Well, it’s an anti-incumbent year, and Reichert’s negatives are pretty damn high. So anything can happen.
Anything can’t happen. Reichert will win 56-43-1.
A democrat can win this district, but not DelBene. Burner was a much better candidate than Delbene is, and she couldn’t win.
I hate to say it, but you need an older white person (older than 45-50) to win this district away from Reichert. I know this district well as I grew up in it.
IMO, the key is to win enough of the over 60 voters that have lived in this district since the early 80s. They are old-school conservatives with a libertarian bent (not very religious when it comes to voting). They are retired or near retirement, represent a large demographic, and probably have nearly 100% turnout.
’08 was an anti-republican year with huge turnout in the younger crowd and we still couldn’t oust him.
The latest polls show DelBene trailing by 13 points. Most people don’t even know who she is, and she’s certainly not campaigning up a storm if this is her first TV spot. I guess she might close that gap in the next 46 days, but it’s pretty unlikely.
wtf is with this ad dissing on earmarks? Get on the message train, girlfriend! They’re “targeted local investments”, crucial to our community! Have you SEEN any of Patty’s messaging? You are going to lose anyways, you really have to take the legs out from under an actually important candidate while you’re at it?
wtf is with this ad dissing on earmarks? Get on the message train, girlfriend! They’re “targeted local investments”, crucial to our community! Have you SEEN any of Patty’s messaging? You are going to lose anyways, you really have to take the legs out from under an actually important candidate while you’re at it?
Also, her strategy of attacking Reichert is just stupid. We know he’s a crappy representative. Tell us what your plans are. Apethetic voters aren’t going to dig through her webpage to find out where she stands on the issues.
How strongly does she want to balance the budget? Will she vote for cuts in medicare and social security for it?
I’d rather suffer under Reichert than get a democrat who isn’t going to vote for my interests and is even more difficult to replace with a progressive.
If I were in the 8th, I’d vote for just about any Democrat over Reichart.
But Delbane is just too far behind the curve to get the name recognition she needs. By mid-summer the average voter should have had at least some familiarity with her and her views, and be able to recognize her name and which office she’s seeking. Trying to start that process in late September is too little, too late.
I’d love to see her win, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. Which is a shame, since I think Reichart would be really vulnerable if we could get a good challenger up against him.
And I’d love to be proven wrong, and for her to win this one.
Did she have some serious fund-raising challenges which prevented her from getting her name out earlier? I know our late primaries work against the challenger, perhaps that’s part of the problem here?
Daddy Lovespews:
I think it’s odd that she’s talking about the deficit when we need jobs.
King 5/Survey USA also had Reichert ahead of Burner by 13 points in August of 2008. Shortly before the ballots were mailed out, Burner had a 5 point lead, and did very well in the early voting. Unfortunately, the dustup over her Harvard degree (Computer Science with special field in Economics), sunk her campaign. Burner could have and should have won.
To say we “couldn’t” beat Reichert in 08 is incorrect. We could, but we didn’t. And to say Burner was a better candidate is also belied by the fact that she made a huge mistake by characterizing her degree as one in Economics. We can (and should) blame the Times, Ken Schram, etc…, but it was also a colossal campaign blunder that needlessly gave Reichert an opening for a Rovian attack that turned her superior Economic credentials against her and cost her the election.
Burner also had a way of rubbing people the wrong way. Suzan is in many ways a superior candidate. She’s older, much more accomplished professionally, and presents a less combative, more moderate image that appeals to many of the moderates that were turned off by Burner’s fire-breathing attitude (which is what I personally like best about Darcy).
Politically, DelBene’s not conservative. She’s a strong supporter of reproductive rights, for the health care bill, for wall street reform, for investment in alternative and clean energy to preserve the environment, reduce dependence on foreign oil and create jobs, and was for the stimulus.
She would be a fantastic asset for the Democrats in the House.
Reichert’s negatives are higher now than in 2008. DelBene has plenty of money, and is also a Red-to-Blue candidate and will be getting late help from the DNCC.
It’s way too early to give up on Suzan and settle for Reichert.
@10 Thank you Sarge. I needed to read that. I have a really good feeling about Suzan DelBene that I never had with Darcy Burner. There’s just something about her that just seems like right place, right time to me. Pure gut feelings here, nothing more. Something tells me she’s got what it takes.
Sounded just like a Rossi against Murray spot. Business as usual, no earmarks, yada, yada, yada. Yawn…
Um… “Hi, vote for me and you’ll get no federal help fixing up your district.” This is a good message?
This is a crap ad. She sounds like a freaking republican. Earmarks are good things for our state. It doesn’t matter though since she’s going to lose.
@1 I guess a fiscal conservative democrat is better than a lock-step republican Reichert.
lol……..lockstep republican. yeah, democrats all vote differently. oxbrain..more like braindead.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Susan may be a great candidate, but really…campaigning against earmarks (like about 0.01% of the federal budget)? Blathering bullshit nonsense about ‘passing debt (like gas) to our kids’? Jayzuz fuck. Not only is that line dead effing wrong, it’s of NO CONSEQUENCE.
Wake up Suzan. We have double digit unemployment, fer christ’s sake. Gawwwd.
With democrats like these, who needs republicans?
With democrats like these, who needs republicans?
Proud To Be An Assspews:
How strongly does she want to balance the budget?
Nobody in their right mind wants to balance the budget at this time. Even your standard issue wingnut Congressperson is not serious about achieving such a stupid goal (cf Congress, 2001-2006).
Our elites didn’t get to be where they are by being totally stupid.
Not clear whether the ad is about Reichert’s hypocrisy, the deficit, or rep pay. Needs some focus.
BTW, does anyone take politicians seriously on deficit reduction at this point? I mean, they are all ultimately for cutting taxes and raising spending.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather have Delbane than Sheriff Pusser any day, but the ad and idea of having yet another rich fucker doing the the boss man’s bidding in congress is a bit underwhelming.
Who the hell is this Suzie lady anyway? I thought Marcy Bruner was running again… Sounds like another term for Dave and yet ANOTHER loss for Darcy Burner (or Darcy Burner in this case). The only question is whether or not she will remember to vote?
Perfect Voterspews:
Del Bene’s credentials and resume are indistinguishable from Darcy’s, at least to most voters. What we needed was for a legislator or county councilmember, someone with a political base, to take on Reichert. When that didn’t happen, the potential for an exciting, competitive race evaporated.
I agree with Perfect Voter, but apparently whoever picks the candidates to run for election on the Democratic ticket thinks you need a Microsoft person to run in this district. Not sure why, since I’d guess maybe 20% of Microsoft employees live in the district.
