Paul Allen is selling off a couple of radio stations in Portland. From The Oregonian:
Paul Allen is selling his two Portland radio stations to a group led by former radio mogul Larry Wilson, who aims to make a fresh start in the business he left eight years ago.
The stations are talk-radio’s KXL (AM 750) and all-sports KXTG (“The Game,” 95.5 FM). They are among Oregon’s best-known broadcasters by virtue of their association with outspoken radio personalities and popular sports teams, including the Portland Trail Blazers. Wilson said Monday that he plans to maintain the format of each, and in conjunction with the sale signed an agreement to carry Blazers games for eight more years.
So just for the record, according to KXL’s web site, their “outspoken radio personalities” include Lars Larson, Glenn Beck and Michael Savage. There’s an ad for a t-shirt on Savage’s site that says “I’d rather be water-boarding.” Cute.
Larson is headlining an event called “Talkfest 5: Censorship,” which is billed as a discussion of “government censorship on the radio airwaves.” According to the KXL site, it’s sponsored by George Morlan Plumbing, IRA Advantage, Office Furniture Direct, Coors Light, Pilsner Urquell, Broadway Cigars, & Americans For Prosperity. That last one is yet another front group in the stink-tank pantheon, big surprise. I suppose they’ll get together and scream about how the Obama administration is going to shut them down, when declining ad revenues and a changing zeitgeist are their real enemy.
So hey, Paul Allen can buy and sell most things on the planet, that’s nothing new, and it’s not clear what his motivation is for selling the stations. Maybe he had a fit of conscience, or maybe it’s just routine business, as Allen’s spokesman David Postman implies in the Oregonian article.
What is clear is that Allen has had ownership of a station that disseminates the worst kind of paranoid right wing balderdash, which is his Constitutional right. But it sure doesn’t make me inclined to buy Blazers tickets, that’s for sure. The always fascinating and aggravating part of hate radio was that eventually some guy in a suit would say something like “It’s just a business,” as if the only possible niche market is conservative wingnuttery, and as if “business concerns” trump all moral and ethical responsibility for the product one puts out.
So thanks, Paul Allen, for all the years of Lars Larson and his brain-damaging stunts about Christmas trees and the “War on Christmas,” and especially thanks for mega-nuts Glenn Beck and Michael Savage. Rich folks don’t have to endure living in the regular world where actual morons believe the things they are told on stations like KXL, but the rest of us do. Instead of making the world a tiny bit better, you’ve made it just a little meaner and uglier.
Nice legacy.
What a difference – Paul Allen smut peddler and Bill Gates humanitarian. These two are as different as night and day. If I walked by Paul Allen and he was down on the ground on fire and I had to piss REALLY bad I wouldn’t so much as piss on him to put the fire out. I’d just keep walking.
At least he is selling the station. Time to put the rightwing nutbags (and purveyors of hate) out of business.
Remember what I taught you people. Don’t get sucked into the post. Pull back. Does the poster have a pattern? In this case, remember, the posters party is in power from top to bottom. And what does he blog about? He bitches about the party that is not in power. Post after post. No posts about what a good job his Democrats are doing. It’s just miserable John bitching again.
Love your defense of free speech and the First Amendment. Very 1984 of you.
Leftie talkers can’t get the ratings, so you’re left with legislating conservatives off the air. So much for the free marketplace of ideas.
The Piper
“Instead of making the world a tiny bit better, you’ve made it just a little meaner and uglier.”
Two words.
Wanda Sykes.
What was all that screed about meaner and uglier?
fuck you devore, you fucking jewish tool
Don’t forget the vast majority of the HA Happy Hooligans, who are noted for their sophisticated analysis of public issues and their well-mannered debate techniques. Never a discouraging word from them.
The Piper
Racism sucks. You are a racist, ergo you suck, and I don’t care what perspective you come from.
The Piper
Speaking of ratings – here’s a fun ratings look. Handjob Hannity gets good ratings on the radio and said when Al Franken got on the radio that Al wouldn’t ever beat him at anything. Well Hannity – he got more ratings than you ever could at the polls. He’s going to be a US Senator and you couldn’t get elected dog catcher bitch! LOL!
