Oh man. I don’t mean to pile on poor Aaron Dixon… but Richard Pope — HA’s resident expert on quixotic election campaigns — has searched through court records and posted his findings in the comment threads.
Let’s just say that if this were a real candidate representing a real party, we would expect him to announce his withdrawal momentarily.
I’ve got nothing against Dixon. People who know him tell me he’s a great guy and a dedicated community activist.
What he isn’t, is a viable candidate for U.S. Senate, and I have absolutely no compassion for those in the Green Party who put him out there for public scrutiny, apparently without any vetting process whatsoever.
The Greens say they want to become a major party. Well start acting like one.
Richard’s got more on Dixon’s court records.
Aaron Dixon is the “Gangster of Love” candidate. http://www.soulwalking.co.uk/J.....atson.html
The Green Party can commend Aaron Dixon for STANDING UP TO THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY. This is needed in the present campaign, since Dixon is running against insurance industry kingpin Mike McGavick — affectionately referred to by Democrats as “McSafeco”.
Dixon knows how to destroy the power of the insurance industry, and the multi-million dollar salaries of its executives — SIMPLY DON’T BUY ANY INSURANCE.
Almost all of Dixon’s traffic fines are for not carrying liability insurance. Probably most of his criminal traffic charges are for driving with his license suspended for not paying these no insurance fines.
The Green Party can spin this into Dixon’s courageous “civil disobedience” and protests against unfair laws that force poor people to buy automobile insurance. After all, Dixon didn’t want to line the pockets of Safeco and McGavick.
Oh, please! The man owes money to the government so he’s not a legitimate candidate? The guys who dumped tea in Boston Harbor owed money to the government, too.
Goldy and the Democrats have a pinched view of what constitutes politics. Politics is not just casting your vote every six years for the least worst of the corporate candidates. Politics is living as part of the community and trying to make life better for those around you. Voting for CAFTA, the war in Iraq, and the PATRIOT Act do not qualify.
If the Democrats want my vote, they need to represent me. They need to oppose the war, repudiate CAFTA, and make some sort of stand against the usurpation of dictatorial powers by a rogue president. When Cantwell makes a clear statement on these issues, she will have my vote.
Finally got it right. Check it out, Richard Pope!
Geez, David, what do you have against the poor people of Central America? Are you hoping they all just perish in natural disasters or of starvation? Trading with them can only improve their lives and give them less reason to illegally immigrate here. But, that is way too much logic, and not enough feeling.
David B… politics is also about running candidates who can win, and I don’t believe that being a scofflaw makes you a winnable candidate in much of the state.
Let the Greens admit that they are running a symbolic candidate who cannot win, and that their only goal is to pull enough of a protest vote to deny Cantwell the election… and I’ll get off their backs. At least that way they’d be honest with voters.
I don’t know what the Greens’ intentions are, but fortunately they do not have to account to me or anybody else. We still live in a society that is free enough for people to speak and associate as they please.
If the Democrats want to win the election, they need to run candidates who represent the will of the people. If Cantwell is so weak in this regard that a supposedly bogus candidate like Dixon can cost her the election, then the Democrats need to look again at their candidate selection process.
Looking at Pope’s information, it looks like 33% DWB and 66% insurance violation. Has anyone heard of anyone getting a stand-alone seatbelt violation in King Co. who wasn’t black?
That said, not getting car insurance after the first violation and letting these ticket costs get out of hand doesn’t sound like somebody who get’s his poop together. I think Dixon might have been a good Green candidate for the state house, but this information would have killed such a campaign for sure. ON the other hand, George Bush is a model for the phenomenon of “the higher the office the less scrutiny about competence and the more scrutiny about sex.”
As I’ve said before to myself in my bunker, I think this spoiler campaign isn’t helpful to the practical work of preserving American Democracy, saving baseball, and holding back fascism. It doesn’t help build a Green party or a stable of true Green party candidates.
Of course, it’s the State Democratic party’s great loss to have driven a great American and local activist like Jody Haug to full Green by their wishy washy lack of principle and integrity.
