The Lincoln Project
New Ad From Conservative Group Criticizes Sen. Martha McSally | Morning Joe | MSNBC
“Over these next 11 months, our efforts will be dedicated to defeating President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box and to elect those patriots who will hold the line. We do not undertake this task lightly, nor from ideological preference. We have been, and remain, broadly conservative (or classically liberal) in our politics and outlooks. Our many policy differences with national Democrats remain, but our shared fidelity to the Constitution dictates a common effort.”
Is this all that it takes? Yet again, another Pastor.
I bet Puffy is in on this.
@2. Take the money, vote the Democrats.
Don’t let the up day fool you. The possibility of banning flights from China and any hit to Tourism will not be good economically, aside from any type of further spread of the Wuhan Virus.
The Stock Market is bullshit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In other hospital news, King County wants to spend $1.7 billion to upgrade Harborview Medical Center, which county leaders say is urgently needed, and is considering putting a bond issue on the November ballot for that purpose. It would raise the property tax going to Harborview on a home assessed at $580,000 from $18 to about $90 a year, IOW it would cost a typical King County homeowner about $72 a year in new taxes. Details in today’s Seattle Times.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 The coronavirus-induced stock market crash is over, but I’d wait a little longer for the fallout to hit cruise line and airline stocks before buying those stocks. But for the market generally, the Fed is propping up stocks and this is an election year.
I bought a few more filthy, dirty, planet-destroying shares of Exxon this morning. Couldn’t pass up the 10-year low stock price and 5.2% dividend yield. They just found another 8 billion barrels of oil in Guyana.
What the hell, you stupid humans are doomed anyway — if climate change or nuclear war doesn’t get you, a supervirus will — and we rabbits might as well profit from your pending demise while the getting is good.
If it makes you feel any better, just remember I’ll still be here long after Doctor Dumbfuck is six feet under with Puddy and they’re both pushing up fresh green yummy lettuce. He probably already has incurable equine syphilis. It, or something like it, obviously is affecting his brain every time he posts.
Got this off the internet.
MSNBC just reported that Josh Hawley (R-MO) put in questions all about Schiff and his role with the whistleblower. Such a good boy. He’s going to get an extra good boy treat later on, yes he is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Abuse of power? What abuse of power? Extorting foreign leaders to smear our Democratic opponents is simply how we do business! We don’t want fair elections! We’d lose!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I love watching conservatives eat each other. Makes me feel all warm inside. And this week, we get a twofer: Trump and Bolton disparaging each other, and Roy Moore suing the Washington Examiner for calling him what he is.
The problems with ads like that, as I see it, is that the subtext of the ad is nothing more than a demand that incumbents like McSally distance themselves from Trump.
Now having spent the past three years Trump-humping and playing to the gibbering moron base, it’s very easy for her to begin moving toward the center and create distance between herself and The Republican RapeHero. RapeHero knows where she stands. And as long as she isn’t vocally critical of him, they will continue to back her. Nor should we think that a brief clip of her screaming and ducking from the press would hurt her with the voters she needs.
The point is, you don’t see Rick Wilson dragging her for voting for billionaire tax cuts or to strip health insurance from millions of Americans. And you never will. The ad is a call to action. And frankly for these swing state Trumpers its a call they can answer rather easily. The ads may help defeat The Republican RapeHero, especially in a state like Arizona. But they might not help with the Senate.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Don’t you love that you get to be financially responsible for the only Level 1 trauma center in your whole state? It’s even worse if you live in the Seattle city limits. There’s a whole shit ton of stuff you alone pay for (or pay the most) that you kindly share with every other RapeHero voting free loader in Puget Sound if not the state and region. And then they turn right around and vote for the next TIMMEH! ballot measure grift to show how much they appreciate it.
You pay for libraries in Issaquah and dog parks in Redmond. You pay for flood control to protect car dealerships in Auburn and Renton. You pay for foot ferries from Vashon Island. Why the fuck do you do it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Not to worry, they’ll go their own way, either by with their own state or by secession. Having Russian missile silos next door* is a small price to pay for not having to pay for their roads, schools, and hospitals anymore.**
* They’ll have to get money somewhere, and renting out desert land is the only resource base they have. There’s no oil or natural gas over there and precious little gold.
** I would’ve added “libraries,” but they don’t need libraries because they can’t read or write.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It appears Trump just classified Bolton’s entire book as “Top Secret” and White House lawyers warned him not to publish it. Probably this is only temporary while Moscow conducts peer review.
Roger Rabbitspews:
He classified his impeachment, too. Stamped “HOAX” in big red letters on it. Hunter Biden, Ukraine election meddling, UFOs, and Bigfoot have been marked “Continue Investigating”.
@6 Ehh. Was up 100 points but looks like that was a false alarm. At first it looked like Apple’s (or whoever’s) sales were looking good, but then came the Feds and that kind of put the kibosh on things.
Onto tomorrow – when super virus worries come back or The Hump is removed from office (hopefully).
What the hell, you stupid humans are doomed anyway……
I actually chuckled after reading that. But then I kind of asked myself – I wonder if Roger really thinks he’s a Rabbit.
He probably already has incurable equine syphilis
That actually made me chuckle even more.
Thanks Roger. By the way – work sucks. Remember the other day I was telling you guys about my boss, the new guy. Well, yesterday he and I had to have a private conversation – I asked to be relocated away from the guy I sit next to because he’s very distracting, but that’s another story – in that conversation it came to discussion of how long I’ve worked for the company. The new guy didn’t even know that I’ve been with the company for 32 years. 32 fucking years. He hired on in October of last year, and this guy didn’t even know that I worked for the company for 32 years. Nobody had any sense to tell him? Or he had no sense to know who the people are that work for him? I don’t get it – I got 2-3 more years, if I can put up with this nonsense.
@13 the Gestapo strikes again.
@14 damn. lol. Too funny. I better get back to work. So I can go home in 15 minutes
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
All of us deserve to have someone like Katie Porter as our elected representative to Congress.
@15 “Onto tomorrow – when … The Hump is removed from office (hopefully).”
You expect 53 traitors to fire him for treason?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “I kind of asked myself – I wonder if Roger really thinks he’s a Rabbit.”
Only on some days. The rest of the time, I know I’m a human pretending to be a rabbit because it’s more fun that way.
“By the way – work sucks.”
What I’ve been saying on this blog for 15 years. No point to working. That’s not how you get money or status in our culture. America pays lip service to work but despises its workers and treats them horribly. Why anyone works under those conditions beats me. Not me! Being a lazy capitalist sucking money from the system while sitting on my fat ass pays a lot better and there’s no commuting, bosses, or workplace hassles to put up with.
@19 that’s why “Hopefully” was added. But honestly, no.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 There’s a story about Boone Pickens that goes something like this: After he took over a certain company and fired a longtime employee, someone told him that guy had worked for the company for 30 years. Pickens retorted, “So what? He got paid, didn’t he?”
Moral of the story: Just because you’ve been loyal to a company doesn’t mean the employer will be loyal to you. With too many employers, a good day is when they don’t know you exist.
This is especially true following management changes. If they bring in a young new manager, watch out! Freshly minted bosses don’t like to supervise employees older and more experienced than them. Makes them feel insecure. A lot of times they’re hatchet men brought in to get rid of the older employees so the mid-level guy can replace them with lower-salaried youngsters in order to cut costs and make himself look good to his bosses.
He may have received training in how to give a separation speech. Or maybe not. I’ve known of people being notified by broadcast email sent to all the employees. (That case settled for a year’s pay.)
I’ve seen people fall victim to blatant age discrimination. That’s against the law, and you can sue. In those cases, too, with a good lawyer you’ll get a year’s pay; in rare cases, maybe two years.
Employers, knowing this, realize it’s cheaper to offer six months’ severance and pay for a year’s COBRA coverage if you walk away, and know from experience that most employees will take it. Those who get sued are the cheapskates who offer no severance, or do something stupid like insisting you train your replacement off the clock.
You can’t save your job. When an employer doesn’t want you to work there anymore, you’re not going to work there anymore. If the shoe drops, you have to clear your mind, and focus on extracting the best separation deal (including good references) you can extract. If you’ve worked for the same company for over 30 years, don’t plan on doing the same work again; you’re too old to get another job in that field.
As for me, my stocks can’t fire me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 test test
Just because you’ve been loyal to a company doesn’t mean the employer will be loyal to you. With too many employers, a good day is when they don’t know you exist.
Yeah, I’ve kind of figured that out about 5-10 years ago. Just buying time and collecting cash for now and definitely not as loyal as I use to be, hence the moonlight and a couple of job interviews, nor do I put in the hours I use to, nor do I care to be productive 8 hours of the day
I’ve billed 35,000 dollars in 7 months on my moonlighting and not really putting much time towards it, at the moment.
I wasn’t looking for loyalty just thought someone would have told this sucker what’s he’s getting into, he’ll find out if not already
Microphone check 1-2-oh-six
Follow the Dershowitz reasoning. Any Quid Pro Quo a president undertakes in their belief of serving public interest is OK.
So if a President believes his re-election is in the genuine public interest then rounding up people suspected will vote for someone else in an upcoming election and concentrating them somewhere, say a camp of some kind, and offering the rail companies compensation to transport them would be fine.
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I guess it could go either way, but maybe the only thing saving the US from a Civil War is if everyone dies first by a virus. So don’t look bad upon me, think of me as a gift and your savior.
What is the difference between a king and a dictator?
Chinese Virusspews:
How about that Stock Market!
Wooha Whooa Wuhan!
Don’t worry folks – Drumpf to the rescue!
But, but but 2.1% GDP!
