Good morning to everyone who didn’t protest homeless people using the Silver Cloud. Seriously, fuck them. Awful, awful people who should be ashamed of themselves. Protesting in favor of an empty building. Demanding people still live on the street. Fuck off.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
The Taliban must be elated and thrilled of the American Taliban’s response to their successes. We know Bob is.
Well Bob, since you’re the resident troll expert on dehumanizing people. I’ll defer.
Which is more “dehumanizing”?
– Pointing out that Americans have little stomach for, much less patience with cultural practices that enshrine child fucking, selling women as slaves, illiteracy, and constant narcotics abuse?
– Or prolonging a pointless war in order to provide security for those cultural practices?
Standing by!
I think the media should ask Abbott whether he knows if he spread the virus to anyone, after testing positive (or before).
I mean nobody really wants the virus…..but there are some that don’t really give a shit if the spread it to somoneon, with that someone else not having any say in it (kind of like rape),
@2 You won’t get an answer. Burka Bob doesn’t give answers like that, too confining and backs him into a corner.
I’m still waiting for his explanation of why Trump wasn’t reinstated as POTUS, especially to save his beloved Afghans.
He needs time to clear his head after the incredible rake-step he did in the previous thread. Heckofa job Burka Bob!
Well depending on how you define “save”, you probably can’t do it in that place among those people.
I’m not really sure how you would settle a typical ANA infantry recruit or police cadet in a place like Alabama. But I don’t think it would work out smoothly. The culture clash would be pretty alarming. I think quite a few would go insane within a few years.
And that’s one of many things that distinguishes this from Vietnam. We could mount a program to airlift out ARVN, and Vietnamese civilian employees because that was a reasonable thing to do. I’m not so sure in this case. And I believe it’s likely that the reason we aren’t seeing some massive program to relocate Afghans is because DOD and State already determined that would be unsafe for all concerned.
The Taliban must look at DeSantis’ and Abbott’s anti-face covering edicts, parents rioting at school board meetings, and Covid wards full of American kids, then wonder what in hell makes us think our culture is superior to theirs.
I’m still waiting to know what my AGI is
I’m waiting for Democrats to reinstate my SALT deduction.
Regardless of which party is in control, that party works for me. YLB’s kids are fucked forever, but since she hasn’t told them the truth, they probably still don’t realize it.
The thing is, the reason she hasn’t told them the truth is that YLB only knows to tell them what Goldy tells her.
@ 7
Cuomosexual G-clown’s AGI is not nearly enough.
Share less, and we’ll learn less. It’s that simple.
I can now sign up for a Wuhan booster, and be entered into a drawing for Seahawks tickets when I do.
All paid for by future taxes, to be paid by YLB’s kids.
Democrat senators Warner and Menendez are gonna hold hearings about Biden’s Kabul incompetence.
QoS McHillbilly, I don’t think these hearings will conclude before midnight. We might be hearing about Kabul past today, Cupcake.
@ 6
The Taliban must look at DeSantis’ and Abbott’s anti-face covering edicts, parents rioting at school board meetings, and Covid wards full of American kids, then wonder what in hell makes us think our culture is superior to theirs.
Pretty sure they don’t need to look past Biden’s incompetence to wonder that, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Own this. You voted for it.
Rasmussen, coming out later today:
Trump didn’t suddenly become more popular. Democrats suddenly realize they elected an incompetent, cognitively impared lifelong idiot.
Meanwhile, in deep-blue Connecticut:
We will.
But not from you.
Having begun your devoted histrionics Friday and really going full scorpion on it over the weekend, you’ve now all but dropped it since last night.
This morning you’re more concerned about how your “income” compares to RR, and how soon Rick Scott will be on a ventilator.
Even you’ve moved on.
So has everyone else.
Biden approval below 40 yet? (Mmmmm. Cupcakes. Thanks)
@ 14
With this GOP win in CT, Democrats lost their supermajority in the state Senate.
@8 “Regardless of which party is in control, that party works for me.”
In other words, your options trades having imploded, you now live on your Social Security and stimulus checks.
@11 Republican senators, Cronyn and Scott, made complete public fools of themselves.
Cronyn tweeted the U.S. has 30,000 troops in Taiwan (a typo; we have 30 there). China immediately began assembling an invasion fleet. The tweet was hastily deleted.
Scott said it’s time to Twenty-Fifth Biden. He didn’t explain where he’ll get the cabinet votes. He appears to implicitly support the concept of either Harris or Pelosi becoming president. He didn’t expand on that to his constituents, either.
In exchange for an untold number of pallets of cash sent over, in advance, from Team Biden, the Taliban has agreed that September 11’s celebration will be reintroduced as the inaugural Kabul Gay Pride Parade.
Vice President Kamala Harris has been unavailable for public comment of late, as she is preparing to serve as the event’s Grand Marshall.
@12 “Own this.”
Proudly, in that no more American G.I.s are uselessly dying in Afghanistan.
“You voted for it.”
Sure did. And not for the president who secretly gave away Afghanistan to the Taliban. That was you.
“Stampedes will continue until morale improves.”
Team Biden could really save itself some grief if they would have someone like me preview the materials they plan to send out for public consumption. Which dumbfuck thought this would be well-received? Kamala?
@8 Typical dodge by you, you fucking coward.
What does SALT have to do with a bold claim that the former POTUS would be reinstated over a legitimately elected current POTUS? Absolutely nothing.
Keep staring into the sand and picking out little pieces of debris, it is what you do best when you can’t answer the direct questions.