P.S. I dont know what all those Seattle Muni Court and other local jurisdiction violations are for. For all I know, they could all be suspended license charges (the most popular DWB charge) for unpaid inurance tickets. But he should have told the Greenies who recruited him and they should have had an immediate response plan for when the issue came up. Not “if it came up,” but “when.”
-Politics is not just casting your vote every six years for the least worst of the corporate candidates. –
Um, David B. – electoral politics, by definition, IS about elections and casting your vote. The “permanent activist” crowd can’t seem to figure this out, and that’s why their candidates never seem to be able to pass the 5% mark (gee, maybe we can create a political system where even the losers can win!)
These absurd sentiments of yours (along with Voter Activist’s brilliant comparison of competitive elections with a trip to Vegas yesterday) prove once again how Greens and far lefties are only good at one thing: LOSING and dragging progressives down with them.
First of all, the fact that Pope the Punk says it, doesn’t make it true. I’ve seen the guy lie on here before so he’s got zero cred. Secondly, to call a traffic ticket a “criminal” violation is anywhere between a stretch and outright slander. Third, if the man is a crook, then he’d really be a perfect candidate for the REPUBLICAN nomination. Given the fact that the republican culture of corruption sure likes to turn people into felons even if they don’t start that way, the guy would probably be better suited to run on the criminal GOP ticket with Tom DeLay.
-Third, if the man is a crook, then he’d really be a perfect candidate for the REPUBLICAN nomination. –
Hm – that’s interesting. The Republicans have been heralding Dixon’s run against Cantwell since he first announced his candidacy. I think you’re on to something, LeftTurn.
Maybe GOP front groups will even help fund his campaign, like they did with Nader in 2004.
“If the Democrats want to win the election, they need to run candidates who represent the will of the people.”
I’ll translate for David B: “if only Cantwell would doom her political career and jeopardize a Democratic majority in the US Senate by adopting our anti-capitalist / anti-competitive agenda, 3% of the electorate will be happy!”
— Liberal RedNeck wrote: Greens and far lefties are only good at one thing: LOSING —
Let’s see: the Democrats control the House of Representatives: Whoops! They control the Senate: Sorry, my mistake! At least we have a Democratic President: Oh, gee, wrong again!
The Democrats are the losers, lately, LR, and they will continue to lose until they abandon their cowardly, centrist, corporate-controlled, un-principled way of doing business.
I am a registered Democrat and I want to see Cantwell beat the R, no question. But the Dems need to wake up and behave like a real opposition, rather than a tame lap-dog.
— Liberal RedNeck wrote: I’ll translate for David B… —
Thanks, but I don’t need you to translate anything for me. And the Greens don’t need Goldy to translate for them.
If you think the Democrats are so great, why don’t you spend your time translating their pro-war, pro-business agenda into something that will win elections?
Uh, Left Turn: all the cases listed would be misdeamenors of some kind if accurate. Lack of money for insurance or to pay fines and a dark skin can blossom into quite an array of infractions (such as speeding, insurance, tail-light) and misdeamenors (like suspended license)over time in Seattle, King Co and elswhere in WA and the USA. [Liberal Seattle also has its onerous car impoundment for suspended license policy, which has been modified but not eliminated.] Its very likely that such a history has absolutely nothing at all to do with “crook” behavior and a lot to do with serious personal disorganization and lack of money.
Unfortunately for the Greens, no matter how much sympathy voters may have toward the broke and/or disorganized, it’s a history that makes a candidacy a sure loser outside of a district with extremely strong loyalty and identification with the candidate as an individual.
Again, to reiterate, I think the larger issue is the Greens’ lack of preparation and effort in this race. No doubt DWB is real, and perhaps there is a reasonable defense of his court record. But just like Dixon’s failure to regularly participate in elections, this is information that was sure to come out, and which he and the Greens should have been prepared to respond to.
The Greens are not taking this campaign seriously… so why should I?
So he’s a criminal and a philanderer. Just like The Swimmer, Bubba, and Sheets. Why would that disqualify him? Shit, if anything it should ATTRACT the moonbat vote.
re 19: ..from the sacred hallz of honesty and probity! NOT!