I suppose there is a certain fairness that Klobuchar’s previous case material is now coming back to haunt her in much the same way that Kamala Harris’ prior case material was used against her.
Which is too bad, as they each were part of the competent contingent of Democrat candidates for president.
Funny how those little things can be put under a microscope.
But the macroscope that is The Hump seems to go nowhere with you Pubes.
Amy could have drowned a kitten as a kid and not sure it would make her unfit compared to the Dictator we have now….but again, Pubes don’t care. Says a lot about the Pube Party.
Chinese Virusspews:
I see That I am spreading.
Nigel Farage’s microphone cut off during his final speech at the EU.
There’s very little to indicate that Klobuchar was ever in the running, in Iowa at least. Not very likely that any of her gaffes or history would make any difference to her this late in the game.
Her support is neither deep nor wide. She has a reasonable mix of large and small dollar donors. But it is highly concentrated geographically. And perhaps those are the qualities as a candidate that most liken her to Harris.
As for “competence” perhaps this would be a good time to recall that the “winning” Republican candidate that the gibbering moron base swept to primary dominance in 2016, and that all 63 million Republicans gleefully voted for even after learning of his admission of a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults has proven somewhat less than competent in guarding the interests of Republicans.
He eagerly took lots of meetings with Russian spies.
He needlessly fired his FBI director for daring to look into that.
He appointed a Special Counsel to investigate all that.
He arranged for his thumb headed henchmen to lie to that Special Counsel.
He lost a massive Blue Wave mid term surrendering the House triggering mass Republican retirements.
He hired more thumb headed henchmen to arrange a political smear of his 2020 opposition that included exploring an assassination of a US ambassador.
He lied about that for months.
He left a trail of printed, and electronic documentation and first hand eye witnesses to all this in his wake.
So he got his ass impeached.
And he did all this and more in ways calculated to force down ticket Republicans to share in the guilt, misery.
And that is a partial list. And it is limited to his demonstration of “competence” as a political party leader.
The Repube Party is made up of a bunch of monsters.
I see that your parents have spread to a new house in a different state and once again did not tell you they moved, gman.
Fourth time in a year they did that.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Given what all that and more says about the “competence” of the Republican RapeHero, it doesn’t reflect very well on the “competence” of Republican voters, including “diehard Trump supporters” like bot-farm.
I’d say they should stick to options trading.
But that actually didn’t work out so well in 2008.
@ 39
There’s very little to indicate that Klobuchar was ever in the running, in Iowa at least.
Same can be said for Harris. Which further supports my choice to compare the two.
Democrats are repeating past sins of dismissing competent candidates in favor of incompetent ones. See Webb, James and O’Malley, Martin.
Harris is out, Klobuchar is on the brink. Meanwhile idiots like Biden and Sanders head the dwindiling field.
Steve is worried. Although not enough to speak out. No, Steve prefers to await the result in November and then blame others when Trump nominates RBG’s replacement. And Breyer’s.
Think on your sins. Steve won’t. But one of you should.
@41 ohhh Bob, what’s wrong? The Stock Market not going your way today? You hurting that you can’t put the cheerleader’s dress on today? No pom poms?
So sad. Just think, it can only get worse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A president can’t be impeached for doing something he believes will help him get elected in the public interest,” President Donald Trump’s lawyers are arguing. (From Seattle Times)
According to their reasoning, the late Byron “Low Tax” Looper was a wrongfully-convicted innocent man.
For the record, to get elected, Looper didn’t shoot a stranger on Fifth Avenue. He went to his opponent’s home and shot him in the driveway.
@43 you still have Buttigieg, if you can get over your homophobia.
Your problem. But I’m sure that you could get use to a dictator for then next 8 or 12 years. Then, who knows, maybe you can drool over President Ivanka.
If you drew a straight line at the highs of the stock market for the last 11-12 years, it would be right where it is now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The absurdity of Republicans’ arguments, now that enough evidence has leaked to prevent them from denying the facts, highlights just how intellectually, ethically, and morally bankrupt the GOP is. They have the votes to “acquit” this lying grifter, but voters will notice the “jury” was corrupt, too.
By going all-in on embracing Trump’s corrupt and unethical behavior, Republicans aren’t just hurting themselves in this election; they’re creating an entire generation of young voters whose first experience of politics is that Republicans are dishonest and unworthy of trust, and likely will carry that lesson with them for the rest of their lives.
Yes, they will succeed in protecting their crooked leader from removal from office; but the cost to them will be very, very high.
Mayor Pete not immune to allegations of “dog whistling”.
Soledad O’Brien
Uhhh… what? Shaping by the heartland is better? Is that where all the ‘Real Americans’ live? Is that the only place where ‘American Values’ can be found? This is offensive and disgraceful.
Quote Tweet
Pete Buttigieg
· 21h
In the face of unprecedented challenges, we need a president whose vision was shaped by the American Heartland rather than the ineffective Washington politics we’ve come to know and expect.
3:31 PM · Jan 29, 2020·
Soledad O’Brien
17h It is a dog whistle. And maybe Mayor Pete isn’t aware of that. There is nothing more virtuous about a vision honed in the Heartland. Again—he should sit with his staffers of color and have them explain this to him. (And yes, I’m tired of politicians pandering.)
Perhaps the virtue is in a vision honed while taking it in the ass. God knows gman spews shit none of the rest of us would come up with in a million years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 The trick used to be playing the ups and downs, and I did quite well with that in the 80s and 90s, but it’s difficult to make that work when you have the Fed deliberately manipulating the financial system to push stocks ever higher, so what I do now is play the compounding game: Buy on market dips(that’s all we get now), hold, reinvest gains and dividends, then sit back and let mathematical compounding do most of the work.
The DNC won’t stand for this much longer.
Bernie Sanders endorses progressive challenger to incumbent Texas Dem
Wednesday’s endorsements were just the latest signs of a progressive revolt within the party. Ocasio-Cortez also endorsed Marie Newman, who is challenging Rep. Dan Lipinski, D-Ill., and went so far as to refuse paying Democratic Party dues over issues surrounding challenges to incumbents.
“One, I don’t agree with the policy around blacklisting groups that help progressive candidates,” she said, referring to a DCCC [Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee] effort to sideline vendors who assist challengers to members of Congress. “I think we need to evolve as a party and make room for that.”
Looking forward to the DNC convention. Sarah Silverman and Al Franken really aren’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 “Mayor Pete not immune to allegations of ‘dog whistling’.”
You’re so goddamned funny it makes my ribs hurt.
@ 52
You have rib pain due to pathologic fractures caused by metastatic prostatic carcinoma, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Those fractures are aggravated by your blowhardiness.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 No problem, my insurance covers conditions that were pre-existing when you came along. Now would you like me to explain why your dog-whistling about “dog whistles” is rib-cracking hilarious? Or, putting it in medical terms, aggravates the conditions you allege pre-existed your unintended humor? Nah, I’ll let you figure it out. You’re a doctor, so you should be able to handle tracking down the etiology of this aggravating factor.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If either Harris or Klobuchar were actually “competent candidates” Harris could have raised money from more than one state to stay alive beyond Thanksgiving, and Klobuchar would not be running for Vice.
Your problems is confusing “competence” with “appeal”. And it just turns out that blame-the-poors/browns/gays/disabled that you and “your ilk” prefer is not actually very appealing. Promising to gut Social Security, cut minimum wage, impose a police state, and take away healthcare is just not popular.
You and the other 63 million “diehard Trump supporters” who voted for Trump have shit the bed forever. It is not the responsibility of Democrats to make a clearing in the rubble of your party for you to safely land.
Brace, brace, brace, motherfucker.
Soledad is bigot. To take what he said and translate it into being a racist in itself is playing the race card.
Pete is doing nothing more than focusing on Middle America, as a Moderate. The same middle America that every Republican, including Bob, has said has been ignored, and whom you need to win over to get to the Whitey House.
Please Soledad stuff it where the sun don’t shine. Mayor Pete is taking it up the ass by many African Americans, as well as the competition. Is he perfect relative to how African Americans think he should be – No?
Aside from bigotry, these individuals that are attacking Mayor Pete on race, are playing personal politics.
God knows gman spews shit none of the rest of us would come up with in a million years.
Such as? And how is it any worse than what you’ve spewed?
Come on Bob, are you now trying to save face? Stop your fucking whining.
By the way – Klobuchar has focused on the same Middle America in the same way with similar comments.
I guess she is dog whistling too.
Everyone is a racist now. And amongst the Dem candidates there is enough diversity – fuck that.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
You are allowing yourself to become triggered over nothing.
Learn at least something about who O’brien is before you launch into smearing 44 million African Americans. Bob is playing you, at least in part because you are volunteering to be played.
Bob – would you support, aside from the cost, that the White house be painted off white, because white is racist?
I would – I think it should be painted an off white, like beige. Every time someone says White House, it’s a dog whistle. Why the fuck does it have to be white?
@59 has Klobuchar made any similar comments regarding Middle America? Why isn’t Soledad speaking about her?
In the face of unprecedented challenges, we need a president whose vision was shaped by the American Heartland rather than the ineffective Washington politics we’ve come to know and expect.
Completely taken out of context by Soledad. Especially if you have been listening to Pete’s spiel. And she knows it. Why doesn’t she just tell everyone who she likes or supports.
@59 Bob could also be playing you. Also, maybe Soledad should learn something about Mayor Pete. It’s a two way street here.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Don’t know.
Don’t care.
Wake the fuck up. Klobuchar is running for Vice. The way Iowa works, and with the field as close as it is, Buttigieg is a player in the running. The Iowa caucuses are a collaborative process. It does him and you absolutely no good if he and his supporters come to be seen as inflexible zealots lashing out at anyone who differs with him or them. I’d like to see him do well. That won’t happen if non-viable caucus attending supporters are driven to support “anyone but Pete”.
