I don’t poop at Starbucks enough to know if it’s common, but the restroom in the one in Capitol Hill has a sharps container. This seems correct for harm reduction. If people were shooting up before, it’s better than used needles going in the trash, or being reused.
Is there an upcharge for shooting up Splenda at Starbucks?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit poops at Starbucks on a weekly basis.
Usually it’s while he’s standing in line, and the customer behind him notices before he does.
Life according to Goldy and Co:
Goldy Retweeted
Rick Perlstein✔
The New Yorker interviewed me about #AOC. I said the reason she’s great is that she knows how to speak American, and that’s she teaches Democrats how to shake themselves out of their timid crouch . https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-new-yorker-interview/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-takes-the-democrats-back-to-the-future-an-interview-with-the-historian-rick-perlstein …
Exasperated Democrats try to rein in Ocasio-Cortez
I guess about all that Democrat-teaching she’s supposedly doing, here endeth the lesson. In 15 months she’ll be begging Pelosi to campaign in her district.
Really, that’s all the hate you got this morning?
Don’t you want to crow about trump apparently plans to raid Army disaster relief and construction funds to build his wall or trump rejects shutdown deal Republicans negotiated with Republicans or trump Thought It Would Only Take Three Days to Get Mexico to Pay for the Wall
@4 For my part, I try to cut Doctor Dumbfuck some slack. After all, after years of baseless accusations, the poor sap still can’t name even one single Clinton crime and he still can’t name even one orange moron administration official that doesn’t stink of borscht and hasn’t fucking lied about it. Worst of all, GE is up 28% off it’s low, which is to say the dumbfuck missed out again.
Hey Dumbfuck….
Is roadkill racoon going to be a regular menu item at McDonalds?
Or just limited time only when “in season”
Rachael Bade.
Peggy Noonan in-training.
“For my part, I try to cut Doctor Dumbfuck some slack.”
Has that ever done any good?
Since the election of President PornDaddy he’s gotten consistently more and more stupid. At this point, his reflexive defense of Trumpublicanism has led him to celebrating 30 point market plummets, Klan rallies, overflowing toilets, teenaged gang rape, and the torture of toddlers. Etc.
And it’s not just that enlightened people agree these things are manifestly bad. It’s that his arguments in defense of them, when not mere sophomoric snark, are fundamentally rooted in outlandish stupidity.
This is what it means to be beyond Teh Orange Event Horizon. The minute Teh Dumbfuck made the decision to move toward President PeePee, even if only for the sake of partisan community, he was captured by the overwhelming pull of teh stoopid that animates the living heart of modern grift-based klownsurvaturdism. He’s just another one of the rubes now. Every bit as crippled and diminished as Shortbus. Enabling their delusions only hurts them in the long run.
Terrible news for Doctor Dumbfuck: RBG is fine.
@2 No, I don’t hang out at Starbucks, I only own the stock which is now worth 57.5 times what I paid for it. Do you own any stocks that have appreciated 5,750%, Mr. Stock Market Genius (see @5)? The question isn’t personal, I’m just curious, that’s all.
“The question isn’t personal, I’m just curious, that’s all.”
Kind of like my curiosity of what role the horse plays in his Family.
@12 In my case, there’s nothing voyeuristic about it, it’s just a scientific study of the mating habits of my fellow creatures.
@10 teh dumbfuck misogynist freak is now taking out its frustrations on a poor mare it doped with special k.
Rep. Steve King R(acist)-IA tried to claridy what he meant when he asked, “How did white supremacist become offensive”
Twenty nine years old and barely one week into her first term in any elected office. Just one of 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives. A former waitress and bartender.
And according to a small handfull of “more senior” members you’ve never, ever heard of and a few of the “very smart people” who give background to access-pimp “journalists” she needs to be “reigned in”.
So I guess “the journalism rules” for the female politicians are these:
1) If you have tons of accomplishments and credibility but you aren’t “likeable” we have a moral duty to destroy you for not being “likeable”.
