The UW College Republicans (who haven’t bothered to buy their own url) are promoting “Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week” starting Monday.
Should we be aware of Islamo-fascists? Sure. I think the Bush Administration should be “aware” of Islamo-fascists, specifically one particular Islamo-fascist, who seems to be a wee bit slippery these days. But who can blame him? The guy is six foot, five inches tall, hooked up to a dialysis machine and puts out more videos than Kanye West. You might remember him. He’s the Islamo-fascist who actually attacked America on 9/11 and has so far gotten away with it. Yeah, that guy.
So why are the doughy-assed douchebags at the UWCR putting on this show? Because talking about Islamo-fascism is way more fun than signing up to do something about it.
Some of the programming this week:
And it’s hosting two events open to the public: a showing of “Suicide Killers,” a documentary about suicide bombers, at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Smith Hall, and a talk by conservative author and talk-show host Michael Medved at 7 p.m. Thursday in Kane Hall.
As for “Suicide Killers,” Medved has already told me the ending: the boxing coach helps his paralyzed boxer take her own life. Very sad.
The local Muslim community, no doubt excited for special attention they’re about to receive, respond:
Amin Odeh, a board member with the local Arab American Community Coalition, said he agrees that “radical anything is dangerous — radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews. Education is needed.”
Education? Not for these patriots!
(Onward, Christian Soldiers begins to play on a pipe organ)
I’ll be having the President of the UW College Republicans on my show tonight, 710-KIRO at 9PM. (– Goldy)
Speaking of pipe organs, perhaps Piper’s speaking organ can tell us why the Republican party shrieks continuously about the dangers of Al Quaeda ( and Obama Quaeda, and Hillary Quaeda) but don’t care to capture the leader that was responsible for blowing up New York.
He hides behind his bereaved Manhattan relative(s) and rends his garments about the horror of it all, but his party is disinterested in the capture of Bin Laden.
No hypocrisy THERE, though……
As always when discussing 18-22 year old supporters of (but nonparticipants in) Bush’s War, Operation Yellow Elephant comes to mind. Your president needs you to shed some blood for his folly, so why are you boys and girls sitting on your asses?
Combining that cowardice with Medved’s paranoia, Horowitz’s wingnut assaults on intellectual inquiry and academic freedom, and unalloyed racism … words can’t convey the depth of my disgust and distress.
It’s the Republo-fascists who worry me…
This effort is the latest brain fart from David Horowitz, ex lefty, now wingnut moron. Amazingly, these types have ties to and support an organization that is still on the Dept. of State’s list of terrorist groups. Yes indeedy, terrorists are terrorists, unless, of course, they are our terrorists.
MEK is an Islamist-Stalinist outfit that was supported by one S. Hussein in his tiff with Iran. Now these right wing kooks are taking up their cause for reasons that only the wingnuttiae can fathom.
Go to Rick Pearlstein’s blog at Campaign for America’s Future for more on this. Fascinating stuff.
You have to see Medved’s latest diatribe that slavery wasn’t all that bad to believe it.
This they call conservatism.
College Republicans? Aren’t they the slimesuckerss who conned senior citizens out of their life savings? Yep, they’re the ones!
“Fund-raising group milks vulnerable senior citizens
“By David Postman and Jim Brunner
“Seattle Times staff reporters
“The College Republican National Committee has raised $6.3 million this year through an aggressive and misleading fund-raising campaign that collected money from senior citizens ….
“Many of the top donors were in their 80s and 90s. The donors wrote checks … to groups with official sounding-names such as ‘Republican Headquarters 2004,’ ‘Republican Elections Committee’ and the ‘National Republican Campaign Fund.’ But all of those groups … were simply projects of the College Republicans, who collected all of the checks.
“And little of the money went to election efforts … nearly 90 percent went to direct-mail vendors and postage expenses, according to records filed with the Internal Revenue Service.
“Some of the elderly donors, meanwhile, wound up bouncing checks and emptying their bank accounts. ‘I don’t have any more money,’ said Cecilia Barbier, a 90-year-old retired church council worker …. ‘That was all my savings that they got.’ … Barbier said she ‘wised up.’ But not before she made more than 300 donations totaling nearly $100,000 this year, the group’s fund-raising records show. Now, she said, ‘I’m really scrounging.’
