Um, not really political news here, but I just really loved the headline: “Clue to early Americans lies in origin of the feces.” (Not to mention the slug in the URL: “oldpoop04m.html”. And to think… they criticize me for my potty mouth.)
by Goldy — ,
That may be Goldy, but ByeByeGOP is full of feces.
The moral of the story: Save your feces, they may be important one day.
Have you folks insulted a Republiconvict today? What are you waiting for?
If you want to have some fun, here’s what you do.
When standing in the grocery line, turn to the nearest perfect stranger, and tell him/her that you would give them $20 right now if they could name one good thing Bush has done for our country.
Don’t worry. You will never have to pay.
Actually I think that should read that clue to DNA of GOP – feces. In Puddydick’s case the clue is a specific genetic code reserved for cowards and liars who like to turn out their wives for tricks behind the bowling alley.
‘And to think… they criticize me for my potty mouth.)’
People will never think of you as a professional and/or a journalist/reporter (except for maybe the 5 regular O.C.D. posters on this site) because of your self-admitted potty mouth. Simple as that. When ones words resemble the influent at a sewage treatment plant, the listening stops. Clean it up if you want to try and play with the big boys.
What will happen when Billary FINALLY release their taxes:
There is a gathering story about why Hillary has refused to release her tax returns until the lst possible moment before the Penn primary. I summarized it over at SJ.
The bottom line for her campaign, as it was for Edward’s (who also has a Cayman Island account) is that the upper classes in the US have a fortress of provisions that protect them from paying the same share of taxes.
The Obama campaign has not played the mud game, but this story is out there and will blossom just before the Penn election.
Politics aside, the issue of financial privileges for the rich in our society are a major issue that the Obama cmapign should use. Why should rich folks have so many advantages at becoming more rich than the rest of us?
Classism, far more than racism or religion, is the enemy of progressivism. SJ, moi, does not understand why so few liberals do not resent this sort of thing amongst our own “leaders?”
Goldy overstates his “potty mouth.” He uses FUCK the way Limbaugh uses the word LIBRUUL.
Republicans are stinking up this place so bad that future archaeologists will have no problem figuring out where their cave was.
@4 “Have you folks insulted a Republiconvict today? What are you waiting for?”
See #9.
@6 When did Goldy ever claim to be a journalist?
So Obama’s pastor preaches against “middle-classness” but is moving into a $1.6 million home (seen the photos? It’s BIG) in a wealthy neighborhood. While Michelle Obama is telling her fans to stay in the “little” jobs that help people but don’t pay much, for the good of the locals. Meanwhile, she’s earning $300,000+ a year in her hospital job.
Folks, are you beginning to see a problem with the Obamas here?? Do you feel taken for a ride, yet? Do you see a disconnect here? Is denial really THAT strong for Obama fans?
@12 Look, Mark, it’s like this. HA is a counterpoint to all the rightwing propaganda sites out there. They do wingnut propaganda; we do liberal propaganda. The only reason you mistake us for journalists is because we cite news sources and scientific research to back up our arguments, which admittedly does tend to make HA look like a news site, whereas wingnut propaganda consists of lies and fabrications so transparent that no one would ever take a rightwing site seriously as a comic book.
Does that clear things up for you?
@13 is in reply to @6
Hey Asshole,
In all my years there is one thing I have learned for certain. A well placed swear word can absolutely get the attention of your AUDIENCE. Witness: Police officers who routinely use these words to influence suspects. As in not to “please don’t move, sir” but rather “FREEZE MOTHERFUCKER”. The latter being highly effective in gaining the dirtbag’s attention. Drill sergeants use the same tone and tact in dealing with their charges.
So take your high and mighty holierthanthou attitude and kindly, gently shove it up your motherfucking ass.
By the way, I notice you still come here and shit on the blog, so obviously you’re not too offended.
Have a nice day!!
@7 “Why should rich folks have so many advantages at becoming more rich than the rest of us?”
That’s exactly the problem with this country. We liberals aren’t socialists — the wingnuts are lying about that, just as they lie about everything else. We believe in private proppity, profit, and capitalism. Our complaint is not against the capitalist system per se but rather the deck-stacking practiced by the rich and powerful who manipulate government policy to maintain unfair advantages over the rest of us. The last thing these people want is competition. For them, it isn’t about the people with the best ideas or those who work the hardest rising to the top; it’s about keeping them down so they can enjoy their privileges without having to compete or work for them.
