Blogging can be a lonely, thankless avocation, but there are those little things that make it all worthwhile. An appreciative comment or email. The occasional donation. Getting banned by the Chinese government.
During the six weeks I’ve dogged the pet food recall story, I’ve often grown frustrated with my failure to raise a louder alarm that melamine-tainted Chinese imports may have widely contaminated the human food supply, but yesterday I learned that my hard work has not gone entirely unnoticed. Sometime late Tuesday or early Wednesday the Chinese government blocked Internet access to, apparently fearful of what its citizens might learn of their own unregulated food supply — like the fact that Chinese vegetable proteins and livestock feed are routinely adulterated with scrap melamine and scrap cyanuric acid, and that in addition to renal failure, chronic exposure may cause cancer and reproductive damage. You know, stuff like that.
My local political blog typically averages just a few thousand readers a day, so if China’s billion-plus citizens were routinely checking in over their morning congee, I think I’d notice. But regardless, China’s government isn’t taking any chances.
I first became aware of the ban via an email from a reader, who wrote:
Congratulations! You just got blocked by the Chinese government! I happen to live in China at the moment, and couldn’t click into the article and had to go through
The thought was oddly flattering, but I figured it was probably just some temporary network glitch. Then later in the day, I saw a link come in from Peking Duck, an expat blog in Taipei:
For some marvelous commentary on this subject, including a scathing indictment of how the US FDA (mis)handled this mess, you have to go here. Oddly enough, the site seems to be banned here in China. Fancy that.
Hmm. I wonder if Yahoo has handed over all my email yet?
That Chinese authorities would bother blocking a Washington state political blog because I’ve covered their food safety scandal a little too closely, says something about the total disregard they have for the health and welfare of their own people. And perhaps it says something about their growing unease over the details of this scandal that have yet to come to light.
Either way, it reassures me that I’m on the right track.
I probably didn’t help your standing with the Chicoms by calling them “the enemy” and calling for a total boycott of Chinese imports.
“That Chinese authorities would bother blocking a Washington state political blog because I’ve covered their food safety scandal a little too closely, says something about the total disregard they have for the health and welfare of their own people.”
Their circumstances are different from ours. They have too many people, and probably would like to kill their population down to a more manageable (and feedable) level.
Also, when you have more mouths to feed than grains of rice to feed them with, you can kill two birds with one stone, so to speak, by feeding them your leftover antifreeze and industrial chemicals.
“And perhaps it says something about their growing unease over the details of this scandal that have yet to come to light.”
Are you hinting those pretty lampshades in Wal-Mart were made from … body parts?
The fact our homegrown wingnuts ship American jobs to China and buy the crap China sells to us, whatever it says about this scandal, says worlds about our homegrown wingnuts.
I notice they don’t have a wingnut problem in China. *
* Hey, just kidding! Ann Coulter humor.
I looked at the FDA release listing the banned vegetable proteins and amino acids and wondered what the phrase “FOI: No purge needed” meant. Does this mean there are FOI documents that they routinely purge so no one can get their hands on them?
Good work on getting banned in China.
If I were an Olympic Athlete, I would be figuring how much food I would need for the entire stay and making sure I had room to bring it.
McKay Predicts Deepening U.S. Attorney Scandal
“John McKay: White House had us fired; ‘I think there will be a criminal case that will come out of this,’ the former U.S. attorney for Western Wash. said. ‘This is going to get worse, not better.’ — Seattle Times
“By David Bowermaster
“Seattle Times staff reporter
“Two former U.S. attorneys said Wednesday they believe the White House had them fired along with six other federal prosecutors, and that ongoing investigations into the dismissals could result in criminal charges against senior Justice Department officials.
“John McKay, the former U.S. attorney for Western Washington, and David Iglesias, the former U.S. attorney for New Mexico, also said they believe Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty lied under oath when they testified to Congress about the firings of eight U.S. attorneys. …
“McKay and Iglesias said they still don’t know who at the White House ultimately put them on the firing list. But McKay said he believes obstruction-of-justice charges will be filed if investigators conclude any of the dismissals were motivated by an attempt to influence public-corruption or voter-fraud investigations.
“‘I think there will be a criminal case that will come out of this,’ McKay said during a meeting Wednesday with Seattle Times editors and reporters. ‘This is going to get worse, not better.’
