It makes me want to throw up.
That was the blunt, emotional response of Rep. Larry Haler (R-Richland) when asked about the fake “Sex Offender Notification” postcards the state GOP mailed out to 25,000 families across the state… and he’s not the only Republican lawmaker expressing disgust with their party’s leadership. But even while several Republican legislators have quietly apologized to their colleagues across the aisle, House Minority Leader Richard DeBolt (R-Chehalis) not only remains unapologetic, he refuses to even accept responsibility for the actions of his caucus’s own PAC.
I am in agreement. We should start a ‘Keep Kevin’ initiative and have it delivered to the Republican Caucas. Or maybe we can get our RepubliCONS loan him out to DC up until election day!
There are good, honest, well meaning republicans. Unfortunately, they are wrong on just about everything, too. But at least you can talk with them on most topics.
SAN DIEGO — An immigrant smuggler carrying four people in the trunk of a car was under arrest Thursday morning after it crashed as he tried to evade arrest, killing one migrant and injuring the others, authorities said. Raul Ramirez, 37, of Chula Vista suffered a broken leg in the wreck on Highway S-2, near the desert community of Ocotillo, the California Highway Patrol reported. [New Democrat voters on their way from Mexico to WASH State, just in time for the 2006 elections!!]
There goes JCH, wobbling off topic. He is apparently guilty of TWI – Trolling While Intoxicated
LOL with wayne. What trolls around here are not guilty of TWI? I can’t think of any.
If Iran or Iraq could provide Democrats with 1 million new Democrat votes a year [like Mexico], the liberal Democrats would welcome hundreds of thousands of Muslim terrorists into the United States.
I’m torn on this one. On one hand, DeBolt and Carns are clearly benefiting the Dems, so I’m pleased. On the other hand, the people of this state deserve better.
Gotta love it. When D’s lie it’s “Move on, we’re doing the work of the people!”. When R’s lie it’s “Fire them all!”.
If you just remember that all polititions lie you can cut back on the prozac.
juvenile christian hater
jocular conservative hipster
junior constipated hooker
japing carns hacker
…the possibilities are limited only by your imagination! You too can play. Give it a try!
It has been a while since I used this phrase. Well, two phrases. First off, GO FUCK YOURSELF, MORON. Your attempt at humor, I hope it was not serious, was not even in the same zip code as funny. Second phrase, YOU ARE A FUCKING IGNORANUS, this is spelled correctly. This is when you are both stupid and an ASSHOLE! Have a good evening.
Come on Carns, tell us who were on the blog? We still have not heard from Soupmiester or Amused Asshole. Hmmmmmmmm……….
Just Creepy Humanoid
Dear Left Foot, Yawn. How’s your blood pressure? Better take another pill. JCH
9, Yawn……. Anyone who is “Proud To Be An Ass” must have a “guvment” job as you couldn’t possibly be competative in the private sector.
As long as illegals vote Democrat, millions will cross the Mexican border and Democrats will insure they vote. Third world shit hole, here we come!!
Well, let’s see,
Proud to be an Ass and My Left Foot seem to be in full agreement that JCH is an Ass beyond the normal Asses here. Welcome to the club…
I called Orcutt’s office. He is clearly in on the viagra overdose club with DeBolt (what IS it with republican’s and erection problems?)
He thinks DeBolt’s little smear campaign is A-OK.
JCH: juicy chancre head
Al Gore flies into Sundance in a private Gulfstream G5, uses thousands of gallons of AVGAS, takes a V8 limo to his “Almost Presidental Suite” heated with power from Arab oil, and then gives a speech to the Democrat sheep on “Global Warming”. Classically funny!!!
Oil Comapnies are evil!! Stop all gasoline, heating oil, and natural gas shipments to WASH state and MASS!! That will show those evil oil companies that libs mean business!!
If barnyard animals would register and vote Democrat, liberals would have welfare checks, buses, Marlboro cigarettes, King Cobra Malts, and KFC for the cows and pigs to get to the polls in November. Barnyard animal votes would exceed 115% of registration, and anyone who questioned any of these Democrat votes would be labeled “racist and hateful”!!!
Vancouver doesn’t suck that much now. Vanguard just broke the story about a new HB 3238 to make it a class c felony to distribute false sex offender notifications. Wow it is now illegal to be Kevin.
LMAO, if barnyard animals were registered the republiCONS would lose half of their constituents, like yourself for instance JCH
Headless Lucy, Did Democrat “Tookie” give you a little “Tookie love” before he “passed”? He would have made a fine running mate for Hillary in 2008. Hell, if dead Democrats can vote, why can’t “Tookie” still run in 08 with Hillary?