Remember, MTR, when you point a finger at someone else three of your own fingers point back at you . And your thumb is in a sort of midway thing pointing a little upwards.
Goldy I hate to point out the obvious but your constant coverage of this green doesn’t help Maria one bit. If it weren’t for you, probably none of us would have ever heard of the guy.
Fuckin’ A, MTR…I was gonna vote for him!
“MTR is a welcher…a lying chikenshit bastard.” Zeppo Marx
First: Democrats on the state level have nothing to do with what you are saying. They have been progressive and successful.
Second: You can’t expect the national party to act as liberal as you want. After being confused myself for many years it finally hit me: most voters in the united states are not like me at all. The Democrats had first lost congress because of the appeal of conservativism. Most areas of the united states love it. If you look at state politics across the united states almost all Democrats run on “pro business”. Pro-business, Pro-“getting tough”, and anti-tax are valued in our country, get mad at the voters, not the politicians.
Third: Because the Democrats don’t have any control in Washington DC they have to live with what Republicans want. Instead of being 100% against something it is the job of the Democrats to water down anything they can – it is the most productive thing they can do, even if it does appear weak.
The Democrats may appear weak now, but when they win the house they will have equal power again. Then they can talk. They will be much much more progressive.
Cantwell is important to reelect because McGavick will be so pro-business it’ll make me sick. He has also stated that Iran is dangerous and he would “deal with them” if he is elected. (Besides being pro-Iraq war).
Just don’t lose all faith in the Democratic Party. Right now I blame the mindless voters. Hopefully the Democratic party can convince voters to be more progressive in the future, but right now lets focus on beating the Republicans.
David B. @ 15:
You are not a registered Democrat in this state. Registration in WA is nonpartisan.
If, as you say, you “want to see Cantwell beat the R,” it’s a no-brainer. Vote for Cantwell. It doesn’t stop you from working to make the Party more responsive to your wishes.
A vote for Cantwell is a vote against Bush. It’s that simple. The Fright Wing will bluster and shriek that Bush isn’t on the ballot. So what? They’re still running against Clinton. Hell, they’re running against FDR!
So send a message, at all levels of government.
Okay, thanks. I’m not a registered Democrat. But I vote the Democratic line in every election (except Kerry; had to go with Nader, which I know makes me to blame for Bush; Sorry about that!).
I would love to see the Dems in control of at least one house of Congress, because then they could issue subpoenas about manipulated intelligence and warrantless searches and illegal campaign contributions. I think we have to ask ourselves, though, how aggressive would they be? That will be the true test.
Regarding the war, Eric Alterman in The Nation makes the point that by coming out against the war now the Dems would only open themselves to a Rovian attack. There is some merit to this argument, though The Nation editorial board has said they will not endorse any candidate who fails to make a strong statement against the war.
RevMan: Where did MTR point fingers? He stated facts. Are facts now finger pointing events?
MTR: These libruls forget we point all four fingers and bend our thumb at them! When we swing our hand back and forth, we call it a clean sweep! When we hold the hand up in the air it’s called talk to the hand! It’s also our bullshit detector when we hold it up in the air!
ChetBob, thanks for putting the truth out there. These lily white libruls have no idea what driving while black means! This happend to me with my sons just after moving to Everett because we had a european foreign exotic with the sun roof open as I was taking the sons to day care. I even asked the police officer what was I doing wrong besides driving while black. He hesitated and told me he was doing a vehicle check. Yeah, right. White cops, black drivers! Since it was a city, he had to be a librul!
re 14: We are not anti-capitalist or anti-competition. We are anti-money elite-shell game.
Example: If there are 4 gas stations on separate corners of an intersection and all are separately owned and they compete for customers, that is capitalism.
If the same guy owns all four stations and plays a shell game with prices, that is not capitalism.
The second example is the type of economy we have and if explained properly, can be readily understood by even a Republican. We don’t want Dem. who play the shell gfame.
What’s the big deal, Goldy? The Republicans run felons, crooks, liars, and mother-beaters for important public offices without thinking twice about it.