Also doesn’t matter that you grew up in this district and therefore know it–it’s changed a lot in just the last 3 or 4 years.
I’m very pleased by this new Comparative Analysis of the Economy that contrasts the 8 years of Bush with the 19 months of Obama. It’s a google doc, so I’m not sure if you have to have a google account to read it.
I neglected to give credit to the author of that analysis…sorry. Lorraine B. Edwards CEO Zhana records
She’d have to vote more Obamunish…no thanks
Roger Rabbitspews:
Neanderthal News
The Montana Republican Party has adopted a platform plank calling for recriminalizing homosexuality. (The Montana Supreme Court struck down that state’s anti-sodomy laws in 1997.) But the good news for Klown is fucking goats will still be legal.
@23 & 24:
The Democratic party apparatus did not pick Burner or DelBene. They appeared out of the blue and declared their candidacy. The elected officials recruited by the Democratic party for the 06, 08, and 2010 races, proved to be not viable, not interested, or both.
The one really good candidate that was heavily recruited was Ross Hunter, another rich Microsoft alum! But Hunter, who would love to be a US Congressman, refused, for good reason. He beat back cancer, but there are no guarantees. He wants to be present as his kids grow up. He’s a good man, but no fire-breathing liberal.
I don’t think there is a Democrat on the County Council that lives in the 8th. If Bob Ferguson lived in the 8th, he would have been highly recruited.
This is a $4 million dollar race. That rules out a lot of candidates. The reason Burner & DelBene have been our candidates, is they are the ones that demonstrated the ability to raise enough money to be competitive.
It’s about time, it’s a good ad
“it’s time we stopped passing debt on to our kids?”
So, Goldy, I suppose this means you and Suzan are on the same page, eh?
and the fact that party chair Paul Berendt didn’t have any problem putting forward his buddy Dave Ross when he didn’t like the candidate–so if the party really didn’t want Burner or DelBene they would be gone no matter how much green they have/raised.
Now I have to clean my keyboard, I spit my coffee I laughed so hard!
If she thinks she is going to win the election as a Democrat preaching fiscal responsiblity, restrained spending, which means smaller gov’t, she is insane!!!!!!!!!!!
Can we have Darcy back? At least she only misspoke about her “degree in economics”.
Thanks for the humor post Goldy.
Right Stuffspews:
So Delbene is running against earmarks? While Murray is pumpinp up the pork she brings back to WA?
Does that mean a vote for Delbene is a vote against Murray?
Someone please try and help me try to understand Goldy. He will often make one pronouncement, then later completely reverse himself, and tell us to do the opposite.
33 – Heh. Dino will do SO MUCH for veterans of Bush’s follies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
16, 17 – Republicans would never win anything if Democrats weren’t their own worst enemies.
אני אוהב פיצהspews:
I’m not so in to richert, but this is a pretty dumb, generic, “earmarrrks wahhhh” ad.
I mean, democrats should be able to do better than harping on earmarks.
1. earmarks suck and democrats need to stop promoting them are you guys insane?
2. balance the budget wtf? I will take a cut in pay wtf? these are gop memes. wtf with this democrat candidate espousing balanced budget when we need more stimulus to have more jobs and we don’t need democrats who undermine the borrowing WE DID for the stimulus that prevented another depression.
3. she’s already behind and this ain’t gonna win it. everyone knows the d’s right now are for bigger budgets than the r’s… so puhleeze, stop chasing after republican voters, be a democrat, not gop lite, you ain’t gonna beat reichert by being gop lite.
The part about wall street is great but should’ve been followed with the stream of wall street donations flashing on the screen with a hard hitting comment about how he says he’s the sheriff but who’s paying his way whose pocket is he in?
and one line about wall street excess causing loss of jobs and 401K’s. I mean fuck come on, reducing government debt w.t. flying f?!????
Wrong economically, morally, politically; undermines murray and demo program; and is implicit attack on stimulus. What a muddled piece of crap ad.
I thought Murray and 98% of the Dems’ program was to get reelected and continue to have tons of corporate cash flow into their party while kicking their base and continuing to betray anything they once stood for.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Well, it’s an anti-incumbent year
HA HA HA HA HA. Ummmm no, it’s an anti-DUMMOCRAPT and anti-RINO year Goldy. Mike Castle had a 52 career ACU rating. His actions caught up to him.
If she thinks she is going to win the election as a Democrat preaching fiscal responsiblity, restrained spending, which means smaller gov’t, she is insane!!!!!!!!!!!
If she preached it and then turned around and did the exact opposite she’d have a promising future as a Republican! ;->
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, he has the full HA database at homespews:
Remember Patty Murray voted for TARP before she voted against it.
I truely awful ad. Late, with the wrong messaging and passionless delivery. Now we know why Windows Mobile marketing was always a little off. Spend your time and money elsewhere this year, folks. Unless she’s going to come up with something more substantial than this, Reagan Dunn will be the only person to take out Dave.
Clinging to my guns and religionspews:
Suzan WHO?
This is a terrible introductory ad. Does she really think she’ll establish name recognition in 6 weeks when all the political air in the room will be sucked up by Rossi/Murray?
you can’t even pronounce her name.
horrible choice.
shows the democratic party is completely for sale to anyone with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$44. There is no democratic party.
If there was one, they could have “told” some state senator or state rep to run. Why not …..Jarrett? Why not someone from freaking pierce county for once, that’s where we’re unable to get the votes to win this seat.
“Hi, working people of pierce county. I assure you I will balance the budget.”
” I need a job because they’re foreclosing next month.”
“Don’t worry. A balanced budget means that..um…rich people won’t be taxed so much and…therefore they will invest more! and…they will create payday loan stores and financial swaps and ….you might get a job one day sweeping out the payday loan shop.”
“You sound like the guys who fired me from the plant. Can’t I get a WPA type job or training to learn tech skills?”
“No, no social programs for you! Now please vote for me, okay? I promise to cut my own pay since I have already paid for my million dollar house my private college tuition for my kids and my massive 401K. So I am rich enough to not even need the $150K a senator makes, isn’t that great?”
It’s about time, it’s a good ad
Let’s see, two of her three messages in the ad were to hit Reichert over the head for taking earmarks, and to “stop passing debt on to our kids.”
For FYI 2010 eight of the top earmark recipients were Democrats, with Patty Murray coming in at number nine with $219,538,750 total. On the House side six of the top ten were Democrats with Norm Dicks coming in at number eight with $39,314,000. Reichert didn’t make the top ten list meaning . . . Murray was FAR ahead of Reichert for taking earmarks. Yet you like DelBene’s ad.