“Cougar”…..What a “macho” handle. In the Navy, we used to say, “Big watch, little cock”. “Cougar”, Looks like you have a big watch!!
Democrats, get ready for November!! Slash those tires, and hand out the Marlboros, Black Velvet, and King Cobra!! “Gots ta run da plantation”!!!!
Wow, you are allowing him in realtime? Ick…
At 2:15 PM on Monday, January 23, a large number of heavily armed Mexican Army soldiers had a standoff with nearly 30 U.S. law enforcement officials near Neely’s Crossing, on U.S. soil, 50 miles east of El Paso. According to the Hudspeth County Sheriff’s Department and the FBI, Mexican military Humvees were towing what appeared to be thousands of pounds of marijuana across the border into the United States. [New Democrats with lots of dope ready to raise some really big bucks for the “Get Out The Democrat Vote” Campaign!!]
Off Thread —– About the Gay Rights Bill and Where to Clelebrate ALL Over the State
Comments on Gay Civil Rights Bill: Passing on Friday?
Celebrations planned tomorrow:
Tomorrow night we hope to be celebrating the passage of HB 2661 statewide. If the bill passes, here are details on some of the planned celebrations:
Bellingham: 5 PM at Taco Lobo, 117 W Magnolia Street
Kitsap County: 6:30 PM at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bremerton
Olympia: 5 PM at Plenty’s Restaurant, Downtown Olympia
Seattle: 6 PM at Paramount Theatre, 911 Pine Street
Spokane: 6 PM at Rainbow Regional Community Center, 508 West 2nd Avenue
Tacoma: 5:30 PM at Tempest, 913 MLK
Tri-Cities: 6 PM at Center for Positive Living, 210 East 3rd Avenue, Kennewick
Wenatchee: 7:30 PM Saturday at Cellar Cafe (SHINE Event), 246 N Mission Street
Yakima: 6 PM at Rainbow Cathedral MCC, 225 North 2nd; 7 PM at First Street Conference Center, 223 North 1st Street
The celebration in Seattle is being sponsored by Equal Rights Washington, The Pride Foundation, Lifelong AIDS Alliance, Greater Seattle Business Association, The Task Force, The Human Rights Campaign, Rep. Ed Murray, Rep. Joe McDermott, and others. If you are interested in sponsorship, please let us know by replying to this message or calling 206-324-2570. Special thanks to the Pride Foundation,, for all of their help coordinating these events.
We expect that a few more cities will have these celebrations; we will send you information as soon as we have it. See you in the Senate tomorrow at 10 AM for the vote! Then, we hope, see you tomorrow night for the celebration!
Thanks for posting the Celebrations… Hopefully I can make it to the one in Oly.
Anyone hear of the thing Eyman pulled today? Lol, its a interesting story: Tim Eyeman In Chains
All the catch phrases about dick size — ie. feet, hand, watches, skin pigment — delusional. NO correlation.
as it has been ages since Goldy let JCH post at will, I have a feeling JCH is the real Kevin. Just a hunch as he has never posted anything of substance in this past year and now he has ‘free reign’ on the site.
30, Cougar, Wrong again! Ask Goldensteinburgloeb.
Cougar @30,
Doubt it, since JCH is posting from Hawaii. Besides, as you said JCH has not posted a thing of substance (ever)….
Probably right marks, but I keep remembering about 4 months ago when a ‘troll’ was continually posting using other’s nicks. But then again, that would make Kevin change computers and that would be too much of a hassle for a wingnut to fathom.
Fuck Debolt and Carns and the whole republican party. Good thing we don’t need to work with ANY of those punks. I keep calling my reps daily reminding them to treat the GOP reps like shit – and that’s even better than the asswipes deserve. I can’t wait to watch the hatemnongers on the right cry and whine when the gay rights bill passes. Anything that makes the GOP mad, makes me happy!
The longer DeBolt holds on to the little pussy kevin the better. Time won’t improve the smell! He does seem kind of off the wall as well as total idiot. For a R operative to lurk on a website such as HA, okay might pick something up but why even waste time posting, not going to change any votes of the regulars. Very strange and creepy.
LeftTurn @34
Anything that makes the GOP mad, makes me happy!
Sorry, but that seems to imply that bad law would make you happy since your antithesis dislikes it. Either you like the law or you don’t, and the law is justified or not. Pick one, and base it on need and justice.