@13 “Democrats suddenly realize they elected an incompetent, cognitively impared lifelong idiot.”
Which is seen by a large majority of Americans as a vast improvement over a vile, corrupt, pussy-grabbing racist traitor willing to sell out every friend and ally we ever had for his own re-election and loan extensions from his Russian bankers.
@19 The lying never stops.
“The Taliban will be hard-pressed to tap Afghanistan’s financial assets and manage their new economy after the U.S. froze the country’s reserves and halted shipments of dollars to the country.
“A Biden administration official told CNBC on Wednesday that any central bank assets the Afghan government have in the United States will not be made available to the Taliban. That would include any accounts managed by the Federal Reserve and other U.S. banks.
“Separately, a Treasury Department official said that it is taking steps to prevent the Taliban from accessing the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights. SDRs are essentially an IOU that countries can exchange for cash.”
Our troll is almost as stupid as the two aforementioned GOP senators, and every bit as silly, but lacking their fan base.
@21 “Team Biden could really save itself some grief if they would have someone like me preview the materials they plan to send out for public consumption.”
You actually think they could do worse than your HA ratiocinations?
@22 It’s called “duck and run.”
Proud to have voted to pull out of Afghanistan. Very proud.
Proud to have voted for a Democrat with the moral courage to do the right thing knowing that he was going to look and feel awful doing it. Proud that only a Democrat could.
Very proud.
Leaving that place was always going to be a shitshow.
After being forced to confront just how awful a place Afghanistan really is, Bob implied previously that this was all some coordinated effort by the White House.
Check the tape.
Those documentaries from the ground in Afghanistan are from almost ten years ago – the Obama years.
It was this bad twenty years ago. It was this bad ten years ago. It’s still this bad today.
Nothing we have done in twenty years has changed anything there. Because, no matter how stupidly prideful any blood-drunk Republican may be, the United States is not capable of doing that.
But for twenty years we refused to admit it. And throughout that long drawn out lie, we refused to admit that leaving would have to be an even bigger shitshow than going in. Biden was the only one willing to tell the truth. I’m proud of him for that and for all the lives he will have ultimately saved for having done so. I care a whole lot less about the guy falling off the landing gear to the tarmac at HKIA than I do about the sixteen year old in Missouri who will never have to fly in there.
We are blessed to have this guy as our president. Very few politicians would do what he did. No Republican would or could.
Speaking of Republican presidents, the one who gave Afghanistan to the Taliban also wants our Afghan helpers dead.
@ 22
I never followed the August 13 thing. Apparently it has/had something to do with the pillow guy, whom I also don’t follow.
It’s 15-20:1 here and I’m under no obligation to answer for every inane claim made by people on the right. It’s enough work to hold assholes like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to account for the inane shit they spew.
Especially when they spew especially awful shit
and then deny
what they did, because they get cover from plenty of other assholes, Newt. You don’t see me demanding that you answer for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s disgusting and dishonest behavior. It’s because I don’t have that right. Moreover, my expectation is that you’ll cover for him like all of the other assholes do.
Prove me wrong.
I don’t regret my vote. I’d be pleased if Mitch Daniels were president.
Rasmussen, later today:
If I had school-age children, I’d pull them out of any school that allowed unmasked children of unvaccinated parents to be in the same classroom with them.
I’m not the only one who thinks that way.
@29 You don’t delete your shit, you’re proud of it, and you bleat about “accountability” while refusing to take any responsibility for the assholes on your side, but it’s not like you’re not one of them.
@30 Mitch Daniels isn’t your party’s president, Trump is. Biden is ours. Yeah, there are better people than Biden. Everybody is better than Trump. That didn’t stop you from voting for him. Speaks for itself.
Your biggest knock on Biden isn’t Afghanistan, it’s that workers’ wages are going up. As much as you despise the Taliban, you hate your neighbors even more.
You voted for Trump (twice) and defend him and his band to the ends of the earth, especially the insurrection crowd and the cop killers within. You self-identify with them so it is reasonable to ask how come they didn’t reinstate him.
You have no room to claim any sort of moral superiority on the inane and treasonous shit you spew. I fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Feds have already knocked on your door based upon some of the truly awful stuff you has posted.
No need to defend or cover for anyone here (and that has been previously addressed several times).
You are correct, it is a team sport here against you (or any other troll). You make it easy to pile on.
YLB’s kids
Burka Boob still having anal rape fantasies and the like.. about kids..
yawwwwn.. This is who they are. This is what they do.
My kids have a bright future.. Because this will happen.. regularly
And it will happen to burka boob..
@ 34
You make it easy to pile on.
Piling on is the only reason YLB can be awarded a participation trophy.
She’s never first to tackle.
Merely repeats it all verbatim.
This claim should probably be evaluated alongside Tara’s claim that she got fingered by Biden in the middle of a workday in the busiest public corridor in North America without a single witness, that her “FB friends in CO” were dosed with expired vaccine products, that President Obama shoved his erect penis into a reporter’s face, that Secretary Clinton suffered an aneurysm, that Hunter Biden abandoned a laptop at the repair shop of the only Q-curious repair guy in Wilmington, that the Clintons decorated the White House Christmas tree with cock-rings, that Cofeve Boy was “setup”, and that she never once voted for Trump.
Character is destiny.
@36 yawwwnn.. one more lame attack…
to that… ‘certain day”..
Life will be good indeed for my kids.. It’s getting better every day with drumpfists dying daily from the “kung flu”..
the orange legacy.
