Not sure how I missed this, it’s probably because the ridiculous nature of Republican antics has reached such heights (or depths) that “self-parody” doesn’t even do it justice.
It seems the Republican National Committee is on the verge of passing a resolution “rebranding” the Democratic Party as (ahem) the “Democrat Socialist Party.”
And yippee, there’s a Washington State connection, in the form of Republican National committee member Jeff Kent. From The Democratic Strategist:
Here’s how the sponsor of the resolution, Jeff Kent from Washington State, explained its rationale a few weeks ago:
There is nothing more important for our party than bringing the truth to bear on the Democrats’ march to socialism. Just like Ronald Reagan identifying the U.S.S.R. as the evil empire was the beginning of the end to Soviet domination, we believe the American people will reject socialism when they hear the truth about how the Democrats are bankrupting our country and destroying our freedom and liberties.
I don’t know what’s more offensive: the idea of identifying the Democratic Party, which the American people elected to run Congress and the executive branch just six months ago, with the Soviet Union, or the idea that Ronald Reagan brought about the collapse of the Soviet bloc through a magic spell. All in all, the highly adolescent nature of Kent’s thinking is illustrated not only by this comic-book historical revisionism, but by his insistence on retaining in his version of the “Evil Empire” the little-boy-taunt of dropping the last syllable from the adjective “Democratic.”
What’s awesome, as Atrios points out, is that it’s not even worth getting mad about, and it would be even funnier if the media bites, because the more the GOP implodes like this, the more political space there may be someday for actual progressive reforms to take hold.
Every time you think “surely the Republicans will come to their senses at least a little bit,” it seems they just gin up a whole new level of crazy.
Thanks, Jeff, or should I say “Mr. Poobah?”
The GOP continues to do everything in its power to self-destruct – I say we let em! YEA!
As a moderate R these little nuggets make me just shake my head and increasingly treat the extreme folks as toxic and keep my distance. There’s just no talking sense to them!
The problem is that they get the few other grass roots and local folks worked up into a lather and while they think they’re striking a heroic blow for party purity…they’re just creating a wider chasm nationally and alienating a majority in their party in the process.
Speaking common sense at this point seems to do far too little and often just inflames these wingnuts into calling you a RINO….or worse purge you from the “their” party.
Yuck it up and enjoy D’s….we’re in the midst of an “Epic Fail” and I think it’s going to get far worse before it gets better.
..and no…I won’t defect. The R implosion doesn’t change the fact that the D’s still do have a FEW too many of those socialist lefty bunny huggers for my taste.
Brad DeLong points out:
Perhaps we can advocate for rebranding them … turnabout is fair play, right?
I’d suggest calling them the George W. Bush Party. Shouldn’t we honor their most recent White House standard-bearer by hanging his name on the party he crafted?
Actually, the Democrats have become the Party of Tax-Cheaters and Dodd/Frank scoundrels.
Here is the latest “flip-flop” by the Bastard Child aka President O-blah-blah, who said one thing to get elected and continues to back-pedal. From Fox News:
Here’s one that will make the Leftist “freeloaders” go bonkers!
By ERIC TUCKER, Associated Press Writer Eric Tucker, Associated Press Writer – 43 mins ago
Provodence is sick of freeloaders.
Why doesn’t Seattle do it for UW students???
Is there anyone left who still pays attention to these little boys? Besides the Montana goatfucker, I mean.
@8 “the Montana goatfucker”
Mr. Klynical. Our resident National Socialist.
@2 You don’t get it. There’s no such thing as a “moderate R” anymore. The GOP is an insane asylum.
@5 “Crooks and Liars” fits you asswipes perfectly.
@6 Yeah, that’s interesting isn’t it? The photos are so bad even a Democratic president worries they’ll put G.I.s in peril. What a legacy you nazis left for our military folks to bear!
@7 Gee Cynical, why don’t you run with this? Mayor Cicilline is a natural for you — he’s a Democrat, he’s gay, his mother is Jewish, his dad is an Italian-American attorney who made his bones representing prominent Mafiosi, he himself was a public defender, and Hizzoner wants to slap a head tax on the local college students! This guy is tailor-made for Republican propaganda! He’s a gift from heaven for you asswipes! How could you have missed all this? Don’t you ever do any background research before you post?
