Women trapped in right-wing relationships will vote against Reichert because of this. They need birth control in a very desperate way.
I’m going back to my job at McDonald’s. It’s really easy. I can refuse to sell fatty foods to overweight persons based on my moral aversion to killing with French fries.
George Hanshawspews:
You mean Freedom Fries, don’t you???
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Issues do matter. I want to thank all you dems who made tax reform issue #1 for 2008. All us Dino for re-election supporters appluad you.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Oh, by the way, I can’t wait to see Darcy cry again….. that will never get old. heheheehe roof roof.
Roger Rabbitspews:
KING 5 News reports tonight that 4 state ferries were taken out of service because of hull corrosion, and the Port Townsend – Keystone run is closed indefinitely.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 What rock have you been napping under, Hanshaw? Now that France has a rightwing PM, freedom fries are out, and french fries are back in. Man, you’re sooooo uncool. Like super-square, dude. You should read a newspaper once in a while, despite the risk your head might explode.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 I can’t wait to see Dinosourpuss’ next temper tantrum. Cool!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here is what Editor & Publisher, a nonpartisan and highly respected trade publication for the journalism industry, reports about Scott McClellan’s bombshell revelation:
” … [F]ormer Press Secretary Scott McClellan will be coming out with his volume in April. It’s called ‘What Happened’ and its publisher … at its Web site now carries this brief excerpt — which set off a media firestorm on Tuesday.
‘The most powerful leader in the world had called upon me to speak on his behalf and help restore credibility he lost amid the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. So I stood at the White house briefing room podium in front of the glare of the klieg lights for the better part of two weeks and publicly exonerated two of the senior-most aides in the White House: Karl Rove and Scooter Libby.
‘There was one problem. It was not true.
‘I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration “were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the vice President, the President’s chief of staff, and the president himself.’
” … Later Tuesday, Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Ct.), who is running for president, stated, ‘Today’s revelations by Mr. McClellan are very disturbing and raise several important questions that need to be answered. … I call on the Attorney General to … launch an … investigation to determine … the extent of any cover up and … what the President knew and when he knew it.’
” … Valerie Plame released the following statement …: ‘I am outraged to learn that former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan … was sent out to lie to the press corps and the American public about two senior White House officials … who deliberately and recklessly revealed my identity as a covert CIA operations officer. Even more shocking, McClellan confirms that … Vice President Cheney, Presidential Chief of Staff Andrew Card, and President Bush also ordered McClellan to issue his misleading statement. Unfortunately, President Bush’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s felony sentence has short-circuited justice. … McClellan’s revelations provide important support for our civil suit against those who violated our national security and maliciously destroyed my career.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We now have Bush’s own mouthpiece, the inimitable Scott McClellan, confessing that Bush, Cheney, Rove, and Libby were in on the Plame “outing.” Guess what, wingnuts, they committed TREASON. And we liberals knew all along that they did.
Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so!
Roger Rabbitspews:
After this revelation, no one who continues to support the criminal Bush regime can possibly call himself a “patriot.” Bush supporters are subversives whose support of these traitors aids and abets our nation’s enemies.
Rabbit: I am a patriot. And I support the President.
WMD? Dozens of planes snuck out of Iraq to Syria mere days and even hours before the SUCCESSFUL overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Whattaya think Syria did with that stuff? Oh. Thank God the Israelis have more stones than any democrat I ever met. Like real men, they took care of the problem. Looks like Bush (oh, and BTW, the entire UNITED NATIONS that you commie-demos love so much) was right.
Another FACT you are wrong about (golly, a demo wrong? Like, from the moment they get out of bed. If they’re not too busy staying in bed smoking dope all day): Armitage put Plame’s name out there. Fitzgerald knew it. THAT’S WHY THERE HAVE BEEN ZERO INDICTMENTS against Bush, Cheney, et al.
Do you really hate Bush so much? Or, like most all democrats, is it the Country you hate?
Darcy should learn when running ads like this, you should use women who are believable, and not women who look like they just came out of the Evergreen State College.