2) If you are “likeable” you need to abandon your ambitions or we will have a moral duty to destroy you for being “too ambitious”.
3) And if you are not ambitious you need “seasoning” and “more time to grow” until we have a moral duty to destroy you.
“Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, saw Adam McKay’s scathing biopic, ‘Vice,’ about former Vice President Dick Cheney over the holidays, and they left before the movie ended.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Phony as a three-dollar bill. They certainly knew ahead of time what the movie’s flavor is. It appears that staged walkouts are a new Trump family gimmick. I wonder which PR firm cooked this up?
@16 “Twenty nine years old and barely one week into her first term in any elected office. Just one of 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives. A former waitress and bartender.”
Reminds me of another novice politician: Seventy-two years old with the temperament of a toddler, no prior experience in elected office and it shows (boy, does it ever), a former NYC street hustler who lacks the work skills to wait tables or pour drinks.
Republicans aren’t in a position to criticize AOC on those grounds, they’re really not.
Memo to Trump voters: You voted for this. You wanted Trump’s racist agenda and border wall. This is what it’s costing you. Is it worth it? If not, maybe you should rethink this whole thing.
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
A well-regulated militia in northern Wisconsin has disbanded after being ordered to stand down:
“Authorities found a shotgun during their investigation that is ‘consistent with the gun used’ in the murders of James and Denise Closs, Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald said. …
“Fitzgerald said authorities recovered the shotgun and other guns at the arrest site in Gordon, Wisconsin.”
I sort of remember that teabaggers primaried and replaced a few incumbent Republicans.
Did anyone “reign” them in?
Nah.. There was a certain black guy that needed to be dealt with. The incumbents might have actually made a deal with said black guy.
No, that couldn’t be allowed to stand.
@19 “Trump voter: The wall shouldn’t be built on our backs”
Oh that’s rich. I guess that goes with the sentiment that “trump is not hurting their enemies enough” What will get them to change?
I see that The Hump is afraid of owning this disaster, just as I said last night – let him declare emergency and steal all the funds and go down in flames. But he realizes it now. The fuck is a fuck!
I don’t “hope” they suffer.
But at this point I am uterly indifferent to their suffering.
These “very fine people” have had every conceivable advantage and more than five decades to accomodate their delicate sensibilities to the slowly looming realities of a leveling global economic playing field and a post industrial modernity characterized by education, tollerance, and diversity.
I don’t know if Steve King really learned his apallingly racist views in Iowa bulldozer school. But I do know that in his lifetime he’s had plenty of time and ample reason to revise them. I’m done with these stupid shit heads. I’d rather worry about people who, if given half the opportunities and advantages of the average Trump voter, would succeed at something more than filling out disability forms and filing slip-and-fall suits.
She can’t be President.
Because Hawaii isn’t a “real” state.
Let’s hear it for exemplary leadership!! Senator Mitch McConnell heads to Kentucky over the weekend rather than show any form a leadership to try and resolve the issue regarding the wall: https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/11/politics/mitch-mcconnell-congress-shutdown/index.html
McConnell is simply a poor leader. Clearly doesn’t care about the families of federal workers. Why anybody would support these fucking morons, the GOP, is beyond reason. How ’bout all them coal jobs in Kintuckeee: https://money.cnn.com/2018/01/10/news/companies/coal-mine-closing/index.html
What is it the rubes in Appalachia see in people as leaders that have zero in common with the average person? Well it is Kintuckee, they probably share relatives only one or two generations back.
Published on Yahoo Finance News about an hour ago:
“The Federal Bureau of Investigation opened an inquiry in 2017 into whether US President Donald Trump was working on behalf of Russia, The New York Times reported on Friday. The counterintelligence aspect consisted of determining whether Trump was … working for Moscow and whether he was a threat to national security …. The Times said that the FBI had been suspicious of Trump’s ties to Russia during the 2016 campaign.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Boom.
Trump could learn from Justin Trudeau if he had a mind capable of learning.
Fake news!
It was “dodgy dossier” paid for by Crooked Hillary.