It was two years ago today that I transformed my old initiative campaign website into a political blog… and 1624 posts later I’m still not exactly sure where I’m going.
Re-reading my first blog entry, “Comedy is easy, politics is hard,” I’m a bit embarrassed by my naivete, yet proud of how firmly I’ve clung to my original vision. It is also clear that I underestimated the willingness of my friends in the media and the political establishment to see through my sarcasm and irreverence to the serious political dialog at HA’s core… not that it didn’t take some hard work.
It was easy, I suppose, for our friend Stefan to initially imply a certain degree of credibility by naming his blog “” (or whatever he calls his Orwellian-named hokum,) but turning “” into a respectable brand… well that took some doing.
Of course, nothing I write would have any impact whatsoever if nobody read it, and so I didn’t want my “blogoversary” to pass without thanking all my readers for giving me a reason to write every day. Except for the handful of right-wing pricks who litter my comment threads; you can go fuck yourselves. But the rest of you… thanks.
Goldy, Since you’re not reporting on these stories, I hope you won’t mind if I give a “round-up” of what you’ve missed:
Cantwell’s Bizarre Marching Band Escort
Connelly Calls Pelz On Propaganda Blunder
Dems Try Their Hand At Energy Policy
Wow, thanks for the compliment above, I love this blog!
Speaking of right wing prick’s, see above.
Congrats to Goldy, I’ve never regreted the day I downloadned his petition. I only got about three signatures and never turned them in, but it was fun when it started and it’s still fun now.
Except of course for the irrational right wing pricks (see below :), I actually care to read the more sensible rightwing … :)
Happy Blogiversary, Goldy. Keep up the good work!
#2: that sounds like my experience with the petition, too! :-)
Happy “Blogoversery” Goldy.
You should take it as a compliment that a number of right wing trolls find your blogs serious enough to read and respond to.
Not sure if you’ve spent much time on Stefan’s site lately, but it’s pretty slow. Each of his numbingly dull posts attract the same 14 wacko’s who say “Yeah! why isn’t the MSM printing this top left on page one!!? This is critical information to get to the voting public.” The adverse trolls on that site have long since disappeared. It’s just too boring to even bother.
We love ya Goldy, keep on truckin’.
Keep up the good work Mr. Goldstein. I moved my Ass to the P.N.W. 3 years ago because I saw the handwriting on the wall when the Flight Suit in Chief got himself selected by the black robes in ’01.
Your voice speaks for all of us progressives who believe that government will work well if you have competent people to run the joint. Our present cluster f-ck is an example of what happens when incompetent people are put in charge.
And a tip of the hat to Qwest, our local phone company for refusing to surrender our liberties to those fascist at NSA.
…The National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans, using data provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, people with direct knowledge of the arrangement told USA TODAY.
…Among the big telecommunications companies, only Qwest has refused to help the NSA, the sources said. According to multiple sources, Qwest declined to participate because it was uneasy about the legal implications of handing over customer information to the government without warrants.
Another reason to be grateful that you live in Washington State.
Congrats Goldy. Keep pointing out how the inbred, lying, dishonest, cowardly, Taliban-lovin, Bible-thumpin, Confederate Flag wavin’, draft-dodging, ass-sucking idiots in the GOP are trying to steal America’s greatness.
And I ditto your response to the right wingers – go fuck yourselves – that is if you can get away with that in the Sex Offender Unit at McNeal Island.
Hey Goldy! Happy bloggin’ birthday! And keep up the grrrrreaaaat work!
God Goldstein, I’ll give you credit for being a shameless self-promoter and own-back-patter…
“I wanna talk about me, I wanna talk about I
Wanna talk about number 1 oh my, me, my,
What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see.
I like talkin’ about you, you, you, you OCCASIONALLY, but USUALLY I wanna talk about me! (me, me, me,) I wanna talk about me-e-e. (me, me, me)”
Sing along UNrighteous lefty brothers…
“I wanna talk about me, I wanna talk about I
Wanna talk about number 1 oh my, me, my,
What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see.