Meanwhile, this:
“it’s time we stopped passing debt on to our kids?”
could be a Republican talking point. In any event, it’s certainly not a talking point of the liberal side of the Democratic Party . . . you know, your side, Goldy.
Your judgement on DelBene’s message seems about on par with your judgement on Obama’s, or at least the one he was spouting 20 months ago, which you and the rest of the HA faithful bought hook, line and sinker. Of course, that was then, and these days Obama rarely receives a mention on HA.
Enough, already, Goldy . . . you’ve struck out.
headless lucyspews:
I listened to Suzan Del Bene a few months ago at a small gathering of Democrats in a private home.
The thing that she seems to be most interested in is in crafting a business atmosphere in the U.S. in which the rules of doing business hew to a coherent industrial policy and would be predictable over the long haul — such as greater tax advantages for companies that reinvest in the actual machinery of their enterprise rather than reaping profits and tax benefit from outsourcing jobs and investing in imaginary financial instruments: In short, an industrial policy for the U.S. that rewards a busines for reinvesting in theirreal enterprise.
headless lucyspews:
re 48: Dave Reichert could not understand #48.
Re 9
What we need really is jobs. On that R’s and D’s agree.
What Republicans don’t believe is that destroying the US dollar by borrowing extravagantly to buy a few jobs lasting a few months at millions of dollars per job is exactly enlightened fiscal policy. In fact, this is purely stupid and looks it to anyone capable of 4th Grade mathematics.
The deficit does matter, no matter what the stuff in your kool-aid suggests to you. For the first time ever US bonds have been downgraded, all because of the idiotic policies of Bush AND Obama. One wasted money on war, the other on ill conceived stimulus and other social experiments. Both did so on ideology rather than sound fiscal practice.
Businesses will begin to hire when economic conditions are right, and no government program will alter that. Builders will build when existing inventory goes down. If anything the incentives to buy houses that just expired pushed a housing recovery back by ignoring this basic rule of supply and demand. All the stimulus and pork and borrowing in the world won’t change this. ALL it will do is weaken the US economy even further.
But keep dreaming your Roosevelt dreams. It didn’t work then, and it won’t now, but whateve gets you through days, DL.
Re 42
Fair point.
But there are more fiscal conservatives in the Republican party this election cycle than in the past 2 decades combined of the Dems.
Basically R’s believe that goverhment is necessary for the security and liberty of private citizens and the private sector. D’s believe that the private sector and private citizens are necessary for the continuation and expansion of government.
On review-
R’s believe that limited government is necessary for the security and liberty of private citizens and the private sector. D’s believe that private citizens and the private sector are necessary for the security and expansion of unlimited government.
Well, dogs to walk and kids to play with, so that’s all for me today.
Have a pleasant Sunday afternoon.
On review: R’s believe in Hooverism and want to turn back the clock even further in many cases, so now we have unsafe food, broken infrastructure, expanding underclass with out access to safe homes, schools etc.
The problem is today’s D’s believe they need to accept 90% of the above ideas to get money from the same giant corporations that support the Republicans; and the 10% difference is the equivalent of a new set of curtains for your Hooverville 2.0 shanty.
On review: D’s believe that its OK to give people money(who never earned it) so they can go play at the local indian casino, buy booze, cigarettes, play the lotto, and blow whatever remains on drugs. And all of the above is A-OK as longs as they get the votes.
And the kicker is – the state officials running this “trade cash for votes” sham dont even think its a problem.
big govt – the answer to all your problems….bullshit.
Del-Zer0! hey, let’s have ANOTHER Dim running on fascist policies and fascist memes!
she’s going to balance the budget and she’s NOT going to pass on debt cuz …
even though it was the fucking fascists destroying the community to enrich their rich pig friends by running up deficits …
now we’re gonna play by their rules!
yahoo – let’s rally around ANOTHER dukakis kerry clinton obama gore f’king loser! cuz, if we don’t repeat fascist lies as the truth, well, the fascists will win …
@55 – why don’t you go back to growing your own water & harvesting your own shirts?
let me guess – u don’t need nobodi for nuttin.
could you sound more stupid?
I dont know, but something tells me you got it in ya…
RE 54
Had Hoover policies been retained the Depression would not have required a World War to finish it. He was wrong about some things, but Roosevelt was wrong about pretty much everything. Well, for an American. He and Stalin were virtually interchangeable in ideology, so he would have been a marvelous fit in the USSR.
Oh wait. The premise on which progressives base their thinking was proved wrong by that whole USSR rising, ruining the lives of many of its citizens, and then inevitably falling.
Sorry, that’s probably a sore topic for you guys.
Hey Kirk, you might check the history of corporate donations. The majority has gone to the Dems, not the Republicans. What was all that crap about fascism again?
And Seabos, the whole fascism name calling thing works well only in the leftist echo chamber. Everyone sane realizes it’s just stupid.
Seabos or Kirk,
Care to defend the million dollar per job price tag for ‘saving or creating’ (that wonderfully Orwellian Obama phrase) jobs?
How about the devaluation of the US currency and credit rating?
How about the costs to your kids and their kids for all this wasted government expenditure?
What kind of country do you and your cohorts want this to be in 40 years? One that is broke, incapable of borrowing from creditors wary of our possibly defaulting, and awash in wasteful social programs? How about you move to Italy or France where this is already the reality and leave this country to those who love it as it is?
#60; i doubt these young libs have even read any Orwell; or understand the scary allusion
Re 61
That’s unfortunate. Either ‘Animal Farm’ or ‘1984’ and ‘Brave New World’ should be required High School Civics course material. Won’t happen though, as it would blow the pet theories of most union teachers and administrators to pieces.
@61, 62
I read Animal Farm and 1984 in High School and was reminded of them over and over every time Bush or Carl Rove opened their mouths. Obama and Co. are doing a better job, but that’s a low hurdle to get over.
Your American history, doesn’t match up to the real thing very well. Hell, even St. Ronnie spent tons of borrowed cash to keep people employed at make work jobs.
michael; i don’t think you understand what animal house is about; it sure ain’t moderate/conservative republicans. maybe commies…, maybe russkies, maybe england…maybe our current obamunist state. you should read it; very revealing
michael; i don’t think you understand what animal house is about
Animal House was a movie staring John Belushi…
Animal Farm, if I remember correctly, was a dystopian novel written by a democratic socialist that discusses totalitarianism and cult of personality leaders.
it sure ain’t moderate/conservative republicans.