You want all of Klobuchar’s supporters to go to Biden? Keep it up.
@64 I personally don’t play that way – extortion – goto Biden, and then The Hump.
One last question – who’s Soledad’s Pastor?
lashing out at anyone who differs with him or them
Calling someone a racist, whom isn’t, isn’t differing with them, like as differing with them on policy issue, it’s disrespectful and insulting.
Dude you always seem to be color blind, as much as you want to accuse me of being color blind.
It doesn’t matter if Kolbuchar is vying for VP – if you make a racist comment, while running for President, then you should be called out for it, whether you are running for dog catcher. Dude – just sweep it under the rug.
You can’t expect him to do well – if you don’t even give him a chance. And throwing dirt at him gives him no chance, it is the exact opposite, meaning not even giving him a chance.
If I were some racist – why the fuck would I voted for Obama twice with passion. He and his wife have to be the most two outstanding individuals on this earth. I did some volunteer work for him in his first go at it. But I don’t have to put up with bullshit from bigots either.
Better Yetspews:
Maybe this corona virus is the result of sloppy biological weapons research.
By the way Bernie is a Zealot.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I personally don’t play that way
Then you – and Mayor Pete – may lose.
It’s politics. It’s competitive. Campaigns – and btw O’brien has absolutely nothing to do with any campaign, glad you finally asked – campaigns will go negative. Republicans will go negative. YOU need to think about that. Whoever the nominee is, if emerging from the primary triumphant, the campaign and its supporters collapse into anger and reactionary confrontation every time their candidate gets pushed on an important issue (much less a trivial issue), they will lose in November.
In the Iowa caucuses that is exponentially true, because it is a collaborative process. It is not a binary contest like November (regrets to bot-farm and Gary Johnson). Going early, it ends up being a free-for-all. Every candidate vying to finish at or near the top of the field on Monday must compete for the supporters of other trailing candidates. No candidate, and no campaign is given a chance at that.
They have to compete for it.
To do that the candidate, the campaign, and the supporters must appeal for that support not just on Monday night, but right now, today, in preparation for Monday night.
You are not doing that.
I am trying to help you.
Stop rising to Bob’s bait. It only hurts your guy’s chances.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 “And it just turns out that blame-the-poors/browns/gays/disabled that you and “your ilk” prefer is not actually very appealing. Promising to gut Social Security, cut minimum wage, impose a police state, and take away healthcare is just not popular.”
They realize this. That’s why their electoral strategy focuses on voting suppression, purging voter rolls, having state troopers pull over black voters on their way to polling stations, closing polling stations within 50 miles of Native American reservations and in predominantly black-populated counties, fabricating lies and falsehoods about their opponents, extorting foreign governments to do the same, and soliciting Russian, Ukrainian, and Chinese interference in our elections. The last thing you’ll ever see Republicans do is debate policy (let’s face it, raping toddlers will never be popular outside their own voter base, and they know that) or openly discuss their plans for poor kids’ school lunches (it usually takes FOIA digging to unearth this).*
* There’s absolutely nothing new about Republicans fucking with school lunches. Remember Nixon classifying ketchup as a “vegetable” so schools didn’t have to serve kids lettuce, carrots, or green beans with their Freedom Fries?** It doesn’t save any measurable amount of taxpayer money; they do it simply because they enjoy fucking with school lunches.
** Used to be called “french fries” until Republicans added Frogs to their hate list. Never mind they were our allies in both world wars and died by the millions so we didn’t have to. That was then, this is now. We’re all Russians now, at least until the election.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 Don’t you know “moderate” is a dirty word in GOP circles (where Bob runs)? They kicked all the moderates out of their party 40 years ago. According to them, anybody even slightly left of hard-right is a socialist. Amazing how far a demagogue can get with a stupid gullible crowd simply by name-calling.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 “Come on Bob, are you now trying to save face?”
Reminds me of the bartender joke where Doctor Dumbfuck goes into a bar and the bartender says, “Hey, horse, why the long face?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 Keep in mind that Republicans and their shills will do anything and everything they can to get us to fight among ourselves. That’s the only way a candidate with 42% voter support can win an election.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For any newbies perusing this website for the first time, if there are any, by way of clarification the names “Bob,” “Boob,” and “Doctor Dumbfuck” all refer to the same under-sink-dwelling cockroach.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 Why do you say sloppy? The field testing is going as planned.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The more bot-farm posts these kinds of pleas for Jim Webb or some other Bubba, the more obvious it is that he’s afraid.
Last time we gave them a Bubba they impeached him for a blowjob. There just isn’t anybody Democrats could or should nominate that would ever pass muster with the sobbing fans of The Republican RapeHero. That’s why it is so important at times like this to remind ourselves of who these motherfuckers are.
In October of 2016 every single goddamn one of them heard that tape of their guy bragging about a lengthy history of violent sexual assault. Twenty four hours later they heard him admit that it was all true. And one month later they collectively shrugged. And voted for him.
Not in spite of it. Because of it.
Hillary Clinton was the “strident feminist bitch” they all long to slap around. That’s why the shirts. That’s why the attacks on grieving Gold Star Moms. That’s why all the wife beaters in the cabinet. That’s why 29-year-old former waitress lives in their heads rent free. And honestly, that’s probably why bot-farm keeps bringing up Klobuchar. She’s his type… of victim.
Trump is their RapeHero.
He lets their inner rapist freak flag fly.
Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.
Donald, on the F35 that is close to $500b in development and reports that it’s main guns don’t fire straight, heat from said guns have cracked the fuselage in testing and more than 800 software flaws some of which are acknowledged could cause catastrophic failure in flight but Donald thinks they’re just dandy and one of his great Achievements for the military
“(Should have some delivered to my rallies so you can see how great…) Actually they’re totally stealth, so maybe you won’t see them come in. You won’t see them come in.”
The guy actually thinks stealth planes are invisible.
“Linda Carter, I’d join the mike high club in her invisible plane, rawr” -Donald.
Better Yetspews:
That may not have been the intention of the Chinese researchers, however,
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 Oh, it probably was. But at least they didn’t steal it from us.
@68 you talk a good game but not sure how you can come here and complain and whine about the current President playing dirty or having bad character when you kind of are making excuses for what could be perceived as bad behavior and disparaging remarks by individuals that you wouldn’t think would stoop to that level, and just blow it off as competing campaigns.
I think you were one to criticize the Wine Cave event and the influence of money, and how the rich money could corrupt.
Soledad – all be it not trying to buy the influence of any particular candidate – but she has a wide following and can influence people. You kind of brush her aside like she’s insignificant and any comment she makes is no big deal.
Well I’d argue she could be more of Influence than anyone of the wine cave attendees. And that’s her right, so long as she honestly believes Pete’s comments were racist or racially insensitive, but if she said it just to “ho negative”, as you say, then that’s bullshit and she needs to be called out that and question her motives. If her motives were anything less than genuine then she’s no better than The Hump, and you don’t seem to like him, but potentially you fluff what she said off as no big deal.
You don’t want to be as much a hypocrite as the Republicans are? Do you?
If you don’t think I know Republicans are going to negative then you can’t think that I have any brains, which is insulting and condescending. I know they will, and I expect it. I just don’t expect Democrats, in this race to be the nominee, to stoop to that level of unfairness. Otherwise you can’t really complain about The Hump in my opinion.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Newly released video shows Republican Ukrainian Drug Dealer Igor Fruman attending a 2018 RNC event at Mar a Lago in which Fruman can be seen making out in the corner* with RNC Chair Rhona McDaniel.
80, “I think you were one to criticize the Wine Cave event and the influence of money, and how the rich money could corrupt.”
I criticized the campaign’s response to being questioned about the “wine cave” event, and the widespread reaction of Buttigieg’s supporters.
It was inept, clumsy, defensive, not well thought out, poorly worded, and generally unhelpful.
I’m just going to leave that right there.
@63 Keep in mind that Republicans and their shills will do anything and everything they can to get us to fight among ourselves. That’s the only way a candidate with 42% voter support can win an election.
Understood. That’s why I think Soledad’s comment, not Bob repeating her comment, isn’t warranted. She’s doing exactly what you say – cause infighting amongst us. I don’t see her comment being very unifying, especially when it is, in my opinion, such a stretch to call it a Dog Whistle. Same with the Wine Cellar attack.
I may not be on top of it all, but has Mayor Pete gone on the offensive against any of the other candidates.
Bob is a Troll, expected of him. But better is expected from the candidates and the “outsiders”.
@82 I don’t think you can just leave it right there, I think you need to provide quotes as examples.
Because I think the response was dealt with perfectly. And I didn’t hear a peep from any of his supporters. So unless you provide quotes and examples and explain why, in your opinion, it was clumsy then I’ll just have to take it as if you are wrong. And I’ll just leave it at that myself.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I give you your post at 80 for a start.
Or would you prefer to go back to 56 where you, for some inexplicable reason, sought to tag African Americans into this Bob thing of yours. Or any of your other posts where you broadly imply that to push a candidate on important issues relating to due process, equal protection, equal rights, and racial justice is to label that candidate a racist.
Aside from Mayor Pete’s homosexuality, gman can’t come up with a reason the guy’s worth supporting.
Every Democratic candidate had the opportunity to fill out a survey from the groups. Amy Klobuchar is the only major candidate who did not participate, said Samuel Garrett-Pate, a spokesman for the groups. Buttigieg, Steyer and Warren then participated in lengthy interviews with the endorsement committee.