“Additionally, McKay and Iglesias said they believe White House strategist Karl Rove and his aides instigated the dismissals and that someone in the White House ultimately decided who among the nation’s 93 U.S. attorneys should be fired. …
“McKay and Iglesias made their assertions during Wednesday’s meeting with Times journalists. … McKay cited … investigations by the Senate and House Judiciary committees and … the Justice Department’s inspector general and its Office of Professional Responsibility. …
“McKay and Iglesias … both concluded that the White House was behind the firings. They based their conclusions on thousands of pages released by the Justice Department in recent weeks, as well as hours of public testimony by senior Justice Department officials and news reports of private depositions those officials gave to congressional investigators. …
“The White House … has not turned over e-mails related to the firings …. Consequently, Iglesias said, ‘it’s hard for us to know who in the White House said what, on what date. The people that would have a voice in this would be Karl Rove, [Rove aide] Scott Jennings, [former White House counsel] Harriet Miers …. That would explain why the wagons are so tightly circled,’ Iglesias added. …
“McKay said he first had concerns about politics entering the Justice Department in early 2005, when Gonzales addressed all of the country’s U.S. attorneys in Scottsdale, Ariz. ‘His first speech to us was a “you work for the White House” speech,’ McKay recalled. ‘”I work for the White House, you work for the White House.”‘ McKay said he thought at the time, ‘He couldn’t have meant that speech,’ given the traditional independence of U.S. attorneys. ‘It turns out he did.’ …
“‘There was an attempt to inject the virus of partisan politics into the prosecutorial process,’ Iglesias said. …”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info, see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have here, folks, is federal prosecutors saying crimes were committed and administration officials will go to jail. That’s explosive!! Sure, these are the prosecutors’ opinions and they have to surmise what happened from fragmentary evidence. But given this administration’s systematic predilection for injecting partisan politics into virtually everything they do, the chances of these prosecutors being wrong about either what happened or what the motive was is effectively zero. This is exactly what I’ve said all along it was: An attempt masterminded by Rove to forcibly enlist federal prosecutors in a massive nationwide scheme to rig elections to keep Republicans permanently in power. As such, it was nothing less than the attempted overthrow of our government and an attempt to establish a dictatorship.
Karl Rove can’t be impeached, but his boss can, and should be held to answer for his subordinate’s crimes.
3 Union Reporters Fired By KOMO-TV; Former Fox Manager Is Behind KOMO “Makeover”
“Union to investigate KOMO firings
“By Florangela Davila
“Seattle Times TV writer
“In the wake of Monday’s firing of April Zepeda, Joe Furia and Kevin Reece from KOMO-TV, the union representing the three veteran reporters will investigate whether the dismissals are connected to the fact that, within the past week, Furia and Zepeda had agreed to serve as local union representatives. …
Vice president and general manager Jim Clayton said the station doesn’t discuss personnel issues. And the firings … ‘were done for specific reasons that I can’t really talk about,’ he said.
“KOMO and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), which represents the on-air talent, are operating without a contract … in March AFTRA filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board.
“The firings are the latest in a string of station makeovers ushered in by Clayton, who arrived at the local ABC affiliate last summer from FOX-TV in New York City. Changes have included a new set, a new logo and new music, as well as new faces at different newscasts. We’re not trying to replicate any FOX product,’ Clayton said. ‘We’re just trying to do the best, most informative, journalistically solid product that we can.'”
Yeah, and pigs fly — Roger Rabbit
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just want to let you all know that KOMO-TV is now a Fox clone.
Tony Blair Resigns
“TRIMDON, England (May 10) – Tony Blair returned to his Parliamentary district Thursday to call an end to a decade in power by announcing his resignation as prime minister and leader of the Labour Party, his office and a party official confirmed.”
as of this posting, goldy is on reco list on dailykos
give goldy teh old balding fart some love!
Goldy actually WHATADICK Cheney probably banned you and since he appears to work for the Chinese government, that explains what happened.
Man I have been waiting for this. A fracture in the Publican party is all we need to seal the deal in 08 – and it’s starting.
A true honor!
I wonder if you coluld get a folrmal notice about this? Would the Chinese Consulate in Seattle invite you over for tea? I could come and make a picture of you and the consul sitting in large white upholstered chairs, tea table in the middle, sipping the Keemun!
