.
04/05/2007 at 11:49 am
Aside from accidentally posting it twice, it was a valid comment. The world does not revolve around you and your opinions, Roger. Your word are not coming from the burning bush or any other religious source, even though you’d like to pretend you have God’s private cell phone number.
We are faced with either idiots or crooks in the choice between Democrats or Republicans. Both politcal parties’ hacks love being in the spotlight – that’s my point, Roger. Stop pretending that Democrats are any better than the Reps because they’re not. They’re just evil in a different way.
Don’t waste your time trying to talk to that loser Roger Rabbit. He’s just a failed guv-mint attorney who couln’t make it in the real world.
Dick weed @ 17:
“There you go again” lying. Sen. Robert Byrd has apologized numerous times and recanted his statements/beliefs.
At least we now know that Robert Byrd has far and away more integrity than any Republican and certainly more than Puddybud could ever hope to have in his life.
Puddybud’s refusal to accept personal responsibility brings great shame to him personally and the Christian religion in general. He’s always touting the virtues of Christianity and how Liberals don’t adhere to them faithfully.
Puddybud is becoming a shining example of what not to do.
ATTENTION All Republicans:
Do your patriotic duty and vote LIBERTARIAN in 2008!
Thanks for the plug!
A tip of the hat, too, to former Sen. Slade Gorton, R-Wash., who found dollars to fund Mark’s dreams.
It was Gorton who secured federal money to clean up the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River valley, which was in danger of becoming an alpine slum, and build a splendid new campground.
Hey Old Timers, Is Richard Pope this Richard Pope?
The reason I ask is the Pope on the link seems to suggest he is an intellectual heavyweight, and the HA “Richard Pope” always sounds like human waste. (At least in the couple of years I’ve been stopping by.)
Just asking…
Libertarian @ 22:
My pleasure. Glad I can help your cause. Perhaps in 2010 you’ll help me out by advocating Republicans vote Democrat?
Always good to see a Publican sent home with his tail between his legs.