The Darcy’s ad is everything people hate about angry feminists, and it’s adding to the bully image of the state pharmacy board that’s well under way to being created. The pharmacists at issue are looking more and more like beleagured David’s standing on principles – agree or not, the issue isn’t as Draconian as some would contend – against the massive Goliath of the Gov, the entire state, and now The Darcy who’s so adept at piling on.
May fly with DailyKus readers or NARAL nags, but moderate voters – 8th Congressional District voters – won’t have much interest in putting their hands into this goo.
Additionally…what, if anything, has this issue to do with a Congressional election? Interjecting a purely local, state issue with a cheapshot question directed toward Sheriff Dave, which he answered straight up, smacks of dirty “gotcha” politics.
How typical of The Darcy!
I wouldn’t necessarily say the women in the ad are Evergreen State types…they appear to have showered within the past year and I didn’t recognize any of them from recent Port of Olympia demonstrations. I think they’re more likely from angry feminist central casting with offices in the 43rd Legislative District, an enclave that considers itself the apex of Western Civilization (except don’t call it “Western” since that’s too chauvinisitc).
The Darcy, too blonde to think otherwise, is running even more left in a moderate district than she did last time. Leave us not forget…she LOST against a targeted and vulnerable freshman Republican in the bluest of blue elections in the bluest of blue states last go round.
Think – does she? – she might wonder if but what her leftedness on all things might be the reason she didn’t win? And that maybe a more mainstream, centrist POV would be in order? Nah! We’re talking The Darcy here who posts Demo prexy candidate fashion commentary and girly-girl musings on DailyKus.
Like…it’s all about her!
In the meantime, Sheriff Dave keeps on pluggin’ away.
The Piper
“Darcy’s ad is everything people hate about angry feminists”
Wow, holy crap…were we watching the same video? I saw two women who put up some pretty clear and reasonable arguments against allowing pharmacists to butt in to doctor-patient relationships that the pharmacists know nothing about. To allow a pharmacist to refuse to dispense a legally prescribed drug based on moral objections that may not even apply is the American Taliban in action.
Oh, but one of them had her hair cut in that “Satan’s bangs” way. I bet she has tatoos! That totally makes her a bra-burning angry feminist!
How is it that only libs are allowed to have a conscience or operate from a moral compass? If you want to use a Taliban-version of Godwin’s Law, then have at it, but let me suggest that what’s good for the pharmacist gander is good for the gaggle of geese in the ad, and more specifically, The Darcy.
Where is it written that the pharmicist is a mere functionary lickspittle who must dance to the “it’s my body, and I’ll abort if I want to,” tune called by a doctor or anyone? Is he not allowed to use his own judgment in the performance of professional duties?
Would you say the same to a doctor who refuses to perform a particular medical procedure because of a personal moral belief? Just because another doctor determines a woman might benefit from it – note: we’re not talking life threatening procedures or prescriptions here – and the woman then comes to the doctor at issue demanding he or she perform it, is the doctor then compelled to, what would be in his mind and heart, “do harm?”
If the pharmacist owns the drugstore, isn’t he or she entitled to stock or not stock what he or she considers appropriate? It seems the state pharmacy board (they rate no caps from me!) wishes to sit in moral judgment over the business and professional decisions of individual owner/operators, and that’s simply too dictatorial for my taste.
All the rationalizations heard to date (only drug store in town, too inconvenient to go to another, etc.) are so much hogwash! Let the pharmacist do business in accordance with his own belief system, which, so far, the Federal District Court in Tacoma (which does rate, for this ruling, caps) has determined that the pharmacist has a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to do.
And let the huffy matrons in The Darcy’s ad take their Rx to Rite-Aid and be done with it.
The Piper
Right Stuffspews:
“If the pharmacist owns the drugstore, isn’t he or she entitled to stock or not stock what he or she considers appropriate? It seems the state pharmacy board (they rate no caps from me!) wishes to sit in moral judgment over the business and professional decisions of individual owner/operators, and that’s simply too dictatorial for my taste.
