I have a small retirement account left over from the days when I actually earned a living. Most of it is in a mutual fund, but I do own one stock directly. And that stock just went up 8.3 percent today.
Oh. My. God.
It’s gadgets like this that make me wish I could just sell my soul to the highest bidder.
You’re a traitor to the Puget Sound economy. You should move to Cupertino.
Ah yes, Mr-I-got-mine-fuck-you, jewblogger…
Pelosi vows big results from Democrats:
WASHINGTON – Newly minted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pledged Friday that voters would see big results from the Democratic majority in Congress. “It’s going to be wonderful for the American people,” she said.
“It’s such an exciting thing — we’ve come a long way,” an elated Pelosi said at an open house breakfast on Capitol Hill where hundreds of supporters cheered her election as the first woman ever to serve as House speaker, two steps from the presidency. Pelosi, sworn-in on Thursday, presides over the first Democratic majority since 1994.
Pelosi vows big results from Democrats: “It’s going to be wonderful for the American people,” she said.
Dow: -0.1%
Dow Drops Nearly 7 As Oil Prices Decline AP
Nasdaq: +0.2%
what soul you may have had was lost long ago, jewblogger, when you sold out your heritage to support terrorist states.
Mazel tov on your one day gain.
Cool phone, yeah. But I really haven’t had much interest in Apples since I was in high school, back when the state of the art was the II and IIe (they didn’t get Macs until after I graduated). If this little gizmo could do all that and run the programs my next smartphone will do when I score it this summer, I may just have to snag one.
And fuck you, auntie. Go sit on your swastika.
If you worked at a Union Shop, you might have a better retirement plan
Guess microsoft won’t be sending you any free laptop now!
iDrooling all day.
That’s one sweet phone but I wish it was offered by my carrier. (Maybe it will be. Who knows?)
You’re a traitor to the Puget Sound economy. You should move to Cupertino.
Um, hint: there’s an application developer for Apple, with offices in Redmond, which also has the largest group of dedicated Macintosh application developers outside of Cupertino.
I know this dates me, but:
I’m holding out for the Dick Tracy wrist-radio version.
Yes, I also own Apple. Less than a month ago there was a day when it dropped to $78, and I took the opportunity to buy some more. Lucky me!
What we really need is a good surge protecter: http://tinyurl.com/yhuesq
@2 Auntie Looney … before I forget … I got mine — fuck you! (Click here for photo of Roger Rabbit’s carrot stash: http://tinyurl.com/y4z4af )
Who gives a fuck about department stores — what matters is a good produce department!
Oh goody goody…
…anti-lib’s here so I can pick a fight with ‘im!
I heard your parents got MARRIED!!!!
(york, york)
Here you go Goldy, maybe these guys can help you with your retirement.
Oddly enough, on the Job Opportunities link, they have a link for KiroTV. Odd, I thought you guys decertified your Union?
So my question is, why would a Union advertise a job opportunity for a non Union shop?
Goldy Said
“KIRO employees, formerly represented by AFTRA, decertified themselves in 2005. So it is no longer a union shop.”
Oh goody goody…
rejex is here so I can pick a fight with ‘it!
I heard your parents ABORTED!!!!
(york, york) the sound of mommyrejex vomiting when she realized the only thing aborted was minirejex brain.
Gee, this is fun.
Can we try another?
Hey FUCKTARD (that’s anti-liberal to the rest of you)-
Here’s a little “reality check” on thet FABABULOSO Chimpinator economy you and Mark the (fucktard) Redneck like so much!
(from http://bonddad.blogspot.com/index.html)
Jobs and Wages Are Up. But There’s More to the Story
So, the latest jobs report released Friday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) showed more job growth than analysts anticipated, and you practically could hear the champagne corks go off at the White House. The same report that found jobs increased by 167,000 in December also reported that average hourly earnings rose 4.2 percent in December.
Must mean America’s workers are sitting pretty, right?
Unfortunately for the economy and U.S. workers, such short-term trends are misleading.
Looking at long-term wage growth, Jared Bernstein, senior economist for the nonprofit Economic Policy Institute (EPI), puts it this way:
Real wages for most workers, after rising for the first few years of the 2000s, have fallen lately, and despite 14 percent higher productivity, a typical worker’s real weekly earnings are down 3 percent over this expansion. Median family income is down about $1,500 since 2000, and more than 5 million people have been added to the poverty rolls.