JCH: juicy chancre head
We have a winner. Pay the man, Shirley.
The closer prosecutors get to the inner circle of GWB the sooner they seem to get judgeships.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26 — The investigation of Jack Abramoff, the disgraced Republican lobbyist, took a surprising new turn on Thursday when the Justice Department said the chief prosecutor in the inquiry would step down next week because he had been nominated to a federal judgeship by President Bush.
Hmmm…. I wonder if it is because the Wingnuts appreciate their skills?
Apologize. Fuck that. Put this on the check list right below voter registration challanges and do more of it in September and October.
“As The State of the Union Draws Near, Two-Thirds of U.S. Adults Rate the Current State of the Country as Poor, According to Latest Harris Poll.”
“Senator John Kerry has called for a filibuster of the Alito nomination, heeding your calls to do everything possible to defeat it. He has asked that activists now help convince his colleagues to join him.”
Good for him.
So the Palestinians voted in the democrats. Hopefully they go the way of the bullet as their cousins in Iraq.
In a way it is good that Hamas has been elected to power. Any attack now on Isreal is a reason to get the planes out. Bombs away!
“Cougar”, Alito wins out tomorrow. You lose again. It’s that simple.
Hey donks, I know you are upset that we don’t have a swing judge on the court but we can fix that. Just have Ruth step aside and we will put Alito in her spot. Then we will beg Sandra to come back. Hey it might work. How bout it. Hehehehehe
Anyone here send a check to help kick Souter off his farm? We need to put in some real developments that will pay real taxes!!! [hehe]
JCH is truly amazing for how he can spew so much yet say absolutely nothing of substance. Alas, Rufus isn’t that far behind. Wouldn’t it be a tragedy if both never contributed to this blog again?
We expect that a few more cities will have these celebrations; we will send you information as soon as we have it. See you in the Senate tomorrow at 10 AM for the vote! Then, we hope, see you tomorrow night for the celebration!
Comment by Bob from Boeing— 1/26/06 @ 7:20 pm
Bob I didn’t know you were gay. When did you come out of the closet?
JCH is truly amazing for how he can spew so much yet say absolutely nothing of substance. Alas, Rufus isn’t that far behind. Wouldn’t it be a tragedy if both never contributed to this blog again?
Comment by Jerry Springer Jr.— 1/26/06 @ 9:36 pm
Jerry they will when you get a real name.
I’ll remember that election evening for the rest of my life. It began with faulty interpretation of leaked poll data causing unprofessional blogs to predict a massive win by Kerry. Bush was just debarking Air Force one and they relayed to him the “bad news†“the polls†showed Kerry was going to take it.
The Kerry camp (which had gathered at the outdoor venue in Boston) was into party-mode. The libs were basking in the glory of victory. They believed that victory was assured. They had put forward every smear and lie, twisted every fact, attacked every Bush action. They did everything they knew how to do to persuade, deceive, attack, slander. Liberal main stream media spent over a year in a nonstop assault on the Bush administration to help Kerry. Dan Rather was on cloud nine. CNN pranced around in front of their strange election board in fits of glee.
But then, things started to shift. There was a whiff of something unexpected. The states weren’t turning out the way the partial poll data indicated. Some of the margins were much closer. Virginia would not swing Kerrys way. Florida remained fairly close and showed Bush with a lead. The dems looked for signs of hope. If Virginia took so long then Bush was weak. If Florida took so long then Kerry would win it in a close race…even if he had to go to court?
And then, it turned. Virginia, Florida they fell into the Bush camp. With margins too wide to contest. It was clear now, something was not right with the partial data. Slowly, it dawned upon the nation that the Blogs were WRONG.
Now this is perfect. The rain was falling on the Kerry people in Boston. They were cold, wet, & miserable. They clumped under umbrellas watching the media and they knew it was not going well. Maybe all those lawyers could somehow steal a close one in the court system? Kerry supporters were starting to attack the right. They sensed defeat and wanted to rage against it. Finally, Fox news called it first. They said Ohio is clearly not going to go for Kerry, we are calling Ohio for Bush. Anger, how DARE Fox news call Ohio when it’s clearly too close to call and will clearly go for Kerry? The libs felt It had to go for Kerry. Liberal media darlings declared that the most liberal counties in Ohio would push it over for Kerry, that Bush did not have a chance.