All the rationalizations heard to date (only drug store in town, too inconvenient to go to another, etc.) are so much hogwash! Let the pharmacist do business in accordance with his own belief system, which, so far, the Federal District Court in Tacoma (which does rate, for this ruling, caps) has determined that the pharmacist has a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to do.
And let the huffy matrons in The Darcy’s ad take their Rx to Rite-Aid and be done with it.”
Ya! Pretty simple
1) Business owner chooses mdse to sell
2) Consumer has choice as to which business to frequent
3) State get the F out of the way….
Not all doctors perform abortions. Not all pharmacists dispense contraceptives.
Not to worry, I’m sure planned parenthood will shortly provide Plan B to 13 year olds without parental notification or consent any day now.
Right Stuffspews:
Oh gosh,
Is this what DB has been up to when not commenting on the attire of the Democrat candidates in Vegas?
Her duties as HOA President must be keeping her very busy these days.
“note: we’re not talking life threatening procedures or prescriptions here”
…and that’s where you’re exactly wrong. Neither you nor the pharmacist knows why the prescription was given so stay the hell out of their business.
Jesus H. Christ, is it that hard to figure out? Aren’t you the one prattling on about personal freedom and responsibility and how one has to live with their choices? Then why the hell aren’t you willing to let women make their own choices? Who died and appointed you or some pharmacist arbiter of all that is right and holy?
Who died and appointed any woman to be the arbiter of what a pharmacist/pharmacy must stock and sell? What if one refused to sell condoms to anyone for any reason because of moral concerns. You condemn that, too?
Your logic is on its head: living with choices and consequences thereof isn’t the pharmacist’s responsibility, it’s the woman’s. You’re trying to drag the pharmacist in to buffer the woman from the reasonable and foreseeable consequences of her choice, yet a federal court in Tacoma said you cannot do that in violation of the pharmacist’s Constitutional rights.
How come the Constitution only works for lefties, never for us righty-tighties?
The Piper
So if a woman is raped, that’s her choice? If the condom breaks, that’s her choice? What if her doctor has determined that pregnancy could injure or kill her?
That’s the point (for the THIRD time now): the pharmacist cannot know what all led to the woman getting that prescription. Why should he or she be able to hinder the filling out of that prescription?
“…living with choices and consequences thereof isn’t the pharmacist’s responsibility, it’s the woman’s.”
Exactly. So get the hell out of the way and let her make all her choices. Or are choices and consequences not allowed for women?
If a pharmacist “refused to sell condoms to anyone for any reason because of moral concerns. You condemn that, too?”
You bet your ass I’d condemn that. Why would a person go into a business and then refuse to perform the duties that business requires? What level of stupid do you have to live in to make that kind of choice?
And speaking of “living with your choices” … shouldn’t the pharmacist be forced to live with the “negative consequence” of their choice to become a pharmacist? I mean, we’re all about personal responsibility here, right?
The phamacist can refuse to stock any product he wishes; it’s a free country…or was prior to the state pharmacy board’s Orwellian dictates.
And don’t trot out the old saws that you do (I won’t dignify them by repeating them) because those aren’t the situations at issue. Deal in the day-to-day, not the apocolyptic.
If you were to own a store of any kind, where is it written that I have the right to demand you stock certain merchandise? That’s a function for the market to sort out, not the state.
Again, again, again…what about the pharmacist’s CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS do YOU not understand? So far at the federal level, the pharmacist is winning!!! He has rights, too! The Hobson’s Choice of his profession requiring him to check his professional and personal judgement and free will at the door has been REJECTED!
Still in all…here’s hoping you have a great Thanksgiving…That we’ve the freedom to debate this issue is certainly something for which I’m thankful. How’s about you?
The Piper
“those aren’t the situations at issue. Deal in the day-to-day, not the apocolyptic.”
Ah, but they are exactly the issue, or rather that the pharmacist doesn’t know whether or not in any given case that comes into play. So the pharmacist gets to go all holier-than-thou for what might very well not be the case.
So far, the pharmacist appears to have the constitutional right to be utterly wrong, as do we all. I’m pretty sure we haven’t heard the last of this though.
As usual, neither of us will convince the other and frankly this “conversation” is making me tired.