5 RS
Last I heard, Wanda Sykes didn’t have a regular program on CNN or Fox OR a syndicated radio program. She also didn’t organize the equivalent of teabagging parties.
Hey, she also hasn’t been banned from Great Britain for hate speech!
Tou and che.
And speaking of Michael Weiner AKA Savage, Rockstar energy drink is owned by the Weiner family. Friends don’t let friends drink violent, extremist, racist energy drinks.
So that makes what she said OK? You then endorse her words?
And your regard for the First Amendment and the free flow of ideas is such that you also endorse the British ban on Michael Savage?
What’s next? Jail for those whose speech doesn’t meet with your approval?
You’re either for free speech or for censorship – there is no middle ground.
The Piper
Isn’t Glenn Beck the guy who advocated the violent overthrow of the U.S. government? Isn’t that treason? By carrying his broadcasts, aren’t Allen and Wilson aiding and abetting a traitor? Is the FBI investigating this? Has the U.S. Attorney opened a case file?
Paul Allen is the world’s worst businessman. He has already squandered half his Microsoft fortune on money-losing ventures, and is still young enough to squander the other half in his lifetime.
racism sucks? what about killing unborn babies, does that suck too?
“The always fascinating and aggravating part of hate radio was that eventually some guy in a suit would say something like ‘It’s just a business,’ as if the only possible niche market is conservative wingnuttery, and as if ‘business concerns’ trump all moral and ethical responsibility for the product one puts out.”
You could say the same thing about Nazi death camps, as they made money from gold rings and gold teeth taken from dead prisoners.
Paul Allen will be remembered by posterity for being the dumber half of the Microsoft founding team.
Yes it does. Hating the one evil doesn’t justify another
The Piper
@4 So now Pooper thinks the business failure of a radio station violates First Amendment free speech? Thank God he’s not a lawyer anymore. You wonder how he passed the bar exam in the first place.
@5 What about Wanda Sykes? She told a bad joke. Nobody’s endorsing it. Got a problem with the fact Obama distanced himself from it? No, of course you don’t understand that, because you pre-pubescent juveniles invariably laugh at your side’s bad jokes.
@7 Are you referring to #6? Looks like it.
Piper @ 12
So that makes what she said OK?
Wanda Sykes is a comedian. What she says is either funny or not funny, depending on one’s point of view, but none of what she says is ever intended to be the basis for public policy.
You’re either for free speech or for censorship – there is no middle ground.
That rather depends on whether we’re talking about de jure or de facto censorship. You keep wanting to talk about the former, while the rest of us are talking about the latter.
How many stations carry Rush Limbaugh? How many stations carry Air America? And, how, on earth, do you manage to come up with the idea that pure market forces are sufficient to explain the difference?
As per usual, you misread, then mis-state, then flat-out misrepresent…
My First Amendment comments were directed at HA Happy Hooligan references in favor of removing radio content with which they disagree from the air.
The success or failure of a business model is a matter of indifference to me since I’m not an investor. What is important is protecting the right of people to speak their mind, whether that’s from a left, right, center, or, in your case, mindless perspective.
Then let the marketplace decide…
The Piper
Too bad you’re not a lawyer or anything law related.
Just think, if you were you, could do something about it.
Oh well, too bad you decided to be a rabbit for your profession.
Rush draws ratings, Air America didn’t. The marketplace decides what it wishes to listen to, then advertisers follow the numbers.
While you have a right to speak, I don’t have an obligation to listen. Nor do I have an obligation to provide you with a platform. If you want your perspective to have more radio play, then buy the time – it’s that simple.
That even one member of Congress or the Obama Administration subscribes to a reinstatement of the ill-named and un-American “Fairness Doctrine” is both chilling and Orwellian in its implications.
Whatever happened to “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it?”
The Piper
“Paul Allen is the world’s worst businessman.”
His net worth? $10.5+ Billion.