Hell, they don’t even think once about it.
“The Democrats … will continue to lose until they abandon their cowardly, centrist, corporate-controlled, un-principled way of doing business.” Commentby David B.— 3/24/06@ 9:53 am
David seems to suffer from dyslexia, as this is a rather good description of the GOP (except for the “centrist” part).
“So he’s a criminal and a philanderer. … Why would that disqualify him? Shit, if anything it should ATTRACT the … vote.” Commentby Mark The Redneck— 3/24/06@ 10:14 am
Hard to argue with your REPUBLICAN logic, Redneck, since it works so well for YOUR party.
Then RevMan you should be pushing for the biggest shell man to retire; RObert 3K Sheets Byrd.
David B. @ 26
If you’d like to see the Democrats in control of at least one house of Congress, then I hope you walk your talk and vote for Cantwell. We are not in the majority and therefore cannot afford to lose this seat. There are bigger issues in this election than indulging our personal desires.
Ivan: You may be losing the Maryland seat due to Chuck Schumer doing dirty tricks. Where is your voice on how DNSC Chuck Schumer operatives illegally used Maryland’s black Republican Lt Govnur Social Security Number? Of course Chuck Schumer claimed he didn’t know anything about it where the scumbag woman worked out of his DNSC office under his control. Yet, when Chuck Schumer claims ignorance he gets a pass from librul MSM.
Of course that little librul brain will have an epileptic seizure seeing truths!
SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER had just finished his last sputtering of outrage at the nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court when news broke that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, which he chairs, had a small problem. Newsday and the New York Post both reported that the DSCC was in illegal possession of the credit report for Maryland’s Republican Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele. Two of Schumer’s staffers, Katie Barge and Lauren Weiner (since has been convicted), used Steele’s Social Security number to fraudulently get his credit history.
The DSCC expects Steele to run for the Senate seat which Democrat Paul Sarbanes will vacate with his retirement next year. Nothing frightens Democrats more than a conservative African-American and Steele demonstrated in his appearance at the 2004 GOP convention that he has charisma, warmth, and a sharp sense of policy.
More for you ivan:
“Making this even more scandalous, it turns out that the DSCC had known about Barge and Weiner’s pilfering for over two months, having placed both on a paid suspension since early July, according to the Post. And yet no one gave any indication that the DSCC notified Michael Steele about the invasion of his privacy until this week. Given that federal statutes make the acquisition, distribution, acceptance, and even reading of this data without specific written authorization a federal crime, the theft should have resulted in no small amount of media attention.”
So if they knew about it for two months, WTF? You libruls are political scumbags and racists when it comes to blacks!!!!!
Liberal Redneck @ 11:
Hey, I have a question. I see where you accuse “lefties” of dragging “progressives” down with them. What is the difference between the two? I’m being sincere here.
BellTowner I have to thank you for getting my ire up regarding racism. I had become complacent! There are so many librul racism stories on the Internet. I can use one every day for a long time!
You are dead on with that great question Lys!
ivan: Chucky Schumer is a librul MSM darling. He attacks Bush, so he is a librul MSM darling! I can’t wait until this election season gets going. These librul racist activities will see the light of day!
Can’t you see the forthcoming political ad: “Why did DSCC and Chucky Schumer break the law and illegally use Michael Steele’s Social Security Number. Is this standard librul dirty tricks? Do you want these people leading the Senate? If you answer Yes and No to the last two questions, vote for Michael Steele and tell Chucky Schumer no!
For the Clueless: This Chucky Schumer activity above did not make the NY Times. They would not print the truth! So I have to use alternative means to bring the truth to the Northwest Division of eat shit and bark at the moon loony moby trolls of ASSes!
David B. @ 26:
I wonder if you fully grasp the irony of your post. In what universe would any candidate, of any persuasion, want the endorsement of Eric Alterman or the Nation? Your deadpan discussion of the idea is the most howlingly funny thing I have ever read on this blog – ever!