Women trapped in right-wing relationships will vote against Reichert because of this. They need birth control in a very desperate way.
I’m going back to my job at McDonald’s. It’s really easy. I can refuse to sell fatty foods to overweight persons based on my moral aversion to killing with French fries.
You mean Freedom Fries, don’t you???
Issues do matter. I want to thank all you dems who made tax reform issue #1 for 2008. All us Dino for re-election supporters appluad you.
Oh, by the way, I can’t wait to see Darcy cry again….. that will never get old. heheheehe roof roof.
KING 5 News reports tonight that 4 state ferries were taken out of service because of hull corrosion, and the Port Townsend – Keystone run is closed indefinitely.
@2 What rock have you been napping under, Hanshaw? Now that France has a rightwing PM, freedom fries are out, and french fries are back in. Man, you’re sooooo uncool. Like super-square, dude. You should read a newspaper once in a while, despite the risk your head might explode.
@4 I can’t wait to see Dinosourpuss’ next temper tantrum. Cool!
Here is what Editor & Publisher, a nonpartisan and highly respected trade publication for the journalism industry, reports about Scott McClellan’s bombshell revelation:
” … [F]ormer Press Secretary Scott McClellan will be coming out with his volume in April. It’s called ‘What Happened’ and its publisher … at its Web site now carries this brief excerpt — which set off a media firestorm on Tuesday.
‘The most powerful leader in the world had called upon me to speak on his behalf and help restore credibility he lost amid the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. So I stood at the White house briefing room podium in front of the glare of the klieg lights for the better part of two weeks and publicly exonerated two of the senior-most aides in the White House: Karl Rove and Scooter Libby.
‘There was one problem. It was not true.
‘I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration “were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the vice President, the President’s chief of staff, and the president himself.’
” … Later Tuesday, Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Ct.), who is running for president, stated, ‘Today’s revelations by Mr. McClellan are very disturbing and raise several important questions that need to be answered. … I call on the Attorney General to … launch an … investigation to determine … the extent of any cover up and … what the President knew and when he knew it.’
” … Valerie Plame released the following statement …: ‘I am outraged to learn that former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan … was sent out to lie to the press corps and the American public about two senior White House officials … who deliberately and recklessly revealed my identity as a covert CIA operations officer. Even more shocking, McClellan confirms that … Vice President Cheney, Presidential Chief of Staff Andrew Card, and President Bush also ordered McClellan to issue his misleading statement. Unfortunately, President Bush’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s felony sentence has short-circuited justice. … McClellan’s revelations provide important support for our civil suit against those who violated our national security and maliciously destroyed my career.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://www.editorandpublisher......1003675070
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We now have Bush’s own mouthpiece, the inimitable Scott McClellan, confessing that Bush, Cheney, Rove, and Libby were in on the Plame “outing.” Guess what, wingnuts, they committed TREASON. And we liberals knew all along that they did.
Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so! Told you so!
After this revelation, no one who continues to support the criminal Bush regime can possibly call himself a “patriot.” Bush supporters are subversives whose support of these traitors aids and abets our nation’s enemies.
Rabbit: I am a patriot. And I support the President.
WMD? Dozens of planes snuck out of Iraq to Syria mere days and even hours before the SUCCESSFUL overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Whattaya think Syria did with that stuff? Oh. Thank God the Israelis have more stones than any democrat I ever met. Like real men, they took care of the problem. Looks like Bush (oh, and BTW, the entire UNITED NATIONS that you commie-demos love so much) was right.
Another FACT you are wrong about (golly, a demo wrong? Like, from the moment they get out of bed. If they’re not too busy staying in bed smoking dope all day): Armitage put Plame’s name out there. Fitzgerald knew it. THAT’S WHY THERE HAVE BEEN ZERO INDICTMENTS against Bush, Cheney, et al.
Do you really hate Bush so much? Or, like most all democrats, is it the Country you hate?
Darcy should learn when running ads like this, you should use women who are believable, and not women who look like they just came out of the Evergreen State College.