RR net worth? state of WA pension…
Now then, who again is the worst businessman?
Oh but he is just lucky, right?
Man of Truth……
What you put out there is going to come back to you. The evil, hateful, crap you spew is going to catch up to you.
People like you suck. Go away.
@ 25
The marketplace decides what it wishes to listen to, then advertisers follow the numbers.
No. People who own radio stations decide what gets on the air. If there were any connection between Rush Limbaugh’s ratings and the validity of Rush Limbaugh’s ideas, then Republicans would have kicked Democratic ass last November. The fact that Democrats have won the last two election cycles and the downward spiral of the Republican Party constitute ample and compelling evidence that something other than market forces is in play here.
While you have a right to speak, I don’t have an obligation to listen.
That’s not even an artful dodge of the real issue. Some people have larger megaphones than others, a fact, as noted above, which cannot be adequately explained by market forces. It’s not about people being forced to listen to ideas they don’t want to hear. It’s about people not having an opportunity to hear the kind of talk radio they do want to hear.
You offer nothing but a conspiracy theory. Run the numbers, look at the ratings, think in terms of advertising-dollar return-on-investment, then take a business-decision approach to the issue.
Those who own radio stations are in it to make money. If the advertisers aren’t there, they don’t. Advertisers look at ratings, which dictate where money should be spent.
You don’t have a right to a certain type of talk radio. You can listen to what’s out there or start up a station of your own if you don’t like the available options.
If Air America drew Limbaugh-level ratings, it would be broadcast on Limbaugh-level numbers of stations. Quite simple.
The Piper
@8 How about that. Piper stands up against the hate. With that, Piper turns out to be at least ten times the man as Puddy. Puddy spitefully refuses to denounce the likes of manoftruth and KIKE KILLER because of some personal slight that he experienced here years ago. An insufficient percentage of commenters stood up with him long ago, says Puddy. Evidently, time does not heal Puddy’s wounds. Years later, with wounds somehow still fresh, Puddy today refuses to stand side by side with those who, left and right, stand together against racism and bigotry. Puddy! His quest for vengance takes him so far as to refuse to stand today with the very commentors here who once stood with him long ago. But they were insufficient in number back then, says Puddy, only ten brave souls, so damn them today.
Fine, so far as it goes…But not so when you use it as an excuse to dump hate on someone else.
I don’t speak for nor defend anyone but myself. Neither do I tolerate crap irrespective of the political, social, or otherwise POV of its originator.
I’ve called out slime from erstwhile conservatives here before, and if it happens again, I’ll do it again. Too bad not enough of the same is applied to much of the rest of the wretchedness that emanates from others among the HA Happy Hooligans.
The Piper
Good God are things so bad for traitors and cowards like Pooper that the best they can do is throw up the same bullshit used by idiots like Beck to get ratings?
Please show me the bill number, the name of the committee and/or the name of the committee chairperson(s) at the federal level who have a bill in front of ANY committee or on the floor where the bill contains an attempt to restore the Fairness Doctrine???
It’s like everything else that comes out of Pooper’s mouth BULLSHIT. Isn’t happening. Although I wish it were happening, it isn’t. There is no such bill. PRESIDENT OBAMA has said he’s against it. While I realize right wing turds would rather throw straw dogs into the fray in the hopes of deflecting from serious issues, this is really pathetic.
And nobody said anything about stopping free speech Pooper – I took the above comments in the context in which they were given – shutting down right wing assholes like you – via the marketplace – not with legislation.
The best shut down of all time took place on Nov 4 when we FORCED you right wing punks from office. Not a fucking thing you can do about it either bitch.
@Steve don’t you know that Puffybutt is also Woman of Truth, Troll and others?
Piper @ 29
You offer nothing but a conspiracy theory.
I provided no theory whatsoever. I merely pointed out facts that your theory fails to explain, and repeating the assumptions behind your theory won’t make those facts go away.
If Air America drew Limbaugh-level ratings, it would be broadcast on Limbaugh-level numbers of stations.