I forgot – she’s running for the VP slot. And she was too busy hanging out in straight bars
You mean me – one supporter…but yet you grouped Mayor Pete and every other of his supporters in with me.
You spoke as if he was clumsy in his response and the rest of all the other supporters didn’t respond well. But you really just meant me?
Or any of your other posts where you broadly imply that to push a candidate on important issues relating to due process, equal protection, equal rights, and racial justice is to label that candidate a racist.
No – you are mis-characterizing it. Push the candidate on the important issues, that’s fine. But to keep calling him out as a racist with no evidence of it isn’t fair. It is the opposing side calling him a racist essentially, and I find it perfectly acceptable to question the attacks as excessive or beyond ordinary just because people may not be comfortable with him as a gay person, or just to nit pick at him because he isn’t the candidate of their liking.
Soledad called him out for a “Dog Whistle”, well I’d argue that that in itself was a Dog Whistle in calling him a racist. She essentially called him a racist in a Dog Whistle way. She should have just offered her opinion of whether he she thinks he is or isn’t a racist. What was her motive? Could she have handled it better in stating her feelings of him being racially insensitive if that’s what she thought and could she have offered more of her opinion on whether she felt that he deliberately said it as a racist? Apparently she felt he was a racist but calling out what he said as a “Dog Whistle”.
A lot of discussion about Mayor Peter or others about racism. Well where is the discussion whether there exists any bigotry towards Pete because of Sexual Orientation….I guess that is impossible to exist, because we all know everyone loves The Gays, right?
Aside from Mayor Pete’s homosexuality, gman can’t come up with a reason the guy’s worth supporting.
And you can’t come up with a good reason why not to support him, other than he’s gay.
The daughter of Bill Gates and a woman who married well is engaged. To a guy who jumps horses.
And you can’t come up with a good reason why not to support him
My reason for not supporting him, gman, is that he seems to be someone that black and Hispanic voters also don’t want to support. We’ve already got one of those in office.
That having been said, he’s second on my list of preferences, after Klobuchar. And after mid-week next, gman, he might be my fave remaining Democrat candidate.
Imagine, gman: a week from now I’ll be able to name more positive Mayor Pete attributes than you will.
Biden at a Dairy Queen today, referring to Mayor Pete:
“I’ve gotten more than 8,600 votes in my life.”
Correction @ 91
gman, I can already name more positive Mayor Pete attributes than you can.
A week from now I might have a reason to do so.
@91 He served in the armed forces. He is young, a new and fresh face. As much as he’s gotten negative press about it, but I’ve read about what he did for South Bend Urban renewal or development. I have a fondness for Urban development and construction and mass transportation and revitalization of depressed areas myself – yes it can lead to gentrification and that can be a negative, but that’s a different story – and I found what he did for South Bend interesting.
He thinks Climate change is Number 1 issue. You haven’t heard me harp about Climate change right?
He is a moderate – I’m not big on complaining about taxes, but yes giving away for free bothers me a bit – not in the sense that I think peoples needs need to be met, but I also think people should be held partly accountable and responsible for themselves.
A lot of what I like about him speaks for himself. I agree he lacks a bit of experience but at the same time I think he can put a sentence together better than most of them with the exception of Warren and Steyer.
He’s polished. I’ve said I liked both O’Malley and Webb, they were my choices previously too but I preferred O’Malley because he was more polished than Webb, in my opinion. I liked Webb for his military service, but at the same time I think he was too regimented and not as much of a free spirited thinker as O’Malley.
I think a moderate is in better position to be The Hump, but I could be wrong.
You said yourself I think with regard to Klobuchar, Middle America, same with Pete.
And yes, he is gay. And I don’t see why that can’t be part of why I support him. Part of why I supported Obama was because he was black, and I’m white. So the fact that I want to support Pete because he is gay, isn’t just because I am gay, but that is a big part of it.
Let me give it a minute or so, but I just posted my reply but it’s not appearing, so If I have to retype it all I will.
Ok, it posted @94.
In the 1992 Democrat campaign for the presidency Paul Tsongas memorably said, “I’m not Santa Claus.”.
I want to back this year’s Paul Tsongas.
Correction @ 91
gman, I can already name more positive Mayor Pete attributes than you can.
And what is that you named…I don’t see it.
And I guess – I’ll keep going back to it so long as everyone wants to point out the black and Hispanics don’t want to support him – Is it because he is gay? And you can’t say no that that is not the reason why. And I ventured to say it is the reason why many of them have a problem with him. That’s their problem that they’ll have to live with.
I’d love to know why Amy didn’t fill out the survey….did she not feel that it was worthwhile to get the endorsement of an organization that has 900,000 members in two states?
I’m sure there is a perfect explanation. It’s not she was excluded.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Rand Paul fits Doctor Dumbfuck’s definition of “asshole” and “POS.”
Meanwhile, South Dakota Republicans want to rifle through your medical chart and throw your doctor in jail if he treats you for a medical condition you didn’t choose but they don’t like.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: South Dakota is another of those states it’s better to fly over than drive through, even if you never leave the interstate except to get gas. But if you must drive through it, get gas in Montana and Minnesota, so you don’t have to leave the federal highway while in South Dakota. That way, your doctor may have some diplomatic protections (i.e., Gov. Inslee won’t extradite him to South Dakota) if a local cop walks up to you at the gas pump in Bismarck and demands to see your medical files.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@96 Maybe he wasn’t, but Medicare was. See, e.g., your F-250 and horse trailer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@91 “You’re a one-dick pony, gman.”
You’ve got one that has two? How do you suck them both at the same time?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@90 How time flies.
Probably better to have a different name than “Gates.” Easier to stay anonymous. So kidnappers can’t find you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@86 “Aside from Mayor Pete’s homosexuality, gman can’t come up with a reason the guy’s worth supporting.”
That’s nothing. You should see who you’re supporting.
And for the record – he may not have been the best candidate but I also supported Jesse Jackson.
I just realized that “guy who jumps horses” @90 has an entirely different meaning to gman.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Defending Terrorists News – Thanks For Being Arrogant & Stupid Report – Good Luck With Your Witnesses Loons, You Can Pick Off A Few More, The Best Show On Earth Will Be Watching Schiff & Biden Confronted With Their Corruption On National TV.
U.S. Senator Susan Collins has become the first Republican to announce she will vote in support of the Senate subpoenaing witnesses and documents.
“I will vote in support of the motion to allow witnesses and documents to be subpoenaed,” Collins, who is facing an extremely difficult re-election, said in a statement.
Do you live @ 105 very close to Hymietown, gman?
Yes – Collins
No – Lamar!
Unk – Willard, Write-in
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I want to back this year’s Paul Tsongas.
Well, Dumbfuck. Just think about what my old gaffer used to say: “Tell you what, boy. Shit in one hand, and want in the other.
See which one fills up first.”
You can want forever. And you will.
But you get to vote for your Republican RapeHero.
You have no other choice.
Why didn’t she apply. 900,000 members want know.
Ohhh, I forget, she’s running for VP. My bad. Hopefully when and if she is VP, she’s not spending all her time propping up her sagging tits and actually does the duties of being a VP.
Today I Learned
Breaks, Lunches, and Personal Time Off Missouri law does not require employers to provide employees a break of any kind, including a lunch hour.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Good news will not stop.
president RapeHero has persuaded Doug Collins to file to split the RapeHero vote in the Georgia US Senate race to fill Johnny Issakson’s seat. So not only do they get to fund a January runoff, but they have to pour money into a race that would have otherwise been self-funded by the billionaire Gov. Kemp appointed (which was the whole point).
And that means they’ll have a lot less money to explain why Susan Collins, Cory Gardner, and Thom Tillis hate America.
@ 113
All those who think that massive amounts of money won’t be spent on this election cycle, raise your hand.
QoS McHillbilly, since money seems to be a concern for you, remind me again how much Ossoff and Co. spent?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
There’s “massive”.
And then there’s “more massive”.
And then there’s “more massive in more places”
And there’s “more massive in more places on more occasions.”
It’s axiomatic that Republican RapeHeros have vast sums of money to spend on political campaigns. If this were not so, there would not have arisen a global cottage industry of grifters like Jay Sekulow to sop it all up. But even the vast ocean of RapeHero corruption money can be spread too thin for too long.
And having to collect and invest tens of millions of extra dollars into a Senate seat that was otherwise self-funded is just another example of how everything Republican president RapeHero touches he destroys.
@ 115
Now let’s all recall how much JEB! spent on just three delegates.
As long as we then compare it to Bloomberg’s 2020 expenditure/delegate ratio, sure. We’ll have to wait until after the 2020 Bloomberg News Democrat National Convention for the final figures, of course.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I should say that to be fair to the Bush family, that $150 million that was spent on JEB!’s vanity project was not all a waste.
It should be recalled that in a conventional political campaign such as that, the money would have gone towards staffing, event production, a creative team for ads and promotions, advertising buys, travel, lodging, meals, catering, staffing for state offices, lawyers, accountants, postage, etc. All of those people, vendors, and suppliers are “good Republicans” and that kind of spending helps build the bench and build the organization.
They might even use it to set up a series of illegal shell corporations in Delaware to pay off greasy porn hooker ladies for the sexy-sexy times.
Because, and it always bears repeating, everything Republican president RapeHero touches, he destroys.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Bloomberg hasn’t held a single fund raiser or raised one dime.
And the bulk of his spending has been on ad buys going after your beloved president RapeHero. If you analyze his spending patterns and program, and the fact that he’s doing it all with his own money, there’s a fairly credible argument to be made that he isn’t running to be the nominee. He’s running to discourage affluent suburban moderate conservatives who previously voted for RapeHero to stop giving and consider staying home in November. He’s your next Gary Johnson. So really, win-win.
