The Seattle Times editorial board isn’t particularly impressed by Sarah Palin:
Palin’s selection was a calculated move to lure Hillary Rodham Clinton voters. Palin all but said so herself. But those who were excited about Clinton shattering the glass ceiling will move away from Palin as they learn she opposes abortion in nearly every instance, including cases of rape and incest. She supports abortion only to save the life of the mother. That’s a dramatic position for a lot of voters accustomed to decades of legalized, and safe, abortions.
Once the chatter fades about her skills hunting, fishing and field-dressing a moose, she will not bolster McCain’s standing because her more relevant credentials are weak. She was for the overpriced Bridge to Nowhere, then later opposed it. She opposes congressional earmarks in the abstract. As mayor of tiny Wasilla and later as governor, she was a fan of earmarks.
So what you are saying is that Sarah Palin is far out of step with voters on reproductive rights, and a total hypocrite when it comes to her stated opposition to earmarks. Hmm. Sound familiar?
In fact, the Times’ favorite “conscience driven independent,” Rep. Dave Reichert, shares Palin’s extremist opposition to safe, legal abortions, opposes requiring pharmacists to fill legal birth control prescriptions, opposes all federal funding of family planning programs, and only votes to support sex education if it is strictly “abstinence only.” (Because that worked so well for Bristol Palin.)
Similarly, Reichert was one of our state’s most accomplished practitioners of congressional earmarking, repeatedly bragging about his booty in campaign literature, before conveniently (and hypocritically) announcing a one-year moratorium on his own use of the controversial practice now that he’s in a tight election.
The question is, will the Times ultimately hold Reichert up to the same standards by which they judge Palin? And if they don’t, does that make them sexist?
That darned CNN is telling us today that Sarah Palin is such a “real reformer,” not at all like all those old corrupt power-abusing Republicans in Washington, that she “improperly obtained her former brother-in-law’s state police personnel files and cited information from those records to raise complaints” against him. That’s besides firing his boss when he refused her pressure on him to get the trooper fired.
How come the new kind of Republicans seem just like the old kind of Republicans?
“Out of touch” is an understatement:
Tax cuts for the rich and two wars didn’t keep us from losing over half a million jobs or hitting 6% unemployment TWICE during the Bush years. Tax cuts for the rich and more war are what McCain’s promising. It won’t work, and it’s not change.
I think Palin will soon become the Real Eagleton we can believe in…
Did you ever ask my hypothetical question?
How would you feel if your ex-wife had chosen to abort your daughter??
It’s a tough question for you, isn’t it?
Not for me however. I would feel at a loss for the rest of my life knowing a child of mine was murdered out of convenience and selfishness. Life begins at conception.
I think it’s a question of core faith beliefs.
Goldy, what if you are wrong about when life begins?
What if your Progressive Atheist-based belief system is wrong?
Today’s Rasmussen.
I thought it would be these numbers NEXT Friday…not today without the full impact of Palin or McCain’s speech. They use a 3-day rolling average.
“Friday, September 05, 2008”
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows the beginning of John McCain’s convention bounce and the race is essentially back where it was before Barack Obama’s bounce. Obama now attracts 46% of the vote while McCain earns 45%. When “leaners” are included, it’s Obama 48%, McCain 46% (see recent daily results).
Tracking Poll results are based upon nightly telephone interviews and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. Virtually all of the interviews for today’s update were completed before McCain’s speech last night. Roughly two-thirds of the interviews were completed before Palin’s speech on Wednesday night.
Both Obama and McCain are now viewed favorably by 57% of the nation’s voters (see trends). However, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is viewed favorably by 58%–a point more than either Presidential hopeful. Forty percent (40%) have a Very Favorable opinion of her.
Fifty-one percent (51%) of voters now believe that McCain made the right choice when he picked Palin to be his running mate while 32% disagree. By way of comparison, 47% said that Obama made the right choice by picking Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his running mate. Voters are evenly divided as to whether Palin or Obama has the better experience to be President.”
I know you KLOWNS will attempt to discredit this. As Dick Morris notes, the Women-hating Dems are in serious trouble!
Remember what a slamdunk victory you KLOWNS all predicted for O-blah-blah a few months ago??
O-blah-blah and his gang of haters have screwed the pooch!
The Times Editorial Board tells the truth?
Who was on vacation?
I’m sure the following Republicans supported “abstinence-only” as well:
Cynical… nice diversions… but then, that’s what you’re paid to do.
But why not answer my questions…? Isn’t Reichert as out of step with voters on abortion as Palin, and isn’t he just as hypocritical on earmarks? A little more or a little less out of step and hypocritical, or pretty much exactly the same?
The Seattle Times continues to jettison readers faster then Jeremiah Wright trashes whitey.
The whole debate over earmarks is overblown. “Earmarks” are just a new term for an old practice: Pork barrel spending. It’s been going on since the founding of the Republic, and we’re still here.
In fact, 99% of Americans misunderstand what the term “earmarks” actually means. So, apparently, does John McCain. An “earmark” is not a spending appropriation. It’s merely a designation of already-appropriate monies for a specific purpose. For example, X amount of dollars in a highway bill is earmarked for a specific bridge. Earmarks don’t increase congressional spending. They simply divvy up the spending.