I agree with you on this, it’s about the political extremes. George Bush, as the the governor of Texas doesn’t fit the model. President George Bush comes mighty close. What happened under President Bush comes even closer to fitting the model. To be clear, I don’t think we crossed over into any form of model that would fit the 1984 or Animal Farm bill, but we came scary close.
I think what’s happening now, is we’re seeing a lot of push-back from people that got very, very, rich with very little effort or merit while Bush and Co. were running the show. They don’t want to lose their ill gotten gains or have it pointed out that they’re a bunch of crooks. Can’t say that I blame them.
Obama’s healthcare looks a lot like the healthcare plan the Republicans came up with in the early 1990’s. Most of the rest of the things he has proposed also fit with what previous Republicans have either proposed or implemented.
Obama’s not doing anything radical or shocking.
Mene mene tekel Upharsin (there goes the neighborhood)spews:
Nevertheless, Del Bene will beat Reichert at his own game. After all, It was Reagan, BushI, and Baby Bush who created this debt — not Democrats.
And wasn’t this bunch that told me the debt was going down under Omamaman…
13,482 Trillion, and counting
Mr. Cynicalspews:
2. Goldy spews:
oxbrain @1,
Well, it’s an anti-incumbent year, and Reichert’s negatives are pretty damn high. So anything can happen.
I agree…but it’s also an anti-Dummocrat year which you failed to disclose. Here is another example Goldy.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Following his Tuesday Republican Primary win, Scott Walker bounces to his best showing yet in the Wisconsin governor’s race.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Wisconsin, including leaners, finds Walker earning 51% support. His Democratic opponent, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, picks up 43% of the vote.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
8. rhp6033 spews:
If I were in the 8th, I’d vote for just about any Democrat over Reichart.
What a shocking revelation rhp!
I would have never guessed.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Dummocrats and establishment Republicans ought to read this article by Bob Livingston. You KLOWNS fail to understand that Tea Partiers see some R’s are part of the problem too.
Housecleaning time has begun. A number of establishment R’s are already gone…and more next cycle. The Dems will get their’s in November. What has ImamObaMao really done for you KLOWNS?? More debt, bigger government and a whole bunch of bullshit.
It is so bad for the ImamObaMao Democrats. It is amazing how those in deep shit are running away from the President. What a difference a couple years makes.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19
Sixty-one percent (61%) of voters favor repeal of the recently passed health care law. Most Republicans and unaffiliated voters want the Bush tax cuts extended for all Americans, including the wealthy. Most Democrats don’t want the tax cuts extended for anybody.
Dems are soooooooooo out of touch…and they continue down the tax/borrow/squander path like a bunch of lemmings!
I don’t believe the price tag quoted above for the so-called make work jobs in the Obama stimulus bill. On a related note, how pricey are the jobs created by war spending for truly useless weapons?
Also WW2 didn’t end the depression. FDR’s programs were working fine, until he listed to the folks who wanted to balance the budget again and hence created a double dip.
What WW2 did show was the amount of money the Feds would need to pour into the economy to put people back to work after the popping of a balloon; and he instituted rules that prevented the sorts of balloon popping/panics that have since returned in the wake of the Reagan/Clinton removal/’reform’ of these regulations.
Finally, when folks use the term ‘make work’ jobs they seem to imply that these are useless tasks, when in reality the improvement of national parks, preserving American folklore and music and many many other things FDR’s programs paid for are still very useful and important 80 years later.
Also what’s so great about a society that doesn’t give a shit if there are no jobs for a sizable percentage of it’s citizens?
oops “its citizens”
the looniness of the right wingers on this site is funny. roosevelt is stalin; we didn’t get out of the depression via ww2.
oh and liberal or s.d. policies lead to being the ussr.
in fact in german, where they have worker councils and half the board seats on the major corporations are held by labor, they have lower unemployment than we do today and they’re doing pretty well in the global economy.
much of their system was put in place by the “communists” like marshall, patton, eisenhower, etc.
over in sweden the center right party won for the second time in a row first two time win since ww2 following many years of dominance by the s.d.’s.
Thus proving to the right wingers that if you put in high taxes and social welfare programs, your economy goes to hell and you become the ussr and stalin type purges and genocide — that’s why sweden just had a free election telling the govt. they, the people, want to scale back on the social democracy a tad.
just watch. they’ll give it a minor tweak and the social welfare state and socialistic capitalist system they have will go on humming.
but to right wingers raising a tax rate on millionaires equals stalinism.
you have to wonder if they’re just stupid, or ignorant, or are they being paid by those millionairs financing the tea party movement to spout this drivel on blog sites across america.
let’s repeat what they believe: we got out of the depression by lowering taxes; restricting government’s role in the economy; ending government jobs; cutting back on borrowing and debt.
remember? that’s how we did it. Fortunately this let the free enterprise system have full sway in the key years of 1940-45, THAT’s how we got out of the depression!
Then, because of the super low tax rates, we had decades of growth from 1945 to the 1970s. That’s how we did it!
Hmmm. How many times has the klown used Rasmussen been 1/1/2009 and 8/31/2010 (607 days)…
mylaptop:~$ b hacols ‘-f=c -c=tag:eq~klown,datetime:matches~”^2009|2010″,body:phrase~rasmussen -C’
| count |
| 549 |
1 row in set
I diagnose Obama Derangement Syndrome.
the right wingers are the ones who argue that FDR’s social spending didn’t get us of of the depression but that WW2 did. What they fail to see is that government spending stimulated the economy in both cases, but in the first case the social spending tab was weakened by the desire to have a balanced budget and the desire to not spend too much on helping less well of folks.
WW2 offered no holds barred government spending, amongst other things.
massive stimulus borrowing higher taxes full employment….it worked in ww2 even when the stuff we bought got blown up or shot down! imagine how much better it would work if the stuff we bought stayed around to increase productivity, like I dunno, maybe roads, trains r and d education health and stuff like that?
most right wingers I know do not admitt ww2 got us out of the depression; they have no answer to the question of how did we get out of the depression.
germany….half board seats held by workers; the center right government is currently fighting for a massive train station, and is keeping the entire social democratic plan in place; they have lower unemployment than us and they’re competing globally.
come on right wingers, you got nothing in response to that. because those are facts. so is the fact that WE SET IT UP AFTER WW2 the german system is a purty fair example of what life is like when you put new dealers in charge but don’t have a filibusterable senate to deal with~!
since right wingers are either rich folk who like to rip us off or their cretinous tools n fools like most commenters here, though, you won’t see any factual response or any response other than the normal school yard name calling.
and finally that’s why Goldy’s full of shit as usual–this is a terrible time to be talking about balancing the budget. In the absence of private job creation the Federal government is the only entity capable of digging us out of this depression. Hooverism is bad policy whether it’s put forward by Rossi or DelBene.