You probably missed that while you were busy working through the complex algorithm of Republican Drug Deal Impeachment excuses.
Months and months of work and effort and the best you can come up with is “Yeah, he did it. So what?” Gonna be hard to sell that to a retired auto worker in Livonia who lost a quarter of his pension to a corrupt fund manager doing “drug deals”.
The Lincoln Project
New Ad From Conservative Group Criticizes Sen. Martha McSally | Morning Joe | MSNBC
“Over these next 11 months, our efforts will be dedicated to defeating President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box and to elect those patriots who will hold the line. We do not undertake this task lightly, nor from ideological preference. We have been, and remain, broadly conservative (or classically liberal) in our politics and outlooks. Our many policy differences with national Democrats remain, but our shared fidelity to the Constitution dictates a common effort.”
Good luck to them. I wish them success.
Is this all that it takes? Yet again, another Pastor.
I bet Puffy is in on this.
@2. Take the money, vote the Democrats.
Don’t let the up day fool you. The possibility of banning flights from China and any hit to Tourism will not be good economically, aside from any type of further spread of the Wuhan Virus.
The Stock Market is bullshit.
In other hospital news, King County wants to spend $1.7 billion to upgrade Harborview Medical Center, which county leaders say is urgently needed, and is considering putting a bond issue on the November ballot for that purpose. It would raise the property tax going to Harborview on a home assessed at $580,000 from $18 to about $90 a year, IOW it would cost a typical King County homeowner about $72 a year in new taxes. Details in today’s Seattle Times.
@4 The coronavirus-induced stock market crash is over, but I’d wait a little longer for the fallout to hit cruise line and airline stocks before buying those stocks. But for the market generally, the Fed is propping up stocks and this is an election year.
I bought a few more filthy, dirty, planet-destroying shares of Exxon this morning. Couldn’t pass up the 10-year low stock price and 5.2% dividend yield. They just found another 8 billion barrels of oil in Guyana.
What the hell, you stupid humans are doomed anyway — if climate change or nuclear war doesn’t get you, a supervirus will — and we rabbits might as well profit from your pending demise while the getting is good.
If it makes you feel any better, just remember I’ll still be here long after Doctor Dumbfuck is six feet under with Puddy and they’re both pushing up fresh green yummy lettuce. He probably already has incurable equine syphilis. It, or something like it, obviously is affecting his brain every time he posts.
Got this off the internet.
@7 Abuse of power? What abuse of power? Extorting foreign leaders to smear our Democratic opponents is simply how we do business! We don’t want fair elections! We’d lose!
I love watching conservatives eat each other. Makes me feel all warm inside. And this week, we get a twofer: Trump and Bolton disparaging each other, and Roy Moore suing the Washington Examiner for calling him what he is.
I sure hope Moore is Doug Jones’ opponent again.
The problems with ads like that, as I see it, is that the subtext of the ad is nothing more than a demand that incumbents like McSally distance themselves from Trump.
Now having spent the past three years Trump-humping and playing to the gibbering moron base, it’s very easy for her to begin moving toward the center and create distance between herself and The Republican RapeHero. RapeHero knows where she stands. And as long as she isn’t vocally critical of him, they will continue to back her. Nor should we think that a brief clip of her screaming and ducking from the press would hurt her with the voters she needs.
The point is, you don’t see Rick Wilson dragging her for voting for billionaire tax cuts or to strip health insurance from millions of Americans. And you never will. The ad is a call to action. And frankly for these swing state Trumpers its a call they can answer rather easily. The ads may help defeat The Republican RapeHero, especially in a state like Arizona. But they might not help with the Senate.
Don’t you love that you get to be financially responsible for the only Level 1 trauma center in your whole state? It’s even worse if you live in the Seattle city limits. There’s a whole shit ton of stuff you alone pay for (or pay the most) that you kindly share with every other RapeHero voting free loader in Puget Sound if not the state and region. And then they turn right around and vote for the next TIMMEH! ballot measure grift to show how much they appreciate it.
You pay for libraries in Issaquah and dog parks in Redmond. You pay for flood control to protect car dealerships in Auburn and Renton. You pay for foot ferries from Vashon Island. Why the fuck do you do it?
@11 Not to worry, they’ll go their own way, either by with their own state or by secession. Having Russian missile silos next door* is a small price to pay for not having to pay for their roads, schools, and hospitals anymore.**
* They’ll have to get money somewhere, and renting out desert land is the only resource base they have. There’s no oil or natural gas over there and precious little gold.
** I would’ve added “libraries,” but they don’t need libraries because they can’t read or write.
It appears Trump just classified Bolton’s entire book as “Top Secret” and White House lawyers warned him not to publish it. Probably this is only temporary while Moscow conducts peer review.
He classified his impeachment, too. Stamped “HOAX” in big red letters on it. Hunter Biden, Ukraine election meddling, UFOs, and Bigfoot have been marked “Continue Investigating”.
@6 Ehh. Was up 100 points but looks like that was a false alarm. At first it looked like Apple’s (or whoever’s) sales were looking good, but then came the Feds and that kind of put the kibosh on things.
Onto tomorrow – when super virus worries come back or The Hump is removed from office (hopefully).
I actually chuckled after reading that. But then I kind of asked myself – I wonder if Roger really thinks he’s a Rabbit.
That actually made me chuckle even more.
Thanks Roger. By the way – work sucks. Remember the other day I was telling you guys about my boss, the new guy. Well, yesterday he and I had to have a private conversation – I asked to be relocated away from the guy I sit next to because he’s very distracting, but that’s another story – in that conversation it came to discussion of how long I’ve worked for the company. The new guy didn’t even know that I’ve been with the company for 32 years. 32 fucking years. He hired on in October of last year, and this guy didn’t even know that I worked for the company for 32 years. Nobody had any sense to tell him? Or he had no sense to know who the people are that work for him? I don’t get it – I got 2-3 more years, if I can put up with this nonsense.
@13 the Gestapo strikes again.
@14 damn. lol. Too funny. I better get back to work. So I can go home in 15 minutes
All of us deserve to have someone like Katie Porter as our elected representative to Congress.
@15 “Onto tomorrow – when … The Hump is removed from office (hopefully).”
You expect 53 traitors to fire him for treason?
@15 “I kind of asked myself – I wonder if Roger really thinks he’s a Rabbit.”
Only on some days. The rest of the time, I know I’m a human pretending to be a rabbit because it’s more fun that way.
“By the way – work sucks.”
What I’ve been saying on this blog for 15 years. No point to working. That’s not how you get money or status in our culture. America pays lip service to work but despises its workers and treats them horribly. Why anyone works under those conditions beats me. Not me! Being a lazy capitalist sucking money from the system while sitting on my fat ass pays a lot better and there’s no commuting, bosses, or workplace hassles to put up with.
@19 that’s why “Hopefully” was added. But honestly, no.
@15 There’s a story about Boone Pickens that goes something like this: After he took over a certain company and fired a longtime employee, someone told him that guy had worked for the company for 30 years. Pickens retorted, “So what? He got paid, didn’t he?”
Moral of the story: Just because you’ve been loyal to a company doesn’t mean the employer will be loyal to you. With too many employers, a good day is when they don’t know you exist.
This is especially true following management changes. If they bring in a young new manager, watch out! Freshly minted bosses don’t like to supervise employees older and more experienced than them. Makes them feel insecure. A lot of times they’re hatchet men brought in to get rid of the older employees so the mid-level guy can replace them with lower-salaried youngsters in order to cut costs and make himself look good to his bosses.
He may have received training in how to give a separation speech. Or maybe not. I’ve known of people being notified by broadcast email sent to all the employees. (That case settled for a year’s pay.)
I’ve seen people fall victim to blatant age discrimination. That’s against the law, and you can sue. In those cases, too, with a good lawyer you’ll get a year’s pay; in rare cases, maybe two years.
Employers, knowing this, realize it’s cheaper to offer six months’ severance and pay for a year’s COBRA coverage if you walk away, and know from experience that most employees will take it. Those who get sued are the cheapskates who offer no severance, or do something stupid like insisting you train your replacement off the clock.
You can’t save your job. When an employer doesn’t want you to work there anymore, you’re not going to work there anymore. If the shoe drops, you have to clear your mind, and focus on extracting the best separation deal (including good references) you can extract. If you’ve worked for the same company for over 30 years, don’t plan on doing the same work again; you’re too old to get another job in that field.
As for me, my stocks can’t fire me.
@23 test test
Yeah, I’ve kind of figured that out about 5-10 years ago. Just buying time and collecting cash for now and definitely not as loyal as I use to be, hence the moonlight and a couple of job interviews, nor do I put in the hours I use to, nor do I care to be productive 8 hours of the day
I’ve billed 35,000 dollars in 7 months on my moonlighting and not really putting much time towards it, at the moment.
I wasn’t looking for loyalty just thought someone would have told this sucker what’s he’s getting into, he’ll find out if not already
Microphone check 1-2-oh-six
Follow the Dershowitz reasoning. Any Quid Pro Quo a president undertakes in their belief of serving public interest is OK.
So if a President believes his re-election is in the genuine public interest then rounding up people suspected will vote for someone else in an upcoming election and concentrating them somewhere, say a camp of some kind, and offering the rail companies compensation to transport them would be fine.
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I think Wall Street will wake up today.
I guess it could go either way, but maybe the only thing saving the US from a Civil War is if everyone dies first by a virus. So don’t look bad upon me, think of me as a gift and your savior.
What is the difference between a king and a dictator?
How about that Stock Market!