“In Van Buren, Ark., Monda Jo Millsap, 68, said she emptied her savings account by writing checks to College Republicans, then got a bank loan of $5,000 and sent that, too, before totaling her donations at more than $59,000. …
“[S]ince at least 2001, some leaders of College Republicans have objected to the tone and targeting of the fund raising done by Response Dynamics, the Virginia company that handles the direct-mail campaign. ‘We felt their fund-raising practices were deceptive, to say the least,’ said George Gunning, former treasurer of the College Republicans. Gunning … and two other board members fought to cut ties with Response Dynamics but were blocked by … Scott Stewart, the chairman of the College Republicans ….
“The board debated the fund-raising practices after the family of an elderly Indiana woman with Alzheimer’s disease demanded that her donations be returned. The woman’s family said it had sent a registered letter asking that she be taken off the mailing list, but the solicitations continued. Only after a newspaper reported on the story did the College Republicans refund $40,000 to the family, according to Jackie Boyle, one of the woman’s nieces.
“‘I think this is a nationwide scam,’ Boyle said on hearing of recent complaints. ‘They’re covering the whole country … they need to be investigated.’ …
“The Washington State Attorney General’s Office received at least six complaints about the College Republicans fund-raising letters …. The complaints cited ‘fund raising representations’ and ‘senior exploitation.’ …
“This year, as millions of dollars flowed in, College Republicans falsely claimed in letters that checks were only trickling in and that the group was in a constant budget crisis. And the elderly continued to be a major source of donations. There are far more retired people giving to College Republicans than to any other IRS-regulated independent political committee, IRS records indicate.
“The Times was able to determine the ages of 49 of the top 50 individual donors to the College Republicans. The median age of the donors is 85, and 14 of them are 90 or older.
“Donors interviewed this week frequently expressed disbelief when they were told how much they gave to the College Republicans. ‘That can’t be true,’ said Francis Lehar, a 91-year-old retired music publisher, when he was told … he gave the College Republicans nearly $23,000. …
From January through September, the Massachusetts man wrote 90 checks to the group, records show.
“The letters are computer-generated, personalized form letters, but the recipients often view them as personal correspondence. … For … donors, the mail was part nuisance, part companion. Several spoke of sorting the mail and writing checks almost as their job this campaign year.
Where the money goes
“The College Republicans had another warning in September 2003, when the Center for Public Integrity, a Washington, D.C.-based watchdog group, issued a report on the explosive fund-raising growth by the College Republicans. The report noted that several elderly donors who were contacted did not appear to know to whom they had given money.
“Response Dynamics, its affiliates and other companies related to the fund raising get most of the money raised by the College Republicans. About $9 million of the College Republicans’ reported spending this year appeared to go into fund-raising expenses, according to a Times analysis of reports filed with the IRS. … The large amount of money devoted to fund raising … is unusual among the top ranks of the burgeoning field of so-called 527 independent political groups. …
“Officials of Response Dynamics have publicly described their strategy. ‘Direct mail fund raising means asking for money and asking for it often,’ company President Ron Kanfer wrote in a 1991 article on the art of the pitch. ‘You must literally force them to send money.’
“An August fund-raising letter showed that aggressive approach, telling donors there was a Democratic conspiracy to intercept the committee’s mail: ‘Given what I’ve learned, you and I must take every precaution necessary. Apparently the Democrats don’t have any concern about hurting you, your family or America. Their sole concern is revenge — vengeance — retribution.’
“With the approach of Tuesday’s election, the letters have become even more breathless. Last Saturday, a donor received what appears to be a photocopied handwritten note from the director of one committee: ‘Please understand I have no one else to turn to. This is serious: We will have to close our doors! I need your help now!’ …
“The letters imply close connections to Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Republican leaders and the party organization. The pitches sometimes promise that special messages will be hand-delivered to Bush or others if they are sent back with a donation.
“Most donors interviewed said they get up to 50 solicitations in the mail each day. That pile can include four or more from the College Republicans. ‘My house looks like a post office, and I’m not exaggerating,’ said Anne Kravic, a retired school-district employee in Parma, Ohio. … ‘I wouldn’t say that a single week passed I didn’t send something and sometimes twice a week, depending on how serious the situation was according to them,’ she said. Her small monthly pension cannot keep up with the life of a political financier. ‘I’m tired of it. I’m quitting. It is too much for me. My bank account has been overdrawn already,’ she said.