Maybe the RNC could convince the Democrats to finally start acting like socialists. Government in our country is now spending more on a per capita basis than any of the socialist democracies in Europe. (This was already the case when the Bush bailout was enacted, and even more so after the Obama stimulus.)
Unfortunately, too much of our government spending goes to the rich, and not enough to the poor. And rich people in our country don’t pay anywhere near the taxes that are levied in European socialist democracies. Instead, almost half our government finances come from borrowing from rich people, and rich foreign interests (like the Chinese, and Arab oil countries).
However, the Republicans like bailing out the rich even more than the Democrats do. So they don’t object to Obama continuing most of the pro-rich policies championed by the Bush administration. But if Obama and the Democrats actually want to do a little to help poor people or to make rich people carry a little more of the burdens of the government that is bailing them out, Republicans will promptly denounce Democrats as “socialist”.
Wow. The Republikans are really getting down to brass policy tacks, aren’t they? Looks like insane semi-retarded nutz like Mr. Cynical are – indeed – “the lifeblood” of the GOP these days.
Jon, you’re the best. The wingnuts around here really hate you for bringing their crazy out for everyone to see.
Keep up the good work!
Bring it on!
Remarkable. How can grown adults come up with this nonsense? Do these people honestly believe that namecalling is their path to recapturing power? My dog has better political instincts than these children.
FOX News no less, huh????
How much more proof do you need before you and yoru ilk realize that George W. Bush endangered our troops and made America less safe by torturing terrorists??
It was reported on FOX News so it MUST be true, right???
Or, they’re full of shit.
Which is it Mr. Shit on our Troops?
Grow up and wise up.
You and your KLOWNmates were lividly demanding photo’s be released…now you are????????
Changed your mind, huh?
Nancy Pelosi got your tongue?
14 Case in point: The Wall St. soothsayers are claiming that the financial institutions have been “saved” and that everything should be all peachy-keen hunky-dory now….while there’s a home foreclosure happening in the United States every 13 seconds!
Oh, yeah….things are just swell!
Have you ever changed your mind? I would guess not because you evidence a rigidity of thinking that would preclude the absorption of new information that might permit a change of mind. Do you think Obama’s change of mind was the right thing to do? If so, why are you howling? Might you just want to express your hyperpartisanship? Obama wants what is best for this country. You want what you perceive to be best for what is the rotting corpse of American conservatism.
2 Good on ya, Matty! Don’t listen to Roger…hopefully after the neocons have finally drowned in their own hubris, there’ll be enough folks like you to rebuild the GOP from the wreckage. A representative democracy needs at least two viable parties to function.
19/20 I don’t think there’s any point to releasing the photos if it’s only going to lead to a witch hunt in which more grunts like Lynndie England get nailed for being too naive to realize what they were doing or too scared not to blindly follow orders. What we really need is for Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Condi and the rest of the high-level goons responsible to be brought to justice.
EPIC FAIL is an understatement of Obama and his tards. Sounds like a steel drum band . You tards see the office where Obama signed the stimulus package is the very same where Clinton got his package stimulated!
Well if we bring the republicans to justice lets start with the new administration and work our way back i am sure it will all tie in, one way or another.
The new administration are not strangers to what has been going on for alomost 3 years,the left are the ones that want to see the pics because i am sure they think all of the soldiers were republicans. (lmao)
I am sure the only reason that mr oblahma wants to stop in mid air is becuse it would implicate his own party and then under the bus they go.
Wants to protect our image and our patriots, please,he is protecting himself for reason being…. IT AINT NO BIG DEAL,
They hate us they have hated us for years,it didnt start in the bush administration,it will not end in the oblahma administration.
The terror attacks won’t stop because mr oblahma says so.
They are still terrorizing
and it will continue until non muslim heads roll and all countries that are not muslim become muslim.
Do you actually think if America went completley away the that the agenda of hate they have for non muslim people would stop? It wouldn’t stop!!! It would move to next country on the agenda.
I think the pictures should be realeased, some were already on the news so whats the hold up, lets get it alllllllll out in the open.