Wooha Whooa Wuhan!
Don’t worry folks – Drumpf to the rescue!
But, but but 2.1% GDP!
I suppose there is a certain fairness that Klobuchar’s previous case material is now coming back to haunt her in much the same way that Kamala Harris’ prior case material was used against her.
Which is too bad, as they each were part of the competent contingent of Democrat candidates for president.
Funny how those little things can be put under a microscope.
But the macroscope that is The Hump seems to go nowhere with you Pubes.
Amy could have drowned a kitten as a kid and not sure it would make her unfit compared to the Dictator we have now….but again, Pubes don’t care. Says a lot about the Pube Party.
I see That I am spreading.
Nigel Farage’s microphone cut off during his final speech at the EU.
Funny the way the schoolmarm scolds them at the end. As if they care.
If there is one thing Repukes are known for its sustained growth (eye roll).
Leave it to a Repuke to inherit something good and turn it to shit.
“We love Europe, we just hate the European Union. It’s as simple as that.”
There’s very little to indicate that Klobuchar was ever in the running, in Iowa at least. Not very likely that any of her gaffes or history would make any difference to her this late in the game.
Her support is neither deep nor wide. She has a reasonable mix of large and small dollar donors. But it is highly concentrated geographically. And perhaps those are the qualities as a candidate that most liken her to Harris.
As for “competence” perhaps this would be a good time to recall that the “winning” Republican candidate that the gibbering moron base swept to primary dominance in 2016, and that all 63 million Republicans gleefully voted for even after learning of his admission of a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults has proven somewhat less than competent in guarding the interests of Republicans.
He eagerly took lots of meetings with Russian spies.
He needlessly fired his FBI director for daring to look into that.
He appointed a Special Counsel to investigate all that.
He arranged for his thumb headed henchmen to lie to that Special Counsel.
He lost a massive Blue Wave mid term surrendering the House triggering mass Republican retirements.
He hired more thumb headed henchmen to arrange a political smear of his 2020 opposition that included exploring an assassination of a US ambassador.
He lied about that for months.
He left a trail of printed, and electronic documentation and first hand eye witnesses to all this in his wake.
So he got his ass impeached.
And he did all this and more in ways calculated to force down ticket Republicans to share in the guilt, misery.
And that is a partial list. And it is limited to his demonstration of “competence” as a political party leader.
The Repube Party is made up of a bunch of monsters.
@ 35
I see that your parents have spread to a new house in a different state and once again did not tell you they moved, gman.
Fourth time in a year they did that.
Given what all that and more says about the “competence” of the Republican RapeHero, it doesn’t reflect very well on the “competence” of Republican voters, including “diehard Trump supporters” like bot-farm.
I’d say they should stick to options trading.
But that actually didn’t work out so well in 2008.
@ 39
There’s very little to indicate that Klobuchar was ever in the running, in Iowa at least.
Same can be said for Harris. Which further supports my choice to compare the two.
Democrats are repeating past sins of dismissing competent candidates in favor of incompetent ones. See Webb, James and O’Malley, Martin.
Harris is out, Klobuchar is on the brink. Meanwhile idiots like Biden and Sanders head the dwindiling field.
Steve is worried. Although not enough to speak out. No, Steve prefers to await the result in November and then blame others when Trump nominates RBG’s replacement. And Breyer’s.
Think on your sins. Steve won’t. But one of you should.
@41 ohhh Bob, what’s wrong? The Stock Market not going your way today? You hurting that you can’t put the cheerleader’s dress on today? No pom poms?
So sad. Just think, it can only get worse.
“A president can’t be impeached for doing something he believes will help him get elected in the public interest,” President Donald Trump’s lawyers are arguing. (From Seattle Times)
According to their reasoning, the late Byron “Low Tax” Looper was a wrongfully-convicted innocent man.
For the record, to get elected, Looper didn’t shoot a stranger on Fifth Avenue. He went to his opponent’s home and shot him in the driveway.
@43 you still have Buttigieg, if you can get over your homophobia.
Your problem. But I’m sure that you could get use to a dictator for then next 8 or 12 years. Then, who knows, maybe you can drool over President Ivanka.
If you drew a straight line at the highs of the stock market for the last 11-12 years, it would be right where it is now.
The absurdity of Republicans’ arguments, now that enough evidence has leaked to prevent them from denying the facts, highlights just how intellectually, ethically, and morally bankrupt the GOP is. They have the votes to “acquit” this lying grifter, but voters will notice the “jury” was corrupt, too.
By going all-in on embracing Trump’s corrupt and unethical behavior, Republicans aren’t just hurting themselves in this election; they’re creating an entire generation of young voters whose first experience of politics is that Republicans are dishonest and unworthy of trust, and likely will carry that lesson with them for the rest of their lives.
Yes, they will succeed in protecting their crooked leader from removal from office; but the cost to them will be very, very high.
Mayor Pete not immune to allegations of “dog whistling”.
Soledad O’Brien
Uhhh… what? Shaping by the heartland is better? Is that where all the ‘Real Americans’ live? Is that the only place where ‘American Values’ can be found? This is offensive and disgraceful.
Quote Tweet
Pete Buttigieg
· 21h
In the face of unprecedented challenges, we need a president whose vision was shaped by the American Heartland rather than the ineffective Washington politics we’ve come to know and expect.
3:31 PM · Jan 29, 2020·
Soledad O’Brien
It is a dog whistle. And maybe Mayor Pete isn’t aware of that. There is nothing more virtuous about a vision honed in the Heartland. Again—he should sit with his staffers of color and have them explain this to him. (And yes, I’m tired of politicians pandering.)
Perhaps the virtue is in a vision honed while taking it in the ass. God knows gman spews shit none of the rest of us would come up with in a million years.
@47 The trick used to be playing the ups and downs, and I did quite well with that in the 80s and 90s, but it’s difficult to make that work when you have the Fed deliberately manipulating the financial system to push stocks ever higher, so what I do now is play the compounding game: Buy on market dips(that’s all we get now), hold, reinvest gains and dividends, then sit back and let mathematical compounding do most of the work.
The DNC won’t stand for this much longer.
Bernie Sanders endorses progressive challenger to incumbent Texas Dem
Wednesday’s endorsements were just the latest signs of a progressive revolt within the party. Ocasio-Cortez also endorsed Marie Newman, who is challenging Rep. Dan Lipinski, D-Ill., and went so far as to refuse paying Democratic Party dues over issues surrounding challenges to incumbents.
“One, I don’t agree with the policy around blacklisting groups that help progressive candidates,” she said, referring to a DCCC [Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee] effort to sideline vendors who assist challengers to members of Congress. “I think we need to evolve as a party and make room for that.”
Looking forward to the DNC convention. Sarah Silverman and Al Franken really aren’t.
@49 “Mayor Pete not immune to allegations of ‘dog whistling’.”
You’re so goddamned funny it makes my ribs hurt.
@ 52
You have rib pain due to pathologic fractures caused by metastatic prostatic carcinoma, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Those fractures are aggravated by your blowhardiness.
@53 No problem, my insurance covers conditions that were pre-existing when you came along. Now would you like me to explain why your dog-whistling about “dog whistles” is rib-cracking hilarious? Or, putting it in medical terms, aggravates the conditions you allege pre-existed your unintended humor? Nah, I’ll let you figure it out. You’re a doctor, so you should be able to handle tracking down the etiology of this aggravating factor.
If either Harris or Klobuchar were actually “competent candidates” Harris could have raised money from more than one state to stay alive beyond Thanksgiving, and Klobuchar would not be running for Vice.
Your problems is confusing “competence” with “appeal”. And it just turns out that blame-the-poors/browns/gays/disabled that you and “your ilk” prefer is not actually very appealing. Promising to gut Social Security, cut minimum wage, impose a police state, and take away healthcare is just not popular.
You and the other 63 million “diehard Trump supporters” who voted for Trump have shit the bed forever. It is not the responsibility of Democrats to make a clearing in the rubble of your party for you to safely land.
Brace, brace, brace, motherfucker.
Soledad is bigot. To take what he said and translate it into being a racist in itself is playing the race card.
Pete is doing nothing more than focusing on Middle America, as a Moderate. The same middle America that every Republican, including Bob, has said has been ignored, and whom you need to win over to get to the Whitey House.
Please Soledad stuff it where the sun don’t shine. Mayor Pete is taking it up the ass by many African Americans, as well as the competition. Is he perfect relative to how African Americans think he should be – No?
Aside from bigotry, these individuals that are attacking Mayor Pete on race, are playing personal politics.
Such as? And how is it any worse than what you’ve spewed?
Come on Bob, are you now trying to save face? Stop your fucking whining.
By the way – Klobuchar has focused on the same Middle America in the same way with similar comments.
I guess she is dog whistling too.
Everyone is a racist now. And amongst the Dem candidates there is enough diversity – fuck that.
You are allowing yourself to become triggered over nothing.
Learn at least something about who O’brien is before you launch into smearing 44 million African Americans. Bob is playing you, at least in part because you are volunteering to be played.
Bob – would you support, aside from the cost, that the White house be painted off white, because white is racist?
I would – I think it should be painted an off white, like beige. Every time someone says White House, it’s a dog whistle. Why the fuck does it have to be white?
@59 has Klobuchar made any similar comments regarding Middle America? Why isn’t Soledad speaking about her?
Completely taken out of context by Soledad. Especially if you have been listening to Pete’s spiel. And she knows it. Why doesn’t she just tell everyone who she likes or supports.
@59 Bob could also be playing you. Also, maybe Soledad should learn something about Mayor Pete. It’s a two way street here.
Don’t know.
Don’t care.