The Darcy’s ad is everything people hate about angry feminists, and it’s adding to the bully image of the state pharmacy board that’s well under way to being created. The pharmacists at issue are looking more and more like beleagured David’s standing on principles – agree or not, the issue isn’t as Draconian as some would contend – against the massive Goliath of the Gov, the entire state, and now The Darcy who’s so adept at piling on.
May fly with DailyKus readers or NARAL nags, but moderate voters – 8th Congressional District voters – won’t have much interest in putting their hands into this goo.
Additionally…what, if anything, has this issue to do with a Congressional election? Interjecting a purely local, state issue with a cheapshot question directed toward Sheriff Dave, which he answered straight up, smacks of dirty “gotcha” politics.
How typical of The Darcy!
I wouldn’t necessarily say the women in the ad are Evergreen State types…they appear to have showered within the past year and I didn’t recognize any of them from recent Port of Olympia demonstrations. I think they’re more likely from angry feminist central casting with offices in the 43rd Legislative District, an enclave that considers itself the apex of Western Civilization (except don’t call it “Western” since that’s too chauvinisitc).
The Darcy, too blonde to think otherwise, is running even more left in a moderate district than she did last time. Leave us not forget…she LOST against a targeted and vulnerable freshman Republican in the bluest of blue elections in the bluest of blue states last go round.
Think – does she? – she might wonder if but what her leftedness on all things might be the reason she didn’t win? And that maybe a more mainstream, centrist POV would be in order? Nah! We’re talking The Darcy here who posts Demo prexy candidate fashion commentary and girly-girl musings on DailyKus.
Like…it’s all about her!
In the meantime, Sheriff Dave keeps on pluggin’ away.
The Piper
“Darcy’s ad is everything people hate about angry feminists”
Wow, holy crap…were we watching the same video? I saw two women who put up some pretty clear and reasonable arguments against allowing pharmacists to butt in to doctor-patient relationships that the pharmacists know nothing about. To allow a pharmacist to refuse to dispense a legally prescribed drug based on moral objections that may not even apply is the American Taliban in action.
Oh, but one of them had her hair cut in that “Satan’s bangs” way. I bet she has tatoos! That totally makes her a bra-burning angry feminist!
Pretty retarded, even for you.
How is it that only libs are allowed to have a conscience or operate from a moral compass? If you want to use a Taliban-version of Godwin’s Law, then have at it, but let me suggest that what’s good for the pharmacist gander is good for the gaggle of geese in the ad, and more specifically, The Darcy.
Where is it written that the pharmicist is a mere functionary lickspittle who must dance to the “it’s my body, and I’ll abort if I want to,” tune called by a doctor or anyone? Is he not allowed to use his own judgment in the performance of professional duties?
Would you say the same to a doctor who refuses to perform a particular medical procedure because of a personal moral belief? Just because another doctor determines a woman might benefit from it – note: we’re not talking life threatening procedures or prescriptions here – and the woman then comes to the doctor at issue demanding he or she perform it, is the doctor then compelled to, what would be in his mind and heart, “do harm?”
If the pharmacist owns the drugstore, isn’t he or she entitled to stock or not stock what he or she considers appropriate? It seems the state pharmacy board (they rate no caps from me!) wishes to sit in moral judgment over the business and professional decisions of individual owner/operators, and that’s simply too dictatorial for my taste.
All the rationalizations heard to date (only drug store in town, too inconvenient to go to another, etc.) are so much hogwash! Let the pharmacist do business in accordance with his own belief system, which, so far, the Federal District Court in Tacoma (which does rate, for this ruling, caps) has determined that the pharmacist has a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to do.
And let the huffy matrons in The Darcy’s ad take their Rx to Rite-Aid and be done with it.
The Piper
“If the pharmacist owns the drugstore, isn’t he or she entitled to stock or not stock what he or she considers appropriate? It seems the state pharmacy board (they rate no caps from me!) wishes to sit in moral judgment over the business and professional decisions of individual owner/operators, and that’s simply too dictatorial for my taste.