I also suggest adding the official “BIC” (banned in China) logo to the HA headline.
Wierd, in that they have the same standards on
voting; both you and they want the “party” to decide
free speech; both don’t care to allow all forms
religion; both see unfettered religion as troublesome
Congratulations. Well done, Goldy.
Did you see Sandy Burglar may have to take a lie detector test after all. Maybe we’ll get down to the real theft of guvmint secrets!
It turns out that 18 federal officials in the Bush regime are currently under indictment or investigation. Lots of friends for Tommy Delay and his pals in the prison.
The Publican party is in complete chaos. The Gonzalesgate affair, getting caught lying about Tilman in Iraq, Publicans threatening to break ranks, Publican officials going to jail, nearly three out of four Americans saying Bush sucks.
You inbred righties must be proud.
Ya’ll done good Goldy!
Keep up the awesome work! :)
Glad to see that the people of China can continue to read your blog through Good for them!
re 14 & 16: What the hell is your point?
By the way: What do you suppose Cheney means by saying the only solution in Iraq will be a political solution — not military.
Sounds like Senate MAJORITY leader Reid.
The Chinese government is worried about you. Now that is a badge of honor. I suggest you include:
“Banned in China” tm
on your top banner, preferably in bright (Chinese) red letters. Do any of our other posters read Chinese characters? Babelfish gave me:
as the translation, but I’ve heard of some interesting issues with errors in translations. (I went with “simplified Chinese” characters.)
Many congratulations, Goldy! 继续重要工作
I’m sure Rove and the rest of the imbeciles in the WH would like to do the same! Can’t believe that you are not on the ‘no fly’ list.
You had better watch out, because them Chinese don’t like being bothered…You should watch some 24, and hope they don’t come after you like they did to Jack!
“Puddybud Who Left the Reservation says:
Did you see Sandy Burglar may have to take a lie detector test after all. Maybe we’ll get down to the real theft of guvmint secrets!
05/10/2007 at 7:52 am ”
Move ON(!), Moron…
…you LOST!!!
Stop avoiding the truth!!
Watch this video, it’s only 30 seconds, you can spare the time. It’s Major General Batiste rebutting Bush’s statements that he “listened” to the military commanders on the ground. Gen. Batiste commanded the 1st Infantry Div. in Iraq.
PLEASE, watch the video and tell me which man is lying. The combat veteran or the commander in chief.
Batiste is great, they were playing it last night on either cnn or msnbc. Bastiste really cares about the troops and the impossible situation imbecile bush has put them in.
You are soooo lucky. I never get banned anywhere.
Hey I’d welcome a ban from China, their bots are aways crawling my site looking for audio clips of violent rhetoric radio. It kind of amuses me that the Chinese are using Melanie Morgan (Melamine Morgan?) to learn to speak English.
I think you have to put one of those logos on your blog like the old “Banned in Boston by the Catholic League!”
I’m looking forward to the good ole days of spots on the blue dress and Sandy Burger. In the mean time as the wheels come off we have another 19 months of these imbeciles to really worry about. I actually don’t give a shit about Sandy Burger! But I am worried about the war, our food supply, national debt….little things like that. Too bad karl rove can’t testify to congress under oath!
oh geez goldy….self aggrandizing again????
banned in china… and everyone else you tool.
but i see you and roger [one and the same]do get around alot….you must have been in france …..look what the peeps were yelling:
“PARIS (Reuters) – Cheering crowds met French president-elect Nicolas Sarkozy at his first official engagement on Thursday, hours after police in Paris faced rioters chanting “Sarkozy fascist.”
isn’t this some sort of TRADEMARK infringement for you?
Watcht the video link at 26 and tell me who is lying; Maj. Gen. Batiste or George W. Bush?
As a Jewish Mother also obsessed with a high education for my children, I want to congratulate you.
As good as a Law-degree, PhD or Doctorate, to be banned for Truth and Outspokenness in your chosen profession of Political Journalist/Bloggist.
“perhaps it says something about their growing unease over the details of this scandal that have yet to come to light.”
Thank you for taking the time to research and follow this subject. Please continue to do so.
The other shoe of this story hasn’t dropped, it is coming. I count on your rss- feeds as I am sure many readers do.