Clinging to my guns and religionspews:
I love how this thread has devolved into a bunch of red vs blue chatter. Guess delBenzene’s campaign can’t even hold bloggers’ interest long enough to keep a Goldy thread going.
I guess a fiscal conservative democrat is better than a lock-step republican Reichert.
Not that she’ll win anyway. Burner ran a significantly better campaign and was a significantly better candidate.
oxbrain @1,
Well, it’s an anti-incumbent year, and Reichert’s negatives are pretty damn high. So anything can happen.
Anything can’t happen. Reichert will win 56-43-1.
A democrat can win this district, but not DelBene. Burner was a much better candidate than Delbene is, and she couldn’t win.
I hate to say it, but you need an older white person (older than 45-50) to win this district away from Reichert. I know this district well as I grew up in it.
IMO, the key is to win enough of the over 60 voters that have lived in this district since the early 80s. They are old-school conservatives with a libertarian bent (not very religious when it comes to voting). They are retired or near retirement, represent a large demographic, and probably have nearly 100% turnout.
’08 was an anti-republican year with huge turnout in the younger crowd and we still couldn’t oust him.
The latest polls show DelBene trailing by 13 points. Most people don’t even know who she is, and she’s certainly not campaigning up a storm if this is her first TV spot. I guess she might close that gap in the next 46 days, but it’s pretty unlikely.
wtf is with this ad dissing on earmarks? Get on the message train, girlfriend! They’re “targeted local investments”, crucial to our community! Have you SEEN any of Patty’s messaging? You are going to lose anyways, you really have to take the legs out from under an actually important candidate while you’re at it?
wtf is with this ad dissing on earmarks? Get on the message train, girlfriend! They’re “targeted local investments”, crucial to our community! Have you SEEN any of Patty’s messaging? You are going to lose anyways, you really have to take the legs out from under an actually important candidate while you’re at it?
Also, her strategy of attacking Reichert is just stupid. We know he’s a crappy representative. Tell us what your plans are. Apethetic voters aren’t going to dig through her webpage to find out where she stands on the issues.
How strongly does she want to balance the budget? Will she vote for cuts in medicare and social security for it?
I’d rather suffer under Reichert than get a democrat who isn’t going to vote for my interests and is even more difficult to replace with a progressive.
If I were in the 8th, I’d vote for just about any Democrat over Reichart.
But Delbane is just too far behind the curve to get the name recognition she needs. By mid-summer the average voter should have had at least some familiarity with her and her views, and be able to recognize her name and which office she’s seeking. Trying to start that process in late September is too little, too late.
I’d love to see her win, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. Which is a shame, since I think Reichart would be really vulnerable if we could get a good challenger up against him.
And I’d love to be proven wrong, and for her to win this one.
Did she have some serious fund-raising challenges which prevented her from getting her name out earlier? I know our late primaries work against the challenger, perhaps that’s part of the problem here?
I think it’s odd that she’s talking about the deficit when we need jobs.
King 5/Survey USA also had Reichert ahead of Burner by 13 points in August of 2008. Shortly before the ballots were mailed out, Burner had a 5 point lead, and did very well in the early voting. Unfortunately, the dustup over her Harvard degree (Computer Science with special field in Economics), sunk her campaign. Burner could have and should have won.
To say we “couldn’t” beat Reichert in 08 is incorrect. We could, but we didn’t. And to say Burner was a better candidate is also belied by the fact that she made a huge mistake by characterizing her degree as one in Economics. We can (and should) blame the Times, Ken Schram, etc…, but it was also a colossal campaign blunder that needlessly gave Reichert an opening for a Rovian attack that turned her superior Economic credentials against her and cost her the election.
Burner also had a way of rubbing people the wrong way. Suzan is in many ways a superior candidate. She’s older, much more accomplished professionally, and presents a less combative, more moderate image that appeals to many of the moderates that were turned off by Burner’s fire-breathing attitude (which is what I personally like best about Darcy).
Politically, DelBene’s not conservative. She’s a strong supporter of reproductive rights, for the health care bill, for wall street reform, for investment in alternative and clean energy to preserve the environment, reduce dependence on foreign oil and create jobs, and was for the stimulus.
She would be a fantastic asset for the Democrats in the House.
Reichert’s negatives are higher now than in 2008. DelBene has plenty of money, and is also a Red-to-Blue candidate and will be getting late help from the DNCC.
It’s way too early to give up on Suzan and settle for Reichert.
@10 Thank you Sarge. I needed to read that. I have a really good feeling about Suzan DelBene that I never had with Darcy Burner. There’s just something about her that just seems like right place, right time to me. Pure gut feelings here, nothing more. Something tells me she’s got what it takes.
Sounded just like a Rossi against Murray spot. Business as usual, no earmarks, yada, yada, yada. Yawn…
Um… “Hi, vote for me and you’ll get no federal help fixing up your district.” This is a good message?
This is a crap ad. She sounds like a freaking republican. Earmarks are good things for our state. It doesn’t matter though since she’s going to lose.
I guess a fiscal conservative democrat is better than a lock-step republican Reichert.
lol……..lockstep republican. yeah, democrats all vote differently. oxbrain..more like braindead.
Susan may be a great candidate, but really…campaigning against earmarks (like about 0.01% of the federal budget)? Blathering bullshit nonsense about ‘passing debt (like gas) to our kids’? Jayzuz fuck. Not only is that line dead effing wrong, it’s of NO CONSEQUENCE.
Wake up Suzan. We have double digit unemployment, fer christ’s sake. Gawwwd.
With democrats like these, who needs republicans?
How strongly does she want to balance the budget?
Nobody in their right mind wants to balance the budget at this time. Even your standard issue wingnut Congressperson is not serious about achieving such a stupid goal (cf Congress, 2001-2006).
Our elites didn’t get to be where they are by being totally stupid.
Not clear whether the ad is about Reichert’s hypocrisy, the deficit, or rep pay. Needs some focus.
BTW, does anyone take politicians seriously on deficit reduction at this point? I mean, they are all ultimately for cutting taxes and raising spending.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather have Delbane than Sheriff Pusser any day, but the ad and idea of having yet another rich fucker doing the the boss man’s bidding in congress is a bit underwhelming.
Who the hell is this Suzie lady anyway? I thought Marcy Bruner was running again… Sounds like another term for Dave and yet ANOTHER loss for Darcy Burner (or Darcy Burner in this case). The only question is whether or not she will remember to vote?
