State Sen. Fred Jarrett (D-Mercer Island) emailed supporters this morning officially announcing that he’s kinda sorta maybe considering whether to consider a run for King County Executive:
You may have read recent press reports that I might be a candidate for King County Executive this year. Over the past several months many of my friends and supporters have encouraged me to consider entering this race.
I am currently occupied with my Senate duties and will be until the session ends. That is my priority. I am deeply involved in strengthening education and the challenges of our budget, and the economic situation our state faces. Even if I decided to run, I am prohibited from doing so during the legislative session. Consequently, I’ve answered those who’ve suggested the race that while I saw the opportunities a new county executive would have, I didn’t know how it could be done.
This weekend, Susan and I talked about the race. What it would mean for our family and what I could bring to the race. We decided we should take a closer look into whether such a candidacy would be feasible.
Well that clears up everything.
It’s no secret that Jarrett would love to take on the Executive job, but running for it, that’s an entirely different question, especially considering he’s barred from raising money until after the current legislative session. That complicates things for Jarrett and Rep. Ross Hunter (D-48)—who is also rumored to be considering a run at the Exec office (or perhaps WA-08)—and places them both at substantial disadvantage against councilmembers Larry Phillips and Dow Constantine, who are already in full campaign mode.
Still, a lot of folks really like Jarrett and his chances; 41st LD hoo-hahs had already started jockeying to line up his senate replacement, well before today’s pseudo-announcement. Hell… I really like Jarrett, despite his Republican heritage, and if I didn’t ultimately support him, would find it nigh impossible to back an opponent in my usual enthusiastic style.
This one, at least, is potentially shaping up to be an interesting race.
Fred would be great. He’d bring a much wider perspective to the job than just the KC Council viewpoint. KC isn’t in great shape right now. Maybe a KC insider isn’t the way to fix the problem. Jarrett is one of the smarter Pols out there. Dow & Larry are both fine but Fred would be much better.
Will Sen. Jarrett run against Sen. Tom and against Rep. Hunter and against existing council members and Suzan DelBene?
Will the Ds really have all these folks in all these races?
I think any one of the three would be great. For Fred though, he is at a huge disadvantage in a primary race where he must sit most of it out and cannot raise money till after the legislative session. Once in though, if no widly acceptable moderate R steps into the race, Fred would chop the D vote to an extent with Dow and Larry and could sail through the primary with that moderate R support.
We will have to see how the field fills out, but more D’s only help his chances.
It’s fun to watch folks tip-toe around the PDC rules about actually declaring when you are an official candidate…which triggers all kinds of filing & disclosure requirements.
This one ranks right up there with “wink-wink” I’m running…maybe..perhaps..still need to make a final decision..outside chance..likely et al.
Cynical @4,
What a crock of shit. The PDC rules require filing within 3 weeks of the expectation of raising or spending money. The PDC is about financial disclosure, and since Jarrett can’t raise money until after the session, there are no finances to disclose. There’s nothing tip-toeing about this, and you know it.
As a 95% Democratic voter, I would support Fred in a heartbeat. I would support him if he ran as a Republican (please don’t though, Fred). He’s smart, honest and even-handed. Plus he is incredibly well-versed on transportation issues.
I hope to hell he declares and will cut him a check as soon as it is legal.
Awesome! Just what King County needs, a BIAW Republican–er, Democrat–in charge of land use and transportation. Let’s gut transit, and while we’re at it, screw homeowners.
With all these excellent candidates for Executive, I wonder when we’ll hear that a Republican wants to run. I know they’re weak and benchless, but…