You know, I’m not the least bit amazed that you don’t see the circularity of that argument.
To put things into the right perspective…
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Look Pooper used tough words like TOLERATE. Hey Pooper I’m calling you a coward, your wife a cunt and your party a group of traitors. You gonna TOLERATE that bitch and if not, what EXACTLY are you going to do about it?
You offer nothing other than a conspiracy conjecture to explain the failure of liberal talk radio to be on more stations.
What I’m saying to you is that the reason it’s not on more stations is because it doesn’t attract and hold sufficient audience share.
Tell me exactly why you can’t grasp this simple business fact?
The Piper
FYI…I’m not married.
As for the rest of what you say…I will flush twice since it’s a long way to the sewage treatment plant.
But let me lump you with the rest of the evil hate-mongerers before I do it.
The Piper
Piper @ 37
You offer nothing other than a conspiracy conjecture to explain the failure of liberal talk radio to be on more stations.
Why do you insist on attributing to me something I’ve never said?
I’ve pointed out facts that your theory cannot explain. Avoiding this doesn’t improve your argument.
If the ratings of conservative talk radio have anything to do with true market realities, then why have Democrats won the majority of elections in the past two cycles?
What I’m saying to you is that the reason it’s not on more stations is because it doesn’t attract and hold sufficient audience share.
How, exactly, does a talk show “attract and hold a sufficient audience” without first getting on a sufficient number of radio stations?
Good grief, Piper, does the phrase “barriers to entry” not mean anything to you? Are you really this obtuse?
Sheesh…have you had much real-world busiess experience?
There isn’t an iron-clad, monolithic correlation between talk-radio audience numbers and election results.
“Barriers to entry” is a strawman argument. A radio program like Rush Limbaugh gets on as many stations as he does by starting out small, then growing as he attracts and retains audience share. That’s exactly how he did it.
Selling radio time is like selling soap or sox or any other product. The more people who like the product buy the product…In the case of radio, it’s ratings. Rush didn’t spring full-blown from the forehead of a massive media mogul. He was on a station in Sacramento, went to NYC where he had to hussle at first to get stations to carry his syndicated program, then made it big because his was a unique and popular product.
You ignore consumers in your “analysis,” such as it is. You assume that there’s a demand for your product when the facts are that, to date, when it’s been tried, the demand wasn’t there.
Just because you want liberal talk radio doesn’t mean some 20 million others do, irrespective of what happens at the polls.
New formats, new programs, new products spring up all the time. Most die, some succeed marginally, some do well, a very, very few hit the big time. Why do you insist upon going to the head of that class without paying your dues?
It’s a business, not an entitlement.
The Piper
I don’t have a problem with what Wanda Sykes said, because I have a big problem with what Limbaugh said. He wants the current administration to “fail”…meaning he wants to see America fail, and tens of millions more Americans suffer…because it’s no longer “his” America. That’s pretty fucking pathetic.
What’s even more pathetic is his drooling mob of trailer-trash dittoheads who are mostly going to be among the folks suffering the worst in such a “failure”, should it come to pass.
He’s an asshole and they’re nuts.
@15 “what about killing unborn babies, does that suck too?”
But insisting that women give birth to children they can’t support, and then refusing to accept societal responsibility for providing the basic needs of those children, sucks just as much if not more.
@23 Speaking of misreading, misstating, and flat-out misrepresenting — by what authority do you arrogate to yourself the right to presume they were talking about government censorship and not market forces?
Well, Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs found Wanda Sykes’ comments reprehensible, so he tossed her under the buss, which then becomes the official position of the Obama Administration.
As for Rush? There are a lot of us who believe that for Obama to succeed in enacting his policies will mean the failure of America because the policies are wrong-headed and ultimately doomed to failure themselves.
I want the effort to enact those policies to fail because the policies are dangerous. How does that sound?
The Piper
@25 “While you have a right to speak, I don’t have an obligation to listen.”
BINGO!!! All the evidence indicates that Middle America has quit listening to you rightwing turds. As P.T. Barnum said, you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of hte people all of the time. It appears the rightwing blowhards are down to the 20% who comprise the some who are fools all of the time.