Bring us together through tranparency mr oblahma, put it out there let us and our enemies decide………They terrorize thier own in worse ways than we have ever thought of.
@14 “Maybe the RNC could convince the Democrats to finally start acting like socialists.”
I doubt it. We make too much money as capitalists. And some of us like the tax perks the Idle Class gets as much as Republicans do.
@20 Makes you wonder what’s in those photos, doesn’t it? What were the GOP’s private security contractors (a/k/a mercenaries) doing in those pix … cutting genitalia off children to make their parents talk?
@23 Yeah, don’t listen to me. I’m a shill for the Republican work ethic and Republican tax policy. She doesn’t want her kids looking up to me, they should look down on me. That’s the natural order of things … that’s why Ma Nature made me only 30 inches tall (counting my ears).
@26 It’s really something watching the wingers trying to blame their torture scandal on the Democrats, isn’t it? Kinda like watching a couple of rednecks trying to light their cigarets with an oxyacetylene torch.
I’m kinda a curious where Matty @2 gets the idea I’m a “lefty” as I sit here not working, cashing dividend checks, and paying taxes at the capital gains rate.
“They hate us they have hated us for years…”
And we them. Since approximately the Crusades, and somewhere along the line, I don’t recall the Afghans marching on London like the Brits marching thru the Khyber Pass to Kabaul in the mid nineteenth century.
Your point is, well, pointless.
“Do you actually think if America went completley away the that the agenda of hate they have for non muslim people would stop?”
It would undoubtedly subside. Unlike us, they have not imposed colonialism on anybody for many centuries.
You present nothing but unsubstantiated fruitcake assertions, and dare call it an argument? Have you no shame? None?
fuck you devoreberg
@34: You appear to have misspelled Jon’s name, Mr. truthstein.
The Republican party is so Loony these days, even the John Birch Society denounces them.
@10. You don’t get it. Republicans are no more “all insane” than all Democrats are Socialists. I have no idea where you sit on that spectrum, but am making an educated guess that you might be one of those folks that makes me still want to remain an R and work within. ;)
#36. Even the John Birch Society? That’s cold!
I seem to remember the democrats falling goose-step in line behind all those fake soldiers.
You know the ones… jesse macbeth, josh lansdale, just recently rick guncan and lets not forget tom harkin lying about his military credentials.
Do you remember the hate from the democrats abut rush calling them “fake soldiers?” Of course rush was proved right and not only that, he raised $2,100,100 for the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation and then matched it with his own money.
Let’s not forget about those millions of dollars hannity (Freedonm concerts) raised for college scholarships for the children of fallen troops.
How much has olbermann, chris “thrill up my leg” matthews, rachael maddow, randi rhodes, etc contributed to a military cause?
I’ve posted links to signs at left-wing protests talking about “supporting the troops only when they shoot their officers” and all those fragging signs.
Yet you can’t find a right-wing protester exhibiting the same “support” for the troops.
So once again, how does the left support the troops?
25 Right, Mark…also the very same office where Saint King Dumbfuck sat drooling over the pictures of tortured Iraqis and their mutilated children, while Condi slurped away underneath the desk.
is that the same desk that monica lewinsky slurped away at bill clintons dick?
I already handed you your ass on this one with many links to the voting records of congerssional Republicans and Democrats PROVING the
Republican PartyAmerican Taliban Party does not support our troops.Oh, you guys get behind them, WAAAAAAAY behind thme as they go off to fight in your war of choice based on lies.
Any ways, chicken shit, when you stop being a BOY you’ll apologize to our troops for shitting on them and voting for ass holes who vote against them . . . then maybe, just maybe you’ll become a man.
Until then, you’re jut a BOY.
Speaking of apologies, I do want to extend a genuine apology to you for calling you a faggot.
You’re not a faggot and I retract that statement fully and completely. I’m sorry.
Hey woman of lies you should know about that desk – word is you lined up to suck President Clinton’s dick too!
19. GBS spews:
It was reported on FOX News so it MUST be true, right???
Or, they’re full of shit.
I’ll ask the very simple question one more time: Which is it Mr. Shit on our Troops?
Mr. Shit on our Troops,
For the record I want an independent special prosecutor appointed to look at EVERYTHING!