Fun Fact: the frequency of an individual portraying themself as a victim correlates directly with specific highly pathological behaviors including lying, embezzlement, fraud, marital infidelity, tax evasion, and various forms of cheating.
It’s true!
Character is destiny!
Seems like Burka Bob has really come apart that the seams the last three days, more so than normal.
It has been fun to watch him implode, just like the My Pillow Guy did.
If he keeps it up he is going to go up in flames worse than the Buddhist Monk that died in protest of Diem in Vietnam by self immolation ( WARNING: Graphic video)
@39 He also made an ass of himself by not Googling “pallets of cash” before posting #19 (details @24), while belaboring a Roger Rabbit post that doesn’t exist.
That’s not what the record shows so the greedy racist incel is now making stuff up that he claims that rabbit wrote then erased. Is there nothing the greedy racist incel won’t lie about?
“Rabbit wrote these horrible things that I copied. And then he erased it so i cannot prove he wrote it. But you can trust me, he really wrote that”
You mean trust you like horse’s ass got its name. Or trust you that Trump is going to win in 2020, or trust you that covid is not any more deadly than a tornado, or trust you that you will pay off a bet or trust you that Japanese internment justifies child labor.
It’s old. But it gets better. Because it’s not just the Delta that’s tryna kill him.
Remember Ma’Khia Bryant, the knife-wielding black girl shot by a cop? The medical examiner says she was “shot in the back, lower torso, right shoulder and right thigh.” Well, whaddaya, all 4 shots actually hit her, starting with center body mass and working out. Lucky for the bystanders the cop stopped after four; no telling where the fifth round would’ve gone.
Capitol rioter’s plea deal on minor charges and light sentence derail when video surfaces of him slugging cops.
@42 “he claims that rabbit wrote then erased”
Now ask yourself, am I the kind of rabbit who would suck him in that way? And if I did, he’d have to be pretty stupid to take the bait, wouldn’t he?
Dumbfucks are gonna be dumbfucks. Keeps bear traps in business.
Compare the president who says “the buck stops at me” with the aspirant who’d “rather get a cheap bit of applause than do the responsible thing,” and you’ll know who to vote for in 2024.
Turns out Ron DeSantis is an infomercial.
Ron DeSantis
klown deathsantis.. an elite education wasted on that freak.
what is it with klowns like khruzz, hee hawley and deathsantis? All those years in elite schools to only end up shitheaded fascists..
They are honestly much better than the FBI at this.
In fairness this is kind of new for the FBI. The suspected domestic terror groups they have previously targeted were either completely innocent political groups or just much better at opsec compared to the fucktards of the Republican Party. BLM don’t tweet evidence of criming because they don’t do crime. And the ALF/ELF are not dumb enough to tweet their criming along with photographic evidence.
But had the FBI been doing their fucking job like they are supposed to and tracking all suspected domestic terror organizations regardless of political affiliation they would have discovered that Meal Team 6 have been openly tweeting their plans and goals for years. The FBI should have already used facial rec software to build the database needed to quickly zero in on these fucksticks when they do crimes like this. Anybody who actually cares about the safety of cops would want them to.
But that obviously leaves out Republicans. And the politically compromised dipshit Wray.
Low IQ stupes like the dumbfuck traitor are too easy. Just look at the last thread. The low IQ stupe traitor put on real a fascist shitshow, having been reduced to pulling shit from his ass and taunting us with it.
You mean like solar panels? You proved yourself to be a real stupe with that one.
It’s Wednesday night, and evening editions of every major have now displaced about half their coverage of THE FALL OF KABUL!!!!! from above the fold.
I think it’s now likely that there will indeed be some above the fold coverage by tomorrow morning of the U.S. withdrawal. I will be enormously ashamed of myself and contrite for all of about seven seconds. But I’ll take great comfort in observing that the overwhelming percentage of the story has now shifted to “what’s next”, and “what to expect from the Taliban”.
And I will remain very proud to have voted for President Biden.
The United States is indeed truly blessed by his leadership. He did not shirk. He got us out.
Here’s some pretty good news:
In short, if you’re vaccinated, and you get your booster, you’re about as well protected against hospitalization from COVID-19 as you ever were.
So you can probably just go ahead and get on with your life. There’s a very small chance you might suffer a breakthrough infection. But it’s no more likely to hospitalize you than last spring right after you were immunized, but before the Delta took hold.
Now I probably ought to point out that this is an entirely selfish perspective. Because with Delta freely reproducing in our communities, even with vaccination you are a potential for spread. And depending on where you go, and with whom you interact, and for how long, you could be exposing a whole lot of unvaccinated people. And Delta most def will kill lots and lots of their asses. For people who are unvaccinated, the risk of hospitalization and debilitating long term sequela are really massive.
Anyway, totally unrelated, any of you guys know of any cool “Young Professionals for Trump” meetups nearby?
@ 54
Kudos for pointing out that what was studied was risk of a need for hospitalization. The vast majority of people would miss that.
Your comment that the chance of breakthrough illness is “very small” is incorrect. Even for those who were vaccinated there was a nearly 1 in 6 risk of requiring hospitalization. Further, there had to be substantial numbers of people who were sickened despite vaccination, just not sickened enough to require hospitalization. That’s not the record of a great vaccine.
Finally, the results were estimated, with a confidence interval that at the low end was sorta scary – nearly 1 in 4 requiring hospitalization.