Were you simply being sarcastic? If not, here is something for you to think about. 1) The Dems have lost control of the White House, the House, and the Senate, and are losing the Supreme Court. 2) Some Dems believe the endorsement of Eric Alterman or the Nation is something to be sought after. There is a logical relationship here. I know you will deny it, but as long as you do you will continue to be its victim.
“The Democrats are the losers, lately, LR, and they will continue to lose until they abandon their cowardly, centrist, corporate-controlled, un-principled way of doing business.”
Please put the bong down and leave the 1960’s, OK?
This is the polling breakdown of political self-identification in the US for the last 40+ years:
liberal: 20%
conservative: 35%
moderate: 45%
Note that I said FORTY YEARS- this isn’t something new we’re discussing here.
Unless you plan on finding 20 million liberals under a rock somewhere (or exporting 20 million conservatives to Canada), or particularly LIKE being crushed in elections outside of Berkeley, Seattle, SF and a few other places, the party that has a liberal base (that’d be the Democratic party, in case you’re especially slow at picking this up) HAS to appeal to moderates. Like it or not, there are more of THEM (conservatives and moderates) than there are of Us (liberals). So demonizing centrists is stupid.
LeftTurn @ 12 — “Criminal traffic” correctly describes any of several codes for which violators may be sentenced to jail time — as distinct from traffic “infractions” subject to fines, loss of privileges, but not imprisonment. Similar distinction for non-traffic codes. Criminal traffic categories include DUI, vehicular assault, as well as no valid license.
Listed under RCW 46.63.020.
Want to bet me some real money that Steele wins? Thought not.
Here is some more information on Aaron Lloyd Dixon, Green Party candidate for United States Senator from the great State of Washington:
The child support worksheets that Dixon filed on December 6, 2005 in his King County Superior Court No. 05-3-08358-5SEA show that he makes $40,000.00 per year. If anything, this income figure should be conservative, since higher income means higher child support.
If he makes $40,000.00 per year, Dixon should be able to afford at least the minimum level of automobile liability insurance. His decision not to carry this coverage is obvious deliberate.
Dixon apparently owes some back child support. DSHS filed a lien against him in King County Records No. 20031016004312 on October 16, 2003 for $2,798.00 in back child support. The current amount may be higher or lower. Usually, DSHS will relase a child support lien once all of the back child support is paid in full.
Dixon had several dozen cases in Seattle Municipal Court, most of them traffic infraction tickets. All of the criminal cases that I listed last night are valid criminal case numbers.
Dixon owes $1,961.00 in unpaid traffic fines in Seattle Municipal Court, not including 12% per annum interest and collection charges (usually another 35% to 40%):
SMC 202267575: Driving W/O Motor Vehicle Insurance on 12/16/2004. Total Fine: $590.00.
SMC 202254959: Vehicle License Plates Display & Driving W/O Motor Vehicle Insurance on 11/04/2004. Total Fine: $691.00.
SMC 202181970: Speeding on 04/02/2004. Total Fine: $129.00.
SMC 202012851: Restrictions – Comm Load Zone on 12/06/2002. Total Fine: $35.00. On this case, Dixon requested a mitigation hearing to reduce the fine. On 02/05/2003, the judge reduced the fine from $44.00 to $10.00, and gave Dixon 30 days to pay. Dixon failed to pay anything, so the fine was increased to $35.00 as a penalty for failure to pay.
SMC 201878813: Expired Parking Meter and Expired/Improper Plates on 11/07/2001. Total Fine: $103.00. On this case, Dixon requested a contested hearing to fight the tickets. Dixon failed to appear at the pre-trial hearing scheduled for December 19, 2001. As a result, the fine was increased from $53.00 to $103.00 as a penalty for failure to appear.
SMC 201686019: Passenger Vehicle in Truck Zone on 07/18/2000. Total Fine: $53.00.
SMC 201429321: Speeding on 09/21/1998. Total Fine: $147.00. On this case, Dixon requested a contested hearing to fight the ticket. Dixon failed to appear at the pre-trial hearing scheduled for 10/26/1998. As a result, the fine was increased from $100.00 to $147.00 as a penalty for failure to appear.