Wages and salaries today account for the smallest percentage of our gross domestic product on record, while corporate profits are at their highest level since the 1960s.
In touting his economic policies in the months before the elections, Bush frequently referred to the 6.3 percent rise in the average net worth of an American family between 2001 and 2004, a statistic from the Federal Reserve Board’s Survey of Consumer Finances. But the law of averages here isn’t in favor of working families. For families at the bottom 40 percent of income, the median net worth actually fell.
YEEE-OWWWW-CCHHHHHH! Mommy, mommy…make them STOP!(GWB 2007)
Q. How does the anti-lib practice safe sex?
A. He spray paints an “X” on the back of the sheep that kick.
Oh Crap!!!!
Bushie can’t even keep the old Reaganites on board:
An economist who once served as President Reagan’s Assistant Secretary of the Treasury compares President George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler in a column at the libertarian website Anti-war.com.
“Bush is like Hitler,” Paul Craig Roberts writes in a column entitled The Surge: Political Cover or Escalation?. “He blames defeats on his military commanders, not on his own insane policy.”
“Like Hitler, he protects himself from reality with delusion,” Roberts continues. “In his last hours, Hitler was ordering non-existent German armies to drive the Russians from Berlin.”
According to his Wikipedia entry, Roberts is “considered a Reagan conservative.”
(from http://www.rawstory.com/news/2....._0109.html )
“Dood…yer harshin’ my buzzz” (GWB2007)
Typical Wingnut intellectual
Bushie LOST fukkin’ OLLIE NORTH!!!!!
“Appearing on The O’Reilly Factor, retired Lt. Colonel Oliver North, who hosts Fox News Channel’s War Stories, said that he doesn’t support President Bush’s plan to for 20,000 additional ground troops in Iraq.
In this clip, O’Reilly quips that the conservative military analyst, best known for his key role in the Iran-Contra affair, is aligning himself with Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi when he claims that Bush’s “surge” plan “sounds eerily like Lyndon Johnson’s plan to save Vietnam in the 60s by gradual escalation as a way not to lose.””
Is he just after the Irish????
Help me out here wingnutz!
For your edification and amusement: The Smartest Wingnut In The Bunch
Oh well, so I posted it twice. Sorry if it’s not nearly as funny as the stuff that MtR, Auntie American, or ConservativeFarce spam us with.
auntieliberal/JCH is at it again. You are biggest pussy here. Let’s meet for that beer. See if you have the stones to make your Jew hating comments to my face.
Time, place of your choice. I’ll buy.
What a fucktard. Nice cut and paste. That’s what you do when you have no words of your own other than hate filled invectives.
I have an ipod and a mobile phone. Admittedly, I’d like to have blackberry but my phone works well.
I don’t understand why anyone would want their phone and an ipod to be one.
You’d have to be constantly charging it if you used its ipod features like it was a stand alone ipod (1-4 hrs per day). what if it breaks? My ipod’s battery capacity started noticeably declining after only 2 months of heavy use. I have many cell phones break (I’m not the most careful, but I don’t trash it either).
Unless the battery performs well and doesn’t decline rapidly over several months (e.g. 2 hrs of music play, 45min of conversation and 24 hrs of standby, and 45min of internet usage/email usage) without recharging and the thing doesn’t break, why bother unless you have tons of money to replace it with another one in nine months when it breaks or rapidly declines in performance? This thing must cost at least $100-150 even after mobile provider incentives….blah blah blah
I can’t speak for anyone else, but if I had a combination iPod/phone, that would be one less thing I would have to tote around and potentially lose. The flip side of course is that if it breaks or runs out of juice you lose two pieces of gear at once.
Even so, I’ll probably stay with my combination of an MP3 player for my Palm Pilot, and a separate mobile phone. That iPhone is a sweet gadget but as you say it’s likely to be spendy.
I’m not ditchin’ my Treo unless the podphone synchs w/outlook.
Anyway…I’ll wait a year or so ’till the bugs are out.
