I’m just coming off of a week long break from blogging, and what a great time to be back. A few thoughts:
Mayor Greg Nickels is going after slum lords. I’m estatic. I went to high school across the street from a guy who is infamous for his criminal behavior.
Crosscut: It didn’t take 24 hours for Knute Berger to come out slamming growth in the Puget Sound area. I remember when my Pops was looking to buy a house in Seattle. It was the mid 90’s, before prices exploded during the “Go-Go Clinton Economic Boom.” No-Growth folks like Charlie Chong were trying their best to slam the door shut to new Seattle residents like me and my Pops. Today, it’s hard to find a townhouse in Seattle that is much cheaper than the average house price.
I have a new favorite beer.
What’s up with the enviros? They totally bailed on new parks in downtown Seattle. Yes, Nickels shares the blame, but enviros should have had his back on this.
A note to folks who visit Drinking Liberally at the Montlake Ale House: don’t ask the bar staff to turn down the music. It’s a bar, and we’re not the only customers. We have guests all the time; authors, bloggers, pols, but it’s still a bar. One other thing while I’m on the subject: if you’re VIP at DL, don’t demand our attention for more than five minutes, tops. Drink a beer and mix with the crowd.
Barack Obama blows it.
That ridiculous racetrack near Brememton is dead. You’re welcome.
This is heartbreaking.
Seattle Pays WTO Protesters $1 Million
The city, or rather its insurer, has agreed to pay 175 WTO protesters who were arrested without probable cause a total of $1 million. After legal fees, the protesters will get at least $3,000 each to compensate them for being arrested and jailed, and for the city’s violation of their constitutional rights.
In addition, the city has agreed to provide training to its police officers on “probable cause” requirements for arresting demonstrators in the future, and to clear the protesters’ records.
The city seems to have learned nothing about free speech or the right to petition government for redress of grievances. The city wanted to appeal but its insurer said no. And the city’s attorney suggested the cops will still arrest protesters in the future, but will try to document the arrests better to make them stick.
This settlement is on top of $800,000 the city paid to another group of WTO protesters.
Sure, the ridiculous Bremerton NASCAR track is dead; but the promoters have learned nothing from the experience — they promise to be back with another proposal for a track somewhere else in the state — with, of course, their hand out for taxpayer welfare.
There you go Roger, reading that constitution thing literally, you need to understand only the Seattle Times has the right to free speech and only PAC’s get to petition for redress to the Government.
See how stupid your argument on a previous thread sounds?
The first ten articles in the Constitution are restraints on the power of government with respect to the individual. Including the second amendment.
Another bad week for the inbred right…
More truth comes out about liar and AG Gonzlez and the Bush Regime’s lies surrounding the firing of 8 AGs…
One of Bush’s closest advisors comes out against Bush and tells the truth…
The NASCAR track won’t be coming to Bremerton so the Confederate-flag-wavin KKK types will have to find somewhere else to stalk little kids…
Senator Clinton set an all-time fund-raising record proving Democrats are more popular than Publicans…
I can’t wait to see the level of defeat we bring to the right NEXT week.
The Young Democrats of Kitsap County are pretty damn happy right about now. We have been fighting this thing since 2004.
I’ll be dammed if we beat every single Kitsap Republican cannidate in 2006 only to have a NASCAR track forced on us by legislators from King and Snohomish County. Geoff Simpson’s voters should be ashamed of him.
Congrats Jacob…. I am not against a race track per se but I don’t think taxpayer money should go to providing profits to the France family. Especially when the locals sure as hell didn’t want it.
Puddybud: For whatever reasons you opted to ignore my posts regarding your racist remark “lily white boy.” It’s not a term used by anyone in the ACLU, nor is it a term of endearment.
How about responding to my questions below? Particularly since you felt compelled to tell me that you’ve changed my opinion by quoting the Bible.
“Puddybud Who Left The Reservation says:
GBS: I’m not desperate. I am sure of my beliefs. I stated Biblical facts that caused you to change your position. ”
Since you’re a devout Christian and a believer of the Bible, Puddybud, when you respond, do so by swearing on the Bible before Jesus and God almighty that you’re being 100% truthful.