I like talkin’ about you, you, you, you OCCASIONALLY, but USUALLY I wanna talk about me! (me, me, me,) I wanna talk about me-e-e. (me, me, me)”
Your trolls are lubing up and preparing for their daily “Go-Fuck-Yourself”-a-thon.
Excellent job, sir. You’ve done good work in the cause of freedom, while making politics fun again. Which is hard. to. do.
Porter Goss is sending you a hooker, so leave your lights on. Cheers.
your blog has ripped back the covers on seattle politics for me.
thanks and keep up the good work,
Virtual cupcakes for everyone!
And virtual beer to wash it down!
“WASHINGTON (May 11) – The Bush administration’s top procurement official offered his assistance to now-disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff as his lobbying empire began to crumble, according to e-mails released Wednesday by the White House.
“‘Let me know if there is anything I can do to help with damage control,’ David Safavian, who is now under indictment, messaged Abramoff on Feb. 22, 2004.”;cid=2194
They see you as a threat, Goldy. The proof is the resources they’re spending on paid trolls.
The Republi-Nazis have the gall to post on this blog about McDermott’s benign leaking of a tape recording of evil Republicans plotting the overthrow of our democracy to the news media, while the thugs they shill for violate the constitutional rights of virtually every American. Sue the bastards. Hit them where it hurts most — wipe them out financially.
Darcy burner has already hugged a rabbit. The do-nothing incumbent doesn’t even have a plan to hug a rabbit — the GOP is the party of no ideas and no accomplishments.
republicans like rabbit stew. The bastards
Hmmm, interesting … HorsesAss’s birthday and Roger Rabbit’s birthday fall on the same day. This can’t be a coincidence. It’s gotta be Divine Design. It proves God is on our side … not on the side of the idiots wearing the “Gott mitt uns” belt buckles. (Roger Rabbit turns 60 today.)
“republicans like rabbit stew. The bastards” Commentby rwb— 5/11/06@ 6:32 am
That’s actually a good thing because it’s turning them all into vegans (in case you haven’t noticed, Roger isn’t in the stewpot yet). The downside is they’ll probably live longer.
Janet S — in the general spirit of today’s celebratory festivities … go fuck yourself. Mr. Cynical — when are you going to tell us how your washing machine works? I want to know how the rollers change L & I taxes into Rossi slush funds. That’s quite a gadget. Kevin Carns — you don’t need a special day to fuck yourself, you do it every day of the year. To all armadillos … have another tube of KY Jelly, I see the Republicans coming. (noise of fireworks popping and brass band playing in background)
Goldy, I’m sure this has blog been a great deal of work, not only in the actual writing but in the “creative stress” as well. You’ve made some important journalistic contributions and, if nothing else, provided a “half-way” house for wingers to interact with the rest of society. Reading the comments is often like sitting on the bus, watching someone with a tinfoil hat talk to themselves while drooling.
(Really, where else in society do you hear people conflate — with no logic whatsoever — liberals and socialists? If these guys believe this stuff, they really are nuts.)
You’ve been silent on changing your comments structure. I hope the status quo does not prevail, because the wingers’ carpet-bombing campaign is getting really old (as they intended). Could you please update us on what you’re planning?
Perhaps you could have a system that allows ratings for most of the threads but retains a “fight club” thread where wingers can still do their schtick without restriction.
If you want to make sure you have a great day, read this link!
I like the current thread. I fear no facist, dominionist, neo-con, or Republican (they are not mutually exclusive). Let them rant and rave.
As the good ship Dubya sinks like the Titanic (or explodes like the Hindenberg, thanks Stephen), let my Republican brothers and sisters continue to rearange the deck chairs. Won’t do em any good.
The AP Poll: Bush’s Approval Falls to New Low
Yes, I’ll join the chorus. Congratulations Goldy, your sly satire and muckraking are a very welcome addition to the Puget Sound political commentary, and your spillover into national matters has been a real bonus.
And all you right-wingers, do you guys ever tell the truth or is lying a membership requirement in your bund?
