Not sure why, but this this thread seems to have been eaten. Here we go again: I enjoyed Seafair, but would prefer it not have the Blue Angels. I also took a tour of one of the Navy ships. It was interesting, but I’d prefer to live in a world where we didn’t have any.
It’s not even news anymore that Trump is a crook who cheats everyone he does business with, including the tax man.
I wonder if Trump’s nomination (or his politics) will ever be the mark for when Republicans became Democrats.
More and more GOP Politicians are starting to endorse Hillary.
Or more true is that his nomination looks like the mark of the death of the GOP….and birth of Independents.
Sure has been the death of HA’s Trolls.
This should get him the titty lovers vote:
New Monmouth poll of likely voters has Clinton +13 in 4-way race.
Piling on.
“Fifty GOP National Security Experts: ‘None Of Us Will Vote For Donald Trump'”
“lacks the character, values and experience to be president,” that he “weakens U.S. moral authority,” “appears to lack the basic knowledge about and belief in the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws and U.S. institutions including religious tolerance, freedom of the press, and an independent judiciary.”
This would be sweet!
“Rep. Darrell Issa’s Trump support could cost him as Dem Marine opponent surges”
@5 I found it rather ironic since some of these folks brought us Gulf War I, Gulf War 2, water boarding, drones, killing Americans accused of terrorism on foreign soil, Chile, ect. Seemed a backhanded compliment of Hilliary Clinton and President Obama.
The latest poll out of Georgia has Clinton +7.
This poll will do nothing to relieve GOP anxieties. I like that!
Last Friday I would have agreed with Carl’s assessment of the Blue Angels as I was on the I-5 parking lot created by the practice session. Still it was important that the Navy flyboys did their show.
It’s important that the United States military demonstrate to the taxpayers demonstrate how their taxes are being spent. Nearly every US base (and even most overseas bases) are open to the public once a year. Yes it’s a dog and pony show, and may give false impressions of readiness and , and military commanders may believe their; and their public relations officers, hype.
The reason it’s important is because in most nations citizens don’t get to walk about the decks of ships, see fighters and bombers on a flightline, tanks perhaps firing the main gun, talking to the troops and occassionally even getting uncanned straight answers, and seeing their tax dollars at work. Sure if you are in North Korea you will show up for various parades each year, and other countries have their version of the blue angels, and some European nations come close to this American public display.
We have lived in and continue to live in a world those pretty nany ships are necessary, and maybe actually used. Which is preferable to using the ultimate weapons of destruction the Blue Angels planes and pilots are capable of delivering, a fact somehow not mentioned directly in the Angels commentary if you were close enough to hear it.
@10 Yet the Trump supporters are energized in a way that isn’t there for Hilliary. And since elections are about winning the Republicans are likely to wake up and smell the coffee and get on the Trump train, if only to keep Hilliary’s short coat tails very short.
Abigail – what you need the actual atom bomb to be dropped to agree with the 50. I think even then you would talk sideways still.
@ 7 all the while being re-elected over and over for saying shit like “God wrote the Constitution”, or “Americans are making too much money” and insisting that decorated Combat Veterans are Cowards.
I will never be able to wrap my mind around how that works..
Obama, for a Muslim, is more of a American than Drumpf.
@10 or some Republicans will think about an independent run, not to win, but just to try to keep Drumof from becoming President (or commander of the Nazis).
“but I wish we lived in a world where we didn’t need it”
It would help if we started treating other folks in the world better, but that’s not going to happen – we can’t even treat our own decently.
Wow. With a ban on using Martial Arts on schoolchildren, how are the schools in Kentucky going to manage to educate anyone?
Oh, thats right. Schools in Kentucky and Arkansas and the like aren’t about educating anyone. They’re all about just raising up the next herd of cattle to march into wars and then bring back home to dig coal for the rest of their lives.
Don’t need no fancy book-learnin’ for that.
Another Godlike Jesus loving Republican Family Values Conservative gets his heavenly reward.
Folks’ll never learn.
Working at Faux News is like living in a police state.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Gotta keep the newsies in line, because news is what you say it is. Goebbels understood this 75 years ago.
@6, @8, @17
The real treat of these kinds of stories is the RNC is going to have to spend money they don’t really have in places they didn’t think they’d need to. SoCal is an expensive media market and they have to spend to prop up Issa?