So, all you Mike McGavick/Ken Lay whiners… you are suspiciously quiet on today’s news:
Howard Stern Gets $83 Million Sirius Stock Bonus
Sirius Satellite Radio paid shock jock Howard Stern a bonus worth nearly $83 million Tuesday for surpassing subscriber goals set in a 2004 contract that had already turned heads with its $500 million compensation package.
Dum da dum dum dum… cue the crickets.
Uhhhh…mr. dickhead, sir…
…Howard fucking Stern is the ON AIR TALENT!!!!!!
This is how goddamned disconnected assholes like YOU are.
THIS is why we KNOW you
And THIS, dear children, is why we WIN!!!!
Guys, give poor anti-liberal a break.
I’ve heard several people allege that AL/MTR/Puddy are shills who are paid to write on this blog.
If I was a lobbying organization interested in getting the conservative message out, and I had paid any of these people a dime, I’d be asking for my money back right now.
Puddy is the sanest of the lot, but he’s pretty strident and just not a very strong writer.
MTR is bitter and misogynistic, and anti-liberal is just flat-out inchoherent.
If they are paid shills at all, I’d suspect they’re in the pay of the Democratic Party or some other part of the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy in order to make righties look bad.
(no, I don’t seriously believe that. Mostly, as a more-or-less lifelong Democrat, I think the Democratic Party has had a really tough time historically just getting their own message out. Being able to hire plants to act like partisans for the other side would require a level of organization they just don’t posess)
Oh my goodness!!! Goldy is a ‘Producer’ !!!!
Howard Stern is heading an insurance company and running for office – or Howard Stern ran an American Energy Company and is dead of a cardiac infarction?
A radio jock received a huge monetary bonus…
‘cue the crickets,’ indeed.
Also, personally I think iPods are a superior product to any other MP3/video player. But not at it’s cost. You pay like an extra $50-100 for it’s sleekness/functionality factor. Not worth it. Don’t get me started on ‘after-market’ accessories…$40 for a leather case to enclose it? $180 for essentially a boom box you can plug into? Apple must get generous royalties for these products. That’s the suxor.
Wait, it’s similar in some ways to the viaduct issue….
Howard Stern is a commodity dipshit. Whether he’s worth that money who knows…
CEOs are not a commodity in the sense that he is actually a commodity. People want Howard Stern and will pay for him. He is almost impossible to replace. CEOs are not. Certainly their talent pools aren’t endless, but it is larger than one.
Rujax @ 28
Please don’t trouble antilib with such distinctions. His head might explode. He just doesn’t do well with anything that requires reason. He also doesn’t do well with facts, or nuance, or anything that requires him to peer outside the closed box of his tiny little mind.
DT @10,
I don’t mean to brag, but I bought my Apple stock for my IRA about 5 years ago at $17 a share. Pre-split. I’ve been sitting on it ever since. (That said, it’s not a lot of shares.)
Anom2 @24,
It’s not the iPod functionality I find exciting — I’ve got that somewhat in my Walkman phone — but the smartphone/PDA features. It’s just elegantly done. And that Visual Voicemail function… how entirely obvious. And yet it took Apple to do it.
I’ve been of the opinion for some time that Goldy, mensch that he is, is hiring MtW, Auntie American, Pud and the rest of the Wingnut Gallery for our amusement and entertainment. How else can you explain the simplistic, jingoistic, shrill comments they leave that sound like a mockery of conservatism?
I can only hope they don’t believe the stuff they post, or if they do, they are no longer in the breeding population.
My son has an iPod. It’s very nice, and it holds about 15 times more music than the expansion card on my Palm.
That said, the Palm uses Pocket Tunes to play MP3 files. It cost me $30 (about 1/10 the price of my son’s iPod), it works with a piece of equipment I already had, and it does exactly what I want it to do. And while it would be nice, I don’t see the need to carry 30 GB of music around with me. Mostly I use it to listen to radio programs and podcasts I’ve recorded off the web when I’m commuting back and forth across the lake.
I wonder if Howard is a Union member… Goldy do you know?
Oh yeah and Goldy, here is the site that can help you with your retirement
And on their job opportunities for Broadcast, they list Kiro
Why does a Union advocate employment at a nonunion Shop, or are some Kiro employees members?
