President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt just announced that he would not step down, but that he would not seek “reelection”… an announcement that did not seem to mollify the crowds.
And yes, some of the best, most insightful, and perhaps most even-handed coverage of the Egypt’s “Jasmine Revolution” can be found on Al Jazeera English. Catch their live stream here.
This guy apparently asn’t gotten the message yet. I’m sure the crowds will help him see the light.
This will be over by next week. Mubarak has lost the military.
Meanwhile, Jordan’s king pre-emptively canned that country’s unpopular government. I wonder if the Saudi royals are sweating yet? Oil traders are getting nervous. I made $2,700 in the stock market today — I’ve made $9,000 since January 1. The market isn’t quite a bubble yet, but it’s getting there.
Exxon is up $3.54 a share since I bought it yesterday. That’s 4.4% in one day — about what I’d earn on a passbook savings account in 44 years. I sure called that one right, although it was more luck than anything else, I just felt it was the right time to add more oil to my portfolio.
I don’t suppose the fact Egypt controls the Suez canal, through which passes nearly all of the Persian Gulf oil going to Europe, has anything to do with this.
Wow! This thread already has 6 posts! That’s more than Stefan’s sucky little fascist blog gets in two days.
My understanding is that the U.S. has been building a pipeline from Iraq to Afghanistan.
“I wonder if the Saudi royals are sweating yet? ”
I’d say “yes” to that question. I certainly hope we stay our of these affairs. We will spoil anything good that may come out of Egypt if we stick our noses into its affairs. In fact, the best thing we could do about the Middle East is to remove our troops and stop trying to dictate to those folks. We’re not the world’s cop or its lord and master.
I just watched a couple minutes of the close of Glenn Beck’s show. Following a gold commercial, he connected the dots between Bill Ayers, the Muslim Brotherhood, Code Pink and the New World Order.
Damn, the motherfucker’s on to us! Who ratted us out??
Oh, and the “radical leftists” are causing a food shortage.
Our trolls watch this shit every day? No wonder they’re fucking krazy.
Iran would have to approve of such a plan or it is a no go from the start. The pipeline would either have to go through Iran or go a long way to go around.
Google map of area
You have a much stronger stomach than I have.
Do you now have an attraction to bright shiny lights, an urge to join the teabaggers, to froth at the mouth or to pick up a gun and start shooting people?
Steve: “I just watched a couple minutes of the close of Glenn Beck’s show.”
Did you shower afterward? Toss cookies? Pound your head against a table?
When you consider that the Baltic Dry Index is completely DCF, it’s equally DCF that you’re making money and that the market isn’t a bubble when nothing’s getting built.
@13 “Do you now have an attraction to bright shiny lights, an urge to join the teabaggers, to froth at the mouth or to pick up a gun and start shooting people?”
I limited my exposure to just a couple of minutes so I’m probably OK. It was so ridiculous, what with his connecting Bill Ayers, the Muslim Brotherhood, Code Pink and the New World Order, that I could only LMFAO.
@14 “Did you shower afterward?”
You know, that’s probably not a bad idea.
I’ve been gawking at the wingnut porn over there a bit lately – like watching a multi-car pile-up. It’s like Beck, but through a filter of the local Ayn Rand fan club. They say things like this:
Funny Beck would mention Bill Ayers on the same day that somebody did over at SoundPolitics. Just like the coincident timing of Puddy’s ranking about Frances Fox Piven just after Beck did. Weird.
LS @ 18
Wow, some coincidences are almost frightening.
Well then clearly we’re fucked. What with that commie government health plan justices get from confirmation ’til death…
@9 Yeah, it’s all Bill Ayers’ fault, and by extension, Obama’s fault.
I just got banned from SP by Pudge!
I think it took me less than a dozen posts, and I bet he called me a ‘liar’ or a damned liar’ at least that many times.
Is Boehner getting Boehnered by his own Boehner?
Can we say shortest tenure as Speaker of the House?
The term “Jasmine Revolution” was coined to describe what happened in Tunisia. Jasmine is the national flower (or plant?) of Tunisia. The term should not be used for Egypt.
It would be like using the term “Orange Revolution” for what happened in Ukraine, where the opposition’s color was orange, and then calling the dissent in Iran a few years ago an “Orange Revolution” when orange had nothing to do with it.
@22 Pudge is a narcissistic asswipe. His knee-jerk “You’re a liar” response is always a hoot. Hand his ass to him and he’ll call you a liar and ban you. I did read your comments over at that dung-heap. Well done, my friend.
Don’t you have to first be elected in order to be “re-elected”?
I never knew. I had head mention of “Stefan’s little fascist blog” and the like, but had never been there. I commented on a couple of blogs – the abortion one and the one where pudge so cleverly posted a map with gunsights on it – I think it was my commentary on the latter that got me banned.
Reaaly rather amusing.
They really have the “government should have no power but that to control a woman’s uterus” thing down.
I think Pudgey is presently arguing with his won people that the mandate was not origianlly a Republican idea…PASS THE POPCORN!!
I just posted this:
We’ll see if he lets it be posted, or continues/enforces my banning. hehehehe
I don’t think Pudge bans you from the entire blog, just his own posts. I think he’s banned most of the liberals who have ever commented. When he shows up here he pulls that same “You’re a liar” crap. Only here he gets called out for his bullshit. I assume that’s why he avoids HA now. He obviously needs to be in control.
He didn’t much like having to give consideration to all the right-wing violence you posted. It’s so much easier to say that you’re OT, call you a liar umpteen times, and then ban you. That’s Pudge’s way of sticking his head in the sand. Or maybe it’s his way of sticking his head up his ass. Whichever.
He’s so insecure and in need of attention that he dominates his own comment threads. And I haven’t seen a thread yet that hasn’t been peppered with his “You’re a liar” comments.
My post over at SP was there…and then…>POOF<
I was made to disappear!
Too funny!
Hey – when are we going to have another Zotz, steve, LibSci, PTBAA, PL, Deathfrogg, etc get together?
“Too funny!”
And so predictable.
I was thinking of sending you a note suggesting we get together soon. I don’t mind the drive to Seattle. That last time was just too short a notice and I couldn’t break free.
I don’t know if Michael shared a link to his photography with you, but he’s really, really good. If you get a chance, check it out. I was very impressed.
I have not met Michael – at the last attempt (albeit short notice) only Zotz and I could make it – and we made fun of the rest of you!
I would love to see Michael’s photography – I’ll drop him a line.
Hey – did you get the telescope out last night? The stars were great in light-poluted Seattle – must have been excellent out your way.
“we made fun of the rest of you!”
That’s what we get for not showing up.
I did step out and take a peak at the sky last night. But I’m a wimp when it comes to taking a telescope out when it’s so darned cold. My big scope is on wheels, so it’s not like setting it up is a big deal. I’ve been meaning for several years to get myself an infrared heater for when it’s really cold out. I’d also need to get little heaters for the scopes to keep dew from collecting on the lenses and mirrors.
I find the best viewing to be in the fall. The night skies can be very clear and it’s not not so cold. There’s a lot of great deep sky objects in the sky for viewing in the fall.
I’ve been promising my dear Ms. Wingnut that I’ll bring the small scope with me into town one of these days. Lunar and planetary viewing can be dazzling even with the worst light pollution. And they look as good in the small scope as they do in the big one. Not so with deep sky objects.