@26 Allen has lost in excess of $30 billion, whereas I’ve made several hundred dollars in business, which clearly makes me a better businessman than him.
@26 (continued) If he’s down to 10 billion, he’s already lost half of the half he had left.
@29 Well, duh, the people who own the media are rightwingers and the people who own the companies that advertise in the media are rightwingers so guess what gets on the air?
Yeah, I listen to Rush Limbaugh too, when it’s the only station I can pick up. I once listened to Rush for 90 minutes while crossing central Montana. There weren’t any temperature inversions anywhere on the continent that day so all I could get was the hick radio station out of Great Falls.
Rush was talking about Chimp’s proposed prescription drug program. Rush was against it. For 90 minutes, he railed about how Bill Gates would qualify for government-paid prescription drugs. What’s the problem with that, doesn’t Gates pay enough taxes to get Medicare in his old age? Never once did Rush mention the millions of elderly forced to choose between buying medications or food. Of all the slime that crawls out of the rightwing sewer, he’s the most dishonest of them all. After 90 minutes of that tripe, I couldn’t take any more, and turned the radio off. Silence was better than the crap that rightwing media owners and their rightwing advertisers were peddling to Montana goat farmers that day.
@30 I’ve never met a winger who ever let go of a grudge. These people hate forever. Frank Blethen will take his hard-on for unions all the way to his newspaper’s grave.
@31 It’s like this, Pooper. The slimy America-haters on the right call us “commies” and “traitors” and “unpatriotic” and a bunch of other not-so-nice things. So we call them names back. We’ll stop when they stop, but they have to stop first, because they started it. And no, I don’t see you criticizing them for it, your outrage looks pretty damned selective to me, so shove your tin-plated moralizing.
@32 What ratings? Pooper doesn’t have any ratings. Furthermore, he doesn’t rate any ratings. On the other hand, I’m wildly popular. Every rabbit in the country reads my stuff, and that’s a hell of a lot of rabbits, plus we’re making more rabbits every minute.
@35 Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit. 05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
One of the best HA comments of all time, and well worth repeating often. Thanks for reposting it, Marvie.
Piper @ 40
Have you had much real-world busiess experience?
So, now you’re going to revert to an appeal to authority? When are you going to actually come up with an argument that isn’t abundantly profane?
Or, are you saying that I simply don’t have enough “empathy” regarding the trials and tribulations of people who run businesses?
There isn’t an iron-clad, monolithic correlation between talk-radio audience numbers and election results.
Piper, how does your restatement of my factual observation help your argument?
You might want to try arguing against an expected correlation rather than simply assuming the expectation away, though, frankly, it’s difficult to see exactly how you can. You will, however, have to come up with an argument that’s based on demographics in order to figure it out.
“Barriers to entry” is a strawman argument.
And you, clearly, have no idea what a “straw man” argument really is, which probably explains why you keep failing to address the arguments I’ve actually made.
Selling radio time is like selling soap or sox or any other product.
Actually, no, it isn’t. There are a number of small-market radio stations that are, essentially, the only game in town. In most cases Premiere Radio Networks offers Limbaugh’s program for free under a standard barter practice in the radio industry. If that’s not a massive barrier to entry, then one really wonders what could possibly be a barrier to entry.
You ignore consumers in your “analysis,” such as it is. You assume that there’s a demand for your product when the facts are that, to date, when it’s been tried, the demand wasn’t there.
Exactly how might we interpret the results of the last two elections in some way other than the idea that the demand for liberal/progressive talk radio exists yet goes unfulfilled?
As for what constitutes a “straw man” argument, consider:
Just because you want liberal talk radio…
I’ve expressed no personal preference for more or less progressive talk radio. Why would you assume that I have one, and how would that be even relevant to the discussion?
It’s a business, not an entitlement.
Gads. You know, the subject of this thread is “It’s just business.” I’m surprised I have to point this out to you.
@38 “I’m not married.”
