In response to a request from the St. Petersburg Times, the Florida Department of Children and Families released 70 pages of documents in the Terri Schiavo case, that discredit Gov. Jeb Bush’s attempt to reinsert a feeding tube based on “new” allegations of abuse.
As the day approached in which Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube was to be removed, Gov. Jeb Bush claimed there were new and compelling allegations of abuse or neglect that the state Department of Children and Families had to investigate.
That effort led to a dramatic showdown between the governor and the Pinellas-Pasco circuit judge who ordered Schiavo’s feeding tube removed on March 18. Bush and DCF continued to seek its reinsertion, claiming the 30 or so new complaints had to be probed.
But documents released by DCF Friday reveal few fresh allegations that Schiavo was abused or neglected. Investigators wrote that there were “no indicators” of abuse in any of the cases.
According to documents, the only new complaint involved a nursing assistant “abusing” Schiavo with aromatherapy.
Apparently, Jeb Bush is just as big an unprincipled liar as his brother, and there should be a price to pay for the way he and other Republicans attempted to exploit the Schiavo tragedy for partisan political gain.
Ugh! We’re back to Terry? The girl is dead. Stop beating her, even if it is at the expense of Jeb…
No, he’s back to Jeb. Beating up on another lying sack of Bush.
Marks @ 1 – I am surprised at you…. You guys make these big ‘principled’ arguments (i.e. make crap up to mislead the public and politicize religion) and then when you find the public opinion is against you all run from it like a riled up hornet’s nest.
Maybe you are right though… we shouldn’t ever mention that sorrid affair and how out of touch you guys are with the rest of us mere humans trying to make it from day to day.
On the other hand, maybe the fact that you guys politicized a family tragedy for your own political gain is important to remember. And now you can’t even claim that you honestly believed it to be true yourself.
Don’t tar Marks with this… he was not one of the righties jumped on the Schiavo bandwagon… I think his disgust with this issue is genuine.
That said, the right-wing of the GOP simply shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this unscathed, and they deserve whatever scorn can be heaped on them for their behavior during the Schiavo controversy. You can be sure I’ll post again on this subject when the autopsy is released.
Marks – My apologies if I made that post above unnecessarily personal, that was not my intent. But if you are as disgusted with that whole affair as I am, you may want to consider who is running the Republican Party at the moment and what that means for our country.
I somewhat recently had ‘end-of-life’ issues in my family and I simply can’t imagine what I would think if a bunch of religious fanatics backed by the federal government would have tired to intervene in my family’s affairs. This is what the Republican Party has become and it is not a pretty sight. But again, sorry if I came off wrong above…
Nindad @3
No, I stand by what I wrote on the subject here.
To say the Shiavo issue and Congress’ sudden interest in it was a mistake is putting it mildly. My comment @1 reflects the reaction I have to revisiting this mess.
If revisiting it exposes Jeb for the liar he is, then let’s revisit it. This thread is about Jeb, not Terri Schiavo. We’re discussing “personal responsibility.”
You can be sure I’ll post again on this subject
Comment by Goldy— 6/5/05 @ 9:30 am
Of course you’ll post again – this is simply about the next election and that Jeb is coming up louder and louder as the candidate to watch.
Kitten, you little libs are just too damned predictable.
This post is just the kind of “preaching to the choir” BS that will pollute your site after the election contest is settled.
Way to go, you got that breaking news that “Jeb Bush is just as big an unprincipled liar as his brother” out to the public! I’m sure your band of lefty cheerleaders cares but nobody else gives a rip.
scratched CD @ 9
This forum will do just fine after the contest is finished. Serious challenges correcting the disinformation of the WSRP for 2006 and beyond lie ahead and this forum will in the forefront.
You may return to dittoheading at (u)SP now.
You may return to dittoheading at (u)SP now. -Comment by WingDingALings @ it again— 6/5/05 @ 11:47 am
As opposed to the KoolAid drinking, Kumbaya singing done here?
ASS @ 11
Did you vote for WILL BAKER? Mighty strong Rum and Punch there!
Sorry, kiddo, I don’t even know who Will Baker is… although, I’m sure you’ll enlighten me as it has so much relevance to my life today (eyes rolling).
Hah! You prove my point! When you walk into the booth, you just mark anyone with an (R) next to their name!
Strong Rum and Punch indeed!
Stop their CAT…ignorance shining. He’s one of your good buddies.
Get off the sugar DingDong, beside the fact you make absolutely NO SENSE whatsoever you have this nastly little lib habit of ASSuming things.
bluesky @ 15
Got 32 percent of the vote for State Auditor. Very scary. We can take little comfort that most of it was unthinking partisanship. There’s a lot of work to do in 2006.
ASS @ 16
Oh and you didn’t in 11? Who did you vote for State Auditor again?
Yes, we know you Repubs are monarchists who would like to establish a hereditary presidency. You’re already turned Congress into landed peerages.