Del Bene’s credentials and resume are indistinguishable from Darcy’s, at least to most voters. What we needed was for a legislator or county councilmember, someone with a political base, to take on Reichert. When that didn’t happen, the potential for an exciting, competitive race evaporated.
I agree with Perfect Voter, but apparently whoever picks the candidates to run for election on the Democratic ticket thinks you need a Microsoft person to run in this district. Not sure why, since I’d guess maybe 20% of Microsoft employees live in the district.
Also doesn’t matter that you grew up in this district and therefore know it–it’s changed a lot in just the last 3 or 4 years.
I’m very pleased by this new Comparative Analysis of the Economy that contrasts the 8 years of Bush with the 19 months of Obama. It’s a google doc, so I’m not sure if you have to have a google account to read it.
I neglected to give credit to the author of that analysis…sorry. Lorraine B. Edwards CEO Zhana records
She’d have to vote more Obamunish…no thanks
Neanderthal News
The Montana Republican Party has adopted a platform plank calling for recriminalizing homosexuality. (The Montana Supreme Court struck down that state’s anti-sodomy laws in 1997.) But the good news for Klown is fucking goats will still be legal.
@23 & 24:
The Democratic party apparatus did not pick Burner or DelBene. They appeared out of the blue and declared their candidacy. The elected officials recruited by the Democratic party for the 06, 08, and 2010 races, proved to be not viable, not interested, or both.
The one really good candidate that was heavily recruited was Ross Hunter, another rich Microsoft alum! But Hunter, who would love to be a US Congressman, refused, for good reason. He beat back cancer, but there are no guarantees. He wants to be present as his kids grow up. He’s a good man, but no fire-breathing liberal.
I don’t think there is a Democrat on the County Council that lives in the 8th. If Bob Ferguson lived in the 8th, he would have been highly recruited.
This is a $4 million dollar race. That rules out a lot of candidates. The reason Burner & DelBene have been our candidates, is they are the ones that demonstrated the ability to raise enough money to be competitive.
It’s about time, it’s a good ad
“it’s time we stopped passing debt on to our kids?”
So, Goldy, I suppose this means you and Suzan are on the same page, eh?
well there’s this: http://www.washblog.com/story/2010/1/19/0947/42387
and the fact that party chair Paul Berendt didn’t have any problem putting forward his buddy Dave Ross when he didn’t like the candidate–so if the party really didn’t want Burner or DelBene they would be gone no matter how much green they have/raised.
“it’s time we stop passing on debt to our kids”
Now I have to clean my keyboard, I spit my coffee I laughed so hard!
If she thinks she is going to win the election as a Democrat preaching fiscal responsiblity, restrained spending, which means smaller gov’t, she is insane!!!!!!!!!!!
Can we have Darcy back? At least she only misspoke about her “degree in economics”.
Thanks for the humor post Goldy.
So Delbene is running against earmarks? While Murray is pumpinp up the pork she brings back to WA?
Does that mean a vote for Delbene is a vote against Murray?
In the past, Goldy has told lectured us that candidates like Palin should not be elected because she doesn’t have enough political experience.
Now it seems like he’s telling us that no, political experience doesn’t really matter, so we should go ahead and vote for DelBene.
Someone please try and help me try to understand Goldy. He will often make one pronouncement, then later completely reverse himself, and tell us to do the opposite.
Which Goldy do I listen to?
33 – Heh. Dino will do SO MUCH for veterans of Bush’s follies.
16, 17 – Republicans would never win anything if Democrats weren’t their own worst enemies.
I’m not so in to richert, but this is a pretty dumb, generic, “earmarrrks wahhhh” ad.
I mean, democrats should be able to do better than harping on earmarks.
1. earmarks suck and democrats need to stop promoting them are you guys insane?
2. balance the budget wtf? I will take a cut in pay wtf? these are gop memes. wtf with this democrat candidate espousing balanced budget when we need more stimulus to have more jobs and we don’t need democrats who undermine the borrowing WE DID for the stimulus that prevented another depression.
3. she’s already behind and this ain’t gonna win it. everyone knows the d’s right now are for bigger budgets than the r’s… so puhleeze, stop chasing after republican voters, be a democrat, not gop lite, you ain’t gonna beat reichert by being gop lite.
The part about wall street is great but should’ve been followed with the stream of wall street donations flashing on the screen with a hard hitting comment about how he says he’s the sheriff but who’s paying his way whose pocket is he in?
and one line about wall street excess causing loss of jobs and 401K’s. I mean fuck come on, reducing government debt w.t. flying f?!????
Wrong economically, morally, politically; undermines murray and demo program; and is implicit attack on stimulus. What a muddled piece of crap ad.
I thought Murray and 98% of the Dems’ program was to get reelected and continue to have tons of corporate cash flow into their party while kicking their base and continuing to betray anything they once stood for.
HA HA HA HA HA. Ummmm no, it’s an anti-DUMMOCRAPT and anti-RINO year Goldy. Mike Castle had a 52 career ACU rating. His actions caught up to him.
If she preached it and then turned around and did the exact opposite she’d have a promising future as a Republican! ;->
Remember Patty Murray voted for TARP before she voted against it.
I truely awful ad. Late, with the wrong messaging and passionless delivery. Now we know why Windows Mobile marketing was always a little off. Spend your time and money elsewhere this year, folks. Unless she’s going to come up with something more substantial than this, Reagan Dunn will be the only person to take out Dave.
Suzan WHO?
This is a terrible introductory ad. Does she really think she’ll establish name recognition in 6 weeks when all the political air in the room will be sucked up by Rossi/Murray?
you can’t even pronounce her name.
horrible choice.
shows the democratic party is completely for sale to anyone with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$44. There is no democratic party.
If there was one, they could have “told” some state senator or state rep to run. Why not …..Jarrett? Why not someone from freaking pierce county for once, that’s where we’re unable to get the votes to win this seat.
“Hi, working people of pierce county. I assure you I will balance the budget.”
” I need a job because they’re foreclosing next month.”
“Don’t worry. A balanced budget means that..um…rich people won’t be taxed so much and…therefore they will invest more! and…they will create payday loan stores and financial swaps and ….you might get a job one day sweeping out the payday loan shop.”
“You sound like the guys who fired me from the plant. Can’t I get a WPA type job or training to learn tech skills?”
“No, no social programs for you! Now please vote for me, okay? I promise to cut my own pay since I have already paid for my million dollar house my private college tuition for my kids and my massive 401K. So I am rich enough to not even need the $150K a senator makes, isn’t that great?”