SMC 201321320: Vehicle License Plate Display on 12/11/1997. Total Fine: $113.00.
Puddybud @ 35
I never fail to gape in wonder at you guys referring to op-eds as if they were factual reportage.
I would go even further that you, Richard Pope. Automobile liability coverage or proof of financial responsibility is the law, income or no income.
Pope – Where are you finding all this data?
This cracks me up! Richard Pope is helping the Dems. He can’t help himself. An old Black Panther is too much for him to tolerate.
MTR @ 49
I have a subscription to the Washington State Courts Judicial Information System. I also went down to Seattle Municipal Court today to print out their court dockets on their system, and copied Aaron Dixon’s divorce file in King County Superior Court. I got the child support lien from Dean Logan’s office.
Let’s see. Maria votes to illegally invade another country, killing 2300+ US citizens and 100,000+ Iraqis (and counting). Aaron doesn’t buy insurance for his car. Which one is the criminal who should withdraw from the race? Hmmm. Let me think about that one … You guys need to go get a life!
Puddybud @ 27
“These libruls forget we point all four fingers and bend our thumb at them!”
What…when you are giving someone a hand job?
“When we swing our hand back and forth, we call it a clean sweep!”
Thanks for the slang update, but is that with or without ’em wearing a condom?
I’ll work backwards.
DJ: Remember RevMan said when you point you point three back at you? No I realize you have problems following a thread.
Daddy Love: If you followed my comments in #41, you would have read the New York Times didn’t report on it. I realize Daddy Love you have comprehension issues; typical of a librul! If you opened up the provided link you would have seen the two newspapers that did report it. So you discount Chucky Schumer threw those two women to the wolves? Why do you support racist senators who don’t care about women and their careers?
Daddy Love: If you followed my comments in #41, you would have read the New York Times didn’t report on it. I realize Daddy Love you have comprehension issues; typical of a librul! If you opened up the provided link you would have seen the two newspapers that did report it. So you discount Chucky Schumer threw those two women to the wolves? Why do you support racist senators who don’t care about women and their careers?
Dixon owes child support? Don’t all librul donks?
Daddy Love when you gape you leave your mouth open. Another librul make take you up on the offer!
Ivan: I was out buying painting tools. I will buy you lunch if Steele loses and you do the same if he wins. The same bet I had with GBS. When he returns from Europe I have to buy lunch again for PacMan and also for GBS. But it will be for a great cause! It will STFU windie and horseless looselips; large dingleberries!
Seems if Goldy’s system notices 5 in a row it will choke on your 5th entry. So I guess it chokes a lot on Rabbit Pellet! So just remember to copy of use Firefox!
Puddybud @ 54
“DJ: Remember RevMan said when you point you point three back at you? No I realize you have problems following a thread.”
I followed the thread sans difficulty. But, the particular response you made in 27 to the “finger pointing” comment didn’t make any sense whatsoever. Another mystery of PuddyWorld, I guess.
Also DJ if I did what you suggested how could the four fingers and the bent thumb be piinted at a librul? Go into the bathroom and try what you suggest in Post #53. Let me know how your hand points.
pointed not piinted.
Yes DJ I live in PuddyWorld: Where I make great money, travel the world and watch libruls trip over their tongues! Those frequent flyer miles and hotel points are great too.
Hey librul white guys and whatever RevMan is besides liking his dildoes: You have to give the librul black donk Dixon a pass. He listened to you white donks and only did as he was told. Now that he runs against CantVoteWell and you now hold him up to a different standard? Isn’t that racist? Why do you white librul donks hate blacks who just follow the rules as stated by the Democratic Party? Hmmm…?
Aaron Dixon runs a so-called non-profit organization called Central House. For 2004, the last year for which a tax return has been filed, Dixon paid himself nearly $60,000 — a salary of $54,138 and an expense account of $5,280.
But he can’t buy automobile insurance, or pay traffic fines and child support?
Go Aaron@52: I am with you. Give Dixon a chance.
“Also DJ if I did what you suggested how could the four fingers and the bent thumb be [pointed] at a librul?”