“Elliot Baines is an 84-year-old Florida retiree who says he has a hard time just carrying the mail he gets each day now. ‘It’s almost too much for me to handle,’ he said. Baines was surprised to hear he had given more than $63,000 and that it had all gone to College Republicans. He said he was swayed to give, sometimes against his better instincts, by the power of the letters. ‘I thought if I paid them off once it would send them away, but it just encourages them to send more,’ he said. ‘It is just a rat race in this house to pay off these people and hope that they quit. But they don’t. They keep sending.’
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....bs28m.html
The Seattle Times article I linked to @6 above also said the College Republicans as of 2004, when the article was written, had “120,000 members on 1,148 campuses.” That’s an average of about 100 members per campus. That’s about 1/3 of one percent of the University of Washington’s student population; so, you can see the CRs are a tiny group of fringies. Hell, there’s probably more ex-felons on campus than that! Certainly, Washington’s felon population is far larger than the number of card-carrying CRs in this state. Looking at it that way, the CRs are a tiny subset of the felon population. And, I’m sure the UW’s coterie of CRs is where some of our state’s future felons will come from! In fact, this group should call themselves Future Felons of America! They are majoring in organized crime.
“I think the Bush Administration should be ‘aware’ of Islamo-fascists, specifically one particular Islamo-fascist, who seems to be a wee bit slippery these days.”
Nah. “What, me worry?” says our Alfred E. Neuman look-alike president:
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority. I am truly not that concerned about him.”
– George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
Nope, these guys have bigger fish to fry, such as domestic political enemies … like, um, Roger Rabbit?*
* A couple years ago I saw a white van parked across the street from my burrow with official-looking license plates and “DHS” painted on the side. My computer has been acting funny ever since. Sometimes I can’t access HA at all, and other times my comments won’t post, and my keyboard makes a lot of typos.
“I’ll be having the President of the UW College Republicans on my show tonight, 710-KIRO at 9PM. (– Goldy)”
Oh, that should be fun! Ask him how much loot they’ve raked in for gullible senior citizens so far this year.
from not for
See what I mean about Homeland Security fucking with my keyboard? That’s your proof right there!
This should be called Young-Republico-Fascism Awareness Week. These assholes are using the same smear tactics against Muslims that the Nazi’s used to smear the Jews in an eventual build-up to genocide.
It’s disgusting.
This editorial piece was in today’s P.I.
Chickenhawks, all of them…..
Self-righteous warmongers phony patriots
Post-Seattle Intelligencier
Full text here.
[Note: Full text replaced by link. See HA Comment Policy]
Islamo-facists are as big a problem as phony democrat soldier-facists. They both need to be exposed for what they are. We have to remember that eventhough not all democrats are phony soldiers, nearly all phony soldiers are democrats. Peace.
@14 All dogs should be euthanized! How do ya like THAT for genocide, tailwagger?
When humans become extinct and rabbits are running this plac, there aren’t going to be any dogs. No dogs. Period.
Offered without comment:
@13 Gee, Darryl, if I post an eeney-teeney excerpt will that be okay? Here’s the money-quote:
“If we choose to measure results and not talk, Limbaugh and his ilk clearly have made us less safe, aided radical Islam and bin Laden, helped keep a hopelessly inept president and Cabinet in power, and generally worked against our long-term interest. They are phony patriots.”
I saw in today’s news that the lead prosecutor in the Gitmo trials resigned because the trials are being manipulated for political purposes.
@19 http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....tmo21.html
Did you actually read what Medved wrote? He didn’t defend slavery, he argued in favor of an objective reading of the historical record, that’s all…
The Piper
Why don’t you tell all of us your brilliant strategy to capture Ossama bin Laden? How many thousands of soldiers should be sent INTO PAKISTAN to locate and capture one man? To what end aside from the satisfaction of a squad of Airborne Ranger presenting Ossama’s do-rag to Dubya as a trophy of war? How many thousands of casualties from pro-Taliban and pro-al-Quida tribes in western Pakistan would you like to see?
Oh military strategist and genius that you are, what’s your plan?
It must not be important to you that the principal architect of not only the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but also the Richard Reid shoe bombing threat and the Bali bombings, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, is in U.S. custody and has been for several years..
You must not care that there hasn’t been a successful terrorist attack against the U.S. since 9/11, though not for want of trying by any number of al-Quida cells throughout the world.
What’s your plan, Chump/Chimp/Chadt? Or have all you to offer is bilious, empty, and patently ignorant rhetoric?