By the way, do you right wingers have panic attacks as you look at the polls and realize that the days of your illegal, cowardly, ant-American regime are nearly over? HE HE!
Thanks, and keep up the good work.
[Democrats…..Get YOUR checkbooks out and send ALL YOUR money. ALL OF IT!! You want illegals here to vote Democat, then pay up!!!!!]
Several months ago, I had an unusual encounter with an illegal immigrant. He was only 25, from Guatemala, and had been in the U.S. for only three months. He’d been doing landscaping work until he was admitted to Greenwich Hospital in Connecticut, with an excruciating headache. The medical team discovered that he had active tuberculosis, so fulminant that it had even invaded his spinal fluid. Thus, the headache. Needless to say, tuberculosis meningitis is not the type of thing we’re used to seeing in Greenwich, or anywhere in the U.S., for that matter.
He ended up in Greenwich Hospital because the one in the town where he’d settled, the neighboring and much less well-to-do Port Chester, had shut down after going bankrupt. That hospital had cared for a large number of patients just like him: no insurance, no English, no papers. When a hospital serving such a demographic goes bankrupt, it leaves a needy population to seek free care elsewhere, passing on the same risk of financial distress to neighboring hospitals, like propagation of an infectious disease.
He’d been in the hospital for a month by the time my surgical services were called upon. He was staying in a private isolation room. His strain of TB was proving to be multi-drug-resistant, and the medical team just couldn’t clear it. I was paged by an intern on a Sunday morning. The story: Over the course of 24 hours, the patient had developed a rapidly progressive weakness in his legs to the point where he couldn’t even stand, and had lost bladder control. An MRI revealed a large mass that was compressing his spinal cord to an impossibly thin strand. The mass spanned an incredibly lengthy 10 vertebral segments, nearly from the base of his neck to the top of his low back. I’d never seen anything like it. Neither had the internist, the infectious disease specialist, the neurologist or the radiologist. We don’t work in the Third World.
I took the patient to the operating room and spent the rest of my Sunday in the hospital. I wasn’t thrilled. I wore a special mask designed to hug the face tighter than most OR masks, but the thought crossed my mind that I was putting myself and the entire OR staff at risk. I made the longest incision I’d ever made in my surgical career, carefully opened 10 segments of spine, and worked away at the inflammatory mass that was plastered to his spinal cord. I called a pathologist in to examine the pieces of specimen I was removing. He heard the full story, refused to contaminate his equipment, and left.
It wasn’t possible to get more than half the mass out without risking even more damage to his spinal cord, so I stopped, forcing myself to settle for the less-than-satisfying achievement of having at least decompressed the spinal cord by removing the bony elements from behind (unroofing the spinal canal to allow for more room). Would he ever walk again? Doubtful. In fact, I’d phoned another neurosurgeon while in the OR, just to talk through this case. He’d never encountered anything similar either, but convinced me that the patient wouldn’t even live long.
The patient spent an additional six weeks in the hospital after surgery, not because of surgical concerns, but because the medical team still couldn’t clear his infection. His sputum samples kept coming back positive. After 2 1/2 months on multiple antibiotics, he was finally clear to leave the hospital. He left in a wheelchair. I knew I’d never see him again.
Why should our hospitals have to eat the cost of disease brought in by undocumented workers? I found out that his bill totaled $200,000. This excludes professional fees, meaning everything that would have been billed separately by the many physicians treating him over 10 weeks (including what I’d have charged for surgery). We all worked for him free.
Congrats. Blogging is no small chore. Doing so daily is rough. Excelling consistently is remarkable. Knowing that you’re making a difference makes it all worth while. Happy #2!
[“How Democrats Shop”, or “A Little Democrat Looting After Katrina”]……………..A recently unsealed document outlines an organized shoplifting scam centered in Clay County that may have fenced more than $400,000 worth of stolen goods over the Internet./Snip/ An investigation began in August 2004 after two women were caught trying to shoplift $700 worth of disposable razors from a Cash Wise store.
Idiot @ 27 – Is it a disease with your type to not attribute your content to their source?