I was suspicious of your description with the finger and thumbs pointed ahead…but when you added the “waiving back and forth” comment…
Come-on Puddy, admit it…you are trolling HA for gay sex, aren’t you?
Puddybud @ 63
“Yes DJ I live in PuddyWorld: Where I make great money, travel the world and watch libruls trip over their tongues! Those frequent flyer miles and hotel points are great too.”
And don’t forget, “ignorance is bliss,” too!
Earth to PuddyBud @ 64
“You have to give the librul black donk Dixon a pass.”
Ummm….”donk Dixon?” WTF????
Puddybud @ 64
“Why do you white librul donks hate blacks who just follow the rules as stated by the Democratic Party?”
More idiocy from PuddyWorld®!
When I call you an idiot, I am simply calling you an idiot. I am not making a claim that blacks are idiots, or black conservatives are idiots or even black conservatives who show up on HA are idiots. It just mean that I believe YOU to be an idiot.
Likewise, when I call you an idiot, it doesn’t mean I hate blacks, or that I hate conservative black commenters who show up on Horsesass.org, and it doesn’t even mean I hate you.
It’s true, Puddy. I don’t hate you. I actually kind-of like you.
But I still think you are an idiot.
Dang html tags.
Hey Goldy! Preview!
(We haven’t had any idiots screaming for preview for awhile, so I thought I would help out :-) )
Puddybud, funny post @ 27, I always thought when you raised up your hand, you were asking Kevin if you could go to the bathroom and not get docked a days pay!
Wow DJ five in a row. You must be done confusing those students with librul think!
Thanks for the “vote of confidence DJ”.
Yes, Dixon is a donk. If he is a Green Party candidate he is more donk than you DJ!
Librul donk rules:
1.) Make babies then leave. The mother will get welfare, WIC head start, all policies that destroy the black family
2.) If you get divorced, leave the mother to welfare & WIC.
3.) If you don’t like women, that’s okay fly to San Francisco visit Castro Street!
4.) Don’t pay tickets. Screw the man!
5.) Car insurance? Who needs stinking car insurance? Asians and Hispanics don’t need it so why should a black man?
6.) I have to display my license plates? Then how can I travel incognito?
7.) You mean I can’t speed. Just travel to Seattle and watch how many peeps speed on those city streets!
Yes, DJ I learned well how to do 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, & 7 in Philadelphia. What’s funny is Goldy will not admit what lily white ‘burb he’s from in PA!
RevMan when did you stop being an Anababtist and you became an Anabaptist? How did you know when to change? Still asking? How is that anal dildo? Still feeling good?
For the Clueless will call for my banning since I repeated RevMan’s previous commentary!
Puddybud @ 35, the MSM is as ‘librul’ as you are white. Enough said, end of statement, signed, sealed and delivered! Puddybud spanked again!!!!!!!!
Richard Pope @ 47. For the first time in my entire life…..thanks for doing the ‘dirty work’ this time!
Puddy @ 73
What is it about barely sane people and weird lists? Trying to add some rhyme and reason to settle those chaotic brain waves?
LiberalRedneck, I’m going to go with “He learned it at LGF”, in time-honored tradition.
Puddybud, have you considered buying a sheet at a Macy’s white sale and going and making new friends who share your viewpoints? I bet you’d have much more fun with people who are more in sync with your views.
re 29: Why do you try to bury my fantastic examples of what a tool you are, Puddwhack?
Someone needs to edit the Wikipedia article on Aaron Dixon:
Big dumb ugly puddytat:
Major polls by the Gannett Freedom Forum and others have consistently found Washington reporters vote Democrat by a margin of 9-1. Not surprisingly, then, public opinion polls find liberal bias to be one of Big Media’s biggest negatives. So biased is the ‘mainstream media” that it has even acquired an acronym, MSM.
UCLA Stude: http://www.polisci.ucla.edu/fa.....a.Bias.pdf
Nuff said dumb puddytat!
Well Puddybud @ 81, at least there are some states that has reporters that tell the truth…not like Alabama, Idaho, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming (the only states that GWB has a positive approval rating!). Thank *insert religious IDOL here* that Washington is as it IS.