Get vaxxed, feel comfortable in limited situations, but wear your fuckin’ mask indoors or when it’s crowded. Get your just-approved six month booster sooner than six months.
You cannot, yet, safely “go ahead and get on with your life’. Most of us will try, but it’s not very smart. Not yet.
Here is Bob’s Deep Blue District 36.
God Bless you, Steve, for keeping Bob honest. Ang God Bless Rawstory
I was thinking more along the lines of forming up clubs like COVID Carriers for Christ and touring selected Cracker Barrels, gun shows, and wet t-shirt bars in Texas, Georgia, and Florida.
But it turns out that won’t be necessary. You Trump voters are already doing that for me. Thanks again!
@55 Gotta give you credit for an informative, considerate post.
Heh. Good one.
God bless you, Gman.
It turns out the Taliban didn’t capture all of Afghanistan. There’s still an anti-Taliban redoubt and a resistance. We ought to help them all we can. Not necessarily to overthrow the Taliban, but to have an ally there. Might come in handy someday.
And Iran has warned the Taliban not to mess with the Hazaras, Afghanistan’s Shiite minority.
It’s one thing to oppose making your kid wear a mask. It’s another thing to rip off a teacher’s mask.
If Doctor Dumbfuck were anti-Covid, he’d shoot them without trial. But I’m not for turning kids into orphans, even those getting a shitty upbringing. I’d just ban their parents from the school grounds, like the supe says, and school board meetings too, and suppress their votes by requiring vaccine passports at polling places. (They demand voting IDs, so why can’t we?)
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 62
We ought to help them all we can. Not necessarily to overthrow the Taliban, but to have an ally there.
You stupid, fat fuck. You disgusting shill of all things inane. You useless piece of bloviating human garbage.
Biden unceremoniously abandoned those Afghanis who thought they had allied with us. The United States has no more allies, anywhere. We have partners with common interests, who now have valid reason to question our commitment to them in exchange for the commitments they made to us.
Some of our allies fell from airborne planes this week. Others were either crushed by the landing gear retraction or froze to death beforehand.
We have no allies. Only wary partners.
Next we will abandon Taiwan.
You stupid, hypocritical fuck. You were the one who wanted to abandon our own citizens, if they hold political beliefs you don’t like.
The world has now seen how Joe Biden views our Afghan allies. NYT:
Actually, it was two days before the interview with Little George.
Biden needs what @ 53 QoS McHillbilly needs. Biden needs Americans to begin treating the Afghanistan disaster as old news or, if not, for Americans to blame Trump rather than him.
It’s not going to be old news until Americans are out of Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Biden was just forced to send 5,000 more Americans into Afghanistan.
You were the one who abandoned democracy and imbraced fascism and an insurrection to overthrow our goverment, you stupid, hypocritical fuck.
The Cuomosexual G-clown gets a bareback fecal transplant every Saturday night.
New poo, new you? Fecal transplants reverse signs of brain aging in mice
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks new Afghan “allies” will be lining up to be the next group to be beheaded when Biden betrays and abandons them.
Bob gets fucked by Steve every day.
Bob shills for the American Taliban.
CNN apparently did not get the message that Joe Biden is blessed and any information to the contrary must be suppressed.
The French and the British are sending military teams out into Kabul and beyond to rescue their citizens. The US? Not so much. But we’re using the right preferred pronouns with each and every one of our soldiers, so there’s that going for us.
Moobs is a knee-jerk radical. He takes his politics from RawStory. He doesn’t read a lot. He doesn’t think a lot.
Since November 8, 2016, anyway.
“Larry is a knee-jerk radical,” Dershowitz told Page Six. “He takes his politics from Hollywood. He doesn’t read a lot. He doesn’t think a lot.”
Texas Couple Who ‘Didn’t Trust’ COVID Vaccine Die, Leave Behind 4 Children: ‘This Virus Is Real’
“Before she got intubated, one of the last things she told her sister was ‘Please make sure my children get vaccinated,’ ” a family member said of Lydia Rodriguez, who died of COVID-19 on Monday
So sad they were scared away from getting vaccinated. It’s sad Texas does not have a strong record of promoting COVID safety of vaccines and masks.
And a ‘nother
Piling up fast
And deeper
This is the thing about infectious disease.
It scales beautifully.
Technically, CNN as an online and video entity doesn’t have folds to be above and below, so QoS McHillbilly can argue that he’s not wrong.
But otherwise, he’s wrong. It’s Thursday and there are still 10,000+ Americans trapped in Afghanistan. We’re gonna be talkin’ about this at least until noon.
By my count, Moobs McScrote has fellated Biden at least 150 times. Since last week.
I really don’t find Jack Prosobiec suffiently trustworthy to quote with any regularity. I’m not like Moobs is with RawStory.
Although if I did, holy shit…
I think the Taliban can’t quite decide whether it plans to exist as if it’s the seventh century or the eighth.
Doesn’t really matter whether or not they’re legit if either way they possess the capacity and the willingness to kick Biden’s ass.
Biden’s old haunt begins to turn on him. Both sides of the aisle.
Here’s the letter.
Gotta admire the Shaheens. First the husband tries to kneecap Barack by insinuating he dealt drugs in college, and now the wife rightfully shivs an Alzheimer’s sufferer.
“Below the fold.”
The same “researchers” who discovered bamboo fibers, “Whitey Tape”, an invisible cannibal dungeon under a ground floor pizza joint with no basement, and pretended to have “lost” a durty-durty laptop.