The medical community is not “ready” or “prepared” for any kind of massive influx of patients, be it from poison, earthquake or terror induced casualties.
We barely can staff now on any regular given day!
Congratulations, Goldy!
I still remember receiving my first death threat after I published a review of someone’s work. (I didn’t even write the review – I was just the publisher/editor.) An odd mix of mordant feelings and thrills.
But a solid confirmation that I was “noticed”. And it boosted the subscription rate of my tiny journal 400% in a month.
Here’s hoping doing the right thing well, as you have with your investigative journalism and your focus on the case, continues to boost your deserved recognition and reputation.
and goldy, weren’t you banned from all polite society a long time ago?
granted the chinese hardly fall into that category, but maybe this is a sign that you will soon be banned by the hell’s angels too.
who knows? then you could brag about that too as IF IT WERE SOME SORT OF ACCOMPLISHMENT.
wouldn’t it actually be a shorter list for the top of your blog if you listed who ACTUALLY read this[all 5] and who hadn’t banned/blocked you?
“Roger Rabbit says:
I notice they don’t have a wingnut problem in China. /19.jpg *
* Hey, just kidding! Ann Coulter humor. ”
Roger Rabbit wishes the US was more like China.
After all, Gov’t runs everything, including reproduction… a utopia for radical libs like Rog.
Well done commrade.
Right Stuff:
In his future Chinese homeland, PelletHead would have a clamp placed on his short hair place to stop his “reproductive” practices!
GBS: The more you whine about me watching Batiste the less likely I’ll watch it on your “timetable”. More important things to do right now!
Ghost @34,
What… no outrage at the the totalitarian Commies?
Why do you hate America?
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa!
oh goldy….you are truly amazing.
now i hate america? really, why is that? because i called bullshit on you?
you really don’t have any world experience do you? you probably think the chinese are still speaking pidgeon and looking for jobs as servants, huh?
IF you were banned….big IF that they would even notice you….you were most likely ‘banned’ because of your foul language.
now that’s what i call an accomplishment.
geez…now you can die happy.
attention whore………
I have remote access to some computers in China, and I can confirm that is completely blocked. Congratulations. The totalitarian regime in Washington DC is envious.
I see you’re still speaking pidgin and looking for a job as a servant…
Christmasghost: Feel free to use Bullshittium!
well thank you puddy…i will.
Bullshittium !!!!!!!
goldy…is this really all you have??
good grief!:
“Karlheinz Schwanzstuecke says:
I have remote access to some computers in China, and I can confirm that is completely blocked. Congratulations. The totalitarian regime in Washington DC is envious. ”
can’t you AT LEAST come up with some not-so-obvious made up names????
you are just becoming yet another sad whiny little man.
you know where you could really make a name for yourself?
you could get a job and support your kid for instance. you know… a real PAYING she wouldn’t have to depend entirely on mommy……….
it’s parasites like you that really hate america. how much in taxes do you pay? is it anywhere close to what you should be paying for the amount of bitching and whining you do?
no? didn’t think so……
Good job. Now Jack Bauer isn’t the only one that has to watch his back.
80% of all Republicans think that Jack Bauer is a real person.
The RNC has officially renamed “freedom fries” to “Sarko fries”.
Have you noticed that overnight the wingnuts are extoling the wisdom of the French?
Ghost… why so threatened?
Geez, a totalitarian Communist regime blocks its people from accessing my blog, and you instantly discount it, calling me a liar, and saying that if HA is blocked, it’s just because of my foul language and well deserved.
No outrage over the lack of respect for free speech by the Chinese authorities. Just outrage over me. Doesn’t matter what I’m writing on. Doesn’t matter that this is about food safety. You disagree with me politically, so silencing me is apparently a good thing, or at the very least acceptible.
Again… why do you hate America?
(And by the way, I checked out Karlheinz Schwanzstuecke’s IP, and it originates in The Netherlands.)
Puddybud @ 37:
Let me see if I understand you correctly. You’re so busy you don’t have time right now to left click on a link and watch a 30 second commercial so you can FULLY understand the position your political leaders have placed our nation in that has cost the lives of 3,400 soldiers and breaking our Army and Marine Corp?
But, somehow you have time to fuck off and blog on HA?