I want every person responsible to be prosecuted. Including Bush, Cheney, his National Security Team, CIA officials, military, and private contractors. If there are Democrats involved they deserve no immunity from the Law.
What water boarding amounts to is torture. The Rule of Law in America means this is a WAR CRIME.
Bush’s decision has created a Hanoi Hilton at GITMO. Bush is now no different than Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, or any other infamous leader who used torture on enemies they captured.
What you want to argue now is either the degree of the WAR CRIME or if the ends justifies the means.
Let me be very, very clear here: The United States of America, regardless of the 4 international treaties we have signed that have the force of American law behind them that requires criminal investigation if there is a suspicion of torture. However ,America has a standing General Order decreed by General George Washington to treat captured enemies with respect and dignity. This came about in the closing days of 1776 when the world’s greatest superpower, England, was on our soil trying to kill America. General Washington led an attack and crushed the Hessian mercenaries capturing over 900 of them in a blinding snow storm while only suffering a few casualties.
The captured Hessians were going to be mistreated by Washington’s soldiers when he said “Treat them with humanity, so fraught with a love of liberty, and property too, that they may create a disgust to the service among the rest of the foreign troops, and widen the breach which is already opened between them and the British. While we are contending for our own liberty, we should be very cautious of violating the rights of conscience in others, ever considering that God alone is the judge of hearts of men, and to Him only in this case are they answerable.
Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any of them I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt… at such a time and in such a cause.”
Any officer who failed to heed this direction, he said, would bring “shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country.”
9/11 changed NOTHING if you’re an American patriot who knows, understands and embraces our American values.
If America is to choose between the wisdom of George Washington or George Bush, I choose the former over the latter.
I have already freely chosen to defend George Washington’s America with my life and protect her from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC!
Teabaggers and Republicans who advocate secession, American Taliban like BOY Sheik al Marvin, and apologists for Bush like Mr.
CynicalShits on our Troops are traitors to My America that was founded by true Liberal Heroes like Gen. George Washington.Democrats were there at the formation of our Republic, and we shall be here long since we are dead. But, Conservative Reagan Republicans will not, for they do not have truth on their side, they do not have morality on their side, they do not have American principles on their side. Thus, their destiny is failure, shame, corruption, crime and infamy to be buried one day in the unmarked grave of history, never to be resurrected again.
Wise up and grow up yourself, bub.
Oh and woman of lies, I would know because I lined up at that desk too, and you cut in line!.
Confederate Party?
(given the GOP’s new southern nexus)?
Republicans were saying the same thing about the Democratic party after the 2002 mid-term elections, ie., the Democratic party is dead, going by the wayside, out of ideas, etc. In fact, there were polls that showed there were more Americans who identified themselves as Independent than as Democratic. I know because I joined the chorus.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the last 10 years, it’s that political winds change, new ideas are thought up (some good, some terrible, and from both sides of the aisle) and the American people make rational decisions.
As a Republican I have to say that our party leadership, and for that matter, our “idea factory,” came to a grinding hault when we thought the population agreed with us on every plank in the platform. We became, and unfortunately remain, idealogically bankrupt in the eyes of both the majority party and the American people. Until we become a party that is willing to include, or at a minimum thoughtfully consider, ideas that we don’t understand or disagree with, this will be a long walk in the desert…
However, the people ARE afraid of the government doing exactly what a lot of us have done in our personal lives: over spending. The threat of putting our kids and grandkids on the hook for another half-century scares people. Americans can understand military spending (to a point, not unchecked spending) if they see there is an real threat. They can understand stimulus spending, if it makes sense. And I think they may even accept centralized, taxpayer funded healthcare if they don’t feel like the government is pulling the wool over their eyes.
No party will get everyone, but if one party moves too far one way (Republicans allowing the social-conservatives to run the party) then the other will fill the void left in mainstream America.
At the end there, I would only add that the Democratic party should make sure that they don’t become the party of environmentalists, anti-capitalists and anti-church if they want to remain in power. There’s a significant difference between the Cascade Land Conservancy and Green Peace. Unfortunately, Green Peace gives environmental organizations a BAD name, much like some crazy pastors and “believers” give the church a bad name.