The “trustworthy source” who first fabricated the pizza dungeon.
Sure, Jan.
Please, continue.
Has any reporter asked the question of what chaos would have happened if Biden reversed the decision agreed upon between the Taliban and Thre FuckHump Administration?
Has anyone asked? Does anyon really care?
What would have happened if the United States had not followed trhough with the agreement to withdraw? Would there have been chaos? Would there have been vionlent acts against Americans and American allies?
And when I see, granted I don’t watch alot, the “chaos”, I see the same clip played over and over with….so much more dramatic. And by March 2021, the Taliban had already killed over 500 Afghani’s……have they killed any in the last week or so, in this time of “chaos”.
@ 85
You need to watch the video @ 79. It’s the CNN reporter on the ground in Kabul.
Had you watched it you wouldn’t be such a smarmy fuck about this.
Here’s Forbes
posting the same video. Time for you to joke about the flat tax concept to distract from Biden’s latest self-inflicted disaster.
Bob thinks this matters to me as a liberal….it doesn’t.
Breeding will not save him. The only thing breeding is their germs.
Remember when I described to you how this very same process unfolded after the blowjob “scandal”?
Keep your good Bourbon handy, Tara.
that clip @79 hardly sounds chaotic….if she wer a guy, and a bit more dramatic, she’d make a good drag queen.
Why doesn’t she tell all the Americans – since she is so observant – what would have happened if the US didn’t withdraw as agreed upon by The FuckHump Admin, whom negotiated with Terrorists?
Bob, why not answer that question for her…..or maybe you get the wig on and can be the drama queen in her place.
Since QoS McHillbilly clearly needs the help, here’s CNN with a longer cut of the discussion with Clarissa Ward:
Thanks to The FuckHump, whom negotiated with Terrorists to cut and run.
@ 88
Breeding will not save him.
PrEP will not save you, Cuomosexual G-clown. At this point, neither will celibacy. You’re infected with the Gaetan variant.
Have see that video. It’s old. And it’s been getting flogged by hacks like you non-stop.
Nearly alone among all the thousands of video journalists and networks on the ground roaming around trying to find some blood splatters, CNN got ten minutes of good, sexy, compelling tape. And they are putting it to good use.
Everywhere else the story is a toned-down, watered down version of essentially the same thing: confusion, disarray, fear, uncertainty, and lots of questions.
All the soccer stadiums are empty, Tara.
Again, Clarissa should inform the viewers on what would have happened if the Americans stayed, AFTER a US President negotiated with Terrorists to leave (without a plan that included the Afghan governement).
Clarissa baby – work it – work it girl, but be carefull, don’t say the wrong thing because Bob will cut an run on you in a minute.
every tape I see is of the Afghans running for a plane. That one is pretty good.
Nothing like Insurrection Day though….to me.
Maybe they just wanted to see, touch and feel a plane or hug and kiss it so badly that they ran for it!
It seems the Taliban were more subdued than the Insurrectionists on January 6th. They were just carrying guns, probably their constitutional right to do so.
go with it Bob…..It’s like G
V for Void
A right wing conspiracy theorist and internet troll, white supremacist, Trump supporter and traitor.
A low IQ dumbfuck fascist stupe and internet troll, white supremacist, Trump supporter and traitor.
A progressive website that gathers news and offers links to all of its news sources.
One of these is not like other two. Apparently everyone here knows the difference except for a low IQ dumbfuck fascist stupe traitor who posts here and who gets ass-fucked by a horse every morning before posting his low IQ snide on the internet.
You’re not wrong.
Network media companies look for performances like hers and I have no doubt that she’ll rise very quickly at CNN or somewhere else. She was specifically positioned for this kind of opportunity. And she used it well. Her mentions are blowing up.
Go back and watch again. (Not the post game analysis, star-turn interview with Keller, but the original).
She and her producer prepared this carefully. She is in wardrobe. The shot is framed tight around her. It’s her job to sell the event with her words, her gestures, her vocal intonation, her facial expression. It’s essentially a video of her, with some confusing stuff going on in the background. So in the end it comes down to what she is describing about all that. And there are a number of edits and reshoots. It is not one continuous stream-of-the-event shot. It’s broken up with cut-aways to her walking and talking and “describing” the “drama” Now go back and watch it without sound, and skp over the cut away shots of just her “describing”. It’s confusing and dull.
It’s a masterful bit of work, for sure. And she and her producer deserve lots of credit for it. They took a confusing, disorganized non-event and made it into compelling television. 24 hour news networks live and die on just this kind of work. So she has demonstrated both a superior command of the craft and the willingness to prioritize good story telling ahead of the truth. So in that world she deserves to rise to the top. And I won’t be surprised at all if she does.
Also kudos to Ward for mentioning her producer in the piece by name. That’s very key. The piece could not exist as it is and as she and CNN are selling it without his involvement and support. So he gets to move up the corporate ladder as well. She’s making sure of it.
‘Ron DeSantis owns this’: Outrage erupts over ‘horrific’ photo showing COVID-19 patient on floor of treatment center
John Wright
DeathSantis will never be the low IQ dumbfuck fascist stupe traitor’s president.
If the low IQ dumbfuck fascist stupe traitor’s head explodes again it’s because he’s encountered another news article shared by Raw Story, which in turn was shared here by me.
The low IQ stupe dumbfuck traitor will then post low IQ snide about both me and Raw Story, not the news being reported, because that is the only thing such a low IQ stupe dumbfuck traitor knows what to do.