BTW – the lower price of much of the produce you consume isn’t because a guy in Bangalore is picking your apples. Are you ready to pay up yourself? Are you ready to pay for rounding up millions of people, processing them and deporting them? That won’t come for free either.
”Wham-a-lot” Congressman Patrick Kennedy may be glad he has beat it to Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic now that party pictures have surfaced showing him masquerading as Michael Jackson. The Rx Rep. donned black-face, Jheri Curls and a white glove during a revel at the Virginia home of his dad, Sen. Edward Kennedy, in 1989, when Patrick was a 22-year-old Rhode Island state legislator. Patrick – who headed to rehab last week
Everyone will be told by the MSM that this was cute. If a Republican pulled such a stunt he would be hung up by the balls.
Hello? What’s that you say? Racist? No, no, not at all. He was HONORING Jacko! It was just a harmless prank by a young and irrepressible boy. Besides that, you can’t hold him responsible. He was higher than a kite on cocaine at the time. Yes, cocaine…well, and alcohol, too…no, the painkillers came later, after he trashed the yacht…or was it when he slugged the security guard (a woman, by the way – heh,heh, what a little dickens Patches is!!!)…what?…oh, yes, as you know, we Kennedys are all for the blacks and browns and minorities…yes…I knew you’d understand. Come on over and do a human interst story on me and Splash! OK, Bye, now.
[Ice Cold Democrat Voters!!! Come And Get Them!! Many Are Still Alive!!] Sheriff’s deputies found 56 illegal immigrants locked inside a refrigerated trailer with no driver in sight and no way for the shivering human cargo to escape.
BTW – the lower price of much of the produce you consume isn’t because a guy in Bangalore is picking your apples. Are you ready to pay up yourself?
Commentby Daniel K— 5/11/06@ 8:06 am [DK, Yes!!!!!! Deport 24 million illegals, stop welfare, food stamps and make the Democrat welfare hacks do the work “that Americans won’t do”, and I will gladly pay more!!!!
A conservative writer/radio host/13 year John Bircher has proposed a “Rebel Alliance” between true conservatives and true progressives to fight the corrosive and traitorous neo-cons.
I found the original link on
re 27: Getting people fearful about Mexican workers is a tactic you guys floated to see how divisive it would be. I know the GOP will be stirring that witches brew of “alien fear” come Fall. If that doesn’t work, you’ll try stoking fear of the “terrorists” or failing that, the real 9/11 terrorists ( Bush/Cheney ) will explode a few well placed suitcase nukes. We hope the jihadists don’t get them — but we DO know who ALREADY has them.
Looks like they finally found JCH!
you’re welcome. keep fighting the good fight.
Congrats Goldie!
Did you know you are my hero?Hooray for HorsesAss!
Also FUCK YOU[jch]Nixon!
Thanks Goldy!
YOU RAWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Goldy. Keep rakin’ that muck.
Great work, Goldy!
Keep it up. This is a great forum to expose the lying right-wing conservative ideals. Plus, it fun to demoralize the Krime Klowns.
I forgot to wish Roger Rabbit happy birthday.HAPPY BIRTHDAY!Your talent for exposing the lies of the maggoty gasbags who try clog this site is much appreciated.You go bunny!And speaking of maggoty gasbags [jch]Cunningham go FUCK YOURSELF!
Congrats Goldy!
Keep the motherfuckers running scared!
GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO, On the ground!! Then, into the Border Patrol van, cut off an arm, and back to Mexico!! [Oh, Have a nice day, wetback!]
Happy blogiversary, Goldy. After two years, I suppose it’s fair, from my perspective as a 3-years-and-5-months blogging oldtimer, to stop considering you a mere newbie.
GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO, After you are deported, only 24 million Mexicans to go!! Build a wall, add land mines, and you Mexicans can have your own narco country all to yourself. Bye bye!!!!