You cannot take 30 seconds out of your life to support our troops?
OK, either you’re lying about time management, or you’re lying about your support of our troops.
The truth is, you have time to fuck off on this blog, and you know full good and well that your support of this failed president has caused the death of thousands of America’s soldiers, placed our military in peril, and endangers our national security.
You know what? That is the most pathetic position I’ve ever known you to take.
You cannot admit Bush lied. Because I’ve put you and all the other conservatives in an impossible position, for if you possessed the moral clarity to admit your wrongful support of conservatism would be to admit the blood of our soldiers are on your hands.
I know it, you know it, everybody who reads this knows, it but more importantly all the families who have buried the result of your stunning lack of moral clarity knows it.
Too bad. You better get right with the Lord because right now you’re violating the 9th Commandment.
Nuff said.
@15 “Wierd, in that they have the same standards on
voting; both you and they want the “party” to decide
free speech; both don’t care to allow all forms
religion; both see unfettered religion as troublesome”
You shouldn’t talk about the GOP like that, Wrong One. You might get in trouble with your BIAW handlers.
@17 Too bad he didn’t steal the hard drive from Rove’s computer. THAT would be interesting.
Actually, we probably could get it with a simple snatch-and-grab. Somebody distracts Rove for 30 seconds while …
When the nazis took over the White House in ’01, they whined because the Clintonistas took all the hard drives with them. Betcha when the nazis leave the White House in ’09, they’ll take all the hard drives with them.
@30 I see Xmasnutz still thinks I’m Goldy and Goldy is me. Hey Xmasnutz can you explain how I post on HA at the same time I’m talking on the air? That’s pretty clever on my part. I wonder how I do it?
@34 Why didn’t Bush hire the Hell’s Angels to police the Green Zone? He wouldn’t have these security problems if he had.
@35 “Roger Rabbit wishes the US was more like China.”
Not really. I only wish they would take our wingnuts off our hands.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter humor.
Swapping wingnuts for tainted wheat gluten seems like a fair trade.
@37 Yes, puddy, we all know you have “more important things to do” than listen to what one of Bush’s top generals says about the “commander guy” squandering American lives in Iraq for no purpose. Fucking traitor.
Puddinghead is a troop-hater and traitor.
RR no matter how bad you wish it… isn’t going to happen… There’s no scandal here. this is no more than an ex DOJ lawyer who has sour grapes for getting canned.
But it sure is fun watching you obsess over it…
Keep focusing there. Perfect.
This site should be banned everywhere hahaha
goldy…threatened? BY YOU???
oh bwaa haa haa haa haa haa
now, that is a good one! thanks for the laugh.
“Geez, a totalitarian Communist regime blocks its people from accessing my blog, and you instantly discount it, calling me a liar, and saying that if HA is blocked, it’s just because of my foul language and well deserved.”
oh….uh huh. sure goldy. and just what makes you THINK that they blocked you [at all] for your silly views? do you have any proof that that is why they [supposedly] blocked you? no???
then how do you know they didn’t block you for your foul language?
you don’t.
you are assuming that the chinese government is intimidated by a tiny little man who doesn’t even have a job, much less could be any threat to them.
yeah…that sounds SO MUCH MORE LIKELY right?
you see how stupid you sound?
i’m sure the next headline will read “chinese government taking out a hit on david goldstein as they see him as an imminent threat to their nation”
good god! can it really get any more laughable than that?
and what, exactly, have you ACTUALLY done to solve the melamine crisis? what?
just parrot what other people are saying and doing……
but, you don’t ever actually DO anything do you? you are not a producer, you are a taker and parasite. remember when you begged for money from your peeps because things were SO DESPERATE? and then you promptly went on vacation in florida…….even these idiots get it.
goldy…speaking of BLOCKING things….what are you? chicken?
now you are blocking comments? who is trying to squelch free speech now buckwheat?
The only attention whore here is you. No one reads your blog, so you come here for attention. You hate anything not Republican or conservative. You are too stupid to see that your beliefs are actually counter-productive. Example: Being anti-abortion does not mix with your belief that there are too many folks taking a free ride on government handouts or committing crime. (Challenge me on this, I can’t wait to post the rebuttal).