Amazingly libruls don’t want to view the outcome of their failed policies in lists. Well sorry libruls, the only way one can view failure is to see it in a compilation!
So puddytat, now you agree there is librul MSM bias. A librul university won you over. Well congratulations for leaving the dark side and welcome to the land of the Jedi.
“I don’t believe that being a scofflaw makes you a winnable candidate in much of the state.” Commentby Goldy— 3/24/06@ 9:08 am
Dixon should try Texas. They elect criminals there.
Because RevMan: Until you tell me when you changed from an Anababtist to a Anabaptist you’ll continue to be ridiculed. I wonder what type of ministry you have with the gay bashing posts you place on ASSes. Just tell windie and Boeing Bo you are sorry for your worthless posts. That’s why I ask why you say what you say as a “parson of the cloth”!
Baseball doesn’t need saving. There will always be baseball. You don’t need money to play baseball. All you need is a stick and a ball.
Pudding Brain @27
Hey Pudding fer Brains, speaking of Bullshit Detectors, do you remember THIS one?
Right-wing version: “Bill Moyer, 73, wears a ‘Bullshit Protector’ flap over his ear while Senator Ted Kennedy addresses the Veterans of Foreign Wars. (photo of VFW member wearing yellow cardboard “Bullshit Detector” over his ear)
Original Associated Press cutline: “Bill Moyer, 73, wears a ‘Bullshit Protector’ flap over his ear while President George W. Bush, on screen at rear, addresses the Veterans of Foreign Wars at their 106th convention Monday, Aug. 22, 2005, in Salt Lake City. Moyer served in Korea and Vietnam, and in the post-WWII occupation of Germany.”
Yep, that’s right, the right-wing version of the “Bullshit Detector” was … um … BULLSHIT.
Wingers are such shameless bullshitters they even bullshit you about bullshit.
E-Coward: I am not a sheet wearer. People like Robert 3K Sheets to the Wind Byrd is you standard bearer. Why would a black man do that? It is more your speed.
I’ll give you my order for the beds in my house and you can buy me some 500-1000 thread sheets. Thanks E-Coward.
Okay, these idiots don’t understand NAFTA or CAFTA.
NAFTA increased illegal immigration by twenty percent! After we were told that it would reduce it.
Why did it increase? Because multinational corporations came in, sued local municipalities in Mexico in the non popularly-elected NAFTA court and won. They seized lands from poor peasant farmers, which caused Mexican farmers and farmworkers to need better pay elsewhere. Guess which country has a currency that can buy ten times as much stuff in Mexico? It’s pretty obvious what happens when you decimate a Third World nation’s national sovereignty. It falls apart and its people flee for greener pastures.
If we would jail every corporate executive who knowingly hires illegal aliens, and follow that up with heavy union organizing drives in border states, you would see illegal immigration slow to a trickle. Will it happen? Only if Cantwell is thrown out on her butt and the other Vichy Democrats see the writing on the wall.
CAFTA will do exactly what NAFTA did, increase our trade deficit with member countries, accelerate outsourcing, and increase immigration from those countries. So thanks to Cantwell (and Murray, and Norm Dicks), we have more fun things to worry about.
Don’t ya just love democracy?
Righty Alert!!! Righty Alert!!!! CORPORATIONS DON’T LOVE AMURKA!
Byrd apologized for being a racist dumbass in his youth. You, on the other hand, revel in making those sorts of remarks, apparently.
If the KKK isn’t your style, the John Birchers or folks on Little Green Footfalls will happily welcome you. Be careful about those precious bodily fluids, though.
Now, epon, if Byrd wore a different party label, you’d never let anyone hear the end of it. You rag on people who NEVER wore white sheets more than you’ve probably ever ragged on Byrd (which is probably never). Your words just aren’t credible.
Has anyone botheresd to checkout Aaron Dixon’s unpaid child support for his young 9 year old daughter Asha (fathered with a woman 22 years his junior?) or the fact that he has 6 children with different women???