Keep up the good work & God Bless… it looks like you’re really pissing off a lot of assholes and are a big irritation esp to the Repuglican bigots — someone should tell them that the Lace Curtain/ Dirt Floor/ Shanty Irish weren’t exactly welcomed here in the 19th century and they burned Catholic Churches on the East coast to push that point. Take that and stick it in your potato, Mr. Kennedy…
GORDITOS DE LOS ALBERTO, After you are deported, only 24 million Mexicans to go!! Build a wall, add land mines, and you Mexicans can have your own narco Mexico “Hillary Village” all to yourself to shit in. Lots of Democrat commie Mexicans to gang bang and drive by each other! Bye bye!!!!
Geoman, see post 27, and get your liberal Democrat checkbook out. Oh, let someone else pay?? Gee, what a surprise!!
Mazeltov, Goldy!
David at
Many thanks for the cheap entertainment!
Those “blisters on your fingers” are more likely than not from constantly jerking yourself off! Get a girlfriend….quick!
This special day is worthy of the GOLDY Theme Song:
Someday Goldy’s gonna be famous, does he have talent…… well no
These days he don’t really need it thanks to reality shows
Goldy can’t wait to date a supermodel, can’t wait to sue his dad
Can’t wait to wreck his Prius Hybrid on his way to rehab
[1st Chorus]
‘Cause when Goldy’s a celebrity
It’s adios reality
Goldy can act just like a fool
People think he’s cool
Just ’cause he’s on a Blog
Goldy can throw a major fit
When his latte isn’t just how he likes it
When they say he’s gone insane
He’ll blame it on the fame
And the pressures that go with
Being a celebrity
Goldy gets to cry to Barbara Walters when things don’t go his way
He’ll get community service no matter which law he break
He’ll make the supermarket tabloids, they’ll write some awful stuff
But the more they run his name down the more his price goes up
[2nd Chorus]
‘Cause when Goldy’s a celebrity
It’s adios reality
No matter what you do
People think he’s cool
Just ’cause he’s on a Blog
Goldy can fall in and out of love (WITH FELLA’S)
Have marriages that barely last a month
When they go down the drain
He’ll blame it on the fame
And say it’s just so tough
Being a celebrity
So let’s hitch up the wagons and head out west
To the land of the fags and the sun
Goldy will be real world homo jackass millionaire
Hey hey, Ron Sims, here Goldy comes!!
[3rd Chorus]
‘Cause when Goldy’s a celebrity
It’s adios reality
No matter what you do
People think he’s cool
Just ’cause he’s on Blog
Being a celebrity
Yeah celebrity
Slightly modified….and personalized!
BOZO: Here’s a blast from the reality past: I-912, signatures, Truman Democrats…
What was that about adios?
Can’t forget:
Thank you Goldy for holding the fraud’s feet (the BIAW and their lackeys like BOZO and David Irons Jr.) to the fire!!!
KLUELESS (you humorless prick!)
Lighten up pal!
May you have a hundred more anniversaries!
“Idiot @ 27 – Is it a disease with your type to not attribute your content to their source?” Commentby Daniel K— 5/11/06@ 8:06 am
No, merely intellectual dishonesty.
“A conservative writer/radio host/13 year John Bircher has proposed a “Rebel Alliance” between true conservatives and true progressives to fight the corrosive and traitorous neo-cons.”
That’s like Gary Ridgway teaming up with the police to find bodies.
“Goldy–Many thanks for the cheap entertainment!” Commentby Mr. Cynical— 5/11/06@ 12:36 pm
Many thanks for the cheap shots and the cheap posts, Cynical.
big ups to you sir on your milestone…by any chance will you stop drinking the Dem-publican kool-aid???
you have a real good thing going and I wish you much more success on it. but you continue to ignore the many lies from the center as you jump all over the right.
our country is not republican and democrat but rather corporations and bigger corporations…and they have ‘both’ parties on the bank-rolls.
as someone on the left I think it is best not to force people into seeing your (or my) side of issues but rather show them there are other parties that more closely represent their interest….and only the wealthy benefit from a Democrat or Republican in office.
keep it up and my props to you for providing us this forum.
Happy Blogiversary Goldy. Keep hitting those nerves. . .the louder these rightwing jackals yip the closer to the truth you’ve made your mark.