For example. To accumulate wealth, I have to scrape a cash surplus out of wages that not only are puny to begin with (compared with what the boss makes) but are taxed at many times the rate he pays. Some punk whose only contribution to society was being born into a wealthy family starts out with a $2 million tax-free grubstake. I started out without a fucking cent and got less than $10,000 a year of tax deductions (in 2008 dollars). He pays no more than 15% on the additional investment funds he accumulates; the money I invest is taxed at 30% to 40%. Plus he gets all sorts of phony-baloney “business deductions” I can’t claim; only in America can you deduct the $40,000 of fuel that a private jet burns on one cross-country flight while the daily commuters whose hard work supports the lifestyle of the shmuck aboard that plane can’t even deduct their bus fare to work. This system fucks the working class big-time.
That’s why I don’t work! Why should I, when I can sit on my fat rabbit ass and pay no taxes like a Republican? I’ve made $3,000 in the stock market since Wednesday morning. Sure beats working, and the taxes are a lot less, too! And I don’t have any commuting expenses! No boss yelling at me, no exorbitant parking fees, no dry cleaning bills — I put all of that crap behind me when I resigned from the workforce and became a parasite on the capitalist system. But please understand this is symbiotic parasitism; the capitalist system needs the money I scrupulously saved over the years and decades, and I can use all the perks, privileges, and rewards that the capitalist system bestows on the Leisure Class. Why should I do any work or produce anything when it’s so much more rewarding to be a lazy slacker — and the tax rates are vastly better, too? Personally, I don’t think the output-reward ratio in this country makes any fucking sense; but I didn’t create this stupid system, the rich did, and I’m just along for the ride. I’m merely a little rabbit riding a cork that’s bobbing in the ocean waves, as it were.
Believe me, if I could change it, I would. In Roger Rabbit’s Ideal World, the assembly line workers and janitors would commute to work on the private jets, and I and my fellow Owners would walk to work! That’s not much of a problem for me, as I have a pair of hind feet perfectly suited for self-propulsion, but I fear some of those bloated, overweight hedge fund managers would keel over from heart attacks if they had to climb the stairs on their own power instead of being carried up by porters. That’s okay with me, I’ve got nothing against Darwinian selection. If it worked better, we wouldn’t have all these fucking rich people around who can’t function without armies of slaves to wait on them hand and foot! They can’t even fill out their own tax returns.
(yawn-waves hand) Imagines blood pressure monitor screeching loudly….
Mark1 @6,
Eat me.
@12 “Folks, are you beginning to see a problem with the Obamas here??”
No, because in America, politics is a hobby for the rich and no working class people need apply; and any Republican you can name is vastly, infinitely, worse than the Obamas. See, e.g., Mike McGavick who drew a $28 million paycheck for two months of part-time “consulting work”* from the parasitic insurance industry which, like Roger Rabbit, sucks money out of the economy without doing any work or producing anything.
* Euphemism for illegal corporate campaign contribution
18 Goldy:
Ouch! Can’t handle the truth I see. Good luck to you.
@15 Republicans use polite language, social graces, and proper manners to mask unspeakable evil. I prefer to have the swearing out in the open and get the behavior right.
@17 Why should I give a fuck what your blood pressure is? Feel free to drop dead.*
* Just kidding! I don’t wish that on you or anyone else! It’s only wingnut humor, ya know? The kind of humor that Ann Coulter inspires the rest of us to rise to. So, don’t take me seriously when I tell you to drop dead — it’s only a good-natured metaphor. I’d rather see your worldly sufferings prolonged.
@17 (continued) I hope you live a long time, have a Republican boss, and pay working-class taxes. How you like them applies, wingnut?! You deserve it. After all, that’s what you voted for.
@20 Don’t flatter yourself, asswipe. You’ve just been dismissed out of hand with a desultory wave of a bored hand. yawn. Next …
When will JohnBoy McCain release his medical records? He promised to do that three months ago? Is he trying to break his own flip-flopping record? And why is he fighting the release of POW records from Nam? Could it be he doesn’t want us to know he gave up the names and locations of US troops to the VC?
no one would ever take a rightwing site seriously as a comic book.
Mark1 and the other wingnuts like PuddySilly hardly ever question that swill and only when they perceive it as “too liberal”.
Which is great! Go further to the right. It’s worked wonders for Republicans.
@27 “Go further to the right. It’s worked wonders for Republicans.”
It’s leading them off a cliff, as we’ll see in November.
@6 Ha ha ha!