Georgia has a Senate race and 14 house races and some of them are traditional safe R that aren’t so safe with a top of ticket trouncing and a major Republican figure in the state charged with child molestation. Gay child molestation at that. That’ll really help that GOTV effort among your traditional Republican base.
I know the trolls have disappeared but maybe someone should reach out and make sure they aren’t hanging from a shower rod somewhere.
This is starting to look historically ugly for Republicans.
you obviously haven’t been getting Paul Manafort’s memos.
You see, according to the campaign brain trust there’s a yuuuuuuge, super top secret, untapped reservoir of aging, reactionary, uneducated, racist, white men that no sociologist, pollster, or political scientist has ever previously been able to detect, waiting silently in the wings to sweep Cheeto Jesus and his loyal Republican followers into power.
Yup. Seriously. That is their plan. That is their path to 270. And they want to be put in charge of stuff.
“I know the trolls have disappeared”
For all his faults, Trump accomplished something which Goldy, Darryl and Carl couldn’t be bothered with doing. He put an end to the cut & paste hate speech and spam which soiled these threads.
perhaps if were really lucky this portends what’s to come.
Maybe, just maybe, when the RNC’s theory of the electorate is proved to be as laughably false as their theories of global security, their theories of economic growth, and their theories of socio-religious consensus, this uniform stable echo-chamber ecosystem of fake-conservative cluster fuckery will finally disintegrate forever.
Honestly, I have to believe that the main reason the douche trolls finally threw in the towel is because they grew too fatigued defending the indefensible and explaining away all the failure. Big chunks of the “intellectual” right wing echo chamber media sphere are doing likewise. I’m not championing the disappearance of angry old white guys from political life. I guess they have their place. But the world, and American life have moved on without them long ago. We are not becomming. We are – a diverse, mulit-ethnic, multi-cultural, feminist society. A rapidly shrinking cohort of privileged aging white men has been fighting a losing rear-guard against that inevitability for decades. They’ve fired every bullshit arrow in their quiver, hoodwinking every credulous socially backward “subgroup” from snake handling evangelicals to cross burning white supremacists along the way. It’s high time they put away their fight against who and what America is, and joined the rest of us.
@21 Yep, the Donald and his dear friend Roger Ailes.
Ailes was was what klownservaticism was all about and the Drumpfhole is klownservaticism’s Frankenstein monster.
Heh. Show a poll where nearly half of Republicans are enraptured by the delusion that TWO TERM President Obama was born in Kenya and it becomes nothing more than an opportunity for the Drumpfhole to get secret service protection from the Eastern Euro and Russian mafias.
Boob really went running after Ailes. Boob was the ultimate fetishist of “Ailes family values”.
Keep in mind that the Blue Angels exist for one purpose: Military recruitment. You know, “join the Navy and look at all the kewl shit you get to do!”
‘Course, you and I know that the only “cool” thing you get to operate in the Navy is a mop.
Wow, sure is quiet here w/o Puddy, Klake, et al. What happened, did they finally all get banned?
Apparently one is running though there is the question of how many states outside of Utah he will run in.
There are 6 other minor parties and another dozen that are called independent and then a ton of write ins. So there are plenty of choices out there. Yet none are likely to stand out in this year of actual opportunity. The Green Party may not be too serious about actually putting people into office. Not sure about those Libertarians. I’m surprised they can have a convention let alone agree on a platform or even have a party as that seems to suggest some kind of social involvement…or do you sign a contract that all of them negotiate as equals….and the convention is over?
@15 Places like the Mali, Afghanistan, The Peoples Republic of China,. and North Korea go a long way to convince me that those pretty navy ships could be useful in this world. Whether or not we treat people nicely or not. After all there are Brits and a few Canadians who will admit Britain didn’t establish an empire by being nice. Although they were generally a lot nicer than the Belgians or Russians.
@24 Sure how else do we have an all volunteer navy or military? Recruitment is not the only reason for the Blue Angels and other teams. In fact some of the pilots who are in those spots would rather be ready to fly off a carrier and do the job they are trained for.
There are alternative ways of manning our military and would much cheaper than the current cost of the all volunteer service. If the ball goes up in Korea we would probably end up with a draft which would be really problematic and would be challenged in the courts in part because our Senate has not done its job and really examined this question of women in combat jobs and the draft.
So do you all like the Blue Angels now or would you prefer a military that relies on conscription? It’s your tax dollars at work what is your poison?