That said, Palin’s hypocrisy about earmarks is a story. It’s the same old story about Republican double standards and Republican candidates misrepresenting their records that we’ve heard again and again. It’s a story that says, “If we’re elected, it’ll be business as usual, and more same-old, same-old.”
It says the McCain – Palin ticket’s advertising of themselves as “reformers” is a fraud.
@4: How would you feel if your ex-wife had chosen to abort your daughter??
I’m wishing now that your mother had been a big fan of abortion. Could we perhaps make it retroactive?
Again… another example of why Republicans are assholes.
Goldy, it’s a shame your mother didn’t have an abortion. It would have saved you from all those years of mental illness.
@5 The heartfelt opinions of brain-dead wingnut voters doesn’t add an iota to Palin’s experience, grasp of issues, or judgment.
I mention “judgment” because that’s a quality of leadership that tends to get clouded in destructive ways by rigid adherence to rigid ideology, which is definitely an affliction of hers.
When the Seattle Times editorial board has a problem with something a Republican did, you know there’s a problem.
When the Seattle Times editorial board has a problem with something a Republican did, you know there’s a problem.
Right …………. They are so Right Wing
I understand your unwillingness to answer the question about how you would have felt if your ex-wife chose to abort your daughter.
And by the way Goldy, it is a very relevant question as you continuously bring up the abortion subject. Abortion is personal, very personal. You constantly blab about abortion on demand…yet cannot answer the simple question about how you would have felt had your ex-wife aborted your daughter.
Very telling Goldy.
The fact remains that the word “choice” was used, repeatedly, by Ms. Palin and the Reps which is hilarious because they are the very people who want to deny women choice. And, are we to believe that this young woman had a choice and, more to the point, that this isn’t a shotgun wedding? The kid looks scared to death.
I thought the Times made some very good points because it is not about who can make a good speech or who’s the better mother. (One of the first things you learn as a parent is that you will find others have very different views of parenting. Although I would agree with Jackie Kennedy when she said (and I’m paraphrasing here), “If you don’t do right by your children, you haven’t done anything with your life.”
What it’s about are issues. Huge major issues that affect the lives of all Americans. Iraq and Afghanistan (which, by the way, Ms. Palin forgot about in her speech which I’m sure was good for morale over there), the economy, health care, education, the environment. The reputation of the U.S. and our ability to get other countries to value what we say and do. Those are things we should discuss and care about when we vote.
On the lighter side, I’m co-president of my son’s PTSA so I’m looking forward to my next endeavor – kicking Patty Murray’s tennis-shoe mom-wearing ass.
Cynical @16,
I find your insistence on attempting to divert the conversation off topic very telling.
If Sarah Palin is out of step with voters on abortion, and a hypocrite on earmarks, than isn’t Dave Reichert?
so if Gov. Palin is so inexperienced (and you seem to think it’s bad), what does that say about your hero Obama ? He has even less experience. I’d rather have an inexperienced VP than an know-nothing Pres. Think about this.
And on your abortion tirade. We all have our opinions and believes. Just because she and others believe that abortion is wrong, doesn’t change the laws. That’s the job of congress. When she gets elected VP, no law will change…unless of course congress would decide to do so (or an existing law would be declared unconstitutional).
But it’s so much easier to make up stuff isn’t it ?
Sorry Cynical – that abortion question is not relevant – it is just plain stupid. How would you feel if you were aborted?
How would you feel if abortion were illegal and your girlfriend/mother died from a coathanger illegal abortion?
How would you feel if your mother/sister/daughter were raped and abortion was illegal like Sarah Palin wants?
Those are similar stupid questions that deserve no answer.
Better questions are:
How can Palin be for reform when she supported the bridge to nowhere and cheered for earmarks to her town?
How can Palin be for reform when she wrote to her brother in-laws boss to try and fire him and then fired the boss?
How can Palin claim to be patriotic when her husband was a member of the sucessionist AIP party and she went to their convention twice, and once they held it in her town for her to be the keynote speaker?
I call that being a traitor to the US.
Other questions for Palin:
what is her foreign policy experince?
what is her experience with the economy?
Asnswer: None
She raised taxes in alaska – how can she be for less taxes?
Why is she for abstinence only education when studies have shown that it does not work?
Why is Palin for teaching creationism in the schools when it is unscientific?
Dutch: Obama has more experience than Palin by far on a far bigger stage. In addition, Obama has won a primary conducted in 50 states and run a better campaign than Clinton or McCain. Those organizational skill dwarf what Palin has done in a tiny town and small state where she was elected with less than 50% of the vote.
Palin is a good attack dog – but she was already caught lying in her first major speech about earmarks that she supported. She has no credibility and you are as gullible for repeating republican talking points that are false.
Look at it this way
Seattle needs a new Garbage Can Liner
Yuk Yuk
18. Goldy spews:
“Cynical @16,
I find your insistence on attempting to divert the conversation off topic very telling.
If Sarah Palin is out of step with voters on abortion, and a hypocrite on earmarks, than isn’t Dave Reichert?”
It’s not off topic Goldy.
It’s the ultimate question for a man/father.
And you will not answer it.
That’s telling.
yelling loser boy@7: more retreads.
Broken record.