It’s about time, it’s a good ad
Let’s see, two of her three messages in the ad were to hit Reichert over the head for taking earmarks, and to “stop passing debt on to our kids.”
For FYI 2010 eight of the top earmark recipients were Democrats, with Patty Murray coming in at number nine with $219,538,750 total. On the House side six of the top ten were Democrats with Norm Dicks coming in at number eight with $39,314,000. Reichert didn’t make the top ten list meaning . . . Murray was FAR ahead of Reichert for taking earmarks. Yet you like DelBene’s ad.
Meanwhile, this:
“it’s time we stopped passing debt on to our kids?”
could be a Republican talking point. In any event, it’s certainly not a talking point of the liberal side of the Democratic Party . . . you know, your side, Goldy.
Your judgement on DelBene’s message seems about on par with your judgement on Obama’s, or at least the one he was spouting 20 months ago, which you and the rest of the HA faithful bought hook, line and sinker. Of course, that was then, and these days Obama rarely receives a mention on HA.
Enough, already, Goldy . . . you’ve struck out.
I listened to Suzan Del Bene a few months ago at a small gathering of Democrats in a private home.
The thing that she seems to be most interested in is in crafting a business atmosphere in the U.S. in which the rules of doing business hew to a coherent industrial policy and would be predictable over the long haul — such as greater tax advantages for companies that reinvest in the actual machinery of their enterprise rather than reaping profits and tax benefit from outsourcing jobs and investing in imaginary financial instruments: In short, an industrial policy for the U.S. that rewards a busines for reinvesting in theirreal enterprise.
re 48: Dave Reichert could not understand #48.
Re 9
What we need really is jobs. On that R’s and D’s agree.
What Republicans don’t believe is that destroying the US dollar by borrowing extravagantly to buy a few jobs lasting a few months at millions of dollars per job is exactly enlightened fiscal policy. In fact, this is purely stupid and looks it to anyone capable of 4th Grade mathematics.
The deficit does matter, no matter what the stuff in your kool-aid suggests to you. For the first time ever US bonds have been downgraded, all because of the idiotic policies of Bush AND Obama. One wasted money on war, the other on ill conceived stimulus and other social experiments. Both did so on ideology rather than sound fiscal practice.
Businesses will begin to hire when economic conditions are right, and no government program will alter that. Builders will build when existing inventory goes down. If anything the incentives to buy houses that just expired pushed a housing recovery back by ignoring this basic rule of supply and demand. All the stimulus and pork and borrowing in the world won’t change this. ALL it will do is weaken the US economy even further.
But keep dreaming your Roosevelt dreams. It didn’t work then, and it won’t now, but whateve gets you through days, DL.
Re 42
Fair point.
But there are more fiscal conservatives in the Republican party this election cycle than in the past 2 decades combined of the Dems.
Basically R’s believe that goverhment is necessary for the security and liberty of private citizens and the private sector. D’s believe that the private sector and private citizens are necessary for the continuation and expansion of government.
On review-
R’s believe that limited government is necessary for the security and liberty of private citizens and the private sector. D’s believe that private citizens and the private sector are necessary for the security and expansion of unlimited government.
Well, dogs to walk and kids to play with, so that’s all for me today.
Have a pleasant Sunday afternoon.
On review: R’s believe in Hooverism and want to turn back the clock even further in many cases, so now we have unsafe food, broken infrastructure, expanding underclass with out access to safe homes, schools etc.
The problem is today’s D’s believe they need to accept 90% of the above ideas to get money from the same giant corporations that support the Republicans; and the 10% difference is the equivalent of a new set of curtains for your Hooverville 2.0 shanty.
On review: D’s believe that its OK to give people money(who never earned it) so they can go play at the local indian casino, buy booze, cigarettes, play the lotto, and blow whatever remains on drugs. And all of the above is A-OK as longs as they get the votes.
And the kicker is – the state officials running this “trade cash for votes” sham dont even think its a problem.
big govt – the answer to all your problems….bullshit.
Del-Zer0! hey, let’s have ANOTHER Dim running on fascist policies and fascist memes!
she’s going to balance the budget and she’s NOT going to pass on debt cuz …
even though it was the fucking fascists destroying the community to enrich their rich pig friends by running up deficits …
now we’re gonna play by their rules!
yahoo – let’s rally around ANOTHER dukakis kerry clinton obama gore f’king loser! cuz, if we don’t repeat fascist lies as the truth, well, the fascists will win …
@55 – why don’t you go back to growing your own water & harvesting your own shirts?
let me guess – u don’t need nobodi for nuttin.
could you sound more stupid?
I dont know, but something tells me you got it in ya…
RE 54
Had Hoover policies been retained the Depression would not have required a World War to finish it. He was wrong about some things, but Roosevelt was wrong about pretty much everything. Well, for an American. He and Stalin were virtually interchangeable in ideology, so he would have been a marvelous fit in the USSR.
Oh wait. The premise on which progressives base their thinking was proved wrong by that whole USSR rising, ruining the lives of many of its citizens, and then inevitably falling.
Sorry, that’s probably a sore topic for you guys.
Hey Kirk, you might check the history of corporate donations. The majority has gone to the Dems, not the Republicans. What was all that crap about fascism again?
And Seabos, the whole fascism name calling thing works well only in the leftist echo chamber. Everyone sane realizes it’s just stupid.
Seabos or Kirk,
Care to defend the million dollar per job price tag for ‘saving or creating’ (that wonderfully Orwellian Obama phrase) jobs?
How about the devaluation of the US currency and credit rating?
How about the costs to your kids and their kids for all this wasted government expenditure?
What kind of country do you and your cohorts want this to be in 40 years? One that is broke, incapable of borrowing from creditors wary of our possibly defaulting, and awash in wasteful social programs? How about you move to Italy or France where this is already the reality and leave this country to those who love it as it is?
#60; i doubt these young libs have even read any Orwell; or understand the scary allusion
Re 61
That’s unfortunate. Either ‘Animal Farm’ or ‘1984’ and ‘Brave New World’ should be required High School Civics course material. Won’t happen though, as it would blow the pet theories of most union teachers and administrators to pieces.
@61, 62
I read Animal Farm and 1984 in High School and was reminded of them over and over every time Bush or Carl Rove opened their mouths. Obama and Co. are doing a better job, but that’s a low hurdle to get over.