Swear to Jesus that the ACLU member said quote, unquote “lily white BOY.”
Swear to Jesus that the slur “lily white boy” is a term of endearment.
Swear to Jesus you didn’t lash out in frustration and used a racial slur against Headless Lucy.
Here’s my comments/question you ignored.
Don’t talk black history to me Lily White Boy!” Puddybud’s racial slur 3/26/07 @ 7:09 am 3/24 Open thread/GBS says:
Lily white boy is no term of endearment. “White boy” is the racial slur used by people of color against white people.
And you cannot show me where anyone from the ACLU used the term “lily white boy. If you’re going to link to that story in Salt Lake City again, please post the quote from the article. That will clearly demonstrate the person from the ACLU did not say “white boy.”
White boy is to white people as nigger is black people.
IF, and I do mean, IF, someone from the ACLU used the term white boy, do you honestly think that makes it OK for you to use the racial slur? Furthermore, you did not use the vulgar racial slur ‘lily white boy’ as a term of endearment, you lashed out in frustration. It’s as plain as day for anyone who wants to read it. (check my screen name to find the thread for those who haven’t seen it)
Black rappers, black comedians, and many, many more black people use the term nigger every day. More often than anyone at the ACLU uses white boy. Since you have an unproven claim that someone from the ACLU used a racial term, does that make it OK for anybody to use derogatory racial terms? Using your logic then, is it Ok with you if I refer to you as “my ni-gga?”
Of course not. Case in point, you wouldn’t even type the word nigger when you changed your screen name, Puddybud!
Are you so egotistical and/or arrogant that you cannot simply admit you made a mistake and move on???
03/30/2007 at 8:56 am
“Don’t talk black history to me Lily White Boy!” Puddybud’s racial slur 3/26/07 @ 7:09 am 3/24 Open thread/GBS says:
If you honestly believe that ‘lily white boy’ is a term of endearment, then I’d like to take you up on your offer from an earlier thread and attend church services with you at your church.
I’d like to ask the other members of your church if racial terms like lily white boy and nigger are acceptable forms of speech amongst their congregants.
03/30/2007 at 10:18 am
“Don’t talk black history to me Lily White Boy!” Puddybud’s racial slur 3/26/07 @ 7:09 am 3/24 Open thread/GBS says:
“Cypress” or “Forest Park”
03/30/2007 at 10:29 am
Puddy will never change. He is a ‘holier than thou’, ‘do as I say, not as I do’ type of guy. At times he has to lash out at the left or the ‘other side’ just to prove to himself he is ‘the man’. I actually pity the little man that he is.
Thumbsucker. ‘Nuff Sed.
If Puffybutt goes to church – it’s a church full of child rapist, drunks, whores and AWOL cowards.
I kinda like auto racing, but we’re rapidly approaching a point where it’s going to be pretty absurd when there are riots over the price of corn in Mexico because it’s being diverted into making fuel, and here we have a bunch of clowns burning even more driving around in a circle.
It’s been loads of fun, but it’s time to assign motor racing to the dustbin of history. Hate to say it (and dammit, this REALLY hurts) but the same thing applies to our beloved hydroplanes. Oh, there’s nothing wrong with half the town heading to Lake Washington with beer and bikinis….but we might as well be watching a sailing regatta instead.
Actually I love Hydroplane races. I used to watch them in the TriCities every year. I just don’t want my taxes to be used to force a NASCAR track in my town.
KOS’s condescending remarks (cited by Will)about Sen. Obama’s Iraq position are dangerous. Our common gola now should be to extricte the US from the Bush quagmire, not merely see how much political hay we can add to the pyre.
A game of chocken between Bush II and the Congress., is fine IF it serves a purpose. But it seems that all KOS wants is to pull the trops out, without any thoght about how to get there form here. As one IDEA that is OK, but KOS ought to show respect for the range of thoughts different well menaing folks have.
Obama stand is worthy of debate and is a lousy excuse for throwing dirt!
RE Fave Beer.
We like Stella Artois also. I like to annoy my husband by saying “Do you want a STELLLAA!” like Marlon Brando in Streetcar Named Desire.