You are nothing but a fucking asshole with a chip the size of mars on your shoulder. Your party is going down in flames. You conservatives just don’t get it. You fuck up everything you touch. Gonzogate is next.
You’re a much better person than I because your language is cleaner? Bullshit. You are intellectually bankrupt amd morally repugnant. You justify the means by the end, only the world does not fucking work that way.
Fuck you. You are mindless prick with the self-esteem of a cockroach and the mental capacity of an earthworm.
Go away!
Try it from France, especially after the last election. So much for Socialism!
ghostly one,
When has Goldy EVER blocked a comment? Prove it. Put your fat ass where your mouth is. Prove it, motherfucker. You are lying sack of shit. A waste of oxygen and water. Do us all a favor and off yourself. Do the honorable thing. You have become the new JCH.
What a sorry bastard you are!
My Left Foot,
To be honest, I do block JCH. But that’s because his comment tourettes was making the threads unreadable.
Other than that, I rarely read my threads, let alone moderate them. In fact, the most likely way to have a comment read by me is to have it caught in the spam filter, as I have to routinely go through it and free the false positives.
Ghost and the others know I don’t block their comments. And it pisses them off to no end.
I appreciate your honesty.
Still the best local blog in America.
Carl, JCH was truly “something else”. . .but I’ve got a couple more I would like to nominate for the “honor” along with our poi-headed “friend”.
As for our resident harridan, the ectoplasmic apparatchik, she is too silly and irrelevant to block.
Goldy, now how will you ever get big in Japan?
I’ve been following your story as it goes. I do appreciate you reporting it, though I have to say I feel at a loss as to what to even begin to do. Maybe you can make a post with suggestions?
Also, people who can’t understand that they don’t have the right to free speech on other people’s blog are the biggest idiots in blogland. And that’s a tall order.
I applaud your efforts to expose the food contamination problem Goldy. But if only you could make one more sociological leap, and realize that the collectivism that you advocate in your Progressive political stance, ultimately leads to more Chinas.
J Price: I like it. Well said.
Watch out! The Moonbat!tic Dodos will come out of the woodwork in full attack mode!
Goldy, as of this time, 5/11/07, The shows no blockage of your site.
melamine will find it’s way into the human food chain because they’ve also been feeding fish in fish farms with this stuff…they’ve also been selling ethyline glycol as a sweetener for medicines, killing perhaps thousands worldwide..the Chinese place less value on human life for sure…look at their nasty environment…the air the water…16,000 chemicals factories built on major rivers..regularly dumping into the rivers and streams without regard for anything but additional income…people downstream dying from cancer.. look at their own drug industry..that and every other Chinese industry is CORRUPT
tree frog farmer @75……… OH!!!HA HA HA that’s he best comment so far…by far! thanks for proving what i was saying. goldy isn’t banned in china….he isn’t that important. they don’t even know he exists!
” Goldy, as of this time, 5/11/07, The shows no blockage of your site.”
gee…and here MR.BIG RESEARCHER goldy couldn’t find that site like you did? and yet, all the fools on here hang on his every word about melamine????
oh….too rich. and “shot” by one of his own…it can’t get better. best laugh i have had all day.
tree frog, thanks for being honest. goldy could learn a few things from you.
and ,btw, your nickname for me is my favorite.
rick…you are right about the chinese companies being corrupt. but, really, it isn’t anything surprising. they are just about 107 years behind us. that’s pretty much what this country did and went through during the industrial revolution and it’s really no surprise that china is doing it now. what is surprising is that the US [the breadbasket to the world] would be buying any food stuffs from them.
that’s nuts………
I’ve been somewhat following your posts on this topic, along with Shakesville. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Congrats – You know you’ve hit the big time when you’ve been banned by an entire country.
grant…although i realize that you think you got “an influx” in your voice when speaking of micro soft, so, let’s face it your comprehension skills are pretty low [it would be an inflection honey] i’m still pretty sure EVEN you can read the above comments. including the classic one from ‘froggy’.
so, just to clear things up for you and the clueless one goldy [who classically said “Either way, it reassures me that I’m on the right track.” about his imagined banning in china]
goldy not only has done absolutely NOTHING about the melamine crisis, perhaps because he is too busy patting himself on the back for something he never actually did……..but he continues to lie about being “banned” in china as if that were some big accomplishment.