Your American history, doesn’t match up to the real thing very well. Hell, even St. Ronnie spent tons of borrowed cash to keep people employed at make work jobs.
michael; i don’t think you understand what animal house is about; it sure ain’t moderate/conservative republicans. maybe commies…, maybe russkies, maybe england…maybe our current obamunist state. you should read it; very revealing
Animal House was a movie staring John Belushi…
Animal Farm, if I remember correctly, was a dystopian novel written by a democratic socialist that discusses totalitarianism and cult of personality leaders.
I agree with you on this, it’s about the political extremes. George Bush, as the the governor of Texas doesn’t fit the model. President George Bush comes mighty close. What happened under President Bush comes even closer to fitting the model. To be clear, I don’t think we crossed over into any form of model that would fit the 1984 or Animal Farm bill, but we came scary close.
I think what’s happening now, is we’re seeing a lot of push-back from people that got very, very, rich with very little effort or merit while Bush and Co. were running the show. They don’t want to lose their ill gotten gains or have it pointed out that they’re a bunch of crooks. Can’t say that I blame them.
Obama’s healthcare looks a lot like the healthcare plan the Republicans came up with in the early 1990’s. Most of the rest of the things he has proposed also fit with what previous Republicans have either proposed or implemented.
Obama’s not doing anything radical or shocking.
Nevertheless, Del Bene will beat Reichert at his own game. After all, It was Reagan, BushI, and Baby Bush who created this debt — not Democrats.
And wasn’t this bunch that told me the debt was going down under Omamaman…
13,482 Trillion, and counting
2. Goldy spews:
I agree…but it’s also an anti-Dummocrat year which you failed to disclose. Here is another example Goldy.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
8. rhp6033 spews:
What a shocking revelation rhp!
I would have never guessed.
Dummocrats and establishment Republicans ought to read this article by Bob Livingston. You KLOWNS fail to understand that Tea Partiers see some R’s are part of the problem too.
Housecleaning time has begun. A number of establishment R’s are already gone…and more next cycle. The Dems will get their’s in November. What has ImamObaMao really done for you KLOWNS?? More debt, bigger government and a whole bunch of bullshit.
It is so bad for the ImamObaMao Democrats. It is amazing how those in deep shit are running away from the President. What a difference a couple years makes.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Dems are soooooooooo out of touch…and they continue down the tax/borrow/squander path like a bunch of lemmings!
I don’t believe the price tag quoted above for the so-called make work jobs in the Obama stimulus bill. On a related note, how pricey are the jobs created by war spending for truly useless weapons?
Also WW2 didn’t end the depression. FDR’s programs were working fine, until he listed to the folks who wanted to balance the budget again and hence created a double dip.
What WW2 did show was the amount of money the Feds would need to pour into the economy to put people back to work after the popping of a balloon; and he instituted rules that prevented the sorts of balloon popping/panics that have since returned in the wake of the Reagan/Clinton removal/’reform’ of these regulations.
Finally, when folks use the term ‘make work’ jobs they seem to imply that these are useless tasks, when in reality the improvement of national parks, preserving American folklore and music and many many other things FDR’s programs paid for are still very useful and important 80 years later.
Also what’s so great about a society that doesn’t give a shit if there are no jobs for a sizable percentage of it’s citizens?
oops “its citizens”
the looniness of the right wingers on this site is funny. roosevelt is stalin; we didn’t get out of the depression via ww2.
oh and liberal or s.d. policies lead to being the ussr.
in fact in german, where they have worker councils and half the board seats on the major corporations are held by labor, they have lower unemployment than we do today and they’re doing pretty well in the global economy.
much of their system was put in place by the “communists” like marshall, patton, eisenhower, etc.
over in sweden the center right party won for the second time in a row first two time win since ww2 following many years of dominance by the s.d.’s.
Thus proving to the right wingers that if you put in high taxes and social welfare programs, your economy goes to hell and you become the ussr and stalin type purges and genocide — that’s why sweden just had a free election telling the govt. they, the people, want to scale back on the social democracy a tad.
just watch. they’ll give it a minor tweak and the social welfare state and socialistic capitalist system they have will go on humming.
but to right wingers raising a tax rate on millionaires equals stalinism.
you have to wonder if they’re just stupid, or ignorant, or are they being paid by those millionairs financing the tea party movement to spout this drivel on blog sites across america.
let’s repeat what they believe: we got out of the depression by lowering taxes; restricting government’s role in the economy; ending government jobs; cutting back on borrowing and debt.
remember? that’s how we did it. Fortunately this let the free enterprise system have full sway in the key years of 1940-45, THAT’s how we got out of the depression!
Then, because of the super low tax rates, we had decades of growth from 1945 to the 1970s. That’s how we did it!
Hmmm. How many times has the klown used Rasmussen been 1/1/2009 and 8/31/2010 (607 days)…
mylaptop:~$ b hacols ‘-f=c -c=tag:eq~klown,datetime:matches~”^2009|2010″,body:phrase~rasmussen -C’
| count |
| 549 |
1 row in set
I diagnose Obama Derangement Syndrome.
the right wingers are the ones who argue that FDR’s social spending didn’t get us of of the depression but that WW2 did. What they fail to see is that government spending stimulated the economy in both cases, but in the first case the social spending tab was weakened by the desire to have a balanced budget and the desire to not spend too much on helping less well of folks.
WW2 offered no holds barred government spending, amongst other things.
massive stimulus borrowing higher taxes full employment….it worked in ww2 even when the stuff we bought got blown up or shot down! imagine how much better it would work if the stuff we bought stayed around to increase productivity, like I dunno, maybe roads, trains r and d education health and stuff like that?
most right wingers I know do not admitt ww2 got us out of the depression; they have no answer to the question of how did we get out of the depression.
germany….half board seats held by workers; the center right government is currently fighting for a massive train station, and is keeping the entire social democratic plan in place; they have lower unemployment than us and they’re competing globally.
come on right wingers, you got nothing in response to that. because those are facts. so is the fact that WE SET IT UP AFTER WW2 the german system is a purty fair example of what life is like when you put new dealers in charge but don’t have a filibusterable senate to deal with~!
since right wingers are either rich folk who like to rip us off or their cretinous tools n fools like most commenters here, though, you won’t see any factual response or any response other than the normal school yard name calling.
and finally that’s why Goldy’s full of shit as usual–this is a terrible time to be talking about balancing the budget. In the absence of private job creation the Federal government is the only entity capable of digging us out of this depression. Hooverism is bad policy whether it’s put forward by Rossi or DelBene.
I love how this thread has devolved into a bunch of red vs blue chatter. Guess delBenzene’s campaign can’t even hold bloggers’ interest long enough to keep a Goldy thread going.
Move on folks………..nothing to see here……