Hey Mark, why don’t you impress us all with a list of your most recent publications in newspapers or other popular media? I’m sure we’ll all be waiting for those crickets to quit chirping, eh?
If these wingnuts go far enough right, will they eventually end up left? Puddy seems to have a good start with his Obama support.
Here’s the net result of 7 1/2 years of Republican lies, corruption, and mismanagement:
“81 Percent Say US on Wrong Track
“The vast majority of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, according to a CBS News-New York Times poll. Eighty-one percent of respondents say they believe the nation has run off track, a record for the poll, which was first conducted in the early 1990s.”
@30 Puddy’s gonna vote for the guy with the muslim-sounding name and the America-hating preacher? You don’t say! Is Puddy a closet terrorist? Just askin’ …
hillary has fallen so far that she’s even losing the dlc triangulator pundit master, joel connelly
Puddy has stated his support of Obama in order to break the ceiling for blacks in politics.
Dang, people! You folks are all bent out of shape today.
Anybody want to buy a used missile base?
OK, speaking of throwing feces, we get it. Darcy Christ Superstar collared the Green River Killer. But other than that, what’s she good for? What’s she done?
McDermocrats reflexively throw their chump change at her, but it’s clear they’re tired of being stuck with a loser. That’s why the big BJ Himself, Bagged Jim, is putting big bucks where his big mouth is: $1,000,000+ to derserving Republicans like Reichert.
Alexander Cockburn wrote years ago that most fat cats give their big donations to Democrats. Republicans had to make do with tithing from the little people. But times have changed: Obama solicits toddlers’ milk money via the ‘Net, and Republicans finally get a plutocrat donor, McDermott. Sweet.
Boehner (pronounced Boner by McDermocrats … says that all those dirty BJ dollars go to the emerging Republican majority, which needs all the help it can get.
When lefty little Mercer Island elitist Dave Ross (dross@bonneville) ‘quizzed’ BJ McD about his crime, McDermott giggled his perv giggle and talked about the Pentagon Papers, stolen stuff published by The New York Times. McDermott compared himself to the Times, which was granted a free-speech dispensation by Nixon’s Supreme Court.
Wrong comparison. McDermott is not the Times. He’s Ellsberg, the crook, the guy who stole the Pentagon Papers and fenced them to an enabler. The Times’ right to publish stolen property did not absolve Ellsberg or McDermott from the crime of conveying stolen property.
(Those of you educated by NEA schools may have forgotten that the Pentagon Papers recounted the lies and criminal negligence of JFK, LBJ, and Strange Robert McNamara who took us on the big ride to Vietnam.)
“Have you folks insulted a Republiconvict today …?”
Factoid is flipping his feces again.
Getting back to the subject of the article, here’s your word for the day, which can be used both in paleontology and politics “coprolith”: fossilized dung
It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500
million dollars. The first year results are now in:
Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent
Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent
Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!
In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns!
While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is
There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australian society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it.
You won’t see this data on the ABC, NBC, CBS or CNN, or hear politicians disseminating this information.
Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.
The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson.
Cyniclown at 41
So this is related to the post exactly how?
Your read the word feces and figured you too would just shit on the blog?
Look, dumbass, no one here is interested in the law in Australia. The supreme court here is going to protect my right to own firearms. If not, I will join Roger in using my legally owned firearms to insure that they are not taken from me. Catch my drift? They can also be used to calm rambunctious Rethuglicans who might want to take one too many of my rights away.
Shame I might need a weapon to protect myself from my own government.
Gun control laws do not adversely affect law abiding citizens.
If you are a law abiding citizen you will get your firearm. If you are not, you should not be using legal methods to obtain weapons.
You know, like that shooter in the school shooting . . . (fill in the blank, there are many.)
Citzens should and can own guns. There are laws restricting who can drive a car. Does that adversely affect your ability to own and operate a moter vehicle??
Come with some logic next time.
BTW I see your two stock picks are hitting the resistance barriers I told you ISRG @ $340 and MCD @ $55. Did you buy in? Nahhhhhh, of course you didn’t.
Good luck.
@12 What’sittoya
Where the fuck do UOU live. In Seattle a 1.5 million dollar house is not a bug deal (ours is worth that). You can get a fixer upper here for about 300,000 and something rasonablew for 800k on up.
And yesz I have seen the Obama’s house .. it is pretty modest if you compare it with almost anything McCain of Hillary live in .
As Michelle’s salary, she is NOT well paid for her postion and stature. 300k for a high powered Harvard attorney these days??? that might buy you a hack. She is actually a major hospital admin and form what I hear is awfully good at her job.