No need to state the obvious, zip. It has been amply, repetitively, redundantly established that you and your ilk don’t give a rip no matter what those crooked, immoral, lying bastards say or do.
Dear Dingdong, as opposed to the left wing idealogues who only vote the KoolAid party and only sing the KoolAid song (“If Bush like it, it must be bad”) I voted for the best man for the job, Sonntag.
See DingDong, that’s what GROWN UPS do… they study the facts and make informed decisons… not vote for the guy whose Koolaid mustache matches their own.
The best line in the whole article is where Vance says of Baker, “he seemed normal.” Well yes, a former exotic dancer and conspiracy theorist who has been jailed 19 times WOULD seem “normal” to someone with Vance’s frame of reference, wouldn’t he? RMAO!
Hey can I be an exotic dancer too? Is there training involved? Who do I have to see to get hired? I do a great hippopatomus routine.
ASS @ 21
Tempted by the dark side, eh? GOOD for YOU!
Really DingDong, there comes a point where YOU really should just shut up… kinda like your Jenny Durkin droning on the other day… you just make a fool of yourself and make the others suffering through the tedium impatient.
And interesting that you should consider voting for a dem, coming over to the “dark side”.
At least you admit it.
CATerwaul @8
this is simply about the next election and that Jeb is coming up louder and louder as the candidate to watch.
For the sake of our republic, I hope not. Having voted for Sr. twice, and for W (holding my nose) twice, I can only hope the R’s seek new blood (I tire of the royal line of succession). I am unlikely to vote for another Bush in my lifetime, though if the D’s throw up another Kerry or Gore, I may just vote Libertarian.
ah, cat@25, because you are speechless about what to say in response to the ways of your dear party of thugs and liars, you wish everyone else to shut up. You and bill o’reilly. What a bunch.
Dear DingDong and bluesy, are you willfully ignorant or just unwittingly ignorant?
And interesting that you should consider voting for a dem, coming over to the “dark side”.
So why did you do it? Give it up ASS. Nice try.
Dear Unwittingly Ignorant, read ^ kiddo, I voted for the best person for the job, not my favorite flavor of KoolAid.
Gosh Unwittingly Ignorant, and here I thought it was you libs that bragged about NUANCE! (snicker)
I cannot wait for the movie . . . Will Baker: International Man of Diplomacy.
I heard there’s a scene where he does a lap dance with Katherine Harris. . . .
Jeb Bush INSISTED that he was helpless to help Terri. Not True: Initially he was saying he couldn’t intervene because state laws gave the courts authority in guardianship matters. He could not “overrule the Court”. Governor Jeb Bush KNOWS as cited in his Amicus Curiae Memorandum -that he has a sworn duty to defend the Constitution of Florida State. Florida State Constitution is There is no ‘conflict’.The law is clear. “. natural oral feeding is not a life-prolonging procedure under Florida law. “An incapacitated person retains certain enumerated rights under Section 744.3215, Florida Statutes (2003 “Republicans cannot continue to win unless we talk with compassion and passion about absolute truth.” Jeb Bush at convention 6/05. House of Bush/House of Saud/House of Greed. Learn to tell the truth… When? Compassionate? When??? Where???
Boy this whole thing really backfired on the right wing turds! I love it. They made Terri a cause and then when it looked like they made a mistake, they dropped her like a hot potato.
Remember how Handjob Hannity, Lush Flimbaugh and the rest of the hateriots were so concerned about Terri when they thought they could get some political milage out of her case? Have you heard any of these inbred morons talk about her since?
Of course not. They shit on her memory just like they do everything else.
Hell, I think that Terri (who died over a decade ago) has helped to expose the mind numbing villiany of the neo-con fascists is the greatest tribute we can make.
And the neo-cons will complain about bringing up the Guckert/Gannon gay-prostitition activity in the white house, which is all the more reason to never let it go until their hypocricy is fully revealed.
Run, little neo-con piggies, run!
zip writes, Way to go, you got that breaking news that “Jeb Bush is just as big an unprincipled liar as his brother” out to the public! I’m sure your band of lefty cheerleaders cares but nobody else gives a rip.
Unfortunately, too true. And the fact that nobody else gives a rip that Jeb is as big a liar as his brother is a large part of the problem. At least, in the eyes of this lefty cheerleader.
Where is the autopsy report? I wonder what Mark Furhman has uncovered re: Terri’s collapse!
Thank God Chardonnay is back! We were worried about you. We need a Chardonnay to kick around. :D
Pick up a newspaper sometime, White Whine, and you might be in danger of learning something. The newspapers said the autopsy report was going to take 8-10 weeks, or something like that.
Can you spell campaigning:
Florida’s Governor, Jeb Bush, delivers the opening remarks during the Inaugural Session of the OAS General Assembly at the Broward Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Sunday June 5, 2005. (AP/J.Pat Carter)
Then Rice spoke, and today dubya will speak. Jebby is being pampered.
How about this? When we begin to colonize Marz (per dubbas grand vision), we send their WHOLE CLAN up there. Since they live in their own world, lets make it official!