“The revolution starts today, Joe Biden”
Bomb suspect rants ‘I’m one of five’ in video driving to the US Capitol
And here I thought the low IQ dumbfuck stupe traitor’s revolution to overthrow our democracy started on 1/6. My bad.
Only one more Raw Story link to go and the low IQ dumbfuck stupe traitor will head back to the barn, drop his drawers and bend over.
Better to be fucked by the horse than to be fucked by me.
Heh.. klownservatics gloat over more hispanic males lickin’ drumpf’s orange butt and votin’ repuke..
Good luck w/ that shit.
One guy was on his bicycle – he hand to ring the bell because she was in the way.
Half those guys are taxi drivers in NYC. I can understand why it looked chaotic. They don’t know how to drive. The beep there horn like there is no tomorrow. And they stop right in the middle of the road oblivious to the fact that there are other people there too. They don’t know how to drive (I know so bad for me to say that – but it’s the truth – they don’t know how to drive). Just look at some footage of them driving in their own Country.
I still need someone to answer what the outcome, based on the deal cut with the Taliban by the FuckHump, would have been if we didn’t leave. I’m not saying that we should have stayed, but I do know that if we did stay that there would have been repricussions and the blame game would have continued.
The art of Fucking up a deal by The FuckHump.
Woman with a horse face has something to say.
‘Irredeemable psychopath’: Marjorie Taylor Greene leaves the internet stunned with new expletive-laden attack on Biden
This Raw Story link has done its job. The low IQ dumbfuck dumbfuck stupe traitor is headed for the barn and I can hear the poor horse whinny in fear all the way from SW Washington.
Bob sent him. What a name Ray Rasberry.
@104 breeding will not save her. Breeding will only kill her.
I confess that I cry a single liberal tear every time our low IQ stupe dumbfuck traitor says something low IQ about Raw Story.
Looks to me like some godawful breeding such as a low IQ stupe dumbfuck traitor fucking a horse is what created that heinous horse face woman.
This is why you have to vote in school board elections, know who the candidates are, and be very careful who you vote for.
Also, if you have school-age kids, do not accept employment in a state, or reside in a school district, run by Republicans. They want to kill their kids, and take yours with them.
Given what the greedy racist incel has posted over the years, No one believes his concern now, it’s just faux outrage to own the libs.
Last week he was outraged about Kamala Harris, next week he’ll be outraged about vaccine mandates and crowing about LeBron James.
Only a few weeks ago our low IQ stupe dumbfuck traitor believed leaving Afghanistan was an “historic peace agreement” as was the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners.
I wonder what could have changed the low IQ stupe dumbfuck traitor’s ever-dwindling mind?
@ 99
I’m surprised you didn’t figure out a way to use the word ‘twerk’ in that spew.
@64 “Biden unceremoniously abandoned those Afghanis who …” etc.
Whooo signed the Feb. 29, 2020, agreement that “assured” a Taliban victory and made collapse “inevitable”?
You like to call me vulgar names, do it all the time; I’m more restrained than you, but perhaps it’s time to call you a lying fuck, because you are one.
If you were honest, the sentence above would read: “Trump secretly consigned those Afghanis who trusted and helped us to torture and death, or a fate worse than death.”
Because Trump cares only about himself, and cared only about his own re-election. You voted for him twice, and defended him relentlessly in these comment threads.
America has friends; Trump has none. But Trump is not America, as Nov. 3, 2020, clearly showed. You have no friends, either. At least, not here. Does that need to be explained? I think not. Now crawl back into your sewer, you fat disgusting worm.
@ 102
Heh.. klownservatics gloat over more hispanic males lickin’ drumpf’s orange butt and votin’ repuke..
Trump’s share of the Hispanic vote in 2016: 16%
Trump’s share of the Hispanic vote in 2020: 23%
Girlfriend, the biggest reason Nancy Pelosi has such a slim majority is the way Hispanics voted in Congressional elections in 2020.
You really should learn to use grownup words when discussing a serious risk to Democrat majorities in the future. It may help people start believing you made it past the eighth grade, Princess.
@64 “You were the one who wanted to abandon our own citizens, if they hold political beliefs you don’t like.”
Curious, I clicked on the link, and got: “Not found, error 404”
The story of your miserable life.
For all his bloviating about Afghanistan, betraying our troops and Afghan allies, blah blah, Bob had 20 years to enlist in the Army medical corps and serve in the wards where they brought our brave soldiers’ shattered bodies.
He never did. I’ll bet he never worked in a V.A. hospital, either.
In this world, talk is cheap.
He’s been retired, oh, a couple or three years now. Did he volunteer to help train Afghan doctors and nurses? Nah, he spent his time in the barn fucking the poor horse.
Active bomb threat at the Library of Congress.
“A video that lasts about a half hour shows an individual from inside a truck, holding a cannister that he says is a bomb and speaking about a ‘revolution.’ The pickup truck the man drove to the scene does not have license plates ….
“Negotiators are in communication with the suspect and are trying to come to a ‘resolution,’ [Capitol Police Chief] Manger told reporters at a press conference near the Capitol.”
I can think of a resolution.
Girlfriend,, Princess.
Women in teh burbs despise your kreepee, sugar daddy ass freako..
you kreep them out..
Keep it up. Good luck w/ that.
If Trump turns a deaf ear to your pardon request, the next best thing is a plea bargain.
When was the last time we heard about Hunter Biden from teh widbee kreepah?
Faylure alert!