Why are we not surprised?
Women who can live with bagpipes are hard to come by.
So during the bush years, you wanted his policies to succeed?
Had bush wanted to overturn roe vs wade you would have been supportive?
@44 “There are a lot of us who believe that for Obama to succeed in enacting his policies will mean the failure of America …”
… and the rest of us believe you and your ilk are nuts, and grew weary of you morons dragging us under the bus with you, so we did something about it last November.
Got to call you on this there RR.
I regularly travel Montana. Missoula-Helena-Great Falls-Havre-Glasgow-Billings-Bozeman back to Great Falls. I drive it. The only radio that is receivable for 90min outside of Great falls is CBC, and the occasional latin music station.
I think you mis-remember.
You never hear obama supporters speaking out against the obama.
What, you didn’t have an 8-track player in the car?
I think you just proved there is no correlation between radio ratings and voting outcomes.
A possible answer to the question:
Because there are more Democratic voters that don’t listen to liberal radio shows than their are total Rush listeners. That seems very plausible to me. As a % of all voters, people who listen to political talk radio is probably a small percentage. Think about it. Ask yourself: Do you or any of your colleagues listen to Air America?
Steve Purveyor of the Stupid Solution farts:
Steve, Piper wasn’t the recipient of the attacks. If in your stupidity you looked at the time stamps you would have also seen headless and some of his sock puppets delivered similar attacks in 2008. Since there are 70+ HA swineflu weasels and only 10 came to bat, Puddy will CONTINUE to be mute fool!
This is Amerikkka as Dr Jeremiah Wright tells us so anyone can get as ugly as they want. When did stillbentover fantasize over your conservative girlfriend? Oh he hasn’t?…
@ 60
I think you just proved there is no correlation between radio ratings and voting outcomes.
Actually, I think I just observed a lack of correlation. The question is, why isn’t there one?
Because there are more Democratic voters that don’t listen to liberal radio shows than their are total Rush listeners.
Well, there’s a hypothesis. How might you test that hypothesis?
Think about it. Ask yourself: Do you or any of your colleagues listen to Air America?
Why would my anecdotal evidence be probative?
And let us remember the only person that said they were offended by steve and his “faggot” language was YLB.
Maybe byebyegober saw steve’s wife.
“Steve, Piper wasn’t the recipient of the attacks.”
I didn’t say he was. He was simply an unwitting and useful tool.
“If in your stupidity you looked at the time stamps you would have also seen headless and some of his sock puppets delivered similar attacks in 2008.”
Offer links or shut yer trap. I’ve not seen anything like that from headless or anybody else. Enough of the diversions.
“Since there are 70+ HA swineflu weasels and only 10 came to bat, Puddy will CONTINUE to be mute fool!”
Ah, back to it. Yeah, so we notice. Puddy has a price to be paid or he won’t stand up against racism or bigotry, even when it’s spewed toward people who once stood by him. Hmm. is it possible for you to stoop any lower?
“This is Amerikkka as Dr Jeremiah Wright tells us so anyone can get as ugly as they want. When did stillbentover fantasize over your conservative girlfriend? Oh he hasn’t?…”
And I wondered if you could stoop any lower. My bad. Why on earth would anybody fantasize over someone they’ve never met? Oh, forget it. I’d rather not know what recesses of that sick sick mind of yours you drug that one from. “Ugly”? Take my word, Puddy, you’re there already.
So anyway, roughly 14% of the total (as tabulated by Puddy) commenters on HA spoke up and sided with you on some insiignificant, obscure and forgotten (by the sane) thread and for that, um, insufficient response you have seen fit ever since to refuse to stand up to racism and bigotry. Indeed, not even when those who stood with you then are now subject to the same attacks of hate that you suffered. Big of you, Puddy. Real big of you.
Rush Limbaugh’s weekly ratings are between 15 & 20 Million listeners per week.
Scare Amerikkka was what again? HA swineflu weasel class? Even WikiPedia was “being nice”.
Puddy knows that is “probative”!