Fireman @16,
Uh… 710-KIRO radio and KIRO TV share call letters and little more. They’re not even owned by the same company.
If 710-KIRO was a union shop, I’d proudly join AFTRA. But think about it… if 710-KIRO was a union shop, and I was eligible to join AFTRA, I’d have to join AFTRA. So I’m not sure what you’re trying to imply.
I agree Apple makes the best products and obviously that is what consumers want….I guess I should’ve stated that I wouldn’t buy this because it’s too much.
If it was relatively indestructible and had a wicked battery, I’d consider buying it.
Just curious as to why you rant and rave about Walmart, and poor pay, while you take jobs away from Union members. By working at a non Union shop, you are encouraging the practice of hiring nonunion members to to the job of Union members. Oh yeah, and you said it best:
“if 710-KIRO was a union shop, and I was eligible to join AFTRA, I’d have to join AFTRA”
In your words, even if you didn’t want to join, you would have to. So I am guessing that you are in favor of heirk Laws?
Right to work laws that is
So you are upset about the bonus (contractual obligation) that Howard got? Wouldn’t be because he is Jewish, would it?
What a fucktard.
AFTRA means different things to different members.
I’m certain a good number of workers at KIRO are union; especially on-air/on-camera talent.
This is much more a ‘FiCore’ town: former full-dues paying AFTRA members declaring their Beck Rights, reducing their dues to the ‘financial core’ and becoming ‘non-member members’ of AFTRA – unable to vote or hold union office, but now free to accept non-union work, should they so choose.
Pretty lousy pension plan under those circumstances.
I am Republican – I lie, steal and cheat when I’m not being a family man (Fat Whore) or a crying hypocrit. Hail Hitler!
kiro/ktth (Entercom) radio used to be a Union shop until the dumbshit Mike Webb cast the deciding vote to decertify.
The dumbass is gone and the “legacy” lives on.
As Goldy already pointed out…
kiro radio and kiro tv are two separate broadcast entities owned by two different groups.
This is ALL WAY TOO MUCH!!!… come on, i am an apple user and enjoy the products but after 3 ipods (2nd gen) with STILL awful battery life (try 4 hours max for just music)…. and this new phone toy/thing cost what… 4 to $5oo?
And what’s with the apple TV toy? …DVD no good any more?
All of this “I deserve it so I’ll Buy It” rich me USA technology-buy and screw the rest of you… makes me ill.
Suggestions to Steve and Bill all of the other Tech town boys…Try WORKING at a thrify store and carry about / handle all of these “crap-gadgets” that last a year to 5 (max):
VCRS by the truck-load, PCs, old iMACs, Keyboards by the gross, fax machines, printers: dot matrix to laser to photo epsons… hair dryers, irons, tape decks, electric counter top George Foreman grills, toasters, ez bake ovens, electric plug and ride razors, cars, singing fucking wall mounted BASS, toaster ovens, power PCs, Playstation ones and twos, every nintendo one that think of, xboxes…… sorry, i love invention, and creativity gadgets and toys…but be more resposible in what you buy!
…buy another iPOD and and cell phone (what are you gonna do with the ones that you have now when you switch plans or change co,lors or get smaller or larger or whatever… (oh yeah when it comes to phones at thrift donation stations we have more than all of people in seattle (land line, cells with dead and leaky batteries, electric (more dead batteries) and old fashioned worked when we had no power plug-ins)…and of course remote controls… they are fucking EVERYWHERE!
MY suggestion… before ANYONE buys another god-damned electronic piece of anything they should spend and 8 hour day going through shitty help-the-poor-folks Donations at an inner city thrift store like goodwill on Dearborn …throwing all of the out-dated, broken, and poorly made tech shit into a dumpster bound for some eastern wa landfill.
lead, arsenic, acid wastes
….ALL electronics should be REAL COST priced to cover global MANDATORY toxic waste clean ups and MANDATORY third world slave (walmart anyone?) health care coverages for those that make them (aforementioned electronic shit) and live in the toxics they leave behind.
the new iPOD phone… it makes me just want to PUKE!
my mental electronic wafer-thin-mint…
Do agnostics HAVE a soul?
“It’s gadgets like this that make me wish I could just sell my soul to the highest bidder.”
