You know, if you’re gonna send out a fundraising letter slamming your opponent, it might be a good idea to remove you opponent’s name and address from your mailing list:
You can read a PDF of the entire letter here; given the context of this race, it’s kinda hysterical. In a transparently lazy, boilerplate attempt to scare up some contributions, Jane Hague writes fearfully generically about her mudslinging opponent, and warns that the primary election is a “little more than six weeks” away. Only problem is, the primary election is about three weeks away, having been moved this year from September to August, and her opponent… well… it’s hardly fair to say she even has one.
As usual, Hague is running unopposed in the Republican primary, and the Dems were so disorganized this year that they’ve found themselves in the nearly impossible situation of running a write-in campaign against perennial candidate and HA regular, Richard Pope. So all this talk about needing money ahead of the primary to fend off a well-funded campaign of “personal destruction”…? Well, it’s um… what’s the word I’m looking for here? Oh, I know: lies.
If that’s the kind of respect she shows people who give her money, imagine how she treats those who only give her their votes? And why would anyone give money to a candidate so lazy, she can’t even pick up the phone and ask her consultants to write a fundraising letter specific to this year’s campaign? This deserves a thorough fisking.
“My opponent has a long track record of running campaigns that focus less on the issues and more on negative — and often personal — attacks.”
I assume she’s talking about Richard, who has a long track record of running campaigns that pretty much don’t focus on anything, except maybe planting a handful of yard signs.
“I expect outside special interests to spend heavily in an attempt to scare people into voting against me.”
Dollars to donuts, the bulk of Richard’s campaign war chest this year will be spent on the filing fee.
“Sadly, I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion — from what’s already being said to the media and special interest groups — that my opponent has no intention of focusing his campaign on the real differences between us on the issues.”
Again with the “focus” crap. This is what… Richard’s twelfth race in as many years? He runs for a different office every election. Clearly, the man suffers from a debilitating form of political ADD. I wouldn’t worry about his focus.
“It seems clear that my opponent will instead engage in the kind of politics of personal destruction we so often see back in the other Washington.”
Your opponent is “engaged” in a hotly contested primary battle with a write-in candidate. ‘Nuff said.
“I promise to remain centered on a positive vision for the Eastside, but I also must be prepared to respond to any negative attacks made by my opponent.”
Define “negative attacks.” Would that include falsely accusing your opponent of negative attacks he lacks the resources (financial and otherwise) to launch?
“Help me raise the financial resources necessary to respond to an opponent who’s more about degradation and destruction than solving the problems we face.”
“Degradation and destruction”…? Who does she think her opponent is… Osama bin Laden? I’ve got nothing against Richard — and even admit to an odd fondness for the guy — but this is Richard fucking Pope we’re talking about for chrissake! Hague already enjoys a modest $226,546 to zero fundraising advantage over Pope; what kind of addition “financial resources” does she need?
“The bottom line is this campaign is going to be hard fought.”
The bottom line is this campaign is a cakewalk. The bottom line is Hague has needlessly gone on the attack against an opponent who rarely campaigns outside the comment threads of a handful of local blogs. The bottom line is Hague is a liar, shamelessly fleecing her fellow Republicans for money that would be better spent elsewhere.
And the bottom line is, Hague knows that this is the last time she runs unopposed, virtual or otherwise; like the remaining vestige of the once dominant Eastside GOP establishment, she’s frightened for her political future. This campaign isn’t about this campaign, it’s about fattening her larders for 2011, when a host of qualified Democrats will be drooling at the opportunity to take down Hague in her formerly Republican district.
Goldy much of what you say may be true, but shouldn’t we support a Publican over that crazy son of a bitch Pope? I mean, Jesus; read the guys posts here. Do you want this idiot serving as dog catcher? As bad as this Publican is, there’s no doubt that Dickie Pope in office would be a worst nightmare for everyone.
Of course, Hague should have had a legitimate candidate this year, but the KCDCC utterly botched it. I mean, really … their supposed nominee failed to file by the deadline. If he was actually planning to run this year, then how in hell did he miss it? That’s just about as pathetic as it is laughable.
I’m not saying the guy (whose name escapes me at the moment, and it’s not worth taking a few seconds to look him up) necessarily was going to give Hague a run for her money this time around. After all, he’d be starting out with pretty much the same campaign-coffers problem that Pope has. But at least he might have made her spend some of it, so she wouldn’t have quite so much of an immense lead in the funding race in 2011.
Jane you ignorant slut.
Hmmm…she might also want to spell the names of her endorsers right. In her letter she says, “Brian Cairns” mayor of Mercer Island.
It’s Bryan, Jane.
Isn’t it a proud Republican tradition to kick off a campaign with a string of lies, nonsensical smears of one’s opponent, and a heapin’ helpin’ of baseless fear-mongering?
Anyone considered the prospect that between Hague making a fool of herself, and the growing disgust on the part of the sane segment of the public with all things Republican, Richard may actually make it this time? If so, the local leadership of his newly adopted party may have some ‘splainin’ to do.
Jane Hague, the only member of the King County Council to have ever been found in violation of the King County Ethics Code, she does not license her dog in violation of municipal or county code, and she threatens to have a bus driver fired after she hit the bus with her SUV.
Mayber Richard Pope isn’t looking so bad.
Her campaign signs are also too big for the city of Redmond and Bellevue sign laws! She’s awful!
I’m going to keep voting for Richard Pope even if it takes 50 years for him to win something!
Richard, I don’t know what you’re doing about a Web site, but I have a server in my basement that’ll be more than happy to be its home.
Lucy, are you saying you voted for Pope in the past (keep voting for Pope even it….). You voted for him when he was running as a republican ?
David, Richard deserves your endorsement. Let’s get Richard elected for once.
This is a fine example of making something of nothing…
Besides a weak argument by Goldy, all I see here are two things: 1) Mr. Richard Pope is CRAZY and 2) Jane is a strong campaigner. Opponent or not, Jane knows her position as a Republican in King County is important to defend and she needs support. As our friend Goldy says, ‘Nuff said.”
Given a choice between Jane Plague and the purported Democrat in the race, I would vote for the purported Democrat.
I’d be interested in donating a few shekels to the Popemeister, but are out-of-state donations legal at this level?
How many blog names does Richard Pope HAVE!!!!
…”ArtFart,” “Grandgadfly,” “HeadlessLucy,” “Luigi”…
I’ve never met an educated republican OR democrat who would support Pope and I’m hoping these people above dont actually exist…
As a Republican I can assure that I am very happy to see Richard Pope join your party. You are welcome to him and his craziness.
He is truly an evil and vicious man. Jane Hague was not kidding. Pope is all about the vicious personal attacks.
You guys have fun with him- he’s all yours now.
BTW, Jane NEVER runs scared. If she decides to run again in 2011, she will win. Hands down. Your party was begging, BEGGING people to run against her and they were all scared! And rightly so, she’s a perfect fit for the Eastside. Moderate, common sense, fiscally wise and socially progressive.
You can’t have all the seats! Not this one. Not this year, not in four years, not in eight years.
Umm maybe you didn’t read the post? Its not exactly that complimentary to Pope… But the point remains, and anyone whose read this blog for any amount of time will agree, he’s harmless.
the write-in candidate’s name is Brad Larssen.
I would also take issue with the characterization of KC Democrats as “disorganized”. All the organization in the world doesn’t help you if nobody wants to run. Larssen only stepped up to the plate at the very last minute (…arguably too late, but we’ll see how this goes…)