Steve you stupid fool. Puddy provided the links. Marvin provided more links. YOU AIN’T GETTING SHIT FROM PUDDY ANYMORE!
You betcha there is a price to be paid. It’s called “reparations”! Get it sucka?
Tell that to your little brother stillbentover fool!
When the number breaks 50% (majority) then Puddy will condemn MOT until then Steve, go play with your goat!
Suck on that goat fool!
66: Is Puddy still citing that canard about HA people not “calling out” someone from 2005 for racist talk?
Of course, that justifies Puddy from not calling out on the rightwingnuts racist talk on HA – that is called moral relativism.
Either Puddy is for racist talk or against it. I call it out every time I see it. Puddy calls it out when ….well, when he decides that a certain percentage of people …..oh, never mind.
Puddy is a moral relativist and excuses racist talk when he sees fit (by republican racists).
Just like torture is morally repugnant and wrong, period. Those who design and do the torture need to be punished. Those who are apologists for torture (like Stamn) are morally deliquent.
Of course if we used real numbers, such as the number of people on the thread AT THE TIME and the number who actaully saw the supposedly racist talk…there may have been what 10-15 people. So 10 out of 10-15 would already be over 50%.
I never saw it originally and I condemned it when I saw it. But I think Puddy forgot to count me…..whatever.
MOT is a racist little fool. He agrees with Puddy.
Limbaugh is a racist. He agree with Puddy.
Sessions is a racist. He agrees with Puddy.
Puddy supports the racist party, refuses to condemn racists that he agrees with…but is somehow not a racist. Hmmmm.
@66 “When the number breaks 50% (majority) then Puddy will condemn MOT until then Steve”
At least we now know the price Puddy demands as payment for him to be a man.
“Tell that to your little brother stillbentover fool!
Apparently, Puddy is fantasizing about my conservative girlfriend these days. Clever, how you project that onto somebody you call “stillbentover”, whoever that is. One of your sockpuppets perhaps? Anyway, you should keep that stuff to yourself, Puddy, as you reveal too much. The same goes for your thoughts regarding your hapless goat. My goodness, the stuff that comes out of that disturbed mind of yours!
I don’t remember you saying a thing about steve & gbs (we’ll forget about bibigoober since he’s irrelevant to mankind) throwing that “faggot” word around.
Either you are for or against gay bigotry. You haven’t called it out. You make the call.
I think I’ve been pointing out that pelosi knew and didn’t say anything.
If you feel I said torture was good feel free to post the link and rub it in my face.
Steve, I have no allusions or fantasies or covets over anything you have, own, or use dude. So you can drop that thought from that pea sized brain.
Also everyone here knows who stillbentover is. Even stillbentover knows who he is. He comes back with “fucked your wife in the ass”, “fat ugly bitch prefers me over you”, or “aids infected wife”. So why you acting dumb Steve? Oh… wow, Puddy just received a news flash… you are dumb! :)
NutRight you ignant moron…
At the time of the first attack in 2005 there were 62 leftist HA swineflu weasels here. When headless called in 2007 with more attacks the tracking number went to 65. When headless was caught by Marvin in a sock puppet last year and fessed up there were 68 unique HA swineflu weasels. Now there are many doppelgangers. Puddy tracks the unique HA swineflu weasels NutRight. Puddy recently posted the list to date. Didn’t ya copy it NutRight?
Now there are many doppelgangers on HA. But as always NutRight has no clue, so he too is clueless.
Ping: correctnotright
Yesterday you wrote-
75. correctnotright spews:
and you threaten people like the wimp you are….
05/11/2009 AT 7:40 AM
I’m sure you missed my reply.
“Got Link”
Prove it and rub it in my face.
I’m saying I’ve never threatened anyone on this board. You say I have. One of us is lying.
My proof? The HA archives.
Your proof?
Do you consider “oreo” when referring to a black man racist?
I don’t remember you calling out bibigober for it.
Oops, ” I call it out every time I see it.” Obviously you don’t consider it racist since you don’t “call it out” every time bibigober writes it.