Wake the fuck up. Klobuchar is running for Vice. The way Iowa works, and with the field as close as it is, Buttigieg is a player in the running. The Iowa caucuses are a collaborative process. It does him and you absolutely no good if he and his supporters come to be seen as inflexible zealots lashing out at anyone who differs with him or them. I’d like to see him do well. That won’t happen if non-viable caucus attending supporters are driven to support “anyone but Pete”.
You want all of Klobuchar’s supporters to go to Biden? Keep it up.
@64 I personally don’t play that way – extortion – goto Biden, and then The Hump.
One last question – who’s Soledad’s Pastor?
Calling someone a racist, whom isn’t, isn’t differing with them, like as differing with them on policy issue, it’s disrespectful and insulting.
Dude you always seem to be color blind, as much as you want to accuse me of being color blind.
It doesn’t matter if Kolbuchar is vying for VP – if you make a racist comment, while running for President, then you should be called out for it, whether you are running for dog catcher. Dude – just sweep it under the rug.
You can’t expect him to do well – if you don’t even give him a chance. And throwing dirt at him gives him no chance, it is the exact opposite, meaning not even giving him a chance.
If I were some racist – why the fuck would I voted for Obama twice with passion. He and his wife have to be the most two outstanding individuals on this earth. I did some volunteer work for him in his first go at it. But I don’t have to put up with bullshit from bigots either.
Maybe this corona virus is the result of sloppy biological weapons research.
By the way Bernie is a Zealot.
Then you – and Mayor Pete – may lose.
It’s politics. It’s competitive. Campaigns – and btw O’brien has absolutely nothing to do with any campaign, glad you finally asked – campaigns will go negative. Republicans will go negative. YOU need to think about that. Whoever the nominee is, if emerging from the primary triumphant, the campaign and its supporters collapse into anger and reactionary confrontation every time their candidate gets pushed on an important issue (much less a trivial issue), they will lose in November.
In the Iowa caucuses that is exponentially true, because it is a collaborative process. It is not a binary contest like November (regrets to bot-farm and Gary Johnson). Going early, it ends up being a free-for-all. Every candidate vying to finish at or near the top of the field on Monday must compete for the supporters of other trailing candidates. No candidate, and no campaign is given a chance at that.
They have to compete for it.
To do that the candidate, the campaign, and the supporters must appeal for that support not just on Monday night, but right now, today, in preparation for Monday night.
You are not doing that.
I am trying to help you.
Stop rising to Bob’s bait. It only hurts your guy’s chances.
@55 “And it just turns out that blame-the-poors/browns/gays/disabled that you and “your ilk” prefer is not actually very appealing. Promising to gut Social Security, cut minimum wage, impose a police state, and take away healthcare is just not popular.”
They realize this. That’s why their electoral strategy focuses on voting suppression, purging voter rolls, having state troopers pull over black voters on their way to polling stations, closing polling stations within 50 miles of Native American reservations and in predominantly black-populated counties, fabricating lies and falsehoods about their opponents, extorting foreign governments to do the same, and soliciting Russian, Ukrainian, and Chinese interference in our elections. The last thing you’ll ever see Republicans do is debate policy (let’s face it, raping toddlers will never be popular outside their own voter base, and they know that) or openly discuss their plans for poor kids’ school lunches (it usually takes FOIA digging to unearth this).*
* There’s absolutely nothing new about Republicans fucking with school lunches. Remember Nixon classifying ketchup as a “vegetable” so schools didn’t have to serve kids lettuce, carrots, or green beans with their Freedom Fries?** It doesn’t save any measurable amount of taxpayer money; they do it simply because they enjoy fucking with school lunches.
** Used to be called “french fries” until Republicans added Frogs to their hate list. Never mind they were our allies in both world wars and died by the millions so we didn’t have to. That was then, this is now. We’re all Russians now, at least until the election.
@56 Don’t you know “moderate” is a dirty word in GOP circles (where Bob runs)? They kicked all the moderates out of their party 40 years ago. According to them, anybody even slightly left of hard-right is a socialist. Amazing how far a demagogue can get with a stupid gullible crowd simply by name-calling.
@57 “Come on Bob, are you now trying to save face?”
Reminds me of the bartender joke where Doctor Dumbfuck goes into a bar and the bartender says, “Hey, horse, why the long face?”
@63 Keep in mind that Republicans and their shills will do anything and everything they can to get us to fight among ourselves. That’s the only way a candidate with 42% voter support can win an election.
For any newbies perusing this website for the first time, if there are any, by way of clarification the names “Bob,” “Boob,” and “Doctor Dumbfuck” all refer to the same under-sink-dwelling cockroach.
@66 Why do you say sloppy? The field testing is going as planned.
The more bot-farm posts these kinds of pleas for Jim Webb or some other Bubba, the more obvious it is that he’s afraid.
Last time we gave them a Bubba they impeached him for a blowjob. There just isn’t anybody Democrats could or should nominate that would ever pass muster with the sobbing fans of The Republican RapeHero. That’s why it is so important at times like this to remind ourselves of who these motherfuckers are.
In October of 2016 every single goddamn one of them heard that tape of their guy bragging about a lengthy history of violent sexual assault. Twenty four hours later they heard him admit that it was all true. And one month later they collectively shrugged. And voted for him.
Not in spite of it.
Because of it.
Hillary Clinton was the “strident feminist bitch” they all long to slap around. That’s why the shirts. That’s why the attacks on grieving Gold Star Moms. That’s why all the wife beaters in the cabinet. That’s why 29-year-old former waitress lives in their heads rent free. And honestly, that’s probably why bot-farm keeps bringing up Klobuchar. She’s his type… of victim.
Trump is their RapeHero.
He lets their inner rapist freak flag fly.
Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.
Donald, on the F35 that is close to $500b in development and reports that it’s main guns don’t fire straight, heat from said guns have cracked the fuselage in testing and more than 800 software flaws some of which are acknowledged could cause catastrophic failure in flight but Donald thinks they’re just dandy and one of his great Achievements for the military
The guy actually thinks stealth planes are invisible.
“Linda Carter, I’d join the mike high club in her invisible plane, rawr” -Donald.
That may not have been the intention of the Chinese researchers, however,
@78 Oh, it probably was. But at least they didn’t steal it from us.
@68 you talk a good game but not sure how you can come here and complain and whine about the current President playing dirty or having bad character when you kind of are making excuses for what could be perceived as bad behavior and disparaging remarks by individuals that you wouldn’t think would stoop to that level, and just blow it off as competing campaigns.
I think you were one to criticize the Wine Cave event and the influence of money, and how the rich money could corrupt.
Soledad – all be it not trying to buy the influence of any particular candidate – but she has a wide following and can influence people. You kind of brush her aside like she’s insignificant and any comment she makes is no big deal.
Well I’d argue she could be more of Influence than anyone of the wine cave attendees. And that’s her right, so long as she honestly believes Pete’s comments were racist or racially insensitive, but if she said it just to “ho negative”, as you say, then that’s bullshit and she needs to be called out that and question her motives. If her motives were anything less than genuine then she’s no better than The Hump, and you don’t seem to like him, but potentially you fluff what she said off as no big deal.
You don’t want to be as much a hypocrite as the Republicans are? Do you?
If you don’t think I know Republicans are going to negative then you can’t think that I have any brains, which is insulting and condescending. I know they will, and I expect it. I just don’t expect Democrats, in this race to be the nominee, to stoop to that level of unfairness. Otherwise you can’t really complain about The Hump in my opinion.
Newly released video shows Republican Ukrainian Drug Dealer Igor Fruman attending a 2018 RNC event at Mar a Lago in which Fruman can be seen making out in the corner* with RNC Chair Rhona McDaniel.
*Includes sink finger – knuckle deep!
“I think you were one to criticize the Wine Cave event and the influence of money, and how the rich money could corrupt.”
I criticized the campaign’s response to being questioned about the “wine cave” event, and the widespread reaction of Buttigieg’s supporters.
It was inept, clumsy, defensive, not well thought out, poorly worded, and generally unhelpful.
I’m just going to leave that right there.
Understood. That’s why I think Soledad’s comment, not Bob repeating her comment, isn’t warranted. She’s doing exactly what you say – cause infighting amongst us. I don’t see her comment being very unifying, especially when it is, in my opinion, such a stretch to call it a Dog Whistle. Same with the Wine Cellar attack.
I may not be on top of it all, but has Mayor Pete gone on the offensive against any of the other candidates.
Bob is a Troll, expected of him. But better is expected from the candidates and the “outsiders”.
@82 I don’t think you can just leave it right there, I think you need to provide quotes as examples.
Because I think the response was dealt with perfectly. And I didn’t hear a peep from any of his supporters. So unless you provide quotes and examples and explain why, in your opinion, it was clumsy then I’ll just have to take it as if you are wrong. And I’ll just leave it at that myself.
I give you your post at 80 for a start.
Or would you prefer to go back to 56 where you, for some inexplicable reason, sought to tag African Americans into this Bob thing of yours. Or any of your other posts where you broadly imply that to push a candidate on important issues relating to due process, equal protection, equal rights, and racial justice is to label that candidate a racist.
Aside from Mayor Pete’s homosexuality, gman can’t come up with a reason the guy’s worth supporting.
I forgot – she’s running for the VP slot. And she was too busy hanging out in straight bars
You mean me – one supporter…but yet you grouped Mayor Pete and every other of his supporters in with me.
You spoke as if he was clumsy in his response and the rest of all the other supporters didn’t respond well. But you really just meant me?