It’s getting late. Dan Rather was now angry, shocked. He was taking backhanded slaps at the voters, at the president. Rather refused to call Ohio so he could help Kerry build a credible case in public that the election was stolen. If Kerry was going to win in the courts he first had to win in the court of public opinion. Rather and others would hold on in Ohio for as long as Kerry might need them. The republican party was kicking their party into high gear, Kerry supporters were wet, miserable, humbled. It was over, but they couldn’t accept it, Kerry would win, Kerry would steal it, Kerry could do anything because he’s politically correct, any trick to steal the election was ok by this crowd.
The best was yet to come. When Kerry stood up and conceded defeat…women and men cried. Some shouted “No No”. Faces were frozen in anguish and horror. They had been radicalized, manipulated, totally emotionally vested in a Kerry win…they were in SHOCK. Some tore at their clothes, tears flowed everywhere…the great radical liberal pied piper has failed! Kerry won the debates how could he lose the election? George Bush had WON!!! Some sought mental treatment. One man traveled to ground zero and killed himself. Many more threatened to leave the country, to flee to Canada . So wrapped up were people in the rhetoric and emotional control of John Kerry that no act of anguish was too extreme. And the defeat was more than a personal defeat. Kerry dragged the DNC down in the gutter with him. So the country rejected them in congress. The dems lost more control in the house and the senate. It was total defeat! [What a great read!!! Jerry, Enjoy!!]
In a way it is good that Hamas has been elected to power. Any attack now on Isreal is a reason to get the planes out. Bombs away!
Comment by RUFUS— 1/26/06 @ 9:04 pm
Rufus the attacks have never stop, but this could be a golden opportunity for some major changes in the Middle East. I would looking for some new developments taking place in Syria.
The number two general in Saddam Hussein’s air force says Iraq moved its weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the U.S. invasion. In a new book titled “Saddam’s Secrets,” former general Georges Sada recounts the story of two airline pilots who told him Saddam’s Republican Guard loaded chemical weapons onto two converted civilian aircraft, which the pilots then flew into neighboring Syria under the guise of humanitarian relief.
Sada tells FOX News he believes the Syrian government knows exactly where the weapons are saying, “I am sure that these weapons have landed in Damascus. [This cannot be true because Bush lied!!! Yes, Bush lied!! Yes, Bush lied!!…….Oh, He didn’t?? Never mind!! Rosanne Rosannadanna]
And the defeat was more than a personal defeat. Kerry dragged the DNC down in the gutter with him. So the country rejected them in congress. The dems lost more control in the house and the senate. It was total defeat! [What a great read!!! Jerry, Enjoy!!]
Comment by JCH— 1/26/06 @ 9:43 pm
JCH he had a lot of help from his friends and it is amazing how short their memories are when it comes to this subject.
No, really: Imagine HA without JCH and Rufus.
Sada tells FOX News he believes the Syrian government knows exactly where the weapons are saying, “I am sure that these weapons have landed in Damascus. [This cannot be true because Bush lied!!! Yes, Bush lied!! Yes, Bush lied!!…….Oh, He didn’t?? Never mind!! Rosanne Rosannadanna]
Comment by JCH— 1/26/06 @ 9:50 pm
JCH we knew about this for a long time so did other countries but chose to keep it quite.
55, NO!! Kennedy and Kerry told us “BUSH LIED!!!!!” “BUSH LIED!!!!!”…………Oh, He didn’t?? …………. Never mind!! [Rosanne Rosannadana]
No, really: Imagine HA without JCH and Rufus.
Comment by Jerry Springer Jr. — 1/26/06 @ 9:53 pm [Jerry, That it?? That’s the best you could manage? Sad……]
Tijuana, Mexico – Mexico’s leftist presidential front-runner on Thursday attacked Washington’s plans to build a high-security border fence that aims to crack down on illegal immigration. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador told a crowd of about 7,000 in the gritty border city of Tijuana that fences and additional border police would only create more conflict. /break/ ”It must be made clear to our neighbors that nothing will be resolved by building fences, nor with more border patrol agents, nor with more severe laws or with firm hand threats” [OK, How about land mines?? I bet they will work!!]
WASHINGTON — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton wants Wal-Mart to contribute to health insurance for its employees – but can’t recall if she pushed for worker benefits during six years as a paid board member for the nation’s largest retailer.
Asked if she had advocated better benefits while serving as a board member with Arkansas-based Wal-Mart from 1986 to 1991, Clinton replied, “Well, you know, I, that was a long time ago … have to remember,” adding that “obviously I believe every company should” contribute to benefit plans. [Now THIS is funny!!!!]