So-called Fireman @45,
Aww geez, why do I even bother replying to fictional trolls like you?
No, I passionately oppose so-called “right to work.” It’s nothing but a cynical attempt to destroy organized labor and defund the Democratic Party.
I have never been a member of a union and have never had the opportunity to join one.
No reason to get pissy. After all, you are the nonunion member here, not me. You don’t support right to work laws, but you have made a conscious CHOICE to work as a non union member. By refusing to work at Kiro Radio, you would be sending a message to all those evil businesses that employ nonunion members and pay sub union wages. But instead you chose to work part-time at a nonunion shop. Sounds allot like Walmart to me. Where I come from, that’s called selling out.
You said that you have never had the opportunity to join a Union and that you have never belonged to one. Wow, maybe you should do a little research.
You are Walmart Goldy. You have chosen you job and chosen to perpetuate a system that ensures the shrinking of the middle class. Here is the link to your new political party.
By the way, I have only been inside a Walmart once, and I didn’t buy anything there. Although I support the rights of Walmart to employ and pay their employees the minimum wage (If they chose to do so), I will not patronize them.
I need to mention the obvious:
A self-professed union member supporting the GOP is like a deer supporting the NRA.
’nuff said.
And a self professed Unabashed unapologetic liberal working in part time in a non union shop is like that deer shopping at Walmart
30 “Sirius Satellite Radio paid shock jock Howard Stern a bonus worth nearly $83 million Tuesday for surpassing subscriber goals set in a 2004 contract that had already turned heads with its $500 million compensation package.”
So what? Lush Flimbaugh gets $38 million a year for farting. So … stern doesn’t appear to be overpaid.
You raise an interesting point – yet isn’t it really a matter of degree? For instance, I was a member of four – currently member of three – labor unions; yet many of my fellow unionists attend Seahawks and Mariners games – Two organizations that routinely seek out non-union talent to pitch tickets to fans over the radio and on TV. You may not shop at Walmart; I won’t set foot inside Safeco or Qwest field. (How they were/are financed doesn’t help matters, either…)
Well don’t just sit there; take some profit, for crying out loud!
I urge you to do more about your retirement than whistling in the dark and hoping it works out OK. Look at Roger Rabbit: he’s on a fixed retirement, and that sucks. Just ask him.
You need to see a financial guy or get educated yourself about retirement planning. If you’re counting on social security, you’re setting yourself up for a miserable life in retirement.
Roger Rabbit says:
I don’t think Rush Limbaugh works for a publicly traded company like Howard Stern does. In addition, despite increased subscriber numbers, Sirius stock is tanking. Stern’s compensation seems to be much like the CEO compensation you complain about so bitterly. This bonus was above and beyond Stern’s $500 million agreement with Sirius. So Stern gets his and the shareholders get a tanking stock.
It looks like Apple’s stock bounce may be short lived.
@Union Fireman- you’re clueless, brother.
It’s awfully easy for a member of a closed shop trade to spit of those who work as non-union folks in a shop that currently has no union. There was a time when your firehouse was manned by non-union guys that …organized. That was way before your time, but now you lob abuse on someone who might very well be critical to organizing a non-union shop. Great way to advance the brand!
As a youth, I worked in a trade that had both union and non-union shops, and I would have gladly joined the union straight away if it had been a choice, but the local was an old boys network. I worked in a non-union shop because I needed work, and was overjoyed when I was finally able to get into the union. It was a service industry, and years later when I was on the picket line in front of a large non-union outlet, it was disheartening to see guys with their Machinist Local jackets crossing the line to enter the outlet, because the nearest union shop “wasn’t convienient”. Until trade unionists remember that every worker is their brother or sister and work to bring them into the fold, unions will remain the pale shadow of their former selves. And that’s tragic, we need them more than ever in the face of global capitalism.
I am not chastising Goldy for not being a Union member. I am chastising him for being a hypocrite. His views on Walmart and big business. His use of the term “Cheap Labor Conservaties” and then making the decision to work in a nonunion shop, as a nonunion member. Making him a Cheap Labor Liberal. I am well aware of the hard work put in by those who came before me. I to have worked as a non Union member (fireman) and support his right to do the same. But He is a hypocrite for doing so, while at the same time bitching about the big business.