All the rationalizations heard to date (only drug store in town, too inconvenient to go to another, etc.) are so much hogwash! Let the pharmacist do business in accordance with his own belief system, which, so far, the Federal District Court in Tacoma (which does rate, for this ruling, caps) has determined that the pharmacist has a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to do.
And let the huffy matrons in The Darcy’s ad take their Rx to Rite-Aid and be done with it.”
Ya! Pretty simple
1) Business owner chooses mdse to sell
2) Consumer has choice as to which business to frequent
3) State get the F out of the way….
Not all doctors perform abortions. Not all pharmacists dispense contraceptives.
Not to worry, I’m sure planned parenthood will shortly provide Plan B to 13 year olds without parental notification or consent any day now.
Oh gosh,
Is this what DB has been up to when not commenting on the attire of the Democrat candidates in Vegas?
Her duties as HOA President must be keeping her very busy these days.
“note: we’re not talking life threatening procedures or prescriptions here”
…and that’s where you’re exactly wrong. Neither you nor the pharmacist knows why the prescription was given so stay the hell out of their business.
Jesus H. Christ, is it that hard to figure out? Aren’t you the one prattling on about personal freedom and responsibility and how one has to live with their choices? Then why the hell aren’t you willing to let women make their own choices? Who died and appointed you or some pharmacist arbiter of all that is right and holy?
Who died and appointed any woman to be the arbiter of what a pharmacist/pharmacy must stock and sell? What if one refused to sell condoms to anyone for any reason because of moral concerns. You condemn that, too?
Your logic is on its head: living with choices and consequences thereof isn’t the pharmacist’s responsibility, it’s the woman’s. You’re trying to drag the pharmacist in to buffer the woman from the reasonable and foreseeable consequences of her choice, yet a federal court in Tacoma said you cannot do that in violation of the pharmacist’s Constitutional rights.
How come the Constitution only works for lefties, never for us righty-tighties?
The Piper
So if a woman is raped, that’s her choice? If the condom breaks, that’s her choice? What if her doctor has determined that pregnancy could injure or kill her?
That’s the point (for the THIRD time now): the pharmacist cannot know what all led to the woman getting that prescription. Why should he or she be able to hinder the filling out of that prescription?
“…living with choices and consequences thereof isn’t the pharmacist’s responsibility, it’s the woman’s.”
Exactly. So get the hell out of the way and let her make all her choices. Or are choices and consequences not allowed for women?
If a pharmacist “refused to sell condoms to anyone for any reason because of moral concerns. You condemn that, too?”
You bet your ass I’d condemn that. Why would a person go into a business and then refuse to perform the duties that business requires? What level of stupid do you have to live in to make that kind of choice?
And speaking of “living with your choices” … shouldn’t the pharmacist be forced to live with the “negative consequence” of their choice to become a pharmacist? I mean, we’re all about personal responsibility here, right?
@19 & 20…OM…
The phamacist can refuse to stock any product he wishes; it’s a free country…or was prior to the state pharmacy board’s Orwellian dictates.
And don’t trot out the old saws that you do (I won’t dignify them by repeating them) because those aren’t the situations at issue. Deal in the day-to-day, not the apocolyptic.
If you were to own a store of any kind, where is it written that I have the right to demand you stock certain merchandise? That’s a function for the market to sort out, not the state.
Again, again, again…what about the pharmacist’s CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS do YOU not understand? So far at the federal level, the pharmacist is winning!!! He has rights, too! The Hobson’s Choice of his profession requiring him to check his professional and personal judgement and free will at the door has been REJECTED!
Still in all…here’s hoping you have a great Thanksgiving…That we’ve the freedom to debate this issue is certainly something for which I’m thankful. How’s about you?
The Piper
“those aren’t the situations at issue. Deal in the day-to-day, not the apocolyptic.”
Ah, but they are exactly the issue, or rather that the pharmacist doesn’t know whether or not in any given case that comes into play. So the pharmacist gets to go all holier-than-thou for what might very well not be the case.
So far, the pharmacist appears to have the constitutional right to be utterly wrong, as do we all. I’m pretty sure we haven’t heard the last of this though.
As usual, neither of us will convince the other and frankly this “conversation” is making me tired.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.