Just for some comparisons ..t he prexy of the UDub makes over a million.
Does that say that salaries for her profession are not higher than they should be, no.
BTW, you want to be really impressed look at Lawyer Edwards!
Is that Obama’s house, you saw? Or Obama’s house with the Rezko Addition? Big difference, Mr. J.
And re Michelle: The fun fact about her salary is how it ballooned like a real estate bubble after Obama, with 250,000 Rezko dollars, went to Washington. Meanwhile, Michelle’s telling poor women in Ohio to forego careers in corporate America, and to stay in poor-paying ‘helping’ professions.
Strange days indeed. Senator Obama is impressive, but the New Republic reported two weeks ago that the only real press conference he’s had was not impressive. He looked stricken when asked real questions, reported TNR, and ran away. (Real explained: the TNR story made distinctions between the elitist media establishment — Jayson Blair Times, WaPo, etc. — that bathes Senator Obama in adulation, and the blue-collar press that defiantly decided to ask him real questions about the Religious Wright & Rezko.)
He looked stricken when asked real questions, reported TNR, and ran away.
Thanks for reporting the facts about Bush but we knew that already.
Bush does not run away. He clutches his throat and falls to the floor, a victim of the heartbreak of pretzelcide.
Nope, the run-awayer was Senator Obama at a press gaggle in Texas last month. Think about it.
After conducting a DNA and other analysis of the ancient feces, scientist made some amazing discoveries.
1. The fecis is 14,200 years old.
2. It is the shape and consistency of a brick.
3. It came from John McCain.
4. It probably originated from when somebody told him he couldn’t occupy the neighboring lands for the next 100 years. His face turned red, steam exploded from his ears, and he “sh*t a brick”.
Think about it.
I pay no mind to bilge from hateful, name-calling, red-baiting, name-morphing trolls.
@41: Cynical dimwit – I have seen the Australian data and where you got that – they misinterpreted it and I already posted on how that data set was inaccurate. Sorry – the real data prove nothing of the sort.
I don’t mind if someone makes a fortune in their lifetime. I just don’t think (and Warren Buffet agrees with me) that you should be allowed to pass it on to succeeding generations.
George Bush is the prime example of this kind of inherited privilige gone awry.
Of course the 16%ers are not interested in this story…
“British Muslims ‘planned to kill thousands by bringing down SEVEN transatlantic airliners in one go with liquid bombs'”
@52: Gee Puddy, an old story from 2005 about guys who might have been planning something big but really didn’t even know how to make explosives to begin with….
they would have blown themselves up injecting the explosive fluid into the bottle like they planned …ooops!
How about that economy? 80,000 jobs lost last month. Thank you bush for bankrupting our country and ruining our economy. Vote republican – it helps the economy in china.
The story is relevant because the trial is happening now moron. It discusses how these “people” think. I was traveling overseas then and it could have been me idiot.
@54: so it is relevant because these people want to blow up airplanes – even though they have no clue how to do it?
However, we do know there are people who don’t like Americans and Brits – they are called al qaeda – and Bush let the leader (bin Laden) escape in Bora bora when we had him cornered.
Now al qaeda is regrouping in Afghanistan (where we can’t convince any other countries to help us – I wonder why? – and we can’t afford to sdend more troops because of the unnecessary war in Iraq) and Pakistan (where we backed an unstable dictator and didn’t insist on finishing off al qaeda) to attack us again. I feel so secure.
Oh, and just because YOU have corrected the data, must make it so, huh KLOWN?
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control.
From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated
Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded
up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated’ people, unable to defend
themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.
Are you afraid of guns?
Many of the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS like Roger Rabbit and My Left KlubFoot aren’t.
Spare us the NRA talking points, assclown. Legal, law-abiding citizens will ALWAYS have the right to bear arms in this country. Judging by your hysterical vitriol, I just can’t shake the feeling that you’d be one of the ones who’d lose the right to own a gun. So what does that make you? Not legal, or not law-abiding?
I am an NRA member. Have been for decades.
Does it make you feel better to call me an assclown and then agree with me?
Typical LEFTIST PINHEAD…can’t even agree with someone who is always RIGHT, even when you agree with him!
YLB says nothing of any importance. He farted: “Think about it. I pay no mind to bilge from hateful, name-calling, red-baiting, name-morphing trolls.
Maybe that’s why we don’t pay attention to you.
What happened! Why are you not on KIRO any More