No – you are mis-characterizing it. Push the candidate on the important issues, that’s fine. But to keep calling him out as a racist with no evidence of it isn’t fair. It is the opposing side calling him a racist essentially, and I find it perfectly acceptable to question the attacks as excessive or beyond ordinary just because people may not be comfortable with him as a gay person, or just to nit pick at him because he isn’t the candidate of their liking.
Soledad called him out for a “Dog Whistle”, well I’d argue that that in itself was a Dog Whistle in calling him a racist. She essentially called him a racist in a Dog Whistle way. She should have just offered her opinion of whether he she thinks he is or isn’t a racist. What was her motive? Could she have handled it better in stating her feelings of him being racially insensitive if that’s what she thought and could she have offered more of her opinion on whether she felt that he deliberately said it as a racist? Apparently she felt he was a racist but calling out what he said as a “Dog Whistle”.
A lot of discussion about Mayor Peter or others about racism. Well where is the discussion whether there exists any bigotry towards Pete because of Sexual Orientation….I guess that is impossible to exist, because we all know everyone loves The Gays, right?
And you can’t come up with a good reason why not to support him, other than he’s gay.
The daughter of Bill Gates and a woman who married well is engaged. To a guy who jumps horses.
@ 89
You made my point. You’re a one-dick pony, gman.
And you can’t come up with a good reason why not to support him
My reason for not supporting him, gman, is that he seems to be someone that black and Hispanic voters also don’t want to support. We’ve already got one of those in office.
That having been said, he’s second on my list of preferences, after Klobuchar. And after mid-week next, gman, he might be my fave remaining Democrat candidate.
Imagine, gman: a week from now I’ll be able to name more positive Mayor Pete attributes than you will.
Biden at a Dairy Queen today, referring to Mayor Pete:
“I’ve gotten more than 8,600 votes in my life.”
Correction @ 91
gman, I can already name more positive Mayor Pete attributes than you can.
A week from now I might have a reason to do so.
@91 He served in the armed forces. He is young, a new and fresh face. As much as he’s gotten negative press about it, but I’ve read about what he did for South Bend Urban renewal or development. I have a fondness for Urban development and construction and mass transportation and revitalization of depressed areas myself – yes it can lead to gentrification and that can be a negative, but that’s a different story – and I found what he did for South Bend interesting.
He thinks Climate change is Number 1 issue. You haven’t heard me harp about Climate change right?
He is a moderate – I’m not big on complaining about taxes, but yes giving away for free bothers me a bit – not in the sense that I think peoples needs need to be met, but I also think people should be held partly accountable and responsible for themselves.
A lot of what I like about him speaks for himself. I agree he lacks a bit of experience but at the same time I think he can put a sentence together better than most of them with the exception of Warren and Steyer.
He’s polished. I’ve said I liked both O’Malley and Webb, they were my choices previously too but I preferred O’Malley because he was more polished than Webb, in my opinion. I liked Webb for his military service, but at the same time I think he was too regimented and not as much of a free spirited thinker as O’Malley.
I think a moderate is in better position to be The Hump, but I could be wrong.
You said yourself I think with regard to Klobuchar, Middle America, same with Pete.
And yes, he is gay. And I don’t see why that can’t be part of why I support him. Part of why I supported Obama was because he was black, and I’m white. So the fact that I want to support Pete because he is gay, isn’t just because I am gay, but that is a big part of it.
Let me give it a minute or so, but I just posted my reply but it’s not appearing, so If I have to retype it all I will.
Ok, it posted @94.
In the 1992 Democrat campaign for the presidency Paul Tsongas memorably said, “I’m not Santa Claus.”.
I want to back this year’s Paul Tsongas.
And what is that you named…I don’t see it.
And I guess – I’ll keep going back to it so long as everyone wants to point out the black and Hispanics don’t want to support him – Is it because he is gay? And you can’t say no that that is not the reason why. And I ventured to say it is the reason why many of them have a problem with him. That’s their problem that they’ll have to live with.
I’d love to know why Amy didn’t fill out the survey….did she not feel that it was worthwhile to get the endorsement of an organization that has 900,000 members in two states?
I’m sure there is a perfect explanation. It’s not she was excluded.
Rand Paul fits Doctor Dumbfuck’s definition of “asshole” and “POS.”
Meanwhile, South Dakota Republicans want to rifle through your medical chart and throw your doctor in jail if he treats you for a medical condition you didn’t choose but they don’t like.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: South Dakota is another of those states it’s better to fly over than drive through, even if you never leave the interstate except to get gas. But if you must drive through it, get gas in Montana and Minnesota, so you don’t have to leave the federal highway while in South Dakota. That way, your doctor may have some diplomatic protections (i.e., Gov. Inslee won’t extradite him to South Dakota) if a local cop walks up to you at the gas pump in Bismarck and demands to see your medical files.
@96 Maybe he wasn’t, but Medicare was. See, e.g., your F-250 and horse trailer.
@91 “You’re a one-dick pony, gman.”
You’ve got one that has two? How do you suck them both at the same time?
@90 How time flies.
Probably better to have a different name than “Gates.” Easier to stay anonymous. So kidnappers can’t find you.
@86 “Aside from Mayor Pete’s homosexuality, gman can’t come up with a reason the guy’s worth supporting.”
That’s nothing. You should see who you’re supporting.
And for the record – he may not have been the best candidate but I also supported Jesse Jackson.
I just realized that “guy who jumps horses” @90 has an entirely different meaning to gman.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Defending Terrorists News – Thanks For Being Arrogant & Stupid Report – Good Luck With Your Witnesses Loons, You Can Pick Off A Few More, The Best Show On Earth Will Be Watching Schiff & Biden Confronted With Their Corruption On National TV.
U.S. Senator Susan Collins has become the first Republican to announce she will vote in support of the Senate subpoenaing witnesses and documents.
“I will vote in support of the motion to allow witnesses and documents to be subpoenaed,” Collins, who is facing an extremely difficult re-election, said in a statement.
Do you live @ 105 very close to Hymietown, gman?
Yes – Collins
No – Lamar!
Unk – Willard, Write-in
Well, Dumbfuck. Just think about what my old gaffer used to say:
“Tell you what, boy. Shit in one hand, and want in the other.
See which one fills up first.”
You can want forever. And you will.
But you get to vote for your Republican RapeHero.
You have no other choice.
Why didn’t she apply. 900,000 members want know.
Ohhh, I forget, she’s running for VP. My bad. Hopefully when and if she is VP, she’s not spending all her time propping up her sagging tits and actually does the duties of being a VP.
Today I Learned
Breaks, Lunches, and Personal Time Off
Missouri law does not require employers to provide employees a break of any kind, including a lunch hour.
Good news will not stop.
president RapeHero has persuaded Doug Collins to file to split the RapeHero vote in the Georgia US Senate race to fill Johnny Issakson’s seat. So not only do they get to fund a January runoff, but they have to pour money into a race that would have otherwise been self-funded by the billionaire Gov. Kemp appointed (which was the whole point).
And that means they’ll have a lot less money to explain why Susan Collins, Cory Gardner, and Thom Tillis hate America.
@ 113
All those who think that massive amounts of money won’t be spent on this election cycle, raise your hand.
QoS McHillbilly, since money seems to be a concern for you, remind me again how much Ossoff and Co. spent?
There’s “massive”.
And then there’s “more massive”.
And then there’s “more massive in more places”
And there’s “more massive in more places on more occasions.”
Now let’s all recall how much JEB! spent on just three delegates.
It’s axiomatic that Republican RapeHeros have vast sums of money to spend on political campaigns. If this were not so, there would not have arisen a global cottage industry of grifters like Jay Sekulow to sop it all up. But even the vast ocean of RapeHero corruption money can be spread too thin for too long.
And having to collect and invest tens of millions of extra dollars into a Senate seat that was otherwise self-funded is just another example of how everything Republican president RapeHero touches he destroys.
@ 115
Now let’s all recall how much JEB! spent on just three delegates.
As long as we then compare it to Bloomberg’s 2020 expenditure/delegate ratio, sure. We’ll have to wait until after the 2020 Bloomberg News Democrat National Convention for the final figures, of course.
I should say that to be fair to the Bush family, that $150 million that was spent on JEB!’s vanity project was not all a waste.
It should be recalled that in a conventional political campaign such as that, the money would have gone towards staffing, event production, a creative team for ads and promotions, advertising buys, travel, lodging, meals, catering, staffing for state offices, lawyers, accountants, postage, etc. All of those people, vendors, and suppliers are “good Republicans” and that kind of spending helps build the bench and build the organization.
But sadly for them, these are no longer “conventional” times.
And many of these Republican campaigns are as likely to spend these funds on cocaine/yacht/hookers, fishing trips to the Bahamas, home security systems, and spa treatments for the family pets as on any legitimate campaign expenses.
They might even use it to set up a series of illegal shell corporations in Delaware to pay off greasy porn hooker ladies for the sexy-sexy times.
Because, and it always bears repeating, everything Republican president RapeHero touches, he destroys.
Bloomberg hasn’t held a single fund raiser or raised one dime.
And the bulk of his spending has been on ad buys going after your beloved president RapeHero. If you analyze his spending patterns and program, and the fact that he’s doing it all with his own money, there’s a fairly credible argument to be made that he isn’t running to be the nominee. He’s running to discourage affluent suburban moderate conservatives who previously voted for RapeHero to stop giving and consider staying home in November. He’s your next Gary Johnson. So really, win-win.
You probably missed that while you were busy working through the complex algorithm of Republican Drug Deal Impeachment excuses.
Months and months of work and effort and the best you can come up with is “Yeah, he did it. So what?” Gonna be hard to sell that to a retired auto worker in Livonia who lost a quarter of his pension to a corrupt fund manager doing “drug deals”.