JCH @ 56
First off – it was Emily Litella who said ‘nevermind’, not Roseanne Rosannadanna. What an asswipe.
Second – I didn’t think Republicans were capable of such imaginative thinking. (your re-hash of “history” @50) You repeat your lies long enough and you begin to believe them.
Third – I’m about ready to break out a bottle of champagne in celebration of our victory in Olympia tomorrow…WOOT!
Equal rights are NOT special rights.
See you in the Senate tomorrow at 10 AM for the vote! Then, we hope, see you tomorrow night for the celebration!
Bob, thanks for the info on the celebrations. I hope it happens as planned. Alas, I doubt I will be able to celebrate this (small but important) victory for humanity. Just know that there are many who won’t be there who are pleased to see this.
Goldy, I hear that the latest Spam Related Word is “JCH”, please adjust your filter appropriately.
“CH we knew about this for a long time”
The great brain trust of Klake and JCH.
Consider the source.
Second – I didn’t think Republicans were capable of such imaginative thinking. (your re-hash of “history” @50) You repeat your lies long enough and you begin to believe them.
Third – I’m about ready to break out a bottle of champagne in celebration of our victory in Olympia tomorrow…WOOT!
Equal rights are NOT special rights.
Comment by downtown dogs— 1/26/06 @ 10:20 pm
Downtown dogs don’t forget to take Boing Bob with you. “You repeat your lies long enough and you begin to believe them.” I can’t take credit for that. Joseph Goebbels made that statement in Germany 1933-1945 Hitler’s propaganda minister.
Okay, now imagine this thread without any JCH and Rufus. Poof!
The Iraqi general who served as a top lieutenant to Saddam Hussein said Thursday that he personally witnessed Osama bin Laden inspecting Iraqi air force facilities in Baghdad.
Speaking in halting English, former Iraqi Gen. Georges Sada described the bin Laden visit to ABC Radio’s Sean Hannity.
“I can make sure one thing – I know – I have seen by my eyes. It was in ’84, ’85, Osama bin Laden himself was coming to Iraqi air force headquarters.”
Gen. Sada explained: “At that time he was looking for contracts to build air fields in Iraq.”
The top Hussein lieutenant said he had no idea if the visit was part of any alliance between bin Laden and the Iraqi dictator.
Bin Laden’s 1984 trip to Baghdad has never before been revealed, though a 1998 visit during which the al Qaeda chief allegedly met with Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz was reported by the Weekly Standard two years ago.
In an interview that appeared in Thursday’s New York Sun, Gen. Sada confirmed that Saddam had spirited his weapons of mass destruction out of the country before the U.S. invaded in March 2003.
“Saddam realized, this time, the Americans are coming,” he told the Sun. “They handed over the weapons of mass destruction to the Syrians.â€
[This can’t be true because Kerry and Kennedy told us there were NO terrorists in Iraq! Bush lied!! Bush lied!! Bush lied!!……..Oh, He didn’t?……….Never mind!! Rosanna Rosannadana]
Wow klake, and I always thought it was Rove. Oh well, the two are basically the same roll in history and have the same ideals (or rather, lack of).
lol @ JCH, just like a wingnut troll to believe one of Sadam’s former generals. 4 years ago you were probably trying to get him killed, now you are drinking champagne with him. Typical RepubliCON, no consistency in any part of their lives
God help the US.
“Bush has strong defenders, to be sure, and views of the country’s course divide on partisan lines. Chris DeCaro, 20, of Farmington, Mich., praises the president, particularly for his handling of terrorism. “He runs this country not as a politician but as a businessman who does things that need to be done,”
If GWB runs the US like a business we are in a world of trouble. His record is 0’fer in business, bankrupting nearly all businesses that he has touched in his ‘talented’ life.
You are so sweet for trying to match make, getting me and Downtown together — so sweet ‘n all, I have all I need, just in the heighborhood.
You asked when I caome out, in the first grade. And never looked back or felt any of that oppression. I am planning a book and movie which will make B. Mountain look like Little House on the Prarrie.
Bob, make sure to send me a copy!
PS –
Today is a great day for True Democracy and Equality in Washington State.
Can I get an AMEN?
-I sincerely hope the GOP keeps Carns and his heavy-handed hackery around for years to come. –
Him and Tom McCabe – and the KKKVI/KTTH crew. It’s too bad we lost Vance.
Angry White Guys may make up the base of the GOP (and SP), but they sure are running the party into the ground here in WA.
cougar @ 69
If he were running a business, he’d be fired for a 1.1 GDP rate last quarter…