Hey widbee kreepah yours truly understands Stanford Med School has a rep for kreepin’ out female students and faculty..
If you weren’t so scared of leavin’ widbee and passing through Seattle and PDX, (antifa! boo!) you’d have a kreepee kulture that can halfway stand your miserable ass..
Higher taxes are a small price to pay for such acceptance, for finding a place where you truly belong.
Nah, you need to understand that when his father was handed the infant low IQ stupe dumbfuck in the maternity ward, he exclaimed, “That can’t be be my son! There’s no dick!” With that, his father went home, packed a few things and left, and has never since been seen by his wife or his low IQ dickless son.
That’s the story behind why the horse fucks the low IQ stupe dumbfuck instead of it being the other way around. No dick.
I really doubt she’s your type.
But hey. You do you.
Rep. Mo Brools, whose IQ is higher than the low IQ stupe dumbfuck, says this about the would-be DC bomber.
I understand citizenry anger directed at dictatorial Socialism and its threat to liberty, freedom and the very fabric of American society.
Yup! Mo understands, alright.
I like to recall the good ol’ days when progressive-minded folk were dictatorial liberal-fascists. or in my case, a dictatorial commie-Nazi.
Those were the days, huh?
Anybody have any idea who is running the country today?
Geeeez. Nice going.
Way to steal spotlight from
BENGHAAAZIII!!!!!KABOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!Didn’t Brooks and his pet bomber get the memo?
GQP can’t promote fear of “Taliban overseas” if Security Moms are more afraid of “Trump in your front yard”.
Gosh. It’s almost as if these sorts of violent, unhinged, alt-Right outbursts can be timed and predicted.
The guy who left it up to Hope Hicks and MyCrackhead for four years, while his president’s daily schedule was blocked out for yelling at televisions, suddenly needs a minute to minute tick tock?
Trump wouldn’t take Kevin McCarthy’s calls when Trump’s Bacon Burger Army was outside tryna kill him. Why the fuck would Biden take yours now?
I don’t know if this 12 minute Maddow sequence was at the top of the hour – above the fold – or at the bottom of the hour.
Rachel Maddow breaks into tears describing efforts to get Afghan interpreters out of Kabul
But if it turns out the marine or his interpreter thought well of Trump, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit would prefer that they be left behind to be killed by the Taliban.
“I live in Texas and I am really angry. I live in Austin, Texas, where the school district is just one of several across the state defying Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order prohibiting government entities from requiring face masks. I also teach at the University of Texas, where in-person classes start next Wednesday. Thanks to Abbott, the school is not allowed to require students to be vaccinated or to wear masks. We’re not even allowed to ask our students if they are vaccinated. Meanwhile, the 11-county area around and including the city of Austin had a grand total of four ICU beds left as of Thursday.”
@131 If you choose to reside in North Korea, Somalia, Afghanistan, Texas, or some other third world shithole, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
@131 If you choose to reside in North Korea, Somalia, Afghanistan, Texas, or some other third world shithole, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
It’s beginning to make some sense now. The reason that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wants Trump-supporting Americans to be left behind in Afghanistan is that the Dumbfuck Rabbit family, if they were there, would not be able to afford to be repatriated back to the US.
State Department demanding $2,000 from Americans for flights home from Kabul, more from non-Americans
@114 You’re bragging because only three-quarters of Hispanic voters voted against you?
@130 “But if it turns out the marine or his interpreter thought well of Trump, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit would prefer that they be left behind to be killed by the Taliban.”
As Clint Eastwood would say, I’m afraid you’ve misjudged me. It’s you they should leave behind.
There’s gotta be some way to describe this sorely pathetic attempt at whatever it is.
Low IQ?
@137 See #136.
What conservatives are outraged about:
Repatriation flights for Americans stranded in Afghanistan, aren’t free. Each American must sign a promissory loan note, up to $2,000 for their own ticket out of Afghanistan. Their passports won’t be renewed, until they pay back the loan in full, yet a US cargo plane of Afghanis got top priority.”
The greedy racist incels tribe is pissed at the brown people are getting taken out of the country ahead of Americans and probably not being charged for it. Doesn’t matter that the people have nothing they should still be charged full price and get in the back of the line says every Trumper ever, right incel?
@139 ” … conservatives are outraged about: Repatriation flights for Americans stranded in Afghanistan, aren’t free. Each American must sign a promissory loan note, up to $2,000 for their own ticket out of Afghanistan.”
Because that’s what federal law requires.
“The law requires that Americans or other foreign nationals agree to pay back the cost of an evacuation, which is typically comparable to the cost of a full fare economy flight, or comparable transportation to the designated destination.”
But, it seems, there’s some room for discretion:
“People evacuated from Afghanistan by the U.S. will not be charged the cost of their flight, State Department Spokesperson Ned Price told The Hill. ‘In these unique circumstances, we have no intention of seeking any reimbursement from those fleeing Afghanistan,’ he said. The statement provides a point of clarification over federal law that mandates the State Department seek reimbursement for U.S.-chartered evacuation flights. … His statement on the free flights pushes back against reports that those seeking to board American evacuation aircraft have been told they must pay for the flights.”
It seems State Dep’t officials in D.C. are saying one thing, and staff in Kabul are telling evacuees another. This isn’t surprising; it’s the fog of war. Or Foggy Bottom. But who, stuck in Kabul, is going to worry about $2,000 as their top priority?