BTW…Given your confessed Canadian status, I wouldn’t, if I were you, go up to the Vancouver area generally and Surrey in particular and spout your ignorance about piping. Those guys up there take is seriously, and they’ll have you for lunch, which isn’t saying much since by your own words you prove there isn’t much to you at all…
I can’t wait to hear your plan…even if drafted in crayola…
The Piper
@2…N in Seattle…
So, in your morality and benchmark of legitimacy, no one who hasn’t sent their own to war has any credibility to comment on the war? Is that it?
Well, sign me up…times two…An army staff sergeant and a Marine lance corporal, both of whom enlisted and then either re-enlited or had his term of enlitment voluntarily extended (there’s a difference).
I’ve mentioned them in HA postings before only to be mocked and hear their service derided by any number of sophists and service-haters.
Here’s a thought…why don’t all of you get on a bus, go to Fort Lewis or, if you’ve the time, all the way down to Camp Pendleton, and talk to the soldiers and Marines to hear what they have to say and who they think stands in their corner.
I’ll tell you what because I hear it from my own. and those who back their ideological baggage are neither respected nor appreciated by the average G.I. Joe and Jane. If anything, they’re regarded as nuisances, leeches, pariahs, and pests on the order of rabid dogs.
Remember…it’s still an all volunteer force, and, given the terms of enlistment, many, if not most, of the men and women in uniform today either enlisted or re-enlisted since the Iraq War began.
As my youngest, the Marine lance corporal tells me, “There are two types of Marines: those in Iraq now, and those who want to be in Iraq.”
In the meantime, so many arm-chair generals and hindsight heros lob their snide rhetorical hand grenades while feeding themselves with their own bias by limiting what they read and with whom they discuss things to the likes of themselves. The blind leading the blind…
And so ANGRY…I’ll bet if HA had a pharmacy of its own, there’d be a run on blood pressure medicine. Some of you birds are close to blowing a gasket…
Oh…BTW…your position on the war? Increasingly being marginalized in the DEMOCRATICALLY controlled House and Senate. No matter how loud you wail, hard you stomp your feet, or bloody your fists get from smashing them against the wall…yours is an opinion increasingly being ignored.
It’s been in all the papers!
The Piper
@16: Hey Roger, have a heart okay?
MY, OH MY. Isn’t Piper cute when he’s having a hissy?
Piper Scott,
“So, in your morality and benchmark of legitimacy, no one who hasn’t sent their own to war has any credibility to comment on the war? Is that it?”
No…that’s is not what he was saying. Read it again…very slowly!
So…where’s your brilliant plan? How many are you willing to sacrifrice in the mountainous terrain of Pakistan…a country that has not invited the U.S. to enter it in pursuit of Ossama bin Laden?
Quit with your cute retorts, and start putting up or shutting up…
The Piper
Fuck you, you useless wart of a windbag. When you stop hiding behind your children a
nd start reading what’s written, then you might have some tiny shred of credibility. Until then, shove it ALL up your ponderous, snobby ass. A bigger quantity of of utterly worthless flatulence was not seen here until your dismal arrival, pukebreath, and if you want, I’ll be happy to tell you how I really feel about you.
Take your medication and retire to your burrow.
@29 & 30…Chowderhead Chump/Chimp/Chadt…
Sad must be the state of your life that all you can do is rant in anger. Nary a hint of humor, good will, compassion, or anything approaching what Lincoln called, “The better angels of our nature.”
Just bitter and viscious anger. Why, you can’t even string together a credible insult!
Try this, it fits you to a T: “Thou clay-brained guts, thou knotty-pated fool, thou whoreson obscene greasy tallow-catch!” Henry IV, part I. The lugubriousness of Falstaff without his charm, Prince Hal’s words are an apt description of you.
I’m delighted to be an instrument of enlightenment in your life.
Have a nice week!
The Piper
Does this page have adult supervision? If yes, then why is postal chadt allowed to use your bandwidth for wiping his bum and for smearing his wretched refuse in your faces and spaces? Hasn’t your gag reflex kicked in yet?
Are you one of Piper’s sockpuppets, or are you a different loon? You sound slightly too pustulent for Piper, with insufficient effeminacy of prose, but your sympathy for him is suspect.
You, sir or madam, are a major league insult artist! I tip my glengarry to you!
And I’m jealous…Would that I had said such clever words first!
The Piper
The 2008 election: the choice will be between crooks who can’t stay out of other countrys’ affairs or a bunch of mental midgets who think that if we just hold hands and love each other, everything will work out.
Can’t wait to the 2012 election!!