Me: Making people sign a promissory note is one thing; making them pay is another. One is bureaucratic, the other political. Big difference, but conservatives aren’t into fine distinctions. Actually, I see no inconsistency. Staff don’t make laws or policy; they follow the instructions in the fucking manual, that’s their job. The bosses in D.C. decide whether to waive the rules; that’s their job. That’s how it works, and has always worked. There’s nothing to see here beyond a decision making its way up the food chain. Politico oughta know that.
Republicans want Biden to get our Afghan friends out of Afghanistan at all costs. Just not to their states.
The Republicans’ leading candidate in the California recall race isn’t haven’t a good day.
history of misogynist remarks
waving gun at ex-fiancee
WSU head football coach Nick Rolovich apparently has decided $3.2 million a year is worth getting a shot for.
Look who’s requiring vaccine passports …
Now Bob wants Raytheon Warlord Welfare.
history of misogynist remarks.. waving gun at ex-fiancee
LMAO!!! John James and Larry Elder comin’ to teh widbee big munee fundraising shindig… hosted by teh kreepah itself..
Elder, a dude after teh widbee kreepah’s black “heart”…
‘member to pop the qweshchun to James kreepah.. you know what that is… ORCAS awaits! Too effin’ funee!
The crippled guy in the wheelchair wants everyone crippled or dead.
@147 almost like they had to hide in a closet, otherwise it was detrimental to their well being.
It’s one thing to experience racism due to the color of your skin but probably an all together different experience having experienced it s knowing that you had to hide being black.
I wonder if they thought to themselves that that is how gay people must feel, having to hide who you are out of fear of being known who you are and fired, or discriminated against
To think that some people would complain about a 2000 dollar plane ride to freedom while ignoring the fact that that black couple was being fucked out of 92,000 dollars and nobody cares. In fact it gets some people’s rocks off, like Bob’s….unless Steve is correct and maybe he ain’t got no rocks down there.
@150 Can’t you tell he’s a eunuch?
It’s just not fair.
Nobody will obey Mike DeathSantis’ orders to kill themselves.
What is the point of being a boss anymore?
It’s Friday.
And I was forced to go to The Guardian to get the really good, highly refined, uncut
BENGHAAAZIII!!!!KABOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!What is the world coming to?
Goldy should ask himself what the 20-year-old version of himself would think to learn that he has become a mouthpiece of a rich guy.
Always follow the money.
Goldy should ask himself what the 20-year-old version of himself would think to learn that he has become a mouthpiece of a rich guy.
Always follow the money.
Imagine if we had spent the last twenty years, and $2 trillion dollars on stabilizing the climate?
Politifact can stop searching for its 2021 Lie of the Year.
America Rising
WH Comms Director Kate Bedingfield: “The president never shies away from taking questions.”
I see that NBC News didn’t get the QoS McHillbilly memo to cease discussing the latest Biden disaster after Wednesday.
I see that Joe Biden didn’t get the QoS McHillbilly memo to cease discussing the latest Biden disaster after Wednesday.
It’s almost as if QoS McHillbilly has underestimated the optics of leaving 10,000-15,000 Americans surrounded by the Taliban while Biden decides which ice cream shop to visit later today.
TFW anti-VAX “conservatives” discover the truth that Rapeublican “right-to-work” laws are actually “right-to-fire” laws:
Just in time for the ending of pandemic unemployment assistance and waived hospital bills for COVID infections.
Seen one American beheaded on video broadcast to the world, seen ’em all.
Biden Afghanistan policy counts on war weary Americans to lose interest
Remember when Team Obama thought that Bowe Bergdahl would be welcomed back by grateful Americans? Yeah, not so much.
Womp, womp
Man, it’s turning into a really, really bad day for QoS McHillbilly and Moobs McScrote.
Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated – sources
If a bunch of people behaving stupidly at the same time is tantamount to conspiracy against the government, every single HA libbie would be in prison for life right now.
Isn’t it so much easier to “win” the debate when you can travel back in time to cherry pick your debate opponent?
Problem for Bob is that in this case he’s facing Biden.
So that when he loses (and Bob always loses) he will have been driven over and stuffed by a “First Vegetable”.
“…according to the sources…” “…a former senior law enforcement official…”
Not even former FBI or at least DOJ?
You could be describing Rudy Giuliani. Come to think of it, you probably are.
Sure Jan
Hey “y’all”!
Guess which newly minted swing state has the highest voter registration rate in the whole wide world?
This is why the GOP is so scared shitless of Stacy Abrams that they are closing polling places and burning registration rolls.
@ 166
Guess which newly minted swing state has the highest voter registration rate in the whole wide world?
Georgia is only ninth in the nation, QoS McHillbilly. Your reading comprehension is slipping.
Bob reluctantly joins with 72 million other Rapepublicans struggling mightily to recall that they despise all Muslims and worked their ass off to have them banned from entering the U.S.
Larry Elder is as unfit to serve as governor as Raphael Warnock is unfit to serve as US senator.
I bet Afghanistan is “above the fold” somewhere in the White House today.
Two term popularly elected President Obama had him captured, tried, and imprisoned for killing U.S. soldiers.
Idiot Insurrectionist Art O’theDeal ordered him released in 2018 as a “gesture” to get the ball rolling towards his “Peace Deal” signed last March.
Now he’s the guy frightening lady-reporters recording “man-on-the-street” drama outside the ariport:
Our twenty year failure in Afghanistan is so humiliating that Texas Governor Abbott is signing an executive order to ban the teaching of it in Texas public schools.